26 People Share the Reasons Their Friendships Ended

Some friends are for a season and some are for a life. But sometimes it’s hard to know why friends can be that way. We change, they change, or sometimes just circumstances change.

Take a look at these 26 Reddit users who share stories of losing their best friends, sometime for very good reason, sometimes for no reason at all.

1. Drinking doesn’t make it better

I lost my friends when my son died. Instead of being supportive, they harassed me to come out drinking, or go to the bar. Like I had just been through a breakup and needed to go out. No, literally 24 hours ago I buried my baby in the ground.

2. Just Jealous

I set a good girl friend up with a close guy friend. Then he started cheating on her, so I told her the truth. When she finally confronted him, his actually replied with:

“Don’t listen to her. She’s just jealous. Just played matchmaker to get closer to me.”

The worst part? She believed him. So did my circle of friends on her side and his side.

I never quite got over that.

3. Nowhere to go from here

When I realized the only thing we had in common was the past. That sucked.

4. Moms’ club

She had a baby, and then one day we were having lunch and she told me “You know, I only want to hang out with other moms from now on.” I didn’t quite get the hint, but she ignored all my texts and emails for a few months and I finally realized what she was trying to tell me back there.

5. Ghosted

My best friend ghosted on me. We met in 3rd grade and were thick as thieves until I went to college. While I can recognize I wasn’t the greatest friend always, it was 100% her choice to stop being my friend. I admit- it still hurts nearly a decade later. I never got closure, and I doubt I ever will. I’m not sure she has thought out why or would give me the honest truth if I asked. She should have been my maid of honor, and it makes me really sad when I think of that. I try to remind myself that she caused drama for me- she was really passive aggressive and wouldn’t talk to me when I did something to bother her. She also never opened up to me about anything bothering her in other aspects of her life. I don’t need that back in my life.

But I do miss the great times we had- all the inside jokes, the way we knew what was on each other’s minds- we absolutely killed at the game taboo! – and I have never gotten that close with anyone again. But I did read a really beautiful sentiment recently, which I will try to capture here. The people you have in your life grow and occupy space in the tapestry that makes up your life. When they are gone, it makes a hole where they used to be. The memories and love are still there and may always be there. So don’t look at your tapestry as filled with holes- look at it as your own unique lace pattern. The pattern isn’t over, but it is constantly changing. The pain of loss doesn’t ever really go away, but it does lessen over time.

6. Karma

Walked in on him moments after he was finished having sex with my (now ex) girlfriend in my room

Karma was nice though: he blew out his knee and can no longer play his sport professionally, I lost a lot of weight, and she found most of it.

7. I’m sorry – cat abuse?

His drug using girlfriend who was on probation stole $300 from me and abused my cat. My former friend refused to believe she could do such a thing and got pissed off at me about it. We’d been friends for 20+ years.

8. Ouch

Let him move in because of issues at his home. Started missing money and found used syringes IN MY SHOES.

9. Anger Management

She flipped and went super saiyan because I had the audacity to make plans with another friend, and invite her. Instead of making plans with her first then inviting my other friend. She then pinned me to a chair and started screaming in my face. Thats the day I fired my maid of honour, and booted her from my life. She then smashed my car window that night.

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12 People Reveal Why They’re Still Single

It’s one thing to ask your friends or family why they think you’re still single, and quite another to self-assess. These 12 people took a frank look in the mirror and share with the world the truth (in their eyes) about why they haven’t found that special someone.

#12. Wine and takeaway pizza

“I really can’t be bothered to put myself out there. I’m a lazy fuck and I’d much rather laze around with friends than go out and meet people. I’m a hopeless romantic at heart, but I’m also a hedonist who likes lounging in pyjamas in my bed. Give me wine and takeaway pizza any day.”

#11. A hard truth

“Because even though one is the loneliest number, two can be bad as one.”

#10. It must be

“Probably I am just too handsome and nobody dare to approach, yes it must be.”

#9. But with a nice vocabulary

“I’m a boring & misanthropic hermit with a lot of trust issues and self loathing.”

#8. Because, people

“Because I hate people and finding someone to date is a pain in the ass.”

#7. The grind

“When you work 60 to 70 hours a week you don’t have time to talk to anyone.”

#6. Peace and quiet

“I’m introverted, self conscious, and I love peace and quiet, so I just don’t seek relationships. Also, the world is populated enough already.”

#5. Everyone has their thing

“My personality is as attractive as a turd.”

#4. Because of the kids

“I was widowed when my kids were 5, 9, 11 and 13. They came first in my life. Now that they’re grown and successful, I’m too set in my ways and comfortable on my own.”

#3. One is the happiest number

“Honestly, I don’t want a partner. People never believe me when I say it, but it really is true.

I was in a relationship for years, and I was depressed. At the time I didn’t realise what the problem was, but then when it ended (and after a period of not knowing what to do with myself) I became happier than I’d ever been.

I’ve been in a couple of short-lived relationships since, and they were fine, but I still wasn’t as happy as when I was single, so I had to end them.

I think the whole “You MUST find the person of your dreams otherwise you will be SAD and LONELY” is complete bullshit.

There are other things in life. Hobbies. Friendship. Family.

I do want children at some point though, so I may run into trouble there…”

#2. A sausage fest

“I’m a guy in an industry that is all guys. All my friends and friends of friends are married. It’s a real challenge to meet any women when your life is an endless sausage fest and no one you know is single.”

#1. Never settle

“I decided I’d rather have no relationship at all than one that doesn’t fit quite right.”

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A Survey Claims Half of American Women Are More Stressed by Their Husbands Than Their Children

I can hear most of my married friends out there responding to this headline with some version of “duh,” but look – now there’s proof that we’re not just impatient aholes!

The survey, done by Today, surveyed 7,000 American women and found that the majority of us are stressed due to not feeling as if there are enough hours in the day to complete all expected tasks, and that 75% of us feel as if we’re shouldering the majority of both parenting and household duties.

1 in 5 mothers said that one of their major stresses was a lack of help from their significant other.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Also interestingly, the stress levels play a role later in life, too. When a wife passes first, the husband’s health tends to deteriorate, but when the husband passes first, the wife tends to become healthier and deals better with stress and depression.

It shouldn’t be a surprise, but this is likely because the husband leans more on the wife than vice versa.

If you identify a trend like this in your relationship, you can try writing down all of the daily/weekly duties and splitting them evenly.

Might as well give it a shot!

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20 Women Share the Responses They Got When They Finally Asked out Their Crushes

A British relationship blogger named Oloni asked a bunch of ladies on Twitter to share their responses after they asked people they’ve been crushing on out for a date.

Photo Credit: Twitter,simplyoloni

Have you ever had the courage to finally ask out someone you’ve admired from afar? These 20 ladies did. Enjoy.


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h/t: Yes Plz

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This Guy’s Story About His Crazy Ex GF Will Make You Want to Get Therapy

We’ve all had the ex that has gone a little overboard from time to time, but this story is insane. This poor fella decided to share the story of his crazy ex-girlfriend for the whole world to see. Whew! Buckle up for this one…

Photo Credit: Twitter,hoemar___

Man, that was exhausting. Now I need a nap.

h/t: Yes Plz

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5 Things Men Secretly Pay Attention to in Women

There’s a stereotype (that’s often true) that men are only half-paying attention to anything their better halves are saying, wearing, doing, etc on any given day. In my personal experience, that is absolutely true (and goes double for my young son), but according to this research, there are some things that men absolutely notice.

Go forth and experiment on your own, friends!

#5. Text Signals

Photo Credit: Brightside

Think women are the only ones who obsess over every word in a text message? Think again.

Linguists say that frequent phrases like “I think, I feel” mean that a person is likely to be more selfish. It’s easier to pick up on these kinds of tendencies while texting, which is why people who are tuned in to analyzing and making judgement based on what we send.

#4. Facial Expression

Photo Credit: Brightside

Despite what you may believe, men can absolutely gauge emotions by reading expressions. Don’t let them off the hook!

#3. Drink Preference

Photo Credit: Brightside

It turns out you can tell a lot about someone from how and what they drink. Men pay attention so that they’ll know what to order, but also to gauge a loved one’s mood. They also notice whether a woman is a social or habitual drinker when searching for a long-term partner.

#2. Outfit Color

Photo Credit: Brightside

They may not know who the designer is or remember whether the tie went on the front or the back, but color? Men notice. This is because it sends subtle signals about the mood and appetite for the evening.

#1. How Much Meat We Eat

Photo Credit: Brightside

Women who eat salads appear shy and often less attractive than a woman who orders a steak – she’s confident and relaxed!

h/t: Brightside

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14 Insane facts about relationships and marriage

Even in XXI century, a human’s behavior remains a huge mystery. Now imagine how things get complicated when we talk about behavior in a relationship between two persons. What rules them? Which are the reasons for getting married and divorced? What do people fight about? What are the most surprising facts about relationships? Our friends […]