A Bride Wants a ‘Deeply Meaningful’ 5:30 AM Wedding and Wants to Know If Guests Are Allowed to Be Mad

Weddings used to be deeply personal events before they became industrialized soirees that cost literally tens of thousands of dollars and also became some kind of competition to see who can use the most Pinterest pins.

All that aside, when you invite guests to an event, it is generally accepted that one should take societal norms into consideration. Norms like sleeping.

You can see the dilemma for this bride-to-be, who says that watching the sun rise is a tradition for her and her fiancee. Frankly, that’s cute!

But a 5:30 A.M. wedding? Less cute.

AITA for wanting a sunrise wedding? from AmItheAsshole

She wants to spend their wedding celebration with her friends and family and her special daybreak tradition…but some of her guests are less than enthused at being asked to be up and wedding-ready before daybreak.

So, the bride took to Reddit’s Am I The A**hole subreddit to find out whether she was being unreasonable, or whether her guests were just jerks looking to ruin the romance.

Most people weren’t really ready to call her TA (The A**hole), though they did have some suggestions for tweaking her plans just a bit to make everyone a bit happier.

Others thought ESH (Everyone Sucks Here), her for asking and them for refusing her request.

And still others were ready to defend the Your Wedding, Your Rules philosophy to the death.

What do you think? I kind of agree that maybe a private sunrise ceremony could be the best option, or maybe just invite people but make it clear you won’t be mad if they choose not to show up so early.

Tell us what you think in the comments!

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According to Scientists, Here Are 5 Benefits of Sarcasm

A lot of people out there consider themselves fluent in sarcasm – and if you can find a friend who speaks your language, they’re sure to be one for life. And while some people don’t appreciate the method of communication (losers), people who enjoy it – or depend on it to prevent them from committing murder – now have scientific reasons to continue.

5 reasons, in fact.

5. Sarcasm could make you appear more confident at work.


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A 2016 paper claimed that coworkers with good zingers in response to workplace chatter were perceived as having more competence and confidence than their simply jovial peers.

“The successful use of humor – telling jokes that are funny and appropriate – can raise your status because it makes you appear more confident and more competent,” they wrote in their publication. “Confidence and competence are two of the key traits that determine whether we give someone status. The reason for this is because we want the individuals who have influence in a group to be those who are capable of leading it.”

And humor reinforces those traits.

“Before we tell a joke, especially to people we do not know well, it’s difficult to know with certainty if our audience will find it funny and appropriate. If they find it unfunny and inappropriate, they will think that we lack competence and we will lose status. Given that humor is risky, telling a joke signals confidence.”

4. Sarcasm can make for strong social bonding.

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Sharing a joke strengthens our bonds with other people.

“Sarcasm improves social bonding between the speaker and the addressee. Sarcasm can also be used to convey humor and jocularity, which can improve mood both in the speaker and addressee,” explains associate professor Melanie Glenwright.

3. Sarcasm can improve creativity.

A 2015 paper made the case that sarcasm can facilitate creative thinking. According to lead author Li Huang,

“This is because both sarcasm construction and sarcasm interpretation are conducive to abstract thinking, a key cognitive precursor to creative thinking. In this way, to construct or interpret sarcasm is to traverse the psychological distance between the stated and the intended meaning through abstract thinking.”

2. Sarcasm can make you appear more intelligent.

Sarcasm and humor both require creative thinking that’s rapidly deployed to analyze a situation, and a clever retort could increase people’s opinions of your intellect.

“Saying something that is funny and appropriate is difficult. It requires being able to recognize an opportunity for humor – ‘did someone just say something I know a funny response for’ – [and] being able to quickly generate or recall a funny response and being able to predict how the audience is going to respond. On top of those things, delivery and timing also matter….We tend to view people who manage to successfully pull off all of these things as being more intelligent, and we see that reflected in the way we refer to them.”

1. Sarcasm can make criticisms go down a bit easier.

A 2016 paper co-authored by Melanie Glenwright looked at how children and adults interpreted sarcastic commentary and found that even criticism can be softened by a well-timed amusing remark.

“The use of indirect language allows the speaker to criticize the addressee indirectly which is perceived as more polite than a direct, literal insult. Speakers may use sarcasm to deliver insults in professional or social settings here they were to criticize another person in a less-harsh manner.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m going to take this advice to heart. For science.

Are you a fan of sarcasm, too? Keep it up, I say!

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15 Tweets That Will Look Familiar If You’ve Ever Been in a “Situationship”

Have you experienced this situation before? you hang out with someone for quite a while, you’re intimate, it feels like a relationship…but then it never quite goes anywhere.

Sound familiar? It’s called being in a “situationship,” and a lot of us have been there at one time or another – maybe you’ve even been on both sides of it.

Here are 15 tweets that really hit the nail on the head about this unique experience in our love lives.

1. Totally on your own.

2. Skipping over that one.

3. Is that clear?

4. It sure is weird.

5. It’s fun, right?!?!

6. Gee, thanks a lot.

7. What’s the rush?

8. That’s every day.

9. Go wit da flow.

10. That’s a smart move.

11. It all goes back to this one girl…

12. Everything except that one part.

13. That doesn’t sound good at all.

14. That would sell like hotcakes.

15. Skeletons in the closet.

I know a bunch of you have been in these so-called “situationships.”

Tell us about your experience in the comments! Don’t hold back now!

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Parents Discuss How They Decide Whether or Not They Like Their Kid’s Date

Parenting: it’s not for the faint of heart, and smiling and trying to act like you’re not ready to cut a person who is responsible not only for your child’s intimate safety, but for their emotional safety, is one of the hardest things (I imagine).

That’s what we do when they bring home someone new, though – we grin, say nice to meet you, size them up, and hope for the best.

If you, like me, haven’t reached this stage yet, you might wonder how easy or hard it is to assess these strangers as they come into your life.

Luckily, we have Reddit, and these parents are willing to share.

15. Trying and achieving are two different things.

My daughter(13) wanted me to meet her first “real” boyfriend. I was nice and pleasant, but I knew it wouldn’t last cause he was all looks and no brains. Of course, as jr high relationships go, it was about a 2 month ordeal. I think all parents should try and be cordial, unless the person feels like a serial killer or something.

14. This is an amazing move.

My daughter just started dating. She was mortified when I picked them up and asked if everything was Gucci.

13. Bottom line, sometimes you have to give it time.

When my oldest daughter introduced her first serious boyfriend, he was an awkward kind of guy, was pretty unremarkable, but he got super animated about topics that interested him. I had a chat with him about my daughter… he got animated. They’ve been married for 9 years. Good guy, works hard, is a staunch advocate for his wife, and I love his smile when he looks at their kids.

My oldest son’s first girlfriend was… not an emotional investment he was willing to make. she was pretty, but that was it. I scolded him, he got defensive, almost married her, but she made the mistake of asking my son about my money…. About a year later he brought home a beautiful, talented woman with an electric personality and more self confidence than even my cocksure eldest, and I was never more proud of him than when he took that dive. Their kids are incredible… great couple.

My second daughter just introduced us to a college friend of hers. He seems like a decent person. He’s young, but he’s got a head on his shoulders and seems able to conduct himself politely. I’ll need more time to figure it out.

My youngest son had a high school sweetheart girlfriend that’s now his college girlfriend. When I first met her she was 9, so I’m pretty enamored with her. Her parents have babysat and house sat for us, and they’re all good people.

My youngest daughter has introduced me to a girlfriend from her trade school recently. Pretty sure she has been dating her for a couple years. She’s angry, contrary, and bitter. Under all that baggage it’s hard to tell, but I’m hoping that my home can be a place where she can just let whatever angers her so much disappear for a while and I can find out who she actually is. I’ve asked a good friend of my daughter’s if there’s ever been any signs of violence, as that’s my only real concern, but so far it seems fine on that front. My youngest has always been a bit more subdued and contemplative than my others, so I’m hoping that whatever bitterness is in her girlfriend’s life doesn’t hurt her. This relationship is the most concerning one to me, because my daughter is a very sensitive person, and I fear for her happy, cheerful spirit.

Edit: thanks for the silver and gold, kind strangers 🙂

12. Make sure you’re emotionally prepared for this one.

This is a tough subject. My daughters started dating a guy when she turned 17. He said he had two jobs. He said he came from a rough childhood so he didn’t like to talk about his family. He told us they were refugees from haiti who moved to the us to better thier lives. He said his family one day just decided to move from our state to the other side of the country. We all would ask questions but he would just shut up. It was troubling but he was polite, seemed kind. He called me mom he was visiting everyday. Then my daughter turned 18 and they moved in together. I felt it was too soon but she thought she was in love.

He was still his nice quiet self in front of our family. My daughter began telling me he didn’t want to cook or clean and just wanted to play PS4 while she worked full time. I told her to keep talking to him about how she was becoming unhappy. He would make her promises but continue to do what he was doing. She worked graveyards so he would say he worked during the day and she’d believe him. She had a puppy who he agreed to look after and clean up for as a shared responsibility. He wasn’t doing this at night when she was at work or when he was off.

She had an opportunity to go to Disneyland for a week as a babysitter for her little cousins. After making sure her he was ok with it she went. She got home a day early to surprise her dog on his birthday. She found him lethargic with no food or water and no ac on In the hot az weather. She broke up with her boyfriend then and there. She said her dog was like her son and she wasn’t going to stand for that type of neglect.

I picked her up and her exboyfriend followed her out. He was polite telling me to not let her leave him I told him to give it a few days. After we left I could tell her voice was hoarse she said they had a loud argument.

The next morning she asked her dad and I to take her back to her apartment so they could talk, she could get some of her stuff and leave on good terms with him. I asked if we could go in with her she said”no mom I’m an adult i got this”. I jokingly asked if she was going to take her dog to protect her. She said ‘no as long as he’s with you I know he will be well taken care of”. Her words made me joke with her and ask if she was going to run away or something she just laughed and called me silly.

She kept in contact with me and at noonish asked me to get her. We went and there was no answer. It sounded like the apartment was empty. We called the cops they did a wellness check 5 hours later after we begged and begged. We had searched everywhere and called everyone she knew but they both had disappeared.

We kept going back to the apartment hoping wherever they went they had come back but still nothing. A neighbor brought me a chair to sit to wait outside the apartment until she came. I sat staring at one point on the wall as long as I sat there. I had a fear so primal and deep it slowed down my thought process. Another neighbor came to me and said she heard we were looking for my daughter. What she said next made my blood run cold. She said “I saw your daughter around 1230 or 1 her boyfriend was kicking her and dragging her by the hair into the apartment.”

I called 911 again because I knew whatever we found in the apartment was not something we would want to see. The 911 operator didn’t believe me even after I let her talk to the neighbor.

We broke the window and i climbed in. I found my precious beautiful sweet amazing loving daughter surrounded in blood. She had been strangled and stabbed in the throat.

The spot where I had been staring all day was the spot my daughter was killed at on the other side of the wall. He had killed her before we got there and she bled out in minutes.

The kind guy who called me mom was really a monster underneath it all. He has no remorse. I was in disbelief and felt a misunderstanding had happened. I went and saw him once he turned himself in two days later. He said he did it because he couldn’t live without her.

Never let your loved ones be alone when they are breaking up or going to meet someone they just broke up. Learn from the biggest mistake of my life. I’d do anything to rewind time and save my daughter.

((For the ones doubting my credibility here are some links. I wish this wasn’t my reality. I wish my daughter was alive))

11. Just be yourself.

It’s about respect, if she treats him right, and compatibility.

On the other end, not her dad, but my girlfriend’s roommate is this old grizzled marine dude. She told me that he liked me because I didn’t try to get him to like, which apparently most people do. I was just myself and acted naturally, which he appreciated. Just be yourself and the people that will like you will like you, and the people who won’t won’t. But always be respectful.

10. Well, it’s still adorable at that point no matter what.

My 4yo daughter introduced me to the 5yo neighbour kid as a bf, she told me he’s really good at running fast and he appreciates snails as much as she does. Needless to say, this is a keeper.

9. I guess you should have brought a boy home.

Not a parent, but this was my experience with my mother when I was a teen.

So, as a teen, my mother pulled me to the side and gave me the “gay talk”. You know, the “I’ll still love you even if you were gay” talk.

I asked her why she thought I was gay and she said it was because I never bring any girls to the house.

Guess what I did within the next few days? I brought a girl in the house.

Guess what my mother did? She kicked her out and gave me a lecture on how inappropriate it was to bring girls to the house.

Yes, it makes no sense.

8. So you’re saying she was right.

My mother-in-law assumed I was some sort of player when I first met her before my first date with my wife. Even told my wife that she assumed I went on lots of dates back at school.

Joke’s on her. I spent the entirety of my freshman year (year before I met my wife) enjoying the sweet, sweet internet speed of my dorm room and playing the shit out of Halo 3, Mass Effect 1 & 2, picking up drunk dorm-mates from house parties at 3am, and going on exactly 0 dates.

After years of getting to know my MIL, she just didn’t want her daughter to get into a long-distance relationship, then end up moving out of state with me if we got married and I was still there (which ended up happening. Whoops).

7. Parents just know.

I have always instinctively known within seconds of meeting them. I’ve liked all but one of my son’s partners, and the one I didn’t feel right about was the one who screwed him up.

6. Sisters, too.

Not a mother but I’m a sister to a lovely brother. He had brought some girls in house in his teenage years, and instantly I would know if I liked them or not. The first one he brought, was super rude with me and my parents. She would eat alone in the bedroom when we are having dinner, force my brother to be mean to me, etc. Few months after the relationship ended in a really bad way. After that brought some girls, didn’t talk so much with them but they were nice and sweet (didn’t last long, less than two months). The last one he brought, when I talked to her, just one thought came to mind “she’s the one”. Five or six years later, here they are, living together.

Edit: typos

5. Seems simple enough.

Met my daughters boyfriend the other day. First boyfriend. She’s 17. He’s 18. I must admit I was a bit nervous and I remember very well being 18 and what I was thinking/wanting, but had a word with my self to be welcoming and warm and to treat him as an equal, my daughters friend and therefor my friend. Anyway he’s a nice young man so it’s all good. But I to answer your question I guess if he’s nice I’ll like him if he’s a dick i wont.

Either way as far as my daughter is concerned I’ll like him.

4. And you know he understands homework.

When they interact and help out the rest of the family. When my daughter didn’t understand her homework and then her sisters boyfriend helped her it showed how much he actually cared.

3. You can always kick them out later.

My mother has always been accepting of everyone I’ve ever dated, but realistic about their faults. My family immediately welcomes them with open arms, but just warns me if they seem “off” for whatever reason. I think it’s a decent system.

2. From the other side of the lens…

I’m not a parent but my gf’s father hates me for some reason, it’s been 1 1/2 years already, it’s gotten better since then tho but still

Edit: Thanks everyone for your comments and support, I see that a lot of people are going through a similar situation, I know it will get better! If anything when we can finally live together on our own…

1. Don’t give me a reason not to.

Not a parent so I called my mom. She stated and I quote:

“I like all of them until they give me reason not to. Then I never tell you whether I like them or not, so I don’t influence your own judgement. I cannot choose for you, although sometimes I wish I could.”

-Mrs. UnappreciatedSon

Edit: spacing

Edit 2: yes I’m aware that my mother appreciates me as many pointed out lol. It’s not her that’s the concern. But I appreciate you guys sticking up for my mom, even when it’s not directed to her. Thank you guys for pointing it out, hopefully this fixes it.

Edit 3: your*

I can’t say I’m looking forward to this stage of life, but it’s headed my way, regardless!

How do you make up your mind on boyfriends and girlfriends? Share your tips in the comments!

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People Share What Happened When They Asked out Their Crushes

Did you ever ask out a crush who you admired from afar? I did once in 7th grade. I psyched myself up and worked up to it and then…I got rejected.

But that’s how it goes sometimes. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

AskReddit users who went through with asking out their crushes reveal what happened afterward.

1. Well, that’s awkward…

“She thought I was joking. We’re still friends, but it was pretty awkward.”

2. Nice work!

“I told her I loved her on the first date. She said “what?” I said it again IN CASE SHE DIDNT BLOODY HEAR IT THE FIRST TIME.

Few years later we’re still together.

So far it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.”

3. Not a great outcome.

“He screamed “no” and ran away.

This was in the fifth grade.”

4. That was a date?

“She said yes. Asked her out on a second date, specifically said the word date this time. She said she didn’t know we were going out on dates. Oh well…”

5. Now you know.

“We went out on a date and I learned she was not the one for me after all. But it was a good lesson and had I not asked her out I’d just agonized over what might’ve been.”

6. Rejection is never easy.

“Haha I got rejected and now it’s awkward sometimes.”

7. A happy ending!

“She punched me in the arm and said “fuck yeah.” Then we went on the most awkward nerd date because we just wanted to like each other. It was a good nerd date. We are still dating to this day.”

8. Good luck!

“Asked mine out today, have a date on Friday.”

9. Just go for it!

“She’s sitting next me in our apartment playing Minecraft. Never thought she’d actually be interested in me. I guess I was selling myself short.

Do it. Could be the best thing you ever do.”

10. Good times…

“She said yes and we went out to dinner and saw a movie together. Dropping her off, we kissed on her parents front porch for what seemed like forever. Her dad thought so too because he started flicking the porch lights on and off. Good times.”

11. Mutual interests definitely help.

“I sat next to her in the university cafeteria – it was really, really awkward, then one of her friends came by and made it more so. Turns out we were both really shy, but had a mutual interest in geekery like sci-fi.

We’ve been married 15 years now.”

12. Still got that number.

“He was the head chef where I worked and I was new in town. We always sat in the same booth during our breaks and got to know each other over the course of a month and found out we had a lot in common. One night before I left I wrote my number down to give it to him and to ask him out. We asked each other “do you wanna hang out?” at the same time and then blushed.

Our first date was at a rooftop bar celebrating a coworkers birthday. He asked me if he could kiss me, that’s when I knew he was the one.

Now, years later, we have a beautiful baby boy that we love more than each other. He still has my phone number in his wallet.”

13. Congrats!

“We’re getting married on Saturday.”

14. Hmmmmm…

“He said he wasn’t looking for a girlfriend but he was interested if it was sex only. I politely declined.”

15. That’s a heartbreaker.

“3rd grade.

He showed everyone the gift I made him and everyone laughed at me for weeks.

I thought it was a nice gift, made it myself. Apparently not.”

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A Famous 73-Year-Old YouTuber Who Made Massive Meals for Orphans Has Passed Away

This guy sounded like quite a human being.

The man behind the extremely popular YouTube channel Grandpa Kitchen has sadly passed away at the age of 73.

Narayana Reddy amassed a following of more than 6 million followers on YouTube with his cooking videos. In the videos, Reddy prepared enormous meals for orphans, making him a beloved hero in many circles.

Reddy was a 73-year-old grandfather whose generosity shone through in his how-to cooking tutorials, as he laid out how to make such dishes as pizza, lasagna, donuts, and many other meals. All the proceeds he received from his massively popular videos were donated to charities because Reddy truly tried to help the needy people in his community in India.

Reddy started the YouTube channel in 2017 and shot to incredible popularity in a short amount of time. On his Patreon page, Reddy wrote, ‘We entertain people by cooking food and donate the proceeds to charities. Our goal is to provide basic necessities like food, clothing, school supplies and birthday gifts to the orphans.”

Reddy’s grand-nephew talked about how the YouTube channel got started: “We used to have jobs in the city and would visit him during the holidays and he would always make big meals for us. We then got the idea that we should do the same for the community.” His grand-nephew added that his family will continue the elder Reddy’s work.

Here’s one of Reddy’s cooking tutorials that he became so well known for:

After Reddy’s passing, Grandpa Kitchen posted one final video tribute to the man who gave so much to so many:

He was a great man, and he will be missed by many.

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A Couple’s Wedding Photo Captured the ‘New Normal’ of Wildfires in California

A couple’s California wildfire wedding photo has gone viral in a huge way, as it’s the perfect example of the “new normal” for many Californians.

California is once again being ravaged by multiple fires across the state, including the Getty fire, the Hill fire, the Maria fire, and the Easy fire.

One of the largest fires is the Kincade fire in Sonoma Country. It has blazed over 77,000 acres worth of land and destroyed at least 352 structures so far.

On Saturday, a couple from Chicago got married at the Chateau St. Jean vineyard in Sonoma County, just miles away from the Kincade Fire. Photographer Karna Roa took this photo at their wedding.

In the photo, Katie and Curtis Ferland wear masks to protect their lungs from the smoke. The wildfire is seen blazing in the background in hues that resemble a dystopian sunset.

“I immediately thought of the American Gothic painting from the 1930s and how that couple at that time represented the normal America,” Karna told ABC 7. “And all of a sudden, in a very strange way, this has become our new normal of the wine country.”

Karna says this is the fourth wedding in three years that she’s photographed that was threatened by wildfires.

The wedding vendors had to evacuate hours before Katie and Curtis’ wedding, forcing their wedding planner to re-do the entire event on the fly. Somehow, they pulled the wedding off.

The next morning, the newlyweds evacuated too, along with all of their guests.

They say the now-viral wedding photo is a reminder of all the people who came together to make this wedding happen. For Karna, it’s a possible way to draw attention to the wildfires in Northern California.

“As long as it can bring more attention to the wildfires and the problems that Sonoma and Napa County and Northern California are facing, then I would love more people to see it,” Karna said.

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This Woman’s Photo of Her Twin Sister Illustrates How Tough It Is to Work as a Nurse

Every profession has its challenges and rewards, and I think it’s fair to say that nursing has more than its fair share of both. Between life or death situations, constant contact with irritated and sick humans, long hours on their feet, and sometimes being treated as lesser-than by doctors and others “above” them, nurses definitely have more reason than some to feel exhausted.

The truth of this reality hit Laura McIntyre as she snapped a picture of her twin sister, Caty, after her fourth shift in a row. Her sister was exhausted, in tears, and too tired to even eat the plate of food on her lap.

she's gonna kill me for this pic, but can we just give it up for nurses for a minute?•caty just wrapped up her fourth…

Posted by Laura McIntyre on Thursday, October 10, 2019

“She’s gonna kill me for this picture, but can we just give it up for nurses for a minute?

Caty just wrapped up her fourth shift in a row. That’s around 53+ hours in four days. That’s not including the 1.5 hours she’s in the car each day. She usually doesn’t get a chance to eat lunch or even drink much water (& she has to dress like a blueberry…I mean, come on). She is so good at what she does that she often forgets how to take care of herself while she’s taking care of her patients.

This pic is from a night back in July where she came to my house after a particularly hard day. She delivered a stillborn. Have you guys ever really thought about what a labor and delivery nurse sees? They see great joy in smooth deliveries & healthy moms & babies. They see panic & anxiety when a new mom is scard. They see fear when a stat c-section is called. The see peace when the mom has support from her family – because not all new moms do. They see teenagers giving birth. They see an addicted mom give birth to a baby who is withdrawing. They see CPS come. They see funeral homes comes. Did you know that they have to make arrangements for the funeral home to come pick up the baby? I didn’t either.

Caty (& all other nurses) – you are SPECIAL. You bless your patients and their families more than you will ever know. Thank you for all that you do.”

Nurses face stress, high pressure, and incredible loss on a daily basis, which means when they finally have time to let go, their emotions can overwhelm them.

So, let’s give it up for Caty, and maybe take a moment to hug the nurses in your life today.

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This Woman Made Her Grandmothers Her Flower Girls at Her Wedding

When planning a wedding, it’s important to focus not only on details that will make the day sweet and romantic and beautiful, but that will also represent who the bride and groom are as a couple as they begin their lives together.

Which sometimes means messing with a classic….

When it comes to choosing who will sprinkle flower petals on the ground at their feet, most brides go straight to any adorable little girls in their family – but not Tennessee bride Lyndsey Raby.

Instead, she bestowed the honor on the four grandmothers in her life.

With a combined age of 308, Lyndsey’s great-grandmother Kathleen (90), her grandmothers Wanda (76) and Betty (72), and her husband-to-be’s grandmother Joyce (70), were sure to be as wise as they were beautiful, and what bride couldn’t benefit from some well-timed advice on the day of her wedding?

The women wore matching pastel blue, sequined dresses for the event, and, unlike children, they didn’t try to steal the show (or start crying or back out at the last minute).

Photographer Natalie Caho shared some of the resulting photos on Instagram, along with a reminder that brides like Lyndsey are so lucky to have not only one, but multiple, grandparents present at a wedding.

“I’ve seen a lot of cute flower girls in my day…but these four gals take the cake,” Caho added.

(Click through to see more photos!)


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They really do, and it seems like Lyndsey has a good head on her shoulders and heart in her chest – a sure sign that all four of these women have done something right along the way.

Congrats to the happy couple!

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12 People Share the Conspiracy Theories That They Believe

Do you believe in conspiracy theories?

Somebody on Reddit asked the questions: “What conspiracy theory do you believe to be true? What evidence led you to this conclusion?”

And boy did the people deliver!

Enjoy these 13 VERY questionable conspiracy theories… and please don’t believe everything you read. Okay?

1. The real conspiracy…

I’m starting to think that the really stupid conspiracy theories (vaccines causing autism, flat earth, lizard people, etc.) are intentionally spread by propaganda groups and troll farms.

They don’t care what stupid shit you believe, but they are very interested to know that you’re a gullible mark who will believe anything with no evidence, and won’t do research with authorities on the matter to find the truth.

If you want to spread misinformation, look for the people who do it as a hobby.

2. Oh snap….

The 10 year challenge all over social media is actually a way to record and gather more facial recognition data

11. The strange killing of John Lang.

The Fresno Police killed John Lang.

It’s been a while since I’ve read the story, so forgive me if I get something wrong. John Lang was a journalist who was very critical of the FPD. He wrote an article about how the police went into poor parts of the city and pulled cars over that parked in free parking lots or something like that. Eventually, he started noticing people watching his house, “FBI style.”

One night he asked on Facebook if he could stay in someone’s home for the night, as he knew the police were going to kill him that night. After no one let him, his house caught on fire.

3. F is for Fake

I’ve always speculated that a lot of priceless artwork and historical documents are actually replicas or copies.

Obviously a painting by a world-famous artist using a very specific technique would be very hard to fake, and I don’t think that every art scholar in the world is paid off in some grand conspiracy.

Rather, I just think that either the national treasures never left their vaults or that some national treasures actually were lost to history but they were copied.

4. The OJ theory…

O.J. Simpson didn’t do it, it was Jason Simpson.

Nicole Brown was nearly decapitated and Ron Goldman was stabbed 20+ times and had numerous defensive wounds. The prosecution claimed the injuries were consistent with two knives being used and produced a stiletto knife -good for stabbing but not cutting- and a Swiss Army knife -not really good for hurting anyone other than yourself. O.J. had only a small cut on his hand with no other evidence of having been in a fight. The only blood found in his home were a few drops of his own blood which were contaminated with a preservative used in blood draws.

Jason did it: Means: Jason was employed as a sous-chef and had his own knife set, and also owned a double-edged combat knife.

Motive: Jason was cooking alone at his restaurant that night and had specifically invited Nicole to come see him cook. She stood him up and went to Mezzaluna where Ron Goldman worked. Jason was known to be bothered by Nicole seeing men other than his father.

Opportunity: Jason’s timecard that night was handwritten for a time much later than when the restaurant shut down. His alibi changed multiple times, but the last time anyone can definitely account for him is around 9:30 that night.

The kicker? The day after the murders, O.J. retained one of L.A.’s top criminal defense attorneys for Jason and did not hire his own defense attorney until several days later.

5. The Unabomber was made by the government?!

When Ted Kaczynski (the unabomber) was at Harvard, he participated in a brutal psychological experiment led by professor Henry Murray. The experiment lasted for three years and by many accounts they seemed to have an extreme impact on Kaczynski’s psyche. I think this experiment was part of the CIA’s MKUltra project and destabilized Kaczynski enough to where he eventually went on his reign of terror of sending bombed packages around the country.

During the MKUltra project, the CIA collaborated with university professors on these mind-control experiments but a lot of the documentation was destroyed when people started to look into it.

TL;DR: The unabomber participated in an experiment that was a part of the MKULtra project that eventually led to him becoming a mass-murderer.

6. They’re listening….

All my devices listen in on me.

The other day I was arguing with my Dad about some chicken I thought had gone off (it was frozen for about a month so we weren’t too sure but my Dad was insistent that it was still edible).

Dad decided to ask Google, and low and behold the related searches even from the first letter were: “Is chicken edible after being frozen for a month” and “How long can you freeze chicken before it goes off”.

Also, my Mum and I use this tactic where if we need to ring up a company about something and it puts us in a queue, we swear at it. It then puts you on a priority list and you don’t have to wait as long.

Kinda sketchy on the company’s behalf.

7. What goes on up there?

I believe there is a ridiculous amount of pedophilia among the upper echelons of society.

Whether it is uncovered in the Catholic Church, British parliament, Hollywood, Washington DC, Saudi Arabia, the mainstream media doesn’t seem interested in shining a light on the networks and procurers who allow this practice to thrive.

Remember when Sacha Baron Cohen inadvertently uncovered an underage sex service in las vegas? Imagine the demand required for this heinous practice to exist. Offered by the concierge no less.

Who is the mystery party requesting secrecy in Jeff Epstein’s sex trafficking suit?

Why was Johnny Rotten banned from the BBC for attempting to expose Jimmy Savile for sickening crimes against children?

These types of stories are far too common, and they do not receive the attention they deserve.

8. Flight 370

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 wasn’t an accident.

There were definitely external forces that catalyzed its disappearance.

The flight path was diverted many times and there was a lot of shady stuff about some of the passengers and the pilot of Flight 370.

We may never know unless the plane is found.

9. The never-ending war…

That the USA deliberately gets into an armed conflict every decade or so for the purpose of ensuring that at any given time, they always have a critical mass of soldiers with actual combat experience.

They get in a lot of conflicts, and it seems highly probable that the leadership of a country that spends so much on national defense would highly value the institutional knowledge that comes from that kind of continuity of practical experience, even if it comes at a high human cost.

10. Michael?!?

Sony killed Michael Jackson.

He owned the rights to the Beatles discography.

After he died, Sony had remastered versions of every Beatles album available days after MJ’s estate sold the rights to Sony.

There’s no way they could have remastered the albums and published the CDs in that short amount of time.

11. The art market…

I believe that modern/minimalistic art exists solely for money laundering. It’s just a way for rich people to move money around. There’s a reason why paintings of plain geometric shapes sell for millions of dollars, and it’s not because the buyers are really into shapes.

It’s actually more of a loophole than a conspiracy. All countries, and most cities have “free port” zones. Free ports are areas, usually near a port where goods can be stored duty free because they are ultimately bound for another country.

HOWEVER, these “free ports” can also be used to store art. Art with incredible value, crated away never to been seen again. These free ports become untaxable, untraceable banks for the ultra wealthy.

This is a real thing.

I wanna be an oligarch, i hate having to play by the rules

12. And finally… this insane one about the Titanic

The Titanic/Olympic conspiracy.

It has credibility because there is photographic evidence. It’s really one of the only conspiracy theories I put much belief in.

The sister ships (and their third counterpart, the Britannic) were owned by White Star Line. The Olympic was put into service in June, 1911. She collided with another ship, the HMS Hawke, in September of 1911 and both ships were badly damaged. The accident was a financial disaster for White Star Line, as they were found to be liable for the accident and had to pay for the damages to both ships and legal fees for court cases associated with the accident. Repairs on the Olympic took nearly two months and parts intended for the Titanic, which was still being built during this time, had to be given to the Olympic instead. Only a few weeks after being returned to service, the Olympic suffered another minor incident where one of the propellers broke off and pieces intended for the Titanic were once again cannibalized.

At this point, the Olympic was looking like more and more of a money-drain for the White Star Line, though its achievement in not actually sinking despite a major accident that should have sunk it cemented the Olympic-class liner’s reputation as “unsinkable”, but I’ll get back to that in a moment.

The Titanic was finally finished and ready to leave port on her maiden voyage on April 10, 1912, having been delayed while new parts were made and delivered to replace the ones needed for the Olympic, and from there we all know the story. She went first to France, and then to Ireland, and then began her trek across the Atlantic to New York, during which she struck an iceberg and after nearly two hours, sank, taking 1,500 souls with her to a cold, watery grave that would not be seen again by human eyes for nearly a hundred years.

The Olympic went on to have a 24-year career as a successful ocean liner. She served during World War 1 where she earned the nickname Old Reliable for her impenetrable hull, and then in 1919 she was re-outfitted to be a civilian passenger ship and served as an ocean liner until 1935, when she was retired from the fleet. Her ownership changed hands several times and she was eventually dismantled and sold for scrap metal.

But what if it wasn’t the Titanic that sank? What if it was actually the Olympic? What if it was a ploy to remove a faulty ship that was costing them more money than she was bringing in for White Star Line and cash in on her million-pound insurance policy?

So here is the conspiracy theory. At some point after the Titanic was completed, they switched the identities of the ships. The new “Titanic” was actually the Olympic and the “Olympic” was actually the brand-spanking-new Titanic, fresh from the construction yard with zero problems and zero history. They intended for the “Titanic” to suffer some sort of failure that would result in the destruction of the problem ship so they could collect the insurance money. I doubt they intended to also cause the deaths of 1,500 people; the events that transpired which led to the sinking of the “Titanic” possibly happened purely by chance and the iceberg wasn’t part of their plan (i.e., they didn’t hire the captain to specifically ram the iceberg to sink the ship or anything like that). They probably had another plan involving the repairs that had already been made on the ship when it collided with the HMS Hawke.

In any case, it wasn’t really the Titanic that left port on April 10, 1912 — it was the Olympic.

After the sinking of the “Titanic,” White Star Line received a tidy sum of £1,000,000 in insurance money (or £89,289,575 in today’s money). This, of course, ruined the insurer, Lloyd’s of London. There’s an additional conspiracy theory that American financier and banker J. P. Morgan was in on this whole scheme; his company, J. P. Morgan & Co., financed the International Mercantile Marine Company in the hopes of becoming rich off of sea travel, but this turned out to be a bad investment because of the unpredictable nature of sea travel and travelers themselves. J. P. Morgan or one of his associates may have schemed with White Star Line, who was a subsidiary of this IMMC, in order to bankrupt the IMMC and allow J. P. Morgan & Co. to withdraw from the IMMC without breaking a contract. I cannot provide evidence for this beyond speculation.

However, I can provide evidence that backs up my claim that the two ships were switched and it was the Olympic who sank, not the Titanic.

This is an image of the RMS Olympic in drydock (I am currently unable to locate a picture of the Olympic while under construction with the name clear so you can be sure it definitely is the Olympic — I can only assume such a photo doesn’t exist):


Check out the very top row of portholes in the white railing. Count them. Look closely at the grouping of the last five portholes and how they are clustered with two close together, one set apart, and two more close together.

This is an image of the RMS Titanic being built:


Look at the top-most portholes in the railing on the Titanic. Count them too. Look at the last five portholes and see that they are evenly spaced apart.

This is a picture of the “Titanic” before leaving on its maiden voyage. Check out the portholes in question:


Here is the “Olympic” in New York after the sinking of the “Titanic”:


There is no reason why the ship builders would have changed the portholes on the Titanic when they were nearly done building it. That piece was not one of the pieces cannibalized from the Titanic to repair the Olympic that would have needed to be replaced by a different piece. The only answer is that the ship in the final picture, which is the ship that left port on April 10, 1912, and was met with a terrible fate near Newfoundland, was not the Titanic, but actually the Olympic. You can find pictures from newspapers further supporting this, as they clearly show the name of the ship and the wrong number/orientation of portholes.

I doubt we’ll ever know one way or another, since the wreck at the bottom of the Atlantic is quickly being covered with sediment and will be completely buried and inaccessible soon and pieces of the ship that was retired in 1935 and dismantled in 1937 are both difficult to find and difficult to authenticate, and anybody who might be able to either confirm or deny this theory are all dead.

If that last one didn’t satisfy your thirst for conspiracy theories, I don’t know what will!

So… do you believe in any of these? Have a better one to share?

Let us know in the comments!

The post 12 People Share the Conspiracy Theories That They Believe appeared first on UberFacts.