People Talk About the Rules That Made Them Think “What Happened Here to Have This Rule Made”?

It’s always weird at work or school when you learn about a rule that is very specific…and very odd.

It makes you say out loud, “what the hell happened to force someone to create this rule?”

And today we’re gonna find out the background behind a bunch of these!

Folks on AskReddit discussed the rules they’ve seen that made them question where they came from.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Wow.

“Years ago I had a queen mattress that had a warning label in all uppercase red lettering stating: WARNING: DO NOT SWALLOW.

Many, many times I’ve wondered who the individual responsible for this warning label is, and how much I’d like to shake their hand.”

2. Doing it in secret.

“I worked at an office that banned men from wearing women’s clothing, specifically jeggings.

I started wearing a women’s thong under my clothes. It felt pretty comfortable actually.”

3. That’s a bummer.

“It was against the rules to cook mac and cheese at my elementary school.

For some reason even though teachers were the only ones with access to a kitchen this applied to everyone.”

4. That didn’t end well.

“In our Catholic high school we are alternately seated so female male female male, to avoid talking to our seatmates and being loud.

Some 8th graders decided to do some lewd stuff not sure what but now all of the females are seated on the left side of the room and the boys are seated on the right.”

5. You did this!

“Do NOT climb into the lunch hall rafters.

I know because I’m the dumb f**k who managed to get up there and couldn’t get down.”

6. Kinda weird.

“We could not wear leggings without a shirt that goes past our middle finger.

Idk if you count that but I got in trouble for it way to many times.”

7. That’s too bad.

“Fryers are cleaned in the morning when the oil is cool instead of at night (like every other location in the chain) when the oil is still hot.

Turns out a dude decided to send it with the fryer cleaning brush one night when they wanted to close and go home within the hour, making hot oil come splashing out of the fryer and onto his body.

He had to go to the hospital for some pretty bad burns.”

8. Okay…

“”When showering after gym class always shower with a buddy (like you enter/leave together).

Never to this day know what that was about…”

9. Jailbreak!

“No speaking a language other than English in the hallways at an international boarding school.

Turns out some Chinese kids were openly plotting to run away from the school and well…they couldn’t have that.

Can you tell I had a great high school experience?”

10. Yikes.

“No mirrors in the school restroom.

Apparently the students in the school like to break the mirrors and use it as shank.

A lot of students were st**bed.”

11. Amazing.

“I worked at a water treatment plant.

There was a 5-gallon plastic bucket there that had this stenciled on it: “Do not use as a hard hat.””

12. The best and the brightest.

“Physics students here, for our subatomic experiments, our teacher give us a courses about security because we where going to use radioactive sources. On one slide of his courses we all read (and he read it out loud too).


I don’t know what the students years before us tried, but d**m…”

How about you?

Have you ever seen any rules that made you scratch your head?

Tell us about them in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Talk About the Rules That Made Them Think “What Happened Here to Have This Rule Made”? appeared first on UberFacts.

What Rule Made You Say “What Happened Here to Have This Rule Created”? People Responded.

Do you ever see a rule at work or school that is SUPER specific and it makes you say, “what happened here to make them come up with this rule…and who did it?”

Yeah, you know what I’m talking about…

Well, today we’re gonna get some answers, darn it!

AskReddit users talked about the weird rules they’ve seen that made them question where they came from. Let’s check it out.

1. Hmmm…

“Our Middle school had a rule:

“No bicycle helmets allowed in the school building!”.

When the weather was nice a lot of us rode bicycles and we all wore riding helmets since it was a school rule and we could get put in detention if we showed up on a bicycle not wearing one. There were hooks above the bike rack outside to hang our riding helmets on, but we all wondered about that strange rule about not bringing them indoors.

Once I was chatting with the assistant principal and I happened to ask him about it, and he said a few years before one girl used hers as a weapon and swung it at and really clonked another girl with it hard enough that she fell against the lockers.”

2. Not very bright.

“This was written for one class I was in and my class only.

Do NOT put your finger in the pencil sharpener

This was an “advanced” class.”

3. What’s the backstory?

“My university residence first year had a strict “No Octopi allowed in dorms” rule posted at the front desk.

No mention of other aquatic creatures.”

4. Well, duh…

“Do not injure a fellow student…

Regardless if WITH or without their permission…”

5. New rule.

“Do not enter the secure corridor and let the first door shut behind you if you do not have the code for the second door.

Some complete idiot got trapped between the doors for five hours.

It might have been me…”

6. Ouch!

“”Do not put your hands into the machine while it’s moving.”

And “Do not take apart the safety knives to get the blade out.”

Both have happened while I worked there.”

7. Hmmmm…

“”No food items permitted in employee restrooms”

I knew who was taking their little snacks in there but I never snitched because it struck me that the perp very possibly had an eating disorder.”

8. I can only imagine.

“An escape room I used to frequent had a rule that clothes must stay on at all times while in the room.

I can guess what happened.”

9. Now you know.

“My employee handbook had a rule that said no sleeping at your desk. I thought that was pretty obvious and wondered why it had to be said.

My first day of work, I realized my co-worker who sat behind me was the reason they included it. I’m working and all of a sudden, hear loud snoring. The dude was full on sleeping and no one batted an eye.

Turns out he bought a doctor’s note saying he has sleep apnea and is prone to random bouts of sleep and management couldn’t punish him for it.”

10. Ignorant.

“Used to work in a warehouse that only employed like a dozen people in a small town, they had a whole handbook of rules with a very thorough section on racial/ s**ual intolerance etc. which is unusual for such a job, at least around here.

It turned out once, a few years before, the owner walked into the shipping room and the pack team supervisor was hosting a “pow-wow” and had everybody prancing in a circle, clapping their hands and chanting “heya-hoya.” I still saw some pretty ignorant s**t while I was there.”

11. Gotta be careful.

“Do not turn on heavy machinery being demonstrated by teachers.

Told to us by the design and technology teacher with half a finger missing.”

12. Awesome!

“At the student society: If you’ve been a member for 15 years, you’re allowed to ride your motorcycle into the dining hall.

No one knew why the rule existed and no one had ever made it to 15 years since you can’t be a member once you graduate. People just assumed someone made it up one day while drunk.

Until I asked my dad about it, he was at the same uni in the 1970s, and a member of the same society. He told me it was a special treat for one of the janitors of the building when he had worked there for 15 years. A bunch of students hauled his motorcycle up to the second floor and he was allowed to start it in the staircase, and then ride into to dining hall.

The rule was then added that any student who made it to 15 years would be allowed to do the same.”

Have you ever come across any ridiculous rules and had moments like this?

Tell us your stories in the comments!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post What Rule Made You Say “What Happened Here to Have This Rule Created”? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

These Wedding Rules Went Viral on TikTok and There’s a Lot of Bride-(and Groom)-zilla Energy

I’ll never forget some advice that a family friend gave on a wedding day.

I say “a” wedding day, because we attended so many together that I can’t remember if it was first said on MY wedding day, or a friend’s, but he said, “No matter what happens, at the end of the day you’ll be married, and that’s the whole point.”

It’s so true, and yet something that is easily lost in all the excitement and stress of wedding prep, and I have repeated it to friends myself.

Those words may stop a panic attack on the day, but they won’t necessarily stop most people from over-planning their perfect day, as evidenced by the recent TikTok trend #weddingrules where brides and grooms to be offered their list of rules, both silly and serious, for their special day.

This self-proclaimed Bridezilla offered a pretty standard list of rules that emerged as themes throughout the other videos.


yes I’m gonna be a bridezilla and no i don’t care because my wedding my way. #weddingrules #fyp #foryou

♬ Elevator Music – Bohoman

I didn’t know “Don’t wear white” needed to be said outside of Schitt’s Creek, but enough people listed it that apparently it does.

Even this girl who actually DID want kids at her wedding felt the need to say “no white.”


#greenscreen my wedding rules pt.1 #weddingrules #fyp

♬ original sound – Rose

And the “no kids” policy seems like the number one most divisive rule of wedding planning.

Personally, I can see it both ways, and I just think people shouldn’t be offended by the couple’s wishes.

It definitely wasn’t an across the board thing. Some people really do want kids at their wedding, especially if it’s kids that they know.


tell me your wedding rules 👰🏾#greenscreen #weddingrules #wedding #yomrants

♬ original sound – Myah Elliott

But “no random plus ones” definitely emerged as a theme.

In addition to the standard set of rules, there are other no-brainers like turn off your cell phone and don’t show up late.


This is list 1/2 so tell me if you want see the rest #greenscreen #gaywedidng #weddingrules #myweddingmyrules #gay #girlinred #bi #trans

♬ My wedding my rules pt 1 – Izzy

And a lot of people also stressed that in addition to not wearing white OR the bridal colors, you weren’t allowed to wear jeans.

If I recall, I may have actually explicitly told my uncle he WAS allowed to wear jeans, although it was 105 degrees the day I got married, so I’m a little surprised no one showed up in shorts.


Also be nice to the caterers #fyp #dalecsander #weddingrules

♬ original sound – DAleCsander

A distaste for the weird garter toss tradition was also pretty common, and individuals planned to avoid it for a variety of reasons.

Another theme that emerged was that people didn’t want long speeches and they especially didn’t want surprise announcements like other peoples’ engagements or pregnancies.

Again that just seems like common courtesy to me, but I guess sometimes it needs to be spelled out.

Unlike most people, this person doesn’t even want a bridal party.
(And she’s dead serious on the “no announcements” rule.)


I woke up and chose unhappy family #weddingrules #weddingplanning #newlyengaged

♬ SugarCrash! – ElyOtto

Some people had very specific criteria, like this girl, who wants a flower wall for pictures (very cool idea), a sick Air B and B in the mountains (nice), and guests’ attire to follow a color scheme (maybe too far).


I still have so many more so like for pt 2 #weddingtiktok #weddingrules #weddingideasforyou #vancouver #fyp

♬ original sound – Vancouver Photographer Miranda

Others responded to the viral hashtag, which has had over 61 million views, with silliness, like this guy who wants a One Direction themed wedding.


Y’all are all invited btw #weddingrules #foryou #onedirection #louistomlinson

♬ original sound – williamsheats

This one is pretty ridiculous, but I like where she’s going with her first rule.


#greenscreen #weddingrules #fyp #foryou #OverShareInYourUnderwear

♬ Drive Forever – Remix – Sergio Valentino

And this girl doesn’t want to get married, she wants to get married in a Schitt’s Creek episode complete with Dan Levy.


*not me not even being engaged* #weddingrules #weddingruleschallenge

♬ original sound – Victoria Garrick

All in all, I’m mostly just glad TikTok wasn’t around when I got married.

Personally, unlike some users, I think wedding is for your family, not for you, and personally, I think everyone would be a lot happier if they just eloped.

What about you? What’s on your ideal wedding ‘must’ list? Tell us in the comments.

The post These Wedding Rules Went Viral on TikTok and There’s a Lot of Bride-(and Groom)-zilla Energy appeared first on UberFacts.

People Shared the Stupidest Rules They Had at Their Schools

I still have a hard time believing that I actually went to school for all those years until I graduated from high school.

The cold, early mornings, the bus rides, the long days, and of course…THE RULES…

There were so many of them! Ugh. I really don’t miss those days at all…

AskReddit talked about the dumbest rules they had at their school. Let’s take a look.

1. Come on!

“If you were involved in a fight, you got suspended. While it sounds reasonable, context didn’t matter.

I got suspended once not for throwing a single punch, kick, whatever. I got suspended because someone knocked the books out of my hand and when I reached down to grab them they punched me in the face.

I got suspended for walking down the hallway and unprovoked getting punched in the face.”

2. Really dumb.

“Can’t wear too many matching shirts because you could be a gang.

This was in regards to a kid with cancer wanting to make a bunch of shirts.”

3. Put on some clothes, mister!

“You got in trouble if you wore just a hanes white t-shirt after school because “you were in your underwear”.”

4. Banned!

“My high school banned t-shirts that had the cover of Rush’s album Signals, an album popular at the time, which features an image of a dog sniffing a fire hydrant.

They considered it scatalogical because the dog was about to pee on it. This struck the entire student body as extremely stupid, and roughly 1/2 of the student body picked a day to wear the t-shirt.

We won.”

5. Bad idea.

“We were all given these ugly planners at the beginning of the school year, with a few pages at the back filled with ‘hall passes’.

If you didn’t have your planner, or if all your boxes were filled, you weren’t allowed to go to the bathroom. And no, you couldn’t buy a new planner. Or borrow one from your friend.

The only excuse you had was if you had a doctor’s note, but no doctor is going to give a note for an upset stomach caused by the school lunch.”

6. What’s going on over there?

“In grade 8, we were banned from standing in circles at recess because of potential scandalous activity going on in the middle.

We stood in squares instead.”

7. Showed them.

“They banned the word snap, since everyone used it instead of sh*t.

So we all just started saying sh*t.

The snap ban lasted about 3 days.”

8. Kind of expensive.

“The $200 blazer was compulsory and we got detention every single day until we got it.”

9. Sounds like a hoot.

“A girl and a boy couldn’t sit together.

The school employed “disciplinarians” to roam around the school and monitor this “activity”.

If found, you will get a reprimand, if found repeating the offence, you get sent to the principal office and if continuing, then eventually escalated to the parents, etc!”

10. Worried about your health.

“Middle School had banned salt and pepper from being used in the cafeteria, claimed it was too unhealthy.

Still sold Mountain Dew in the vending machines .”

11. I don’t think that’s a problem here.

“We couldn’t wear winter clothing (jackets, hats, gloves) in class because they were “gang symbols.”

This was a small farm town in Wisconsin. Besides obviously having no gangs, it was f*cking cold, even indoors, in the winter.

But clearly wearing warm clothing is something only gangs do.”

12. Very erotic.

“Our school banned hugging because it was “erotic.”

As you can imagine, the boys at school started giving each other very sensual high fives for the rest of the year.”

13. Ridiculous.

“No touching the walls.

They restored a building with historic value using, among other things, period appropriate paints. They then opened the planned primary school there and proceeded to try to get children to respect the restoration work.

So we had a few years of benches in the hallways being 10 cm from the wall and children being reprimanded for leaning against the wall before the faculty gave up.”

Do you remember some dumb rules from your school days?

If so, please share them with us in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post People Shared the Stupidest Rules They Had at Their Schools appeared first on UberFacts.

What Extra Rules Did Your Family Add to Board Games and Card Games? Here’s What People Said.

Playing games with my family is like wandering into a snake pit. It’s every man or woman for themselves and things get UGLY…

And most of it seems to happen because people are constantly making up or revising the rules as the game progresses. It’s not a pretty scene, people…

But I guess I’m not alone, because all kinds of other people have extra rules for board games and card games.

Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. A total scammer.

“In Monopoly, we have a rule that my sister can’t be the banker.

Otherwise, it’s like watching Oceans 11.”

2. Improvising.

“My grandmother was deaf/mute so when we played Uno instead of saying “Uno” we knocked on the table quickly twice.”

3. Taboo.


You can play 3 player (cutthroat) Taboo. The rules don’t really change but the scoring does. There’s a Ref (watching for taboo words), Guesser (can’t see the card) & Talker (can see the card)

The guesser and talker will get 1 point each for each successful guessed word. Taboo words are scored 1 point to the Ref.

At the end of the round, roles rotate like normal (clockwise). After everyone has two turns “talking”, rotate the the other way (counterclockwise). This lets everyone get a turn guessing and talking with each person.

I prefer this way because you don’t get stuck on a winning, or losing team. Everyone plays with everyone. and there’s never a 4th person out.”

4. The game of world domination.

“We had a variation on Risk where everyone write down their moves and attacks and all the moves and attacks were carried out simultaneously.

First the troops were relocated (only able to move one country). Then attacks rolled (once again, you could only attack a neighboring country and if you won, you could occupy it. But you could not keep pressing the attack until the next turn.

If 2 or more countries were attacking each other, they all rolled the max number of dice. Ties were then rerolled.”

5. Good idea.

“In Scrabble, the person who can make the longest word goes first, highest points breaks a tie.

This makes the game more fun by ensuring there are lots of places to play your letters.”

6. New rule.

“In every coop game (Pandemic, Castle Panic, whatever), there is usually someone who tries to tell everyone what to do.

I can accidentally be this person. So, I implemented the “right hand man” rule. IF the person whose turn it is want advice (IF), they can only get it from the person on their right.

Nobody else can say anything. Makes things way more enjoyable.”

7. This is good.

“Rule for my kids with all board games.

Winner cleans up, loser or lowest score picks next game, tantrums/rage quitting gets you banned from the next game session all together.”

8. Never heard of this game.

“Waddingtons Go (a game of traveling around the world).

Rule in the actual game was you had to roll exact to get into a place, but it ended up with too many dice rolls doing absolutely nothing. One player ended up just stuck in one place for literally half an hour, before then getting somewhere else and then being stuck for another half an hour. They did virtually nothing all game. (Really, that rule means the game should be called Waddingtons Stop.)

To combat this, we came up with a house rule that you have a “3 strikes and in” – if you fail to get the right number 3 times, you automatically get to your destination, to stop the game being dull.

We haven’t actually tried this yet because since playing it (when at the end of the game we came up with the rule) we’ve had a pandemic that has prevented me from going back to visit my parents who have the game…”

9. Hurry up!

“One rule used for many board games: If someone takes too long with his/her move, anyone can fetch the 3-min hourglass from the shelf and set it on the table. once the time runs out, the move is over, regardless of.

Another rule for Scrabble: Any word is valid if you can find it in any book in our library within three minutes.”

10. Time for some Trouble.

“Trouble is a fun little game.

Unfortunately, with the wife and son, we only have three players. Four players makes it even more fun, so we have a fourth player we call “Bob.” Bob gets the last turn in the cycle. Someone rolls for Bob, and then the three of us agree on what Bob’s best move is.

It’s especially fun when you have to agree that Bob’s best move is to take out one of your own pieces.”

11. Haha, that’s good.

“My uncle told me stories about how whenever he played Monopoly at a friend’s house, he would always bring a few $500 bills from his own set and use them.

He never let them win.”

12. This is pretty in-depth.

“In Clue, once the killer has been discovered, and it’s one of the pieces in play, the game becomes a chase.

The remaining player turns are rolls to get out of the mansion through the doors in the Hall. The killer tries to catch the remaining pieces and kill them. Secret passages only work if you roll even numbers in that room.

The killer rolls twice per turn and cannot use secret passages.

Edit: If the killer wasn’t one of the played pieces, then the game is over—they couldn’t defend themselves and surrendered after being discovered.

The killer kills other players by landing on the same space as them between rooms, or by rolling a higher number than them in the same room. If there are two players in a room with the killer, Killer must announce who they’re going after. After one attack, killer’s turn is over.

Players must escape by leaving the hall through the doors. Entering the hall is one move. Leaving the hall is another. You should try to have at least one more move upon entering the Hall to get out safely. If rolling a 3 would get you into the Hall, a 4+ would get you out.

If no players make it out alive, the killer wins, stacks the bodies in the cellar, locks it, and pretends that none of this has ever happened.

Extra fun: at the start of the game, before dealing to players, place an evidence card face down in each room. When you enter the room, you can look at the card and place it back face down. You’re sleuthing, after all. If all players have seen the card, you may turn it face-up.”

Did your family ever have any unusual rules for games?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear them!

The post What Extra Rules Did Your Family Add to Board Games and Card Games? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Extra Rules Their Families Added to Board Games and Card Games

Since when are you allowed to run another player’s car off the road in the game of Life? Calm down, calm down, I’m talking about Life, the board game.

But still, I don’t remember that specific rule being in the directions, do you?

What I’m trying to hint at here is that people create new rules for games all the time…and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing…

AskReddit users shared the funny and strange extra rules their families made up for board games and card games.

Let’s take a look.

1. Uno!

“When my mother-in-law was suffering from dementia we would play Uno with her and just let her play any card she wanted to play.

She was at a point where she couldn’t follow the rules of the game but she did understand that she should put down a card when it was her turn.

So we just let her play whatever she wanted, it introduced a fun chaotic element to the game and she got to enjoy participating and spending time with us.”

2. Pretty creative.

“”The Mugging Rule” in Monopoly.

If I land on a space that you are currently occupying, I can choose to mug you.

We take turns rolling the dice, if I roll higher, I steal $100, if you roll higher I go to jail.”

3. Here’s the deal.

“In Trivial Pursuit, we have a rule – if the player being asked doesn’t know the answer, they can ask the room.

The room doesn’t actually answer, but they say whether they know the answer or not. If nobody knows the answer, it’s considered an invalid question, and another card gets drawn instead. (if someone in the room does know, but the player being asked doesn’t, then it’s just a plain old “pass”)

My Dad knows a lot of stuff … I mean, a LOT. When he was a kid he read the Encyclopedia Britannica for fun. Basically, the rule was born from, “If even Dad doesn’t know the answer, then nobody does and it’s a terrible question.”

4. Fun!

“At the end of Scrabble you make up a story with all the words on the board.

We never looked at the tiles for scores, we just played to get the best words on the board.”

5. Anything goes.

“Literally ANYTHING goes in Monopoly.

Whatever business deals you make in Monopoly are valid, like paying some insurance each round so that if you land on their rent properties you are immune.”

6. Don’t nuke yourself!

“Nukes in Risk.

If you roll three sixes when attacking you defeat every army on the territory you’re attacking into.

If you roll three ones, you nuke yourself and lose every army in the territory you’re attacking from.”

7. Don’t say sorry.

“If you say sorry while playing Uno, you pick up 2 cards!

Slap that +4 down with authority!

Also, if you have exactly the same card as the one that has just been played, you can jump in and play your duplicate regardless of if it’s your turn or not.”

8. Are you paying attention?

“In Catan, when you roll a 7 or play a knight, you have to move the robber.

but you can move it back to the desert and claim any resource you want from the “bank”.”

9. Time to lay down.

“Phase 10.

After a person has laid down, if their set has any wilds, other members are allowed to take the wilds as long as they provide the card the wild was representing.

You’re only allowed to do this if you can lay down in the same turn.”

10. Sounds cool.

“In high school, my group of friends loved to play Clue.

Unfortunately we found the game got a bit stale after a few nights of playing.

So, we actually designed our own board “extension”, containing additional rooms, and created new cards for extra weapons and characters so it was more challenging to determine who the killer was.”

11. It’s like real life!

“My sister and i play “Life Sucks”.

It’s Life but you only get paid if you land on payday, not if you just pass it.

Basically you end up with a pile of loans and it’s a struggle to get out of debt.”

12. I’ll have to try this.

“We have a generic version of Jenga that has the company name printed on one of the logs.

When someone pulls that log, they have to yell “kielbasa” in Fozzie Bear’s voice (keel-BA-sa).

It never gets old.”

13. Good idea.

“The phantom.

When playing Cards Against Humanity, a random card is added by the phantom each round.

Surprisingly, the phantom frequently keeps up with us. It’s a lot of fun when everyone says “oh, that was the obvious best one” then realizes no one is claiming it.”

14. All kinds of rules.

“Boggle: youngest child is allowed one and two letter words since she’s learning to read, and she’s allowed to have her sight-words list available for reference to help her practice them.

So far it’s working because she’s finding three and four letter words on her own!

Uno: stack draw 2s or draw 4s until you can’t no mo. Unfortunate soul that can’t stack draws all.

Beer pong: Gentleman’s rule. If the ball rolls back you fight to retrieve it. Winner gets a free shot. Trick shots must be very specific in nature because all loop holes are fair game.

Canasta: The Unicorn. All wilds canasta worth 2000 points. This causes table flips.”

Did your family have extra rules for board or card games?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear what you came up with!

The post People Talk About the Extra Rules Their Families Added to Board Games and Card Games appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Oddly Specific Rules They’ve Run Into Because of Somebody’s Stupid Mistake

Have you ever have one of those jobs that you don’t really like and they’ve got a bunch of strange rules that you’re not even sure how they came up with them?

Yeah, pretty much all of us have.

I remember one job I had people weren’t allowed to go out on a perfectly nice patio to eat lunch. The reason? Because somebody tried to do a handstand on the railing and fell over and killed themselves.

Yeah. I mean, I feel for that guy and his family… but that was a nice patio and those would have been some nice lunches (PS… I did it anyway).

Let’s take a look at some people who ran into similar situations!

1. The things we do for love!

In rehab our cottons swabs were taken away because a guy decided to jam one into his eardrum to get sent to the hospital and get painkillers.

Every seemingly dumb rule we had in there had a backstory to it.

2. Prisoners are so ingenous!

Used to work in a prison, and they had to ban Marmite spread, because the inmates used the yeast to ferment alcohol.

And Kit Kats, because they used the foil wrappers for heroin.

3. Students are sneaky AF

My Professor had a system where he said “Homework Due by 12:00.”. I turned it in about ten minutes early…then realized I’d made a mistake, so I fixed it and uploaded the new one, which hit at 12:00:23 or so.

The next day he talked about how various people knew that if they opened the submission page, they could submit their homework after the deadline because the system only stopped you from accessing the page at the given time. He told us that such homework was going to be given a zero despite being submitted.

He then said “There was one submission however that was submitted at 23 seconds past midnight…I will allow this one as I had not specified to the second that the homework had to be submitted. Henceforth, all homework MUST be submitted by 12:00:00.” and gave me a smirk.

I just gave him a cringy little salute and we had a chuckle.

4. Well, these people are no fun!

“Absolutely no roller skates in the lab”

My husband worked for a private lab startup and half the women there did roller derby. The lab was (as many are) a repurposed warehouse with nice smooth concrete floors. One of the women thought it would be fun to skate between machines. She got a lot done but the boss figured osha wouldn’t be too thrilled so the sign went up a few days later.

You could still wear your skates in the break room.

5. Taking snacking seriously

On an AirFrance flight from Morocco to Mauritania, the flight attendant gave the safety brief in French at first. My french is not good but my ears pricked up when I heard the words “feu de camp.” I obviously discounted my translation as misunderstanding the brief until she went into the brief in English.

We were given the standard safety brief on all aircraft, but at the end we were specifically reminded that there are to be no cooking or camp fires lit on the plane at any time.

Can you imagine your seat mate getting hungry and deciding to start a fire on an airplane to cook up some snacks?!?!?

6. Now THAT is a specific rule!

My father’s hometown, Marion, Ohio, had a rule that you couldn’t eat a donut while walking backwards.

If I remember correctly, it had something to do with attracting police horses to lure them away from the police.

Cops are weird.

7. Count on Walmart for the sage wisdom.

“Do not put 14 rolls of toilet paper in the toilet”

– Walmart 2019


In my lease, I had a clause to properly dispose of my used tampons.

I asked why and apparently my landlord had a tenant that caused $50,000 of damage because she threw her used tampons into the cabinet under the sink. She rented the apartment for years and there were 3+ years worth of used, bloody tampons in there.

The, uh, blood caused a bunch of damage akin to water damage to the bathroom. The floor under the cabinet was rotted through. From bloody tampon storage.

The thought of a steamy, gelatinous glob of blood gooping through the sh**ty linoleum and blooming a bloody Clicker from The Last of Us makes me want to actively die.

9. Trash panda circus!

At my last job, we had a sign on the back door that said “you must walk trash all the way to the dumpster; DO NOT TRAIN THE RACCOONS!!!”

The story behind that is the facility I worked at does dog daycare and training, and Darcy the Human (not to be confused with Darcy the Poodle) didn’t like having to walk all the way across the parking lot at the end of the night to take out the trash, and trained about three raccoons to drag the bags to the dumpster because he couldn’t be bothered to walk 50ft to it.

He got away with it for about a year, and even named them. The manager only found out when she opened the back door to throw out some boxes and saw a bunch of raccoons immediately run up and cart them off.

10. A spite rule!

The ten-bin bowling alley in Geelong implemented a “Patrons must not play blindfolded” rule.

The manager claims it was for safety reasons… but I will always know in my heart it was solely because I beat him three games in a row wearing a blindfold.

Geelong is an awesome city on the bottom of the Australian mainland. Lived there 18 years. Sadly, the bowling alley was demolished around 2001.

11. This had to be a rule?

My all time favorite, in the Taco Bell i frequented as a teenager:

“Please do not spit on the managers.”

It wasn’t even a f**king paper, it was a plaque, someone got spit on enough times to go out and pay for a plaque.

12. These employees were outlaws!

I worked for a company that would send us out of town and put us up in hotels for weeks.

We had per diem for food but they told us we could absolutely not use it on alcohol.

Found out the company use to have an open bar at the hotel for employees until some former employees got so drunk they hired prostitutes and ended up doing cocaine and were kicked out of the hotel and arrested.

13. A reasonable set of rules!

Wish I had a picture but in EVERY restroom stall at my work there is a sign that says

THREE COURTESY FLUSH Flush once to prepare for elimination Flush between “the go” and the paper Flush upon completion

Wonder who put that together in their head and said “I have a solution.. hear me out guys”.

14. You’d think this would be obvious?

Back in the 90s, I used to work in a convenience store in New Jersey. Once a year I’d have to go to the health department and get certified as a food handler.

It is in this capacity that I learned that there is a law on the books in the state of New Jersey that you cannot store food under a leaking sewage pipe.

You just know health inspector went into a store and said “what the hell?! You can’t store food under leaking sewer pipe!”

And the store owner said “cite the statute!”


There was this one residence hall on campus where we had to inform students on move-in day not to twist their apartment room key a certain way into their bathroom door otherwise they could possibly get locked in if closed.

They were encouraged just to use the inner lock bolt body system. Students got charged $5, after one free pass, if a staff member got a call and had to rescue them from trapping themselves in their own bathroom.

Working in that hall for two years, I rescued students 7 times and 4 of those times it was the same girl.

Jeez… that last one sounds like quite the fire hazard, right? Hope they got it all sorted out.

Okay, which one of these rules did you find the strangest?

Let us know in the comments!

Thanks, fam!

The post People Share the Oddly Specific Rules They’ve Run Into Because of Somebody’s Stupid Mistake appeared first on UberFacts.

Do You Think You Had Strict Parents? Take a Look at These Rules That People Had to Follow When They Were Young.

I was the fourth kid out of five born in my family so, while my parents were definitely strict about some stuff, I had it MUCH easier than my older siblings.

Looking back on it, they were probably just tired and worn out by the time myself and my younger brother came around and didn’t want to deal with every single thing they’d already dealt with three times before.

And who can blame them?

But there were definitely a lot of rules and if you broke them, you were in trouble.

People took to Twitter to share the weird rules they had to follow when they were growing up.

Let’s take a look.

1. No gang activity in this house.

This had to have been the early 1990s.

2. Grease is a Satanic film.

And Rizzo was Satan.

3. How am I supposed to read this?

Come on! A little help!

4. A lot of food rules.

Were you allowed to speak?

5. Start over.

Do the whole thing again.

6. I broke my brain!

None of that devil music around here!

7. Never-ending rules.

That must’ve been a huge rule book.

8. That is weird.

I can think of things that look trashier.

9. You know the rules!

Even Frosted Flakes?

10. My friend…

This is perfectly normal behavior.

11. Time to sharpen up.

But you better be careful…

12. Sounds a little fishy…

And I can see why you’re confused.

Were your parents strict when you were growing up?

What kind of rules did you have to follow?

Talk to us in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!

The post Do You Think You Had Strict Parents? Take a Look at These Rules That People Had to Follow When They Were Young. appeared first on UberFacts.

Do You Think You Had Strict Parents? Take a Look at These Rules That People Had to Follow When They Were Young.

I was the fourth kid out of five born in my family so, while my parents were definitely strict about some stuff, I had it MUCH easier than my older siblings.

Looking back on it, they were probably just tired and worn out by the time myself and my younger brother came around and didn’t want to deal with every single thing they’d already dealt with three times before.

And who can blame them?

But there were definitely a lot of rules and if you broke them, you were in trouble.

People took to Twitter to share the weird rules they had to follow when they were growing up.

Let’s take a look.

1. No gang activity in this house.

This had to have been the early 1990s.

2. Grease is a Satanic film.

And Rizzo was Satan.

3. How am I supposed to read this?

Come on! A little help!

4. A lot of food rules.

Were you allowed to speak?

5. Start over.

Do the whole thing again.

6. I broke my brain!

None of that devil music around here!

7. Never-ending rules.

That must’ve been a huge rule book.

8. That is weird.

I can think of things that look trashier.

9. You know the rules!

Even Frosted Flakes?

10. My friend…

This is perfectly normal behavior.

11. Time to sharpen up.

But you better be careful…

12. Sounds a little fishy…

And I can see why you’re confused.

Were your parents strict when you were growing up?

What kind of rules did you have to follow?

Talk to us in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!

The post Do You Think You Had Strict Parents? Take a Look at These Rules That People Had to Follow When They Were Young. appeared first on UberFacts.

Disney Park Employees Must Follow These 5 Rules

Disney World is a place where dreams are supposed to come true.

And while we all tend to focus on the riveting rides and captivating castles, we tend to forget about the driver behind it all: the employees.

Well, cast members, actually.

Working at Disney can be a fantastic career, but it takes much more than a great smile and love of cartoons to be successful. In fact, the company implements some interesting rules that its employees must live by while working.

Act Right

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Terminology matters big time in the world of Disney. In fact, their employees are technically referred to as “cast members.”

That title extends to everyone who works in the park, including characters, ride operators and gift shop salespeople. The concept of Disney is that the park is actually a stage, and we are all engaged in one fantastical show.

Measure Up

Disney has strict height requirements for both its rides and its characters. Specific character roles require a prospective “cast member” to check the all-important height box.

For example, a Disney princess must measure in between 5’4″ to 5’8″. Of course, if you don’t meet the requirement, you could always play a different character.

Take Care of Your Looks

Photo Credit: Pexels

In order to capture every essence of a character, Disney makes sure its cast members look the part. And I mean down to the whisker.

Women are allowed to have subtle highlights in their hair, but otherwise it must be styled in a classic and natural look. On the other hand, men are forbidden from having long hair and may only have facial hair no longer than a quarter of an inch thick.

Sound Check

Photo Credit: Pexels

While our favorite Disney princesses and heroes have recognizable voices, you won’t hear a peep from some of the other characters in costume. And that’s done purposefully.

Characters like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and the Beast cannot speak while in costume. That can be a challenge for employees, who often are tasked with acting the part for hours without being able to utter a sound.

No Work-Related Social Media

Photo Credit: Pexels

Playing the part also means maintaining anonymity. Disney employees are not allowed to reveal what character(s) they portray on social media.

And as for backstage sneak peaks? Those are also a no-go in Disney.

Disney employees have to hold up to strict standards, but that plays a large role in why the company—especially its magical theme parks—is such an iconic brand.

The post Disney Park Employees Must Follow These 5 Rules appeared first on UberFacts.