These Therapy Stories Might Make You Feel like You’ve Had a Cathartic Session of Your Own

Free therapy is rare, but it does happen, and it’s great. And that goes double when the advice makes you feel a hundred times better about your day (and maybe life).

And since people shared tidbits from these 15 great sessions online, you don’t even have to pay!

At least, not this time.

15. People can need help while learning to love you the way you need to be loved.

14. Keep your gaze forward.

13. Pick and choose what works.

12. There’s no right way.

11. Stop doing things you don’t want to do.

10. That “what-if” game works both ways – who knew?

9. Do the thing.

8. Blame evolution.

7. Permission to do it your way.

6. Actions speak louder.

5. Know your value.

4. It could work for you, too.

3. Coping mechanisms for the win.

2. Be kind.

1. You can’t fight who you are.

I know you’re going to have a great day now!

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A Woman Leaves Her Boyfriend Sweet Notes to Help His Depression and They Will Make You Feel the Love

It’s so important to be surrounded by positive, compassionate people in your life. And this story perfectly illustrates that fact.

If you or any of your loved ones have ever struggled with depression, you know it can be extremely crippling and can affect your life in a number of negative ways.

A man who suffers from seasonal depression has a lovely girlfriend who helps him through the hard times, even when she can’t be near him. The two are in a long-distance relationship. He lives in North Carolina and she lives in Jamaica. The man shared the series of notes that his girlfriend left him in his apartment to help him work through his depression.

He wrote on Twitter “My gf knows that I suffer from seasonal depression, and in order to help me with it she left me random messages in my apartment to make my smile. It’s been a week since she left and I’m still finding them the most obscure places.”

Here’s the first note he shared on Twitter, and she encouraged him to get out and go to the gym. Always a great idea!

And, of course, some inside jokes were in order.

Some good night notes are always helpful.

She also left some great notes to wake up to in the morning.

Another note included some helpful advice like letting light into his apartment and eating healthy meals.

And he was still finding notes even six days after his girlfriend left.

Her final note looked ahead to a bright future for both of them.

He summed it up pretty good with a final tweet in the thread.

It’s pretty obvious these two love each other a lot, despite the physical distance between them.

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64% of Americans believe schizophrenia…

64% of Americans believe schizophrenia involves a split personality. A person with schizophrenia doesn’t have two different personalities. Instead, he has false ideas/delusions or has lost touch with reality. Multiple personality disorder is unrelated.

An increasing number of schools…

An increasing number of schools and companies in Japan encourage their students and employees to cry as a way of relieving stress and improving mental health. There are also people who are called “namida sensei” meaning “tears teacher”.

Man With ADHD Perfectly Sums Up His Condition in This Viral Twitter Thread

Have you heard of Yashar Ali?

He’s a journalist and his tweets frequently go viral because he brings a lot of real talk to the table.

Recently, Ali shared what it’s like living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, in an epic Twitter thread. Soon enough, ADHD became a trending topic and the conversation about the often misunderstood condition had a spotlight shown on it.

Check it out!

1. The frustration people feel is overwhelming

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

2. People with ADHD can focus. But some things are significant triggers

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

3. Understanding is key for those who want to empathize

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

4. The cycle of shame is real with ADHD

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

5. Ali thinks adults are under-diagnosed for this disorder

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

6. It can have a significant impact on relationships

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

7. One key for Ali is not letting things slip

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

8. More and more, companies are willing to accommodate ADHD

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

9. Don’t let it destroy your life

Photo Credit: yashar/Twitter

Bravo Yashar! Bravo!

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This Ex-Navy SEAL’s 5-Minute Morning Routine Will Get You Mentally Pumped for the Day

As a former Navy SEAL and CIA contractor, Shawn Ryan knows a thing or two about mental toughness and preparation – whether it’s for a day at the office or a life-or-death scenario. Today, he has his own company called Vigilance Elite, which provides training to law enforcement, civilians, and even Hollywood action stars.

Ryan has a morning workout routine that gets him physically and mentally excited to embrace the day. He does pyramid training for at least 5 minutes each morning to give himself the energy he needs.

Pyramid training is a workout where you follow consecutive repetitions of a specific exercise. The goal is to work your way up and improve on each set to build strength over time. Ryan says, “Too many people try to chase after that one big win and fail to realize that it takes several small wins to get there.”

Here are the 4 steps you should follow, according to Ryan.

Step 1

Pick an exercise that will work your core and your back, legs, and chest. Some options are squats, squat jumps, pull-ups, or box jumps. Pick a workout that works for you and challenges your body and your mind.

Step 2

Set a timer for 5 minutes and start with the lowest number of reps. If you’re a beginner, 10 might be a good number of reps to start with. It’s important to feel comfortable at first and to build and improve your strength.

Step 3

Gradually increase the number of reps you do in that 5-minute time frame. Move up to 15, then 20, 25, and so on.

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I second guess that last #boxjumps

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Step 4

Record your results every day on your phone or in a notebook. It’s important not to be too hard on yourself if you don’t improve on your reps as quickly as you’d like, but remember the goal is to improve over time.

That’s it! Nice and simple, and it only takes 5 minutes each day! Good luck!

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15 Tweets About Mental Health That’ll Definitely Give You a Good Laugh

Mental health issues are no joke. Suffering from anxiety or depression can be absolutely crippling, and can even affect you physically.

Still, laughter is the best medicine and while it might be tough to find much mirth in the midst of a depressive episode, if you can manage to scare up a few chuckles, it really does help a lot.

If you’re having a rough day, week, month, or year, take a look at these funny tweets about mental health.

1. Like this?

2. True

3. Tell us more

4. Hahaha

5. This might catch on

6. LOL

7. Self care

8. That’s not good

9. Sounds healthy

10. That’s a yes

11. #NonStopWorry

12. Finally!

13. Samesies

14. BFF

15. That’s a start

Ahhhhh, now that feels a little bit better, doesn’t it?

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Fourth-Grader with Autism Gives a Truly Incredible Explanation of His Condition to His Class

A fourth-grader with autism explained what his condition is really like to his entire class, and the depth and clarity of his words have since gone viral.

Rumari, who is on the autism spectrum, is a student in Lisa Moe’s fourth-grade class in Chino Valley, California. Since May is Autism Awareness month, Rumari raised his hand one day during an awareness exercise and asked for permission to say something.

Ms. Moe agreed, so Rumari got up in front of the room, and he began to speak.

“For a really long time, you guys had not known I had autism,” Rumari said. “So you guys thought I was weird doing this,” and he demonstrated the “stimming” behavior of hitting his hand as it rested against his face. He does it when he wants to feel better, he explained, and other kids might want to try it too.

Rumari also shared that it’s important to make kids with autism “feel like a somebody.” He pointed out that other kids may sometimes think he was weird because of how he talks or his stimming behavior, but they shouldn’t judge.

The entire class silently listened to Rumari as he shared. Meanwhile, Ms. Moe had begun filming once she realized that something “beautiful” was happening in her classroom.

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? Today, a beautiful thing occurred within my classroom. My two most important mottos and lessons I stress every single day with my students is to “Be Kind” and to believe in one’s self through the growth mindset of “Yes I Can”. • • It is #AutismAwareness Month and every classroom on campus has been asked to have each student decorate a paper puzzle piece and hang it on our classroom doors. When I handed out the puzzle pieces, most students were familiar with the idea of Autism and aware of the cause of decorating the puzzle pieces. What my students did not know is that Autism is present within our classroom with one of our fellow classmates, Rumari. With excitement, Rumari rose his hand and said “May I please say something?” I nodded and said “of course”, but never could I have imagined what was to follow. • • Rumari has faced challenges and barriers beyond what any of us will ever be able to fully understand. But today, Rumari stood in front of the classroom with full confidence, enthusiasm, and courage and showed us that there is no challenge or barrier that can stop him. He brought to life the meaning of “Yes I Can” as he explained to his fellow classmates that he was autistic. With full knowledge, he explained the differences that may come when being autistic and how the spectrum is vast. He courageously spoke about his own differences and quirks, while defining what it means to make everyone feel like a someone. • • My other students and I sat quietly and listened, completely engulfed in every word he spoke to us. Because of this, it took me a bit before realizing I needed to capture this moment. Without any of the students knowing, I hit record and captured the final moments of Rumari speaking to us and the raw, authentic reactions of the rest of my students. It is then, that I lost my ability to hold back the tears. It is then, that the daily lessons to “Be Kind” and to remember “Yes I Can” were brought together. • • If I were unable to ever teach again or if there was ever a question to my path into this role as an educator, this moment solidified my purpose. With permission from Rumari’s parents, I wanted to share with you this moment:

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After Rumari was done, kids began raising their hands – but not to ask Rumari questions about autism. Instead, they began praising him. One asked if she could give Rumari a hug.

The moment meant so much to Ms. Moe that she posted the video onto Instagram, with Rumari’s parents’ permission. That video has now gone viral.

“If I were unable to ever teach again or if there was ever a question to my path into this role as an educator, this moment solidified my purpose,” Ms. Moe wrote.

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Smoking Psychedelic Toad “Milk” May Help Alleviate Your Depression

Wait, though – don’t get your toad-catching gear on just yet, because there’s more you ought to know before milking a toad and toking up.

That’s a sentence I never expected to type, but here we are.

The psychoactive secretion 5-MeO-DMT oozes from the glands of the Bufo alvarius – the Colorado river toad. The psychedelic tryptamine is related to the more famous compound DMT, which is found in a mind-altering brew called ayahuasca.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

When dried and smoked, the ooze generates an experience during which (supposedly) the ego is completely obliterated and mystical insights can be accessed – it’s been used at alternative healing retreats and by underground therapists to treat a range of emotional and psychological disorders, including depression.

Mainstream science wanted to know whether there was anything to the claims, so they gathered 42 study participants and gave them toad milk to smoke.

The results, published in Psychopharmacology, claim the participants average depression ratings were down 18% after one day, and that anxiety and stress were also reduced – by 39% and 27% respectively.

The follow-up analysis took place 4 weeks later, and found that depression ratings had dropped to 68%, anxiety to 56%, and stress to 48%.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Scientists think that the effects could be caused by an increase in neurogenesis, since 5-MeO-DMT had previously been found to stimulate neuronal growth and development. Alternatively, it could help alleviate symptoms by binding to the brain’s sigma-1 receptors, which can reduce inflammation.

A Johns Hopkins study props up this one, as well – they found that 80% of people who use 5-MeO-DMT report a reduction in both depression and anxiety.

There’s a lot to consider moving forward – the exploitation of the toad population, for one – but the fact that the 5-MeO-DMT is easily copied in a lab should go a long way toward curbing any black market trading.

It sounds like this could be a healthy, effective alternative to using pharmaceuticals to treat mental health issues, so hopefully the research continues!

Plus…toad milk.

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School Replaces Detention with Meditation, and the Results Speak For Themselves

If you ever spent any time in detention as a kid, you probably thought, “what is the point of this?” I think it’s pretty universal that detention consisted of staring at a wall and not doing anything, except maybe homework. Not the best.

The people in charge at Robert W. Coleman Elementary School in Baltimore, Maryland, had a different idea. Instead of putting kids who misbehave to detention, they’re sent to what is called the Mindful Moment Room.

"The truth is best as it is. No one can alter it; neither can anyone improve it. Have faith in the truth and live it -Buddha

Posted by Holistic Life Foundation, Inc. on Monday, February 4, 2019

The room is filled with plush pillows, lamps, and decorations. Kids are asked to calmly talk through what caused them to be sent there and then are encouraged to meditate and do breathing exercises to calm down.

The school partnered with a local nonprofit called the Holistic Life Foundation to create the Mindful Moment Room. For more than a decade, the Holistic Life Foundation has offered an after-school program where kids can practice mindfulness exercises and yoga.

"The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction." -Rachel Carson

Posted by Holistic Life Foundation, Inc. on Monday, February 11, 2019

The programs run by the Holistic Life Foundation also include mentoring, tutoring, and learning about the environment by visiting farms, cleaning up local parks, and building gardens.

Do you know we have a community garden at Robert W. Coleman Elementary School? This initiative teaches students more…

Posted by Holistic Life Foundation, Inc. on Monday, March 25, 2019

The kids have responded well to the program – in fact, suspensions at the elementary school plummeted. When nearby high school implemented the same programs, they also saw suspension rates drop and attendance increase.

Take a look at this video about the program at Robert W. Coleman Elementary.

This is a great idea. Honestly, I wish the schools I went to as a kid did this…

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