People Discuss Inventions They Think Did More Harm Than Good

It’s fascinating to think about what inventors might have had in mind when they came up with new ideas.

And it’s also interesting to ponder whether they could really comprehend where their inventions would eventually go and what kind of impact they would have on the world.

Folks on AskReddit shared what inventions they think did more harm than good.

Let’s take a look.

1. That’s a hot take.

“Al**hol as a beverage.

Like it or not, if al**hol as a beverage was discovered today, it would be illegal.”

2. Major problems.

“Lead in paint.

Doctors were telling us it would cause severe neurological problems for about 80 years before the US finally listened and banned it.

There are houses in the US today that still have lead paint.”

3. Going way back.

“The cotton gin.

Yeah it alleviated the work of slaves but it catapulted the demand for slavery and some historians note it as one of the causes of the American Civil War.”

4. Done a lot of damage.

“High Fructose Corn Syrup.

Used to sweeten food, enhance flavor, and add texture and volume, HFCS is a cheap and easily mass-produced ingredient that’s become a prime culprit of the US obesity epidemic. Why? Well from 1970 to 2000, there was a 25% increase in “added sugars” in the US.

After being classified as GRAS, HFCS began to replace sucrose as the main sweetener of soft drinks in the United States. At the same time, rates of obesity rose.”

5. Be careful with that thing!

“It has to be the guillotine.

A French device which appeared during the French Revolution because France still employed gruesome methods of execution which were faulty at times. The guillotine was invented as a means of quick painless execution, but it was so efficient that it led to an increase in its usage during the following years, as the punish rate skyrocketed.

Needless to say, the good intentions of its creation turned bad quite quickly… Talk about having a happy trigger finger.”

6. My teeth hurt.

“Soda/sugary drinks

Drinking sugar drinks contributes to obesity, diabetes and other diseases. Yet it’s available EVERYWHERE you go. And cheap to buy.

It also doesn’t help that soda in aluminum cans are lined with BPA that can cause high blood pressure. And soda is also packaged in plastic bottles that also contain BPA which can enter the blood stream and cause cancer.

If the sugary drinks don’t get you first… The packaging will.”

7. It adds up.

“The keurig cups.

From what I recall the guy that started that whole thing regretted it because of the amount of garbage those little single use keurig cups waste.”

8. A forever chemical.

“Teflon. A cancer causing chemical used in everything from baby bottles to fabrics to cookware and everything else.

Teflon is a “forever chemical” and is detected globally in humans, soil, drinking water, food and animals.”

9. Weapon of war.

“Machine g**s.

The inventor of the AK-47 said something along the lines of, “I would have preferred to have invented a lawn mower.””

10. Seems to be out of control.

“Cable news

It’s nonstop mind control now.

They tell folks what to buy (which they do now by calling it a shortage, results in mass panic.) I’m sure someone holds shares in whatever they tell as it’s just getting odd now.

They tell folks where they should vacation and not vacation.

They tell folks what brands they should and shouldn’t buy.

They tell folks who they should and shouldn’t vote for. This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.

Yes, they pass all this off as opinion peices, people just take it as the truth and not an opinion.”

11. Echo chamber.


Echo chamber, ego inflating, self importance and attention seeking galore.”

12. People have strong feelings about it.


Started as an opportunity for people to rent out a spare room and meet travelers. Has morphed into a short-term rental platform where wealthy second home owners let entire homes or apartments at the expense of local communities.

Residents in once peaceful neighborhoods are forced to endure all the impacts that come with living next to makeshift unregulated hotels and group accommodation.

Loud parties any night of the week, a steady stream of strangers in apartment blocks or residential streets, parking congestion, masses of rubbish, security issues, loss of community all become commonplace.

Long-term rentals dry up because Airbnb is more lucrative and local businesses, in some cases even local hospitals, can’t find staff as they have nowhere to live. Long-term locals find themselves kicked out of their rentals to make way for another more lucrative Airbnb.

They are left with nowhere to go as other long-term rentals have gone the same way and it’s pushed prices up so much that buying a property is no longer an option.

Residential neighborhoods become a smattering of hotels without the volunteers and local people that once gave the place the sense of community that attracted many visitors to the area in the first place.

Most Airbnb users wouldn’t be aware of the detrimental impacts Airbnb can have for local communities.”

Now we want to hear from you.

Tell us what inventions you think did more harm than good.

Do it in the comments!

The post People Discuss Inventions They Think Did More Harm Than Good appeared first on UberFacts.

What Is the Saddest Fact You Know?

Our world is filled with sadness.

It’s a fact of life and yes, it is a huge bummer.

So I hope you’re ready to get a little depressed today…

What’s the saddest fact you know?

Folks on AskReddit spoke up.

1. Bad luck.

“A guy in my area had just retired on a Friday. The following Wednesday he was out fishing and a thunderstorm came up.

He pulled his boat out of the lake and while standing next to his car on the boat ramp lightning took him out.

5 blessed days of retirement.”

2. Goodbye.

“Read about a dolphin who had learned some basic communication and was in some sort of pen.

Dolphins can s**cide by going under water and refusing to go back up for air. This dolphin was miserable and told it’s handler goodbye before going under and ki**ing itself.

The fact the dolphin was sentient enough to choose s**cide breaks my heart.”

3. Emotional animals.

“Elephants will mourn other elephants in their group dying and will hold funerals for them and will even recognize the bones of said elephant and cry out in sadness.”

4. Wild kingdom.

“Penguins sometimes get r**ed by sea lions.

These young seals are those who can’t mate with a female because a larger sea lion controls a massive harem.

After getting r**ed, the penguins’ head are munched off most of the time.”

5. No more energy.

“All whales eventually lose the energy to surface for oxygen, so they essentially begin to sink and drown.”

6. Awful.

“For me it’s the d**th of the 13-year-old Colombian girl Omayra Sanchez in 1985.

She was trapped in water after a volcanic eruption, kneeling with her legs trapped under debris, and there was no way to extricate her without triggering a rise in the water level, which would have dr**ned her. Responders considered amputating her legs but decided that she probably wouldn’t survive, and that the most humane thing to do was to let her d**.

The would-be rescuers and some journalists stayed with her for three days while she joked and prayed and sang and left messages for her mother before d**ng of either gangrene or hypothermia.”

7. A national tragedy.

“Some astronauts in the Challenger disaster survived the initial explosion and only d**d once the orbiter hit the water

Can’t imagine how the few felt when their shuttle exploded, some of their colleagues d**d and they are plummeting rapidly to their d**ths.”

8. Sad.

“A majority of people, when asked, would rather d** at home than at the hospital.

A majority of people, when recorded, d** at the hospital rather than at home.”

9. Disgusting.

“That s** trafficking children is real, actively ongoing, and adults will be professionally doing it all across the world any any given point.”

10. Poor dogs.

“For animal testing involving dogs, most laboratories use Beagles because they are the most forgiving of the people inflicting pain on them.”

11. All alone.

“I learned today that if a grizzly bear has a single cub it will abandon it.

The hypothesis is that a single cub will need three years of care, while if she abandons a single cub now, next year or the year after that she is more likely to have twins or even triplets.”

12. Terribly sad.

“785 million people do not have access to safe water.

Access includes having having water within a 30 minute round trip for collecting it and carrying it home.”

13. Not fair.

“Bill Finger, the man who created a vast majority of if not everything that makes Batman a success today, not only never got credit in his lifetime, but was also called a liar by Bob Kane.

Kane who came up with an idea of a bat themed vigilante called The Bat-Man, later used his fathers law firm to make up a contract in which he not only got sole credit but also any major proceeds stemming from the success of Batman.

Bill d**d penniless and on his couch in a s**tty apartment in 1974 while Kane was running around telling everyone he created Batman and such.”

Do you know any sad facts?

If so, share them with us in the comments.

Thanks a lot!

The post What Is the Saddest Fact You Know? appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Worst Financial Advice Someone Ever Gave Them

It’s a darn shame when people make bad decisions with their money and they blow it all or take a hit so big that it changes their lives in a major way.

But it seems like it happens all the time, doesn’t it?

Check out these stories about bad financial advice that none of us should follow.

Folks on AskReddit talked about the worst financial advice they’ve ever received.

Let’s take a look.

1. Oh, Dad…

“My father would tell me to max my credit card on a new car and if they asked for payments just say “F**k em, what are they going to do?”

My father is several levels of debt hell deep that he’s trying to get out of now, but he’s at least trying.”

2. That’s a bummer.

“1976 San Franciso.

Keep renting, no one will ever pay $35,000 for a 2 bedroom house and garage with a sweeping view of the East Bay.

I went back to vist the old neighborhood a few years ago, those $35,000 stucco homes up many flights of steps perched on the top of Potrero Hill were now all gentrified, remodeled, gated, and asking $1M+ and that was 5 years ago.”

3. About that iPad…

“About 5 years ago, I had a friend who was trying to convince me to study through a private college because they “gave her a free ipad”.

She never finished the course, but kept the iPad (you only got to keep it once you pay your fees and graduate. Mind you, the price of the course included the iPad so it wasn’t free).

So last year, four years later, I get a call from the college asking for her contact info. She put me down as a reference and they were chasing her down because she still owed her fees and wasn’t entitled to keep the iPad.”

4. Not too bright.

“My cousin bought a camper, went camping once, and then decided camping wasn’t for them.

Rather than selling it they decided to just stop making the payments and “let the bank come and get it.”

Which, eventually, they did.”

5. Hmmmm…

“Don’t take a raise if it puts you into the next tax bracket.

And pay the minimum on your credit card to establish good credit.”

6. Ouch.

“”Don’t major in computer science. Computer scientists are a dime a dozen.”

I did not take that advice.”

7. Just run away!

“Guy I haven’t seen in three years or so wanted to talk me into starting a business with him, because he just got into college for a bachelors degree in business.

Yeah sure, let me get my cheque book out in this badly illuminated garage while we’re both dr**k. Guy also got into MLM and weird self-optimisation preachers.”

8. Okay!

“Get a bigger mortgage, you can deduct more from your taxes!

Yeah dumba**, and I’ll be spending double that amount in interest so why should I?”

9. Ignore it.

“Just ignore the collection call and eventually they will leave you alone….

I didn’t follow this advice.

I had a parking ticket I didn’t know about that ended up on my credit and the guy I mentioned it to gave me that bit of wisdom.”

10. Not a great time to do that.

“First year outta college, working for a financial advisor, and he tried to convince me to put 5% down and buy an apartment in Chicago.

It was the summer of 2007.”

11. Did the right thing.

“”Don’t go to community college, you’ll never get a job. Instead apply at X and X colleges.”

My grandmother, aunt, uncle, and cousin all told me this, and I really considered their advice because my parents really didn’t give a s**t what I did.

Since I didn’t get any scholarships from high school, I decided at least if I went to CC and didn’t get a job I wouldn’t have student debt and I could just do something else.

I went to CC for two years totally free on FAFSA grants (it was 800$ a semester LOL) and did so well I transferred to a university with a (almost) full ride.

I am now a semester away from graduation with a job lined up and all of 4k of student debt which is likely to be forgiven anyway.”

12. Come on!

“Incite me to go to a real expensive restaurant where you can spend easily $250 without drinks at a time I only had $700 in bank account and had not paid for my car, groceries and stuff .

Because “Come on we only live once”.”

13. Time to take a trip.

“My ex (in his mid twenties and lived at home with no expenses) went out of the country for two weeks with a budget of $2700.

He was real proud of his breakdown: $1000 credit available on credit card A, $1000 credit available on credit card B, $300 in available overdraft, $100 in chequing, $300 in savings.

I tried to explain that this is not a great way to budget for a trip, and his response was “credit cards are meant to be used. As long as you pay the minimum payment, you’re good. What do you know about credit cards? You never use it? Start using yours more before you talk to me about money”.”

How about you?

Have you received any bad financial advice?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments. Thanks!

The post People Talk About the Worst Financial Advice Someone Ever Gave Them appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Bad Financial Advice They’re Received

I guess bad financial advice can come from anyone, sometimes even from folks who really believe that they have it all figured out when it comes to finances.

But you always need to be wary and you need to do your homework when you get money advice from anyone, no matter who they are.

Folks on AskReddit shared stories about really bad financial advice they received.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Car talk.

“My aunt took me to a car dealership when I was looking to buy my own first car. I was looking at the clunkers I could afford, but she said I should be looking at the new cars.

She said, “the total price doesn’t matter because you make monthly payments.” I suddenly understood too well why she had always been so financially unstable.”

2. Not gonna happen!

“A relative tried to recruit me into Amway.

He wound up stuck with a garage full of their products.”

3. Nope!

“Yeah even if they’ve recently robbed you, you should still lend them the 500$ dollars they need to move to another city, they’re your family after all.


I don’t even know how mom married your dumb a**.”

4. You sure about that?

“My FIL when I mention our retirement plan “I never contribute to my retirement account. Money now is always better than money later”.

I needed to have a conversation with my husband how we would NOT be supporting his mom and dad and their insane spending when they have no retirement plan and make huge financial mistakes on a weekly basis (good news is they both make good money).”

5. Son, let’s have a talk.

“I got 90 dollars and my 11 year old son told me I should buy 90 dollars worth of kazoos.

No real plan past that…”

6. Rent to own.

“”Just get it at Rent-A-Center.”

I had a coworker that got pretty much everything there.

“It’s only $20/week, and they’ll replace it if it breaks.”

$20/week for how long? Oh cool, so you’re paying more than double for it? Got it.”

7. Burning a hole in your pocket.

““Spend it quickly or it’ll get stolen.”

Coming from someone with a history of losing and blowing their money.”

8. Not a joke.

“That an emergency fund wasn’t necessary when you can always get a payday loan or use your credit card.

He wasn’t joking.”

9. Really bad advice.

“One of my uncles once told me that I never really had to pay my phone bill.

He suggested that I simply jump to another carrier and let the first company cut you off.

His life has turned out exactly as you’d imagine.”

10. Oh, boy…

“”Once you cut up the credit card, you don’t have to pay it.”

My cousin is not doing so hot.

I’m pretty sure there are warrants out for his arrest in several states.”

11. I’m just vibing over here.

“”Just get another credit card”.

From my friend who hasn’t worked in 3 years and is currently just vibing with his new credit cards he somehow got approved for.”

12. Don’t listen to them.

“So when I was 24, I was financially struggling. I had a job that worked me a LOT of hours, but only paid me $10 an hour.

My parents talked me into buying a BRAND NEW 2004 4-Door Honda Civic, the pre-interest price tag on it was about $25,000. A few weeks after getting it, my hours got regulated and it took one entire paycheck to make the monthly note on it – I could NOT afford the insurance on it.

I very quickly realized my parents were bad at money.”

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, please tell us about the worst financial advice you’ve ever received.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post People Talk About Bad Financial Advice They’re Received appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Worst Financial Advice You’ve Received? Here’s What People Said.

The older you get, the more you realize how important it is to be smart with your finances…because a few costly mistakes and you could be in big trouble.

So let’s all try to avoid the advice that you’re about to hear from people…

What’s the worst financial advice you’ve ever received?

AskReddit users shared their stories.

1. Thanks, Dad.

“My dad in 2008 – “Don’t invest that $1,000 into Apple.”

My dad in 2012 – “Tesla is a pipe dream. Stock won’t be worth the paper is printed on.”

2. Hmmm…

“Don’t pay off your entire credit card balance when the bill comes.

Pay it slowly so that it shows your ability to pay debt over time.

This will help your credit score.”

3. Don’t take that advice.

“”Lease a car, don’t buy used”

leased car price -> $25,000

My used car I drove for multiple years without maintenance (aside from tires/oil) -> $3,000.”

4. Time to leave.

“My husband and I were looking to sell our home and buy another and the realtor told us to put 99 dependents on our taxes so we make more. She said she had done it for years and it was fine.

We left pretty quickly after that.”

5. Doesn’t work for everyone.

“Take out a student loan.

You’ll be able to pay it back easy when you have a degree.”

6. Go your own way.

““Don’t be a programmer. Your job will get outsourced to India.” – my dad when I told him excitedly as a teenager that I tried coding and loved it.

I ignored his advice and I’m now a programmer and still love it. Oh, and the pay is great too. I am now making a lot more than he ever did.”

7. Just do it!

“To buy a house when they were giving them out like candy several years ago. I had bad credit and an unstable job, I said no way.

So many people were pressuring me. All those people lost their houses. Those balloon payments are no joke.”

8. Don’t understand…

“Recent terrible advice: I got hit while driving on a highway and have a crinkled in rear side fender and cracked tail light. I can still drive it, but who knows what damage is underneath.

My car is only 5 yrs old with maybe 60k miles, so it’s still a great car. Yet, my early 20s friend said I shouldn’t get insurance to fix it and instead just “pocket the deductible to save up for a down payment on another car”. Or maybe file the claim and pocket the money.

My deductible is $300, and I wasn’t at fault, so the other person’s insurance is likely going to pay my deductible. I just straight up cannot understand where he is coming from. Why wouldn’t I get the car fixed so I have a fully functional, reliable car? It’s, at most, $300. I just don’t understand.”

9. A big mess.

““If you can’t afford to pay back your student loans just ignore it. Can’t bleed a turnip…” – My father.

He followed it with something along the lines of “what’s the worse they can do to you?”

The answer… ALOT. They can do a lot to you.”

10. Can’t do that.

“My parents and grandparents keep pressuring me to quit my job because I’m pregnant. They think my husband’s job will sustain us and we’ll just have to penny-pinch a little more.

I don’t know if they realize that we all live in America. It will absolutely take both of our incomes to raise our child, especially since I’ll be taking 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave in about a month.”

11. Never heard that before.

““Saving money attracts bad luck” “Do not save or else you’ll end up using it for an emergency”

It’s a Filipino superstition that “saving” attracts an emergency. Do not save so that you don’t experience an emergency.

Being frugal is frowned upon. What happens if an emergency happens and they have no savings?

They “borrow” money from frugal people and if you say no to them because you know they spent their money on useless things they will say “you can not bring all your wealth to your grave”.

I choose the people who I lend/give money.

“Buy things to see the fruit of your labor”

When buying new expensive items, sometimes things they don’t really need. I have no problem on this if only they use this words once in a while but do it every paycheck is too much.

Then they will proceed to tell me buy stuff like them and not be frugal because you know, you can’t bring all those money to the grave so might as well use it immediately.”

12. Sure about that?

“Several years ago, my company went under new management. They were going to have to pay us all of our remaining, unused PTO. I figured, great, I have a ton of PTO left, like $5000 worth. (I had A LOT of unused hours)

One of my colleagues said “YOU’RE going to be hit with taxes.” And she said it like “oh, you better be prepared. Don’t get excited, they’re going to tax the s**t out of you anyway so don’t expect much!”

I get hit with taxes every paycheck, lady. And when I did the math, they didn’t take out a higher percentage of that PTO than I normally have taken out of my paycheck, so when I did the math beforehand, I managed my expectations well

Then, I was a manager of a call center. The call center agents made 12.00 an hour, but once I came in, I raised it to 15.50 an hour. One of them complained to me that this means her taxes are being raised and she’s earning less. She didn’t see the higher number on the bottom of her check for some reason.”

Have you ever received any bad financial advice?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What’s the Worst Financial Advice You’ve Received? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Best PG Experiences You Can Enjoy in Life

When people talk about the most pleasurable experiences we can have, you know what they’re probably gonna say: some illegal substances, a roll in the hay with a beautiful person, that kind of stuff.

But today we’re gonna go in a totally different direction.

AskReddit users opened up and talked about the best PG experiences you can enjoy in life.

It’s time to get wholesome!

1. Great memories.

“As a kid, your mom driving you and your friend home after a long day at the pool, eating a snack, feeling the slightly damp towel you’re sitting on, a slightly cool breeze from the window rolled down starting to dry your hair, and you can start to feel a slight sunburn on your cheeks.”

2. Let it flow.

“Finally chugging water after being severely dehydrated.

After a terribly planned car trip, me and my brother had spent nearly 24 hours without water, in 90f degree weather. Finally, someone found us, and they drove us to a gas station and we ran in and the feeling of that icy cold water finally entering me was unbelievable.

It felt like I could feel the water flow through me and my dried up organs were soaking it up.”

3. Get rhythm.

“Listening to an amazing song on a gorgeous summer day, and the melody and atmosphere is so euphoric you feel like you’re floating and nothing can touch you.”

4. That felt good!

“A teenager complimenting you unironically.

They are so judgemental and when they do that you know you have finally reached the peak of your existence.”

5. I’ll be in here if you need me.

“Crawling back into a nice warm bed after waking up early and looking outside, seeing a snowstorm, and realizing you don’t have to be anywhere all day.”

6. Time to get out of town.

“When the plane starts to go faster and faster, and gaining altitude, and you start to see your town from a far, and you just enjoy ride, looking forward to arrive in the other side of the world.

Man, do I miss flying and traveling.”

7. Both of these.

“1A) Watching the sunrise, through the National Forest, while drinking fresh coffee, alone.

1B) Watching the sunrise, on Lake Huron, while drinking coffee, alone.”

8. Doing good work.

“When you’re proud of what you’ve done.

I work at a McDonald’s. I’m a closer on weeknights. Tonight I spent extra time to bring up breakfast dishes so openers wouldn’t have to.

It feels good.”

9. Paradise.

“Sailing on a hot day with a perfect light breeze and calm blue waters.

The absolute best is when dolphins show up and swim alongside the boat.”

10. Plenty of time left!

“Waking up in the middle of the night and rolling over to the time to see you have many more hours left to sleep.”

11. You gotta love it!

“For me, it is when I make someone laugh.

Seeing their joy and entertainment thanks to me is intoxicating.”

12. Found your place.

“Waking up in a tent, with the sun streaming in and the birds chirping.

And all you have to do is luxuriate and breath the sweet, green morning air.”

13. This might be my favorite.

“Falling asleep on the beach under an umbrella to the sound of crashing waves.

In my humble opinion…”

What do you think about this?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Talk About the Best PG Experiences You Can Enjoy in Life appeared first on UberFacts.

5-Star Hotel Workers, What Goes On That Most People Don’t Know About? Check Out the Responses.

I don’t believe I’ve ever stayed at a super fancy hotel before, but I still have some time, right?

And when I finally do get to that pinnacle, I’m gonna find out about some of the secrets below first-hand. I can’t wait!

People who have worked in fancy hotels, what goes on behind the scenes that most people don’t know about?

Here’s how AskReddit users responded.

1. Pampered.

“Middle Eastern royalty books an entire floor for a month.

Staff spends weeks preparing for every detail of the visit. Entire floor rearranged to accommodate children, nannies, private dining quarters for men and women, etc. Private chef is brought in.

They left after one week (on private 747) because it was too cold. In Chicago. In November.”

2. All a ruse.

“Our concierge was Les Clefs D’or, had all the connections, this dude could get you into the French Laundry same day.

He would often greet guests with sangria and sprigs of mint from his garden. Sometimes he had lemon slices from his tree too! He loved to tell guests all about his garden and they ate it up.

Yeah that’s all bulls**t. Mint, lemon, and any other garnish we got from the local grocery store. The sangria? Cheapest boxed stuff we could find. But he sold the story like no other. At the end of the day, it worked.”

3. Seen it all.

“I worked at one of the premier hotels at a ski resort in the country; top 10. Met celebrities, royalty, politicians, athletes.

Hockey players are the nicest athletes by a wide margin. Royalty is great or more likely, awful. A list celebrities want to be left alone or treated as just another person. Politicians are bigger a**holes when they’re with their families. Saw lots of s**, drugs, underaged drinking, escorts, the usual.

I was most amazed by how nice staff were to guests when management continually made our lives harder and s**ttier. We’d just let it roll off our backs and keep smiling until we just quit. We were paid so little and respected so little by management. If you weren’t thick skinned then you quit by week’s end.

Best thing I saw was the hotel dog (think alpine dog that people can pet, kids can get woken up by him in the morning, plays on the ski slopes, etc)…well he escaped his pen, made straight for the high end restaurant and went hog wild. Jumped on a few tables and scarfed $100 steaks like they were M&Ms.

Me and another guy saw it (we worked during the ski day and cleaned up into the evening so it was just him and I finishing up in our department at the time which was by the dog’s kennel)…we both saw he was going to escape and we could have stopped it but we just wanted to watch the world burn. Greatest day of work there by far.”

4. At the Ritz.

“I worked at a Ritz Carlton a few years back, its literally the same as anywhere else. The hotel staff is amazing at their job, but on their personal time they’re just as f**ked as everyone else.

The kitchen staff had a few folks with drug issues and had to be sent home a couple times because of it. In my time there I saw 2 waiters get fired due to embezzlement. The turnover rate for management was very high because they didn’t pay enough for the area. The staff parties were WILD to say the least.

We weren’t allowed to greet celebrities by name since they wanted to be anonymous, so we would use their alias that day. Some were greeted by pr**titutes or “escorts” who were always super nice to everyone.

A regular would rent out a room for a day, once a month, and make 30-40k that day from clients. Celebrities, business guys, you name it. Crazy.”

5. They all have ’em.


Every single hotel from run down motels to 5-star resorts has dealt with bedbugs.”

6. Terrible.

“A lot of lonely people going on vacation to end their lives.

Happens a lot but is never mentioned on the news.”

7. Sketchy.

“The pr**titution thing was something the desk saw a lot.

The best one was when the gentlemen got robbed by two young ladies and immediately demanded the front desk call the cops.

When the desk asked if he wanted to call the cops and tell them he hired two hookers (illegal)… he suddenly just grunted and marched up to his room.”

8. FYI.


Little Timmy just double fisted strawberries directly into that chocolate, bit into them and then triple dipped into the chocolate AGAIN!

And some old rich lady just sneezed on it. And somebody else just dropped their snack into it. The best part: that chocolate gets strained and saved for the next weeks brunch. Chocolate is waaay too expensive to throw away.

Chocolate also does this thing where it’ll seize if it has the wrong moisture content (from people dipping fruit, and the juices going into the chocolate.) So it’ll get so thick it won’t run through the machine. Wanna know how they fix that? They add canola oil until it’s smooth again.

So, yeah, next time you’re at a wedding and they have a chocolate fountain, think of this post. Think of this post when you dip into that dirty watered down with oil chocolate.”

9. Scandalous!

“Watching for signs of s** trafficking, lots of cheating spouses there under fake names (and you can’t confirm if they’re there when the spouse calls pi**ed).

Jacuzzi and swimming pool d**ths (usually from al**hol), guests expose themselves to female staff frequently especially housekeepers and room service, people will legit give you keys to their rooms, sometimes dealing with really s**tty organizations for their banquets income, etc.”

10. The perks.

“At a certain Beverly Hills hotel, where I valet’d for a short amount of time, many stars cars are just left there. They come and get them whenever.

There was also a code name for Justin Bieber who visited often (I can’t remember it). He picked it himself. His G-Wagon and a Bentley were just kept down there free of charge.

Usher also left his bike there a few years back and has just never collected it.”

11. Check in late!

“Checking in late at night sometimes means free upgrades or discounted upgrade rates.

We would try to sell every last suite at night for almost 80% off. We just wanted something, so they don’t go unoccupied.

Sometime if we were over sold on rooms, the late late arrivals (midnight) would get a free suite upgrade because we had no choice. Of course this could also backfire if the hotel is sold out. You may get downgraded for being a late late arrival.”

12. All kinds of stories.

“Worked in five star hotels in Beverly Hills.. boy do I have stories:

Sheikh picks up a hooker in the bar, takes her to his room. She roofies him and steals tens of thousands of dollars of cash, watches and valuables

Husbands who will say hello to staff with their mistress on their arm on Thursday night and their wife on Friday night

Famous teen celebrity left a room full of needles and various drug paraphernalia behind for housekeeping to clean up

Middle eastern royalty ships in multiple Ferraris and Lamborghinis to the hotel from their home country to drive for the week; caught drag racing later that night by the cops in the neighborhoods of Beverly Hills

Largest checkout bill I’ve ever seen was roughly $2 million for guest who rented out an entire floor of suites for three weeks, promptly paid via wire transfer

Had to procure $100k cash for a guest whose wife wanted to shop on Rodeo Drive the next morning, the local bank doesn’t even have that much. Had to get an armored car from the central LA bank branch to deliver

The list goes on.”

We want to hear from more hotel workers!

In the comments, tell us about what goes on behind the scenes.

We look forward to it!

The post 5-Star Hotel Workers, What Goes On That Most People Don’t Know About? Check Out the Responses. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Stories About New Technologies They Remember That Are Now Obsolete

Technology today seems like it’s moving at hyper-speed and if you blink, you’ll miss it.

And it’s pretty wild to see exciting stuff get introduced to the market and then see it go away later.

That’s called getting old, folks!

People on AskReddit discussed technology that they remember being invented and then going away.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Gone by the wayside.

“CD Players especially in cars.

I thought the best thing ever would be to have a CD changer in my car.

Now my car doesn’t even have a CD player.”

2. Get where you’re going.

“I remember when GPS devices came out, that was huge. No more printing out directions, the little machine will direct you.

Pretty much immediately the same exact thing was added to smartphones.

I bet my dad still has his GPS in his glovebox dusty as all hell.”

3. The good old days.

“Phone cards.

You’d buy a phone card so that you could use it in a payphone and never have to worry about having change. They converted half the phoneboxes to take them which must have been a major infrastructure operation.

This must have been the 1980s I think. Now completely forgotten.”

4. Oh yeah!

“The word processor.

Like a typewriter with a tiny bit of memory so you could make corrections before it printed the type. Before that it was either strike through or white out. Sort of.

Actually I used a computer at school before I ever saw a word processor but not even my rich friends had one at home. Short lived because home computers started becoming more common and affordable.

Kind of a step back in a way because dot matrix printers looked like c**p compared to something typed on a word processor.”

5. So cool!

“I’ll never forget getting a Sony Walkman for Christmas.

It was amazing to be able to take music everywhere with me.”

6. A status symbol.

“I remember when I was a kid, the rich neighbor down the street installed a satelite dish.

F**k basic cable, he needed a gigantic frisbee on his roof so that he could access dozens of independent TV channels.”

7. One and done.

“Moon boots were supposed to be amazing.

Tricked me into exercise for a weekend.

Never touched them again.”

8. Fancy stuff back then.

“Answering machines.

Like the old style with mini cassette tapes.”

9. I miss them!

“Disposable film cameras.

There is a show called Beyond 2000 from the 80s and 90s that would do segments on technology of the future. Lots of stuff they showed never went anywhere, but I distinctly remember disposable cameras being talked about. Then a few years later they were everywhere, and sometime in the last 10 they’ve mostly disappeared.

Was at a wedding a few years back and they put one camera on each table for the guests to shoot with. All were collected, developed and scanned, then put up online for everyone to see. Really fantastic idea. Now everyone takes their own photos at events like that and there’s not a unified way to share them with everyone in quite the same way.

I’d love to see a digital camera version of the per-table units. Having something shared and physical at an event like a wedding is so much better.”

10. Seen a lot…

“Oh my….. I am 62……

Fax machines, word processors, pagers, home answering machines, cable TV, vhs, Beta, cd players and disks, 8 tracks, 85 percent efficiency furnaces, 4 barrel carburetors.

Fuel injected 2 stroke outboad engines, variable cylinder engines, frozen orange juice, Tang, electric typewriter……..I could go on…..”

11. Do you remember?

“Commodore 64.

Was bought new into my Grade 1 class, and it just sort of sat as an oddity in the corner. My teacher was at least in her early 60s if not older so it didn’t really get used until I started poking around on it.

I got one at home halfway through the year and played a ridiculous amount of Bruce Lee.”

12. So fun!


I remember when I was a kid we would go on vacations with with a couple other families we lived near. We would all put the Talkies on channel 3 and any time one of the cars needed to pull over or something we would all stop.

Was good for asking for directions and whatnot as well in case someone fell behind the rest of the caravan. No GPS back then either.”

How about you?

What technology do you remember being introduced and then going by the wayside?

Talk to us in the comments and share your stories!

The post People Share Stories About New Technologies They Remember That Are Now Obsolete appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Secrets About the Industries They Work In

I’ve worked a lot of different jobs in my life and one of the fun parts about that was learning the inside secrets and the tricks of the trade.

I’ve worked in restaurants, grocery stores, manufacturing plants, and I even did several years working on movies and TV shows.

And it’s all been very enlightening!

People took to AskReddit to share secrets about the industries they work in. Let’s see what they revealed.

1. Do it every day!

“I’m a teacher. If you as a parent will read with your child often and early, your child will thrive in school.

I’m talking daily books read together from newborn to about third grade. Every single day. No teacher can replace that.”

2. That’s not good.

“RV technician here.

They’re designed to start breaking after around 44 uses.

Most RV owners use their trailers on weekends. But not every weekend.

So that 44 uses on average stretches between two and three years.”

3. Be sure to wash it.

“At Goodwill, we don’t clean anything that we sell, and we get some really gross stuff that touches everything else.

So next time you buy something from Goodwill, wash it well”

4. Makes sense.

“The weight loss industry.

This might be obvious, but most of our business comes from return clients after they’ve gained their weight back (and then some).

To be clear, the plan isn’t rigged to make you gain it back, but the fact that it happens easily as a result of dieting keeps us in business.”

5. I believe it.

“As a former TSA worker airport security is a lot of theater. TSA is constantly failing plain clothes inspections.

I worked with a guy who got fired because someone showed him an ID with a picture of Mickey Mouse on it and he let the person through because he wasn’t paying attention.”

6. Boom!

“Federal HR here.

If you put the words from the vacancy announcement about what you need to qualify in your resume you’ll almost always be qualified.

We search for those words instead of reading an entire resume.”

7. Gotta sell those t-shirts.

“I’m a musician.

90% of of our revenue is from merch. Spotify plays, show guarantees, etc, everything is menial in comparison to shirt sales.

In fact, a big reason bands tour as often as possible is because we can sell more shirts when we’re in front of people.”

8. Did you know this?

“Plumber here.

Theirs no such thing as a flushable wipe. The package lies. You drains WILL clog, and fast; your landlord will charge you; it’s going to suck.

Throw wipes in the trash if you use them; toilets paper is the only acceptable wipe.”

9. Pretty much all the same.

“I’m a dentist. Here’s the lowdown on toothpaste.

As long as it has fluoride they are all basically the same.

When I was in dental school the Colgate lady came by and said that everything that says Colgate Total on it is all exactly the same, the only difference is the packaging. So whether it says whitening, or gum protection, or whatever else it is all exactly the same.

The exception is sensitivity toothpaste typically does have an extra active ingredient. KNO3, which helps with sensitivity.

Don’t ever feel obligated to buy the expensive toothpaste because you think it will be better for your teeth, just buy whatever you like best.”

10. About those fines…

“A lot of librarians will waive your fines if you have an excuse and you don’t ask too frequently, even large fines.

Also, librarians DON’T CARE about your fines and aren’t judging you. Please come back.

We personally have more fines than you. Librarians are ALWAYS overdue with their books.”

11. It pays to be nice.

“The guy who shows up at your house to make repairs is usually the guy who decides how much to charge you.

Standing behind him while he works cost extra. Treating him like s**t cost extra.

Being nice to him can save you a lot of money.”

12. Wow!

“Kirkland products, the white label brand from Costco, are independently tested to beat OR EXCEED the industry leading product in that category.

Razor blades. Cookies. Cheese. Laundry pods.

If it doesn’t beat the industry leader, they won’t put the Kirkland name on it.”

13. Straight to the source.

“Employment industry: if the email address of the hiring manager or recruiter is included in a job posting, send an email instead of or in addition to applying to the job through the portal.

So many resumes get filtered because of portal-based applicant tracking systems’ automated sorting methods, so if you have the right experience but are missing a keyword or two, many of which are dictated by folks from HR who have zero expertise in your field, your resume might not ever make it in front of a human.

Please just email me.”

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about the secrets most people don’t know about your industry.

We look forward to it!

The post People Discuss Secrets About the Industries They Work In appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Best PG Experience Someone Can Have in Life? Here’s What Folks Said.

Get your head out of the gutter, people!

What’s wrong with you…?

Today we’re gonna focus on nice, wholesome things that we should all be enjoying, instead of the s**, drugs, and rock n’ roll that we usually think about.

What’s the best PG experience a person can have?

Folks on AskReddit shared their thoughts.

1. Especially when it’s cold!

“Crawling into your nice, clean bed when you are really tired and peacefully drifting off to sleep!”

2. Total ecstasy.

“The first pee of the day, the first pee after a car ride, and the first pee at the bar after about 4 drinks all hit different but are amazing in their own way.”

3. That’s better.

“When your nose is finally unclogged and you are able to breathe properly and actually feel more oxygen entering your bloodstream.”

4. The meaning of life.

“Being surrounded by people that genuinely like you and enjoy your company.

Being surrounded with friends that genuinely love and support you is, at least for me, the meaning of “a quality life”.

Connections to the people around you that share your limited time alive together are what make that time valuable.”

5. Serenity now.

“Sitting alone in the woods by a river in silence with your dog.

And nobody knows where you are.”

6. Hittin’ the road.

“That moment at the start of a road trip, early morning and you first get on the highway and start to feel like you’re on your way, sunrise in bloom and your favorite song on the radio.”

7. Nothing like it.

“Taking your bra off after a long day of wearing it and putting on a baggy t-shirt.

Nothing like it.”

8. Her hero.

“Coming home to my toddler daughter running into my arms.

She would bolt regardless of what time it was and just climb up me.

Spend the next couple hours attempting to walk with her clung to my leg.”

9. The good stuff!

“That deep, rare laughter when you’re doubled over, with tears in your eyes and every time you almost stop your  parnter starts up again.”

10. It’s over.

“When something bad is finally over and you burst into tears when someone you loves is hugging you.

The relief just washes over you and you’re lifted up.”

11. Time to relax.

“Being in a hammock on the perfect day. Light breeze, sunshine but not too hot, perhaps with your dog laying with you.

It is the picture of contentment.”

12. Perfect.

“Eating a really good meal.

The kind that leaves you full and satisfied, peaceful and knowing there’s something right with the world.”

13. Let it wash away.

“Taking a hot shower after having a terrible and just letting off all the burdens on your shoulders and not having a care in the world.”

14. The best.

“When your dog lays their head on your leg and falls asleep also when a cat lays purring in your lap.

If it happens at the same time that’s were I want to be forever.”

Okay, you’re up!

In the comments, tell us what you think is the best PG experience a person can have.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post What’s the Best PG Experience Someone Can Have in Life? Here’s What Folks Said. appeared first on UberFacts.