People Discuss the Weirdest Questions They Were Ever Asked During Job Interviews

Job interviews are uncomfortable no matter which way you look at them, but when you get inappropriate and weird questions thrown your way, things get even more uncomfortable.

But, that’s unfortunately what happens sometimes when you go in hoping to land a job.

It’s time to get weird and inappropriate…

Here are some quality responses from AskReddit users.

1. Testing you…

“I was asked over the span of about five questions if I would let employees steal.

“What would you do if you saw a customer walk out the door with product?” “I would tell the manager and not confront them” (the correct answer for almost all retail companies, but not this one apparently)

“What if it was your store? ‘Gmony Retailers’ and you are the manager?” “I would try to stop them or call the cops”

“What if it was an employee trying to steal something really cheap like a $1 water bottle?” “I wouldn’t let them steal so I’d tell a manager”

“What if they have been having family troubles and their checks haven’t come in so they have no money but need that water” “I would offer to pay for them so they don’t feel like they have to steal”

“What if you left your wallet at home that day?”

What am I even supposed to say to that???”

2. Just looking for a job, buddy.

“This was quite a while ago, and I was interviewing for a janitorial position at a private middle school.

The interview was going well. The interviewer was asking me why I wanted to work there, what my previous job experience was, etc. The bog standard interview questions.

Out of absolutely nowhere, he asks ” You’re not attracted to underage girls, are you?”. I was taken aback for a moment, and just sort of stared at him waiting for clarification.

I think it only occurred to him after having said it how weird the question was, and he quickly started to give some context. Turns out the previous janitor had attempted some sexual advances on some underage students.

I was just there to sweep the floors for some cash. Not commit a felony.”

3. That’s outrageous.

“What are the chances of you leaving your spouse if we relocate you? You mean… for a period of time until we figure out our living situation? No, I mean would you divorce him if you had to move to, say Europe, for the job?


Also, this was a local advertising agency. They didn’t even have that many national clients.

But also, the interviewer then continuously called and messaged me for days after I declined their offer. So I don’t know.”

4. Waterloo!

“I had a guy end my interview by asking me what my favorite ABBA song was. I was so caught off guard and honestly kind of creeped out, because I couldn’t figure out how he knew that I loved ABBA.

I found out later that when he spoke to my references, he asked them to tell him something about me that wasn’t on my resume, and my old boss told him that I was a huge ABBA fan.”

5. Sweating bullets.

“First question of an interview: “Wait, aren’t you the guy who owes me that thousand dollars?”

Realized after three of the longest seconds in my life that he was joking, but boy that caught me off guard.”

6. What a dick.

“I had an adversarial interview once.

Passed the skills interview and was sent on to the guy who would be my manager if I got the job. He made a big show of throwing my resume in the trash and told me the next best use would be to “wipe his ass with it” since he went to Yale and I didn’t, and why did I think I deserved the job?

I didn’t say anything, just got up and walked out. (This was at AIG, remember them? Lol).”

7. Don’t worry about it.

“”What does your father do for work?”

I was like 24 years old…pretty sure he was seeing how little he could pay me.

8. Excuse me?

“Would I be ok with going shirtless?

Small private casino company that mostly did charity fake money events with prizes like champagne and chocolates. Corporate gigs etc.

I was hired as a blackjack croupier and thats the job I went for, advertised as above. Corporate events and charity events, dealing blackjack. Must be good with people (if you knew me that would make your gut bust).

The woman interviewing me, gave me the job, then asked would I be willing to wear just collars and cuffs like a male stripper.

Turns out they also did stag and hen nights and would ask new employees if they’d like to be considered for those shifts. But it requires the women to wear bikinis and men to wear only collars and cuffs, no shirt but wearing dress pants. They paid twice the rate for it.

Was not expecting that question I can be honest.”

9. Well, that’s a funny story…

“I was asked if I’d ever had sex with animals. That question certainly caught me off guard.

This was for a job as a Sheriffs deputy.”

10. Really getting the third degree.

“I was a private nanny.

I have been asked many questions that wouldn’t be considered appropriate in any other job interview. I’ve been asked: How often I shower. Whether I have ever been to a therapist/psychiatrist. If I am promiscuous. If I have ever had an affair with an employer. How much I typically eat in a day.

Do I have a partner. What religion I am. Whether I was gay or straight. If I had ever been bribed or had anyone ever attempt to bribe me. Whether I had ever taken nude pictures. Etc.

Not all in the same interview.”

11. Ummmmm….

” Can you make your breasts smaller? They might be a distraction for some of our patients here.” This was at a hospital. And I wasn’t wearing anything provocative, I just have big boobs.

I didn’t get the job, they told me it was because I was too inexperienced.”

12. You FAILED.

“Lovers (an adult toy/accessories shop) handed me an elephant-sized, wiggly dildo and asked me to describe it.

You giggle you lose.

I lost.”

13. What’s more important to you?

“They asked me if I could stop my dialysis treatments so I can be more available.

Yeah Karen, let me just die for less that 15 an hour.”

14. A bear?

“Had an interviewer who unexpectedly asked me, what my spirit animal was at the end of the interview.

I didn’t know what to say but the first thing that popped out of my head was a bear because the thought of hibernating and being lazy on cold seasons sounds like something I’d do… it’s the most stupidest reply I could give.

He ended up being one of the best, if not the nicest and funniest boss I ever had.”

15. That’s classy.

“Listen I have nothing against hiring a chick for the job, but I can’t afford to have you go off on maternity leave, so are you planning on getting knocked up in the near future?”

16. Not getting hired for this one.

“I was once asked about my religious upbringing in a job. I’m a teacher. The new principal was apparently a heavy born-again Christian-type.

My friends who had recommended me for the position had not had similar questions with the previous principal and were completely shocked I was asked this question.”

I am not religious and did not get the job.”

Ugh…weird stuff…

Has anything like this ever happened to you during a job interview?

If so, please share your story with us in the comments.

Give us all the dirt!

The post People Discuss the Weirdest Questions They Were Ever Asked During Job Interviews appeared first on UberFacts.

Things About the U.S. That Would Sound Crazy If You Explained Them to a Non-American

America is very…complicated.

It’s also the only home that I’ve ever known, so I don’t really know any different.

Sure, I’ve traveled outside the country, but you never really know what a place is like until you actually live there for a while.

My brother-in-law is from rural Australia and he said that before he moved to the U.S. he assumed that every single one of us carried guns at all times because he watched a lot of episodes of Cops.

Of course, that isn’t true, but there are a lot of things about this place that are uniquely American.

AskReddit users opened up about the things about America that would sound crazy if you tried to explain them to someone from another country.

1. Sugar and painkillers.

“I studied in Chicago for a month at 17, and I was so confused as to why all your bread was sweet. I get migraines if I eat too much sugar and I basically lived off of chips, mac and cheese, and the salad bar in our accommodation.

On the Fourth of July I just ate a bowl of carrots dipped in ranch dressing as I didn’t eat meat at the time. It still had enough sugar to knock me out.

Also your painkiller bottles are HUGE! I had to buy ibuprofen and the smallest bottle was like 100 pills, I haven’t finished it yet and that trip was two years ago!”

2. Howdy, stranger.

“Complimenting strangers. But I like it though.

Some of you have said that you received compliments in Europe too. I said this because it was a first big difference I’ve noticed visiting America.

People there are usually very communicative and easy to talk to. I live in Slovakia and everyone just minds their own business here.”

3. Tell me about the jerky.

“I was on a night train in Italy from Rome to Venice.

I explained beef jerky and he asked me why we would do that to steak, and I was like blame the cowboys.”

4. Mind the gap.

“I don’t care if someone said it already, I’ll repeat it anyway because it’s so important:

That gap next to the doors in toilet stalls!!! I don’t want eye contact with strangers when doing my thing!”

5. Time to mow the lawn.

“Mowing the lawn.

So, I told my friend in China I had to mow my lawn….she had no idea what it meant. I went on to say …”you know …a lawnmower…it cuts the grass ..” …she looked at me like I was crazy. She didn’t fully understand until I linked her some videos of folks getting their lawn. Perhaps not the MOST American thing but not many ppl there have gardens or yards to maintain so she had never seen or used a lawnmower in her life.

I was thinking damn I had to mow the lawn as part of my chores just about every week growing up.”

6. We think it’s insane, too.

“Health insurance.

Premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, copays, out of pocket maximums, in-network, etc.

It’s an insane amount of knowledge that you need to have to make a good decision about your health coverage. And no one teaches you any of this sh*t. You have to go and learn it yourself on the Internet.”

7. Totally ridiculous.

“I honestly couldn’t believe people had to worry about calling an ambulance because of the fees.

Like… wtf? Imagine being seriously hurt or sick and hesitating to call an ambulance and having to think about how much it will cost.

Can’t imagine it.”

8. From Sweden…

“From the perspective of a Swede”

Not including tax in price tag

Shoes on inside

Healthcare prices

Gun laws”

9. Doesn’t seem right.

“The fact that there’s no government-mandated maternity/paternity leave?

In Canada, we get 12-18 months so it sounds crazy to me when I hear stories of people giving birth and going back to work in 2 weeks.”

10. Tipping is hard for foreigners.

“I always wondered why in the US it’s obligatory to tip people like you already got your meal in the restaurant for example and you get the check you just leave the amount in the check and leave the place what can they do to stop you from doing that you already got what you requested right? Is it a moral thing ?

Or you will be blacklisted or something like that?”

11. So did I…

“As a French person, I’d say the president swearing on the bible, i thought you guys were a secular country ?”

12. It’s a twister!

“Tornado chasing.

The high majority of the world’s tornados happen in the US. Where I live they only happen about once a lifetime.”

13. A lot of time on the road.

“I had a friend from Europe who could not get over the fact that I regularly drive 30+ mins just to go to dinner.

I live in DFW. There are closer things but it isn’t unusual to pick a restaurant across town just to try it.

Really just the amount of driving in general was shocking to them.”

14. Sad, but true.

“That the plot of Breaking Bad was completely plausible.

A public school teacher could face bankruptcy because he got cancer.”

15. All Hallow’s Eve.

“Asked my foreign language classes / students this question once. They all agreed: Halloween

Halloween is a bit more international now but at the time they were like, “So you get dressed up… and go around at night knocking on strangers’ doors… and randomly ask them for shit? Y’all crazy.””

It’s always interesting to try to look at your country from an outsider’s perspective, that’s for sure.

What do you think about this question?

Please talk to us in the comments and let us know what you think.

Thanks! We look forward to hearing from you!

The post Things About the U.S. That Would Sound Crazy If You Explained Them to a Non-American appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share the Scientific Experiments They’d Conduct If Money and Ethics Weren’t an Issue

This sure is a weird question.

But, sometimes, that’s what Reddit is all about, right?

How would you answer this thought-provoking question:

“What scientific experiment would you run if money and ethics weren’t an issue?”

Let’s take a look at what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. That would be fascinating.

“I’d raise a group of children from birth to adulthood (kind of a Truman show thing) without any contact with music and see how it affects their lives and personalities.

I’d make sure everything else would be normal but music would be edited out of their lives.”

2. Some moon stuff.

“I’d study the long term effects of low-g on humans, by sending a habitat to the Moon, and then sending supplies and volunteers.

And I’d send a lunar bulldozer to cover the habitat with regolith because I’m not particularly interested in contaminating my results with radiation exposure.”

3. Are you out there, Tarzan?

“Have a baby human raised by apes, basically to see if Tarzan scenario would occur and the human is able to communicate fully with the apes.”

4. Get to the bottom of it.

“Force compliance on specific diets with a diverse sample of people and a well regulated control group. Follow for 10+ years.

Is veganism really healthy? How about paleo? Should we never be eating gluten or dairy?”

5. See what grows from it.

“The Gilligan’s Island experiment. Shipwreck 100 people with vastly different backgrounds, wealth disparity, and personalities on a remote island.

See what kind of civilization grows from it.

Then do it 50 more times to check results against each other.”

6. All kinds of ideas.

“Oh man I love this question.

There are a ton of geoengineering experiments that I’d love to run if they weren’t both (1) illegal, (2) insanely expensive, (3) non-zero possibility of death and destruction.

Iron fertilization. Basically dumping tons of iron dust into the ocean to cause an algae bloom, which should sequester a bunch of carbon and help mitigate global warming.

Cloud seeding, space mirrors, dropping a nuke into a volcano. You know. Normal stuff.”

7. No external influence.

“I’d want to see what a society of children would do on their own if they were alone from birth. Of course, adjustments would have to be made for when they were infants, but beyond that.

How would they develop language? Ethics? Mythology? Culture? And as they got older, how would they handle coming of age without adult role models?

Though unethical, I think an experiment like that would answer a lot of questions about sociology, psychology, anthropology, and philosophy. It would be like watching the beginning of human society from scratch, with no external influence.”

8. Train the monkeys.

“See if a monkey tribe could become dominant over the rest by training them to make and use weapons and other primitive technology. A

lso interested in seeing if they would take their newfound knowledge and begin to expand an empire.”

9. Pretty creepy.

“Near death experiences, and what people see.

So basically I’d want to kill a bunch of people then bring them back to life. I’m sure a lot of them wouldn’t make it back.”

10. I want answers!

“How long a decapitated head stays conscious. All we have are anecdotes that might have been exaggerated.

I’ve always wanted a definitive answer, but you know, ethics.”

11. Might make a good movie.

“I will make 5 subjects of sane and healthy mind placed in a facility with 5 psychopaths, insane murderers. They will have group activities in a pair of two from each group and the activities will be of two types, moral and immoral.

Then I will conduct results about how much these activities affect the subjects in both groups.”

12. Do what you want.

“Raise a child without ever punishing or rewarding them, just let them do whatever they want.

And then see what happens to their behavior when they age.”

13. Nature or nurture?

“I’d like to clone several sets of baby Hitlers and see how they grow up in different environments. Some can include:

A loving family, the kind that you barf at because they’re so perfect.

A Jewish family

An artistic family that encourages his talent

An abusive family similar to the one he grew up with

A family of scientists

And finally, the most unethical environment, a family of politicians!”

14. That would be nice for a lot of people.

“Redesigning the human sinus.

I wish to find a way to modify the body to fix that mess of an airway.”

Well, now we know what’s on the minds of a lot of people out there…

What do you think?

How would you answer this question?

Let us know in the comments!

The post People Share the Scientific Experiments They’d Conduct If Money and Ethics Weren’t an Issue appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What They Think Is Expensive, but Is Only Owned by Poor People

Why do people who don’t have muchf money buy expensive things?

For status? To show off? To make themselves feel better?

Who really knows…I think every person is different and probably does it for different reasons.

People on AskReddit were asked the following question:

“What is something that is expensive, but only owned by poor people?”

Here are some interesting responses…

1. Cars are pricey.

“I remember I had an old Chevy truck that cost so much to maintain and keep fuel in that I couldn’t afford to save for another car.

I literally kept me broke until I eventually joined the military and could afford a different vehicle.”

2. Doesn’t always work that way.

“Rent-to-own. Spoiler: you never quite own it.

Places like Aaron’s just make me mad. It seems like you’re getting a good deal, but you aren’t. You’re paying like twice as much for an item.”

3. It’s better to buy in bulk.

“Single items of things that should be bought in bulk. Like single rolls of toilet paper.

Barely scraping by paycheck to paycheck means buying bulk is sometimes impossible.”

4. It adds up.


The poor don’t own the machines. But they pay a lot more overall to do laundry at laundromats.”

5. Food deserts.

“In food deserts, things like meat and fresh vegetables are sometimes actually more expensive than the boxed stuff.

That’s when you look at total yield of food stuff that will fill your stomach over time.”

6. This is true.

“A lot of kids.

The poor are often very fruitful.

I have 6 siblings. I am the only one to have gone to college and graduate. I can’t remember a time when any of my family hasn’t lived off food stamps :/ “

7. Fancy cars.

“The amount of privates in the army who have just enough money to pay for their 30% interest 2018 ford mustangs, but not enough money to buy literally anything else is pretty ridiculous.”

8. In the long run…

“Just paying rent.

Where I live mortgage is waaaaaaaaaay cheaper then getting a house but they dont give me a mortgage because I dont earn enough… so I have to keep renting expensive places making it take even longer for me to save up.

And in my situation getting a better paying job is difficult… I swear this world is made for the rich and middle class. Poor people are straight up fucked in every way possible…”

9. Is it worth it?

“Lottery tickets.

Sure not individually but over time it must get expensive.”

10. You do see this a lot…


They’re not cheap, but somehow they’re inked from head to toe.”

11. A mystery to me.

“Designer handbags covered in the brand logo.

Louie Vuitton Louie Vuitton Louie Vuitton Louie Vuitton Louie Vuitton Louie Vuitton.”

12. Bling bling.

“Bling, for the most part.

Yeah celebrities sometimes like to show off a bunch of bling but the rich people I’ve known don’t aggressively flaunt their wealth.”

13. Showing off.

“Designer belts.

Dudes will pay $300 to hold up their pants but can’t afford linens for their mattress that’s on the floor without a box spring.”

14. A bad habit.


I know more poor people who smoke than other groups.”

15. The shoe game.


Not exclusively owned by poor people but everyone in my “2 family one bedroom apartment neighborhood” is obsessed with who owns the most expensive Jordans as if it’s a status symbol.”

16. Two things…

“Starbucks and nice shoes.

In the Philippines some folks might earn equivalent of $5 a day, but they’ll get their Starbucks and nice shoes to give the impression they aren’t as poor as they are. They will take great care of that Starbucks cup, so they can re-use it.”

17. Branded items.

“Really expensive branded items that look horrible and have high price tags just because of the label like yeezes and other crap like that like someone with money and common sense wouldn’t spend money on or wear.”

18. In my neck of the woods.

“I’ve noticed a lot of the poor around the US do a lot of expensive things. At least in my neck of the woods…they smoke, drive gas guzzlers, have many animals, drink excessive alcohol, many do drugs, go to “pain management clinics,” etc.

Obviously a lot of these people I know have lots of debt, rent a home or apartment, make ridiculous payments on the unecofriendly vehicles they drive, but have the latest cell phones, tennis shoes (or whatever you call them where you’re from,) designer bags (ok mostly knockoff….but you’re trying to look the part!), fake fingernails, dyed hair…..I could go on…but I won’t.”

19. That sucks.

“Paying for public transportation to get to work.

I live in Portland. It costs me $100 a month just to get to work.”

20. A great point.

“Poverty itself.

It can be mind-bogglingly expensive to be poor. Everything gets put off until it becomes catastrophic.”

What did you think of those answers?

Are they on-point, or do you think the folks offering up these opinions are wrong?

Tell us what you think in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

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These 10 Compelling Facts Will Make You Think

It can be very difficult to impress people these days.

And when I say that, I mean that it can be hard to impress them with anything.

But we think our fact sets knock the ball out of the park on a regular basis. Because we work hard to curate our facts day in and day out.

So, without further ado, dive into these facts, let them sink in, and enjoy!

1. The effects of corporal punishment?

I have a feeling many parents don’t do this anymore…

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2 Source 3

2. I really wish this wasn’t true.

There’s no such thing as “alternative facts”, people.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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3. Try to keep it separate.

If you can, that is…

Photo Credit: did you know?

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4. All hail the Ravenmaster!

A tradition that goes way, way back.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Take that, Boomers!

Hey, leave those young people alone!

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Flatter than a pancake.

The verdict is in.

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7. That makes sense to me.

God bless Texas!

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8. A terrifying real-life killer.

The inspiration for a lot of movies…

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9. Next on the list.

Scary to think about.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. A total accident.

But we’re all glad it happened!

Photo Credit: did you know?

Source 1 Source 2

There are some damn good facts in there, if I do say so myself.

Now we’d like to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, please share something interesting with us that you think we’d all enjoy: an interesting fact, a story, a unique photo, etc.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The post These 10 Compelling Facts Will Make You Think appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Crazy Things That Have Happened to Them in Their Lives

You never know what’s gonna happen in life.

It can be a crapshoot, so you have to be ready to roll with the punches at all times.

But we should all embrace it because life can be very exciting and unpredictable!

And oh, the stories that people can tell!

Let’s see what kind of tales AskReddit shared…

1. That’s pretty rare.

“I was the best man on both sides of a lesbian wedding because I had dated both the bride and the bride, stayed close friends and introduced them to each other after our breakups.”

2. Oh no!

“When I was 11 years old my chihuahua named Taco was stolen by an eagle while I was distracted watching two lizards hump.

In traumatic shock, I watched the dog fly off into the sunset in the grasp of the eagle’s talons “TACO NOOOOOOOO!””

3. Okay…

“I’ve published four peer-reviewed scientific papers on hamster testicles.

I’m currently working on a critical COVID-related project which doesn’t involve testicles and thus would be much less exciting for Redditing purposes :)”

4. Helping out Dad.

“My dad was on the drug task force and he did a stake out from our living room window for the house across the street from us. His coworkers and himself were in our living room with all the equipment needed and when they sent in the undercover person they caught on tape the person saying “we have to be careful fucking (dads name) across the street is a cop.”

Everyone burst out laughing and almost disrupted the investigation. I was about 8 at the time and thought I was a total badass because I got to ‘help’ my dad in an investigation.”

5. Bad luck.

“I have been involved in 2 bike crashes, 2 bus crashes, 1 drive by bus shooting, and 1 major car crash by the age of 17.

None of them I am responsible for and didn’t have to pay a dime for damages.”

6. Hard to kill.

“Both my son and myself have received Last Rites, yet are still alive. My dad stepped on a land mine AND was hit by a train and survived both.

We’re hard to kill.”

7. That’s quite a story.

“I once farted in a closed elevator with Arnold Schwarzenegger and his entire family back in the late 90s.

My dad was his body guard for a brief period and i got to meet him.”

8. Get that leg!

“I’m an amputee and wear a prosthetic leg. About 20 years ago when I was a teen I was skiing and in a particular set of circumstances which is too long of a story, my prosthetic leg became disconnected from my body and skied down the hill by itself.

My instructor chased it all the way down the mountain. 100% true story.”

9. A fine artist.

“I’ve drawn over 1,000 penises and was interviewed by Playboy for it. Recently I’ve drawn butts that are on display at a local gallery. Thinking about doing a fundraiser called “Kiss My Ass Corona” where I’ll draw your butt in exchange for donating to charity.

Still unsure, though.”

10. A real hero.

“I saved a lot of lives in Afghanistan. My squad leader wanted to recommend me for a bronze star. I begged him not to submit the paperwork unless he also recommended my squad mate, who put in just as much effort as I did.

If anyone saw my medals now, they’d think I was just an average, ordinary soldier who did his job. That’s what I deserve.”

11. Sounds like a good gig.

“I get paid to smoke weed.

I moved my family to Washington in 2015 after weed was legalized. I decided to become an expert and reviewer and did it.

I’ve done photography and social media and ad campaigns for the biggest brands in cannabis, over 4000 examples in about 5 years. I had instagram and youtube kill my channels a few times but Im constantly at it and returning.

Done podcasts with some of the coolest people in cannabis and legendary stories with glass artists. I even recently gave my first historical lecture.”

12. A Bieber sighting.

“My ex and I were having a huge argument in a hotel parking lot, my friend and ex’s dad were there as witnesses. Two big buses pulled up and Justin Bieber got off one of them with a security guard and walked right past us.

I was crying and my ex was yelling at me and JB said, “hey, stop that”, my ex yelled back at him “white people shouldn’t have dreads!” and then Justin got onto the other bus with his guard.

My friend was cracking up saying “was that Justin Bieber?” and sure enough, some people in his entourage or whatever were staying at that hotel and he was in town that night for a concert.”

13. A piece of music history.

“The Volkswagen Beetle on the cover of “Abbey Road” by The Beatles belonged to my Grandfather.”

14. Doesn’t happen very often.

“Husband and I fell in love at first sight. Moved in together after two days. Married five months later. Still married.

It will be forty years in May.”

15. I’ve been everywhere…

“I went from being a steel mill laborer to an Executive Assistant of a Cabinet Minister to a stone quarry laborer to a Computer Programmer.

I’ve also been a fisherman on the east coast, a farm hand on the prairies, a telephone system salesman, a pest control salesman and a lumberyard person.

I kid you not.”

16. Before they made it big.

“My step dad is related to John Lennon and used to hang out with the Beatles a lot before they were famous.”

Life truly is stranger than fiction, isn’t it?

Now let’s hear from all the readers out there!

What are some crazy and interesting true stories that have happened to you in your life?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post People Talk About Crazy Things That Have Happened to Them in Their Lives appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Fascinating True Stories About Their Lives

Ready for some good tales?

Believe it or not!

Anytime you hear that phrase, you know you’re in for a good story!

Well, how would you like to enjoy a bunch of true stories that may sound fabricated but are most certainly 100% true?

Today’s your lucky day!

Here are some interesting, true stories from AskReddit users.

1. Your ancestors were interesting people.

“My great great grandfather was a Pinkerton Detective, acted on Vaudeville, and had 5 wives in 2 different states that knew nothing of each other.

He also slightly changed his last name each time and never got caught until Ancestry website happened.”

2. What?!?!?

“I survived a plane crush in the dessert, was trapped there for 2 days, and was rescued by two dudes who were trying to bet if they can cook an egg in the sand.”

3. Childhood accident.

“I lost my heel in a lawn mower accident.

I was 4 at the time and I wont say who exactly did it. But he was mowing and it was a riding mower and the hitch on the back where you can hook a little trailer, I loved to stand on that part and ride.

Well this time I saw a frog in the grass and being the 4 year old I was at the time, I jumped off the mower and onto the grass and put my hands over the frog to catch it and he didnt realize I had jumped off and he backed up.”

4. That’s just crazy.

“I can smell some illnesses and chronic symptoms.

My sense of smell is normally pretty average, but I can sometimes smell if a person is sick before they start showing symptoms, and have been able to identify/predict 2 seizures, a diabetic blood sugar drop, and multiple chronic migraines before they happened.”

5. Big winner!

“I won two TV game shows. “The $10,000 Pyramid” (won $10,300) in 1975, and “Sale of the Century” (was on the show for 9 days; won $34k in cash and prizes) in 1985.”

6. Wrong side of the river.

“I grew up “on the wrong side of the river”, was considered by all to be the town loser, and went to work as a janitor while still in high school.

In my 40s I set a goal for myself (while still working full time) to take one class at time until I either graduate or die, whichever comes first.

At age 49 I finished my Bachelors of Science Degree, at age 52 my MBA, and age 61 my Ph.D. Never let the arrogant elitists define who you are or what you can be!”

7. Out of gas.

“I ran out of gas outside of La Paz Bolivia.

Luckily it was down hill for about 6km into the city. I coasted the whole way on my motorbike, passed busses and drifted into a gas station. Never missed a beat!”

8. A family of jokers.

“My family ancestry can be traced back to a court jester who served in the court of King Jakob IV of Sweden.”

9. One big baby.

“My grandfather got an award from Mussolini in 1935.

He was just born with 6.3kg (13 lbs 14.2 oz) and was awarded the award of “Italy’s Biggest Baby”.”

10. That doesn’t sound good.

“I once fell over a chair during a massive bar fight, in the process kicking a German marine out a second story windows in the middle of downtown Queensland.”

11. Mug the muggers.

“I was mugged in Belgium, and I mugged the muggers back. Got my wallet and my friend’s purse back.

I’m a pretty quiet low key guy, so no one believed the story, and it’s so disappointing because I’m pretty sure I’ll never be that awesome again.”

12. Born in a storm.

“I was almost named Storm because I was born at 3 am in the middle of a massive tornado storm (one touched down actually a few minutes after I was born).

I was also essentially dead (docs thought they were going to lose both me and my mom) but somehow I lived.”

13. What are the chances?

“I’ve been in 3 fatal train accidents.

Never had a scratch.”

14. Rock star.

“I bought a guitar amp from Brad Whitford, of Aerosmith, when I was 17. He and Steven Tyler served up cheeseburgers for me and my friends.

So, Brad’s son was a punk and I knew him from the scene. I was in a band that had some small local marginal success. This is 97/98 in Boston. I needed a new amp for our first US tour but had very little money. I was getting drunk with his son and, on a whim, I asked him if his dad had any amps laying around that he didn’t need. We laughed and carried on partying.

The next day, I get a call at my home. It was Mr. Whitford himself. He was super nice but to the point. “My son says you got a band and need a good rig for your les Paul. I have something in mind for you. Just gotta have my guy get it from the warehouse.

Come by my house in Norwell this weekend and check it out”. That was the gist of the call. Obviously, the whole band came with me. And our roadie.

We get to his house and it’s totally him. So weird. These guys were like gods in Boston. I wasn’t the hugest fan but knew him from his work with Wayne’s World. He takes me to (one of) his garage(s) where there is this cool full stack. The brand is Bedrock. An old company from New Hampshire that made good quality amps in the 80’s. This one was custom made for Brad.

Basically Marshall components. 4 tubes. All the knobs go to 11. Not kidding. Still has the “property of Aerosmith” stickers on it. He plugs it in and rips a crazy solo on his les Paul and then hands it to me and I play a couple power chords. He asks for $300 for the whole thing. I pay him and he tells his son to give us a tour of the house.

This is where shit gets nuts. It’s just like you expect. Tons of gold records, platinum records…Pictures of him with people like John Lennon, Robert DeNiro and Joey Ramone. Then we get to see his studio and THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF MARSHALL AMPS IN THE WORLD. Seriously, like 200 cabs. A wall of guitars. Guitars so pretty and amps so cool, it made sense for him to find the one he sold me dispensable.

After the house tour, he told us to meet him at the little bar and grill they own in town. When we get there early and he arrives 30 mins later with muthafuckin Steven Tyler in tow. “You guys the punk group?!” He was so nice.

They went in the back and came out with burgers for us all on the house. Then they straight up left. Irish goodbyed, even! I still have the amp. I used it on the road for almost 10 years in five bands. Now, it’s just a conversation piece. But it still works! I’ll crank her up every now and then.”

I love hearing stories like these!

How about you?

Do you have some fascinating stories from your past that you want to share with us?

Please do so in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

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10 Intriguing Facts for You to Chew On

We live in an uncertain world right now and we hear the terms “fake news” and “alternative facts” thrown around quite a bit.

Well, let us assure you that there is nothing fake or alternative about our facts.

We give you the real deal, honest, 100% truthful information in our many fact sets. And they’re all meant to make you think and be more curious about the world around you!

So what do you say? Are you ready for another hefty dose of intriguing facts?

Let’s get started!

1. Sounds like a good gig.

This is one of the weirdest facts I’ve ever seen.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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2. That’s it! I’m moving to Finland!

And I guess I’m gonna get a PhD…

Photo Credit: did you know?


3. I’ll take that bet…

And look what he did with it!

Photo Credit: did you know?


4. Just imagine that.

That sounds absolutely terrifying.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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5. Creepy bloodlines.

That’s pretty crazy.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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6. Some people don’t need lessons.

The Man in Black sure didn’t.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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7. Spy games.

A brilliant maneuver.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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8. Real-life crime solving.

Did you know this?

Photo Credit: did you know?

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9. The power of nature.

Mother Nature surprises us on a daily basis.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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10. She was a trailblazer.

But people didn’t follow her advice.

Photo Credit: did you know?

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Those were some very high-quality facts, if I do say so myself.

Now we want to hear from you!

If you’ve come across any interesting facts, stories, articles, etc., share them with us in the comments.

Please and thank you!

The post 10 Intriguing Facts for You to Chew On appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman Named Karen Is Furious With A Karen Meme Page

No matter how much you try to explain things online to some people, they still just don’t get it. What is a meme, exactly? And what’s this newfangled thing called TikTok, you say? Does it have to do with a clock?

Well, one woman named Karen has had enough. She’s done with all the jokes, the memes, the thingamajigs — whatever they’re called — making fun of Karens. And that’s final!

She decided to message the admin of a Facebook page called “No, Karen.” It went about as well as you might expect.

Photo Credit: Imgur

But Karen didn’t stop there. She kept on writing, several paragraphs worth, actually.

Photo Credit: Imgur

The owner of the page wrote back and his/her response was priceless. Just try not to laugh while reading this one.

Photo Credit: Imgur

This is SO NOT FUNNY! Now, now, Karen. Settle down.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Oooh, burn. You do not wanna mess with the administrator of a meme page with your name on it!

Photo Credit: Imgur

I guess we’ll never know if Karen called the police or got her lawyers involved. As one commenter pointed out: “The only thing missing is ‘Please let me speak to your manager.’”

If she would’ve said that, the internet would have had a literal field day. Because, let’s face it, Karens often deliver when it comes to the “ridiculous behavior” department.

What do you think of the Karen meme craze? Is it a harmless joke or something deeper than that?

Let us know in the comments!

The post A Woman Named Karen Is Furious With A Karen Meme Page appeared first on UberFacts.

Your Parents Gave You the Sex Talk. Now It’s Time for You to Give Them the Death Talk.

A talk about the birds and the bees is a moment that no parent looks forward to when they bring a precious innocent baby home from the hospital. If the kid knew what was coming, they wouldn’t be looking forward to it, either.

Talking about sex, puberty, masturbation, pregnancy, STDs, and all the rest with your kid (or your mom and dad) is super uncomfortable, but we do it, because we don’t want anyone to be unprepared when and if the moment arises.

We want to be on the same page, to know that our kids understand the basics and learn the truth – not whatever their friends or the internet are saying – so they’re not blindsided by a pregnancy or disease.

Your parents (should have) ignored all of the discomfort and gone ahead with a talk they knew no one was going to like because they knew it was the best thing for everyone in the long run.

Now, experts say you’ve got to return the favor and push a talk about another uncomfortable topic – the death talk.

No one likes to think about losing their parents, and parents don’t want to think too much about leaving this world for whatever comes next. That said, there are many arguments for not pushing it off another day – namely that not one of us knows when our last day is going to be.

And if you’re avoiding the talk because you think your parents have already figured everything out, the truth is, many people haven’t. The best time to do it, according to Paul Malley, President of Aging with Dignity, is when everyone is still healthy.

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🖤 #DeathPositiveMoment for Today 🖤⠀ ⠀ The novel coronavirus calls out just how much we need to have conversations about end-of-life. ⠀ ⠀ End-of-life planning is more than merely determining what kind of care you want in your final days. It's about making personal choices as to who you want with you when the time comes and what will bring you and your family comfort and ☮. ⠀ ⠀ Creating a living will doesn't require lots of ⌚ and 💵. It can be done at home, snuggled on the couch with your loved ones. This work begins with self-reflection about what is important to you, which ultimately translates into a living will for the body, mind, and soul. ⠀ ⠀ Five Wishes is an at-🏠 tool that collects your end-of-life wishes in a single place. It is legally binding in ALL but 8 states. You can complete it online or order a hard copy. The template is $5, and it's simply written with no legalese. ⠀ ⠀ 👉 Start the conversation and download your template at 👈⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #TheStyxChyx #LetsTalkDying #BringDeathtoLife #DeathPositive #FiveWishes #EndofLifePlanning #EOL #Planning #LivingWill #AdvanceDirective

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“There are families that are being put on the spot with a phone call from an emergency room or an ICU and their loved one can’t communicate anymore. And then they’re left to guess.”

This advice also applies to illness that can crop up as parents age, like dementia and Alzheimers, that make it hard for them to tell you how exactly they want the end of their life to work.

Hashing things out ahead of time can not only ensure your parent or loved one is treated the way they want to be, but it can also ease tensions between family members who might not agree with each other on how to proceed.

“There is never the question ‘Is this what they would want?’” says Sarah Roffee, co-founder of Kind Minds Therapy. “Because it’s already out in the open and they have confirmed with you directly that these are your wishes.”

If you’re convinced that you need to have this talk with your parents, but aren’t sure where to start, many experts recommend the Five Wishes program. It was created in 1996 and helps families create a living will, power of attorney, and resolve issues related to comfort and religion.

It’s basically a five-step checklist you can use to begin the conversation and resolve the big questions.

Wish 1:
The Person I Want to Make Care Decisions for Me When I Can’t

Wish 2:
The Kind of Medical Treatment I want or Don’t Want

Wish 3:
How Comfortable I Want to Be

Wish 4:
How I Want People to Treat Me

Wish 5:
What I Want My Loved Ones to Know

Malley says that “the whole idea with five wishes is that it keeps the discussions and the documentation simple and it’s intended for families to be able to use on their own. So you don’t have to consult with an outside expert. You are the expert on what’s important to you and to your family.”

He has some advice on broaching the subject, too, and advises starting with how much you love and care about your parent, and that you want to make sure they’re taken care of as they want to be in the future.

“Start with a simple statement of, ‘I want to be a good son or daughter to you, mom or dad, and I want to make the right decisions for you. So help me to understand what’s important to you.”

The Five Wishes program attempts to take things out of legal language and translate it into language any family can understand. Malley and the others who created it hope that their list of wishes can make this uncomfortable but necessary talk easier on everyone, without losing the focus on what’s important.

“There’s a message of empowerment to the person who’s filling it out. And also a message of instruction to the family. Because most of us don’t have experience being at the bedside of somebody who’s sick. We all want to do the right things, but most of us don’t know what the right things are. And when a family completes Five Wishes together, they have practical things that they can do for one another to show them that they are loved.”

Also, you know. You’ve probably got kids of your own, now, so this will be good practice for being on the opposite side of the sex talk.

Just know that your parents love you, you love them, and open lines of communication have always been the best way to get through all of the tough stuff.

The post Your Parents Gave You the Sex Talk. Now It’s Time for You to Give Them the Death Talk. appeared first on UberFacts.