Weird Ways to Turn Lies into Money

With all the lies we’re constantly surrounded by, it’s kind of frustrating that we can’t glean SOME kind of good out of them.

But what if we could…

Every time someone lies to you, $100 gets deposited to your bank account. What is the fastest way for you to get rich? from AskReddit

How might the denizens of Reddit capitalize on such a universe? Let’s find out.

1. Start a business.

Contract myself out as a foolproof lie detector.

– GMaimneds

2. Get both sides.

Ask my mum and dad individually about how their divorce went down

– maayooo6381

3. Pretty please?

Gather all your relatives and ask “I am beautiful, right?”.

Easy cash

– [user deleted]

4. Scam-a-thon.

Give you email address and phone number out at every available opportunity and let the scams roll in

– acrobaticalpaca6464

5. Be a vet.

I’m a veterinarian.

They’re not giving the pills to the dog like I told you to, the check is not in the mail, you’re not cutting out his treats, and you’re not exercising them enough.

Seriously, I’d make a fortune.

– Algaean

6. Shop around.

Attend one political rally after the other.

And if votes are not in season, go shopping for used cars or looking for houses.

– Treczoks

7. Doing the math.

I can say “1+1=3” in .72 seconds (yes, I did time myself). If I make a full minute of that, that’s 83 (.33) lies per minute. At x10 speed that’s 830 lies per minute. If I play this track over itself such that they never line up perfectly, then I can get a lie to start at each of the smallest increments the editing software can handle. So if it can handle .01 at the smallest, then you get 83×72 (5976) recordings in one track. Played at x10 speed, lol, you get 59,760 lies per minute for $5,976,000 per minute.

If you take that track and auto tune it to every possible frequency that can be assigned by the software you use (let’s pretend it’s 1000) then you can be lied to at every frequency in every split second at x10 speed. For 59,760,000 lies per minute. This makes a whopping 5,976,000,000 per minute. Suck a dick, Bezos.

Will this sound like garbage? Ya, totally. But if I quietly dub this over whatever songs are in my music playlists then I can listen to music while I get lied to. Hell, the music might even have some lies in it. Cardi can’t have a WAP 24/7, right? According to Ben that’s not healthy.

– Arkmer

8. Ho ho ho!

Talk about your suspicions of Santa’s validity, in a large crowd, while holding a 5y on your lap.

– [user deleted]

9. Spare some change.

Beg on a busy street.

“I’m hungry, do you have some change?”

– ozdkyt

10. Your own terms.

Make a website where someone has to check a box stating they’ve read and agree to the terms and conditions

– grungerat_

11. What an opportunity!

Go to an MLM convention.

Those hun bots will get you rich quicker than they claim LuLaRoe will!

– cmonyy

12. Be precise.

Ask them everyone how old they are.

They could say 26, but in reality they are actually 26 years, 3 months, 12 days, 8 hours, 2 minutes and 22 seconds.

– Ooodles-of-nooodles

13. Farm it out.

giving 10$ to every person that lies to you.

– NotAFatAlien

14. Work in tech.

I mean, I work at a tech company and we get lies all the time.

I’m pretty sure half of the people could just go to work and make an easy thousand dollars

– billionai1

15. Not OK.

Just go around saying “Hi, how are you?”



– peon2

Of course, the definition of “lie” might challenge some of these. Does it have to be something simply untrue, or something the speaker KNOWS to be untrue? Does anything involving an opinion count or does it have to be objective?

There are many things to consider.

Keep the conversation going in the comments.

The post Weird Ways to Turn Lies into Money appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss What They’d Look Up If They Could Go to the Future

As someone who’s super interested in science and what it means for society, I look to the future with a combination of awe and dread.

Awe because of all the incredible possibilities technological advancements might bring to humanity, dread because the same scientific process that brings us those advancements is also warning us constantly that broadly speaking, we’re on a path to destruction.

So, given the opportunity to peek into the future, what might I do?

For five minutes you get transported 30 years into the future, you sit in front of a computer, what information to you look up? from AskReddit

Let’s see what the big brains at Reddit think.

1. Year by year.

If possible, I’d try to save that file and send it to my phone.

Probably do that for 2022 all the way to 2051.

– petrichorInk

2. The list.

Biggest companies founded in the 2020s

List of presidents

And major world events

Three tabs, three google searches and hopefully a pen to write them on my hand and hope it transfers back

– MovingOnward2089

3. Taking stock.

Google 4-5 stocks that went to the moon, and etch that sh*t into your arms along with 5-10 duds. Who cares if you come home with 2nd-grade Pencil War Day injuries, you’re about to theoretically live forever.

Snap a few photos of the injuries, and go to the police to report being jumped by a homeless guy that held you down and etched some weird sh*t into you under threat of death while reciting latin. Now you have a cover story for then the SEC wants to know how you knew BCRX and four other stocks were going to the moon. “A homeless guy carved it into me, and honestly, I took it as a sign.”

Now produce tapes of the therapy where you rationalize it to your therapist as a coping mechanism and the therapist tells you that you’re absolutely not handling the trauma well. “I also dropped all this money into these stocks that were meh, so I guess I just got lucky.” Don’t finger any of the guys they bring into a lineup because 1, that’s gross, and 2, that’s mean, but let it slide as an unsolved case.

– HotHamWaterBath

4. Sports ball?

I’ve always wondered if “If you could go into the future, what would you look up blah blah” questions were answered with “sports scores” prior to BttF 2. It is the WRONG answer. So were people always wrong, or did the movie start that trend?

Even extremely rare horse bets pay out like what, 50:1?

With a single winning lottery ticket you can turn $1 into $300million.

– utspg1980

5. Finally!

See if GTA VI came out yet.

– szmatt0628

6. Rumors of wars.

Who won WW3 and to see if top sites like Reddit and Youtube survived

– redditorseth

7. The opportunist.

Look up the biggest financial fiasco in the last thirty years.

You now know how to get on the ground floor of something that’s going to make a bunch of people really rich and the exact knowledge of when you can get out without getting wrapped up in the aftermath.

– Joss_Card

8. My fate.

I’d check to see when/if I died.

I’m 59, now, and the oldest men in my family history last to about 85. My son-in-law works pretty hard on our family tree so I’m pretty sure he’d update it if me or my wife died.

It’d be a pretty quick check.

– 1tacoshort

9. Live in the moment, in the future.

I think I might look at social media et al to see what people are nostalgic about and miss from 30 years ago and try to enjoy it more when I go back.

– Waffuly

10. Take it all.

B*tch. I’d steal the computer.

Who wouldn’t want a computer 30 years more advanced than anything we have right now.

A library computer would probably be more powerful than any gaming laptop we have now

– Nauticalfish200

11. Why limit yourself?

I’ll just take my 8 TB drive and copy the entire content of Wikipedia to it, return to my timeline and spend the next 20 hours reading it and making a fortune by the second

– keima99

12. Yeah, except…

You need, at minimum:

• A compatible port (my guess is the average computer will have 0 ports by then)
• An OS that has driver support for a 30 year old drive
• An OS that has a file system that works with your drive
• An OS that has has support for physical external drives at all
• Data Bloat to have not rendered 8TB unhelpful.
• Wikipedia to have avoided, for three decades, the sh*tty trend of of making internet content sh*tty java nonsense that can’t easily by indexed.

This plan is not going to work.

– TheGlennDavid

13. Out of order.

not in any order:

stocks, US Presidents, sport events, bitcoin, which area has been nuked, danger zones to not live in and figure a way to transport it when i get back to the past.

beat the sh*t out of bully Biff and marry my his gf, Lorraine Baines, give her implants, own a hotel / casino and live the life.

maybe run for president or something along the way

– [deleted user]

14. Science!

Scientific achievements in the past 30 years, and keeping track of the science behind the best ones. Jump start our progress toward the most efficient or just coolest technology.

Even if I can’t get everything about them, I could tell scientists which technology to look into more closely.

– NachoElDaltonico

15. …science.

What areas are most livable due to climate change.

– I_wear_foxgloves

Yeah, see, that kind of bummer dichotomy is exactly what I’m talking about.

What would YOU do?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Discuss What They’d Look Up If They Could Go to the Future appeared first on UberFacts.

People Speculate How They Would Turn Lies Into Money

As Dr. House taught us, “everybody lies.”

He was able to turn that not-quite-epiphany alongside a fictitiously brilliant medical mind into big bucks and huge clout.

But what about those of us who failed chemistry or whatever? How might we spin lies into cash? Maybe through a scenario like this?

Every time someone lies to you, $100 gets deposited to your bank account. What is the fastest way for you to get rich? from AskReddit

Let’s get creative with the people of Reddit.

1. Psychics.

Walk down the alley of fortune tellers and future psychics.

I’m interested in two things: if they lie, I get $100 rather quickly; if they are telling the truth, then I found something game changing.

– crispybaconsalad

2. The DMV.

Go to work.

I work at my local DMV office and people can and will lie about everything.

– mommy876

3. Cut people in.

just say “tell me a lie and I’ll give you 10 bucks, no questions asked. Doesn’t even matter the lie, just tell me a lie.”

It would be a great YouTube video too.

– Nroke1

4. Rekindle a flame.

Get back together with my ex.

I figure in one month alone I’ll be a multimillionaire, sky’s the limit.


5. The pharmacy.

Go to work.

I’m a pharmacist, people lie to me (and themselves) all day, every day.

I wouldn’t have to keep working for long.

– thatmedicinegirl

6. Have kids.

I have small children.

Did you hit your brother? Did you break that? Have you brushed your teeth?

2 kids, both lying to each question, I’ll be able to hire a nanny and go sit on a private island within a week

– BaymaxIsMyPatronusv

7. Pretend to have kids.

Show people a picture of an ugly baby and claim that’s your kid.

Everyone says a baby is cute, even when they look like a gremlin that was fed after midnight.

– ChefChopNSlice

8. Enlist!

Go talk to a Marine Corps recruiter.

I mean, that was the old way….now we can just watch anything political on the major new channels

– avidtraveler81

9. Fairytale solutions.

Build a Pinocchio

– Geronimoguy

10. Start a business.

Become a freelance reporter and offer to interview multiple politicians. Or if you just wanna exploit it.

Instead of making it your main income you could just advertise that you’re literally the only reliable and scientifically proven lie detector. That way you can just set open a thing displaying your deposits and ask anyone anything and if is a lie you’ll get a deposit, otherwise you know it’s the truth.

You could literally earn like 50k a day interviewing suspected spies and political prisoners.

– FreenBurgler

11. At church.

Go to a church and start asking people, “How much and what kind of p*rn do you watch?”

– genericname692

12. Have kids.

My kids lie to me dozens of times a day.

I could probably top that, but as it is I literally would pull in about $60k a month.

Not rich per se but definitely richer than anyone I know.

– Painting_Agency

13. Get the vax facts.

Go to an Antivaxxer Facebook page or website and ask them why they think vaccines are bad

If there’s enough Karens, I’ll be swimming in gold after an hour of typing.

– BLizardLeLizard

14. Tools of the trade.

Attend a huge trade show and listen to every sales pitch.

– EmEmAndEye

15. Recursive thinking.

Post “Can you tell me a 1 lie about yourself?” on r/askreddit

– PoinDexter90

And remember, as Dr. House would say, “It’s not lupus.”

Do you have another creative answer to this question?

Hit us with it in the comments.

The post People Speculate How They Would Turn Lies Into Money appeared first on UberFacts.

Women Discuss the Nonsense They’re Still Expected to Put Up With

As a male, I have never once envied women. I know that some guys say they do, but I’ve never understood that. And the more I learn, the truer that is.

women, what is something that women experience and is seen as “normal” but is actually very wrong/shouldn’t be as accepted as it is? from AskWomen

Here are just a few of the awful impediments associated with womanhood, as laid out by the women of Reddit.

1. Downplaying how bad periods are.

I hate this, I was so used to thinking it was normal to feel horrible pain and I was being a baby, I remember several times I kept on with my plans although I felt like dying because I was taught I had to.

Turns out I have endometriosis and It makes me so mad.

– eatingcookiesallday

2. The s**pectations.

Feeling “expected” to have s** and having their pleasure being secondary.

I experienced this a lot when I was younger and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Like, I thought if I was kissing a guy “well, now I’m expected to have s** with him because he’s turned on. I guess I have to.” And also thinking that during s**, the end goal was really mostly about him.

It wasn’t until I was older than I realized how flawed it was for me to think that way and for men to have reinforced that thinking via their actions.

– GreenMountain85

3. “Boys will be boys.”

inappropriate behavior from men, especially from a young age.

If a boy hits a little girl he “just likes her”. That little boy grows up thinking there’s no repercussion for violence, and keeps hitting women.

The cycle just goes on.

– professional_joe

4. Restricted movement.

dressing little girls in a way that makes it difficult for them to move around. your four year old should not miss out on valuable play because she doesn’t want to mess up her clothes or hair. her appearance should be the last freaking thing on her mind.

it makes me so angry to see little girls having to sit on the sidelines while their brothers and male cousins play rambunctiously because their parents put them in a dress and expensive shoes. i hate the bulls**t propaganda that little girls “naturally” prefer playing quietly indoors and/or alone.

sure, it may be true for some little girls (just like it’s also true for some little boys), but you cannot tell me that socialisation doesn’t play a massive role in what kind of play children “naturally” prefer.

– [deleted user]

5. Mansplaining.

That condescending and infuriatingly arrogant tone that some men take on when explaining something (be it a hobby, some interesting fact, or the fundamentals of this and that) when their listener is a woman.

I understand that this may simply be done to impress rather than be irritating, but just knowing that they wouldn’t dare talk this way to male friend or colleague is…well, irritating.

– Marjory_SB

6. Degrading terminology.

Women being called “girls.” Whether it is conscious or not, it implies a lack of maturity and, therefore, deserved respect. Among countless other places I have heard this, I attempted to watch a season of The Bachelor (bad decision for many reasons) and I could not stand how often the women were called “girls.”

I couldn’t bring myself to check out The Bachelorette, but I suspect the men are never called “boys.”

– merrypoppin

7. “Why don’t you smile?”

When I was a kid, I usually cried when they insisted me to smile. I have millions of pictures of me crying, with watery eyes or looking really mad on family weddings.

There’s this one picture that I specifically remember my mother asking me to smile “cmon, show me some teeth!” And I literally just showing my teeth, no smile. What a brave little girl I was.

I started to smile by obligation later on, after my first job

– an_angry_kirby

8. Constant scrutiny.

The constant picking apart of women’s appearance by basically everyone and holding women to insane beauty standards.

Extensions, false lashes, makeup, drawn on eyebrows, contouring tricks to change your face, dye your hair, dress s**y, don’t dress too s**y, wax your privates, dye your hair, stay in shape, have a big butt, tiny waist, push up bras, get fake nails, on and on and freakin on.

– Snoo55011

9. Bizarre expectations.

I find it a bit insulting when you see a picture of a woman who is really pretty and you find out that she’s a top scientist or engineer or a doctor, something very prestigious, and a person says “ Wow, She’s pretty, I wasn’t expecting that!”

What, like are smart people usually butt ugly? pretty girls can’t be smart? Wtf! I feel like that’s really common and needs to end.

– itsrachyrach

10. Absorbing men’s dysfunction.

He was abused? She’ll talk him through the best therapy she can manage.

He was never taught how to (normal life skill here)? She’ll do it for him.

He’s too macho to take care of himself? She’ll nag him till he does, and she better be a good sport and laugh as she’s ridiculed for “being a nag”.

– plotthick

11. Harassment in the workplace.

Obviously harassment in ANY workplace is vile and wrong, but my aunt once told me to except to be flirted with, hit on, and harassed if I continued to work in kitchens/restaurants.

She said it was “just part of the territory” and that I needed to just “understand that that’s the environment.”

Excuse me? No. I don’t care what the environment is, women shouldn’t have to put up with harassment in the workplace.

– landw497

12. Not being listened to.

Seriously; I recently had a two-minute conversation with four of the men in my department (only woman there), and I had three of them in series each claim I was wrong about a different technical point, then immediately tell me the “correct” answer which was exactly what I had just told them.

I looked to the fourth man and asked him, “Did that just happen?” He agreed. Lots of pouty faces that day for being called on it in front of the boss.

– Arbiter_of_Balance

13. “The body count.”

I love s**. I need s**. If I met a guy I like (at least he’s hot, let’s put intelligence to the side).

I want him. I flirt with him. He wants me too. We f**k. I am happy. He is happy. We don’t want the relationship to go any further and maybe we even stop talking and never see each other again.

Who is seen as a slut? Me.

Who is seen as a hero? Him.


Even if it was me seducing him? Even if it was consent from both sides? Even though it was two people just wanting to f**k each other and nothing more?

I think to be a slut you have to sleep around with guys you don’t even like, and maybe when you regret your hookups, but it doesn’t belong to any gender. Guys can be sluts too. And I knew many that are, I mean, they f**k girls once and they say they didn’t even like them? They say they are ugly etc.

What the f**k?

– -acidlean-

14. “When a boy is mean to you, that means he likes you…”


Anyone that truly loves you will not hurt you mentally, physically, or verbally. EVER!!! They tell you this s**t when you’re young to prepare your for a dirtbag husband in the future and some women never get the common sense to see that it’s actually a bully!

Ugh, this totally just grinds my gears!!!!! 🤬

– Chuck2025

15. Being treated like you’re frail.

When people won’t let you do things because you’re a woman or tell you to wait for or get your male partner to do that thing.

I know it might be put across, commonly, as a care or consideration, but it’s condescending, diminishing and a deprivation, at times.

– riverkaylee

We all need to do better.

What would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Women Discuss the Nonsense They’re Still Expected to Put Up With appeared first on UberFacts.

These Half-Brothers Learned Sometimes the Money Just Isn’t Worth the Trouble

Money changes things between people, which is why things like inheritances can be tricky moments to navigate within family life.

This guy learned the hard way that his half-brothers cared more about a few thousand dollars than they did about their relationship or family ties, and that’s gotta sting.

When OP’s grandparents died, they set up an account that he would access when he turned 18. It was to share with any siblings of his mother and father.

When I (25f) was 3, my grandparents passed away. They set up a savings account in my name. The account was meant to be accessed by me when I was 21. At that point it contained just over 300k. My grandparents left me a letter saying they would like me to share the money fairly with any other “Smith-Jones” children, meaning my full siblings (dad’s a Smith, mum’s a Jones). By “fairly” they meant that they wanted me to assess the situation and judge for myself what was fair.

He never ended up having any siblings, but his father and eventual stepmother had two sons, OPs half-brothers.

He considers them his brothers, and so he decided the fair thing to do would be to split the money 3 ways.

I never had full siblings, but I have 2 half brothers, “Mack and Joe Smith”, who are dad and stepmum’s kids. Due to the specific wording my grandparents used, I legally never had to give Mack or Joe any money.

However, I see Mack and Joe as my brothers, and as the money came from our grandparents, I felt that the fairest thing would be to assign each of us 100k, so we all got an equal sized lump sum, and I figured that when Mack (the youngest) turned 21 and took his 100k, we could split any remaining money.

OP was the first to turn 18 and used the money to buy a house. Instead of borrowing an additional 30k he borrowed it from the fund, planning to pay it back (with some interest) but the time his youngest brother would come into his inheritance.

When I turned 21, dad suggested I buy a house with my 100k. I found a place I loved but it was 130k and I couldn’t get a mortgage, so dad said I should borrow 30k from the account. I did, figuring I could pay it back before my brothers turned 21, and I have been repaying it. The account should be at 208k right now, but due to me withdrawing and then repaying that money it’s at 195k, so I still owe 13k.

When the second brother realized there wasn’t as much in the account as there should have been, OP explained what happened and said the money would be there when their youngest brother received his share.

The brothers flipped, treating OP more like a lawyer or accountant than family.

Joe turned 21 recently, and as I was giving him his 100k, Joe noticed that there was less in the account than there should be. I explained and said I was going to put it all back before Mack (now 19) turns 21.

Joe told Mack and both boys said I stole from them and owed them the full 13k back plus 3 grand of interest that they felt they would have gotten, and they wanted it all paid by this summer, which gave me less than 6 months to bring the account up to 211k. I said I’d do it, but over 2 years as planned.

They threatened to sue, and so OP decided he was done – done being nice, done giving them money. He wasn’t legally required to, after all, so they reaped what they sowed.

The boys then wrote up a contract to that effect. I went to sign it, until I saw that it said 6 months to pay it all back. I wouldn’t sign as we agreed on 2 years. They said I should figure it out as they were entitled to that money and would be seeking legal advice. Later that day I got an email, clearly written by them, saying that they intend to sue me for the 16k, plus whatever is currently in the account, and additional “damages” and “emotional distress” on top of that.

At this point in time, I’d given Joe about 50k of his 100k, because he wanted it in installments. I responded that legally, they were never entitled to any of it, and given their attitudes, I’d say they’ve already received an amount I deem fair, so that 50k was all they were getting. I then got a barrage of texts, calls, and emails yelling at me for going back on our “deal”. I blocked them.

The boys didn’t take it well, trashing OP on social media and turning certain family members against him. Their father also supported their quest online, which is how another half-brother emerged from the woodwork.

They then took to social media, saying that I was trying to screw them out of their inheritance and rallying our extended family into harassing me over this, and it mostly worked as a lot of people messaged me. However, I got a message from this guy called “Chris Smith”. Chris said he was 27, and claimed to be my half brother.

I had never met him before, but he sent me photos of him as a kid with our dad, grandparents, and me. He showed me that he also had an account with 150k in it, and a scan of a letter from our grandparents, saying this money was meant to be shared fairly among dad’s illegitimate children. Chris also told me we have another half sibling, who is 18. He’d been looking for me for a while, but only found me when dad shared Joe’s post which had me tagged.

He had some money from their grandparents, too, but it was for any other illegitimate kids (and there was more than one), so the half-brothers didn’t qualify for that, either.


We checked with a solicitor to make sure, and as the boys are legitimate, they aren’t entitled to anything in Chris’ illegitimate kid fund, and as they are my half siblings, they aren’t entitled to anything in my Smith-Jones kids fund, either. I sent the boys a letter formally telling them to back off, stop posting about me online, and enjoy the 50k because it’s all they’re getting. The day they received the letter, Chris got a PM from dad, asking if the boys can have some of Chris’ fund. Chris also said no, and told dad we’d met. I told Mack and Joe about Chris and our other half sibling, with Chris’ permission.

So it looks like my grandparents, knowing about Chris before they passed, set up 2 funds. One for the kids dad had with my mother, who was still his wife when they passed, and one for children born out of dad’s affairs, presumably to make sure no one tried to screw anyone else over out of hurt feelings.

Now the boys aren’t getting any more money and their parents marriage is probably over because all of the skeletons have been loosed from the closet.

I’m getting a lot of shit, but holding firm on my decision. The boys have realized that I won’t back down on this and it sounds like I’ve caused a schism at their house, as Joe has all the money and no intention of sharing so Mack is now feeling twice as screwed, plus stepmum apparently did not know about the other half siblings, or that my half sister was born after she and dad got married, and she’s made dad move into a hotel.

It sounds like dad is looking for a long term living arrangement outside of the family home, because it looks like she is not letting him move back in. Dad is begging me to reconsider, but honestly I’m done with all of them except Chris and my sister.

So… what did the internet think? Plenty!

Some were really feeling this story.

Image Credit: Reddit

And some really think these folks got their justice.

Image Credit: Reddit

Actually, everybody thought they got what was coming to them.

Image Credit: Reddit

This is a cautionary tale, y’all, against being greedy and against being a jerk to family over money.

Even if they’d managed to get what they wanted, they still would have lost something more valuable than money.

Don’t be like these kids, y’all.

The post These Half-Brothers Learned Sometimes the Money Just Isn’t Worth the Trouble appeared first on UberFacts.

Was This Parent Wrong for Telling Son’s Friend the Truth About His Mom? People Responded.

To tell or not to tell, that is the question we’re going to ponder today…

Or, at least that was the question in this story from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page from a parent who had to dish out some truth to her son’s friend about his own mother.

Ouch…this one might be painful.

Let’s see what happened.

AITA for telling my son’s friend the truth about why his mom doesn’t want him playing with my son?

“My son and his friend are both in the second grade.

We moved into the area in the middle of covid and my son quickly made friends with a boy in the neighborhood. For the first couple months it was fine – they got along perfectly, I put the house in order, and was able to work from home so childcare wasn’t an issue.

The problem was when my husband got back from his deployment. He was the one to pick my son and his friend up from school that day (my son insisted, because he wanted to show off his other dad the marine.) My husband was also the one who answered the door when Friend’s mother arrived. She was perfectly cordial, and then left with Friend in tow.

The next Monday my son comes home looking forlorn, and when I ask him what’s wrong he tells me Friend’s mother doesn’t want Friend to play with my son anymore. I ask her what the issue is and she says that she “doesn’t want her son to get the idea that ‘our lifestyle’ is an acceptable one,” and that she “doesn’t want him to get confused with homos**ual ideology.”

Lo and behold, a couple days later Friend comes up to me and asks me why she doesn’t want him to play with my son, and I tell him “your mom doesn’t like the fact that me and Curtis’s [not real name] other dad are two men who are married and in love.” He asks why that is, and I say “because she;s prejudiced.”

Later that night I get an angry call from Friend’s mom demanding to know why I called her a bigot to her own son, why I’m “pushing my ideology” on him, telling me that I’m “an influence that will push [Friend] away from God,” etc.

She posts this long screed on the Parents of Generic Suburban Atlanta Elementary School Facebook group about how we should solve disputes among the parents and not drag the kids into it.

I replied on the group asking what I was supposed to do, lie to her son? She claims that by calling her prejudiced I was “disrespecting her religious beliefs,” and then went into this whole screed about her first amendment rights.

I told her not to make her prejudice my f**king problem, and sure as s**t don’t make it my son’s problem. Then the admin for the Facebook group took down the post because the other parents were piling on on both sides and it was getting heated.


Now check out how folks on Reddit reacted to this story.

A reader said that it’s pretty clear the woman is planting dangerous seeds in her kid’s head.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that this particular mom might have a very rough road ahead of her because the younger generations just keep getting more tolerant than the ones before them and don’t stand for this kind of behavior.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person agreed!

And they said this woman won’t be able to shelter her son forever.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, this reader made a good point about people who believe that their kids are being indoctrinated at every turn.


Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to hear what you think!

In the comments, let us know.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Was This Parent Wrong for Telling Son’s Friend the Truth About His Mom? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman Asked if She’s Wrong For “Stealing” From Her Mother

And when we say “stealing”, we’re not talking about what you might be thinking of.

You’ll get all the details in a minute when you read this story from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page, but I’ll give you a little taste: it involves some major family drama. Like, a lot…

Read on to see what happened…

AITA for “stealing” my daughter from my mother?

“I (28F) gave birth to my daughter Alyssa when I was 17. My mom and I have always had a difficult relationship and not long after I gave birth, she kicked me out and I went to live with my aunt while she raised Alyssa.

I went to college in another state after, and though I’ve seen Alyssa some since then, my relationship with my mom prevented me from being there for her. Since I graduated, I’ve managed to start a pretty successful business and my fiancée and I are currently in the process of purchasing our first home. I’m ready to be a mom now, and I really want to support my daughter.

I had originally contacted my mother and told her that I was ready for Alyssa to come live with me, but she said no. Because of this, I’ve decided to file for full custody of her. I’m fairly well established financially, and my mother has had some trouble managing her money since Alyssa was born, so my lawyer is pretty confident that I’ll get at least primary custody.

When I told my mother about it, she was extremely upset and told me I was a complete a**hole for trying to take away her kid, and that I had never wanted to be around Alyssa before. This is just not true, I’ve visited over the years and tried to send my mother support, but she’s never wanted me there.

I told her that this wouldn’t be happening if she hadn’t tried to keep Alyssa away from me all these years. I’ve talked to my aunt and my older sister about this, and they both think that I should let my mother keep Alyssa. I truly think she’ll be better off with me.


Now it’s time to do what we always do…

Let’s see how folks responded to this story!

This reader called the woman out: she definitely thinks that she is an a**hole.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader made a great point: how does the child feel about this?

Because this mom didn’t even bring that subject up.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that the woman is acting in a very immature manner and that she’s definitely in the wrong in this situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Lastly, this person argued that now that she’s been able to enjoy some of her youth, she wants to waltz in and take credit for raising the child.

A**hole alert!

Photo Credit: Reddit

How do you feel about this woman’s actions?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post A Woman Asked if She’s Wrong For “Stealing” From Her Mother appeared first on UberFacts.

Here’s Proof That Someone’s Last Day on the Job Is Not the Day to Test Them

Depending on the circumstances, a person’s last day at a job can either be a time of uncertainty, or even anger, or it can be a cause to celebrate moving on to something better (even if you’re a bit sad about leaving behind the people you know).

Either way, a person who is performing their final hours of duty doesn’t have a lot of f**ks to give, y’all. There can be no consequences (of the garden variety) and so their patience for bulls*%t is probably pretty low.

This girl was on her last day as a hostess at a restaurant where people are required to wear masks as part of a corporate policy.

So it’s my last day at my most recent restaurant job. Now the restaurant I work in requires all customers wear masks when they’re not at the table. I try to explain that it comes from a corporate level and I have no say in the matter, but I end up dealing with a lot of angry people.

A large group comes in without masks. She informs them they have to wear them whenever they are not seated at their table, and a pregnant woman objects, saying she has a medical exemption.

The restaurant doesn’t recognize those, and it’s just to the table, OP explains.

I’m a host and a large party comes in. I tell the party that everyone needs to wear masks until they get to the table. A younger pregnant lady tells me she is not required because she’s pregnant and has a medical exemption. I explain that our restaurant does not recognize medical exemptions and she will be required to wear one just until she gets to the table.

The party argues and blusters, but everyone puts on their masks and heads to their meal.

On the way out, the pregnant lady asks for OPs name in a sugary, not-sweet voice.

The whole group gives me the usual snark, legal arguments, conspiracy theories etc. but eventually they all put on their masks and are seated. Well about an hour later the party is leaving. The pregnant woman comes back to the host stand. She thanks us for excellent service and asks me (in a tone that was polite but laced with contempt) what my name is.

OP happily provided her name, since she wouldn’t be working there anymore when the woman called to complain – but also, she didn’t do anything wrong.

She even spelled it out, which I have to imagine was done with relish.

Now it’s my last day at this restaurant. The next day I will be in my pajamas, sipping coffee, and working from home without a care in the world. With my mask hiding my grin, I tell her my name proudly. My IRL name is unique and very easy to misspell so I spell it out for her letter by letter and makes sure she knows it right. I’m the only one with my name in the whole restaurant. In a tone that says “I’m gonna get you in so much trouble” she says “thaaank yooou” and leaves.

Everyone laughed about the lady who didn’t want to follow the rules, and honestly, it sounds like OP is hoping to hear some followup, and it’s hard to blame her.

All my coworkers joke about it being my last day and how much trouble I’m NOT going to be in as soon as she calls and finds out I no longer work there. I’m keeping up with Yelp and google reviews to see if my name pops up but nothing yet.

People started sharing their opinions.

Image Credit: Reddit

And they shared some interesting stories.

Image Credit: Reddit

Even if they had a bit of an opposite situation happen to them…

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m living a little bit vicariously because I always wished I would have an opportunity like this on a last day! Argh!

Has anything like this ever happened to you? Did you get the payoff you wanted?

The post Here’s Proof That Someone’s Last Day on the Job Is Not the Day to Test Them appeared first on UberFacts.

13 People Discuss What Folks Say Is Bad For You but Is Actually Good

This promises to be an interesting discussion, don’t you think?

Because if we’ve learned one thing in the age of social media, it’s that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has an opinion about pretty much EVERYTHING.

Y’all ready for this?

AskReddit users discussed what people say is bad for you but they think is actually good.

Let’s take a look.

1. In moderation.

“Fat, as in in food products.

You still shouldn’t just gorge yourself on fattening foods, but our bodies can process regular fat in food. What it can’t process is the insane amounts of sugar that’s in practically everything, which is what makes people fat.

Your body doesn’t know what to do with it, so it just stores it away as the blubber we all cry about.”

2. The good stuff!

“Coffee, as long as you’re not packing it with a s**tload of sugar and cream and as long as you don’t have the genetic variant which causes your body to metabolize caffeine poorly.

There’s even been some robust meta-analyses on the subject.”

3. Only avoid it if…


People give it up thinking it makes you fat, but actually, gluten free food has more fat in it. It’s just a protein, people.

The only people who should avoid it are people who have celiac disease.”

4. Gaming.

“Playing video games.

A lot of people seem to think that video games are a waste of time and cause violent tendencies, yet this is completely wrong. Video games are actually good for both children and adults. They help improve reflexes, hand-eye coordination, improve your memory, improves focus, and other benefits as well.

While too many video games can cause bad habits and lead to adverse effects, in moderation they are good for you.”

5. Get out of it.

“Quitting a toxic relationship.

Not all but some people stay in a toxic relationship thinking that it’s the right thing to do and it might help their partner to change. No.

Leaving is actually good for the both of you.”

6. Sober is good.

“Not drinking.

People for some reason assume you can’t have fun without al**hol but me and my friends have always preferred having a chill reunion and talking over partying.

I thought a**ohol was supposed to be generally a toxic substance but apparently not drinking automatically makes you a degenerate hermit where I live.”

7. Just go easy on it.


I mean you don’t want to eat an entire block but if you shred an ounce or so over your salad or put some over your roasted vegetables it’s still good for you so long as you aren’t lactose intolerant or your doctor hasn’t told you to not eat it for some reason.

It makes vegetables more palatable and it’s a good source of calcium. It’s not completely negating the effects of eating healthy like I’ve seen some people claim, just don’t over do it and stick to the serving size since it’s a high calorie food group.”

8. MSG.

“Monosodium Glutamate (MSG/Ajinomoto)

Maybe you can’t technically say “good for you” but it’s a lot better for you than too much salt and you only need a fraction of the amount vs salt for the same amount of flavor.

The negativity associated with MSG is rooted in racism.”

9. Some people need to do it.


It’s definitely stigmatized, but it is a really good thing. Sorry, I didn’t know my ex-husband would become a raging al**holic that refused to get help.

Things were good when we got married, he always liked to drink, but he wasn’t downing a fifth every day like he was at the end. I tried to help him, but he refused any treatment or therapy.

No one deserves to just have to suffer and live with that. I am very happy I got divorced, and have never regretted it.”

10. Give it a shot.


A lot of people think it is bad for the body meanwhile there are a lot of proof that it has a lot of advantages for the body.”

11. Crack away!

“Cracking your bones.

It doesn’t cause arthritis like widely speculated and it’s just the release of gases from joints.

Chiropractors are actually great to see as they can treat back pain, migraines, whiplash and other conditions.”

12. Here we go again.


Carbs do not make you fat. Fat does not make you fat. Sugar does not make you fat.

Eating more calories than you use, day after day will make you fat. Doesn’t matter what the hell you eat.”

13. Builds character.

“Having your feelings hurt.

Obviously not on a constant 24/7 basis, but getting your feelings hurt helps you in the long run because you’ll be able to handle it better down the line, ideally.

If you’re constantly coddled and no one ever upsets you, then you step out into the real world with a very, VERY warped perspective.

And the first time you inevitably do not get respected the way you feel you deserve, you throw a childish tantrum even though you’re almost in your forties.”

Now we want to hear from you.

Tell us some more things people think are bad for us but are actually good.

Do it in the comments, please!

The post 13 People Discuss What Folks Say Is Bad For You but Is Actually Good appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Biggest Scam You Ever Fell For? People Shared Their Stories.

It always breaks my heart when I hear about people (particularly older ones) who get bilked out of all their money because they fell for a scam.

And it also makes me want to find the people responsible for those scams so I could have a few words with them.

Bottom line: there are a ton of scammers out there doing everything they can to try to separate you from your money.

What’s the biggest scam you ever fell for?

AskReddit users admitted their shame.

1. That’s too bad.

“There was a company advertising that they would help people wipe out predatory student loans.

Long story short I blew $800 on a company that got shut down by the Gov’t for fraudulent practices and was denied a refund.”

2. Talkspace.

“Spent $250 on Talkspace (got $200 back because I demanded a redund).

They (their therapists) waste a week of your time to reply once and reply with a canned response of, “oh that sounds stressful, how is your sleep schedule?”

I cannot stress enough how much of a waste of time and money that s**t was.”

3. Bummer.

“These people called me with one of HMRC numbers telling me I didn’t pay some taxes, saying they sent lots of letters to my old address to which I never responded.

I didn’t know they could make me see the number they wanted. After a quick check on the government website I saw that the number was the same and I believed them. I was 20 years old and living in London on my own.

I gave them 1000£ and never felt so stupid in my life.”

4. Could have been worse.

“Not too bad I lost 35 bucks. I fell for those stores on Instagram.

I was just getting on it so I didn’t know most were scam stores. Because I followed some small retailers that I already bought from.

I thought it was the same thing. Website was or looked legit but I never got my boots.

Smart too because I got it from them because they were 15 bucks cheaper. Not some crazy amount that made you question it.

Luckily I paid with PayPal. It could’ve been worse if they had my credit card information.”

5. Ugh.

“My former best friend and his dad cheated me out of my money to invest in their company.

When I asked for a contract, his dad said, “Between true friends, words aren’t necessary.”

When they started making money, I asked for my money back, and they said they didn’t owe me a thing.”

6. Scammed!

“There was a company advertising that they would help people wipe out predatory student loans.

Long story short, I blew $800 on a company that got shut down by the government for fraudulent practices and was denied a refund.”

7. Oh, no.

“Right after my dad died I got a call from a number I didn’t know.

They left a voice mail saying they needed my social security number so they could pay out a life insurance policy to me. I was 21 and super inexperienced with stuff like this. So I did what any real adult would do. I asked my mom for advice.

She told me it was legit and to give them my SS number. I had a weird feeling about it but if my mom said it was ok then it must be ok. I did it. I called back and gave the guy that answered my SS number.

I never got a check but my mom suddenly did from a policy my dad “forgot” to take her off of even though they had been divorced years before.

She did give my 10k but I’m 100% positive it was worth way more and she had something to do with it all. We don’t talk anymore for various reasons including this one.”

8. VIP.

“I went to buy a Rolling Stones ticket from a scalper years ago (i know, i know) and he talked me into a VIP Backstage Pass. He said that’s all I need!

Free food, booze, all the perks. He insisted the sticker was all I needed to get in, no paper ticket necessary.

So a few hours later I go to the show, obviously can’t get in – it was a VIP pass from the night before. There was no date on it, just a different shape.

I try every single gate hoping someone won’t notice/not care and finally try the media entrance. The nice lady ushered me right in, I took an elevator up to the main concourse and I was free as a bird. I didn’t have a seat obviously but I snuck down to the floor and ended up having a great show.

Still feel burned by the stupid f**k to this day though. I’ve seen him at other shows (nice neck tattoo of a fish, you fu**in’ pr**k) and I always f**k with him.”

9. Felt like an idiot.

“It happened while I was at work in a grocery store (no longer working there for unrelated reasons). Overworked, stressed out of my mind, and probably had some form of sleep deprivation going on at the time.

Answered a customer service call for Western Union during a very busy time and had a severe lapse in judgement that resulted in me doing a transaction over the phone (the biggest thing they drill into our heads NOT to do).

I thankfully didn’t get any further (only one transaction went through rather than several) before things clicked and I hung up on them horrified. Reported it asap for damage control and spent the next few days praying that I wouldn’t lose my job for it (transaction over the phone = fire-able offense).

Thankfully, since I didn’t have a problematic work history my boss was able to save my job with the only caveats being retraining and a note being on file for at least a year. Huge self-esteem and mental health loss though, felt like a gigantic idiot for months afterwards.”

10. A hassle.

“I was in Rome walking around when a guy came up to me and handed me a rose saying it was a gift. I took it, and then he demanded money.

I refused to pay, and tried to give it back (should have just placed it on the floor). Long story short, my friend saw me from across the plaza arguing and came over.

The guy wouldn’t leave me alone, so my friend paid him off. I felt so bad.”

11. Phishing.

“An email something like:

“You’re paypal has been accessed from an unknown source, click here to update your password.”

It looked official and asked for me to login to update my password. When I realized the website didn’t allow me to view my profile I panicked. I then spent the day taking the nessassary precautions.

Lesson, always go to the website yourself and don’t click links in emails.”

Have you ever been scammed before?

If so, please tell us all about it in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What’s the Biggest Scam You Ever Fell For? People Shared Their Stories. appeared first on UberFacts.