Great Tweets to Feed Your Daily Need for Comedy

I can’t recall the entire Lord’s Prayer from my Sunday School days, but I’m pretty sure there was a part in there about asking the Lord for our daily tweets. Or was it bread? Did Jesus say “Let’s get this bread?” Is that communion?

Sorry, not to blaspheme, it’s just that getting a daily allotment of tweets is practically a religion for me at this point so it’s sort of sunk its way into my brain in place of a lot of other stuff.

Without further ado, let’s get this bread. I mean tweets.

10. Skip ahead

Surely this is what the Olympians themselves must have felt.

9. I kneed your touch

After this it’s not gonna take much.

8. Fun in the sun

Well now he’s not the only one who’s gonna be hot.

7. Get your jollies

For me, it’ll probably be Reese’s Pieces. Not the entire Reece. Just a piece.

6. From the jump

Our entire lives are being permanently catalogued, we’re all screwed.

5. No, this is Patrick

And suddenly the Romance of that impossibly beautiful place is gone.

4. Just watch


3. Turnabout’s fair play

Yeah we are pretty screwed.

2. Explosive news

Now let’s all be cool here…but down the blue explosives…

1. Read for liftoff

Yeah, why does that happen?

And with that, our daily tweets sustain us. Amen.

Who are your favorite people to follow on Twitter, and why?

Tell us all about them in the comments.

The post Great Tweets to Feed Your Daily Need for Comedy appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets That Should Have Won Awards if They Were Given for Such Things

Welcome to the first annual Twitter Awards, hosted by me!

Only 13 of these awards are handed out yearly, for reasons known only to be, in categories which are likely to change from year to year.

So, now that we all understand it, put on your best “good sport loser” face and prepare for the glitz and glamour of award season with these thirteen funny tweets!

13. Best Book Tweet

Man, that would be hilarious.

12. Best Non-Trashy Pronoun Joke

And I wish you the very best of luck with you predicament.

11. Best Ice Cream Observation

This would work like semaphore or flying colors, allowing us to know from a distance what to avoid.

10. Best Historical Joke

Do you want a revolution?

9. Best Name

When your parents know from the start exactly where you’re life is going.

8. Best Biblical Rewrite

I’m sending you some materials for a script treatment now.

7. Most Money Award

Give me some while you’re at it?

6. Best Historical Contextualization

They’d probably burn it at the stake as a witch.

5. Best Reference

You sure come highly recommended.

4. Safest Gaming

The gentlest video game company makes the most dangerous stuff.

3. Best Multitasking

Are you still in class while you’re tweeting this?

2. Best Picture

It’s a tie!

1. Kids Choice Award

It’s hard to imagine a circumstance quite so dismal.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this award ceremony. Seat fillers can collect their checks on the way out.

What internet creators do you think should win an award, and what should that award be called?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Tweets That Should Have Won Awards if They Were Given for Such Things appeared first on UberFacts.

You Can Buy Jeans with Stains to Look Like You Peed Yourself

Just when I think I’ve seen everything, the internet throws something totally new at me.

I’m not sure I’ve been up on the latest trends since the 90s, and maybe not even then.

Did all kids wear ginormous t-shirts, or was it just me?

Anyway, buckle in, because apparently (supposedly?) there’s a new fashion trend in town: peeing your pants.

It seems like it started out as people just goofing around on TikTok using audio from the Adam Sandler movie Billy Madison where he tells some kids that it’s cool to pee your pants.

Then it turned into last year’s dumb new social media challenge with the hashtag #peeyourpantschallenge.

But people were bored. And stuck inside. So I think we can forgive them.

Whether it was moms working out:


mom’s know what’s up #momsoftiktok #momlife #goingpro #over30 #billymadison #funnymom #momhumor #momswhoworkout

♬ Peeing your pants is the cooliest – TikToksSoundGuy

Making a teasing video about their diapered babies:


Thanks to my sissy for my #billymadison shirt. #thevintagemom #fyp

♬ Peeing your pants is the cooliest – TikToksSoundGuy

Bored people everywhere wanted to get in on the acting action:


A Tribute to Billy Madison! 😂 #billymadison #youaintcoolifudontpeeyopants #lmfao #gay #gayboy #funny #comedy #lgbtqplus #🏳️‍🌈 #🤣 #😂

♬ Peeing your pants is the cooliest – TikToksSoundGuy

That’s how social media challenges go.

It was something to do for the set of people not interested in baking lockdown cakes or sourdough bread.

But when the movement went viral and started getting picked up by news outlets, it seems like some people took the TikTok goofiness a little too far.

A company called Wet Pants Denim launched a new clothing line with the tagline “Wet look, dry feel” selling–you guessed it–pre peed-on pants…


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Wet Pants Denim (@wetpantsdenim)

For blue jeans, the darkened pants could be stained with any substance, but for lighter pants they use an egg yolk yellow that would make me worry about your vitamin intake.

Not only that, but for customers in the U.S. who are eco-minded and don’t want to purchase new denim, for the low, low cost of $30, you can send them your current pants, and the company will stain those for you.

I mean I guess they could come in handy for people who routinely splash water on their lap.

Like I said, I’m not sure I understand high fashion, but this one seems like a swing and miss. What do you think? Beyond ridiculous, or are you ready to buy your own pair? Tell us in the comments.

The post You Can Buy Jeans with Stains to Look Like You Peed Yourself appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes to Totally Devastate the Internet

The internet’s not prepared for what’s about to hit it.

I mean it. Get to your bunkers. Batten down your hatches. Get somebody out here to explain to me what hatches are and how to batton them. Because we’re about to get serious.

With memes.

Memes that will go down in history as “that one particular set of memes that got posted that day, which were subsequently scroll through by that one extremely attractive person with excellent taste in internets.”

This is that moment. We’re living it now. Let’s begin.

10. Life hack

Let’s just put a pin in that plan for the moments.

9. You can’t be serious

I’m not playin’ games here, mom and dad.

8. An open question

You know they’ve seen closed doors before. You know it. They know it.
And yet ignorance is forever feigned.

7. Question time

“Listen homework is cool and all, but when can we learn more about YOU?”

6. PP problems

I have powers so great that even I don’t always understand them.

5. Live and learn

Box office SMASH!

4. Nine times the fun

Hey man, I’ll take it.

3. Super speed

There are certain instincts we’re all just sort of born with.

2. Hanging out

Pay no attention to the events which came before.

1. Mom’s spaghetti

Oh man, don’t give Em that kind of ammo.

See? What did I tell ya? Absolutely epic.

What’s the best meme you’ve seen around lately?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes to Totally Devastate the Internet appeared first on UberFacts.

Pictures That Show How Much We Love Our Favorite Things

When people find an item they love – maybe a piece of clothing, a tool, a piece of media or technology – we tend to not only use it a lot, but to hang onto it as long as we can. There’s no promise, after all, that we’re going to be able to find the exact same replacement, and even if we do, will it really be the same?

If that’s a worry any of these 13 people had it was surely assuaged – because it was definitely time to go out with the old and in with the new.

13. One year of use.

That’s a lot of weight lifting.

Image Credit: Reddit

12. No reason to change something that works.

It’s a classic for a reason.

Image Credit: Reddit

11. Four years in.

That is a well-made sneaker. Or a lazy person.

Image Credit: Reddit

10. He definitely got his money’s worth.

I’m not sure I want answers to all of my questions, however.

Image Credit: Reddit

9. Pooh has held up well.

10 years of cuddling looks good on him.

Image Credit: Reddit

8. Brilliant.

A backup of a favorite is always a good idea.

Image Credit: Reddit

7. Check your brakes.

On your bike and your car.

Image Credit: Reddit

6. That is a well-loved cap.

I’m so happy they could find a new one.

Image Credit: Reddit

5. Those reptiles like to be warm.

I’d like to know how long they held up.

Image Credit: Reddit

4. That’s pretty gross.

I’m not judging, just observing.

Image Credit: Reddit

3. A cat scratcher after 3 months.

Just imagine your furniture if you hadn’t bought it.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. Wow. You never think about it.

I want to go home and check mine now.

Image Credit: Reddit

1. That broom has seen some things.

Look at that little nub.

Image Credit: Reddit

There’s something so satisfying about these pictures and I’m not sure what it is.

What’s something you’ve bought multiples of because you love it that much? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post Pictures That Show How Much We Love Our Favorite Things appeared first on UberFacts.

A Family Found a Life-Sized Monopoly Board Under Their Carpet and People Want One

We played a lot of board games growing up.

We had the classics like Checkers, Clue, Trivial Pursuit, and Monopoly. We also played oddly specific games like a Clue-style Sherlock Holmes who-dunit, The New York game which involved navigating the subway to visit famous Manhattan sites, and an It’s a Wonderful Life themed trivia game.

Consequently, I love board games, and have always had an affinity for Monopoly. But not, apparently, as much as some people.

Recently, a user by the name of Yamaha234 posted to the r/pics Subreddit about a unique discovery their in-laws made. During a home remodel, the couple pulled up some old carpet only to find a life-sized Monopoly board underneath.

As My Modern Met explains:

The room-sized Monopoly board is based on the classic U.S. version of the game, complete with Chance and Community Chest spaces, a jail, and railroads.

Iconic sought-after spaces such as Park Place and Boardwalk also feature. The giant floor edition appears to have been hand-painted by the previous homeowners years ago.

Check-out Yamaha234’s actual picture:

While tearing up their carpet, my in-laws found a giant monopoly board from pics

Personally, I think the jail square is the perfect location for time out if you have naughty kids.

Reddit users were floored. And while they didn’t all agree on the merits of Monopoly game-play, they had a lot of fun with the idea.

Image Credit: Reddit

As shocking as this discovery was, it may not be totally unheard of.

Apparently a lot of people’s families’ basements had shuffleboards made of tile.

Image Credit: Reddit

And not just shuffleboards!

Image Credit: Reddit

One user explained that this was fairly common for houses built in the 1950s, although I’ve certainly never heard of it.

Image Credit: Reddit

Makes you wonder how many gems like this are hidden under grungy carpet across America.

Enough, it turns out, that this wasn’t even the first time someone posted such a find on Reddit!

Seven years ago someone made a similar discovery at a different home.

Pulled up the carpet at the house, and guess what I found! from funny

Lots of commenters have new #LifeGoals (me included, if I’m being honest), stating that they want to do this in their own homes some day.

Image Credit: Reddit

And forget Monopoly, this person wants to put Risk on their floor (speaking of games that last for ever and ever).

I’m pretty sure I went to college with this person.

Image Credit: Reddit

So what about the OP’s parents?

Image Credit: Reddit

I really hope they decide to clean it up and keep it visible, because what a weird fun thing to have.

What do you think? Keep it or cover it up? Let us know in the comments!

The post A Family Found a Life-Sized Monopoly Board Under Their Carpet and People Want One appeared first on UberFacts.

Well-Worn and Well-Loved Items Find Their Perfect Replacements

There’s nothing like the panic that can seize a person when they realize an item they’ve loved unconditionally and well for many years is beginning to show signs of ending its life.

It’s wearing out, wearing thin, and soon it will be time to replace it – but how? With what? How will we go on?

If you’re the sort of person who worries about such things, you’ll likely find solace in Reddit’s Well Worn page – where people display the perfect replacements they’ve found for some of their most well-worn, well-loved things.

12. Why change a good thing?

You find favorite shoes and you wear them out.

Image Credit: Reddit

11. Two years in with a pair of work gloves.

That’s a hardworking person right there.

Image Credit: Reddit

10. One year in work boots.

That’s a hard-working person right there.

Image Credit: Reddit

9. When you find a good one you stick with it.

You never know if another sort will do.

Image Credit: Reddit

8. Hey, there are words on it!

Who knew?

Image Credit: Reddit

7. I mean, ew.

Not judging. Just going to check my own now.

Image Credit: Reddit

6. Every day use for a year.

Working in a restaurant kitchen is no joke.

Image Credit: Reddit

5. Someone has spent a lot of time in the garden.

Those plants are going to miss you.

Image Credit: Reddit

4. Were those other ones white?

I need to know.

Image Credit: Reddit

3. Hard to believe.

I wish they’d said how long they’d had the old one.

Image Credit: Reddit

2. Six months on the head of a crime scene cleaner.

I would like to buy this person a drink and hear their stories.

Image Credit: Reddit

1. Man, what was holding that shoelace together?

A prayer?

Image Credit: Reddit

These pictures are just so satisfying, don’t you think?

What’s an item you’ve had a hard time replacing? Share with us in the comments!

The post Well-Worn and Well-Loved Items Find Their Perfect Replacements appeared first on UberFacts.

Infographics That Show There’s an Infographic for Just About Everything

Remember how roughly ten years ago people would make jokes that there’s an app for everything?

Well these days, the same could be said for infographics.

Here are 21 completely random infographics that prove there really is one for every situation.

1. When you need to borrow the TARDIS

Talk about a beautiful chronology of Doctor Who.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

2. When you need to decorate some cupcakes

Now you know which pastry tip to use.
(But does anyone outside of Master Chef actually use a pastry bag?
Because those things are THE WORST imo.)

Image credit: eBaum’s World

3. When you need to know how to trim your beard

Hipsters everywhere, rejoice!

Image credit: eBaum’s World

4. When you care about the Superbowl

I mean, for more than just the commercials or halftime show.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

5. When you’re curious about copper

I love this, actually.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

6. When you need a donut STAT

And I mean, like, yesterday.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

7. When you’re challenged to a duel in Japan

I’ll take the sharpest one, please.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

8. When you need to make a scenic get-away

(Because you lost the duel?)

Image credit: eBaum’s World

9. When you don’t know how to pronounce your car’s make

(And you want to sound super pretentious by getting it right.)

Image credit: eBaum’s World

10. When you’re looking for the House of the Rising Sun

Or whatever happens in New Orleans.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

11. & 12. When you’re curious about colors

Whether it’s to pick your favorite color…

Image credit: eBaum’s World

Or so you can find your car in a crowded parking lot…

Image credit: eBaum’s World

13. When you don’t know what book to read

No matter how long your TBR list is.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

14. When you want to know where the party is

And you’re wiling to drive to get there.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

15. When you’re having dinner with Miss Manners

And you don’t want to look like a hayseed.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

16. When you need to double-check your family tree

It can get complicated pretty fast, if you’re counting second cousins twice removed.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

17. When you have a turtle emergency

Whether or not it is of the teenage-mutant-ninja variety.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

18. When there’s science

There should honestly always be an infographic about science.
It’s practically the law.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

19. When you spill wine

Sorry, does anyone spill anything else?

Image credit: eBaum’s World

20. When you have a ghost problem

I mean, when don’t you?

Image credit: eBaum’s World

21. When you’re trying to keep the body count straight

It can be hard. We got you.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

Honestly, these were so weird and random that they totally made my day.
I kind of want to make an infographic for literally everything now.

What do you think? Have you seen one that belongs on the list? Let us know in the comments.

The post Infographics That Show There’s an Infographic for Just About Everything appeared first on UberFacts.

Take a Look at These Infographics That Could Really Help You Out

A picture is worth a thousand words.

And while I sometimes think a few words would go a long to providing context for pictorial furniture instructions, I do love a good infographic.

Here are 15 super useful infographics that you might want to keep close at hand.

1. For quick, easy reference

I love an easy reference cooking chart. I use the one for my InstantPot ALL. THE. TIME.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

2. For every day mishaps

I literally needed this yesterday. Time to put it on the fridge.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

3. For those with a black thumb

If only it covered every kind of plant. Specifically snake plants (asking for a friend).

Image credit: eBaum’s World

4. For those who like to party

The longer I look at this, the more fascinating it becomes.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

5. For those who really like to party

Just kidding, this is actually really useful information that everyone should know.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

6. For life’s little disappointments

Keep this one in your glove box. It should come free with every pair of jumper cables.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

7. For when you want to be fancy

Keep it in your purse for dining out. I love that there’s a special signal that you didn’t like your meal.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

8. For sending a subtle message

Tape this on the back of the remote, the Ipad, the laptop…

Image credit: eBaum’s World

9. For planning your epic family vacation

Get ready Route 66, the road trip is about to have a resurgence.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

10. For when technology feels overwhelming

Because you know you’re getting old when you’re grouchy about new USBs.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

11. For when you need to prove a point

Welcome to healthcare in America.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

12. & 13. For when you have a pressing science question

About space…

Image credit: eBaum’s World

or about anatomy…

Image credit: eBaum’s World

14. For when you want to avoid an allergic reaction

Is it worth the risk? Only you can decide!

Image credit: eBaum’s World

15. For when you have a pressing frosting need

I personally only use the large round one, but that’s just me.

Image credit: eBaum’s World

These all definitely show how an infographic can go a long way to helping in any situation.

I kind of wish I had known about them as a kid. I think I would have won a lot more arguments.

Are you a visual learner? Do you like a good graphic? Let us know in the comments.

The post Take a Look at These Infographics That Could Really Help You Out appeared first on UberFacts.

Young People Look for Love and Adventure by Teaching English Abroad

It’s easy to feel lost after you get out of college.

Too many people ask what you’re going to do with the rest of your life.

And who’s ready to think about 401ks and health insurance in their 20s?

When they’re not ready to face “real life” yet, a lot of young people turn to teaching English abroad.

It’s a great way to have some real life experiences, make a little money, and figure out what you want to do with yourself.

And a lot of young people enter this next phase looking for something more.

Direction, meaning, love–here are 13 people who taught English with a purpose.

1. Some people might go because they got broken up with

And some might get broken up with because they decided to go.

My boyfriend just broke up with me because I got a job teaching English in China. I love him so much I almost don't want to take the great opportunity.

Image credit: Whisper

2. Some are just looking to be fulfilled

I can’t imagine criticizing. What a useful, selfless way to be fulfilled.

I'm teaching english in Spain. Some people criticize my decision but after 4 years of unhappiness in college, I need to be happy again.

Image credit: Whisper

3. Lots of people seem to be looking for love

I really hope they find it. At the very least, opening themselves up to new experiences invites love in.

I'm 25and leaving in 2 weeks to teach English abroad. i want to share this and future adventures with a partner so badly. Not sure that will ever happen.

Image credit: Whisper

4. Just stay open to possibility

What a beautiful love story. They will have so many adventures together!

I found the love of my life teaching English abroad. And several of my friends are students and have met their significant other abroad too.

Image credit: Whisper

5. Sometimes you might get lucky

You really never know what might happen.

I'm an English teacher in a foreign country and I have a private student who I get on really well with! Unfortunately he has a girlfriend but I really really like him. PS I'm 29 and he's in his 30s.

Image credit: Whisper

6. They already found love

And then they found a family! It honestly feels like a Hallmark movie.

Me and my hubby decided to volunteer for our honeymoon. We spent three months teaching English in Asia and are now adopting siblings from there.

Image credit: Whisper

7. Some aren’t looking for love, just space

And what better way to find yourself than to run away on an adventure?

I'm teaching English abroad. I needed some space to find myself.

Image credit: Whisper

8. Others aren’t looking for love, but they find it

Found families can be the best families.

I'm an English teacher in Japan and I became close friends with one of my student's parents. For the first time here I felt like I had family. And I might have to give that up. Feels like death.

Image credit: Whisper

9. Then there are those who just want acceptance

And they have no idea what to expect. They might be the bravest of all.

I'm planning on leaving SF (San Francisco) to live and teach English abroad. I'm nervous that people outside of SF won't understand Polyamory.

Image credit: Whisper

10. It’s a great way to escape

You’re young and untethered and have the world at your fingertips. Tbh, I’m a little jealous.

I got a job teaching English abroad so I can escape facing real life for a bit longer. I'm 23 and still not ready to grow up.

Image credit: Whisper

11. Sometimes what you’re escaping is the all-seeing eye

It’s honestly no one’s business but yours. Good for you!

I'm signing up for a course that will allow me to teach English abroad. I'm SUPER excited but I have to keep it on the DL because of work and my family's judgment.

Image credit: Whisper

12. For others, it’s all about the adventure

I just really love the enthusiasm here.

Landed my dream job teaching English in Thailand. Bring on the experience!?

Image credit: Whisper

13. Don’t forget that it can be mutually beneficial

You learn just as much as your students do, if you’re doing it right.

I actually think teaching English in Korea can be very helpful. I'm learning Korean in English, and it definitely comes in handy.

Image credit: Whisper

These are all such great reasons to take a job teaching English abroad.

I hope they all found what they were looking for!

What about you? Would you consider teaching abroad, and where would you most want to go? Tell us in the comments.

The post Young People Look for Love and Adventure by Teaching English Abroad appeared first on UberFacts.