How You Can Be One of the 8% of People Who Always Reaches Their Goals

According to recent studies, a full 92% of people don’t reach the goals they set for themselves. The secret to the success of the 8%? It lies in their ability to set clear, correct goals at the outset.

For a few example,s you can apply to your own life, read on!

First off, use the acronym SMART when setting your goals. It helps you remember that they should be:

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Specific: Instead of saying “start working out” say “do one exercise video” or “jog one mile.”

Measurable: Quantify your goals. If you want to lose weight, specify how much and in what length of time.

Achievable: There’s nothing wrong with dreaming big, but you’re more likely to meet a goal that has a number or time-frame attached to it – “earn $20k more than last year” is better than “earn more money.”

Relevant: Make your goals so that they fit into your life so you’ll be more likely to attempt/accomplish them. Instead of making it a goal to simply meet other people who enjoy the things you do, say that you’re going to join a book club or hiking club or take a cooking class – whatever applies.

and Timebound: This should be obvious, but we’re way more likely to meet goals that have firm time limits attached. You want to learn German by your 28th birthday and your reward is a trip to Germany. Etc.

For a different tact, you can try these 12 proven steps by Canadian life coach Brian Tracy. Many of the underlying principles are the same, but steps work better for some people when it comes to conceptualizing and execution.

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  1. Get a burning desire to reach your goal.
  2. Convince yourself it can be done.
  3. Write it down.
  4. Write down the pros or benefits of accomplishing your goal.
  5. Make a timeline – where are you starting and where the finish line is.
  6. Set a deadline to accomplish your goal.
  7. List out possible obstacles so you can head them off as best as possible.
  8. Research – do you need any training/information that will help you on your way?
  9. Find people to help/mentor you.
  10. Make a to-do list that is as detailed as possible.
  11. Spend some time visualizing how you will feel/what it will look like to reach your goal.
  12. Make a decision – right from the start – not to give up until you get there.

There are other methods out there if you’re still not sure these will be easy to implement, but we’ve gotten you started! The bottom is line you have to have a clear, strong vision of what you want to accomplish, believe that you can get it done, and then set a solid path with a marked finish line to help you get there.

Good luck!

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