Enjoy These Times When People Tweeted Something Just Right

If you didn’t read these 11 tweets before now… what have you been doing with your life?

I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve only shared 11 here…. but I’ve got probably 1,000 of these things in my meme pocket. And I could pull out more and spread them around, but for right now… this is all you get. These 11. So you better make them last.

Don’t say you weren’t warned!

1. Sounds like DA to me!

These meetings can get INTENSE!

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. Megan has a point…

Why is the coral disappearing if it’s so smart, huh?

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. Well, that’s just pigeons being pigeons

Let them walk if they want. Flying is hard.

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. Sounds exactly like what I would say

Talk more clearly next time!

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Just lay there.

It’ll all be over soon.

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. Literal horse is literal

Literally hilarious, I mean! ?

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. It’s not too much to ask!

In fact, you should demand it. From whom, I do not know…

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. And everybody had a great laugh.

Seriously, you should do this. It’ll work.

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. This one is a slow burn…

… but it’s worth it.

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. Now THAT is some research.

Is 540 bad or…???

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. This would make my decade.

Maybe even my millennium.

Photo Credit: The Chive

So… are you happy now? Didn’t I tell you that these 11 memes were good?

Yes, that’s all you get today.

Be happy. Don’t cry.

Stop it!

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Tweets That May Very Well Be Perfect

It’s time for 10 tweets that we definitely want to share because, if we don’t, we’re just not being responsible human beings.

And while there’s no objective measure for what constitutes a “perfect” tweet… we’d hazard a guess to say that these come damn close.

Damn close, I say!!!

And away we go!

1. When that day comes… it’s not good.

I need another pair, stat!

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. What’s rarer than rare?

You probably wouldn’t understand…

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. I can see this turning out well..

Replace them, you monster!

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. Oh damn… look at the bad ass!

Mark Magark is probably the funniest name ever.

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. That’ll do it.

Works every single time.

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. Why didn’t I think of this?!?

It’s JUST that easy.

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. To the studio!

Let’s get this situation fixed, now!

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. Same.

But it’s not a sitcom… it’s Law and Order. Yeah, I’m weird.

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. This is good advice for anybody at any time.

Do not do this ever.

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. That’s not how you do it, Ron!

What did the Echo every do to you, huh???

Photo Credit: The Chive

So, those were the best 10 tweets we could find today. Come back tomorrow when we’re sure to have some more. Maybe. No promises.

But hey, want to help us out? Have some awesome tweets you want to share?

Do that in the comments! Please and thank you!

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Times When People Had Serious Questions About Millennials That Turned Out to Be Jokes in Disguise

Millennials…prepare to get dragged all over the place, because 12 people decided that today was the day to ask you serious questions that weren’t so serious.

You know the drill. They tweet. They funny. You don’t respond. We all laugh. Repeat.

Thank you to this site for bringing all these together, and thanks to us for going through them and finding the best.

You’re welcome, internet

1. Eggplants just doing eggplants things

I’m endlessly amused by what emojis mean.

2. Because they can!

It’s all meta, all the time!

3. Chef’s kiss!

You can eat it AND drink it. Win win!

4. A true rite of passage.

I deleted it, btw. Because reasons.

5. Is it their 6th or 16th?

Seems like MOST of the people on TikTok are drunk.

6. I can’t even with this

I use adjectives in place of verbs. So there!

7. Yes, it looks distressed! It doesn’t want to be that way!

Shabby indeed!

8. 80s kids and 70s kids are so much cooler.

We’re colder because we’re older and old people get colder faster.

9. Why do so many of them have back problems?

Maybe because they have drinking problems? Hmmm…

10. This tweet is wrong.

GIFs are hilarious and DO NOT pronounce that word with a J.

11. Well, I don’t blame them.

This is their fight son.

12. Isn’t it?

Buzzfeed, you keep on feeding us that buzz.

In all the history of all the tweets… these were among the finest. Don’t you agree?

I’m really asking a rhetorical question there, but you can feel free to respond if you want. I won’t judge. Much.

See ya soon!

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People Share “Passive-Aggressive” Things That Take Life to a Whole New Level

Hi, there!

Wikipedia defines passive-aggressive behavior as “a pattern of passive hostility and an avoidance of direct communication.”

In other words, it’s when you need to go on the attack without actually confronting anyone. It’s petty, it’s sly, and if you’re just observing rather than being on the receiving end, it can be downright hilarious.

Here are ten incredible examples from the wide world of Twitter.

10. Drive on by

What in the hell kind of roadside madness is this?

9. It’s time to stop

This is an alien trying to disguise itself as an Earth sign and you can’t convince me otherwise.

8. I must confess

This is why Protestants just skipped the middle man.

7. The s**t is bananas

I don’t find this behavior appealing in the slightest.

6. The terrible twos

Psh. You call THAT a pothole?

5. Over the line

Timmy Turtle says “Use your damn eyes.”

4. High art

Is this Banksy?

3. Bed side manner

You’re in double trouble because your side is trapped against the dang wall.

2. Sick burn

You ever see something and just say to yourself “Glad I’m not in that relationship?”

1. He’s my witness

When even the robot in your pocket gets tired of trying to make you live right.

Remember, conflict is best resolved through direct and level-headed communication. But that’s also way less funny so if you’re gonna be slick, take pictures. Come on, don’t be selfish, we wanna get in on this.

Have you been the writer/receiver of any passive-aggressive nonsense lately?

Dish it out in the comments.

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People Who Just Don’t Know What Is and Isn’t Cake Anymore

There’s no reasonable way to enter into this topic, so I’ll just say it: Twitter is being overrun by cakes in disguise and nobody is OK.

Why did this happen? How? That’s for future historians to unravel.

All we can do right now is sit back and marvel at all the cakery fakery overtaking our bakeries. The skill is takes to create such horrifyingly detailed edible facsimiles is far beyond my mortal comprehension, but it sure is fun to watch, and there are no shortage of jokes.

Beware ye who scroll past here, you’re about to question everything.

10. Taking the cake

Witness the absolute peak of man’s hubris.

9. Serrated blade runner

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Shoes made of sweets. I watched toilet paper split to reveal its sumptuous core. All those moments will be lost in time, like cake in rain.”

8. Sweet release

Soon we will all be cake.

7. Dog-gone

If I cannot have the chocolate, I must become the chocolate.

6. Cover versions

It’s all cake all the time.

5. Absolutely vicious

This is the series that just keeps on giving.

4. Beware the ides of starch

These are the signs that precede the fall of an empire.

3. Out of touch

A rallying cry for our moment in history.

2. Self-defense

Will the witness for the prosecution please cake the stand.

1. Soft reboots

This is the kind of retconning that I can get behind.

It’s been a confusing year, but at least this is the kind of confusion that’s delightful and funny and not just straight up horrifying. We need more of that.

What do YOU suspect may actually be cake?

Tell us in the comments.

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“These Are All Cakes” Are Weirding People Out and We Don’t Disagree

By now we’ve all seen the spooky deep fakes. You know what I mean?

Faces replaced with other faces; eerie video transformations that are becoming more and more commonplace.

But there is perhaps an even more pressing issue at hand. Beyond simply knowing who really appears in what video, how can any of us be sure what is and isn’t cake?

See, there’s been a rash of videos on twitter of what appear to be everyday objects which are then sliced through to reveal that they are made entirely of cake. Suffice it to say, nobody trusts anyone or anything anymore.

12. Original deep cake

Look at this parade of fakery and tell me you’ll ever believe your eyes again.

11. Take a bite

Sweets for the sweet.

10. Let them eat cake

My god, this goes back further than we could have ever anticipated.

9. Foamy philosophies

Bring back the pyres, there’s witches to burn.

8. One in a million

Got yourself a winning dating profile there.

7. The cutting truth

We must all face the facts someday.

6. Desperate times

Cake is in the eye of the beholder.

5. Adorable murder

This is fine.

4. The cakening

Join us! Join us! Join us!

3. High art

Can you appreciate it?

2. So much winning

This has officially gone too far.

1. Wipe away your fears

Big if true.

We must arm ourselves now with the tools we need to tell cake from thing as best we can. Our future is at stake. Or should I say…at cake?

What do you suspect may actually be cake?

Prove you’re not a cake by telling us in the comments.

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People Share What They Thought Made Someone Rich When They Were Kids

Children grow up in the bubble of their family’s reality. Whatever’s normal at their house is normal, at least until they start school and start to visit their friends’s houses, and realize that not everyone’s “normal” looks the same.

If you grew up poor, or middle class, there were probably some things that’s existence completely amazed you – people who had those things were rich, surely.

Looking back now, it can seem silly, but everything is bigger and better when you’re small!

12. Still too rich for my blood.

It all gets to Netflix eventually.

11. Those ice machines, man.

A blessing and a curse, they are.

10. Total luxury.

Have one, still appreciate it.

9. That kid was cleaning up!

Little entrepreneur, that one.

8. I never thought about this.

Going to check in my next car purchase, though.

7. In some parts of the world, no one has it.

And I would not like to live there, no thanks.

6. I was so lucky my mom got a teacher discount.

We even had a Mac.

5. I bet he took better care of his, though.

Life lessons are surely worth something.

4. I still don’t understand the point.

Everyone knows they’re tissues.

3. A garage would be hard to live without, in extreme temperatures.

And some people just fill theirs with junk!

2. Like winning the lottery.

There were two houses in our neighborhood.

1. I still think this.

Probably because I’ve never lived in a house with double front doors.

I definitely had some of these ideas myself, how about you?

Add something to the list, please!

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Tweets That Sum Up 2020 in a Nutshell

It’s strange to think back to the beginning of this year, when we were all having little semantic arguments about whether 2020 was technically the start of a new decade or not.

(For the record, I don’t care what the official system is, the decade starts when the third digit changes, that’s just common sense.) Little did we know that a short while later we’d be having arguments about whether 2020 was technically the start of the apocalypse or not.

At least we got some funny tweets out of it?

12. Butt of the joke

Thanks, I hate it.

11. Isolation syndrome

It has been a year of very mixed feelings for us introverts.

10. Taste the rainbow

The only vacation I can afford anyway.

9. Love schedule

I’m sure our “QUICK OPEN EVERYTHING UP OH F*** CLOSE IT AGAIN” strategy will start working any minute now.

8. Long hair, don’t care

I’m guessing you’re wrong but a man can hope.

7. Busy busy busy

Panic attacks burn a lot of calories too, it turns out.

6. Corn-n-tine

I’ll never take the little things for granted again.

5. Sweet release

I found myself thinking the other day “Can’t wait for the Fall so this mask isn’t so hot.”

4. Cancelled activities

Just because they were stupid doesn’t mean they weren’t plans.

3. Beat the devil out of it

The gentlest among us have their limits.

2. Safety from numbers

If ya’ll screw me over on this, so help me…

2. Cursed monkey paw

It sounds like paradise until you can’t leave.

1. A new low

The plot twists in this movie are getting out of control.

Eventually this year will fade away with all its horrors, but we’ll still have these funny tweets. So that’s…something? I guess?

What’s the best and/or worst part about 2020?

Tell us in the comments.

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Hilarious Tweets to Bring You New Insights

I set out to count how many funny people there were on Twitter but I lost track and fell asleep because there are too many. I couldn’t possibly hope to bring you samples from all of them, but let’s start with these.

Here are 12 random examples of greatness from a few of the funny women of Twitter!

12. Act fast

This is why the remote is a powerful tool in any relationship.

11. Mmm, MLM

You can be your own boss by which I mean empty your savings account to buy our awful overpriced merchandise.

10. Bras, bruh

There are the true tests of faith.

9. Time to stretch

Me buying sweats: “I don’t think this is gonna work out.”

8. Fairy tale romance

Did no two women in this kingdom wear the same size shoe?

7. Hugs and nugs

The delicious affection that we all crave.

6. Model citizen

2020: “Joke’s on you, get back to the couch.”

5. Highs and lows

Um. Most of us were alive in the 1900’s. It was 20 years ago. You sure about this?

4. Who is she

Reminding the robots that they don’t know everything.

3. Flatten the curve

The swoosh that says “Just don’t it.”

2. Treasure hunting

Gotta keep tabs on the important things in life.

1. Pocket full of disappointment

Fashion is a competition to see who can sell the least fabric for the most money.

To see more, just go pretty much anywhere on the internet. Funny tweets have a way of showing up there.

Who are your favorites ladies of Twitter?

Tell us in the comments.

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This Hilarious Stuff Has Been Happening on Twitter Lately


What the hell is going on on Twitter?

Hyper-realistic cake memes? Entanglement? Bomboclaats every which way you look?

Honestly, I’d love to explain it all to you but I can hardly explain it to myself and I don’t want this turning into a 40,000 word essay.

It’s easier to just show you, anyway. So. Here are 15 samples of what Twitter has been up to lately.

15. The final frontier

Turns out neither the flat-earthers nor the globeheads had it totally right.

14. Stonks

It only makes cents.

13. Secret sauce

And in 2020, it’s never worth going back for.

12. Elegant reentry

Just rebooted my brain, where were we?

11. Taking the cake

You made me watch this with my innocent eyes!

10. Meat your maker

When you’re dealing with Ikea, you never know when it’s all going to come together.

9. Mission failed successfully

Turns out I knew how to push the right buttons.

8. Excellent point

I’ll allow it?

7. The Drake equation

If you can’t play nice, nobody gets any toys.

6. Circle of life

Inescapable dread and depression are a big mood.

5. Cut it out

Has this gone far enough yet? Are we done?

4. Two for one special

There’s an advantage to keeping things short and sweet.

3. Unrequited melodies

When you’re so young that you can’t comprehend other people.

2. Thiccer than water

The romance is all boiled away.

1. Turn around

If this isn’t what life’s all about, I truly don’t know what is.

So, there ya have it. I’m no closer to understand it than you are, but I sure am enjoying the ride. Stay weird, Twitter.

What’s your favorite Twitter trend as of late?

Tell us in the comments.

The post This Hilarious Stuff Has Been Happening on Twitter Lately appeared first on UberFacts.