Tumblr Users Talk About What It’s Like to Be a Writer

Oh, the writing life.

So, I’m a writer.

I mean, I’m writing right now. Want proof? Look at this assemblage of words. If I wasn’t a real writer, would I know how to use a word like “assemblage” in a sentence?


Well, that’s probably enough writing for today. I did good. I should reward myself with several snacks and a season or two of TV.

While I’m doing that, you should enjoy these Tumblr posts about what being a writer is like.

And then help me because oh God the deadlines are closing in.

15. Always give your characters credit


14. “I don’t like writing, I like HAVING WRITTEN.”


13. It’s already a tight 2,000 pages


12. When being your own boss actually sucks


11. If you’re not sweating, you’re not writing


10. True story: one time I was commissioned to write a play about animal sex… Google was concerned…


9. There are so many ways for writers to look like psychopaths


8. Your name and date count


7. Why didn’t I burn that when I had the chance…


6. Try repeating it until it loses all meaning


5. Can’t I outsource this?


4. Sometimes writing blocks you, sometimes you block writing


3. Ok now that I say this out loud…


2. This is the best idea I’ve had in MINUTES!


1. Remember: nothing’s ever done, it’s just due


What are your tricks for combating writer’s block?

Seriously tell me in the comments, I need to know IMMEDIATELY.

Or don’t. I’m sure I’ll figure it out on my own eventually.

… help…

The post Tumblr Users Talk About What It’s Like to Be a Writer appeared first on UberFacts.

Hilarious Tweets About Work You Can Read Instead of Actually Working


You go to school to get a job. You apply to get a job. You interview to get a job. You hope and pray and do a summoning dance to get that damn job. Then you get it, and you actually have to work.

They say “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. Do something you’re just kinda fine with and you’ll make funny tweets about it.”

Let’s look at some too-true tweets from the modern workforce. What else are we gonna do, work?

15. It’s called a day off, dammit!

14. Setting the right tone is important…

13. Aspirations change fast

12. Like I said…

11. I’d rather emails didn’t find me at all

10. I hope I’m contagious

9. Like a reverse Rebecca Black

8. It’s their fault I was up till 4 playing Zelda, right?!?

7. This cuddle could have been an email

6. These things take subtlety

5. Lord of the Fries

4. How dare you

3. This is how days get longer

2. Waking up is hard to do

1. As someone literally working from home right now, this!

What’s your favorite job you’ve ever had? What’s your least favorite?

Commiserate with us in the comments.

The post Hilarious Tweets About Work You Can Read Instead of Actually Working appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Dumb Things They Believed as Kids

The thoughts of children can be beautiful, pure, open, strangely insightful …and incredibly stupid.

An AskReddit thread on dumb stuff people thought as kids turned into a goldmine of twisted reasoning and childhood confusion. Here’s some highlights.

16. In some cases, this might be true

I used to think that once you finished a grade in primary school you became smarter than the teacher of that grade.

15. From Jim to Jimmothy

That I would have to change my name when I grew up.

I don’t know why, but I thought my name was suitable for a child but definitely not for an adult, and I couldn’t imagine (being) an adult with my name.

I even talked to my mother about it, saying that at some point we’d eventually have to go to court to have it changed to something more “adult-sounding”.

14. Wait, is that not the case?

That if you drink while peeing you’ll keep peeing until you stop drinking.

13. Still less disturbing than the Cats movie

When I was really young, I was convinced I was pregnant (I’m a man btw), with a baby cat named Bridget.

I went on believing it for about 5 months (that’s how long little me thought cat pregnancy lasted), and then when the baby never came, I went to my mom and asked when Bridget would be born, she finally told me that boys can’t get pregnant and humans can’t give birth to cats.

I was traumatized.

12. The richest kid in the world

That all companies with a ‘TM’ (Trademark) were owned by my family, only because those are my initials.

11. It’s not in Kansas anymore…

I was very very young and I blame wizard of oz but I believed that a tornado was just one big phenomenon that continuously happened and spun from state to state country to country.

I also live in the south so we have frequent tornado warnings so I vaguely remember a time we had two or three warnings in one week and I was scared the “single tornado” would come to our town and never go away.

10. I’m sorry, what?

I was under the impression that there were tiny rats that lived inside of my stomach and when they ran in their wheels for exercise it would make me need to pee.

9. Like a Flintstones TV

That there’s a tiny human inside the TV who executed what the remote was telling him to do.

For example, when you press the button to increase the volume, he is being hit in a specific way that let’s him know that he has to go and manually increase the volume.

8. Like a Russian nesting doll

I thought that there would be a baby inside every girl’s stomach as soon as she is born and inside that baby’s stomach too there would be a tiny baby(the cycle goes on and on)and that the baby keeps growing as we grow and after getting married the doctors will cut the stomach and take the baby out to make space for another baby.

7. I’ve gotta admit to this one too. *facepalm*

That the Underground Railroad was a literal secret underground subway style steam engine that Harriet Tubman was the conductor of.

6. Its’a me…your worst nightmare

I thought if you left a video game on then a character would come out of the tv and kill you.|

I was a bit paranoid as a small kid.

5. Parents can’t have parents

Grandparents were assigned to families.

Like, I didn’t know my Grandma was my Dad’s mom.

4. A lot of adults still think this…

Own two credit cards and use them to pay for each other for infinite money

3. One ring to bind them

My Dad lost his wedding ring in the Bay during a fishing trip.

I was absolutely inconsolable.

It took my parents quite a while to get me to calm down enough to be able to explain why I was so upset about it.

I thought it meant they were no longer married anymore. Lol.

2. So, you’re an American, then

That beyond my country was nothing.

1. This one’s longer, but worth it

We lived in the country and I was raised on Disney movies. We lived on our imaginations.

The movie ‘The Borrowers’ had just come out and we rented it on VHS. My sister and I must have watched it 20 times. We played games imagining people running around and all these fantastical things. It was great. It passed a lot of time for us.

Enter bed time. I crawl into my little bed, swirls of games in my head, and I notice a strange light in my closet that is directly across from the foot of my bed.

I gingerly crawl out and open my closet to see a small slit in the dry wall.

I press my eye up to it and see A SUN…AND TREES!


I run and get my sister. I show her. We freak out and run downstairs where my father is gently reading his newspaper after a long day of work. My mother is sitting there talking to him when we bust around the corner screaming about a hidden world in the closet.

My father glares at my mother. My mother tells us she will look into it and brings us back to bed and reads us another story to calm us down.

The next night there was no light. The trees were gone. I destroyed the world. I truly thought I had erased this little existence. I was a murderer…


I had seen a slip of my mother’s marijuana closet farm.

My dad made her move it.

Good thing we’re all so much smarter now, huh?

What about you? Did you have any hilariously dumb thoughts as a kid?

Let us know in the comments.

The post People Talk About the Dumb Things They Believed as Kids appeared first on UberFacts.

Brides Are Swapping Heels for Sneakers and We’re Here for It

A lot of people find weddings a little intimidating. There’s the big life change it represents, of course, but on top of that there’s a lot of cultural pressure to make it an impossibly grand, very expensive, perfectly glamorous event. But as Diply recently profiled, one current wedding trend is a little more relaxed.

Instagram is filling up with shots of brides exchanging uncomfortable fancy wedding shoes for good ol’ sneakers.

Check out those laces!

The idea is popular enough that Converse has a whole wedding line??

You can go with the highly-customized angle!

Or the color-coordinated…

Or just stick with the comfy classics – it’s your day, after all!

The benefits for an outdoor wedding are obvi!

It’s not just in America either – check out this example from a bride in India!

What do you think? Would you consider sneakers for your big day?

Let us know in the comments if you’d hop on this trend.

The post Brides Are Swapping Heels for Sneakers and We’re Here for It appeared first on UberFacts.

A Megachurch Pastor Got Slammed for a Tweet about Truth and Gossip

Mega-church pastor John Hagee (who is also a millionaire) has come to be one of those figures that typifies why so many are frustrated with American Evangelicalism today.

From his support of Donald Trump to his downright bizarre brand of bigoted sermonizing, Mr. Hagee has a slippery relationship with ethics.

Which makes one particular tweet from him a pretty strange case study in Biblical interpretation.

It’s not clear why he chose to make this statement (possibly commenting on the Trump impeachment trial?), but whatever the reason, there’s a lot to unpack. Few would argue that gossip is a good thing, but what about the rest of the tweet?

First of all, that’s not what the verse says. The passage Hagee cites here is part of the Ten Commandments, and it reads:

“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.”
– Exodus 20:16, New International Version

You can check other translations if you want. None of them say anything about being an eyewitness. Just that you shouldn’t bear false testimony. In other words, don’t lie about stuff.

John Hagee says if you didn’t see it yourself, anything you say about it is a lie. Which of course isn’t how anything works, but is especially problematic for his line of work.

As lots of people were quick to point out, this sentiment basically contradicts the entirety of Christianity.

“Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’”
– John 20:29, NIV

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
– Hebrews 11:1, NIV

And of course, even Biblical authors themselves were not eyewitnesses to the events they wrote about.

Most Biblical scholars – believers and non-believers alike – agree that the four Gospels (the section of the Bible that covers the life of Jesus) were written between 66 and 110 years after the fact. We don’t even know who wrote them, but whoever they were, they certainly didn’t experience any of it in person.

Honestly, screwing up on this many levels in one tweet is almost impressive.

What do you think of all this?

Let us know in the comments. But behave yourselves in there.

The post A Megachurch Pastor Got Slammed for a Tweet about Truth and Gossip appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes That Accurately Explain Marriage

I’m not married and have never been married. Good thing there are memes to teach me what it’s like.

Memes are truly the perfect expression of all of life’s most important experiences, including humanity’s oldest institution. Here’s what the internet has taught me about being married.

1. You gotta be the whole package

Source: Someecards

2. Keep ’em wanting more

Source: Someecards

3. ALWAYS be true

Source: Someecards

4. Keep things interesting

5. Look out for each other

Source: Someecards

6. It’s till death don’t you part

Source: Someecards

7. Be thorough

8. Don’t bother finishing each others’ sentences

Source: Someecards

9. Be courteous

10. Keep each other in your thoughts

Source: Someecards

11. Be ready to compromise

Source: Someecards

12. Be open

Source: Someecards

13. Stay close

Source: Someecards

14. Spice things up

Source: Someecards

15. Build each other up

Ok. I’m an expert now. All I’m missing is a spouse. Is that a big part of the whole thing?

What has marriage taught you?

Let us know in the comments.

The post Memes That Accurately Explain Marriage appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share What Sex During Pregnancy is Really Like

Sex is exciting, it feels amazing, it brings us together, and the average person thinks about it roughly once every…well always.

But did you know…that SEX sometimes makes BABIES?

I know, I was surprised too, but apparently sex often results in pregnancy. Odder still, pregnancy often results in sex.

Recently on Whisper, real people shared their experiences with sex during pregnancy, and the results are pretty interesting.

1. I mean, if it’s on the internet…

Source: Whisper

2. Sometimes even sex isn’t worth the hassle

Source: Whisper

3. And sometimes, it’s just gotta be avoided

Source: Whisper

4. But some people love it

Source: Whisper

5. Others are intimidated by it

Source: Whisper

6. Oh, well, yeah, I guess there’s that

Source: Whisper

7. “This sex is better than sex”

Source: Whisper

8. Always good to leave the medical advice to actual doctors

Source: Whisper

9. Apparently it has a lasting effect?

Source: Whisper

10. Too bad it doesn’t always work out

Source: Whisper

11. Don’t expect pregnancy to kill your drive

Source: Whisper

12. But there might be…logistical issues

Source: Whisper

13. It may just not be your thing

Source: Whisper

14. Or it may be VERY your thing

Source: Whisper

15. Let’s hope the kid doesn’t have their dad’s gullibility

Source: Whisper

What have your experiences been? And what do you think of all this?

Let us know in the comments.

The post People Share What Sex During Pregnancy is Really Like appeared first on UberFacts.

Men Talk About the Last Time They Cried and What Caused the Tears to Fall

Men aren’t supposed to show a whole lot of emotion and they’re definitely not supposed to cry in our society…at least not in public.

But, guess what? Men cry, too. Even if we try to keep it hidden from everyone, it happens.

The males of AskReddit opened up about the last time they let the waterworks flow.

1. Always very hard.

“I had to put my cat down yesterday, that sucked.”

2. A sad story.

“My marriage was on the verge of collapse when my ex-wife got a job offer in another state. She had been unemployed for some time so she had to take the job. We decided I should stay behind since I had a steady job and divorce was inevitable. My wife moved out and the kids stayed with me until she got a home in her new city.

Taking my kids to the airport and putting them on a plane to move away from me was soul crushing. I held it together until they boarded. Once they got on the plane I lost my shit.

My kids only lasted a few months with mom before packing up and moving back to live with me.”

3. “Might go cry again.”

“Sunday. Wife has sudden onset of insomnia and anxiety since christmas which has started to trigger panic attacks. She had one while i was at work and called me. When I was free to call back my son answered the phone. I was sobbing listening to my 6 year old talk her through the breathing exercises we had practised. That kid gets ice cream for life, no questions asked. And I might go cry again.”

4. That’s harsh.

“My ex fiance left me after I spent 9 days in the hospital battling duel pnuemonia and almost dying.”

5. Totally lost it.

“I was tucking in my 7 year old daughter a couple of months ago, and she told me that she was worried about me dying before her (i’m only 42 and healthy). So I had a conversation about how old I am likely to live and that she will be an adult when I die. Then she said “but when you do die will you help me, because I need you so much.” and I lost it.”

6. Sorry for your loss.

“Months ago when my best friend was found dead in his car after a week long search for him. Turned out he killed himself.”

7. Childhood dog.

“I’ve teared up a few times, but last time I legitimately cried was in 2010 when we put my childhood dog down. I was a senior in high school, we had him since I was in 1st grade (1998). He was my first and only childhood dog, a Siberian husky and I feel like we grew up in that house together. He had some cancerous tumor in his stomach that was spreading rather quick, and the attempt at removing didn’t go so well as they couldn’t get it all.

We decided as a family to let him go peacefully so he didn’t have to suffer as they promised us it would continue to grow and possibly cause him severe pain in the near future. I’ll never forget holding him in my arms in that room as the vet asked me if I was ready for the moment. When she injected him I felt his entire body sink into my arms, he was lifeless in an instant. I was so happy he went peacefully without pain, my best friend growing up.

I’ve never expressed my emotions from that moment to anyone besides my parents and my current girlfriend. Whenever I think back to that moment I get teary eyed but I’m happy I was there for him in his final moments, I wouldn’t change a thing if I could go back in time. Please try and be there for your pet if you ever have to make such a decision.”

8. A happy story.

“A few weeks ago, when one of my best friends told me he’s going to be a dad.

I can go for months and months without shedding a single tear, but these news got me really emotional, in the best sense of the word.

This has been an eye-opening experience for me, as I had no idea I was capable of feeling such things.”

9. Didn’t have to yell.

“Month ago.

Was yelling at my kids because they were misbehaving and I put them to bed early.

Broke down afterwards and cried on the stairs. Knew I didn’t have to yell as much and said some unnecessary things.

Wife talked with me on the stairs and it turned into a turning point in my life and I’m doing much better with the discipline.”

10. Awful.

“While I held my 4 year old daughter in my arms and realized there was nothing that I could do to save her from dying from mitochondrial disease. I don’t think I had ever cried so hard before or since. 7 years later it still haunts me – but time does make it less painful.”

11. Lost it.

“When my gf broke up with me through a phone call after 6 years. Just couldn‘t hold it together.”

12. New member of the family.

“My daughter was born the start of last year. Think I must have cried for a solid hour.”

13. Fingers crossed.

“Last week at our first ultrasound. Wife and I have had two miscarriages and we had an appointment and saw the heartbeat. This little peanut has stuck around the longest so far. Fingers crossed.”

14. An emotional guy.

“I’m more emotional than your standard guy. I’ll tear up fairly frequently, even at movies and the like. Usually with things involving loss of parents.

Last time I would say I actually cried-cried was when I decided it was time to go to a therapist and in the initial meeting was just offloading all the reasons I decided to come and why I thought I might have a touch of depression. (I’m doing much better now)

Last time I straight out ugly-cried/sobbed was when they put my mother’s casket into the vault at the mausoleum, almost 5 years ago now, while hugging the hell out of my brother.”

15. Keep moving forward.

“Last year on my birthday, because I made it this far and some of my friends did not.”

Some interesting answers in that AskReddit article, that’s for sure.

Alright fellas, time to spill the beans. When’s the last time you cried and why?

Share with us in the comments!

The post Men Talk About the Last Time They Cried and What Caused the Tears to Fall appeared first on UberFacts.

Here’s an Eye-Opening Discussion of What Constitutes a Livable Wage

There’s a lot of conversation in America today about what people are owed for honest work, and how what they’re actually being paid helps them live – or not – in the real world. Some people claim that the current minimum wage is fine, that people could surely live on it if they just tried hard enough, and if they can’t, well, they can always get a second job.

Others disagree, believing that people who work 40 hours a week should be able to afford to live without the fear of having to choose between a roof over their head, medical care, and food in their (or their kids’) stomach.

Crazy, right?

One Tumblr user made the statement that there was no state where a minimum-wage worker could afford the rent on a one-bedroom apartment.

Image Credit: Tumblr

As expected, someone was there to point out that apartments in most states can be found for around $500 a month.

Surely affordable, right?

But then they went on to make a quip about Bernie Sanders supporters and people not fact-checking their claims.

Image Credit: Tumblr

If you think the conversation ended there, well, you would have missed the best part.

This person came back with a breakdown of what it actually takes to live on minimum wage – not just pay rent – and there’s really no arguing with their logic.

And it continues…

Image Credit: Tumblr

No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, you have to admit this last person made a point – and if you believe that someone working hard and showing up day after day, week after week, should be able to afford every last necessity (and maybe even afford to save some for a rainy day), you should realize that voting for a raise in the minimum wage is the right thing to do.

I mean, I’m calling my reps right now!

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Check out Some Wholesome Stories You Can Feel Good About for a Change

It’s pretty easy to get depressed over the endless stream of bad news right now. That’s why the folks at Wokesloth compiled a pretty perfect collection of counter-examples.

It’s tough to look on the bright side, what with all the…everything. But we shouldn’t forget that there’s plenty of good out there too, both on the large scale and the small.

1. Helping him live on

2. This kid is more popular in kindergarten than I’ve ever been

3. Those sweet, sweet upgrades

4. Reconnecting with someone you’ve never actually met

5. When jokes lead to more saved lives

6. Getting looked out for by a stranger

Source: Wokesloth

7. Whether this is true or not, it’s amazing

Source: Wokesloth

8. Notes from kids are the best

Source: Wokesloth

9. When you hustle to help and hustle is life

Source: Wokesloth

10. When you remind someone they do have family

Source: Wokesloth

11. When you suddenly don’t feel so underappreciated

12. It’s the little things that sometimes mean the most

13. Sometimes all you need is a little color

14. Cheers!

What’s something you’ve encountered recently that gave you a case of the wholesome feel-goods?

Let us know in the comments. Seriously, we need this right now.

The post Check out Some Wholesome Stories You Can Feel Good About for a Change appeared first on UberFacts.