A Pregnant Woman Refused to Let Her Mother-in-Law in the Delivery Room. Was She Being Unreasonable?

I find it to be so strange when I hear about people who want to be in the delivery room who aren’t either the mother or the father of the new baby.

Like…why would you want to be in there?

And why would anyone let you in?!?!

But, here we are, friends…

A woman shared her story on Reddit and asked if she was wrong for the way she reacted. Let’s see what happened.

AITA for telling my husband that if MIL is in the delivery room that he can’t go?

“Okay, so this is an issue that I can’t deal with

I(28)am six months pregnant. Me and my husband have been discussing who can be in the delivery room.

I told him my mother was going to go obviously and he said he would want his mother to be there. I would be fine that but the hospital will only let 2 people in.

I told him if she went he won’t be able to go. He said he was expecting me to get rid of my mother and and let him go but I told him that wasn’t happening.

We’re now in an argument and he said he going to go to his friends house. It’s been 2 days and he still hasn’t returned. He isn’t answering my calls either. Now I don’t know where he is.


Hmmmm…now let’s take a look at how Reddit users reacted to this story.

This person said that the woman who wrote the post was not to blame for anything.


Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that they can’t believe why this woman would stay with a man who treated her this way.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual argued that women (and probably some men) should have a plan to get away from someone if they ever need to and they need to keep an eye on all the red flags that might pop up.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that who will be in the delivery room when the time comes is completely and totally UP TO HER and no one else.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us what you think about this story.

Don’t hold back now! Let it all out!

The post A Pregnant Woman Refused to Let Her Mother-in-Law in the Delivery Room. Was She Being Unreasonable? appeared first on UberFacts.

A Random Twist of Fate Helped This Woman Get Revenge on Her Brother

If you love a good revenge story, you’re in luck!

Because a young woman who has a strained relationship with her twin brother finally got some serious revenge on him and she shared her story on Reddit.

Let’s check it out!

Fate helped me get back at my brother.

“I originally posted this in two parts as it was unfolding on r/relationship_advice, and a couple people told me to post it here. I didn’t know this sub existed but I’m happy it does. So…

My brother (23M, we’re twins) is so mean. He’s constantly doing messed up stuff to me (23F), but the worst thing happened five years ago.

I got my first boyfriend when I was 18 and a senior in high school. I know we were young, but I really really really loved him. We’d been dating for ten months when my brother randomly decided – for literally no reason at all – to make up a story about how he “caught me cheating” and tell it to my boyfriend.

He planned it all out, he came up with details – he made it sound real. And because he’s such a scarily good liar and a master manipulator, my boyfriend believed him. No matter what I said or did to prove it wasn’t true, he believed my brother over me. My brother kept up with his act the entire time and refused to admit he was lying.

At one point I thought I’d finally gotten my boyfriend to believe me, but then he broke up with me a few months later and confessed it was because he was still convinced I’d cheated on him and he couldn’t move past it. He said, “the worst part is that you won’t just tell me the truth” and not to sound dramatic but that still haunts me; I want to cry every time I think about it.

And I still miss him to this day. (Also, I think it’s important to note that my brother has never once apologized ! He’s so insanely mean that he just thinks it’s funny. I even asked him once if he’d consider hitting my ex up and telling him the truth for my peace of mind and he just laughed at me.)

I never got over what my brother did, and I always told myself I was gonna do the exact same thing to him one day. He’s dated several girls since high school, but he’d never been serious enough about any of them for me to consider tricking them.

I knew it wouldn’t hurt him like he hurt me if I just tricked one of his flings or something. But he finally got his first serious girlfriend last year, and after thinking about it for a looong time I decided I was gonna do it.

We live in different places now so I had to do it all online. I used a different method than he did; I contacted his girlfriend pretending to be “the girl he’d been cheating with”. I made up an elaborate detailed story like he did to me and even photoshopped “proof” and stuff.

I made my story even more believable than he made his. And exactly like he did to me, I went as far as denying it even to him because I knew he might use my texts/calls to prove to his girlfriend that it isn’t true. He knew I was behind it, though, solely because the girl I made up doesn’t exist and there’s no one else that would do this. But I kept denying it.

His girlfriend wholeheartedly believed me, and my brother kept calling and texting me and begging me to “give it up” (even though I still wouldn’t admit it was me). He was manipulating me and arguing that it’s “different” because I was younger when he did it to me and my relationship “wasn’t serious”.

But my relationship was serious, and like I said, I still miss my ex. My brother really, really messed me up. I have empathy though (he doesn’t) and I was starting to feel bad for his girlfriend because she’s innocent. I was kind of regretting everything and thinking that maybe I should tell his girlfriend the truth (for her sake, not his).

But then….

His girlfriend asked me a question which led to her admitting that she’s “been suspicious of him for a long time”, so I pried a little bit and encouraged her to look through his phone. She told me she couldn’t because she didn’t know the passcode and he wouldn’t give her access to it.

I guessed a few passcodes I thought it could be and gave them to her under the guise of “seeing it once but not being sure which one I’d seen” (that was kind of dumb but I couldn’t think of anything else to say and she didn’t question it). She got in because it ended up being the same one he’s had since 2012 when our dad got us iPhones and made us use the same passcode. Idiot.

Anyway, low and behold….it turns out my brother actually cheated on her and my set up was the reason she found out. He’s been talking to and hooking up with multiple girls for pretty much the entirety of their relationship.


I’m not surprised, because he’s a terrible person and cheating seems right up his alley, but I’m shocked at the same time. I literally can’t believe things worked out this perfectly; it feels like a dream or something. The universe loves me.

I hate to revel in his girlfriend’s misery, but I was feeling guilty about her being collateral damage, so I feel like this is the best possible outcome. My lie ended up being the truth – well not exactly but you know what I mean – so I didn’t scar his gf or leave her with permanent damage for no reason.

All my interference did was speed up the process of the truth coming to light. In fact, my brother may have been able to hide his cheating forever if not for me. He probably would’ve just manipulated his gf and/or refused to give her phone access forever. She hasn’t broken up with him and I’m honestly not sure if she will.

Idk how relevant that is but it attests to how manipulative he is. He screws people over all the time but somehow always gets his way anyway. It’s honestly infuriating and scary.

Anyway, I’m still not going to admit to my brother that I’m behind it all, because there’s no point. That would just get me in deeper trouble. I got a comment on my original post that said “deny til you die baby”…and that’s exactly what I’m planning on doing lol.

Life’s crazy.”

Life sure is crazy…and here’s how folks responded on Reddit. And I think it’s pretty unanimous that her brother is a major creep.

This person said that she needs to go further to protect her privacy online.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said that she needs to tread very carefully because her brother might try to escalate this situation to an even higher level.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual stated the obvious: her brother is a real piece of s**t.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this person might have hit the nail on the head.

The guy actually sound like a full-blown sociopath.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you have any good revenge stories you’d like to share with us?

If so, please do it in the comments.

We can’t wait to hear them!

The post A Random Twist of Fate Helped This Woman Get Revenge on Her Brother appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Questions They Were Asked That Secretly Broke Their Hearts

Being alive is full of highs and lows.

Actually, I should say BIG highs and HUGE lows.

But sometimes you have to keep those lows and heartbreaks to yourself for the sake of the feelings of others and your own.

You just never know what someone out there might ask you on any given day…

AskReddit users talked about when someone asked them a question and it secretly broke their heart.

Let’s take a look.

1. That’s bad.

“I finally got out of an abusive relationship after many years.

When I finally did my mom said, “you’re a hard person to like and nobody else will love you. Do you really think you deserve better ?””

2. All alone.

“We had some kind of talent show in elementary school and and all the parents sat in the gym and watched us.

Everybody had someone there except me, so this kid in my class asked where my family was and I just shrugged my shoulders and he asked “Doesn’t anyone love you?” and I had to excuse myself and cry in the bathroom, because I knew he was right, nobody loved me.

I had tried to keep it a secret and I was terrified that everyone at school would know.”

3. Not cool.

““Can you imagine how bad it would have made us look as parents if you succeeded?”

Told to me by my mom as she was taking me back home from the hospital after my s**cide watch.”

4. Brutal.

“I was having fertility problems and couldn’t get pregnant after 4 yrs of trying.

A child once asked me “Do you think there just aren’t any babies who want you to be their mother?””

5. Heartbreaking.

“”Is this what a real family look like?” My best friend grew up in a rough neighborhood getting beaten up by his dad and abandoned by his mom.

He knew very little of normal family interactions, hygiene habits, morals (he was ok with lying, stealing and some more) and had almost none of the common sense you’d expect from a 14 yo boy. Still, he was a funny and rather charismatic SOB and it was basically instant friendship.

After spending a lot of time in our house (initially 2-3 days a week, getting to whole months during some tougher times), he got a pretty good hang of all the family and the “living in society” thing. Simple stuff like being kind, not stealing, washing his clothes and using deodorant. When he asked me this question, some months after meeting my parents and sisters, it broke my heart to the point I cried like a baby in front of him.

Now, almost 10 years later, he calls my parentes “Mother” and “Father”. He’s getting a major in History and wants to teach. Unfortunately he still struggles with some psychiatric conditions, like depression and anxiety, but is under treatment and getting better.”

6. By yourself.

“I was at Coldstone with my friends who are married. I ordered my thing and went over to the cashier and they asked me “Are you alone?” and for some reason it just cut deep.

They didn’t mean anything by it, but in that moment I realized that I felt so alone, even surrounded by friends. Then I had ice cream and felt better.”

7. Felt like crying.

“”Wait, aren’t you going to hit me?”

I worked as a music teacher, and had a 15 year old student who originally came from an African country play a passage incorrectly on the instrument repeatedly.

We only had one instrument of the kind she played, so I reached out my hand and asked her to hand me the instrument over to show her, when she saw me playing, she asked me that question with genuine confusion, and I realised what hell her school life in her home country had been.

She not only thought I would hit her for not playing correctly, but also that she deserved it.

I felt like crying when I got home that night.”

8. Left out.

“”Why don’t they talk to me?”

She was an outcast in hs and I guess I kind of was too even though some of my friends weren’t. She was nice enough but because she was poor and had ill fitting clothes and anxiety. Other kids didn’t know how to talk to her and some of them were mean.

Last I checked she was selling Avon and in a bad relationship. I really hope she got out, I’ve lost contact with her since then.”

9. Depressing.

“I don’t really have any close friends. It’s depressing.

On my 25th birthday, my husband and I went to dinner and we happened to run into my husbands co-worker and his wife, so we sat together for a couple drinks.

My husband said it we were out for dinner for my birthday. We were making small talk and the other guys wife asked “where are your friends at?”

I felt so embarrassed. My face gets red and my heart sinks every time I think about it.”

10. Hahahaha.

“We were watching the movie The Martian.

About 3/4 of the way through my GF turns to me and asks if this really happened.”

11. Kids are cruel.

““Are you a boy or a girl?”

This was earnestly asked to me on the playground when I was 13. I was very chubby, and had grown out my hair (my dad had a cool ponytail, and I wanted to be like my dad). But puberty hadn’t really kicked in yet, so I guess I looked pretty androgynous.

I told the girl that asked I was a boy, and she nodded and walked away, returning to a friend who then cheered in triumph, I guess they won the bet.

That messed with me for a while.”

12. Oh…

“I moved away for almost a year. The day I moved back to my home town, I excitedly went to my old martial arts dojang to see if I could sign back up.

Long story short, I loved these people like family. Upon entering the building, I was glared at and cold shouldered. I went back outside, thinking maybe I interrupted something. The head instructor came out and I greeted him enthusiastically. He said, “Oh. You’re back…?”

He turned around and left. I had two other heartbreaks in a similar fashion before I decided I had more self worth than what these people rated me for and moved on.”

Now we want to hear from you.

Have you ever had an experience like this?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments. Thanks!

The post People Share the Questions They Were Asked That Secretly Broke Their Hearts appeared first on UberFacts.

Women, What Do Men Do That Scares You but They Don’t Realize? Ladies Responded.

I’m a man, so I’m gonna say right off the bat that I have no clue what a woman goes through on any level.

But I will admit that there are a million thing that men do that scares women…and sometimes guys don’t even realize they’re doing it.

So these responses will be very enlightening for all of us.

Women on AskReddit opened up about what men unknowingly do that scares them.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Uncomfortable.

“Messages you on a dating app commenting on having found your profile and that they are in the same location as you, they can see you but you can’t see them.

I had a guy do this on a fully packed train I was on to go to work. I’m not an anxious person but it felt really uncomfortable.”

2. Never.

“Following you to your car to get your number.

Don’t. Ever. Do. That.”

3. Deal breaker.

“While talking online and I say “I don’t know about meeting up” and their response is “You are more likely to be r**ed by someone you actually know in person”

Yup… Not meeting up now.”

4. Too intense.

“Getting really intense about our relationship or friendship really early on.

A lot of guys turn women into this kind of fantasy thing that’s supposed to make them whole/help them change or whatever.

Sir I am the main character in my own life, not just a supporting one in yours.

When you put that pressure on me right away without reciprocation, I know that I don’t actually matter, you’ve been taught that women serve you”

5. Creepy.

“I’ve been approached several times in public by random men who say they want to be friends with me. One leaned in really close to have a conversation and asked me where I was from and where I live.

Another grabbed my hands and remarked on how soft my skin is. Another one literally locked arms with me and dragged me to a coffee shop to “get to know me” and then later told me to come with him to a more private place for a view of the city.

I weakly joke about it sometimes but in the moment it really does make me nervous. I don’t know if I just look really unimposing (I’m an Asian woman but I’m taller than average?) but I’m not sure why it happens.

Regardless, please don’t just grab random women, even out of friendliness, and respect personal space.”

6. Uncalled for.

“Blocking my path or physically holding me in place if they are not done talking to me.

Basically, using more strength/size to restrict my motion in any way.”

7. You can stop now.

“Calling them beautiful as much as possible.

Once or twice is nice, if you know them, but if you don’t know the guy and he says it too much it freaks me out.”

8. Whoa.

“I had a guy come into the store I worked at and leave within ten minutes.

Not even 5 minutes after he left, he had searched me up on Instagram and messaged me, as well as all other social media. He didn’t have my last name and literally sat in the parking lot to search me up and message me.

And then he came into the store a lot more to learn what shifts I worked and was ALWAYS THERE. That’s not endearing or cool, it’s creepy and makes me not want to go to work anymore.”

9. Hey, I’m a nice guy.

“Any time someone tries really hard to convince me he’s a “nice guy”. Every guy I’ve met that desperately brings it up every chance he gets isn’t usually very nice.

It always makes me wonder what are they trying to hide? Like why do I have to think you’re nice? Prove it with your actions, don’t tell me repeatedly.”

10. Gross.

“Hit on you in locations where you cannot escape (enclosed places like elevators, or work places).

I had a taxi driver hit on me, question me about my love life and ask for my number. I was literally locked in a moving vehicle with the guy, how are you supposed to feel safe saying no?!

Luckily, I think he was just a nice clueless guy so I felt safe enough to negotiate and take his number instead of giving mine out.”

11. Ugh.

“Once I was staying in a hotel with my boyfriend and needed to go down to the lobby.

I got on the elevator and saw a guy holding flowers and wine, so I asked if he was meeting a girlfriend. I’m from the south, so it’s just friendly small talk. He replied, “Something like that. You can come if you want to.” It immediately made me nervous. Politely declined and said my boyfriend was waiting for me.

He said, “So to a guy like me, all I can hear you saying is that you’d come with me if he wasn’t here.” I was so upset. I didn’t take the elevator alone again.”

12. Not a good thing.

“Driving really aggressively and having road rage.

When I was younger and dating I had so many experiences as a passenger with young guys who were otherwise normal but really intense and scary when they got behind the wheel.

It always seemed like a red flag.”

Do any other women out there want to chime in on this subject?

If so, please talk to us in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Women, What Do Men Do That Scares You but They Don’t Realize? Ladies Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

What’s the Stupidest Thing Someone Paid You to Do? People Responded.

I don’t think I’ve ever done anything really stupid for money before.

At least nothing that I can remember…

But who knows, maybe something I did late one night for a few bucks is buried so deep in my psyche that I’ll never recover it again. And that might be a good thing…

Have you ever been paid to do something pretty stupid?

Let’s see what folks on AskReddit had to say about this.

1. Easy money.

“I got paid $1,000 to have giant balloons attached to me and hand out temporary tattoos of Fox animated shows (Family Guy, Bob’s Burgers, etc) at ComicCon for 3 days.”

2. Just kickin’ back.

“I did an event for a national association for deaf people at which they did every presentation in ASL.

I am an audio engineer, who specializes in live sound and concerts. I did nothing for 5 days of show, $450 a day”

3. Good company.

“When I was 19, I meet an heiress (I think she was in her fifties).

She paid me $20 an hour to go to lunch with her. She would take me to five star restaurants and we would shoot the s**t for 1-2 hours every week. That is literally all she wanted from me… to sit and eat lunch with her at a fancy restaurant.

It was nice, I was poor so that extra 20-40 bucks a week made a big difference and I got to eat some of the best food in Houston. She was a nice lady. I taught her how to pump her own gas and took her to a grocery store for the first time in her life. She taught me proper table manners and that not all rich people are narcissistic jerks.”

4. I’ll take it!

“$175 to do some kind of user study at Netflix.

II show up in the lobby and then they go, “actually we got the data we needed from the studies earlier today, you’re free to go!”.

Still got paid!”

5. Whatever you say!

“I got paid $10,000 to leave an apartment because the new owner wanted to move in.

I was the tenant under the previous owner. I had 4 months left in my rental contract.

This was in Barcelona.”

6. Wow.

“Had a WFH gig working sort of as a personal assistant for a rich guy on the opposite coast from me.

I did all kinds of wacky s**t for him. For example, one time I had to break up with my boss’s girlfriend because he was too wimpy to do it himself. Rly, weird s**t like that was literally my job.

One day, I bought him a new pickup truck. Meaning, I negotiated the deal and paid for the truck with his credit card. All in all, I’d say the process probably took about two weeks, for which I was paid my usual wage at six hours per day. No big deal.

Somehow, his dad found out about the new truck and he decided he wanted a new pickup truck too. He called me about a week after I bought the truck for my boss and said he’d pay me $2,000 to buy a truck for him. I called the same dealership back, spoke to the same salesman, told him what was up and basically said give me another truck, same price as before. The salesman was only too happy to comply.

It took ten minutes to make the phone call and then a day or two to get the title and other paperwork sorted out. So, depending on how you look at it, I made $2,000 for just ten minutes worth of “work”.

Somehow, my boss’s rich friend found out about all this. He decided he wanted a new SUV. “OhYeahThrowItAway, you have to buy it for me!” I told him the last time I bought someone a vehicle, I got paid $2,000. The friend was basically like “F**k it, I’ll pay you $3,000, just get it for me” and then he emailed me his wish list.

That deal took a little longer, maybe two weeks.

I made $5k extra in just two months buying vehicles for lazy (or dumb) rich people.”

7. No snow in the forecast.

“Got paid $300 to shovel my neighbors front steps and driveway while she was away on vacation all winter.

It did not even flurry once.”

8. That was quick.

“I was paid $300 to move my car for a movie that was filming by my apartment.”

9. It’s a bet.

“Waiter said it was impossible to lick your elbow.

I informed him I could do it.

He bet me $5 I couldn’t do it.

I increased my net worth by $5.”

10. Don’t go in there.

“I got asked to do 2 hours of barrier watch (Guarding a barrier ribbon while a crew did x rays inside a power plant).

This was asked last minute after a 12 hour shift so the bonuses of staying happening to be a Sunday, etc I was being paid $110 to stand and play on my phone and make sure sure nobody tried to pass all the DO NOT ENTER DANGER DANGER signs during a time of day with minimal personnel.”

11. Sitting around.

“Twenty five years ago, and in Indiana, the law was that in order to operate nail salon, someone there must hold a full cosmetology license, not just a nail technician license.

A nail salon opened next to the hair salon I worked at and they all held nail technician licenses and the one who held a cosmetology license would be delayed in Korea for a week for whatever reason. At 18 years old, I was paid $25 an hour to merely to sit in the nail salon as the “holder of the license.”

I answered no phones, tended to no clients, did nothing but paint my own nails repeatedly and watch tv for an entire week. Was a sweet, sweet gig.”

12. Whatever you want.


The guy wanted a drawing of his pony having s** with a bunch of balloons shaped like various cartoon characters in a massive collage. My rate charges per character per fetish, and he came to me fully prepared to dump $1500 on the complete commission after adding it all up himself.

I gave him a discount since even I felt like it was insanity. I probably should have charged the full amount since it did end up taking me 2 weeks to do on and off just from burnout at drawing the same style balloon over and over just in different shapes, but that was definitely the most silly/dumb commission I’ve ever had, or at least the most I’ve been commissioned for something dumb/silly.”

Have you ever done anything really dumb for money?

If the answer is YES, please tell us all about it in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post What’s the Stupidest Thing Someone Paid You to Do? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

What Question Did Someone Ask You That Secretly Broke Your Heart? People Responded.

This question could go either way.

A question could break your heart because you feel for the other person or someone asks you something that’s like a dagger plunging into your heart.

Either way, I think it’s about to get sad up in here.

What question did someone ask you that secretly broke your heart?

Here’s how folks responded on AskReddit.

1. Hope it worked out.

“I was like 22 and it was probably 10 pm or so at a Walmart.

I was on my way to a party and stopped for beer. The store was fairly empty and as I was in the beer aisle, I see this kid completely by himself.

He was about 5 and at first I thought it was kind of funny because he was trying to pick up a case of beer. I waited like 30-60 seconds, looking around for this kid’s mom/dad to come get him.

A couple people walked right by him like it was normal, so then I started getting worried. I picked up my two cases of beer and walked over and kindly asked him if he lost his mom or needed help.

The kid completely ignored the question and instead was thoroughly impressed that I was strong enough to carry two cases of beer. Eventually an employee noticed and came over as well. I told her everything I knew and she took over and told him that she was going to bring him to find his mom.

As he was walking away he kept looking back at me and I smiled and said goodbye. The kid stopped and said “can I just come home with you? I don’t like my mom.”

I was caught off guard so I just laughed and told him the lady was going to help him. Now I’ll never know the full story, or what happened to him but the more I think about it – that kid more than likely had a pretty s**tty childhood.

I mean, the store wasn’t busy and it was late at night on a weekday. It really makes you wonder why he was there in the first place, how he got separated from his mom and why would he ask to go with a complete stranger instead of worrying about where his mom was?”

2. No answers.

“My ex asked me what I liked to do with my family growing up.

Made me realize my family never did anything together and I literally had no answer to such a basic question.”

3. It hurts.

“I have a stutter and people always ask me why I’m so quiet it hurts because I want to be social but whenever I try I tend to be ignored or cut off half way through my sentence.

I want to be social and speak to people but it’s almost impossible for me.”

4. Ouch.

“As we passed the toy aisle at the store, “I know you don’t have much money right now, but maybe when you get some we could come back and get a toy?”

I was not doing well financially back then and my daughter brought me to tears in the middle of the store.”

5. I’m just tired…

“A few years ago I was at a small family gathering. We had them fairly often. Just me, my siblings, parents and niece’s and nephew.

I remember going out the back for a cigarette and my niece asked “why are you always sad?”. She would’ve been about 6yo at the time.

I was going through a horrendous mental period that involved a lot of alcohol, medication, and sleepless nights.

Of course I told her I was fine, just a little tired from working hard.

I remember thinking about that interaction the rest of the night.”

6. Sad.

“I was visiting my granddaughter’s school.

We were eating in the cafeteria. Another girl came and sat down, leaving an empty seat between herself and my granddaughter.

As we got up to leave she asked, “Will you be my Papa?””

I told her I was sorry and that I couldn’t be. I felt so bad for her. I wanted to give her a hug, but as a man you don’t hug strange children.”

7. Mean girl.

““Why do you sound like that? Is that your real voice?”

Mean girl training me on the phones at work.

And I was so confident on my phone voice.”

8. Is that normal?

“During college, parents took a friend and I out to dinner. Very normal dinner, chit chatted about whatever. After we left and were walking back to my car, he turns to me and says “Is that what a normal relationship is like?”

We talked more after that, I had met his parents a few times and they seemed strict but never seemed to have a terrible relationship. Turned out apparently his dad had cheated on his mom multiple times, dad had zero respect for any of my friends sisters and essentially expected them to do all the housework while the men did “guy stuff.”

Hunting, training for sports, school, etc. Turned out his childhood was pretty f**ked, dad was never around and he had to essentially be the father figure in the house. As the oldest child, never really saw a normal loving relationship that he could look up to.

My friend is a really nice guy, still has some messed up views of relationships though. I never realized how “abnormal” my very normal family/childhood was.”

9. Terrible.

“When I worked in a juvenile residential drug rehab, a 12 year old asked me why everyone had a problem with her boyfriend.

He was 32.

She had been so mistreated and abused, she legitimately couldn’t comprehend the problem everyone had with their relationship.”

10. Man…

““Can I wish for my sister?”

A 10-year-old student of mine whose big sister d**d 4 years ago.

We were working on an activity about dreams and aspirations for their futures.”

11. A bad situation.

“My ex fiancee asked me why I didnt have any friends, or hung out with people or went out to places.

It was because she put herself through crisis after crisis and I feel like I didnt have any choice but to stay and help her but when I had a breakdown and went through my own mental health crisis she broke up with me.

I hope she’s doing better but I honestly never want to talk to her again.”

12. One and done.

“When I was 19, I hung out with a cute girl from my high school that I never got to hang with when we were in school.

Had a great day together, and that night she asked, “can we be like secret friends or something? I don’t really hang out with people like you.”

Never hung out again.”

Have you ever had something like this happen to you?

If so, tell us about it in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post What Question Did Someone Ask You That Secretly Broke Your Heart? People Responded. appeared first on UberFacts.

Pictures That Show How Much We Love Our Favorite Things

When people find an item they love – maybe a piece of clothing, a tool, a piece of media or technology – we tend to not only use it a lot, but to hang onto it as long as we can. There’s no promise, after all, that we’re going to be able to find the exact same replacement, and even if we do, will it really be the same?

If that’s a worry any of these 13 people had it was surely assuaged – because it was definitely time to go out with the old and in with the new.

13. One year of use.

That’s a lot of weight lifting.

Image Credit: Reddit

12. No reason to change something that works.

It’s a classic for a reason.

Image Credit: Reddit

11. Four years in.

That is a well-made sneaker. Or a lazy person.

Image Credit: Reddit

10. He definitely got his money’s worth.

I’m not sure I want answers to all of my questions, however.

Image Credit: Reddit

9. Pooh has held up well.

10 years of cuddling looks good on him.

Image Credit: Reddit

8. Brilliant.

A backup of a favorite is always a good idea.

Image Credit: Reddit

7. Check your brakes.

On your bike and your car.

Image Credit: Reddit

6. That is a well-loved cap.

I’m so happy they could find a new one.

Image Credit: Reddit

5. Those reptiles like to be warm.

I’d like to know how long they held up.

Image Credit: Reddit

4. That’s pretty gross.

I’m not judging, just observing.

Image Credit: Reddit

3. A cat scratcher after 3 months.

Just imagine your furniture if you hadn’t bought it.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. Wow. You never think about it.

I want to go home and check mine now.

Image Credit: Reddit

1. That broom has seen some things.

Look at that little nub.

Image Credit: Reddit

There’s something so satisfying about these pictures and I’m not sure what it is.

What’s something you’ve bought multiples of because you love it that much? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post Pictures That Show How Much We Love Our Favorite Things appeared first on UberFacts.

Was This Person Wrong for Forcibly Removing Her Boss’s Mother From the Workplace?

Employee-employer relationships are as complicated as any other human interactions, and the way this employee describes her boss’s oddities is more than enough to spark your curiosity…and then you hear the rest of the story.


This woman has worked as an executive assistant for a man just a few years her elder for several months. At first she found him “strange,” and noted that he’s extremely religious.

I (26F) work for a large aviation company in the US. It is an amazing company to work for and I have been there for the past 4 years as an Executive Assistant.

My role can move around based on where the company needs admins. I started a new rotation at work about 6 months ago and I am now working with my new Boss “James”(32M).

James is a pretty decent guy but at first I found him a little odd. He is very quiet and shy. At first he couldn’t even seem to look me in directly in the eye.

Over time, the two of them have settled into working together, though, and she considers him a friend (who she’s maybe attracted to), and everyone is happy enough.

I noticed right away that he seems to be very religious. He had more crosses in his office than I have seen in most churches. I am from a Christian family as well and it’s quite common in my state to be religious. Some things just seemed a little over the top to me and that’s saying something.

James is a good guy though and over the past six months we have grown close. He has started to let his personality show. We get along well and work great together. We have now become good friends and he has opened up to me a great deal. Sometimes I even feel like there’s a spark between us but neither of us have ever acted on it.

It seemed like business as usual when he said that his mother was going to drop by one morning with lunch, and because he was in meetings all morning, asked that his assistant take the food and put it in the fridge.

No problem, right?

Yesterday James told me that his mother was in town and would be stopping by to bring him lunch today. James has never talked much about his family other than telling me they live out of state. He had meetings all morning and asked me to put it in the fridge once she arrived.

Well, when she greeted the mother, all hell broke loose. The woman screamed Bible verses at her and insisted that she couldn’t be her son’s assistant because her son would never work with a woman who “looked like her.”

She went into her son’s office and locked the door.

At 9:30 am his mom arrived with his lunch. I greeted her and introduced myself as James assistant. She just stared at me and then suddenly started to cry. I tried to ask her what was wrong but she just yelled bible verses at me.

She told me I can’t be James assistant because his assistant is male (My name is unisex so I don’t no if she assumed I was male). She than demanded that I leave her sons office immediately and told me that I am fired. She went into her sons office and proceeded to locked the door.

OP wasn’t sure what to do, as no one is supposed to be in her boss’s office when he’s not there and she didn’t believe there was a way to reach him, as he’s usually out of touch while in meetings.

So, she called security and had her escorted in the midst of a giant fit.

Her behaviour was really frightening and I didn’t no what to do. I am not supposed to allow anyone into his office when he is not present for confidentiality reasons. I tried to get her to leave but she wouldn’t open the door.

My boss is unreachable when he is in meetings, so I panicked and I called security. Security came and escorted her off the property as she threw a fit for everyone to see.

Her boss was upset about the scene, saying that he wishes she’d handled it differently and called him instead of security. He’s embarrassed about what happened.

James was very upset and says he wishes I handled it differently instead of “causing a scene” by calling security. He said his mother is just not used to “women like me being around her son” and that she was very protective. He said I should have called his cell phone instead of security and that I embarrassed him.

Some of my coworkers agree with me while others think that I was an asshole for calling security on his mother. I don’t think that I did anything wrong. I can’t shake this feeling that I’m an asshole for doing this.

If you ask me he should be embarrassed, but not about the way his assistant handled things. Yikes.

What does Reddit say? Let’s find out!

Short, sweet, and wise words.

Image Credit: Reddit

It’s all just a bit creepy.

Image Credit: Reddit

There are so many red flags it’s ridiculous. (2)

Image Credit: Reddit

Image Credit: Reddit

There’s faith and there’s religious fanaticism and the latter is to be avoided at all costs.

Image Credit: Reddit

She’s definitely NTA here.

Image Credit: Reddit

Whew. I think it’s time for her to go job hunting, honestly. How weird.

What are your thoughts? Rant away in the comments!

The post Was This Person Wrong for Forcibly Removing Her Boss’s Mother From the Workplace? appeared first on UberFacts.

Was a Cashier Wrong for Losing Her Cool With an Extreme Couponer?

When we take jobs in customer service – jobs that involve working with human beings we don’t know – we know that we’re signing up for a certain amount of frustration.

Humans, after all, come in all shapes, sizes, and attitudes – and on any given day, we’re all capable of being our worst selves.

This girl is a cashier at a grocery store, and saw a family come in with an army of coupons, ready to make everyone’s life a living hell.

I (18F) am a cashier at a grocery store in my town.

This afternoon we had a large group of people come in together. Turns out they were extreme couponing. For anyone unaware of this, it’s basically people who clip coupons and shop for a shit-ton of groceries and they hope to pay as little as possible.

We see couponers all the time but I’ve never seen anyone go as crazy as this family did.

She ended up with 6 carts of groceries and expected to pay exactly $0 for her haul.

So, basically the mom had hundreds of coupons and a she didn’t bring any money because she thought if she didn’t bring money it would encourage her to do her best and get her groceries for free. Her family stayed by the cart corral while she shopped and every time she needed a new cart they’d give her one and take her full cart.

Eventually she finished shopping and she had about six carts of stuff. My manager shut my lane down and helped me bag and then we started ringing.

She and her manager worked together to try to ring up the order but the machines kept saying there were too many coupons to go through, and the couponer was holding up everyone else’s shopping trip.

We get to the end and I’m ringing in the coupons when I get an error message on my screen that says my POS reached the maximum number of coupons for the transaction. So, my manager voided the transaction and we started again and tried to keep each group items together but we kept having the issue with the coupons.

We even tried multiple transactions but my store only had five registers and there were people waiting to check out and we couldn’t get the coupons to go through properly.

The woman refused to buy anything, leaving it all at the register. OP got angry, letting her know that she had wasted everyone’s time and that now she would have to return everything to the shelves.

Her manager yelled at her and there was generally a whole scene.

So, the lady just decided she didn’t want to get anything after all and wouldn’t be buying anything in her carts. Her total after tax, before coupons, was $789.78. There were roughly 500 items listed on her receipt per diem, and her stuff wasn’t just in carts, she was also purchasing flats of sodas, big bags of dog food on rolling carts, flats of canned food.

And, the rule at my store is if a customer decides not to buy something at the register then the cashier has to put it all back before they can go home. I had been at work since 5am and I was scheduled to leave at noon and because I had to put everything back I didn’t get off work until about thirty minutes ago. She had taken three hours to shop, herself.

Anyway, when she said she wasn’t going to buy anything after all I had a visceral reaction and said to her, “are you fucking serious? I have to put all this back by myself.” I should add that she left the store in shambles. The customer started bitching, so did her group, my manager got in my face, I think the phrase “lazy brat” got thrown around.

Her parents think she was wrong, her coworkers have her back, but what do you think?

Reddit definitely has some thoughts below!

The customer might always be right, but was she even a customer?

Image Credit: Reddit

The woman definitely didn’t care about anyone but herself (and her bank account).

Image Credit: Reddit

Not to mention, she probably wasted a good amount of decent food.

Image Credit: Reddit

Some people didn’t agree there was anything wrong with what the woman was doing, but the computers at the store need to be upgraded (and OP will probably learn more finesse with age).

Image Credit: Reddit

And no, the customer is not always right.

Image Credit: Reddit

Whew. I do believe that a more experienced cashier probably would have handled things better, but this was a stressful and annoying situation.

The computers need to be updated or they need to stop offering coupons.

Agree? Disagree? Drop your thoughts in the comments!

The post Was a Cashier Wrong for Losing Her Cool With an Extreme Couponer? appeared first on UberFacts.

Is It a Good Idea to Tell Off Your Boss? An Employee Shared His Story.

We all walk a fine line sometimes between keeping our mouths shut to leave feathers unruffled and advocating for ourselves when we deserve to – and it can be hard to figure out which you should do when, especially when you’re young.

This kid is 19 and has been working for the same place since he was 16, mostly doing cleaning duties but also occasionally working in a cafe.

He’s been furloughed during the pandemic because the place has been closed, but since he’s unhappy at home, he’s taken a couple of other jobs to make sure he can stay out of their house.

So some background is needed here; I’m 19M and have worked at the leisure centre in my town since I was 16. It has a gym, a pool, a function room/hall and a café. Up until recently my job was cleaning the gym and hall and working in/cleaning the café, but obviously it’s been closed for a while and I’ve been on furlough.

Thing is my parents’ house is very toxic and it reached a point where I had to get out, which I couldn’t afford to do on furlough alone. I took on two new cleaning jobs to cover my living expenses.

Now his original place of employment is opening, his university is going back to in-person, and he’s realized that he can’t keep all of his previous hours along with the new ones and school.

He’s still returning to his employer who paid his furlough, but spoke to one manager about not wanting to work any hours in the cafe because he’s worried about balancing it all.

She said cool.

The leisure centre opened again last week, all apart from the café part, and I realised just how much I’d be juggling now between work and uni. Since the two new jobs pay significantly better than this one, but I can use all the extra hours I can squeeze in, I elected to stop working in the café when it reopens because I think those hours will tip it over into “too many” territory.

I told this to one of the two café managers and she said that’s fine.

There was a communication issue, though, and when he informed a second manager that his change in duties/hours had already been approved, the trouble began.

So, the issue; this morning the other café manager messaged me about reopening and stuff and asking if I’m okay to work the same hours I was before.

I replied saying: “Sorry I think there’s been some missed communication. I told [other manager] I won’t be working the café any more as I’ve got two other jobs now and it’s just too many hours”.

She was…not happy.

She was rude and he snapped back, telling her that she’s the boss and the one in charge of finding his replacement.

The comment set her off further, leaving OP worried that he might lose his job or cause more trouble than he really wants to deal with going forward.

She began complaining to me that the café is short staffed as is and they don’t have another cleaner on hand to do it. At one point in my life I’d have folded and said I’d do it but I’m trying to be better about advocating for myself so I said “I’m sorry about the inconvenience but I had my notice okayed and sorting a replacement isn’t my problem.”

She then got upset and called me rude and insolent and said she’s going to report me to the overall GM of the place for my conduct.

I’m really being to panic that I’m going to get into big trouble for this and if I could’ve handled this better?

AITA for what I said?

Reddit’s weighing in, and hopefully using kid gloves.

You know, with the kid.

Most people are siding with OP, because the manager needs to her job and not whine about it.

Image Credit: Reddit

And we’re applauding him for standing up for himself – that’s a hard hurdle to clear for many.

Image Credit: Reddit

Pats on the back all the way around.

Image Credit: Reddit

She’s probably not going to fire him. For reasons.

Image Credit: Reddit

This whole thing has been a learning experience for all of us.

Image Credit: Reddit

I’m so proud of this kid and I’ve never met him – if he needs a bonus mama, he knows where to go.

What are your thoughts? Our comments are open!

The post Is It a Good Idea to Tell Off Your Boss? An Employee Shared His Story. appeared first on UberFacts.