I was the fourth kid out of five born in my family so, while my parents were definitely strict about some stuff, I had it MUCH easier than my older siblings.
Looking back on it, they were probably just tired and worn out by the time myself and my younger brother came around and didn’t want to deal with every single thing they’d already dealt with three times before.
And who can blame them?
But there were definitely a lot of rules and if you broke them, you were in trouble.
People took to Twitter to share the weird rules they had to follow when they were growing up.
Let’s take a look.
1. No gang activity in this house.
This had to have been the early 1990s.
Couldn’t wear all black.
Couldn’t get an adidas jacket because gang members wore them.— crazygirl13 (@crazygirl13) June 30, 2020
2. Grease is a Satanic film.
And Rizzo was Satan.
I always had to dress up for Sunday school (dress, Mary Janes, etc.) and the cool girls got to wear jean skirts and sandals. I also wasn’t allowed to see Grease because there was the whole pregnancy scare thing, which would have 100% gone over my head anyway.
— Fiona Taylor (@fionaleslie) June 30, 2020
3. How am I supposed to read this?
Come on! A little help!
My parents weren’t super strict, but my mom used to go through books and black out all curse words with a Sharpie before we read them. Reading her “version” of “The Shining” was difficult.
— Amy Quinn (@kemicalreaxion) June 30, 2020
4. A lot of food rules.
Were you allowed to speak?
Pass the food only one way at the table. Only use the serving utensils. Wait until everyone has their food prior to eating. Never take the last of the food without asking if someone else wants some, then share. ‘Take some and leave some.’ I don’t have food issues.
— Heidi Olson Jones (@HeidiOlsonJone2) June 30, 2020
5. Start over.
Do the whole thing again.
If the candlesticks in the front room weren’t spotless after I cleaned house then I had to start the entire process over again. Clean the entire house AGAIN b/c my step mom believed the candlesticks were a reflection of everything else. She checked w/white gloves
— The Sassy House Wife (@GypsyMegan6) June 30, 2020
6. I broke my brain!
None of that devil music around here!
We weren’t allowed to watch MTV. I stayed with a friend one weekend and we binged it for two straight days. When I came home, I couldn’t get music out of my head, and wound up tearfully confessing to my dad that I had “broken my brain” by breaking the rules. I was 10.
— Audrey Burges (@Audrey_Burges) June 30, 2020
7. Never-ending rules.
That must’ve been a huge rule book.
Don’t turn the electric stove directly to high. You have to go from low to high. Dad equates it to: How would you like it if someone was screaming at you to get out of bed immediately?
I called that rule #482. I love the guy, but man- the rules were crazy!
— NurseCarol (@NurseCarol5) June 30, 2020
8. That is weird.
I can think of things that look trashier.
Weird one but no chipped nail polish. Either needed to be polished or taken off. “nothing looks trashier that chipped polish”
— Caroline Caroline (@ccthriftqueen) June 30, 2020
9. You know the rules!
Even Frosted Flakes?
No eating cereal after 10 am https://t.co/tP59VEZgkM
— Alison
(@alisonnnnn_) July 1, 2020
10. My friend…
This is perfectly normal behavior.
My parents weren’t strict, but my friend wasn’t allowed to see Jumanji. The game pieces moved on their own, so clearly it was satanic.
— Jane on a hill (@janehilll) June 30, 2020
11. Time to sharpen up.
But you better be careful…
Only 3 tv shows a week for me and my brother. Unfortunately it took us 2 years to notice that it could mean 6 programmes so as we both picked Blue Peter and Swap Shop our mum laughed quietly at us until we sharpened up a little.
— Tina2020 (@Tina20209) June 30, 2020
12. Sounds a little fishy…
And I can see why you’re confused.
I couldn’t watch the Simpsons (it was inappropriate). But usually on Friday nights my mom took me to the bar with her so that she could drink play darts. I sat at the bar and ate a salad. Still super confused.
— Surfymom (@Surfymom1) June 30, 2020
Were your parents strict when you were growing up?
What kind of rules did you have to follow?
Talk to us in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!
The post Do You Think You Had Strict Parents? Take a Look at These Rules That People Had to Follow When They Were Young. appeared first on UberFacts.