15 Non-Americans Share the Wildest Things They’d Heard About the U.S. That Were Actually True

Let’s face it: people in the rest of the world have a somewhat skewed idea of what life in America is really like. Thanks to Hollywood’s wildly exaggerated stereotypes, it’s no wonder people of the world are all confused about what America is like.

In these 15 cases, though, non-Americans were totally shocked to learn that the “crazy” thing they’d heard about the States was actually pretty much true.

#1. Halloween culture shock.

Masked people come to your house, knock on your door asking for candy. Mostly it’s just packs of kids but sometimes whole families. This was my friends Halloween culture shock.

#2. Holy sh*t.

Drink sizes. Holy shit.

When my family visited in 2017 we landed in Texas for a stopover. First thing I saw in the shops part of the terminal was a dude who was drinking from what looked like an actual fucking bucket – here in NZ our “large” drinks would be considered an American “small” or maybe “medium”

#3. Only in Florida. Mostly.

That people actually get attacked by Alligators which got in their pools (specifically referring to Florida here).

#4. I thought it was nice.

I’m from Quebec and when we went down to Boston for a school trip, I sneezed in public and heard two or three people say “bless you”. Quite a weird rumour I had heard not 2 months prior to that. I thought it was nice.

#5. A Hollywood prop.

I’m from Australia, and all my life I believed red Solo cups were like 555 area codes – a Hollywood prop. When I immigrated to the US, my MIL was making dinner and offered me iced tea in a red Solo cup.

I lost it, made everyone sign the cup. I’ve still got it.

#6. All the Coke!

Free refills!

#7. Not-so-sweet tea.

Biscuits and gravy is a legit thing. Also you can ride motorcycles without helmets in some states??? And your iced tea isn’t sweetened unless you ask for sweet.

Edit: nothing could have possibly prepared me for the absolute dichotomy of sweet tea vs iced tea in the comments. This is evidently very important to many

#8. Conversations with total strangers.

Not exactly crazy, but I wanted to test out the stereotype that Americans will talk to anyone so I sought out a sports bar on my first visit. Ended up having a ton of really fun conversations with total strangers who I’ll never talk to ever again. It was great!

Edit: It seems reddit likes hearing stories about this trip, so here’s another one I shared a while back.

#9. Actually.

Surfer-dudes actually speak like that.

#10.  Code for “generic restaurant.”

I always thought that the Olive Garden in The Simpsons was just code for ‘generic restaurant’

#11. I thought it was a joke.

That Dolly Parton has her own theme park in Tennessee. I thought it was a joke.

#12. Our waistlines prove it.

All the food is bigger.

#13. Can confirm.

I’m still not 100% sure is true so hopefully can confirm – “buoy” is pronounced “boo-ee” ?

#14. Super good at pie.

I studied in Maryland for about half a year back in 2017. I’d always heard that Americans are like… super good at pie. I was pretty much all alone during thanksgiving since everyone else was with their families. One of the RAs I’d befriended knocked on my door and brought me all different kinds of pie. Dear lord, I’ve never tasted anything that delicious. From blueberry to apple to pumpkin. Every. Single. Pie. They were all amazing.

#15. As seen on tv.

Sports Bars are actually exactly how they’re portrayed on TV

Bless our hearts over here.

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8 Great Facts That Will Send Your Brain Into Overdrive!

Attention! Attention! You will engage in some brain power exercises starting RIGHT NOW.

You’ve been a little lazy lately (haven’t we all?) and it’s time to kick that brain into overdrive!


1. I did not know that

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. Disgusting!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. A wonderful idea

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. Survivors

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Thank God

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Dum Dums

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. Man of culture

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. Wow

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

Brain power!

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Ex-Convicts Share the 15 Most F***ed Up Aspects of Prison Life

Prison is hell, and we should all be incredibly thankful that most of us will likely never experience it.

Thank heavens for that, because this AskReddit thread had ex-cons shed some light on the most f*cked up things about prison that the general public doesn’t know about, and it’s messed up.

1. Smokes

“A cigarette in prison consists of the following:

Take a regular cigarette out of the pack

Cut the tobacco portion of that cigarette into 4 equal parts

Remove the tobacco from each of those separated portions and reroll it using Bible pages into 4 mini-cigarettes called a “clip”

Sell each clip for $2-$4

A cigarette out of that pack can be sold whole for between $10-$20 each.

Edit: Here is the currency conversion for the prison where I was incarcerated:

1 ramen noodle soup = $1

1 mackerel fish pouch = $1.50

bag of coffee = $8

new bar of Ivory soap = $2

1 pack of duplex cookies = $2

bed made = $1

laundered t shirt = $1

tattoo = $20 – $50 (depends on how many hours spent)

fellatio in far stall = $5

All part of the cigarette/clips/tobacco trade

It was very common for someone to walk around the yard picking up fully Smoked Cigarettes to shake out the last few crumbs of tobacco for rolling into a clip.

Most people were fine just buying a clip or two that would last them for the entire evening. If someone saw you smoking a Cadillac you are either going to have to share that Cadillac or fight. (Again a Cadillac is a full Factory rolled standard cigarette.)”


“With the acoustics of concrete, steel and glass, its not only not quiet noises all the time… it’s LOUD noises all the time. Barely can think in some cell blocks.”

3. GOT is everywhere

“On a slightly lighter side, a sort of family friend recently got out of prison after ~18 years for holding up a gas station for drug money.

My uncle was his friend and when the guy got out my uncle said “Man, there’s this show you’re gonna love called Game of Thrones.”. The guy laughed and said he was current on it. The in-prison black market was his source for a tiny ~2 inch battery powered screen and microSD cards with the episodes on it.

Every now and then it would be confiscated as contraband and he’d have to save up for a month to buy another.

He also had a prison-cat that knew to leave his cell before morning activities and to come back after lights out, he’d feed it little chunks of meat he smuggled out of the mess hall. One big thing for him was making sure to train the cat who to go to next because there’s definitely some people that would have killed it just for the unique experience.”

4. Sounds terrible

“You never wake up feeling safe, ever. There is so much hanging over your head that you may not be in control of that the stress level is through the roof.”

5. Lifers

“The lifers are usually the nicest people you will meet while you are there. This is their home, this is their whole world. Most of them try to make it as pleasant for themselves as possible.”

6. A business

“The fact that literally every single aspect of the infrastructure is setup to be for-profit, to exploit your family. From arrest quotas, to plea deal quotas, to the corporate run phone system, the prison labor gimmick slave labor used to make PRODUCTS FOR COMPANY PROFIT, not to better the community or help society.

Prison is a business, a corrupt, criminal, awful business run by politicians and special interests that are more evil than the inmates.”

7. Interesting…

“The most unlikely people are chess masters.”

8. The simplicity

“When you get out you miss the simplicity of choices.

When you are in all you think about is getting out and what you will do when that happens. Everything focuses around this.

When you are out, at first, the input is enormous and a small part of you miss the simplicity. ?

9. The rules

“Former prison librarian here.

Dental care – Dentists won’t fill your teeth, they will just pull them. No caps, no implants.

Race – Prisons are still self-segregating in a lot of ways. When I worked in a prison in WV, one dorm had a black TV (controlled only by black inmates) and a white tv (controlled by only white inmates).

Honor culture – If you call someone a name or steal from them, the other person must retaliate to save honor. As a result, you will see a lot of black eyes in prison.

Postage stamps are a form of currency.

Many prisons censor what books come into the institution. At one prison I worked in, The Art of War by Sun Tzu was banned simply because of the title. I assure you that no one in admin had ever read the book.”

10. Guilt

“My dad was in prison, in his situation, and in many others, you feel immense guilt after getting to know your fellow inmates. Because you’re gonna get out, and they’re not, ever.”

11. Broken spirit

“A neighbor of mine was locked up for murder and released some time before I was born. It’s one of those things where everyone knew about it but no one talked about it.

I remember him telling me the story of why he was in there and what it was like (very rarely did), and the most surprising thing in his experience was that the smaller/quieter/weaker/more vulnerable in general were typically left alone. It’s only if you acted like a big shot did people want to fight you.

Also, picking fights with said smaller/quieter/weaker/more vulnerable ones will instantly get you a nonstop flogging by other inmates until your spirit broke.”

12. Ugh


I had a friend go to prison for a drug related crime. He had his own cell and stuck to himself for the most part. Another inmate shit into a water bottle and filled it to the brim with water and mixed it up into a slush.

Said inmate then took the water bottle to the my friends cell, placed at the slit at the bottom of his cell door, and fucking stomped on it! Shit water sprayed absolutely everywhere… while my friend was in the cell too.”

13. Barefoot

“When you get out, the feeling of soft carpet on your bare feet is borderline orgasmic and you’ll never take it for granted again.”

14. Sickness

“Don’t get sick! You’ll probably die a horrible death.”

15. Withholding

“Guards can and will withhold medical treatment. When I was in county jail, there was an older woman, vomiting profusely. She couldn’t keep water down, her skin was tenting and she was hallucinating.

I explained all this to the guards and that she needed medical treatment immediately. For two days she was like that until I transferred out. I have no idea what happened to that woman and I still think about her. This was in Georgia, USA.”

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These Boxers Feature a Built-In Cup to Protect Every Dad’s Nuts

Here’s a problem that, as a man with no children, I had no idea existed. Apparently, part of being a new dad is keeping on constant guard against an assault on your crown jewels… an attack launched by none other than the fruit of thine own loins.

Who knew?

I think it’s because they know they can get away with it, but I’m not a child psychologist. Yet.

Anyway, FridaBalls is a product you definitely need to check out. They’re boxer shorts with a built-in cup to protect manhood throughout the land. No more nut shots if you’re wearing these babies!

The company writes, “Protecting Your Tomorrow. Today. The hits keep coming when you’re a Dad. Head butts, the baby carrier swinging heels, and the good ole Sunday morning bed jump. Parenting really can be a contact sport. FridaBalls is the world’s first Dad friendly underwear, designed to simultaneously protect your [Frida]Balls and your lineage.”

Genius. As they say in the Instagram post below, “Parenting is a contact sport.”

You can buy the boxers on Amazon for $27.99.

The company describes itself as “THE BRAND THAT GETS PARENTS. That means you. We’re not a lifestyle. Far from it. We’re a solution-based brand. The 411 of parenting.”

Imagine a world with no more writhing around on the floor in excruciating pain after a full-on foot, knee, or foreign object to the testicles.

It is possible! And it looks beautiful, doesn’t it!

Father’s Day is right around the corner…I think I know what you’re gonna order…

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Hilarious New Photo Trend for Grad Students Celebrating Their Thesis

Every summer, we’re treated to a never-ending barrage of people celeberating all sorts of things from graduations and proms to weddings and baby announcements. But here’s a new style of photoshoot you probably haven’t seen before that promises to be a big hit. I mean, this gal is really starting a trend, I CAN JUST FEEL IT!

Sarah Whelan Curtis just finished her PhD at Emory University in Atlanta, and she decided to have a little photo shoot with her baby.

No, not her actual human child – her thesis. And she added the comment, “Longest labor ever.”

Amen to that.

Curtis wrote her thesis on genetics so you know this was no easy task. We’re talking years in the making here, folks. Four years, to be exact.

Other students shared their own photos and “labor stories” after seeing Curtis’ tweet.

Curtis clearly hit a nerve because a lot of people feel the same way.

Curtis said her mother gave her an ultimatum: “Either give me a Ph.D. or give me a grandchild. I got my doctorate.” Yes, you did. Congratulations, Doctor!

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This American’s Experience with Iceland’s Healthcare System Really Strikes a Nerve

Stop me if you’re heard this somewhere, possibly from your local politician: “We have the best health care ever invented! Of all time! Can’t be touched!”

I think most people know that A WHOLE LOT of other countries on the planet have much better health care than Americans do – plus, overseas it’s CHEAP. But that’s not what politicians and insurance companies want you to hear.

A woman named Mary Robinette Kowal shared her health care experience in Iceland, and her tweets went viral. I think that this will be very eye-opening for a lot of you. It sure was for me.

Let’s take a look at Kowal’s Twitter thread.

3 dollars…

Kowal offered a little clarification about an earlier tweet.

We get your point, Ms. Kowal. Something to think about…

What do you think? Share in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

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Classroom of Toddlers Makes a Their Own Cookbook, and One of the Recipes Is Just $70 of Salt

As a food lover and enthusiastic home cook, I always try to have as many cookbooks as I can get my hands on. It’s a great way to learn interesting new recipes and techniques, as well as a source of culinary inspiration.

Still, of all the cookbooks I’ve ever read, this one shared by Twitter user Jordan Adams may just take the cake. Adams shared some of the recipes from his nephew Ethan’s pre-kindergarten class that the kiddos dictated themselves, and they are glorious.

Take a look.

Ethan’s Eggs can be made for a mere $3, they only take 2 seconds, and you can buy all the ingredients at Texas Roadhouse. Ethan also spelled out the exact instructions for his cuisine:

Photo Credit: Twitter, JordanKAdams97

“First you put pancakes and then sugar and that’s it. You can cook it, but you can go to my house and I will give you eggs because my mom makes eggs all the time. You can eat them with a spoon. Don’t put anything on them because that’s how you makes eggs, with nothing.”

Joe’s Tacos are also a culinary treat. Follow along closely:

Photo Credit: Twitter, JordanKAdams97

“First I don’t actually know, I really don’t remember anything. Can I change this to cheesy roll ups? Because they are super easy. There is only 3 stuff you need, white cheese, yellow cheese, and tortilla. I don’t even want to make tacos anymore. I don’t even know how. It is so hard to think about tacos. But I can make cheesy roll ups. They are super easy. They come from Taco Bell. I need yellow cheese and I don’t know where to buy the white cheese. I don’t know how to make tacos. Cheesy rollups are better because I know how to make them. I don’t think…one time I made candy and it turned brown. I don’t want tacos anymore. I like them, but I love cheesy rollups more. I don’t like beans because they make me throw up. My mom made me a burrito one time with beans and I threw up. Wait…I know how to make watermelon it is easy…just buy the watermelon and eat it.”

Joe is obviously a true master chef. And what about Ariana’s Macaroni?

Photo Credit: Twitter, JordanKAdams97

“First you put the macaroni in the stove and now you put it in the end. Put it to the oven and put cheese and more melted cheese. The oven has to be hot like fire…like a candle…like for birthdays. Now you need to tell everyone that its time to leave. And I have to leave because I am going to a party with a swimming pool. My sister says, “Why do you go to the swimming pool?” and I say, “Because I like it.” Now I go home and I am waiting for it to not be hot and then my sister says, “Why do you do that?” It’s because you blow on the macaroni so it won’t be hot. You need to wait. Now it’s done!”

And as you saw in the tweet earlier, Sebastian’s pancakes consist of only salt and cost $70. The kid knows his stuff.

Photo Credit: Twitter, JordanKAdams97

“You get a thingy from the house and you put it in the hot thingy. Turn on the hot thingy and it burns so you have to be careful. You make like, something and put it in and it cooks. Then you get a plate and finish it. Don’t leave the plate on the table, you have to throw it away in the wink or flies will get on it.”

People on Twitter thought the whole thing was totally hilarious.

I can’t wait to make Joe’s tacos!

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Man With ADHD Perfectly Sums Up His Condition in This Viral Twitter Thread

Have you heard of Yashar Ali?

He’s a journalist and his tweets frequently go viral because he brings a lot of real talk to the table.

Recently, Ali shared what it’s like living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, in an epic Twitter thread. Soon enough, ADHD became a trending topic and the conversation about the often misunderstood condition had a spotlight shown on it.

Check it out!

1. The frustration people feel is overwhelming

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

2. People with ADHD can focus. But some things are significant triggers

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

3. Understanding is key for those who want to empathize

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

4. The cycle of shame is real with ADHD

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

5. Ali thinks adults are under-diagnosed for this disorder

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

6. It can have a significant impact on relationships

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

7. One key for Ali is not letting things slip

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

8. More and more, companies are willing to accommodate ADHD

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

9. Don’t let it destroy your life

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

Bravo Yashar! Bravo!

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New Study Finds That Having to Fake-Smile at Customers Makes Workers Drink More

In a bit of news that was absolutely no surprise whatsoever to anyone who has ever worked in retail/customer service, a new study has linked forcing a smile for customers with increased consumption of booze.

Researchers from Penn State University and the University of Buffalo recently discovered that faking smiles to please customers can be bad for the health of workers. The data from the research showed that people who work with the public (food service, retail, teachers, nurses, etc.) and who both regularly fake positive emotions (like smiling when they don’t mean it) and repress negative emotions (like the urge to roll their eyes) drink more alcohol after they get off work than people who don’t work directly with the public.

Penn State professor of psychology Alicia Grandey said about the results of the study,

“Faking and suppressing emotions with customers was related to drinking beyond the stress of the job or feeling negatively. It wasn’t just feeling badly that makes them reach for a drink. Instead, the more they have to control negative emotions at work, the less they are able to control their alcohol intake after work.”

And if you work in the service industry or know people who do, you know (and I know) that a lot of them do like to drink more than just a couple when their shift ends. Grandey hypothesizes that by faking or suppressing emotions, service industry workers may be using too much self-control, what she calls “surface acting.” And when they’re not at work, they don’t exercise self-control to regulate their alcohol intake.

Grandey said,

“Smiling as part of your job sounds like a really positive thing, but doing it all day can be draining. In these jobs, there’s also often money tied to showing positive emotions and holding back negative feelings. Money gives you a motivation to override your natural tendencies, but doing it all day can be wearing.”

The researchers analyzed data from 1,592 workers in the United States to draw their conclusions. Grandey also said that workers who have one-time interactions with customers, such as restaurants or call centers, tend to drink more than those who see the same people regularly, like teachers or health care professionals.

Grandey explained,

‘”Nurses, for example, may amplify or fake their emotions for clear reasons. They’re trying to comfort a patient or build a strong relationship. But someone who is faking emotions for a customer they may never see again, that may not be as rewarding, and may ultimately be more draining or demanding.”

What do you think? Share your reactions in the comments!

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An Abundance of “Cat Ladders” Makes Switzerland a Cat-Lover’s Dream

Everyone knows that cats pretty much live to climb all over everything. Whether it’s shelves, furniture, tabletops, or your head, kitties gonna climb. They also crave the freedom to explore their neighborhood on their own terms, coming and going as they please (if they’re an outdoor cat, at least).

Naturally, then, it would make sense that cat-loving apartment owners might want to create some way for their cats to still be able to go in and out without needing to learn how to operate a door code. It just makes sense, right?

Clearly it did to the people of Switzerland – particularly the residents of the city of Bern, where “cat ladders” seem to adorn just about every building.

The cat ladders come in all shapes and sizes, and they are all pretty impressive. Get a load of these ingenious ladder designs for the Swiss kitties.

1. Action shot

2. All the way up

3. Makeshift

4. Planks

5. Couple of different ones

6. Colorful

7. Here she comes

8. Epic

9. Above the snow

10. Circular staircase

11. On her perch

12. That’s a big one

13. A smaller one

14. That’s a cool one

15. Right by the front door

A photographer named Brigitte Schuster has a whole book of Switzerland’s cat ladders. Take a look at her website to check it out!

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