People Talk About What They Miss Most from the 1990s

The 90’s. It feels like a lifetime ago.

Maybe even another dimension. Or a weird, puke-green dream.

But a lot of us miss it anyway.

What’s something from the 90s you miss? from AskReddit

What does Reddit think was the best part of this era? Let’s find out.

1. Sit-in Pizza Huts

I was on vacation in the mountains up state and they had one in town. I got to have pizza in an actual Pizza Hut for the first time since the late 90’s early 2000’s.

We had one outside of town and then that closed and they made a to go one that ended up also closing. Now I can have one of the local places or Papa John’s or Domino’s.

The target nearby does have the mini Pizza Hut pizzas and some of their appetizers. It’s hardly the same as getting it from a Pizza Hut itself.

– twin-shadows

2. Goofing off without it being posted

I had to stop drinking with one of my friends because she’d ALWAYS record everyone doing anything even remotely fun or goofy and it’d be on snapchat or Facebook within seconds.

Like, I just wanna get a little drunk and dance and have a good time with my friends, I don’t want every person I hardly know seeing me let loose.

– nothoughtsnosleep

3. Authentic social interactions

Being social with people felt so different and authentic.

My friends would sometimes just “drop by” to see if I was home to say hi.

We could pick up the phone and have hour long conversations.

It felt like text message cheapened that.

The lesser dependence on technology seemed to cultivate more genuine friendships but that was just my experience.

– runr7

4. TV with specific broadcast times

We would all gather in my tiny college apartment to watch The Office every week. Good memories!!

And I believe Game of Thrones was the last time I did that with any friends as well.

I wonder if we’ll ever do that again.. weird to think that might have been the last time.

– Smilingaudibly

5. Being unreachable

I miss not being able to be reached, or being able to reach people.

Back then you’d call your friend and it would ring somewhere in their house. If there was no one there (which was common) you’d shrug and just carry on your day. If you just wanted to chill out on your own you’d just not answer the phone.

Now, everyone knows people are never without their phones. I’ve had people p**sed at me because I took an hour to reply to a text.

– kor_hookmaster

6. The 90’s aesthetic

It was extreme and alternative, not family-friendly wacky or dystopian like a lot of people think when they see an 80’s aesthetic.

Example: the entire aesthetic of Nickelodeon in the 90’s. Slime and extreme s**t.

– XtremePizzaBuilder

7. Online privacy being the norm

It’s unreal how blithe some people have gotten toward privacy.

My brother’s a high school teacher, and a few years ago he caught a girl in his class livestreaming herself just…sitting there, learning. He asked her to stop, and noticed that there were 15 people apparently watching her on the stream, and suggested that the kinds of people who would watch a 16-year-old girl sitting in class are maybe not the kinds of people she should want watching her.

The girl’s response was a confused “Why not?”

– Dahhhkness

8. Mor affordable housing

There was a time when my kid could have moved out and rented with room mates or even on his own.

But its very hard for young people to start out with the current condition.

– etriff

9. Just general childhood

Free from most adult responsibilities, free from social media, free from bulls**t politics (they were there for sure, but you literally had to look for them, lol), free from a general miasma of fear coming from the media.

When I think back, all I remember is sunshine, the lack of a weight bearing down on my shoulders all the time and the sweet sounds of amazing music.

While I miss it, I am just grateful that I got to experience it.

– Throwaway7219017

10. The optimism

It was a pretty happy decade. The Cold War was over. The economy was booming. Technology seemed to be offering us solutions before we even knew we had a problem.

The products of pop culture almost never dwelled on dystopia or decline.

Air travel was about as dangerous as bus travel.

Acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer were problems of the decade before that seem to have been fixed, and climate change was still called global warming and was not nearly so front and center in how people talked about the future.

All in all, the 90s were a pretty solid decade.

– faceintheblue

11. Mom and pop shops

Family owned convenience stores, diners, burger joints, ice cream parlors, cafes, bookstores, delis, etc.

Even small neighborhood grocery stores.

And independent music venues!

Seems like I’m talking about the 50s but in the 90’s these places still existed. In my hometown most of them are completely gone and were replaced by generic corporate chains or condos. The ones that are still around are struggling to stay afloat and compete.

I’m glad I got to enjoy them while they existed but also realized how much I took them for granted.

– dotskee

12. The optimistic internet

I genuinely feel like the Internet has gone from “the most important and greatest achievement of humanity” to “something that might have been a mistake” during my lifetime

It’s really sad because a global communications network should be a great thing for everyone

– Badloss

13. The airports

I miss how chill and cool airports were.

Watching the plane leave after hugging my parents goodbye or waiting at the window watching it dock knowing someone you were waiting for was about to get off.

– MindSecurity

14. The arcades

Arcades died specifically because home console graphics caught up to them. The PS1 and Saturn got close enough that the differences started feeling minor and then with the Dreamcast and PS2 (and the rise of online gaming) it was all over.

It’s not as though Dave and Busters and Round One are unpopular, but you go for experiences that don’t translate as well to home, which means the few modern arcade games are either steering wheel racers, light gun games, or peripheral-based rhythm games.

– milespudgehalter

15. Full size Frosted Strawberry Pop Tarts

They’re, like, half the thickness these days!

That and eating them while watching back to back episodes of Saved by the Bell on Saturday mornings. Good times…

– panamanimal

Yeah. I agree. With just…all of that.

What do you miss about the past?

Tell us in the comments.

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People Remember Their School’s Dumbest Rules

There’s nothing more satisfying than knowing that YOU are the reason there’s a new rule at some place.

It happened to me at my old school, which was rife with plenty of ridiculous rules. Apparently I’m not alone in that.

What’s the dumbest rule your school ever enforced? from AskReddit

How are our institutions of learning striving to keep the peace? Reddit tells all.

1. “No jackets without the school logo”

I was a high school teacher for several years, both buildings I worked in were FREEZING, and having admin pull students out of my classroom during a 50 minute period & giving them detention instead of letting them LEARN is cruel and completely unnecessary, in my opinion.

– Master_Catch_9089

2. “No snowballs”

If you throw snowballs, you get a one day suspension.

The first long weekend after a snowfall everyone would throw snowballs to get an additional day added to the long weekend.

– MrFake_Name

3. “Go to class, no exceptions”

I got Saturday school for missing a day of classes when I was 16. Seems reasonable, except I missed to go complete my US citizenship and officially become a citizen alongside my mom (it took us 12 years to go through the legal process, btw. Whole other issue).

I had a note from my mother as well as a signed official Federal form they give you to explain to school/employers why you were absent.

Apparently the only acceptable absence excuse was illness. I got punished for becoming a citizen 🤦‍♀️

– Lumpy_Constellation

4. “Zero tolerance”

That if you say/do anything back to your bully it becomes a mutual conflict and isn’t bullying, so if they start calling you slurs and making you feel bad every day and you call them stupid once or twice the school probably won’t help.

– wowthatfood

5. “If you’re late, we’ll make you more late”

The new Principal made a “morning round-up” rule where anyone arriving to class after the last bell had to go to the cafeteria and listen to a lecture about not being late for class.

This took about an extra 15 minutes, making the students even more late to class than they would have otherwise been.

Needless to say, everyone hated it, even the teachers. That principal didn’t last long…

– LiveTrash

6. “Toilet paper must be rationed”

This was in 1997/98, btw.

Apparently the high school girls room was going through too much toilet paper so the dean, a woman, stood outside the door and distributed a few squares of 1-ply institutional toilet paper to us as we went in. If she noticed toilet paper on the floor, our ration got cut down. If we asked for more for…bigger jobs…we were told to saved it for home.

There were several episodes of girls stuck in stalls until friends could beg for more TP because of period messes or unexpected bowel incidents. The dean wouldn’t even hand it over–she would go in the bathroom and pass it a few squares at a time over the door. If you didn’t catch it as it fell and it landed on the floor, well, that’s your fault and you’re not getting more. If you used more than she thought necessary, tough luck, go to class with blood/s**t on your body.

It took about a week of extremely angry parents coming to the school and calling both the school and the school board, but we finally got our toilet paper back, unlimited.

How did we celebrate?

By TPing her car, of course.

– stabbyspacehorse

7. “Bathrooms are closed”

Closing boys toilets, because some c**t was stealing toilet paper.

When school staff announced this stupid rule, some students actually threatened to s**t on the tables then.

– latvian_username

8. “ID safety”

It wasn’t really the rule that was dumb but the reason for it. In my last year of high school, the school issued a rule that all students had to wear student IDs. If you didn’t, you had to immediately go and pay for another ID. While you can see how many students may have saw this a way to skip class, the reason for this was the school shootings that happened the previous year.

The reasoning was that it would be easier to spot who is a student and who is not a student to then see who has malicious intent…..except that most shooters were students….so….

– Seiko_Enohara

9. “No touching the snow”

In grade school, we weren’t allowed to play on the playground equipment when it snowed.

Eventually, were weren’t allowed to play with snow or even go near it- I got in trouble for sitting in snow.

This was in Minnesota where it snows half the year. Recess basically consisted of milling around the blacktop for thirty minutes.

– BW_Bird

10. “Don’t play on the golf course”

Our tiny community got a burst of cash in the 70’s due to having mineral rights on land with oil. It was amazing some of the things we had access to for a school in the plains in Montana: computer lab, ceramics, photography, and a freaking laser! They also bought the grade school a miniature golf course in the center of the playground.

A majority of the playground was concrete squirrels, turtles and a whale. These looked like a lot of fun to play on for a kid. We couldn’t touch them. We couldn’t get near them. We couldn’t land our star wars figures on them, incorporate them in our games in any way or even walk near them when running from someone playing tag. Once in PE we got out the clubs and played a few rounds in my entire time in school. Other classes never even got that.

After about 30 years, during a student clean up, they got some of the upper level high school kids to take hammers to them and pulverized them.

– DarrenEdwards

11. “Ties ALWAYS”

You have to wear your tie all the way home.

Some sad bastard teachers would stand on the main road away from the school and try to hand out detentions in presumably their own time

– ——__————

12. “Bathroom sign in sheets”

My friend is an administrator at a private school in NJ and the faculty has to sign in and out of the bathroom using Google sheets.

9am, 10 minutes, M-F

– no__ragrets__

13. “No ankles allowed”

Girls weren’t allowed to show their ankles.

The dean had a pack of socks in her office she would give the students and make them wear.

Only girls tho. This was the 2000s.

– LoveAndDynamite

14. “No unnatural hair colors”

Except for Lily, who dyed her hair the school color (maroon).

It was dark enough to argue it was a weird red/brown, but it was clearly maroon and I think she got away with it because it was “school spirit”

– poachels

15. “We keep your phones”

If you were caught on your phone they’d take it until the end of the week. you’d get it back at half 3 on friday.

parents went mental and a few even came together and sent bills through for part of the phone bills, they ditched that rule after 2 weeks.

phones were kept overnight in the school in the office until that friday if they were confiscated. no safe or anything, just in a plastic box. no getting it back at the end of the day, you just had to go for days without a phone, even at home

– bigfrogb**ch

Well, I’ve certainly learned a lot.

What was the dumbest rule at your school?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes That Are as Valuable as Cold, Hard Cash

Do you feel broke? Financially or otherwise? Well good news, we’ve got some memes here that are 100% cash. Money.

Now, do I mean that literally? No. Not yet, anyway. Until we hit some sort of full-blown apocalypse in which traditional monetary systems are eliminated and memes are treated as fungible means of purchase, these aren’t actually worth anything. But I feel like the day that applies is two, three weeks out. Max. So, maybe just gather the memes while ye may.

Here they are.

10. Very appealing

Now you can send out those pics absolutely no one wants in even higher quality.

Source: The Chive

9. Bring back the night!

What a cutesy butesy little demon fluff.

Source: The Chive

8. Left on read

Carpet for your only whole, $99.

Source: The Chive

7. The VIP room

Ok but the real question is what does it evolve into?

Source: The Chive

6. Super tarantula

I can put up with a lot but if that becomes a real thing, I’m out.

Source: The Chive

5. The real scoop

Hey, who doesn’t look forward to a nice poop?

Source: The Chive

4. All-inclusive

I hate you all equally.

Source: The Chive

3. Honesty in advertising

I know it, you know it, why bother pretending?

Source: The Chive

2. Duck and cover

Who are you trying to protect at this point?

Source: The Chive

1. Bath boss

Started from the bottom, now we’re here.

Source: The Chive

Those memes are dolla dolla bills, ya’ll. Again, not literally.

If memes were money which ones would be worth the most?

Tell us in the comments.

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Great Tweets to Feed Your Daily Need for Comedy

I can’t recall the entire Lord’s Prayer from my Sunday School days, but I’m pretty sure there was a part in there about asking the Lord for our daily tweets. Or was it bread? Did Jesus say “Let’s get this bread?” Is that communion?

Sorry, not to blaspheme, it’s just that getting a daily allotment of tweets is practically a religion for me at this point so it’s sort of sunk its way into my brain in place of a lot of other stuff.

Without further ado, let’s get this bread. I mean tweets.

10. Skip ahead

Surely this is what the Olympians themselves must have felt.

9. I kneed your touch

After this it’s not gonna take much.

8. Fun in the sun

Well now he’s not the only one who’s gonna be hot.

7. Get your jollies

For me, it’ll probably be Reese’s Pieces. Not the entire Reece. Just a piece.

6. From the jump

Our entire lives are being permanently catalogued, we’re all screwed.

5. No, this is Patrick

And suddenly the Romance of that impossibly beautiful place is gone.

4. Just watch


3. Turnabout’s fair play

Yeah we are pretty screwed.

2. Explosive news

Now let’s all be cool here…but down the blue explosives…

1. Read for liftoff

Yeah, why does that happen?

And with that, our daily tweets sustain us. Amen.

Who are your favorite people to follow on Twitter, and why?

Tell us all about them in the comments.

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Tweets That Should Have Won Awards if They Were Given for Such Things

Welcome to the first annual Twitter Awards, hosted by me!

Only 13 of these awards are handed out yearly, for reasons known only to be, in categories which are likely to change from year to year.

So, now that we all understand it, put on your best “good sport loser” face and prepare for the glitz and glamour of award season with these thirteen funny tweets!

13. Best Book Tweet

Man, that would be hilarious.

12. Best Non-Trashy Pronoun Joke

And I wish you the very best of luck with you predicament.

11. Best Ice Cream Observation

This would work like semaphore or flying colors, allowing us to know from a distance what to avoid.

10. Best Historical Joke

Do you want a revolution?

9. Best Name

When your parents know from the start exactly where you’re life is going.

8. Best Biblical Rewrite

I’m sending you some materials for a script treatment now.

7. Most Money Award

Give me some while you’re at it?

6. Best Historical Contextualization

They’d probably burn it at the stake as a witch.

5. Best Reference

You sure come highly recommended.

4. Safest Gaming

The gentlest video game company makes the most dangerous stuff.

3. Best Multitasking

Are you still in class while you’re tweeting this?

2. Best Picture

It’s a tie!

1. Kids Choice Award

It’s hard to imagine a circumstance quite so dismal.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this award ceremony. Seat fillers can collect their checks on the way out.

What internet creators do you think should win an award, and what should that award be called?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Tweets That Should Have Won Awards if They Were Given for Such Things appeared first on UberFacts.

Take a Look at These 15 “Holy Grails” of Random Collections

I’ve had very random, half-hearted collections throughout the years.

When I was a kid and home internet was still a new thing, I would collect discs and CDs that had free internet service trials on them. I realize that for any Gen Z people reading this that probably sounds like gibberish, so maybe I should keep this more accessible and mention my less than impressive shot glass collection instead.

In any case, I’ve never been serious enough to really go for a “holy grail,” like these people on Reddit did.

What is the "holy grail" of the thing you’re a collector of? from AskReddit

Here are some of the big find items for these categories of collections:

1. Obsolete tech

I collect obsolete tech, my personal holy grail would have to be the Halcyon video game console from 1985.

There were only a handful that were actually produced and most likely even fewer still floating around.

– starcabin_

2. Vinyl

While I do not personally collect vinyl, I love this story.

“During the early days of the White Stripes, Jack White teamed up with musician friend Brian Muldoon to form The Upholsterers. Both former upholsterers, the pair then hid 100 copies of their song ‘Your Furniture Was Always Dead… I Was Just Afraid To Tell You’ in reupholstered furniture around Detroit in 2004.”

A few have been found, but last I checked only like 4-5. I just love the idea of opening up a chair and finding a Jack White album placed there by the man himself.

– AllBadAnswers

3. Nintendo

Nintendo world championship gold cartridge NES.

– Fezzic5

4. Artifacts

probably ancient Greek or Roman coins which have been perfectly preserved

– theeCrawlingChaos

5. Niche art

An original Bob Ross painting.

He painted 3 for every show.

Almost none are in circulation though.

– edward_anastasio

6. Comics

The hulk vs wolverine comic where MARVEL introduced Wolverine as a side character not supposed to become big.

– lookin4BEANSS

7. Rudolph memorabilia

My mom collects Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer stuff. She has an entire room of it.

I think her holy grails are a table and chairs set, artwork signed by the original designer, a rocking horse, and I’m pretty sure she has one of the original film reels.

– YourMomsSideUp

8. Roller-coasters

I collect roller-coaster credits (that is, I track the coasters I have ridden).

There are a few grails, mostly coasters that only opened for a short time or we’re in obscure parts of the world. I have one of the holiest of grails: I rode ring°racer at the Nurburgring during one of the four days it was open to the public.

The only rarer credits out there are Twist Coaster Robin (Japan, only open for a few hours) and Orphan Rocker (never opened; it is estimated four people have ever ridden it).

– Alaeriia

9. Stamps

Really fun modern stamps. I don’t want the old ones or the rare ones. I really just enjoy modern fun stamps.

I buy thousands of dollars per year in postage for my company and all of it is in fun stamps, not meter credit. Every piece of mail I send for business has a fun stamp on it. Sesame street, mr rogers, first space walk, thermographic solar eclipse stamps, scratch and sniff popsicles, and soon the star wars stamps!!! I love them all and want to share them with my clients.

My holy grail would be more harry potter stamps. Those were really cool stamps.

– KiniShakenBake

10. Model trains

My holy grail was just recently accomplished. As a model train collector, the centerpiece of any toy train collection is the Lionel Blue Comet, a tinplate train they made in the 1930s and continue to make in varying forms today. The most valuable versions are the 400E Standard Gauge and 296E O Gauge “Baby Blue Comet”, both of which Lionel made in the 1930s out of tinplate and clad in enamel paint. Mine is a 262E, a small O gauge engine that almost never came in blue apart from maybe one or two examples I’ve found online.

Here is a picture of it.

My Blue Comet isn’t the most glamorous or expensive model, in fact it cost me $150 for the engine and tender, but it satisfies something deep inside me that I don’t want any other tinplate Blue Comets anymore. I think that’s what a “holy grail” should be: something that puts to rest a long-gestating want for something.

​ – Reymond_StJames

11. Video games

I collect video games, and I really really want a copy of Hideo Kojima’s “Snatcher” for the Sega CD.

– jidar

12. Perfume

I used to collect high end perfume and there are a lot of vintage classics that are highly coveted.

Even a small decant (5ml or so) could be really hard to track down and then very expensive if you could find it.

But my *personal* holy grail is a perfume that was discontinued in 2011 or 12 and then re-released in a very limited quantity, but only in Paris, in 2016 or so. The only 2 or 3 bottles still available for sale are going for over $650 and…I’m very sad about that.

It’s Iris Ganache by Guerlain, if anyone is curious.

– NicoleNicole1988

13. Beanie Babies

I collect Beanie Babies. (no, I don’t think they’ll get valuable, I just legitimately like them lol)

Most Beanie Babies are worth very little. But for serious collectors, the holy grail is the Peanut the Elephant Beanie Baby, in royal blue! Only a small amount of royal blue Peanuts were produced, (1500-2000 or so) very soon after, the creator decided that Peanut would look better in light blue. (Teeny Beanie and Beanie Buddy royal blue Peanuts were later produced on a larger scale) Royal blue Peanut is probably the most valuable Beanie Baby, selling for up to a thousand dollars.

– PartyPorpoise

14. Plants

I collect plants! For a lot of plant collectors, philodendron spiritus sancti is the holy grail.

They’re endangered, and more of them exist in the homes of private collectors and growers than in the wild.

A small plant goes for around $10k. I saw an auction for one go close to $15k.

My personal holy grail is a variegated rhaphidophora tetrasperma. Maybe one day I will be super lucky and find a random sport variegated one!

– mmmatchaball

15. Guitars

1959 Sunburst Les Paul

Of the few that are on the market, some have gone for well into the six, and (maybe?) seven figures

– DreadPirateCristo

Remember, before you go throwing literally anything out, look it up online. There may well be someone looking for just that!

What would be the holy grail of your collection?

Tell us in the comments.

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Memes to Totally Devastate the Internet

The internet’s not prepared for what’s about to hit it.

I mean it. Get to your bunkers. Batten down your hatches. Get somebody out here to explain to me what hatches are and how to batton them. Because we’re about to get serious.

With memes.

Memes that will go down in history as “that one particular set of memes that got posted that day, which were subsequently scroll through by that one extremely attractive person with excellent taste in internets.”

This is that moment. We’re living it now. Let’s begin.

10. Life hack

Let’s just put a pin in that plan for the moments.

9. You can’t be serious

I’m not playin’ games here, mom and dad.

8. An open question

You know they’ve seen closed doors before. You know it. They know it.
And yet ignorance is forever feigned.

7. Question time

“Listen homework is cool and all, but when can we learn more about YOU?”

6. PP problems

I have powers so great that even I don’t always understand them.

5. Live and learn

Box office SMASH!

4. Nine times the fun

Hey man, I’ll take it.

3. Super speed

There are certain instincts we’re all just sort of born with.

2. Hanging out

Pay no attention to the events which came before.

1. Mom’s spaghetti

Oh man, don’t give Em that kind of ammo.

See? What did I tell ya? Absolutely epic.

What’s the best meme you’ve seen around lately?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Memes to Totally Devastate the Internet appeared first on UberFacts.

These Kids of Celebrities Have Definitely Grown Up

When your parents are rich, famous, and beautiful I bet the expectations on those shoulders must feel overwhelming sometimes.

Even if every kid should be free to go their own way, to pursue their own interests, the attention that celebrities and their kids get from the media can mean that those kids grow up in the spotlight, even if they’d rather not.

These 10 kids are grown up now, though, and no matter what line of work they decide to pursue, the fact that they’ve grown into lovely adults cannot be denied.

10. Alexa Ray Joel.

Her parents are Christie Brinkley and Billy Joel, so she’s clearly got talent coming out of her ears.


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9. Corinne Foxx.

Her dad is Jamie Foxx, and this girl looks amazingly fierce.


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8. Trey Smith.

His father is Will Smith, and I can definitely see the resemblance.


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7. Ella Travolta.

Kelly Preston and John Travolta’s daughter is 21 now, and absolutely beautiful.


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6. Hannah Selleck.

She looks nothing like her father, Tom, but she probably wouldn’t want his mustache.


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A post shared by Hannah Selleck (@hannahselleck)

5. Lily Sheen.

I hope she finds more peace in her life than her father, Charlie. Her mother is Kate Beckinsale.


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4. Jack Perry.

His father is Luke Perry, but wow. I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t be jealous of that hair.

3. Lucy DeVito.

Her parents are Rhea Pearlman and Danny DeVito, so I have to imagine she’s as funny as she is lovely.


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2. Raff Law.

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that his father’s name is Jude. Whoa.


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1. Manolo Gonzalez Vergara.

His mother is the lovely Sophia Vergara, and her genes are strong.

Genetics are crazy, don’t you think?

Which one of these surprised you the most? Tell us in the comments!

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Disney Facts That Might Have Escaped Your Notice

It’s kind of hard to believe there’s anything we don’t know about Disney, their movies, and their history – after all, we’ve lived and breathed it pretty much our entire lives.

The great thing about corporations as huge and far-flung as Disney, though, is that there’s always something lurking, waiting to be uncovered.

We’re hoping that, among these 12 more obscure facts, you might find something new to learn!

12. Disney’s first PG movie was The Black Hole.

Image Credit: Disney

Director Gary Nelson says they were trying not to get a G rating all along.

11. “A Spoonful of Sugar” was inspired by the polio vaccine.

According to Jeffrey Sherman, son of Robert Sherman (who helped write the song) he told his dad how he’d received his vaccine on a sugar cube.

10. Both Joan Collins and Bea Arthur turned down the role of Ursula in The Little Mermaid.

Image Credit: Disney

Both actresses agents sneered at the role, when nowadays, a-listers clamor to do voice acting in animated pictures.

9. Dick VanDyke blamed his questionable Cockney accent on his vocal coach.

Image Credit: Disney

His vocal coach was Irish and, according to Van Dyke, “didn’t do an accent any better than I did.”

8. The gold-and-blue theme of the ballroom scene in Beauty and the Beast was deliberately chosen.

Image Credit: Disney

It was meant to represent Belle, who was typically in blue at the beginning of the movie but morphed to gold as her character went through a transformation.

7. Julie Andrews wasn’t the first person to play Marry Poppins.

Image Credit: CBS

Actress Mary Wikes played the character in a one-hour TV adaptation on CBS in 1949.

6. Mary Wikes returned to Disney at least one more time.

Image Credit: Disney

She played Sister Mary Lazarus in the Sister Act films.

5. Disney wanted the Beatles to make a cameo in Jungle Book.

Image Credit: Disney

John Lennon was reportedly the one who nixed the idea.

4.  Angela Lansbury is a pro.

Image Credit: Disney

Her version of “Beauty and the Beast” only required a single take.

This was even after she was up the night before on a flight to New York – a flight that included a bomb threat and an emergency landing – that almost made her miss the recording altogether.

3. Disneyland’s King Arthur Carousel was built for the Sunnyside Beach Park in 1922.

That makes it older than the park.

2. 1993 was the first time Disney released a trailer that was an entire scene.

It was from The Lion King, and I think it’s fair to say that it paid off.

1. The first air-conditioned attraction at Disneyland opened in 1963.

It was the Enchanted Tiki Room – they needed to keep the computer system cool.

I definitely learned a thing or two.

Which of these was new to you? If we taught you something, tell us what in the comments!

The post Disney Facts That Might Have Escaped Your Notice appeared first on UberFacts.

A Family Found a Life-Sized Monopoly Board Under Their Carpet and People Want One

We played a lot of board games growing up.

We had the classics like Checkers, Clue, Trivial Pursuit, and Monopoly. We also played oddly specific games like a Clue-style Sherlock Holmes who-dunit, The New York game which involved navigating the subway to visit famous Manhattan sites, and an It’s a Wonderful Life themed trivia game.

Consequently, I love board games, and have always had an affinity for Monopoly. But not, apparently, as much as some people.

Recently, a user by the name of Yamaha234 posted to the r/pics Subreddit about a unique discovery their in-laws made. During a home remodel, the couple pulled up some old carpet only to find a life-sized Monopoly board underneath.

As My Modern Met explains:

The room-sized Monopoly board is based on the classic U.S. version of the game, complete with Chance and Community Chest spaces, a jail, and railroads.

Iconic sought-after spaces such as Park Place and Boardwalk also feature. The giant floor edition appears to have been hand-painted by the previous homeowners years ago.

Check-out Yamaha234’s actual picture:

While tearing up their carpet, my in-laws found a giant monopoly board from pics

Personally, I think the jail square is the perfect location for time out if you have naughty kids.

Reddit users were floored. And while they didn’t all agree on the merits of Monopoly game-play, they had a lot of fun with the idea.

Image Credit: Reddit

As shocking as this discovery was, it may not be totally unheard of.

Apparently a lot of people’s families’ basements had shuffleboards made of tile.

Image Credit: Reddit

And not just shuffleboards!

Image Credit: Reddit

One user explained that this was fairly common for houses built in the 1950s, although I’ve certainly never heard of it.

Image Credit: Reddit

Makes you wonder how many gems like this are hidden under grungy carpet across America.

Enough, it turns out, that this wasn’t even the first time someone posted such a find on Reddit!

Seven years ago someone made a similar discovery at a different home.

Pulled up the carpet at the house, and guess what I found! from funny

Lots of commenters have new #LifeGoals (me included, if I’m being honest), stating that they want to do this in their own homes some day.

Image Credit: Reddit

And forget Monopoly, this person wants to put Risk on their floor (speaking of games that last for ever and ever).

I’m pretty sure I went to college with this person.

Image Credit: Reddit

So what about the OP’s parents?

Image Credit: Reddit

I really hope they decide to clean it up and keep it visible, because what a weird fun thing to have.

What do you think? Keep it or cover it up? Let us know in the comments!

The post A Family Found a Life-Sized Monopoly Board Under Their Carpet and People Want One appeared first on UberFacts.