Grandma Takes Incredible Boudoir Pics to Prove That #RelationshipGoals Have No Age Limit

Boudoir pictures are all the rage these days. If you’re unfamiliar, they’re basically just some racy photos one usually takes (often with the help of a photographer) as a sexy surprise for their significant other.

But sexy photos are usually the purview of younger couples. You know, the set that doesn’t have to worry about extra skin and stretch marks and saggy boobs, et al.

Then again, screw body negativity! Once your kids leave the nest, it seems like the perfect time invest in some sexy snaps!

Maybe that’s what Georgia grandma Lisa Bishop thought when her daughter Samantha, who takes boudoir photographs for a living, offered to photograph her. However, they decided to take the boudoir idea and turn it on its head – or knitting needles as the case may be.

She told Scary Mommy:

“I’m a boudoir photographer and my mom and I talked about doing a shoot. She said she’d only do one if we could do it in a bathtub full of yarn.”

And thus, this beautiful, hilarious idea came to fruition.

It may have begun as a joke but as they went along, Lisa really started to get into it. They started with the yarn, but then took things a step further…

Your eyes do not deceive you — those are Wether’s Originals pouring over her bare legs. This is how a legend is born.

Her daughter revealed that they didn’t even have to buy any of the props.

“She’s an avid crocheter, so we already had the yarn on hand.”

No word on the Werther’s, though I figure Lisa’s got lots more where those came from…

The good news is the last few pages of the photo album are blank, which means we can all cross our fingers for follow up shots.

You can see by her husband’s reaction that he’s hoping for the same.

“Oh good,” he says. “There’s room for more.”

Amen, Mike. Amen.

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People Reveal Some of the Pettiest Reasons They’ve Ended a Relationship

Relationships often come to an end. Sometimes, that end is amicable and based on some pretty sound reasons that make breaking up the best option for both parties. Other times, the reason is seemingly trivial, like someone leaving dirty socks ALL OVER THE PLACE. It may sound silly, but if that little thing is a trigger for you, it can be a dealbreaker.

Those little, deal-breaking things can honestly be pretty hilarious – they just go to show how particular people can be. Some of the ones in this AskReddit post even feel like they’re straight out of a Seinfeld episode. Maybe we’ll see some of these relationship-ending quirks on the next big sitcom?

1. Condescending

“She had been to university and I hadn’t, wasn’t really much of a big deal to me. Until one day she had her friends round, and they were talking and I was obviously trying to engage in conversation and make a good first impression.

At which point she said “aw you don’t have to try to talk to us, you can watch TV” I can see how it might have been innocent, but f*cking hell it felt condescending. I’m not a child, I can be part of an adult conversation without a degree.”

2. The bus was the culprit

“When I was in high school I broke up with my boyfriend when it came time to pick our bus seats for the semester. I knew he’d want to sit together. I also knew we’d probably break up during the semester, and then have to go through the drama and embarrassment of getting our seats changed. So I broke up with him before the seating charts came out to make my life easier down the road.”

3. Didn’t see an issue?

“I was the dumpee not the dumper. I shared a post on Facebook of the new Dragonball Z Adidas sneakers. My fiance’s sister’s BF commented calling my friends and I nerds and threatened to kill us. Fiance didn’t see an issue with this and sided with him. We got in a huge fight a bout it which led to her texting me at work a few days later to end our 4 year relationship via text.”

4. Rumors

“A girl I rode the bus with in middle School asked me out, I said sure. On the way home that same day she complimented my eyes and asked if I wore mascara. Being that I’ve always been a sarcastic ass I said, something like “Yup. If you like that, you should see me with my lipstick on.”

She broke up with me on the spot and started a rumor that I was gay. I’d blame her for the fact that I didn’t get any other girlfriends until high school, but it didn’t exactly score me any boyfriend’s either… so I guess it was just me. Lol.”

5. Unforgivable

“She criticized the way I cut green peppers. I learned from professional chefs, and she just butchered them when I asked her to show me how I was “supposed to do it”.

Also, she didn’t think dinosaurs ever existed. She was 23, and I was 24.”

6. That’s annoying

“I was seeing this guy who would always say “I forgive you” any time we slightly disagreed on something or I did something little like shut the car door too hard. I got so annoyed of being “forgiven” for things I hadn’t even apologized for.

Still irritates me and it’s supposed to be a polite thing. Irksome.”

7. The dreaded brown shirt

“He wore this one brown shirt I absolutely hated like once a week at least. I figured I didn’t really like him that much if I was so focused on one shirt. I was also 15.”

8. Realization

“Haha, that rings a bell with me. My first gf did something similar:

We went to the FiBo (Huge fitness fair in Germany) and got in line to get some goodies. The stand we were at handed out T-Shirts, both of us got the same size (she wanted hers oversized). A couple days later she mentioned that she didn’t really need or like her shirt and I said I’d take it – she wanted 5 bucks in exchange.

I really wanted that shirt, so I said screw it and gave her the money.

Month or two later, she wanted her shirt back. Didn’t give me my money back.

That was some serious Scrooge McDuck move lol. It made me realize however (along with a lot of other things she did) that this isn’t a person I wanna be with.”

9. $2

“She wanted $2 for my share of the pizza we bought after I filled up my car to take us and some friends to the mall. There was about 5 years of bullsh*t before that… but that $2 was the final straw.”

10. I need some space

“I was 17 and leaving for the Army. We had only been dating a couple months, and the night before I shipped out, she gave me one of those cringey morph photos of what your kids would look like based on pictures of the couple.

She wasn’t typically crazy, just really insecure and young me saw my life flash before my eyes. I sat her down and explained that it was a crazy stressful time, she was still a sophomore or junior in high school, and that I needed some space to get some life momentum and couldn’t string her along into the unknown. She cried, we hugged and kissed goodbye for about an hour, and that was that.”

11. Musician problems

“A friend who is obscenely into classical music was dating a violinist and broke up with her because she mispronounced Shostakovich.

Musician problems I guess.”

12. Bonus

“She was pissed I wasn’t sharing my year end bonus with **her**. She obviously snooped in my checkbook at home office.”

13. Can’t get past that tat

“A bad tattoo.

She had a really big (and bad) Alkaline Trio tattoo on her lower back. It was clearly from another time in her life. But for some reason I just couldn’t move past it. We’d be having sex and I just couldn’t stop looking at it.

Other than that I was really attracted to her. But I can still see that tattoo in my mind and it makes me cringe.”

14. Actually…

“She was mad at me because she thought I didn’t like her cat.
I liked the cat better than her, so I figured it was time to bow out.”

15. Choose

“She gave me one of those Force FX lightsabers, even though she wasn’t a Star Wars fan at all. 30-minutes later, she starts a fight and tries to take the lightsaber. I said it was a gift. “It’s me or the lightsaber,” she says.

It’s sitting above my office desk as I type this.”

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15+ Dads Who Totally Out-Dadded Themselves This Year

Dads are a whole other breed of human. I’m not sure if “Dad-ness” (which includes symptoms like lame jokes and wearing New Balance shoes) is something that all men just carry dormant within them, or if it’s a side-effect of having kids. Either way, it comes for all of us one day.

But that’s what makes Dads such wonderful (and funny) people.

And these dads are taking it to the next level.

1. Hahahaha

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. F-A-R-T

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. Meow

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. He needed that

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. He’s an expert now

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Backup

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Proud papa

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. We can get toast, too

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Yes, you do

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Which one are you again?

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. This is incredible

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Solid move

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Sorry, Dad

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Noooooooooo

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. Sounds familiar

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. Why not?

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. Slang

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. He blew it

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. You’ve been lied to

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. Going way back

Photo Credit: Twitter

Let’s all tip our caps to the dads out there. They keep us entertained, if nothing else.

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This Family’s Christmas Card Gets Better and Better Every Year

When it comes to their annual Christmas card, the Stanley family from Charlotte, North Carolina has it all figured out.

For the past five years, Mom, Dad, two brothers, a new little sister (this year) have mailed out a hilarious and crazy Christmas card to friends and family.

Jonathan Stanley said, “The very first time we tried to take a “traditional” Christmas card photo we had hilariously bad results.” So why not do something different.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Jonathan added, “We were new parents with a one-year-old and everything went wrong – baby cried the whole time, it was windy, the lighting kept changing, you name it. If 2 of us looked okay, the third one blinked. We laughed so hard at how bad the photos were that we decided just to send them out as is and our family loved it. From there the tradition was born – instead of trying to send perfect cards, we would send something that represented the chaos of parenting.”

Scroll through the Stanleys’ cards and you’ll see the evolution of the family and the laughs.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Photo Credit: Reddit

Can’t wait to see next year’s version.

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Children of Strict Parents Share the Ridiculous Rules They Had to Follow

Growing up in an Indian household, I know for a fact my parents were much more strict than a lot of my friends. That said when I read the stories below I thanked my lucky stars that my parents were still pretty reasonable.

AskReddit users ‘fessed up and revealed the ridiculous things their parents wouldn’t allow them to do. If you think your parents were hard on you…you might reconsider by the end.

1. SMH

“I was once grounded for a month, like, could go out to play with my friends, watch TV, play video games, or use the phone, because I said that I believed in evolution.

I had to admit that evolution wasn’t real, and I had to write “Evolution is not real.” 100 times.

We didn’t even go to church.”

2. No friends

“My dad wouldn’t let me leave the house on the weekends.

Guess who was upset that I didn’t have any friends?”

3. Homeschooled

“I was taken out of school and homeschooled. I wasn’t allowed to see my friends more than once every few months. So I would go weeks without seeing anybody except my parents and old church-people.

This was basically my entire time as a teenager.”

4. No entry

“My mom allowed me to invite friends over but they weren’t allowed in the house. One day it rained and we had to sit on the porch until my friend’s mom came to get her.”

5. Truly white

“I wasn’t allowed to wear white clothes, cuz I’d never be able to keep them “truly white”.

Also, drive. Everyone around me has a drivers license except for me. When asking my parents why they never taught me or sent me to driving lessons, they just said “oh, you’re not good enough to drive”. Without actually giving me a chance. Thanks mom and stepdad.”

6. Why bother inviting him?

“My dad told me (F18) to invite one of my male friends (M18) with us on vacation. The friend’s room was on the one side of the living room while mine was on the other. My dad proceeded to stack 5 chairs on the inside of my door so that he’ll hear if my FRIEND snuck into my room.”

7. Rough Childhood

“I wasn’t allowed to have friends at all. Wasn’t allowed to go outside to play except supervised in the yard. I had a pet snake, she was my only friend. One night she got out of her tank some how and my dad found her. She hissed at him, he killed her then he skinned her while I had to watch.

In high school I was allowed to go to someones house to play D&D with them. But it ended up being a ‘test’ that I failed resulting in a lot of screaming and punishment.

After HS, my father made me start college immediately, threatening to kick me out if I didn’t. Literally a week out of HS I was in college doing a degree I had zero interest in. I finished and tried to do a degree that I was interested in, I was berated, screamed at and manipulated into quitting. During HS I wasn’t allowed to work or get a driving license or get out in the world at all so I was 100% stupid about pretty much everything.

There are worse things… but I guess it turned out well enough.”

8. Grounded

“Was once grounded from the library because my parents were mad that they couldn’t punish me with isolation (go to my room? Yes, please!).”

9. Satanic Panic

“I wasn’t allowed to play Dungeons and Dragons any more, got my books and materials confiscated.

1980s Satanic Panic stuff.

It particularly sucked because we weren’t well off and I’d earned the money to buy the DM books without their help. Plus, losing those made friends’ investment in player manuals useless …”

10. Strict

“My parents were very strict about “gender appropriate activities” I’m a girl so any activity deemed to masculine was off limits. Things I was interested in but banned from doing:

Skateboarding, video games, reading comic books, playing Pokemon, certain movies and books, playing most sports, watching most sports… The list goes on.”

11. Don’t cheat

“I was once sent to my room for cheating at Battleship.

I had to stay on my bed for a few hours. My mother went to the store and left us kids alone. At some point, my sister got stuck in a tree. I left my room, helped her down, then returned to my bed. When Mom got home I told her, and got in trouble for leaving the room.”

12. Um…

“My parents had a eat it or wear it rule.

I distinctly remember hiding under the table while my mom threw spaghetti at me.”

13. Roald Dahl forbidden

“My mom raised us in a super Christian household but has relaxed as I grew up. When I was in elementary school she didn’t want me to watch James and the Giant Peach for some reason (oooOoohh evil).

We watched it in my third grade class and I was too shy to speak up. Then as the credits were rolling, I raised my hand and said, “Mrs. Norris, I am not allowed to watch that movie.” lol. my poor grade school self.”

14. The Big N

“I got an “N” in handwriting in 2nd grade (it stands for Needs Improvement).

They took my toys, books, posters, art supplies, everything, and put it in the closet and nailed the closet shut. They dumped my clothes in a pile on the floor and taped my dresser shut. I had to live in a completely barren room with nothing at all to do but lay on the bed and daydream and think about what I did until the next improved report card came out. It was a very long 6 weeks.

By high school they were so wrapped up in their own addictions and petty dramas that they entirely gave up the pretense of being strict parents raising smart successful children. They didn’t care if I went to school, got good grades, did homework, etc. I showed them by not graduating.”

15. No tattoos for you

“I understand why my mum does this but it’s still annoying, but she absolutely will not let me get a tattoo. I’m 18, I don’t need her permission and I’m really tempted to do it anyway cause I don’t care anymore, but she’s that parent who’s like “my house my rules” and threatens to kick me out if I get a tattoo (Which is a total lie but I want to leave anyway so I may just do it to get kicked out on purpose).”

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15 People Share the Best Way to Make the Worst First Impression

You only get one shot, people. Whether you’re meeting a stranger, potential boss, or a blind date, you only get one opportunity to make a first impression. So don’t blow it!

People on AskReddit shared the best ways to make a bad impression, so do the exact opposite of that, okay?

1. Now I’m sad

“Be yourself..?”

2. Very true

“If on a date- treating service industry people poorly.”

3. No

“Lick their face.”

4. Shrug

“Show up late without a good excuse.”

5. A lot of that going around

“Talk about yourself 24/7 and interrupt people.”

6. Not a good way to start

“Create a dumb pet name for that person and let them know.

“And you are?”


“I’m going to call you Vickers.” “

7. Sup bro?

“Turn up high on mad drugs.”

8. That is very specific

“Wear Oakleys and a backwards hat, have yourself delivered in a large box, then explode out of it to do a dabbing pose with fidget spinners in each hand and vape smoke clouding out of your nostrils.”

9. Never a good idea

“Simultaneously poop yourself and vomit. Does it every time.”

10. That’s odd

“Correct someone when they tell you their name.

“Hi! I’m Joseph”

“Ohh you mean Jonathon!”

“… No..”

11. I know

“Reply with “Yeah, I know.” when they say “Nice to meet you.”

Yes, personal experience. I was the a**hole.”

12. Detailed instructions

“Here is my comprehensive breakdown.

0 Disengage your sense of empathy

1 Don’t let the other person talk about things they care about, but encourage them to go on at length about things that make them uncomfortable. Interupt or divert conversation whenever they look like they might be moving to a topic they find interesting, or even engaging in a non-positive way.

2 Make your physical presence as unpleasant as possible. You want to smell, but not just ‘I don’t wash’ smell, I’m talking hospital smells, post sex smell, wet dog and cheap perfume, vegtable rot all blended together. Make it so that if they try to figure out how those smells got there they would think you had been doing deeply unpleasant things for the day. You want your handshakes, to be limp and strangely damp- always shake hands with the hand you hold your drink, and linger too close. Lean in and whisper. Have bad breath. Make sure your movements are bereft of elegance and grace- preferably jerky or awkward in ways that people instantly think ‘isn’t that uncomfortable’, which in turn makes them uncomfortable. Lopsided, S-spine posture is a must. Make sure your hands are dirty, skin rough, and with jagged nails. Don’t use clippers for those nails, just teeth, and preferably just as you meet someone while going for a handshake with the other hand.

3 Dress with clothes that tell an unpleasant story. Ill fitting is a must, but also things that make it look like you’ve come from somewhere unpleasant and are bringing it with you. Hated subcultures are a must, but be careful. If you are too divisive, you might encourage people of that subculture to engage positively with you- a good trick is to combine things like militant pro-vegan slogan tees with a real fur jacket. Try to make sure your clothes have damage and unfortunate stains.

4 Attitude. You can make a lot of attitudes work, but one thing is your enemy-consistancy. Be loud, be quiet, use big expressive language, use small body language and gestures, be uncomfortably friendly then unreasonably angry. The more moods and emotions you can display in those first moments of meeting, the more unsettling it is.

5 Defy expectations. If there are boundaries, even things as simple as when and where to be, cross them. If there is a list of good ettiquite for where you meet someone, breach every part of it.

6 Last, but certainly not least, practice. Like with any skill, practice makes perfect. Fortunately, most cities have places where you will make a first impression on thousands of people in a day- go out into the world and see what works. Rush hour traffic or christmas shopping, you can practice first impressions anywhere, until people will avoid eye contact and cross the street at a glance.”

13. Passionate fans

“Well the other day i went to my girlfriends house. Mexican soccer final was on.

Her dad asks me “So, which team of the two do you like?”

“Eh, i dont watch soccer much anymore but Las Aguilas del America are okay.”

He turns over and looks at me. Felt like 30 min. Then he finally says “Theyre the only team I can’t f*cking stand.”

So that way.”

14. Sniff sniff

“Shake their hand, and hold onto it for a just little longer than usual. Then bring it up to your nose and take a goooood long sniff. Let out a little moan after. Then carry on like usual.”

15. “This looks boring”

“My company is currently interviewing for a couple of positions. Sometimes, during the second round of interviews, they bring candidates in to the office where they’ll be working, partly so they can see it, and partly so the rest of the team can give their first impressions after they’re gone.

The candidate who was the strongest on paper comes in, and the first thing he says is: “This looks boring.” I don’t think he’ll get the job.”

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Artist’s Adorable Illustrations Reveal the Hidden Side of Relationships

The prospect of a long-term relationship brings up pretty mixed reactions from people. Particularly for those who are single, long-term relationships might seem like a perfect romantic experience where couples sit around and cuddle and feed each other grapes all day. But anyone who’s actually been in a long-term relationship will tell you that that’s just not the case. Sure, there are tons of amazing moments that you’d never trade in a lifetime, but there are also plenty of others that aren’t as picture-perfect as Rom-Coms might have you believe.

But don’t just take my word for it. LA-based artist Amanda Oleander has been documenting the lives of couples behind closed doors and her work is way too relatable. She’s been dating a man named Joey for the past three years and is very open about how much their relationship has influenced her work. “Before I met Joey if anyone told me their love and relationship was like ours I wouldn’t believe it,” Oleander said in an interview with Bored Panda. ” It’s nothing less than amazing. We can’t get enough of each other.”

She went on to say that, “[She’s] enthralled by the way people behave behind closed doors, intimate moments we never get to see. Those are moments that can’t really be documented because if they were, it would alter the way the person behaved. So I draw them.”

You can check out some of Amanda’s work below.


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander


Photo Credit: Amanda Oleander

That’s as real as it gets.

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Expert Reveals 9 Rules for a Happy Marriage

Marriage is the ultimate commitment, and while there’s certainly a lot of romance to it, it’s also important to understand that it’s also work. Happily ever after is great for movies, but in real life, there are going to be plenty of moments where it takes work.

Marriage isn’t always easy or fun. Yet, if you are with the right person, someone you love and who loves you, it is always worth fighting for. If only couples could be given some kind of marriage playbook.

For that, we can look to Carrie Cole, Master Trainer and director of Seattle’s Gottman Institute. Cole has made a career of researching the traits that make a long, happy marriage.  Studying thousands of couples, she has come up with these 9 rules for a successful marriage.

1. Stay engaged during an argument.

Couples together for the long haul avoid shutting down or giving silent treatments during arguments. They take breaks to calm down and then explain what is so upsetting.

Photo Credit: Flickr

2. Work through every crisis.

A crisis doesn’t have to end a marriage. Working through a problem means expressing feelings in a healthy way and validating each other.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

3. Learn from conflict.

Conflict in marriage is unavoidable. But happy couples use conflict to grow closer together by listening to and validating each other.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

4. Be grateful for what you have.

Even when money or time is scarce, happy couples make the most of what they do have and learn to appreciate the little things.

Photo Credit:

5. Stay positive.

No matter the circumstances, believe your partner has only your best interests at heart.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

6. Be a support system for each other.

Happy couples talk through their stress and problems. They listen to each other with judgement or comment.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

7. Accept each others’ differences.

Differences make us who we are.

Photo Credit: Maxpixel

8. Don’t accuse.

Accusing your partner shows contempt and sets up future conflict. Remain positive and express your needs directly with statements like, “I need you to be fully honest with me,” instead of, “You are lying.”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

9. Don’t criticize.

Attacking your partner constantly is unnecessary and creates strife. Gently pointing out when your partner is acting in an  inconsiderate way works better.

Photo Credit:

The most important takeaway from Cole’s list is that couples should make their marriage a priority. Taking steps to make each other feel loved and appreciated is key to a long and happy partnership.

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15 Little Things You Can Do to Appear More Attractive

The older I get, the less I care about what people think of me, especially whether or not they find me attractive. I’m not really someone who thinks too hard about my appearance, and besides, the people who love me do so for reasons other than what I look like.

However, I must admit there are still times when looking attractive (or at least presentable) is required or desired. And if I were single, I would be more invested in my appearance, for sure. If that’s your current sitch, then you might be interested in what these 13+ people have to say!

#1. Magically transformed

“Be kind and joyful.

Be engaging.

Be funny.

I once saw a documentary and one of the women was objectively very unattractive, just a weird looking face, no makeup, almost looked like an alien. But she was so lively and fun, and full of enthusiasm and good humor that by the end of it she had magically transformed into an attractive person before my eyes.”

#2. A list of tips

“Be clean and well kept. Here are some of my best tips:


Shower daily, use good quality soap that isn’t overly scented
Wash and condition your hair every few days if not daily (depends on your hair)
Wear deodorant
Wear clothes that are clean and fit well
Looking healthy:

Drink plenty of water, it will make you look and feel more awake and can help clear up your skin
Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, this will also contribute to glowing skin and can also help you shed excess weight
Get plenty of sleep. Not getting enough sleep contributes to weight gain, dull and/or blemished skin, under-eye circles, and an all around “tired” look

Keep your eyebrows maintained – if you don’t get them waxed, be sure to pluck stray hairs, especially between your brows. You can also spritz an old toothbrush with hair spray and brush your eyebrows, which keeps them in place and neat throughout the day
MOISTURIZE! This is especially important in the dry winter months. Invest in a good moisturizer for your body and another for your face. You don’t have to spend a ton of money, they have good moisturizers at drugstores and supermarkets
Keep your hair neat and brushed, styled with a little product if necessary. If you dye your hair, don’t let your roots grow out too long
Keep your nails clean and trimmed/filed/manicured. If you wear nail polish, either touch it up or take it off when it starts chipping. If your nails are long, be sure to clean underneath them regularly
Find a perfume or cologne that you like, that isn’t too overpowering, and that mixes well with your body. Wear it regularly
KEEP YOUR TEETH AS NICE AS YOU CAN. Teeth are a HUGE factor in attractiveness. If your teeth are crooked, you can’t change that (at least not immediately), but you can floss daily, brush twice a day, and wear your retainer/mouth guard if you have one. Take the best possible care of your teeth that you can

Dress appropriately for your job; this differs depending on the job, obviously
Wear a few classic pieces of jewelry. A watch, nice bracelet, rings, etc. Jewelry is fine, but don’t go too over the top with cheap, gaudy jewelry
Invest in a few pairs of nice shoes. Again, what type of shoes you invest in depends on your job and lifestyle.”

#3. Memory

“Remember the persons name and use it when appropriate. Not being able to remember my name 5 minutes after meeting me is a huge turn off.”

#4. Kind of my specialty

“Stripper here, I’m a bit late to this party but this is kinda my specialty so figured I’d contribute. People think good looks are all luck or genetics or whatever, nope. They’re attainable by almost anyone imho.

Hygiene is #1. You could be a perfect 10, but smell bad or have bad breath and that drops you instantly to about a 3. Shower everyday. Listen to the dentist, brush and floss everyday.
Have a bit of a tan. It makes you look about 5-10 pounds slimmer instantly. You dont need to lay In the sun to do this either – I use Jergens Natural glow moisturiser which is like $8.59 at Target and won’t give you skin cancer.
Whiten your teeth. You don’t need expensive procedures or veneers to do this. Crest Whitestrips work just fine. They’re about $50, for a week long treatment that lasts a year.
If you are a lady, having long hair makes you look much slimmer and more attractive. Straightening it is a bonus. Just be careful with heat treatments – if you straighten every day like I do, use a product to protect from heat. Anything by Redken is great.
Learn the art of makeup, ladies. Guys say they appreciate “natural beauty” but their idea of this is so rare it almost doesnt exist. You want to be wearing makeup but have it look like you aren’t. Learn contouring and a subtle cat eye, for example. Done right, this will up your “score” by a good 2 pts. My SO (we are very honest w each other) knows all my makeup routines; he says I’m a 7 without makeup and a 9 with, and he isn’t wrong.
Wear clothes that fit. If you’re a medium buy a medium rather than trying to squeeze into a small.”

#5. Clean and confident

“Hydrate your skin and take care of your hair.
Smell good.
Take care of your teeth.
Wear clean clothes that make you feel confident.

But most importantly: smile and make eye contact (not staring!) with people.”

#6. Posture, posture, posture

“I had success with a mixture of:

rolling out my thoratic spine (helps with slouch)
barbell rows (pulls shoulders back. ideally you’d work out your full body)
core work (straightens hips)
think about being pulled up by strings like a puppet to straighten up. eventually it becomes natural to do if you practice it enough.”

#7. Clean and trimmed

“Keep your fingernails clean and trimmed. No one cares if you look like Idris Elba or Olivia Wilde if your nails look like you pick your ass with them.”

#8. Strengths and weaknesses

“Lean on your strengths, forget about your weaknesses.

Figure out what your best feature is and make that as noticeable as possible. If you have great hair/eyes/butt/whatever, draw as much attention as you can to it.

The idea behind this goes like this – people generally only notice/remember one or two things about about a person. If you can impress on them that you have really strong shoulders or really great tits that’s generally all they’ll remember. “Karen?… Oh right, the girl with that beautiful long curly red hair! She’s pretty.” But if Karen is a little overweight or has an ugly voice, they will be less likely to remember that than if she has a good feature that she can make stand out.

As well, you can’t have awesome/perfect everything. So rather than trying to work on everything all at once, or trying to change things like height/face shape, just try to improve and highlight something you already have. Hide your weaknesses in plane sight.

So, figure out what your “thing” can be and accentuate that as much as possible.”

#9. Practice

“Learn your angles!! Practice smiling in a mirror and figure out what expressions look best on you.”

#10. Double points

“You’d be surprised what a shower a day, and clean clothes will do. Double points for having well kempt hair.”

#11. Always a jokester in the crowd

“Low lighting.”

#12. Simple things

“The same answers appear every time this gets asked, and ultimately boils down to the same pointers.

– Decent haircut (also hair that isn’t greasy).

– Clothes that fit properly (Not to baggy or purchased from Walmart, I like Ross and sometimes I’ll frequent the mall, I like the vans store).

– Cut your nails

– Smell nice (There are memes referencing a woman’s “hoe side coming out” when smelling a nice fragrance.

I’m not the best looking guy out there, kind of chubby with big glasses at times, some times I wear contacts. My girlfriend is a knockout though, and I like to think covering the previously mentioned pointers helped me out.

Side Note: If you want to meet women you have to talk to them, starting the conversation is half the battle, Introduce yourself, ask a question that may lead to another question to keep things going.

I.E. ” Do you like coffee”? Followed by “Would you like to get coffee:?​

This will may lead to intercourse but is not guaranteed.”

#13. Niceties 

“Be nice to other people. Show gratitude. Laugh a lot. These things are very attractive to other people even if they can’t pinpoint why they like someone. This attitude or way of being will start to show in other aspects of your life.”

#14. A great haircut

“Always have a great haircut or hairdo and smell nice.”

#15. Physical activity

“Physical activity of any sort, doesn’t have to be weightlifting but that’s an option.”

Go forth and stun!

The post 15 Little Things You Can Do to Appear More Attractive appeared first on UberFacts.

Girl Tries to Scam Tinder Date for a Free Fancy Dinner, Backfires Spectacularly

If you’re old enough to have dated both pre- and post-Tinder, you know how much the app has changed the game. One little swipe is all it takes now. Still, some things never change: dating was kinda sucky before, and it can still be pretty sucky now.

Instead of finding dates through mutual friends, we end up going out with strangers based on how somebody randomly answered our questions, then sitting across the table from people we don’t know at all, without any idea whether we like them that much.

I mean, how do we end up knowing less about a person despite having talked to them beforehand?!

Imgur user minilogo37 learned all of this the hard way. Because very soon into a Tinder date, he discovered that his “match” was just using him for dinner and drinks.

Photo Credit: Imgur

You can see where this is going, right?

Date orders the most expensive things on the menu.

No attempt at conversation.

Straight up scam city.

Photo Credit: Imgur

But minilogo37 didn’t take it lying down.

He fought back.

Photo Credit: Imgur


Commenters were quick to praise him for his response to this nasty situation:

Photo Credit: Imgur

Photo Credit: Imgur

Photo Credit: Imgur

Photo Credit: Imgur

Photo Credit: Imgur

Photo Credit: Imgur

Also, this being the internet, people had other solutions for avoiding this kind of situation:

Photo Credit: Imgur

Photo Credit: Imgur

Photo Credit: Imgur

And yeah, some thought OP was a dick…

Photo Credit: Imgur

Photo Credit: Imgur

Photo Credit: Imgur

What say you? Did she deserve it? Should he have stayed and paid?

The post Girl Tries to Scam Tinder Date for a Free Fancy Dinner, Backfires Spectacularly appeared first on UberFacts.