Ex-Racists Talk About What Changed Their Views

I’ve seen a few documentaries about people who used to hold hardcore r**ist views and how they completely changed their minds and decided to dedicate the rest of their lives to helping other people and spreading messages of peace and love.

And I think that if guys who used to be that into a r**ist subculture can do it, there’s hope for everyone out there.

AskReddit users who used to hold r**ist views talked about how and why they changed.

Let’s check out their stories.

1. A big lesson.

“The Army forced me to live with black people.

Turns out I didn’t h**e anyone, I was just afraid of what I didn’t understand and had some very stupid notions passed on to me from my dad and his dips**t friends.

I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to understand a greater sample of people than my tiny hometown afforded me.”

2. Changed for the better.

“From birth I was raised to be r**ist in a ra**ist household in Virginia. I was ignorant. I used the “N” word, antisemitic, h**ophobic, r**ist language everyday.

My immediate family and extended family all share the same ignorance. At family gatherings if one of my older cousins let slip they were dating someone new, the first question would be “Is s/he white?” Followed by laughter, but the question was serious.

Then I started middle school. 6th grade. On the first day of class I set down my backpack against the classroom wall (like every other student) while we found our desks and had a small Meet & Greet w/ new classmates. I made sure to only speak to the kids (white) whom I knew from elementary school.

Our teacher told us to take our seats. I’m 42 yrs old and I remember this like it was yesterday. I picked up my backpack, found my desk, before I could open my bag the girl behind me told me she liked my earrings, her Mom wouldn’t let her get her ears pierced until high school.

Then I heard another voice from further behind me say, “Ms. Kay, this isn’t my backpack”. The backpack sitting on this girl’s desk was identical to the one sitting next to my desk. We both opened our backpacks and realized we’d grabbed the wrong bag.

Internally I rolled my eyes in disgust, this girl was a “N”. But I was taught to never let it show. So we met each other to quickly exchange. Her smile was beautiful. She wore glasses the same shape as mine. She wore her hair in a pony tail, just like mine. In our back to school shopping we picked the exact same backpack and we picked the exact same Nikes (pink/white).

Her name was Jacinda. I found myself genuinely smiling back to her, and giggling like young girls do. That day she asked to sit together during lunch, and we sat beside each other for lunch every single day of middle school. She was my very first best friend. Jacinda taught me about her Sunday School classes (my family never attended church), we talked about everything important in the life of middle school girls.

She wasn’t allowed to attend my birthday parties, and I wasn’t allowed to go to hers, but we always celebrated together at school. I loved her so much. When it was time to go to high school I continued in public school and her parents chose to homeschool her. I thought homeschooling was the coolest idea. Jacinda was (is) brilliantly intelligent.

God, she was going to do great things for this world. Long before the age of social media, we lost touch sadly – but I still think of her often. After meeting Jacinda I never used another r**ist or derogatory word. Meeting Jacinda changed my life for the better.”

3. Small town in Iowa.

“I grew up in a very small town in Iowa. Couple of hundred people. All white.

So I guess I was raised not to discriminate against people that were different from me because we were all the same. Once I got older and moved to the city, oh yeah. R**ism is alive and well in Iowa.

I didn’t fall into that trap. I didn’t understand it. Ended up in Alabama. My best friend was black. We just had the same sense of humor and liked the same things. I credit him with my kids being non r**ist. He would crack jokes about racial things and they would be shocked.

As they got older they just rolled their eyes. Funniest thing was one of my daughters date shows up and he opens the door and introduced himself as her dad. He moved to Michigan. I miss Charles.”

4. Quickly realized.

“It’s simple really.

I was raised in a r**ist family. Growing up I was kinda r**ist.

Once I actually spent time with people of different races I quickly realized how stupid that is.”

5. Just plain dumb.

“My dad has some pretty xenophobic points of view and that definitely rubbed off on me when I was younger.

Meeting actual people of color through my teenage years made me realize I was being dumb.”

6. Just jokes…

“I grew up thinking I was not a r**ist. I didn’t think badly of blacks or Hispanics. But r**ist jokes didn’t hurt anyone.

Then I moved to an area with about a 90% Hispanic population. The little things that weren’t r**ist, were. The “How many Mexican” type jokes were hurtful and I felt bad. So I stopped.

The easy same thing with blacks , Asians etc, etc. was about the same time.”

7. Poisonous ideas.

“I was not raised by r**ist parents but you can’t help growing up with r**ist messages all around society and tending to believe some of them. I had ideas about indigenous people, Muslim people, all sorts of poisonous ideas.

When I got into my early twenties I started to make good money and began traveling, and all of my r**ist notions disappeared with that. Nothing made me realize how similar human beings are regardless of race, than traveling.”

8. Native people.

“I definitely had some r**ist ideas about native people in my city growing up. There are a lot of native addicts and vagrants but it’s very much a result of a system that’s rigged against those communities.

I didn’t know any of that growing up so when I saw a group of drunk, native people in the park or something, I was generally unimpressed or even frightened.

And I definitely applied those feelings to all the native people I came across. It’s hard to change those reactions but we can all identify the bad reactions and try to curb them.”

9. No indoctrination.

“Grandfather on one side would drop jokes with hard Rs, grandmother on that side would talk about how (whisper) Mexicans were ruining South Dakota long before complaining about illegal immigration was mainstream.

Father wasn’t nearly that far gone, but after one failed relationship with a Chinese woman he encouraged me to marry a white woman, and my mother once vehemently objected to my sister having an openly gay man as a roommate.

So where did it all go wrong? Basically, I traveled to different places and met different people. The town where I grew up had a pretty large Indian population, and I had an Indian best friend growing up (he was also a bit r**ist at the time, frankly).

Went away to Boston for a summer, and through some random set of circumstances found myself going to a black church for the summer. They were just like the white church I had been going to, one kid wanted to grow up to be a programmer just like I wanted to at the time, etc etc. Went off to California for school and was exposed to a wide variety of people.

Hispanic roommate and Hispanic RA freshman year… one was an a**hole, one became a good friend, and I realized it had nothing to do with their ethnicity. Made a good friend sophomore year, and he later came out to me, and either I wrong the whole time about Josh or I was wrong about whatever leftover prejudices I had about gay people.

Now I’m married to another Chinese woman, one of my best friends is black, another is gay, one of my daughter’s best friends is Hispanic, and I’m still here in the bluest part of CA.

There was no liberal indoctrination in college like conservatives are always b**ching about. There was just meeting people and realizing that whatever reasons I had for disliking them or distrusting them from the beginning were false.:

10. Helped you understand.

“When I was going into college I was ignorant, bitter, and certainly not on a good path.

I had a roommate in college who was a person of color, who really helped me understand and put into context a lot that I had been ignorant about.”

11. Dismantle your thought process.

“My situation was complicated growing up. My father was the son of an Italian immigrant with Egyptian roots and he was so ungodly r**ist towards anyone not considered white as he considered himself white.

The thing is, my dad has dark brown skin, dark brown eyes and black kinked curly hair. He looked EXACTLY like the people he was r**ist against. And he hated Arabs…. all Arabs…. and he is part Arab. This was so confusing. He also hated gay people, Muslims, “commies” and any type of alternative lifestyles.

My father hated black people the most. He told me if I ever brought home a black boyfriend he would disown me. He told me, as a small child, that if I misbehaved I would be sent to live with a ****** family in the ghetto.

He was equally misogynist and held onto a strong patriarchal mindset.

I admit, as a kid I repeated his words. All the other kids did too on my neighborhood so I thought he was right. It wasn’t until I was literally in my 30s did I realise the internalized r**ism I still held onto.

All my partners and friends were white my entire life. I felt unsafe near a group of black men. It was only until I moved to northern Europe that I realized that I am not considered white here and experienced r**ism myself and oooooo wow what an eye opener.

I began to dismantle my entire thought process and honestly, I am so repulsed by my father now I can’t even speak to him without feeling disgusting inside. He’s really old now and much more calm and probably won’t live more than 10 years. I have not returned to my birth country to see him in almost 7 years because I am so angry at him.

Because of his r**ism I missed out on friendships, relationships and understanding cultures different from my own. I am making up for it now as the immigrant community that I live in is amazing and supportive but I will never get back that lost time and I will never know fully the extent of damage that my hateful words may have done to people who didn’t deserve it.”

12. Changed your mind.

“Joined the military, left home and experienced cultures around the world.

I was severely lacking in cultural awareness due to growing up in a small town surrounded by openly r**ist people.

Luckily, my children are able to grow in a completely different environment than the one I did.”

Now we’d like to hear from you.

Do you know anyone who has changed their radical views like these people did?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments. Thanks in advance.

The post Ex-Racists Talk About What Changed Their Views appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Times When People Were Way Too Tired for Life

Most of us are overworked and underslept.

My dog insists on waking me up earlier on the weekend than I have to get up during the week, and she refuses to be ignored.

So I totally get how people can be just too tired, although I do worry about some of them being out on the road.

Here are 13 people who were too tired to do much of anything.

1. At least they’re obeying traffic laws

I mean, mostly… ?

This morning I was so tired that when I stopped at a stop sign I was waiting for it to turn green.

Image credit: Whisper

2. Maybe a checklist in the bathroom

I’ve been so tired I couldn’t remember if I washed my hair or not, but man…

One time I was so tired that when I got in the shower, I started washing my hair, then realized that I still had all my clothes on.

Image credit: Whisper

3. There are just too many passwords

I could totally see myself doing this one.

I'm so tired that I put my phone password in the microwave to heat up pizza. I need a break.

Image credit: Whisper

4. Or were you trying to warm it up?

I have 100% been here before.

I was so tired that I blew on my ice cream to cool it off... I only noticed after it was all gone...

Image credit: Whisper

5. We’ll all just pretend it didn’t happen

I have fallen asleep mid-conversation many times, and boy did those conversations get weird.

About a week ago I fell asleep at a restaurant. I was so tired that when I woke up to order, I asked the waitress for nail polish.

Image credit: Whisper

6. You only do that when you’re tired?

I do that frequently. Also the whole “where are my glasses?”
(Hint: usually on my face.)

Once I was so tired that I texted my friend saying, "I can't talk now, I can't find my phone."

Image credit: Whisper

7. Overly tired or just very proud?

Maybe just enthusiastic about new bling.

I'm so tiredthat I'm in my bathroom looking into the mirror saying, 'I am the gay LORD' just cause I got a new rainbow bracelet.

Image credit: Whisper

8. Rocks are people too

Is it the rambling that’s an indicator of exhaustion or the subject matter?

I'm so tired that I'm rambling on about rocks to myself.

Image credit: Whisper

9. Now, that’s just polite

Also, how old is the elevator?
Is it possible that you’re sensing the spirit of the elevator operator of yore?

This morning I was so tired that I thanked the elevator on my way out.

Image credit: Whisper

10. I get it. Words are hard.

Sometimes I call scallops “little round fishy things” when I’m tired.

The other night when I was really tired I referred to my legs as 'skin pants'.

Image credit: Whisper

11. We’ve all been there

But you know, at least it was soap and not deodorant… or toilet cleaner.

This morning I was so tired that I used soap to brush my teeth instead of toothpaste...

Image credit: Whisper

12. Very tired–or just really old?

Honestly, even before the pandemic timewarp, this was frequently a problem for me.

I'm so tired that I had to look up my age at work because I couldn't even remember my birthday to do the math.

Image credit: Whisper

13. It’s like trying to catch a rainbow

There’s something almost poetic and Quixotic about this one.

This morning I was taking a shower and I was so tired that I slipped and tried to grab onto the water like it would save me.

Image credit: Whisper

Honestly, it made me tired just reading all of those. I hope these people all get some sleep soon.

What about you? What is the most tired you have ever been? Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Funny Times When People Were Way Too Tired for Life appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What They Miss Most from the 1990s

The 90’s. It feels like a lifetime ago.

Maybe even another dimension. Or a weird, puke-green dream.

But a lot of us miss it anyway.

What’s something from the 90s you miss? from AskReddit

What does Reddit think was the best part of this era? Let’s find out.

1. Sit-in Pizza Huts

I was on vacation in the mountains up state and they had one in town. I got to have pizza in an actual Pizza Hut for the first time since the late 90’s early 2000’s.

We had one outside of town and then that closed and they made a to go one that ended up also closing. Now I can have one of the local places or Papa John’s or Domino’s.

The target nearby does have the mini Pizza Hut pizzas and some of their appetizers. It’s hardly the same as getting it from a Pizza Hut itself.

– twin-shadows

2. Goofing off without it being posted

I had to stop drinking with one of my friends because she’d ALWAYS record everyone doing anything even remotely fun or goofy and it’d be on snapchat or Facebook within seconds.

Like, I just wanna get a little drunk and dance and have a good time with my friends, I don’t want every person I hardly know seeing me let loose.

– nothoughtsnosleep

3. Authentic social interactions

Being social with people felt so different and authentic.

My friends would sometimes just “drop by” to see if I was home to say hi.

We could pick up the phone and have hour long conversations.

It felt like text message cheapened that.

The lesser dependence on technology seemed to cultivate more genuine friendships but that was just my experience.

– runr7

4. TV with specific broadcast times

We would all gather in my tiny college apartment to watch The Office every week. Good memories!!

And I believe Game of Thrones was the last time I did that with any friends as well.

I wonder if we’ll ever do that again.. weird to think that might have been the last time.

– Smilingaudibly

5. Being unreachable

I miss not being able to be reached, or being able to reach people.

Back then you’d call your friend and it would ring somewhere in their house. If there was no one there (which was common) you’d shrug and just carry on your day. If you just wanted to chill out on your own you’d just not answer the phone.

Now, everyone knows people are never without their phones. I’ve had people p**sed at me because I took an hour to reply to a text.

– kor_hookmaster

6. The 90’s aesthetic

It was extreme and alternative, not family-friendly wacky or dystopian like a lot of people think when they see an 80’s aesthetic.

Example: the entire aesthetic of Nickelodeon in the 90’s. Slime and extreme s**t.

– XtremePizzaBuilder

7. Online privacy being the norm

It’s unreal how blithe some people have gotten toward privacy.

My brother’s a high school teacher, and a few years ago he caught a girl in his class livestreaming herself just…sitting there, learning. He asked her to stop, and noticed that there were 15 people apparently watching her on the stream, and suggested that the kinds of people who would watch a 16-year-old girl sitting in class are maybe not the kinds of people she should want watching her.

The girl’s response was a confused “Why not?”

– Dahhhkness

8. Mor affordable housing

There was a time when my kid could have moved out and rented with room mates or even on his own.

But its very hard for young people to start out with the current condition.

– etriff

9. Just general childhood

Free from most adult responsibilities, free from social media, free from bulls**t politics (they were there for sure, but you literally had to look for them, lol), free from a general miasma of fear coming from the media.

When I think back, all I remember is sunshine, the lack of a weight bearing down on my shoulders all the time and the sweet sounds of amazing music.

While I miss it, I am just grateful that I got to experience it.

– Throwaway7219017

10. The optimism

It was a pretty happy decade. The Cold War was over. The economy was booming. Technology seemed to be offering us solutions before we even knew we had a problem.

The products of pop culture almost never dwelled on dystopia or decline.

Air travel was about as dangerous as bus travel.

Acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer were problems of the decade before that seem to have been fixed, and climate change was still called global warming and was not nearly so front and center in how people talked about the future.

All in all, the 90s were a pretty solid decade.

– faceintheblue

11. Mom and pop shops

Family owned convenience stores, diners, burger joints, ice cream parlors, cafes, bookstores, delis, etc.

Even small neighborhood grocery stores.

And independent music venues!

Seems like I’m talking about the 50s but in the 90’s these places still existed. In my hometown most of them are completely gone and were replaced by generic corporate chains or condos. The ones that are still around are struggling to stay afloat and compete.

I’m glad I got to enjoy them while they existed but also realized how much I took them for granted.

– dotskee

12. The optimistic internet

I genuinely feel like the Internet has gone from “the most important and greatest achievement of humanity” to “something that might have been a mistake” during my lifetime

It’s really sad because a global communications network should be a great thing for everyone

– Badloss

13. The airports

I miss how chill and cool airports were.

Watching the plane leave after hugging my parents goodbye or waiting at the window watching it dock knowing someone you were waiting for was about to get off.

– MindSecurity

14. The arcades

Arcades died specifically because home console graphics caught up to them. The PS1 and Saturn got close enough that the differences started feeling minor and then with the Dreamcast and PS2 (and the rise of online gaming) it was all over.

It’s not as though Dave and Busters and Round One are unpopular, but you go for experiences that don’t translate as well to home, which means the few modern arcade games are either steering wheel racers, light gun games, or peripheral-based rhythm games.

– milespudgehalter

15. Full size Frosted Strawberry Pop Tarts

They’re, like, half the thickness these days!

That and eating them while watching back to back episodes of Saved by the Bell on Saturday mornings. Good times…

– panamanimal

Yeah. I agree. With just…all of that.

What do you miss about the past?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Talk About What They Miss Most from the 1990s appeared first on UberFacts.

People Remember Their School’s Dumbest Rules

There’s nothing more satisfying than knowing that YOU are the reason there’s a new rule at some place.

It happened to me at my old school, which was rife with plenty of ridiculous rules. Apparently I’m not alone in that.

What’s the dumbest rule your school ever enforced? from AskReddit

How are our institutions of learning striving to keep the peace? Reddit tells all.

1. “No jackets without the school logo”

I was a high school teacher for several years, both buildings I worked in were FREEZING, and having admin pull students out of my classroom during a 50 minute period & giving them detention instead of letting them LEARN is cruel and completely unnecessary, in my opinion.

– Master_Catch_9089

2. “No snowballs”

If you throw snowballs, you get a one day suspension.

The first long weekend after a snowfall everyone would throw snowballs to get an additional day added to the long weekend.

– MrFake_Name

3. “Go to class, no exceptions”

I got Saturday school for missing a day of classes when I was 16. Seems reasonable, except I missed to go complete my US citizenship and officially become a citizen alongside my mom (it took us 12 years to go through the legal process, btw. Whole other issue).

I had a note from my mother as well as a signed official Federal form they give you to explain to school/employers why you were absent.

Apparently the only acceptable absence excuse was illness. I got punished for becoming a citizen ?‍♀️

– Lumpy_Constellation

4. “Zero tolerance”

That if you say/do anything back to your bully it becomes a mutual conflict and isn’t bullying, so if they start calling you slurs and making you feel bad every day and you call them stupid once or twice the school probably won’t help.

– wowthatfood

5. “If you’re late, we’ll make you more late”

The new Principal made a “morning round-up” rule where anyone arriving to class after the last bell had to go to the cafeteria and listen to a lecture about not being late for class.

This took about an extra 15 minutes, making the students even more late to class than they would have otherwise been.

Needless to say, everyone hated it, even the teachers. That principal didn’t last long…

– LiveTrash

6. “Toilet paper must be rationed”

This was in 1997/98, btw.

Apparently the high school girls room was going through too much toilet paper so the dean, a woman, stood outside the door and distributed a few squares of 1-ply institutional toilet paper to us as we went in. If she noticed toilet paper on the floor, our ration got cut down. If we asked for more for…bigger jobs…we were told to saved it for home.

There were several episodes of girls stuck in stalls until friends could beg for more TP because of period messes or unexpected bowel incidents. The dean wouldn’t even hand it over–she would go in the bathroom and pass it a few squares at a time over the door. If you didn’t catch it as it fell and it landed on the floor, well, that’s your fault and you’re not getting more. If you used more than she thought necessary, tough luck, go to class with blood/s**t on your body.

It took about a week of extremely angry parents coming to the school and calling both the school and the school board, but we finally got our toilet paper back, unlimited.

How did we celebrate?

By TPing her car, of course.

– stabbyspacehorse

7. “Bathrooms are closed”

Closing boys toilets, because some c**t was stealing toilet paper.

When school staff announced this stupid rule, some students actually threatened to s**t on the tables then.

– latvian_username

8. “ID safety”

It wasn’t really the rule that was dumb but the reason for it. In my last year of high school, the school issued a rule that all students had to wear student IDs. If you didn’t, you had to immediately go and pay for another ID. While you can see how many students may have saw this a way to skip class, the reason for this was the school shootings that happened the previous year.

The reasoning was that it would be easier to spot who is a student and who is not a student to then see who has malicious intent…..except that most shooters were students….so….

– Seiko_Enohara

9. “No touching the snow”

In grade school, we weren’t allowed to play on the playground equipment when it snowed.

Eventually, were weren’t allowed to play with snow or even go near it- I got in trouble for sitting in snow.

This was in Minnesota where it snows half the year. Recess basically consisted of milling around the blacktop for thirty minutes.

– BW_Bird

10. “Don’t play on the golf course”

Our tiny community got a burst of cash in the 70’s due to having mineral rights on land with oil. It was amazing some of the things we had access to for a school in the plains in Montana: computer lab, ceramics, photography, and a freaking laser! They also bought the grade school a miniature golf course in the center of the playground.

A majority of the playground was concrete squirrels, turtles and a whale. These looked like a lot of fun to play on for a kid. We couldn’t touch them. We couldn’t get near them. We couldn’t land our star wars figures on them, incorporate them in our games in any way or even walk near them when running from someone playing tag. Once in PE we got out the clubs and played a few rounds in my entire time in school. Other classes never even got that.

After about 30 years, during a student clean up, they got some of the upper level high school kids to take hammers to them and pulverized them.

– DarrenEdwards

11. “Ties ALWAYS”

You have to wear your tie all the way home.

Some sad bastard teachers would stand on the main road away from the school and try to hand out detentions in presumably their own time

– ——__————

12. “Bathroom sign in sheets”

My friend is an administrator at a private school in NJ and the faculty has to sign in and out of the bathroom using Google sheets.

9am, 10 minutes, M-F

– no__ragrets__

13. “No ankles allowed”

Girls weren’t allowed to show their ankles.

The dean had a pack of socks in her office she would give the students and make them wear.

Only girls tho. This was the 2000s.

– LoveAndDynamite

14. “No unnatural hair colors”

Except for Lily, who dyed her hair the school color (maroon).

It was dark enough to argue it was a weird red/brown, but it was clearly maroon and I think she got away with it because it was “school spirit”

– poachels

15. “We keep your phones”

If you were caught on your phone they’d take it until the end of the week. you’d get it back at half 3 on friday.

parents went mental and a few even came together and sent bills through for part of the phone bills, they ditched that rule after 2 weeks.

phones were kept overnight in the school in the office until that friday if they were confiscated. no safe or anything, just in a plastic box. no getting it back at the end of the day, you just had to go for days without a phone, even at home

– bigfrogb**ch

Well, I’ve certainly learned a lot.

What was the dumbest rule at your school?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Remember Their School’s Dumbest Rules appeared first on UberFacts.

Weird Things That People Faked for Attention

We all need a little attention from time to time. But how far are we willing to go?

For some, the answer is clear: WHATEVER. IT. TAKES.

What was the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone fake for attention? from AskReddit

Oh boy, does Reddit have some stories.

1. A heart attack

My grandmother faked a heart attack because she and my dad got into an argument at Thanksgiving.

Grandfather was so embarrassed.

– acorngirl

2. The “asthma” attack

One of my classmates got an asthma attack and everyone was flocking over to them to make sure they were okay.

On the other side of the room another one of my classmates also got an asthma attack, even though it was common knowledge that she didn’t have asthma (there were very few people in class that had asthma and we all knew just in case it was an emergency). They faked the hard breathing and exaggerated gasps.

It was weird that someone would do something like that just so they would have attention.

– AmeriRos

3. The hallucination

One of my friends friends pretending to be hallucinating.

She even had the nerve to ask me “how long do hallucinations last?”.

She was doing it to see how her boyfriend would react.

– Anqel_Celeste

4. The seizure

A girl in my class faked a seizure after someone got injured in baseball practice, she loved the attention.

Her seizure magically came to a halt when I suggested we call 999

– chocotripcookies

5. The possession

Being possessed by the devil.

He would ask people to hit or slap them to prove that it didn’t hurt him as if that proved he was possessed.

This went on for like 3 months until he got bored and just started acting normal again.

– dylan7404

6. The center of attention

There was this one dude, Jake, hated it when the attention wasn’t on him.

This was roughly 12 years ago but once after a party ended he was deemed too drunk (he had a beer and 2 shots of sour pucker liquor) he stayed the night them pretended to sleep and that he was a soldier during nam and was running all over the place with his eyes closed.

One of his buddies ended up tossing a bucket of water on Jake but that didn’t wake him up. That same buddy tackled Jake before he ran outside to make a scene and that magically woke him up.

Whenever there were get togethers he would saying he’s gonna hurt himself when people weren’t interacting with him.

People stopped paying attention cause he would say it every single time and when he realized it he’d start throwing a tantrum that everyone hates him and that he has no friends so no one would care.

I responded, “the police will care. Let me call them” he stopped that act real quick

– SingleWar5

7. The other woman

In high school I had a toxic, controlling friend. She once set me up with this classmate of ours, essentially pushing for it to make us both just feel cornered.

A week or so later, he breaks up with me (didn’t really give a s**t, really) and then not quite 12 hours later, she calls me and confesses that he loved her all along and how guilty she felt but this is the man for her.

She’s just going on and on. His sisters are supposedly pressuring him to confess that he’s gay but he denies it, says he and my friend have s** all the time. So she runs with it, allowing this ongoing lie that they’re having all this s**, they’re so in love, just really laying it on thick.

Dude later comes out as gay and they were both still virgins. I just don’t get the point? She further ruined a s**tty friendship for a guy that was gay. But for what? People are f**king weird.

– bitterherpes

8. The miracle recovery

A girl said to me she has cancer 3 days after I rejected her proposal.

I still didn’t accept her in my head I was feeling terrible that I am such a bad person but 2 days after that she said she got cured.

So either I am crazy or there must be some fastass super effective chemotherapy out there.

– shrewdlyweird

9. The phantom pregnancies

A chick I went to high school with always faked pregnancies, did this multiple times.

It got to a point where she stole her sisters ultrasound pictures and posted it everywhere… Her sister ended up calling her out on her bs.

Then she claimed she had a miscarriage..which she also lied about multiple times.

– mynameis-human

10. The fight


I was in an argument with a girl in elementary school and she was being antagonistic.

She picked a scab and squeezed it until it started bleeding. She started crying as if I’d hurt her.

– Narrow-Ad-6338

11. The injury

I’m an aerial instructor, some of my students are young girls, between 9 and 14 yo..

One of them once said she broke her back and she wouldn’t be able to climb on the silks.

Then she spent several minutes crawling on the floor asking for help.

She had absolutely nothing, she always does that kind of thins the get attention

– TotalCardiologist793

12. The finger-pointer

A pupil with a grudge against a teacher at my school deliberately broke his own finger by slamming a locker door on it and then accused the teacher of slamming his finger in a door in a fit of anger, just to get him into trouble.

Of course, the problem was it was his index finger and he could not have had it so badly damaged without severely bruising/cutting/breaking the fingers on either side.

He was psychotic!

– VorlonKing

13. The hall of fame

we had a girl fake asthma (for years, she then became a smoker so), a couple faked mental health s**t like anxiety, depression, panic attacks and tics.

My personal favorite is this one guy faked having a record label sign him even though he was 12 and he would leave class on fake phone calls with his “producers” lol.

– punkmf

14. The inmate

A friend of my classmate faked her death once.

My classmate went on for five years believing that her friend was dead.

Turns out, the girl was just in prison.

Her grandparents (who she had been living with her whole life) told everyone that the girl had died and everyone believed it.

They even had a fake funeral for her. I don’t know much about it, but that’s what I do know.

– purple_flower18

15. The survivor

In second grade this girl everyone loved said her sister threw a plastic headband at her and it scratched out her eyeball, so she had to go to the ER and they dug through a bucket full of donated eyeballs to find one that matched her iris color.

She also told us she had her leg bitten off by a shark and had a prosthetic leg (but we all saw her at a water slide party a week later so that was hard to explain)

– OctopiBlobby

However lonely you get, try to never be this person.

Do you have stories like this?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Weird Things That People Faked for Attention appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Weirdest Things They’ve Faked for Attention

We all do stupid things for attention once in a while. For instance, I got a theatre degree.

But some people really truly take it too far. And it gets UNCOMFORTABLE real quick.

What was the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone fake for attention? from AskReddit

Prepare your shocked face for these tales from Reddit.

1. The speech impediment

A kid in elementary school faked a speech impediment so she’d keep getting out of class for speech therapy.

Initially it was real, but speech therapy had totally cured it. She just didn’t want anyone to know. One of the words she mispronounced was “yellow.” She would say, “Lellow” instead.

One day we were on the playground together and she said, “I’m gonna tell you a secret!” she leaned over and whispered in my ear, “YELLLLOWWWW,” with a hard “Y” at the beginning. Then she laughed and said, “Don’t tell anyone!”

So I didn’t, until just now.

– NeedsMoreTuba

2. The “cousin”

When I was in middle school, a girl who was a senior at the high school died.

This girl in my class said it was her cousin, she even broke down crying in class, shaking, hyperventilating..etc.

Turns out it was not her cousin, in fact, she never even met or knew of her till she died.

– Cannonfury

3. The stoner

In year 7 this kid always pretended to be high so he would seem cool in front of everyone, I’m pretty sure he’d never done any drugs of any kind since all he did was act like he was seeing stuff lmao.

Eventually he told everyone he was smoking weed in school and the headmaster called his parents and he got in s**t.

– Time-Sand-1452

4. The senator

One of our senators is the lunatic daughter of a late dictator

She never finished college, but keeps insisting that she graduated from Princeton, as well as one of the top law schools in our country. She doesn’t show any paperwork, photos, degrees, diplomas, or records of any kind.

She just insists it’s true despite it being the easiest thing in the world to debunk (as it was, over and over through a simple email or phone call to the schools in question.)

Her bizarre, elaborate statements to dodge simple yes/no questions about her academic credentials have become somewhat of a meme.

– AdvocateSaint

5. The hidden friends

In high school this kid passed away in a car accident. I didn’t really know him but was tight with his older brother.

The sheer amount of people who never associated with him that came out of the woodwork was f**king crazy.

Like the guy was really into riding dirt bikes and any x games types of hobbies (skating, bmx, snowboarding) and actively talked s**t on a couple of regular sports jocks. But apparently they were best friends when nobody, not even his brother knew they were. His brother just kinda eye rolled them to their face and talked mad s**t with us later on. It was really pathetic to take one families pain and try to get attention with it.

– No-Umpire4788

6. The big emergency

An acquaintance faked a kidney stone problem, demanded her husband take her to the hospital in the middle of the night, and then when he got dressed and grabbed the car keys, she insisted on going alone by car and warned him that she might get into an accident and end up getting killed, and it would all be his fault.

He insisted on taking her, and she wouldn’t go, she would only go herself, all alone, risking her life in a car accident.

So it’s either getting the kidney stones untreated, or risking her life in a terrible car accident that might happen.

They had a huge falling out and she went back to bed.

Of course, this was all a result of a previous fight they had earlier that day.

– madashmadash

7. The kidnapping

A boy i went to elementary school with faked being kidnapped in the middle of the school day. He disappeared for hours. The whole school was in a panic, especially his mother who was a teaching assistant.

They eventually discovered him “passed out” in the woods near the school.

He claimed that one of the Hispanic construction workers who was across campus working on a new building had abducted him, beat him unconscious and left him for dead in the woods.

However, he did not have any signs of being assaulted. He was just covered in dirt.

His mother was immediately suspicious of her sons behavior, not sure why, and told authorities she thought he was lying. The construction worker he blamed had several good alibis. He had a special trade that made his whereabouts particularly important for the project they were working on that day.

The cops investigated and his story quickly fell apart and he confessed to making it up. I’m not sure why he did it.

I went to school with him for years after. He was a weird kid and acted out on other occasions for attention just to a lesser degree.

He had great grades too and seemed to have a very loving family.

– valerieswrld

8. The “alter”

I knew a girl in high school who spent about half an hour lecturing me about creepypasta so that I would understand what she meant when she said Jeff the Killer was an “alter” of hers.

I think she was hoping I’d be more impressed than I was.

– an_ineffable_plan

9. The pregnancy

A girl in my year at school faked a miscarriage and went ’round telling everybody that a guy from her class fingered her and he must have had some cum on his hands because she got pregnant and lost it.

The guy had an alibi, his friends confirmed he was playing football with them and a LOT of people called her a dirty slut.

Being fingered on a Friday evening and losing the “baby” on Saturday is quite impressive (/s) She got attention but I think she was expecting sympathetic attention and it backfired spectacularly!

– Retrosonic82

10. The relative

A friend of mine used to make up relatives and talk about them on a daily basis.

She apparently had an aunt that worked for the Rolling Stone, and would come into school saying her aunt interviewed Paul McCartney/Mick Jagger/*insert famous rockstar here*. We used to both use DeviantART on the regular and she actually made an account for her aunt and commented as her.

Also claimed to have a cousin who was in the SAS and would legit start the waterworks claiming he was leaving the country for his work.

Even faked a boyfriend at one point. Fake Facebook profile and everything. Always had an excuse for where any of them were whenever one of us would visit her house (despite them apparently visiting almost every day!).

These three were just a few of the supposedly massive family she had!

No idea why she did it, eventually these family members just faded out of existence, we never heard about them again after secondary school!

– geekitygeek

11. The liar

There’s a woman I work with that is a chronic liar.

Normally the stuff she makes up are about how she was a world renowned x. So far she’s been an opera singer, competitive swimmer, prodigal child, teacher in Mexico (doesn’t speak a word of Spanish), mensa member, coked out drag queen, figure skater, and has just a ton of obscure diseases.

The diseases obviously prevent her from being able to do certain things around the office but luckily never interfere with her ability to go out to her car to smoke on break.

What sticks out was telling everyone she was pregnant and later on that she miscarried. That one sticks out because it happen while another woman in the office was pregnant and getting more attention.

Currently a good friend of this person who also works with us is pretending to use a cane in order to try and get FMLA and avoud certain responsibilities. Which is…. Not boring…. if anything else. Luckily for her, despite not being able to walk 5 feet to check in stuff, she’s also still able to make the journey out to her car and smoke on her breaks.

– [deleted user]

12. The orphan

My “friend” who I cut off, pretended,

a) he had DID,

b) that his mom was dead.

Both of which turned out to be false, and even to this day I remember her face when she came to back to school night only to find out her son had told everyone she was dead.

I can only imagine what she felt.

– KingofChing

13. The phantom pregnancy

There’s a post on Facebook about a girl who faked a pregnancy for 9 months.

She got her bf to pay for everything, they had a gender reveal.

Just for 9 months to pass and nothing….

– mad_scientist434

14. The baboon

Here’s a doozie from college years ago: This attention-w**re-of-a-woman tried to convince all her friends that she not only received a baboon’s heart as a transplant, but then proceeded to win a marathon thereafter.

Like… WTF?

– eatababy

15. The survivor

Was dating this girl and things were getting serious, her best friend was jealous of the time we were spending together and faked a story about cancer.

Shaved her head and everything.

We found out it was a lie a month later when we ran into her dad

– DeftTrack81

What can I say but yikes?

Do you have a story like this?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Talk About the Weirdest Things They’ve Faked for Attention appeared first on UberFacts.

Highly Questionable Interactions People Have Had with the Police

A lot of people really don’t trust cops.

I know, I know, shocking, but it’s true. And it’s well-founded. Because apart from the huge headline-catching incidents, there are countless smaller ones that make you think “Man. What’s the bar for being a cop? And is this even remotely appropriate?

That’s the sort of thing these anonymous stories illustrate.

10. What a shame

Whoa, that’s not even remotely appropriate.

Source: Whisper

9. The pizza

Yeah, sure it was.

Source: Whisper

8. Laws are laws

Unnecessary ones provide a great excuse for selective policing, too.

Source: Whisper

7. No warrant

Why would you do this? Just to mess with someone’s head? As a power play?

Source: Whisper

6. If I were…

Well, you’re not, so maybe keep that thought to yourself.

Source: Whisper

5. Blame the victim

Maybe you need to install better lights, dummy.

Source: Whisper

4. Blaze it

Pot has gotta be one of the most intentionally misunderstood substances ever.

Source: Whisper

3. The torch

Holy crap, wouldn’t wanna be a guy breaking into her house.

Source: Whisper

2. The warning

Yeah, this is super weird.

Source: Whisper

1. A COP!


Source: Whisper

Everybody’s experience with law enforcement is gonna differ, and you’ll hear all kinds of stories. The important thing is that you need to not throw out the stories that don’t line up with your own experience. If we want to have trustworthy and respected policing in this country, then we have to honestly examine its current state. Until we do, nothing’s gonna get any better.

What sorts of experiences have you had with the police?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Highly Questionable Interactions People Have Had with the Police appeared first on UberFacts.

Read About the Real Upsides (and Downsides) of Being Attractive

There’s been a whole lot of wisdom about physical attractiveness and shallowness and finding true fulfillment over the years.

The best of it, of course, came from Zoolander.

Would you pay $5000 to be extremely physically attractive? Why or why not? from AskReddit

So, is there actually more to life than being really, really, really, ridiculously good looking? Let’s see what Reddit has to say.

1. Seems like a bargain.

I need at least $5000 more in dental work and also probably twice as much for surgery, just to look normalish again. $5k to fix everything would be magnificent!

Wouldn’t even need the whole ‘extremely attractive’ bit, but if that’s included, nice.

– MedusasSexyLegHair

2. Reverse!

It doesn’t say decent shape though, it just says extremely attractive.

It could be achieved by making everybody attracted to my fat unhealthy body.

– of_a_varsity_athlete

3. Easy for you to say.

“No no no, just be yourself! Looks aren’t everything!”

– The average very attractive person

– Princess_Moon_Butt

4. Give me a challenge.

Isn’t this supposed to be a tough choice?

Like you’re extremely physically attractive but you can’t stop farting whenever you smile or something

– Dainish410

5. There are downsides.


Because I’m finally at an age where I am comfortable in who I am. I prefer to not be the most noticed person in a room.

Being extremely attractive as a woman comes at a cost. Constant harassment by men, jealousy from women. Never going anywhere or doing anything inconspicuously.

I love being anonymous in public and prefer for people to find me attractive getting to know me.

– MustBeThursday42

6. Things change.

I wasn’t attractive or popular as a child, I was the last picked for the team and generally just a nothing.

Then there was a time in my life where I was very physically attractive. People treat you differently. People want to be your friend who sneered at you before. People want to be around you because of what it does for them, and their image. People who bullied you before suck up to you. People of the opposite sex pretend to like you and you think they are your friend but then they hit on you.

Now that I don’t look like that anymore I know that people who like me, genuinely like me for who I am.

– [deleted user]

7. Sign me up.

Dude, I would pay 50,000. F*ck, 500,000 (assuming i can pay in instalments). Sh*t man, I would give up the last twenty years of my life (and I am 45)

Nothing determines your success in life more than attractiveness. Nothing.

– theAnalepticAlzabo

8. Not a collector’s item.

I have an extremely attractive friend and by that experience I wouldn’t want that life.

She has a lot of *ssholes around her and there has been a lot of jealousy in her relationships.

It’s like many people just want to collect and possess her to bump up their image

– theswamphag

9. A solid investment.

heck yeah, even in terms of just sheer money I’d absolutely make all that money back before too terribly long just in terms of what extra I’d make/save because people find me hot.

At the end of the day though, it would give me the push I need to get my confidence and turn myself around

– ParkityParkPark

10. Want to be known.


I’m decent enough looking now. Being attractive doesn’t matter and I don’t think I’d do well with more attention based on my appearance.

I want to be known, accepted, wanted, appreciated, and loved.

Being extremely physically attractive may open more doors, but it doesn’t guarantee ever being seen for more than just that.

– switchboards

11. Save that cash.

No. I’d rather spend the money on something else.

– PerfectParfait5

12. It’s a steal!

Even at like 100k it’s a steal. It’s a well documented phenomenon that attractive people are considered more frequently for promotion / raises at work and are more likely to be judged as having ‘leadership skills’ than average people.

Assuming you work a standard office job, it would pay back fairly quickly.

– Wind_Yer_Neck_In

13. The married life.

Nah, just because it’d be a waste.

I’d still be kinda old and married and thus, completely unf*ckable.

– TheRynoceros

14. Let’s haggle.

I would pay $1 to look remotely attractive.

– ThiccDaddy1198

15. What a twist!

Monkey’s Paw : OP didn’t specify physically attractive to what

– xaradevir

At this point I’d empty my bank account just to fit into my old jeans again. But apparently I have to “exercise” and “stop eating nachos for every meal” instead. What a rip off.

How would you answer this question?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Read About the Real Upsides (and Downsides) of Being Attractive appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Most Messed-Up Things Strangers Told Them

One phrase that was cool when I was a kid but has now fallen out of use entirely is “TMI,” or “too much information.”

Turning phrases into acronyms was once, on its own, an entire joke. I don’t know why. It just was.

And when someone hit you with something unexpectedly bizarre about their life, you just said “T-M-I!” and reveled in the sitcom laugh track in your head.

What’s the most fucked up thing someone has told you about themselves after barely getting to know them? from AskReddit

What are the TMI experiences of Reddit? Let’s find out.

1. Fear and respect

I (25f at the time) was at A&E in the UK. I got discharged and was waiting for my taxi outside. This buff shirtless dude, covered in tattoos (they were decent too, imo) comes over and asks for a light. I bought a zippo for novelty so I obliged.

We got to talking and he told me how he had just got out of prison after serving a life sentence for killing his father, after his father murdered his baby sister. Had his records on him and everything (he was at the hospital as he was diabetic and had experienced an issue of some sort after being released – I have no expertise here).

I have never feared and respected a man so much in my life.

I bought him a pint after my taxi decided it wouldn’t be arriving. Decent bloke – we still speak 9 years later.

– heavenhelpyou

2. Twilight years

I remember the first friend I made at my new high school when I was 14 so vividly. Just as we were walking out of the classroom where we had just met she turns around and cheerfully chimes:

“oh, by the way. I’m a vampire.”

Yes, Twilight had just come out. That entire school was so weird.

I remember another girl noticed I had cut myself shaving and insisted on putting a bandaid on for me as she muttered things like “you have no idea how difficult this is for me”. (Yes, she also claimed to be a vampire.)

Small towns, man.

– U535087

3. Tea and sympathy

I used to work at an animal shelter and we had several people who would come volunteer to help out.

One of the women who came there on a regular basis went to lunch with me. She was such a sweet woman, a little older than I was at the time. She proceeded to tell me that she used to go to the park and give old men bl*w j*bs because she felt sorry for them.


– moviesandcats

4. That’s hardcore

First night at my first base right out of tech school in the USAF…

“Hi! My name is Mike and I’m into hardcore S&M!”

Still had to share a room with him a few nights.

– 1369311007

5. The mix up

My manager at my job in high school decided to tell us about her suicide attempt on my very first day.

She was like, “One day, I decided to take some pills and end it all. I grabbed a pill bottle out of my mom’s cabinet and took a handful without even looking at what it was and then lay down to die. I was so surprised to wake up in the morning perfectly fine. Confused, I checked the bottle to see what I had taken.”

Yeah, it was estrogen.

– Nimeni013

6. The quiet kid

I sat next to this quiet kid in my Spanish class. He was awkward and had a subtle speech impediment.

One day, I tried to spark conversation with him and he told me that he considered murdering his parents.

– auxxxcordddlorddd

7. The bad hire

My boss at the time had hired an older woman who was re-entering the workforce. He wanted to fire her the first day when she couldn’t even complete the legal paperwork (maybe 20 minutes for the slowest readers) in 8 hours. He quickly lost his patience training her so he pawned her off on me.

Before the end of the first day I trained her she failed at things as I explained them to her, cried, called me a bully for trying to “train her too quickly.” She reported me to the boss and she wanted to report me to HR for creating a hostile environment. I was actually out of town at the time, but he managed to spook her enough by asking if we should just call this hiring a mistake and have her and the company mutually part ways. She straightened up pretty quick apparently.

When I came back a few days later she’s better, and more eager to learn. As we are leaving for the day her husband is waiting for her in the parking lot with her teenage son in the back seat. I pull out in my car after they do and the entire time her son is turned around in the backseat smiling at me through the rear windshield.

The following day she tells me her son has a huge crush on me now. He thinks I’m so hot and he’s going along for the ride tonight so he can see me again. Then this woman, who I have known for three days, tells me all of her teenage minor child’s physical stats including the size of his penis. Why a mother knows the size of her sons penis I do not wish to know.

I actually had to remind this woman that I was more than a decade older than her minor child. To which she sort of laughed and said he’d be older soon enough.

She did not end up working with us for long.

– Camp_Express

8. Dark realities

I was doing my practice in a hospital. They brought a young man in the neuro clinic, he was my 1st patient. He was around 30 and he had fallen from a tree while working.

He turned out to have a complicated neurological condition that had nothing to do with his fall. He was also diagnosed with severe depression. He was in there for months and no one ever visited him, the only time he felt a bit better was when I visited him and did some tests to him.

He said “it’s nice when you come and make me play with the coloured toys and make me draw things”. One day he was looking out of the window, when I came in he looked me dead in the eye and told me “you know, if the windows didn’t have protective bars, I’d jump right out”.

It was the 1st time I’d heard such thing and I remember it ever since

– Shoddy_Natural4217

9. So many questions!

I picked up a hitchhiker once that told me he left California after his wife died because the cops were asking too many questions.

I dropped him off in the next town and he paid me with a beer and we parted way

– iasip1986

10. So much so fast

Had to do a course and the trainer arrives, introduced himself to the small class of maybe 4-5 people and asked a bit about each of us, he then told us his wife had died 2 years ago and he tried to kill himself.

I felt horrible for him but he seemed genuinely happy with where his life was, I ended up staying back after class and having a beer with him at the bar he was a really cool guy I hope he is still happy.

– BrickBrickson

11. Sharp wit

That he stabbed his neighbour in the neck because he sexaully assaulted his step-daughter.

I’d worked with him for 2 hours at this point.

– devlin1888

12. Ya burnt

Some guy next to me on the bus once went into a long elaborate story about how he burned his house down for insurance money like three weeks prior.

I wouldn’t have believed it if his hands didn’t have massive burn scarring.


13. Tears of a stranger

An old man asked me if I knew when the next bus would arrive and we ended up getting into a nice conversation that somehow led to him telling me about his daughter being being in an abusive relationship with a guy who made her move far away from him and his family so they couldn’t help her.

We were both crying by the time the bus arrived.

– Probablyprofanity

14. Care and care alike

Met a woman who worked I child care.

She told me all about how difficult it was working with abused boys and how she got to close to one and had sexual feelings. Showed me a picture and said anyone who meets him thinks he is really nice and not to judge him on looks….then the barman came back with my drink and I left.

That was the entirety of conversation with a VERY drunk and probably sh*tty social worker.

– AlertMike

15. At least he’s honest

My favourite question to ask new colleagues was: so, what do you do in your free time?

First person I asked: a sh*t ton of drugs.

– somethingseminormal

I…I don’t know what to do with that information.

Do you have a story like this?

Share it with us in the comments.

The post People Talk About the Most Messed-Up Things Strangers Told Them appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Marriage and Relationship Tweets You Need To Check Out

I know what you’re going through: you just got into another spat with your significant other and you feel like really letting them know how you feel…

But let me give you some advice: just blow it off and laugh about it!

Instead of letting the situation escalate and explode, come visit us as much as you need to and we’ll make you laugh with funny tweets about livin’ that relationship life!

And we have a totally solid collection for you to look at today, friends.

So go lock yourself in a closet somewhere away from your partner and have some laughs!

Hey, you’re welcome…

1. The remote wars continue…

There’s really no escaping it once you’re married.

2. Sounds like a perfect marriage to me.

People, pay attention to this one.

3. What size am I, again?

That’s a little humiliating…

4. How does this whole thing work?

You either are a morning person or you’re not.

5. Hahaha. This is good.

Don’t you think this looks pretty familiar?

6. That sounds awesome!

Yes, dear…Yes, dear…Yes, dear…

7. That was a rude awakening.

I was planning on sleeping in today…

8. That’s true love, right there.

Romance is not dead, people!

9. Your husband and I have a lot in common.

Do you think it’s a little bit warm in here?

10. And around and around it goes.

Isn’t this great?!?!

11. You had a good run.

But he obviously made a fatal error.

12. You would have been gone a long time ago.

She sounds like a very patient woman…

Now we’d like to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us how everything is going in your relationship during these crazy times we’re living in.

Please and thank you!

The post Hilarious Marriage and Relationship Tweets You Need To Check Out appeared first on UberFacts.