Examples of Bad Design That Are Pretty Painful to Look At

It can be kind of crazy when you see how bad some people are at their jobs.

If most of us screwed up as royally as these people did, we’d probably be pounding the pavement looking for a new gig.

But, maybe everyone deserves a second chance…or a third or a fourth…

The bottom line: take a look at these design fails and be happy you’re not the one responsible for them.

1. I bet that smells bad after a while.

Who’s responsible for this?

These benches at my university are tilted back and have no drainage system, so the water just sits there for up to days after a rainstorm. from CrappyDesign

2. Anyone care for some moldy cheese?

Oh, that’s just the packaging? Hmmm…

The paper in this sliced cheese makes it look like it has mold spots from CrappyDesign

3. Somebody is gonna get hurt in here.

Don’t try it!

A shower designed to be as hard to stand in as possible from CrappyDesign

4. That’s not secure at all.

Nice try, though.

A "secure" bike shed in Cambridge, UK. The gaps are for ventilation, apparently. from CrappyDesign

5. Thanks for letting me know this is a dead end…


Dead end sign at end of path from CrappyDesign

6. That disgusting: plain and simple.

Just a bad idea all around.

Again with carpeted bathrooms from CrappyDesign

7. What happened to Grandpa?

He’s turned into a cyborg, honey…

Sandwich board advertising seniors day – unfortunate fastener placement from CrappyDesign

8. Let’s have a chat.

So, where are you from? What do you do?

this urinal where you can stand face to face from CrappyDesign

9. This is nightmare fuel.

But I can’t look away…

Saw an interesting van coming home from school from CrappyDesign

10. The kitchen is a little tight.

I don’t think you’ll be hosting any dinner parties in there.

Modern living condo for sale. 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1/4 kitchen from CrappyDesign

11. Can someone explain this to me?

I’m a little bit concerned.

Is this trophy for golf, or assault? from CrappyDesign

12. Not a good look.

It looks like some terrible things went on last night.

I thought it was a horribly stained mattress until I focused on the details from CrappyDesign

13. No privacy? No problem!

It’s a party! Come on in! Or just watch from the outside!

This door to the restroom. from CrappyDesign

Ouch…not good, people…not good at all…

And now it’s your turn!

In the comments, please share some more photos of bad design that you think will make all of us cringe.

Thanks in advance!

The post Examples of Bad Design That Are Pretty Painful to Look At appeared first on UberFacts.