Food Service Workers Discuss Orders You’re Gonna Have to See to Believe

If you’ve never worked in food service before, then you’ve never had the opportunity to be completely stunned by the food or drinks another human being with put into their body with relish.

Things that you think are objectively gross, turn out not to be. Things that should never be combined are smacked together and gobbled up, and things that should flat-out be illegal are some people’s favorite things.

And of course, you have to make it – regardless of how gross or how inconvenient, because even if the customer isn’t always right, it’s your job to pretend they are.

20. The way you learn your customers.

Everyone is weird in some way, right?

19. Did she not know?

Or was it some kind of game.

18. Hahaha she tricked him.

And he had regrets.

17. I wonder if she was pregnant.

It’s the only acceptable explanation.

16. I don’t even want to imagine what this looked like.

Nevermind the taste.

15. This is a woman who drank cement mixers in college.

On purpose.

14. Everyone has their kink.

I wonder if they should have called CPS.

13. When it’s so bad you have to take a picture.

Because you never want to forget it.

12. No matter what they think it is, they want it.

White runny stuff for everyone!

11. Were they preparing for the apocalypse?

What else could it be?

10. Maybe they had good dessert?

We all know orange soda can’t miss.

9. That’s an interesting choice.

Whyyyyy would someone do this?

8. Bless Kathy.

She wanted to share her perfectly prepared wings with friends.

7. This cannot be real.

Tell me this isn’t real.

6. Was it Rocky?

No, that was eggs.

5. Some things are not for blending.

Not that it ever stopped people from trying.

4. I wonder if he’s still alive.


3. They should probably concern all of us greatly.

But it’s really none of our business.

2. This woman is a legend.

I’ve only been brave enough to lick the spoon.

1. Why not just order tomatoes and dressing?

Is that not a thing?

There are some things I miss about waiting tables, but orders (and customers) like these definitely aren’t one of them!

If you work in food service and have a similar story, please share it with us in the comments!

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