People Discuss How Teaching Abroad Can Be Both Amazing and Terrifying

When I was young and hungry for adventure, I wish I would have taught English abroad.

What an amazing experience it must be!

Getting paid to immerse yourself in a completely different place, life, and culture?

Here is what 12 young people had to say about why they went, and how teaching English can be as life-changing as it is scary.

1. I don’t want to grow up

Like Peter Pan and the Lost Boys. It’s a great way to put off the real world just a little while longer.

I got a job teaching English abroad so I can escape facing real life for a bit longer. I'm 23 and still not ready to grow up.

Image credit: Whisper

2. Who am I, anyway?

There’s nothing quite like an adventure on your own. It can really show you the truth of who you are.

I'm teaching English abroad. I needed some space to find myself.

Image credit: Whisper

3. Getting there can be hard part

After the hurdle of deciding to go, then you gotta get there.

I will start teaching English in China in November but have no idea how I can raise $3000 before then...

Image credit: Whisper

4. It can be scary, no matter who you are

No matter what you’ve seen and done before.

I'm more scared about teaching English in Asia than when I went to war in Iraq.

Image credit: Whisper

5. It can be scary, no matter how prepared you are

There’s nothing quite so frightening as the unknown.

I just got a job teaching English in Seoul. I'm terrified even though I am fluent in Korean.

Image credit: Whisper

6. But if you crave excitement?

What an amazing opportunity!

Landed my dream job teaching English in Thailand. Bring on the experience!?

Image credit: Whisper

7. It could be a new experience on both sides

But experiencing different cultures is how we learn and grow and become more accepting.

I'm planning on leaving SF (San Francisco) to live and teach English abroad. I'm nervous that people outside of SF won't understand Polyamory.

Image credit: Whisper

8. It might not be perfect every minute

But learning how to deal with annoying people is part of the experience.

I am currently teaching English in Korea and my co-teacher is the worst. I am sick of seeing her face. Stop mistranslating my explanations!

Image credit: Whisper

9. There might be some funny moments

Oops. Just roll with is.

I'm an English teacher abroad and one of my students told me I was his favorite 'teeshirt' lol.

Image credit: Whisper

10. You might end up teaching more than just the language

It’s good to show both sides of things I guess.

I'm teaching English abroad. I tell my students all about the bad side of the Western world.

Image credit: Whisper

11. It might be lonely at times

But the friendships will be so worth it.

I'm an English teacher in Japan and I became close friends with one of my student's parents. For the first time here I felt like I had family. And I might have to give that up. Feels like death.

Image credit: Whisper

12. It can be hard to come back home

But if you found your calling, there’s no reason not to stay.

Year and a half since I returned from teaching English in Asia. My life sucks here. I should go back.

Image credit: Whisper

All this talk about traveling and new experiences–these certainly gave me the urge to get out there and try something different.

What about you? Did you ever think about teaching English abroad? Share your story in the comments.

The post People Discuss How Teaching Abroad Can Be Both Amazing and Terrifying appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets to Help You Make Sense of the World

Were you aware that it’s time to go? Go to the Twitterverse, go watch the show? Did you see that it’s time to be? Be at one with the Twitter in thee?

Genuinely I did not start writing that first sentence with the intention of turning it into a bad poem. It just sort of happened. That’s how inspired I am by these funny tweets. They’re lifting me to a new plane of existence.

And now, you can be lifted too.

10. The brand deal

Make it look like you’re richer than you are with this one neat trick.

9. Fed up

I mean, I knew that, but you don’t have to rub it in.

8. Thai me down

Let me just buy a week’s worth of ingredients for a dish I will never ever attempt to make again.

7. Working it out

Whatever gets that heart beating fast.

6. Long story short

Just say “long story” so people know what they’re in for and can prep accordingly.

5. It gets better?

You’re never gonna feel like you get it.

4. On the sly

Nancy with the hot goss.

3. Bill’s coming due

Don’t worry, they didn’t mean any of it either.

2. Beneath the mask

This is how I feel about literally all reality shows.

1. The road to nowhere

As someone who frequently road trips across the midwest, can confirm.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
This tweet list is over,
I bid you adieu!

Who are your favorite people to follow on Twitter?

Tell us in the comments.

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Pictures That Use a “Human For Scale” to Show Us How Big Objects Really Are

We don’t see some objects on a regular basis – or ever at all – and so it can be hard to imagine how large or small it is, even if we know intellectually that it’s an extreme size on one end of the scale or the other.

One easy way to make us understand quickly a scale is to use a human being, because we can all easily imagine how big one of those is, right?

Here are 12 pictures that use a person “for scale,” and if you’re anything like me, some of these images are going to blow your mind.

12. I eat up any and all information about the Mars rovers.

They’re just so cool.

Scales of Mars rovers from HumanForScale

11. Now show me the dude who wears it.

I’m still waiting to be able to picture that.

Vans size 66 shoe from HumanForScale

10. This is giving me heart palpitations.

No way could I sit there.

Two people sitting on the Abraj Al Bait clocktower in Mecca from HumanForScale

9. It looks like something in a miniatures museum.

I want to see a baby hummingbird now.

Hummingbird eggs from interestingasfuck

8. Look what love can do.

It’s beautiful.

Hundred year old flower bush and the woman who planted it. from nextfuckinglevel

7. That seems about right.

Good and accurate, I see.

This is Detroit’s new 11-foot-tall RoboCop statue from Michigan

6. It takes a certain type of person to even get up in that thing.

No wonder they’re so expensive.

Big truck human for scale from HumanForScale

5. He really makes an impression.

Which was most likely the point.

Aukana Buddha, the tallest freestanding statue in Sri Lanka at 38 feet, built during the 5th century. Link to more info in comments. from HumanForScale

4. It could swallow us in one gulp.

I knew there was a reason I didn’t like birds.

Holy Fucking shit. This bird is (was) fucking huge. My pal dale for scale. (that rhymes) from HumanForScale

3. Those things are not right, y’all.

I did not need to see how big they were.

Behind the scenes of “Teletubbies” 1997 from interestingasfuck

2. Shock and awe.

Which was, of course, the whole point.

Door at the Parthenon replica in Nashville Tennessee. Kid in picture is 5’2. from HumanForScale

1. I honestly didn’t even need to know this existed at all.

Is that guy trying to give it a kiss??

Wolf eel from natureismetal

I honestly had no idea how big some of these things are – so cool.

What’s the biggest thing you had to stand next to before you realized just how big it is? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post Pictures That Use a “Human For Scale” to Show Us How Big Objects Really Are appeared first on UberFacts.

Pictures That Use a “Human For Scale” to Show Us How Big Objects Really Are

We don’t see some objects on a regular basis – or ever at all – and so it can be hard to imagine how large or small it is, even if we know intellectually that it’s an extreme size on one end of the scale or the other.

One easy way to make us understand quickly a scale is to use a human being, because we can all easily imagine how big one of those is, right?

Here are 12 pictures that use a person “for scale,” and if you’re anything like me, some of these images are going to blow your mind.

12. I eat up any and all information about the Mars rovers.

They’re just so cool.

Scales of Mars rovers from HumanForScale

11. Now show me the dude who wears it.

I’m still waiting to be able to picture that.

Vans size 66 shoe from HumanForScale

10. This is giving me heart palpitations.

No way could I sit there.

Two people sitting on the Abraj Al Bait clocktower in Mecca from HumanForScale

9. It looks like something in a miniatures museum.

I want to see a baby hummingbird now.

Hummingbird eggs from interestingasfuck

8. Look what love can do.

It’s beautiful.

Hundred year old flower bush and the woman who planted it. from nextfuckinglevel

7. That seems about right.

Good and accurate, I see.

This is Detroit’s new 11-foot-tall RoboCop statue from Michigan

6. It takes a certain type of person to even get up in that thing.

No wonder they’re so expensive.

Big truck human for scale from HumanForScale

5. He really makes an impression.

Which was most likely the point.

Aukana Buddha, the tallest freestanding statue in Sri Lanka at 38 feet, built during the 5th century. Link to more info in comments. from HumanForScale

4. It could swallow us in one gulp.

I knew there was a reason I didn’t like birds.

Holy Fucking shit. This bird is (was) fucking huge. My pal dale for scale. (that rhymes) from HumanForScale

3. Those things are not right, y’all.

I did not need to see how big they were.

Behind the scenes of “Teletubbies” 1997 from interestingasfuck

2. Shock and awe.

Which was, of course, the whole point.

Door at the Parthenon replica in Nashville Tennessee. Kid in picture is 5’2. from HumanForScale

1. I honestly didn’t even need to know this existed at all.

Is that guy trying to give it a kiss??

Wolf eel from natureismetal

I honestly had no idea how big some of these things are – so cool.

What’s the biggest thing you had to stand next to before you realized just how big it is? Tell us about it in the comments!

The post Pictures That Use a “Human For Scale” to Show Us How Big Objects Really Are appeared first on UberFacts.

Tweets That Will Make You Say “Wait, What?!?!”

Almost everybody loves a good tweet. Especially when that single tweet makes you do a double take. Goes in a direction you weren’t expecting. Subverts all you’ve ever known and replaces it with a paradigm shift the likes of which your feed has never seen.

That’s what these tweets are like. I think. I’m not entirely sure what “paradigm” actually means.

15. Water under the bridge

Public health is just so important, you guys.

14. I’m on board

Alright nana, settle down now.

13. On the other hand

If you read too fast you might just miss it whizzing by.

12. Something’s in the air

Can you paint with all the colors of this burn?

11. No bones about it

Yeah yeah, I know my rights.

10. Give it a rest

It’s really vital to have goals you can stick to.

9. Where’s the fire?

Bosses are just so up tight, am I right?

8. Chill

We have some kind of legal confidentiality between us, yeah?

7. Oh deer me

There are two wolves inside you. They are both gonna eat ya.

6. Now hear this

The next Chucky movie is gonna be weird.

5. Merry men

The hood giveth and the hood taketh away.

4. Buried deep

We kinda brought…all of this on ourselves.

3. Never ever

You say that like you’ve been tricked before.

2. Getting in

This is truly my big break!

1. End of sentence


Now if you scroll back up and look at those again you’ll have to do second second takes and that’s like four takes for the price of one so what are you waiting for?

Who are the funniest people on Twitter right now?

Tell us your opinion in the comments.

The post Tweets That Will Make You Say “Wait, What?!?!” appeared first on UberFacts.

Funny Memes That Are Wonderfully Dumb

Memes can be really dumb. But they’re wonderfully dumb. They’re a new kind of wonderful that we must treasure and hold onto, because who knows what way the wind may blow memes next.

In celebration of the wonderful dumb that is memes, I present you now with some of them. For fun. Dumb fun. Some wonderful dumb fun, son.

15. Try and beat that

Gotta appreciate the truly dark humor.

14. You’re on camera

Hey man, live and let live.

13. The moment of disappointment

That burn was on an epic time delay and it worked out perfectly.

12. Oh my God

I liked his original stuff before all the fame got to his head.

11. The true magic

Hooray, we’ve learned absolutely nothing!

10. Almost everything

Maybe you were just allergic to tests?

9. Oh, baby

Smoking kills and so does this meme.

8. Bass guy

This dude is a straight up enigma and I love everything he does.

7. Cleansing energy

You’ve turned your own airbag into a war crime at this point.

6. Donkeystrength

Imagine getting all the way to that seat and then biffing it on a question like this.

5. Size is relative

I feel your pain, friend.

4. Hot and cold

This is why they specifically sell de-icing liquids to cars.

3. A new drug

Joke’s on you, I’ve been the one who knocks all along.

2. April, fools

Well that probably went a little differently than you were expecting.

1. Strangers in the night

Well one of us needs to leave.

Now THAT is some good dumb.

What’s the most wonderfully dumb thing you’ve seen recently?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Funny Memes That Are Wonderfully Dumb appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes That Might Make You Do a Double Take

Take a look at these memes. Then have another look, because they’re gonna make you do a double take.

If you find yourself stuck in a cycle of looking (i.e. your takes range from the quadruple upward), consult a doctor. Then show said doctor these memes, because being a doctor is a lot of hard work and they’d probably appreciate the break to be honest.

Anyway, proceed with caution (because all the takes might just give you some neck strain), but enjoy these memes.

10. The dance of regret

I guess the moral of this story was really “careful what you wish for” and it was BRUTAL.

9. Love me tinder

How to get their guard down and then right back up again.

8. The takeover

“Here are the keys, do whatever you gotta do, good friggin luck.”

7. No babe

Defeated by the classic bluffing scheme.

6. Testing, testing

I mean, at least you’d be worth a lot of scientific study?

5. You ain’t lion

Well maybe God should have been a little more specific in his instructions.

4. Take a walk

I think I’m fine just never having kids, thanks.

3. Represent

I mean, that is also a part of the country.

2. So aggravating

Ah, nevermind, thanks for the chat.

1. Plausible deniability

“Your honor, we were doing it for the memes.”

Wow. That’s a lot of twists and turns.

What has made you do a double take recently?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes That Might Make You Do a Double Take appeared first on UberFacts.

Why Do Certain Smells Like Onion and Garlic Stay on Your Hands After You Wash Them?

If you’ve done any cooking in your life, then you’ve probably noticed that certain foods you prep…linger. The smell of onion and garlic, for example, can be scented days after you’ve made the meal, after you’ve washed your hands multiple times and even showered – but why?

This is the perfect query for Reddit’s No Stupid Question forum, and I don’t know about you, but I’m super pumped that someone actually asked it.

How do certain smells like onions stay on your fingers for so long, even after you wash your hands repeatedly? from NoStupidQuestions

Let’s hear what these 11 Redditors said in response then, hmm?

11. The technical answer.

When cut open, onion cells release enzymes which convert its amino acid sulfoxides into sulfenic acid, the effects of which can be felt immediately.

That same chemical adheres to skin and stays there, sometimes for days, until something neutralizes the acid. Soap typically won’t do the trick.

10. Using stainless steel can help take it away.

The sulfur from the onion, garlic or fish is attracted to—and binds with—one or more of the metals in stainless steel. Formation of such compounds is what makes stainless steel stainless. Onions and garlic contain amino acid sulfoxides, which form sulfenic acids, which then form a volatile gas—propanethial S-oxide—that forms sulfuric acid upon exposure to water. These compounds are responsible for burning your eyes while cutting onions, and also for their characteristic scent. The sulfur compounds bind to the steel—efficiently removing the odor from your fingers.

So, next time you find your fingers and hands smelling from fish, onions or garlic, don’t reach for the scented spray; grab a stainless steel knife. Take care, though, to wipe your hands on the flat side, and your limbs will be scentless in no time.

9.  This smell isn’t so bad, though.

Oranges too; gets in the creases of your hands.

8. Get yourself some stainless steel.

So because the smells are caused by sulfur, it turns into sulfuric acid when you wash your hands with water. So the stainless steel basically binds to the sulfur molecules and thus, “washes” away the smell on your hands.

I got a stainless steel soap from the dollar store and they had this explanation on the back of the packaging in terms of the smells being negatively charged ions and the stainless steel being positively charged, so basically positive attracts negative and zoop, your smell goes away.

But I was terrible at Chemistry and last I studied that shit was in 2014, so I don’t know if this ion business is legit. The first paragraph is the actual explanation for sure, though.

7. Because sticky molecules.

Same reasons why some stains are difficult to remove while others aren’t.

The adhesive force between your hand and the particles are strong and possibly stronger than the cohesive force between the particles.

Basically some molecules are sticky.

6. It can happen to your kitchen, too.

If your kitchen smells funky and it’s not the trash or the fridge, give every stainless steel appliance a rub down with salt mixed with baking soda (as long as it’s not a pan), then rinse with warm water. The smells should go away.

Typically kitchens retain scents for reasons I don’t know but this pretty much always works and in the worst case scenario you’ve cleaned the kitchen a little more than you needed to.

5. Moisten. Ugh.

They don’t if you keep some baking soda next to the sink.

Moisten your fingers and rub them with the baking soda after working with onions or garlic and poof, smell gone.

4. The tricks might not work, though.

Most likely not. Sulfenic acids bond covalently to the proteins in your skin, causing them to be released slowly. There isn’t much you can do about that except wait. The chemicals you’d need to reverse that aren’t generally available to consumers/are too harsh to put on your skin.

Interestingly, a lot of lachrymators (compounds that make you tear up) work this way, including some types of tear gas. Generally, highly reactive compounds are dangerous, so your body reacts strongly and tries to get them out of your eyes as soon as possible. Onions exploit this reaction to try (unsuccessfully) to get you to not eat them.

3. Soap doesn’t solve everything.

I see a lot of responses on how to get rid of the smell but not so much on why it lingers.

The reason it lingers is because soap is a surfactant that can remove some things, but it doesn’t work as a solvent for everything.

It’s why lemon juice or baking soda work for cleaning: acids and bases will dissolve some things.

Various foods will and will not dissolve in various solvents.

2. Props, indeed.

Jesus !! I never thought there was an actual answer to that question, I’ve always thought that’s just how things work, and have accepted it cause that’s how the things work

Props to the guy who asked the question, and the person who understands the answer to that should give it a shot and try to apply to SpaceX.

1. I need the answer to this one next.

Diesel is the one that gets me.

What’s the neutralizing yin to that yang on my hands?

If you didn’t know, now you know. Pumped!

Are these answers correct? If you need to fix some details, our comments are open!

The post Why Do Certain Smells Like Onion and Garlic Stay on Your Hands After You Wash Them? appeared first on UberFacts.

This is Why Emergency Vehicles Have Chains Hanging from the Bottom

Nobody enjoys getting stuck in traffic, or finding themselves stuck behind some sort of emergency or service vehicle that’s backing up traffic making unexpected stops. One of the upsides, though, is that it gives you time to ponder the mysteries of life, big and small.

Also, it might make you wonder what those chains are that you see hanging from the bottoms of fire trucks, ambulances, school buses, and the like.

Image Credit: HBR

If it does, we have an answer for you – and we think it’s pretty interesting.

They’re built in chains in the case of inclement weather.

These “automatic tire chains” are sometimes referred to by their brand names, like Onspots or Insta-Chains. They hang there, not really doing a whole lot except waiting for bad weather to appear, but when it does, all the driver has to do is flip a switch to engage them.

Image Credit: YouTube

The chains lower until they hang in front of the rear tires, spinning in front of the wheels. As the tires rotate, the catch the chains. This greatly improves traction on icy or slick roads, preventing accidents and pileups and generally reducing chaos wherever they go.

These types of vehicles usually don’t have time to spare or waste, which makes the automatic nature crucial, and since they can sometimes struggle driving uphill on slick roads, the chains are a snap.

Image Credit: YouTube

So that’s the long answer. Watch this video to find out more!

One big question answered my friends, so you’re going to have to start wondering about something else the next time you’re staring out your window and watching gum stick to the pavement.

The good news is, there’s no shortage of options.

The post This is Why Emergency Vehicles Have Chains Hanging from the Bottom appeared first on UberFacts.

Get a Head Start on the Holidays By Grabbing this Hallmark Channel “Monopoly” Game

I’m aware that we just survived one holiday season. The last thing you want to do is be reminded that another one is already on the way, right?

Well, in the spirit of getting a jump on things and having fun, wintertime game nights to look forward to, Hallmark is offering a holiday-themed version of Monopoly for all of you cozy, romance-minded Christmas movie fanatics – and I know there are plenty of you lurking about!

If that’s you, you can go ahead and sort your Christmas Eve family gathering plans now, because this board game is about as magical as it gets.

Every single aspect of the traditional Monopoly game, from the collectible tokens to the enter board, is Hallmark-themed.

Instead of Boardwalk and Park Place, you’ll find destinations like a Christmas tree farm, Mistletoe Mountain, and a Tinsel Toy Shop. Instead of those dirty, boring railroads, expect to find fun modes of transportation like horse drawn carriages, instead.

Even the money is playing along!

It’s emblazoned with the network’s white dog mascot, red scarf and all, and you can use it to splurge on a honeymoon hideaway, or maybe you’ll decide to do good and help the town preserve their gazebo, instead.

And get this: you should definitely grab it now, because the board actually features distinct motifs from all four seasons, so you can actually use it any time you want.

As if you weren’t going to anyway.

What do you think about this game? Think it would be perfect for your aunt or mom?

Let us know if you’re grabbing one! Tell us in the comments!

The post Get a Head Start on the Holidays By Grabbing this Hallmark Channel “Monopoly” Game appeared first on UberFacts.