Small Movie Roles That All Had a Big Impact

They say there are no small parts, only small actors, and if you’ve ever seen a performance that didn’t take up much screen time but still made an impact, you know that’s true.

There are tons of examples out there – my favorite one, I think, is the Riley character from National Treasure (his comedic timing is just perfect!) – and these 17 people have some pretty great favorites, too!

17. Anyone who loves animals is a shoo in.

Just think about it.

16. She really is unforgettable.

Especially in the second one.

15. That is impressive.

And she definitely makes an impact.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

14. He can break your heart.

And it only takes like three scenes.

13. The Doug Judy episodes were the best.

Don’t @ me, you can’t win this argument.

12. Proof that someone can be the best and the worst.

And you still love them at the same time.

11. Poor Barb.

The fact that we feel for her after so few minutes with her speaks volumes.

10. He’s endlessly quotable.

And also quite a good parent.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

9. Honestly, every character in Pitch Perfect.

They were all written like they were as important as the main character.

Image Credit: Bored Panda

8. These movies would absolutely not be the same without her.

Kind of the definition of amazing, right?

Image Credit: Bored Panda

7. Amy Poehler is always unforgettable.

I don’t care if she has no lines at all.

6. She is a queen.

I love how many animated characters are on this list.

5. When you’re interesting, you’re interesting.

No way around that fact.

4. You’ve probably never realized how much time you spend thinking about him.

But now you do, and you’ll never be able to not.

3. Best parents in a teen film, ever.

This entire cast is amazing, tbh.

2. He really nailed those 3-4 jokes.

That’s how you launch a career, folks.

1. How could we forget this one?

We can’t. No way, no how.

What’s your favorite small part?

Tell us what it is and why down in the comments!

The post Small Movie Roles That All Had a Big Impact appeared first on UberFacts.

What Advertisement Made You Avoid a Certain Product? People Spoke Up.

I have a confession: the Discover “Cashback Match” commercials have made it absolutely certain that I will never, ever use Discover in my life because I find their commercials to be so incredibly annoying.

Do you have any products that you’ve been turned off of completely because you can’t stomach their advertisements?

AskReddit users discussed the advertisements that made them NOT want to buy certain products.

Let’s dive in!

1. Old and new.

“All time: Chevy “real people”

Recently: that Kraft singles commercial with that stupid grilled cheese song.”

2. Gross.

“There is a phone company here in Australia that runs an ad where two sisters/friends are shown partying and generally having a good time, then one gets diagnosed with an illness, presumably cancer.

The camera cuts back and forth to one of them in a hospital bed and the other getting her long hair cut off, then an emotional reunion where the one with her hair cut off visits the one in hospital who has lost her hair.

The tagline is “it starts with yes”. It uses the emotional trauma of terminal illness to try to get people to sign up for a phone service. Utterly disgusting.”

3. Hmmm…

“A local car dealer decided to put their catchphrase to the tune of Baby Shark.

Then they made a follow-up commercial apologizing for how annoying the Baby Shark spot was, but still ended it with the Baby Shark jingle.”

4. Fear mongering.

“Those multiple Volvo commercials that have been on Hulu forever.

Same premise- “if you don’t buy our brand new Volvo you’ll k**l a kid, yours or someone else’s”.

Fear mongering at its finest.”

5. Little brat!

“The one with the bratty kid and broccoli.

“Then I guess we’re gonna sit here all night!”

If I pulled a stunt like that as a kid my mom wouldn’t go put cheese on my broccoli, she’d cook broccoli for every meal.”

6. No escape.

“Surprised I haven’t seen Grammarly mentioned anywhere here.

I’ve never felt a need to use their product in the past, but their ads are so intrusive, annoying, and frequent that I’ll guaranteed never use it.”

7. WTF?

“That Marine recruiting commercial where he fought a dragon.

I never got to fight a dragon when I was in, that was bulls**t.”

8. Hahaha.


That f**king commercial where someone tells the car’s google assistant to “turn up the heat” at their house.

My google reacts by upping the heat every. Single. Time.”

9. Annoying.

“Reese’s (Cups, Pieces, etc.)

I h**e the voice of whoever narrates the commercials

The low-effort lines…ughhhh

The speaker delivers the lazy writing as if the audience is meant to find it clever

The next time you see a Reese’s commercial on TV, you’ll notice what I’m talking about..”

10. Shameless.


Massive expenditure targeting a tiny population.

The return on investment must be HUGE.

Shameless rainmaking.”

11. All of these.

“The Google Fi ads on youtube. Terrible songs and terrible animation.

Also, Old Navy ads are garbage.

And McDonalds has somehow been incapable of making a good ad for like 20 years or longer.”

12. Not a fan.

“Well, whenever I hear the KARS for Kids jingle, I think about swerving into oncoming traffic.

So I guess you could say it turns me off.”

13. Are we being scammed here?

“All the brand name medication commercials with fake people living fake lives with wild side effects worse than the original diagnosis.

And how dumb the names sound made on some name generator.

Trulicity comes to mind.”

Are there any ads that really turned you off of certain products?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

We look forward to it!

The post What Advertisement Made You Avoid a Certain Product? People Spoke Up. appeared first on UberFacts.

What Happens in Movies That Really Annoys You? People Spoke Up.

If you watch enough movies, you begin to see some patterns over and over again.

They might be of the romantic variety or maybe it’s something that seems to happen in every action movie you watch.

And some of them are so unrealistic that they make folks go a little bit nuts.

People on AskReddit shared what happens in movies that drives them crazy.

1. Truth!

“That EVERY sh**ty movie nowadays is set up as the first part of a possible trilogy.

So what ends up happening is the first movie is non-committal and vague as a result.


2. Lame.

“Male lead and female lead with no chemistry end up together “just because”.


Come on writers! Try harder!”

3. See it all the time.

“In romantic comedies, the two love interests are usually bad for each other.

So, to make them seem less bad for each other, when they go through that period where they break up and try dating other people, the other people are the weirdest, most unlovable freaks anyone has ever laid eyes on. Men are instantly abusive, women behave like spoiled children.

It’s the stupidest trope.”

4. Yeah, I got it.

“Over explain the plot.

Like a recap so you are not confused.

Usually accompanied by flashbacks you just saw ‘live’ minutes ago.”

5. Always happens.

“”What happened?”

“I dont know, lets check on the news…”


in perfect timing

“If you are just joining us, here is the plot wrap up of the thing that the heroes need to know”

Cuts TV off immediately after important newscaster dialogue.”

6. You’re not convincing me.

“They hold supposedly full coffee cups like they are empty, always holding them at a tilt.

I know they are just stage props but they can at least act like there is coffee in their cups.”

7. Totally unrealistic.

“Car keys “hidden” behind sun visor

Of all the hundreds if not thousands of cars I’ve been in across my lifetime, I have met precisely zero people who stow their car keys this way.”

8. Can we have a minute, please?

“When two people want to talk privately, instead of them going into the hallway, they make the other 20 people leave the room.”

9. Two things.

“When some thing is foreshadowed and then revealed later in the movie, but instead of just letting you realize it yourself, one of the characters say it out loud. Like the audience is too dumb to make the connection.

Biggest pet peeve is the fact that EVERY comedy has to turn sad in a very cliche way halfway through the movie. It’s the guy loses girl and has to win her back formula that’s in every damn comedy.”

10. Lucky!

“After someone gets s**t in the chest, they always stand up, and triumphantly remove their jacket to reveal the bullet proof vest.”

11. We’re taking over.

“When the FBI shows up to “take over” the case and then the cops butt heads with them.

This does not happen.

Cops are more than happy to let someone else do their work for them.”

12. Do some research!

“Poor research.

When a part of the plot is in a different country than the movie itself is from and they show a regional/cultural aspect of the visited country and fail.

Don’t they have Google?”

13. Surprise!

“I have noticed in movies that involve a new house, it is often a “surprise” for all but the member of the family that apparently acquired or purchased it without any input from the rest of the family. Did the one person just buy it online or sneak away and just go through the purchase process and closing?

The family pulls up to the house, dad gets out and says, “let’s see the new house”, kids go run and pick their rooms and partner has never seen the house before. Why is this? It seems completely unrealistic and it bugs me every time.”

14. I don’t like this.

“I’ve noticed this a lot more lately, the fact that horror movies are super dark.

And I don’t mean dark plot-wise, I mean dark in the sense that I can’t see what the f**k is going on.

I get that horror is creepier at night but how can I be scared when I can’t see what’s happening on the screen?”

Are there certain things that happen in a lot of movies that drive you crazy?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

We look forward to it!

The post What Happens in Movies That Really Annoys You? People Spoke Up. appeared first on UberFacts.

Fake Movie Posters That We Wish Were Real

I have a pretty decent collection of movie posters but I’ve never seen any quite like the ones you’re about to see.

They come to us from a Twitter page that is dedicated to really bad, fan-made, FAKE movie posters that we think you’re gonna get a big kick out of.

We know we did!

So take a look at these and we’ll see you on the flipside, friends!

1. Who wants to see this flick?

It might be a blockbuster. You never know…

2. The gang’s all here!

And they’re back in business!

3. This just looks like a nightmare.

Any takers for this one out there…?

4. I believe that is Pauly D and Snooki.

Two of America’s finest thespians.

5. Keanu looks so young.

This is gonna be good!

6. The new entry in this creepy series.

It might work, you never know.

7. He looks just like him.

I think he’s gonna pull it off.

8. Finally making it into a movie.

What took so long?!?!

9. What the hell is this gonna be about?

We all want to know!

10. Not this guy again!

I thought he went away forever…

11. They grow up so fast!

This is gonna be weird…

12. Wow…good luck with this one…

Has anyone heard any details about the plot yet?

Now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about a movie that doesn’t actually exist that you’d like to see.

We want to hear about all genres! Don’t hold back now!

This will be a lot of fun!

The post Fake Movie Posters That We Wish Were Real appeared first on UberFacts.

Times When People Were Camouflaged and Didn’t Even Realize It

According to Wikipedia, camouflage first came about in the 18th century when rifle units started wearing these types of outfits to blend in with forest surroundings.

But according to me, it first came about when some fish got born looking like a rock and didn’t get eaten so he made a bunch of other rock-lookin’ fish.

Follow me for more insightful history/biology facts.

However it happened, it’s kind of everywhere now, including places nobody even needed it to be. It happens by accident. Here, look at these memes, you’ll see what I mean. (or WILL you?)

15. When your scarf is a floor

Let’s not lose our heads over this.

Via: The Chive

14. When your skirt is some rocks

Just don’t go skipping yourself on the water.

Via: The Chive

13. When your socks are a carpet

I don’t know why this looks so cozy but it does.

Via: The Chive

12. When your shirt is your bed

He doesn’t know what’s happening but he’s happy about it.

Via: The Chive

11. When your top is your phone

Surely you saw this one coming, Jessica.

Via: The Chive

10. When your dress is a curtain

Ta da!

Via: The Chive

9. When your pants are a bed

Get a leg up on your day.

Via: The Chive

8. When your shirt is flowers

Just plant me here, I’ll bloom.

Via: The Chive

7. When your shirt is bowl

Am I crazy or does it look like this dude poured milk in his mac and cheese?

Via: The Chive

6. When your outfit is tissues

What are ya gonna, cry about it?

Via: The Chive

5. When your shoes are stairs

Don’t trip.

Via: The Chive

4. When your clothes is chair

Have a seat, why don’t ya.

Via: The Chive

3. When your knit is floor

Is she in love?

Via: The Chive

2. When your shirt is drink

Do I spy choccy milk?

Via: The Chive

1. When your vibe is beer

That describes all of us.

Via: The Chive

Say hidden, stay safe.

How do you best blend in?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Times When People Were Camouflaged and Didn’t Even Realize It appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Absurd Pieces of Clothing and Their Outrageous Price Tags

When I want to buy an unusual new product, I remind myself that without risk there’s no reward.

Sometimes it works, and the unusual new product is a massive success!

Other times it’s a huge disappointment, and I kick myself for days.

The point is, we all make weird choices sometimes. And the luxury goods industry exists to feed those retail therapy choices.

When a woman went viral recently for posting her ridiculous discovery from Nordstrom, the post took off, with others joining in to share the weirdest and most expensive items they’ve seen for sale as well.

She wrote:

The $895 price tag may sound like a lot, but at least you won’t have any money left that you need to carry around, since, as one keen-eyed user pointed out the fine print:

This bedazzled objet d’art doesn’t actually carry anything, except for a conversation.

It sounds like something David Rose would say.

In addition to outrageously expensive and useless “purses”, there were a number of examples of horrifying (and useless?) clothing trends in the thread.

User @chelbee611 shared these bizarre underwear-exposing trousers.

Good thing they have free returns.

And who can forget this aptly described travesty, which I guess you could wear with those pants.

If you’re really looking to be classy, there’s this dress, which I would describe as “tarp & bungee chic” – perfect for any occasion.

And to really kick it up a notch, pair that dress with these matching gloves.
(They match the bungee cords.)

If the tarp dress isn’t to your liking, because, idk, you’re worried about rain on your back? Never fear, there’s always this shower curtain dress option shared by Ellen Grace.

Perfect for a rainy day or a chili dog eating contest.

And if you’re worried about getting cold (maybe in that backless dress) user @TSatch17 has you covered with this… sleeping bag wrap?

Another user, @jamiesanpedroo, who really got into the exercise, found these wacky toe-sock-boot-gizmos, and I don’t even know what to do with them.

Is Nordstrom okay?

Not to single out high end retailers, @my_tv_life pointed to her favorite source for the ridiculous, Etsy, and these fabulous handmade pants.

Mars OBSESSED responded to the original post with a joke, but these glasses (?!) are blowing my mind.

Several users shared the same $1300 hat, which I personally thought looked like an attempt to imitate an orca.

And don’t forget about the bling. There was the bike lock necklace that costs more than any actual bike lock.

Just in case, you know, you’re worried someone’s going to steal your head.

Honestly, these all make me feel better about the electric toothbrush I bought last week.

What about you? What’s the most absurd item to come into your social media ads?

Tell us in the comments!

The post People Share Absurd Pieces of Clothing and Their Outrageous Price Tags appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What Got Ruined Because Everyone Started Doing It

I’m about date myself a little bit here, but the first time I saw Green Day play live was in a pretty small venue.

Yes, they definitely had some buzz behind them and were getting more popular by the day, but I think that show I saw was one of the last times people could see them in a smaller place.

Fast forward a few months later and they were literally one of the biggest bands in the entire universe.

And, being a teenager at the time, I of course thought that “my band” had gotten a little bit too big…but I still enjoyed their music and bought their records.

But there are some folks out there who really take it personally when something gets very popular.

People on AskReddit discussed what they think got ruined because too many people started doing it.

Let’s take a look.

1. All the rage.

“My dream of buying a van and converting it.

And tiny houses. I wanted either a tiny house or a van.

Cost has gotten so high due to the rise in popularity.”

2. The stamp wars.

For me personally, I let it be known that my little rural post office was a great place to get stamps, as no one ever checked there for stamps (I’m a stamp collector).

Well, word spread and now I have to fight with about five other collectors in the area on issue days.”

3. Terrible idea.

“I’ve seen people stand in the wildflowers at Mt. Rainier to get pictures. They’re just speeding up the process of killing these flowers.

Also the tulip fields have signs telling people not to stand in the rows because it can damage the flowers but there is always people in the rows.

Why can’t people just be decent and follow simple rules?”

4. Not anymore…

“Streaming services.

It used to be a single place where you could find any show you wanted easily, to disincentivize piracy, but now that every company and their mom has a streaming service, all with exclusive content, piracy is easier even with the ads, load times, and low quality, simply because I don’t need to pay 12 different subscriptions to watch shows.”

5. Well, now it’s ruined.

“Online communities.

They’re great when small and everyone in it has a voice.

Get too many people and the “loud” and obnoxious minority start overwhelming things.”

6. A common story.

“Small music festival I used to attend, beautiful and fun. Got together with my husband there. Then too many people started talking about how great it was, more people attending every year.

It started to get too big and I think the land owner could sense it. He no longer holds it. It was sad to see it go but easy to see it was losing its magic.”

7. Too much traffic.

“EVERYTHING tourist.

So many national parks now bumper to bumper traffic. So many places with cute shops and cafes now have police that make everyone (now butt to gutt) keep walking.

People trying to play frisbee on cram packed beaches full of dog s**t.

Too crowded.”

8. Packed.

“In Austin, Barton Creek.

Too many people on the trails, playing their stupid f**king music from their stupid f**king speakers, and not picking up after their dogs.”

9. Keep it down!


Almost all of the campsites I have been to in the past however many years have had a group of annoying, loud people playing stupid loud music into the night.

I go camping to enjoy nature, not to listen to you.”

10. Pretty expensive these days.

“Collecting vinyl.

I used to be able to go to the thrift stores and come home with a handful of decent records.”

11. Really sucks.

“A serene, unspoiled mountain lake was perfect for fishing, swimming, and just enjoying nature.

There were just a few summer cabins along the lakeshore and the area was kept clean. The only sounds were fish rippling the water and birds in the trees – the air naturally scented with pine.

Then, the lake was “discovered” and people started buying up every available bit of lakefront real estate to build oversize houses and docks for high-speed motor boats.

Now, as I once lamented, the pure water of the lake has become polluted and the fish are mostly gone. Outboard boat engines dominate the sound and the pine trees have been chopped down in favor of development.”

12. Where’s the community?

“The housing market because of people investing in rental properties.

Half the houses on my street are rentals.

Doesn’t even feel like I’m part of a community anymore.”

13. Not the same.


It used to be a very accessible major city. Now it’s so packed with people it’s impossible to get around. Giant condo buildings everywhere. Downtown Toronto used to be so enjoyable to just aimlessly wander around through.

Quite chill for a city of its size. Now it’s just a hassle getting anywhere. I know this can be said about many other cities but Toronto in particular seems to have changed very drastically in this way.”

14. Big time.


Thrifting used to be a way to dress yourself and your home for much-much less. It used to be a way to find full-wood furniture for cheap, good quality tailored clothes that fit to a T, and furbish your home when you’re not loaded.

You can still do all of those things today, but often, the prices are much-much higher than they used to after so many people discovered that they can buy a good quality (and sometimes branded) leather bags for a few dollars and sell them on eBay for hundreds.

For many, thrifting isn’t a cool lifestyle that they inhibit because they want to be environmentally friendly and hipster-like, for many it’s a necessity.

People searching for cheap thrifted goods and then reselling them for 10x the price they paid for it is very basic market economy, and I understand that, but the very same actions have made it even harder for those on the breadline to actually dress themselves and their home.”

What do you think about this?

Talk to us in the comment and let us know.

Please and thank you!

The post People Talk About What Got Ruined Because Everyone Started Doing It appeared first on UberFacts.

What Social Trend Annoys You the Most? People Spoke Up.

I really do enjoy some things about social media, BUT there’s no denying that there are some really annoying aspects about it.

Like influencers.

And people dancing in their kitchens for no reason.

And there are a whole bunch of other ones I can’t think I’m right now because I’m starting to get upset…

AskReddit users discussed the modern social trends that really annoy them.

Let’s see what they had to say.

1. Ugh.

“Family vloggers horrify me. The concept of exploiting your children’s lives for views is particularly awful.

And because it’s a relatively new concept there are no real laws around child labor or exploitation concerning it. There are youtubers out there right now who live in mansions worth millions of dollars that they got from shoving a camera in their toddler’s face and demanding them to perform for strangers.

I can’t even imagine the psychological repercussions this will have on these kids in the future.”

2. It’s true.

“Everyone has a right to have a voice on the internet but not everyone deserves a following / authority / influence.

Just because you paid off your car doesn’t mean you’re qualified to become a financial coach.”

3. Can I just buy this thing?

“You can’t just buy something now. Everything is a subscription.

First it was just Netflix, then it was dollar shave club. Now every TV channel is a separate subscription, every household item wants to send it to you over and over again. Nothing is released physically, so the only way to watch a movie or check out a new album is to pay someone monthly.

Services that were offered for free or one-time purchase are rescinded and now offered as subscriptions. It’s so obvious that everyone and everything just wants to milk you as long and for as much as possible. And people just buy into it willingly. I know people who spend like $200 a month on s**t that was free like, 10 years ago.

People are even offering themselves on a subscription base now. I can’t believe how cool everyone is with watching all their money disappear all the time.”

4. No privacy.

“In general, just the fact that people aren’t allowed to be private anymore.

All your devices hook up to the Internet. Your smartphone tracks you in God only knows how many different ways. Every business wants you to sign up for a rewards account, so they can harvest your contact details. Hell, even my PC and game consoles will rearrange my desktop just to show me advertisements.

And if that wasn’t enough, people give you strange looks when you tell them you have almost no social media presence: no Twitter, no Instagram, no Snapchat, no Facebook. Not to mention how people just get this confused look on their face whenever I get mad at them because they took a photo/video of me without my knowledge or consent and put it on their social media.

Honestly, it shocks me to see how little people care that privacy is disappearing.”

5. The answer is NO.

“Entitled social media influencers who contact businesses and practically demand free goods or services in exchange for exposure.”

6. Ugh.

“The “I’m going to disrespect my way to the top of the world” thing that Jake Paul is doing.”

7. Don’t answer that.

“Spontaneous facetime calls. I’m in my god**mn undies. Stop shoving cameras in my face.

And by that I actually mean when someone else nearby starts a facetime and assumes you want to be part of it.”

8. They’re not gods.

“Glorifying celebrities and treating them like gods.

I understand being a fan of someone, but you don’t have to create an entire livelihood around them or try to emulate them.

This is also how people get into positions of power when they shouldn’t be.”

9. I’m a great person!

“People recording themselves doing “charitable acts” like buying a meal or giving money to a homeless person.

I can assure you that person does NOT want their face all over social media so you can get clout for being a “good charitable person”.

Sure do a good thing like helping the less fortunate but you don’t need to record it and have their face all over social media.”

10. Not cool.

“Over-the-top pranks that involve staged violence or scaring passersby.

Seems like a surefire way to traumatize someone.

I have PTSD and it’s not fun.”

11. Too much work.

“Everyone on the internet requesting me to create an account with an email and password just to access a page.

No, Donny’s Discount Lawn Furniture, i don’t want to be part of your mailing list, or subscribe to your instagram or whatever else.

I just wanna check the price of a chair, and GTFO.”

12. Put the phone down.

“Driving while on a cell phone.

Driving has always been a little frustrating but now it’s gotten insane. My girlfriend and I can call out with at least 90% accuracy who is on their phone.

Abrupt Lane changes, 20mph under the speed limit, swerving, looking at phone and missing a green light for 5+ seconds, and – my personal pet peeve – stopping 50’ short of a light in a busy intersection during rush hour.

Not only is the use common, but the entitlement that comes with it is across the board. Someone waiting at a green light 5+ seconds, I do a short honk to alert them – they give me middle finger. Like, yeah, I’m the f**king idiot here (I can see you playing on your phone through your back windshield).

The other day I had a girl pull across two rows of parked cars in a lot and had to slam on my brakes to not smash into her. Instead of saying sorry, she got out of the car (still in the middle of the lane) while still on FaceTime to film me.

Like… it’s gotten so bad that I don’t see any real solution other than videoing all of these people/license plates and sending them to the local police.”

How about you?

What trends are you really not a big fan of?

Let us know what you think in the comments!

The post What Social Trend Annoys You the Most? People Spoke Up. appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss the Most Ridiculous Luxury Items They’ve Ever Seen

The luxury goods market is definitely interesting.

I mean, I’m as guilty as the next person of spending my hard-earned money on ridiculous things.

But there are definitely some items for sale that make you go “what?”

Last month, mother and hockey fan Lexi Brown, PhD, went viral for her Tweet about random and ridiculous luxury items, spawning a thread of similarly themed responses.

Lexi found a… well, they call it a “bag” (but it doesn’t actually hold anything) shaped like a diamond-encrusted folding chair, and the reviews were hilarious.

Users were similarly dumbfounded by the weird little purse:

Lexi’s post went viral, and soon her followers were chiming in with ridiculous finds of their own.

User Raahina Somani shared a similarly bizarre purse that I’m still trying to wrap my head around, but check out that price tag!

But it gets better. Zaza Chilvers found a Louis Vuitton bag and I honestly LOVE it, but it costs more than my car.

And for people who really love their veggies, there’s this hideous broccoli bag.

But I think I’ll take the broccoli purse over the shrimp cocktail one.

Danielle P. chimed in with another absurd bag she found at a different online shop:

Moving on from bags, there was the $280 (each) hair-roller for wealthy grandmas the world over.

And Greg never does explain why he owns this, but it comes with its own little pocket.

And then @Kristin_wrote was perplexed by this unusually shaped ping-pong table, but I guess it would add another level of complexity to the game.

Getting into the spirit of mocking Nordstrom, one user shared diamond-lined ski goggles.

Several users found something to balk at from Tiffany, where nothing comes with a small price tag.

And don’t forget the lovely but possibly useless sterling silver greenhouse.

One that really set the bar was shared by @thaisaustin.

Who, in their hour of grief, wants to commemorate their lost love with a 3D version of their head for the mantle?

No price tag here, but I’m guessing these don’t come cheap.

The winner of Twitter that day, though, was definitely @MsModernity who added Bernie Sanders to the OP.

I’ve seen all I need to see.

I honestly can’t even with most of these. What’s the most ridiculous (and ridiculously expensive) thing you have ever seen? Tell us in the comments.

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This is Why Disney Continues to Recycle Bits and Pieces of Animation Over and Over Again

If you’re a big Disney fan – or even just someone who watches a lot of movies and pays attention to detail – it’s probably no secret that Disney’s animators recycle some of their animations into multiple subsequent films.

If the only reason they do that is to save money, it turns out they save alot of money, because as the internet is learning to come to grips with, Disney recycles a ton of entire scenes.

And I’m sorry to say that once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

Let’s go!

First, did you know that this sequence from Snow White was entirely repurposed for Robin Hood?

And this animation in Beauty and the Beast hasn’t aged in 30 years!

Anyone think Christopher Robin looks a little bit like young Mowgli??

The process is called rotoscoping, which is sort of like current animators asking the smart kids of the past whether or not they can copy their paper, according to Business Insider.

“It involves animators drawing and tracing over old footage to create anew,” and traces its roots back to Wolfgang “Wollie” Reitherman.

The classic and legendary Disney animator lived by the motto “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” and I think we can all agree everything about early Disney films were working.

Another Disney legend, Floyd Norman, claimed that it was actually tougher and cost more to redraw an existing sequence, but that it was also the safe choice, and one Reitherman and others were sure would land with audiences.

That said, there were plenty of animators hankering to draw something besides little boys and dancing princesses, and eventually, they would get to use some of their own creative genius to make new sequences.

Hopefully none of this has ruined your childhood.

I think those people are being a bit dramatic, don’t you? I mean, if anything, it just reinforces how much Disney influenced your childhood – again and again and again.

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