Funny Tweets About the Temptation of Christmas Cookies

The Christmas season comes with a lot of familiar traditions: parties, gifts, travel, holiday movies and music…and cookies…LOTS AND LOTS OF COOKIES.

I think we’re all going to be dreaming of sprinkles for the next three months because we’re cramming so many of these babies in our mouths right now…

Let’s take a look at the tweets.

1. That’s why.

2. A perfect plan.

3. A precarious game.

4. It’s gonna get ugly.

5. You do you.

6. Good job!

7. No self-control.

8. Why am I doing this?

9. Santa’s in for a surprise.

10. Explain that one.

11. You ARE an all star!

12. They’re long gone.

13. A long process.

14. You must finish the job.

15. Tips from Mom.

Do you tend to go overboard on the cookies around this time of year?

Don’t feel bad about it! We do it, too!

The post Funny Tweets About the Temptation of Christmas Cookies appeared first on UberFacts.