Greyhound Lets Runaway Kids Return Home for Free

It’s hard to wrap your head around, but an estimated 2.8 million children run away from home in the United States every year. And it’s even more staggering that the majority of them are between 10 and 14-years-old.

But it’s a sad truth in this country.

So it’s good news that Greyhound works in coordination with the National Runaway Safeline to help kids get back home to safety.

The Home Free Program allows young people from the ages of 12 to 21 a free ride home to reunite with their parents or guardians.

All that young people need to do to qualify for the program is to call 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929) to see if they are eligible for a free ticket home.

As you can probably imagine, kids who run away from home can find themselves in all kinds of precarious and dangerous situations, so we want all young people who have a chance to go back to a safe environment to take advantage of this opportunity.

FYI, there are a couple of stipulations about the program. In order to get a free trip home, there must be a runaway report filed for a person.

Also, a ticket can only be used twice by the same young person.

Here is a link to Greyhound stations around the country.

Here’s that number one more time for kids to call: 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929).

Let’s hope a lot of young people take up the company on this offer.

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The post Greyhound Lets Runaway Kids Return Home for Free appeared first on UberFacts.