Person Has a Clever Dog That Puts Itself in Time Out and We’re Fascinated

We all know that dogs are smarter than us.

Exhibit A – my dog whines like a maniac if I work one minute past 5 pm.

But a recent Tumblr post revealed that sometimes a good boy is more than just smart.

Colorado based @mothsplaining has a couple of different Tumblr accounts dedicated to, among other things, gorgeous pictures of beautiful dogs.

One of them is a Sheltie named Karybelle… who’s QUITE a looker.

This amazing dog went viral last year after @mothsplaining posted about a training exercise. The note read:

Over the last several months, we have been implementing a protocol to eliminate karybelle the sheltie’s barking surrounding her mealtimes.

We have accomplished this by initially introducing an alternate activity during prep time (stuffed kong) and religiously giving her a time out gated in the yard if she stops that activity to bark, thus delaying her dinner until she’s quiet.

Who knew you could give a dog a time out?

Something tells me this would not work with my dog, who is not trained in the slightest.

But for Karybelle, it worked!

This has been extremely successful; She’s gone from barking literally 100+ times during meal prep to barking 0 times, and only occasionally slips up.

Proving that Karybelle is a very good dog. But there’s always a trade-off, isn’t there?

The behavior she has chosen to replace her meal-prep-screaming (after all, that energy has to go somewhere) is frantically – but silently – running circles around the coffee table to finally slam into a perfect down-stay as her bowl is set down.

10 out of 10. Karybelle nailed the landing.

But sometimes even good doggos have to make a little noise.

This evening as the food was coming out, karybelle seamlessly slipped into her silent circling routine. except after a couple of reps, she abruptly changed course, yeeted herself out the dog door, barked once, and immediately jumped back in to resume her circling.

She actually PUT HERSELF into timeout for a second!

If that isn’t a demonstration of crystal clear understanding of criteria, i…don’t know what is lmao.

Fellow Tumblrs were appropriately amused. Even if they’re not Kong-using pet parents.

Image credit: Cheezburger

Others noted that the experience was all too human–one we are all familiar with.

Image credit: Cheezburger

What do you think? Is Karybelle basically a genius?

Let us know in the comments!

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15 Random Tweets Packed With Laughs

Hey, there!

It’s time for some posts! Some posts with the most!

The most what, you may ask? I don’t know, I may answer! Just stuff! Laughs! Words! Enjoyment!

Why, these posts have so much most in them that I don’t think my own intro could inject any more mostly most into them, so I’m gonna stop writing it now and just get to the posts.


15. The food paradox

I doubt, therefore I am.

14. Squatch and talk

One of the greats, Hedberg.

13. Read between the lines

Nothing we can do about it now, it’s in the cards.

12. Stick with it

Repeat process for infinite stick. Stick win every time.

11. Cat got your tongue?

This feels like the opposite of all the DARE program I had to take as a kid.

10. Textbook case

Here’s hoping they don’t throw the book at him.

9. Herbicide

Hey ScienceAlert, are you alright? Do you need to talk maybe?

8. Putting on a front

Even the horse looks like he’s losing his will to live.

7. What a wonderful phrase

It just clicked for me: Timon and Pumbaa aren’t just carefree sidekicks, they’re stone cold nihilists.

6. Have your cake and pan it too

This is me pretty much every night.

5. Too expensive

I’m focused on “live” at this point, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

4. My eyes are up here

No thank you please.

3. Tea for two

Yeah, I don’t know if I would advise that.

2. Going up?

There’s no knowing where we’re going.

1. True grit

These lyrics have played in my mind over and over again.

Man. Those sure are some posts with the most. So much so that I’m full.

Who are your favorite funny people to follow on the internet?

Tell us in the comments.

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Which Parts of Science Can We Lick? Let Us Explain…

More people out there are being encouraged these days to get an education/job in what’s called a STEM field (“Stem” here stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.)

STEM is basically the stuff that helps us know more things about the universe, and build stuff. It’s fascinating, and it’s hard work, but it can be very rewarding.

But before diving into one of these areas, people understandable have questions.

Questions like, “What are my job prospects in this field? What do they pay? What’s the day-to-day really entail? And most importantly, can I lick it?”

The last question is the one that the people of Tumblr decided to rally together and answer. Here’s what your future of licking things might look like if you choose to study the following topics:

1. The genome

2. Chemicals

3. Human history

4. Rocks

5. The mind

6. Movement

7. Animals

8. People

9. Reptiles

10. Society

11. Plants

12. Computers

13. Disease

14. Language

15. Design

16. Code

17. The brain

18. Water animals

19. Space

Welp, I’m convinced. Sign me up for all of ’em. I’ve got some licking to do.

Is licking allowed in your line of work?

Tell us why or why not in the comments.

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13 Times Tumblr Made Us LOL

Remember Tumblr? Of course, you do!

Have you been tumbling lately? Probably not.

But guess what? We have! And we’re here with the tasty Tumblr nuggets for you to munch on.

Don’t’ miss out, friends! Gobble up these 13 Tumblr bites, and laugh your a**es off!


1. She sells sea shells by the sea shore…

Or online on Amazon? Either works.

2. Rock it so f**king hard!

And if you’re not here to rock your f**king a** off, then maybe you should go elsehwere!

3. Isn’t this where we all belong?

West Virginia?

4. I never knew this!

They know how to make jokes? Of course they do!

5. Well, she’s certainly not taking any s**t!

You go girl! Don’t let anybody harass you EVER!

6. Essential info for modern living

I mean… a skeleton… some heartbeats… that’ll work, right?

7. Don’t play that name game!

Meredith! You can take this apple sauce and shove it!

8. I would watch the s**t out of this show!

This is genius. Whoever though of this needs a prize.

9. Oh the humanity!

Ahhh, the many joys of parenting in the modern world.

10. What’s my secret?

I always spoil everything!

11. Crushing not talking

Who would ever want a crush to know such things?

12. From rags to riches

Whoever she was, I salute her.

13. When you read it out loud…

You’ll hear it. Just read it out loud.

That’s gotta make you feel better, right? All that laughing and giggling is bound to make anybody’s hormones elevate a bit.

Which of these random Tumblr bits did you find the funniest?

Let us know in the comments, fam!

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Random Posts That Are Gonna Make You Laugh

Every day, people are just posting stuff to the internet. It used to be difficult. You used to have some crazy huge and expensive contraption that nobody else in your family even knew how to use, taking advantage of landlines to dial into message boards occupied by exactly four nerds.

But now? Anybody can just put whatever, whenever.

And we’re all better off for it. I think. Cause we get funny stuff like this!

Let’s go, kids!

10. Totally extreme

The fact that I’m alive is a miracle.

9. Talk the talk

Train them up in the way they should go.

8. Eat in peace

Well, we all sure found out the joys of this in 2020, didn’t we?

7. A big difference

God, looking back, it’s true. It’s all true.

6. That pinches

You’re gonna murder this crab in front of me now, aren’t you?

5. Your move

The Bishop strikes again!

4. Sharing is Karen

Who does she speak too when she’s upset? A mirror?

3. Silent night, holy crap

The bottom right looks elegant, everything else is just silly.

2. Spice up your life

That’s it, we’re done here, shut the whole internet down.

1. Sonic booms

Those of you who are old enough to remember are scarred enough to never forget.

So get out there and post away, my fellow internet friends and fiends! You never know if an amusing thing you have to say might just make someone else’s day.

Where’s your favorite place to post? What platform? What board?

Tell us in the comments!

Thanks, fam!

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A Hilarious Alexa Mishap Ruined a Book Club When It Played a Very Inappropriate Song

Many of us grew up watching things like Star Trek: The Next Generation, which portrayed a far off future world where people simply spoke to a computer and in return it answered questions in a human voice, or carried out commands.

Just a couple decades later and a lot of that tech is not only here, but actually affordable for many consumers. I really can set up a system in my home in which I can play any music or set the ambiance of the light around me, change the temperature of the room, activate security systems, communicate with anyone anywhere, and even query knowledge on any subject instantly with just my voice.

That is, when it’s all working right. The rest of the time, it’s less sci-fi utopia, and more chaotic hilarity.

Take this story via Tumblr for example…

Chapter 1: The Soundtrack

Chapter 2: Until The Screaming Began

Chapter 3: A Long List of Alphanumeric Gibberish

Chapter 4: “That Digital Clock”

Chapter 5: Lurking Silently

Chapter 6: ALEXA!

Chapter 7: Aa Greek Chorus of a Distraught Book Club

Chapter 8: A Sort of T-Pose

Chapter 9: Genuinely Incredible

Chapter 10: Comedic Misadventures

I think that probably one day, in the not-too-distant future, all of this smart home tech will have advanced to the point that it’s a lot more intuitive and better at understanding general human intent rather than relying on specific commands.

Until that day comes, we have WAP disasters. And it’s glorious.

Have you had a smart home mishap?

Tell us in the comments.

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Some Signs You Were Living Your Best Life in the 2010s

Trends may come and go, but the ones we encounter in our formative years are the ones that stick with us forever.

If you were coming up in the 2010’s and got into the Tumblr/Instagram scene, you might have fallen into one particular group of girls that’s hard to name but instantly recognizable.

Let us demonstrate what we mean. You know you’re in this group if…

15. You had this owl necklace

Where did it come from? Why was it everywhere? No one knows.

14. You shared inspirational quotes on pictures of nature

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real?

13. You had (or posed with) a very old camera

And took a picture of it with a very new camera that actually worked.

12. You shared lots of flower pics

Hey, you gotta stop and smell ’em once in a while.

11. You broke lots of car safety laws

Get them gams for the grams.

10. You had or desperately wanted an old typewriter

Surely THAT’S the only thing standing between me and writing that novel…

9. You made all your stuff pink

It is Wednesday, my dudes.

8. Coffee was never just coffee

When you get so caffeinated you start seeing stars.

7. You had very intricate nails

Which were chipped almost immediately.

6. Your Harry Potter house sort of defined you

Hey, it makes more sense than astrology.

5. You pulled off this look

Or tried your damndest.

4. You showed the world your Starbucks

It’s a compulsion. You just gotta.

3. You had at least one hand holding pic

Bonus points for the “follow me” pose.

2. You photographed your stuff like you were Wes Anderson

Life is a beautiful diorama.

1. You got into moustaches

Was it high art? Was it a big joke? There’s no way to know.

Ah, memories. So very recent and yet worlds away. I wouldn’t mind the return of most of these trends, though I’m fairly happy we all stopped taking pictures of every cup of coffee we ever drank. What was up with that?

What will be your fondest 2010’s memory?

Tell us in the comments.

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Enjoy Some of the Best Comebacks Found on the Internet

The thing about the internet is that it’s a huge public forum where almost anybody can access and respond to the things you say.

And the thing about having a forum like that is that with so many eyeballs on your statement, odds are exceedingly good that at least one pair of those eyes is gonna be connected to a brain that just happens to have the most perfectly devastating response.

Ergo, the internet is basically just one giant clap back machine, and the results are hilarious and oof-worthy.

Here are fifteen examples of killer comebacks brought to us by the internet.

15. First languages

Clearly she meant speak American. Yanno, talk about guns and Tiger King.

14. Safety second

And just like Jurassic Park, we literally never learn.

13. Special delivery

(Club = team for all my fellow basic Americans.)

12. Social predictions

Don’t hold back, king.

11. Deep breaths

I might be suffocating but these download speeds are tight.

10. Packing heat

It was planted on me, I swear.

9. Cold shoulder

Every doctor: “This is way worse than a cold or the flu.”
Your cousin: “Nu uh.”

8. Well actually

If he was around to hear this conversation he’d cut off his ear all over again.

7. Desperate measures

Get bent, bruh.

Ooof and well asked for. from clevercomebacks

6. Just kidding

Nothing better than when you can turn around a yo mama joke.

Dominance asserted from clevercomebacks

5. Born and raised

“If we went back to using obsolete techniques and technologies, people would be confused.” – a boomer’s idea of a sick burn.

Weird motives from clevercomebacks

4. Don’t cry for me

If being a man means I don’t get to care about my own parents then screw it, I’m a wombat.

In a post about “man up” being an insult. from clevercomebacks

3. Granting wishes

That kid is going to be a lawyer when she grows up.

Children are savages from MurderedByWords

2. Can’t take the heat

But…but…I saw a meme somewhere that said…

A Moron and a Microbiologist Comment on a COVID-19 Article… from clevercomebacks

1. The winter of our inconvenience

We’re so insular we literally forget there are other countries.

On a thread about wearing masks from clevercomebacks

That’s a lot of cathartic comebacks right there. Sort of revs you up to go plant a few yourself. Remember: don’t go looking for a fight. But when the time comes to strike, use the opportunity well.

What’s your favorite comeback lately?

Tell us in the comments.

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Totally Random Treasures From the Big Ol’ Internet

The Internet is truly filled with all kinds of wonders. As far as the eye can see, there are posts of all sorts, waiting to delight us, like small treasures found along a path we didn’t even know we’d be traveling today. Plus, unlike most paths traveled, I don’t even have to actually stand up, so that’s a bonus.

In that spirit, won’t you journey with me now through the fields of funny posts? That we may revel in them together? Amen?

Here are ten great funny things you didn’t know you’d be seeing today.

10. Drop it like it’s hot

These Tony Hawk Pro Skater mods are getting out of control.

9. Pour it over

“Need to” and “going to” are two very different things.

8. The horror

And they don’t wanna be there any more than you do.

7. Dark times

That’s what you get for being lame.

6. Ultimate power

You know he’s got this tech in his garage already.

5. Romaine calm

It knows when to strike and when to hold back.

4. Goblin’ it up

Hey, we all gotta play the hand we’re dealt.

3. Get off my lawn

Turn it down!

2. You know too much

Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink.

1. A balanced diet

I see nothing wrong here.

What a wonderful little journey through the internet. Join me on the next one, how about? We’ll stroll again together and discover more treasures then.

What’s your favorite place to find the internet’s gems?

Tell us all about it in the comments, won’t you?

The post Totally Random Treasures From the Big Ol’ Internet appeared first on UberFacts.

A Patient Pulled an Ingenious Trick to Get a Quick Appointment

There’s a meme out there that one of the worst parts of “adulting” is making appointments for yourself. I mean, who wants to like, speak to a person and schedule a responsibility?

What’s worse is when the places we’re trying to go seem to have policies designed specifically to keep you from easily doing so.

Which is weird. Like, don’t you all want my money? Work with me here.

Luckily, there are ways around this sort of thing. They require a little cleverness and a lot of nerve, but they can be pulled off in style, like Tumblr user hotmolasses explains.

Step 1: Try to Walk-In

You think we’re gonna let just anybody in here? Think again.

Step 2: Make the Call

The fact that they didn’t even bother walking out of the lobby first just kills me.

Step 3: Make an Appointment

How can you miss that this is happening right in front of you? Don’t you hear the echo?

Step 4: Confirm

The fact that she was mad about it is the icing on the cake.

Step 5: Satisfaction

Now share the story far and wide.

You don’t have to be a full-blown Karen to get your way as a customer. Just apply a little wit and flair, and you’ll be well on your way to checking that errand off your to-do list.

What’s a strange loophole you’ve used before?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post A Patient Pulled an Ingenious Trick to Get a Quick Appointment appeared first on UberFacts.