14 Tweets That Might Give You All the Feels

As connected as we are these days, a lot of still feel alone sometimes.

That’s why it’s so nice to see a post that really sums up those feelings. It reminds us that we’re not alone in this strange world of ours.

Here are 14 tweets that you’ll identify with on a spiritual level:

1. Seriously, a text would be fine

2. Definitely a commitment

3. I’m unrecognizable

4. Addressing things is important

5. A hard truth

6. Procrastinators unite…later

7. Ouch

8. Yep

9. We can’t control other people

10. That’s a true friend

11. Belonging is great

12. I am that sensitive

13. What a waste

14. I chose you

You feelings these tweets, fam? Because I feel seen. Just saying…

Which one did you connect with the most? Let us know in the comments!

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15 Funny Tweets About Halloween

It’s time to get into costume, stock the house with candy, get the kids all dressed up, and head out to trick or treat and go to various parties. In other words, it’s Halloween!

So before you head out to enjoy all the festivities, take some time to read these funny tweets!


1. That spider sure is blown away.

2. That is cool.

3. Now he’s a member of the family.

4. Clearly that’s Sloth.

5. Think it’s gonna work out?

6. I was actually thinking of doing it, too…

7. Either one works.

8. One of the many reasons it’s great.

9. Whoa! That’s awesome!

10. Go for it!

11. Hey o!

12. I knew that would be dead last.

13. That’s how I live my life.

14. Sounds like a great costume.

15. This tweet really nails it.

Have a great Halloween and share some photos from your evening in the comments below!

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15 Funny Halloween Tweets to Get You in the Mood to Trick or Treat

It’s our favorite time of the year!

No, I’m not talking about Christmas. Or Thanksgiving. Or Valentine’s Day. Or even YOUR birthday.

I’m talking about Halloween! Where everyone gets all decked out and we can all pretend we’re not ourselves for a night! It’s glorious!

Here are 15 funny tweets about our favorite holiday.

1. Guys…consider another costume.

2. All the signs.

3. That is very impressive.

4. Gimme all the candy.

5. Take my money, now.

6. Which one is real?

7. Helping out the kids.

8. Not as advertised.

9. One or the other.

10. I think it sounds fun…

11. You knew this was gonna happen.

12. Y’all can just quit.

13. My idea of Heaven.

14. Some ideas to consider.

15. I feel you.

What are you doing for Halloween this year?

Let us know your plans in the comments…maybe we can meet up…?

Have a fun and safe Halloween, everyone!

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15 Greasy Tweets About Fast Food

We all know fast food is pretty bad for you, but dammit, it’s delicious. Am I right or am I right?

Clearly, I’m on the same page as the people responsible for the tweets below, because they are not holding back. At all.

And I’m with them…are you?

1. Was it good, though?

2. Not mine, sir.

3. That’s how it works.

4. Judy wants the carnitas…

5. Might be a long day.

6. They do tend to add up.

7. These are for everyone.

8. It’s a classy joint.

9. Drive and don’t stop!

10. We all do this from time to time.

11. …And it’s working…

12. Make a pit stop.

13. Did he Super Size?

14. They knew you were classy.

15. I understand that Einstein was a big fan of their roast beef.

What’s your favorite fast food joint?

Mine’s a tie between White Castle and a chain in Kansas City called Taco Via.

Tell us yours in the comments! Let’s compare notes!

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15 of the Funniest ‘What Idiot Called It…’ Tweets

Are you a “punny” guy or gal? Do you like to have a little bit of fun with words and language?

Then these tweets are definitely for you. There’s a joke that’s been going around for a while, asking “What idiot called it…” then punning your way into history. It’s one of those memes that unleashes all kinds of creative minds with hilarious ideas and responses.

Take a look and prepare to get wacky!

1. Trick or treatment.

2. I see what you did there…

3. Another gem right there.

4. Resisting a rest.

5. Ain’t that the truth?

6. Blue genes for the win.

7. I love this one.

8. Ring a ding ding.

9. Absolutely genius.

10. Thank you!

11. Go see the dogtor.

12. Crazy about the moon.

13. Climb on the boatercycle.

14. The work of a true artist.

15. And, let’s end with a real winner.

I must say, I am pretty impressed with this wordplay.

Do you have any solid contributions to this thread? Let’s see them in the comments!

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Check out These Great Hotel Room Tricks Recommended by People on Twitter

I love staying in hotels. The beds are big and the sheets are crisp and cool. You can watch TV guilt-free because you’ve paid a bunch of money not to have to cook your own dinner or clean.

Sometimes, though, it’s not quite heaven. And that one little thing can bug you until you’re not sleeping as well or feeling as comfortable as when you are at home.

When that happens, you need a hack.

Twitter’s got you.

Recently, venture capitalist Rick Klau reposted a hack he said he originally found on Twitter.

His smart and handy re-tip inspired others to post their favorite hotel room hacks. Like this great thread about the lack of convenient electric outlets in rooms.

Others had hacks you didn’t know you needed until now.

Hotel rooms can be dirty so these hacks are great.

Do you know anyone who uses a shower cap to cover their hair in the shower?

Even Elon Musk took some notes.

Some of these hacks deserve five stars.

This hack will have you crawling on the floor. Really.

The list of brilliant hacks is long, but worth taking a look at for next time you’re planning a trip. They will keep you comfy and clean while you finally get that great night’s sleep away from home.

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15 Funny Tweets That Should Put a Smile on Your Face

Life got you a little beaten down at the moment? Why the long face?

Well, I have just the thing.

Tweets! Funny tweets! Funny tweets that are gonna make you smile!

1. That’s never a good sign.

2. Five very solid films.

3. Read the whole thing…

4. Here we go…

5. A total failure.

6. Sad but true.

7. Hadn’t thought about that…

8. I like the sound of that.

9. Can you please stop eating?

10. You’re good, keep going.

11. They don’t exist.

12. I think you nailed it.

13. Here I am!

14. Who are you?

15. It’ll be an interesting day.

Is that a smile I see?

Good, then we did our jobs today!

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Check out These Funny Tweets from Very Amusing Ladies

There are a lot of hilarious women out there in the Twitter-verse, and here are 15 more. Ladies, keep us LOLing on social media, please.

Try not to pee your pants, okay?

1. That sounds pretty good to me.

2. I’ve seen it many times.

3. Human in cat form.

4. Sisters being sisters.

5. Someone had other plans.

6. That is a show of confidence.

7. You were close…

8. I’m a big fan of this.

9. What language is this?

10. That’s very hot.

11. I’ve been here before.

12. Your new garbage boyfriend.

13. Their inner monologue.

14. Gritty is pretty awesome.

15. Man, that’s rough.

Ladies, we got our eyes on you. Keep up the funny business.

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Heartwarming Videos of Dogs Getting Picked up from Daycare

I mean, come on… this is one of the best posts of all time. Because you KNOW what’s coming next.

These dogs are going to be so god damned happy to see their owners… you just KNOW it!

Get ready for the most cute you’ve seen in one post. Ever.

1. Come on! We’re going home!

2. Sugar is so sweet!

3. She remembers her leash!

4. Hey Lucy!

5. Not a mutt anymore!

6. Aussies get excited!

7. I love that name!

8. Archer is a jumper!

9. Look at that tail wagging!

10. Hey Aunt! Hey Aunt! Hey Aunt!

11. Arthur is one happy doggo!

12. Well, not all of them are happy…

Alright kids… what did you think? Most heartwarming, wholesome roundup of tweets ever?

Let us know what you thought in the comments!

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Michael Buble’s Song ‘Forever Now’ Is About Kids Growing up and Parents Are Emotional About It

Beyond the bottle feedings and weekend soccer games, the unconditional love parents feel grows deeper by the minute. From the time your baby is born, your bond never stops expanding, even after they go off to college.

Michael Buble put all that into words with his new song “Forever, Now” and I’ll tell ya, it gave me all the watery eyes.

I’m not a mom, but I watch my friends raise their children and my heart swells. It’s no easy feat but what’s incredible is that everlasting love.

With lyrics such as these how can you not cry!

I tuck you in at night

Another day has passed

Every week goes by a little faster than the last

It wasn’t so long ago

We walked together and you held my hand

And now you’re getting too big to want to

But I hope you’ll always understand

Within a few lines, Buble has literally managed to span time from a baby to a grown adult, all through a parent’s eyes. OMG, please pass the tissues!

In an interview with Magic Radio, Buble admits that when he wrote it he never meant to make it personal, but after recording the demo it truly was. He also feels he’ll never perform it live.

“I did a vocal demo…and the truth is I never sang it again. And to this day I’d never sang it again…I’m not ready to handle it yet.”

Michael Bublé on his song 'Forever Now' | Magic Radio

For his new album Love, Michael Bublé wrote a song that he'll never be able to perform again.

Posted by Magic Radio on Saturday, September 29, 2018

Even the crooner heart-throb is affected by his own music! This makes me love him even more. Oh, and for all you parents of fur-babies? Yeah, he mentioned that you are parents too with a deep love for your pets. Gah! Does he get any better?

Whether you just had a child, are seeing one off to college, or they are having children of their own, grab the tissues and enjoy this beautiful song. Thanks, Buble!

Hopefully this video filled your heart and gave you tears of joy! I think Buble is out to keep Kleenex in business.

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