Former Anti-Vaxxers Talk About Why They Changed Their Minds

The fierce debate over whether to vaccinate or not vaccinate has been going on for years at this point.

And, as you know, there are very strong opinions about this on both sides.

But it does seem like a lot of anti-vaxxer people do eventually make their way over to the other side for one reason or another.

Let’s take a look at these stories from AskReddit users who did just that.

1. Young minds.

“I was a teenager and used to believe that if I got sick, my immune system would handle it and make me stronger. Like most youth, I believed I was invulnerable. I figured, thousands of years of ancestors had survived without vaccines, and so could I.

It was years before I realised that before vaccines, people didn’t just “heal the viruses away” – most of them died or were crippled by illness their whole lives.”

2. Reading is good for you!

“Hard to say, but, reading. Honestly.

I was on the elderberry/colloidal silver/whatever natural bullshit flavor of the week in my late teens – early twenties.

Could dig up some obscure study from the 1960s to support it, “well flu shots aren’t 100% effective, what’s the point? Have you see all the people who get sick from it?” etc. etc.

Simply put, I had bad advice from some of my father’s vitamin shop, Libertarian, naturopath, whatever friends.

In grad school I took more statistics classes, keep reading about data analysis, started to learn what significant sample sizes meant, common logical and statistical fallacies and…surprise…most antiscience nonsense doesn’t hold up empirically at all. There’s just no data to support it, and requires torturing of statistics and misrepresentation to defend their case.

Luckily I don’t have some epic story of a family member dying from a preventable disease, but it’s still embarrassing to think back how arrogantly I was convinced I was more clever than the actual doctors and scientists.”

3. Yeah, that’s a good idea.

“I don’t really know why I didn’t like the idea of vaccines but I didn’t until my girlfriend had gotten pregnant and then I stepped on a rusty nail.

Like the only way to stop tetanus is the vaccine.”

4. Listen to grandma.

“Kind of boring, but I have a whack job grandmother who believes in all the pseudoscience health BS. Crystal healing, electromagnetic communications cause cancer, vaccines are bad, eat apricot pits to cure cancer, the whole 9 miles.

When I was a kid she tried to teach me all of this stuff like it was gospel, and I believed her because I was a kid and why would my grandmom be wrong about something?

Unfortunately for her the minute I turned like, 7, I got a huge hyperfixation on biology and quickly learned that all the stuff she spouted was utter bs.

I’m autistic, and I was like the stereotypical autistic kid where they just know a fuckton about one particular subject and devour any kind of learning material related to it they can get their hands on (I’m actually still like that… except now I can get a degree for it).

It was not hard for me to realize that none of the things she believed made any sense, even as a kid.”

5. Crazy ex.

“My ex husband was a very controlling person and did not want our kids to get vaccines. I was always so scared knowing my kids had no protection. One day one of our kids scraped themselves on a fence and the school called me.

I snapped and took them straight to an urgent care for a tetanus shot and just started secretly getting all my kids vaccines. We eventually divorced and now all my kids are fully caught up.”

6. Living the natural life.

“I was a stereotypical, naturalistic vegan type. Didn’t believe in essential oils or crystal healing or anything. Just believed (mistakenly) that you couldn’t beat nature and that vaccines were messing around with my baby’s natural immunity growth.

I believed they were an unnecessary risk. I knew my decision was controversial so I kept it quiet, I wouldn’t have been out campaigning or splashing it all over social media, it was a private decision.

I held off until he was 2. We don’t routinely vaccinate for chickenpox here in the UK so he got it which is expected. However he got a bacterial infection on top and had to spend a night in hospital.

Nothing too traumatic but I realised I didn’t have the balls to play nature vs. medicine anymore.”

7. Radicalism.

“I read an article about a mom who changed her view on vaccinations because of how radical the anti-vax groups were. A lot of them were anti-gay, anti-abortion. And so crazy about all of it. Pro the dumbest shit, like oils. Pushed the agendas of things that were obviously false.

It made her step back and change her entire outlook on the anti-vax movement. I wish I could find this article, it was pretty interesting. Probably on Facebook. But she made great points against them.”

8. Feeling kind of dumb about it.

“I wasn’t really an antivaxxer by today’s standard and definition, but back then I did question the validity of it. I used to wear my tinfoil hat back in the Facebook days and delved into some wacko shit like the usual Illuminati, lizard people, hollow moon and other shit.

I guess after I grew apart from my friends who were also into all that I gradually came back to reality and realized how dumb it all is.”

9. The result of anxiety.

“I realized my reasons to anti-vax were actually rooted in anxiety (result of childhood trauma) and not because I was against vaccinating. The process started a little over a year ago, I just had my 3rd, and I was homeschooling my eldest (kindergarten).

The initial push to dealing with it was the regret of not being able to enroll my eldest in public school, and my newborn being at risk by having unvaccinated siblings. I took a hard look at my choices and why I hadn’t vaccinated my first 2, and every last one was because of fear and guilt. I found a rock star pediatrician who didn’t once judge me, and got all my kids caught up.

I have 3 fantastic kids that are now fully vaccinated, and I am successfully on the road to recovery so I can be the best person I can be for my kids. They deserve it!”

10. Hit the wall.

“Well, after years of deluding myself into the belief that vaccines were evil, I finally hit the wall. I learned more about vaccines and why they were really necessary.

I think it was my fear of the unknown that prevented me from seeing that science saves lives. I had a really good teacher in that regard and it ended up being a pretty great time in my life.

I mean, on top of realizing that shots weren’t bad things, I started getting an allowance and my 10th birthday party was fucking lit.”

11. A bunch of propaganda.

“I was caught into the antivax propaganda after my younger sister was said to have autism.

Reddit helped me change my mind, with People providing evidence of antivax’s stupidity.”

12. Stop listening to your parents.

“I grew past the age of 12 and realised how stupid my parents have been.”

13. Maybe they’re not out to get you…

“I had a phase in my early 20’s where I hopped on the alternative-everyone wants to secretly poison you train.

Mostly because of some people that influenced me that time and it’s fascinating how easy you can slip into that mindset mostly because it is indeed partly true, like big pharma or other mostly money-motivated people/companies do actually do a lot of shit that is not helping people but quite the opposite but it’s not like single doctors or scientist want that, they mostly want facts and the truth and for people to gain knowledge.

An education with simple medical basics quickly made it clear to me that a lot of anti-vax and all the other shit people believe is either total nonsense or only a small part of the truth that ignored anything else from a medical standpoint.

There is a reason why there are rules in place to determine if a study can be taken as meaningful because if you only know part of the truth it’s easy to mistake plain coincidence or correlation for causation.

But I think with these hardcore conspiracy-theorist it has nothing to do with facts or truth it’s about their mindset that anybody is out to get them, they are basically a constant victim to their own mentality.”

14. Mom was wrong.

“I grew up and realized my mom was wrong thanks to my now husband convincing me. I got many vaccines in college and I’m doing just fine.

My mom gave us some vaccines like the tetanus vac, but that’s about it.”

15. Learned your lessons.

“My now wife was an anti-vaxer. I generally go with what she says most of the time because I cannot be bothered to argue. However, when we were discussing getting married and having kids I was surprised at how strongly I felt about.

I was prepared to walk away from the love of my life rather than not vaccinate . I gave all of the reasons (I’m from a third world country and she is European. I have seen too much shit from a lack of vaccination program to sit on the fence on this).

She came around. When our first was born he was quite ill. I don’t think we were in danger of losing him but just that tiny bit of danger reiterated the point of protecting them and others from illnesses. My wife is now more on top of the vaccination dates for our kids than I am.

A friend of hers had a baby recently and expressed some anti vaccination sentiments. My wife calmly told her that not only would she be putting her own kids in danger but that she would be weaponising her child against others.

Quite a turnaround.”

Wow. These people were pretty honest about why they changed their minds about this issue.

How about you?

Did you used to be an anti-vaxxer and now you believe it’s the right thing?

Talk to us in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!

The post Former Anti-Vaxxers Talk About Why They Changed Their Minds appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Things They Think Only Exist Because Humans Are DUMB

Poeple can be…pretty dumb. Actually, they can be REALLY dumb.

It’s sad but true and we all need to admit it at some point in our lives…

In this article, people answered this question:

“What only exists because humans are dumb?”

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say.

1. Oh, really?

“Recently (last couple years) TV ads started adding a sentence in the commercials:

“Do not take trivexica if you are allergic to trivexica.”

What happened to make that a thing that they need to mention now? Why the hell would anyone knowingly continue to put a drug in their body if they knew or realized they were allergic to it? Answer: people are stupid.

I get that it’s to protect them legally, but it’s mind blowing to me that it needs to be said even to do that.”

2. Yeah, don’t do that.

“Warnings on hammers saying this object can cause damage if you strike yourself.”

3. What are you doing to that fish?

“Some really strange laws, like handling fish suspiciously can end you up in jail in the UK.”

4. Come on…

“Wearing this costume does not enable you to fly.” -tag on a Superman Halloween costume.

Jerry Seinfeld had this joke. I liked his follow up.

“I want to meet the person dumb enough to think that this might make him fly, yet smart enough to think to check the instructions.””

5. Why not?

“Several warning markings like, “dont put your cat inside your microwave”.”

6. Wait, it’s round?!?!

“The belief of a flat earth.

My favorite story about this lunacy is the flat earthers who spent $20,000 for a piece of scientific equipment that measured the rotation of he earth in order to debunk it.

When the machine performed exactly as expected and proved what we all already know, their response was along the lines of, “hmm. Something’s wrong. We’ll get back to you.” They paid $20K to disbelieve their own eyes.”

7. These people.


If only all those children in iron lungs back in the 40s knew about lavender oil…”

8. That’s horrible.

“Measles. In 2000, measles was nearly eradicated, but then anti-vaxxers brought it back to popularity.

I should mention it was nearly eradicated in the U.S.A. Measles is still very prevalent in other places around the globe.”

9. Oh, that’s what it is!

“The warning on my dad’s old motorcycle saying “This is a motorcycle and only to be used as such.”

For clarification: the original Warning is in german and I translated it. For those interested it said: “Dies ist ein Motorrad und nur als solches zu gebrauchen.”

10. Not a good idea.

“Warning signs next to large waterfalls, cliffs, any other potentially lethal terrain.”

11. Haha, never thought of that.

“The word “AMBULANCE” written in reverse on an ambulance.

For those people that don’t realize that the huge vehicle behind them, with the flashing lights and siren is, in fact, an ambulance.”

12. Boom!

“Modern politics.

If we were smarter there would be a better collective decision making process.”

13. Poor kids.

“You know those labels on buckets with an upside down drowning baby?

Yeah, probably had to start using those for a reason.”

14. That never ends well.

“Warning signs on chainsaws that say “do not attempt to stop blades with hands or genitals”.”


“Pyramid schemes.

The fact that people actually fall for them….”

16. A classic!

“Please remove plastic wrapper before putting the pizza in the oven.”

17. My brother did this before. He’s really smart.

“Don’t know what it’s called but at the gas pumps the mechanism connected from the pump to the hose unlocks when people forget to place the nozzle back and drive off.”

18. Some good advice.

“Debt consolidation companies.

First hand experience:

I was desperate due to my own stupidly and got myself into too much credit card debt when I was in my early 20’s. Looking for an out I called a debt consolidation company. They told me to not pay my credit cards that I wanted to compile for months until they got sold to a lawyer. Well once I ruined my credit.

They took all those loans and tried to settle payments. After they denied. I had to go to court for each card and settle with a one time payment thusly putting a judgement on my credit report. It wasn’t until I was 33 or so that I actually fully recovered from it.

Pay your bills and never try to exceed what you can’t pay out of pocket, that way when you do have an emergency you can afford it easier by using credit.”

Kind of makes you lose a little faith in your fellow humans, doesn’t it…?

Okay, now we want to hear from all of you out there!

In the comments, we’d like to hear how you’d answer this question.

Please and thank you!

The post People Talk About the Things They Think Only Exist Because Humans Are DUMB appeared first on UberFacts.

People Who Work Unusual Jobs Talk About How Folks React When They Tell Them About It

Not every job is 9 to 5.

A lot of folks out there work jobs that some people don’t even know exist.

It’s always interesting to learn about the different vocations that people have and you’re about to hear about a bunch that you might not be familiar with.

Let’s dive into the responses from AskReddit users who opened up about how folks react to their unusual occupations.

1. Wow!

“I had a brief stint as a “junior cheese evaluator.”

People loved hearing about the cheese tasting part, but what is less known is the business analytics side of things — we have to know what good cheese is and what consumer tastes are like and how to influence those tastes to make room for company products that maximize profits for the cheesemaker and retailer.

There’s a whole national certification exam I was studying for before I decided to take a drastic career shift because the whole cheese thing wasn’t paying the bills and it was too much work holding down three jobs.”

2. That’s pretty cool.

“I produce subtitles, for TV and now for online learning at a university. It’s been amazing how many people have thought that either A, a computer does it or B, I’m a sign language interpreter.

I was also a teleprompter / Autocue operator for a while, when I first left uni, and it was one of the best jobs I’ve had. Though again, people thought a computer did it. And I’ve had likes of actors literally laugh in my face because they consider it beneath the lowest of the low apparently (until it breaks…)”

3. That’s interesting.

“Train Controller.

People ask me if I drive trains. I am in the habit now of just pre-empting people and saying “It is like air traffic control but for the rail network”.

In the U.S.A. I believe it is called Train Dispatch. People are generally sort of impressed and want to ask questions about the railway.”

4. Get out the mannequins!

“I work on a truck doing simulated emergencies with high fidelity mannequins . The mannequins have pulses they breathe, you can listen to lung sounds, and their eyes move back-and-forth.

We take the truck to fire departments and critical access hospital‘s in our state to provide emergency training at no cost to the fire departments and hospitals. There are only five states that I know of in the nation that do this training.”

5. Still around?

“Chimney sweep

Usual reaction: that’s still a thing?”

6. Could you do this?

“A friend of mine is a harbor pilot.

Brings huge ships in and out of harbors. Makes mid 6 figures. A lot of boredom with high stress in the middle.”

7. If you’ve got the guts…

“Once upon a time I worked at a boarstud. I got hired in the lab preserving semen for sale. Dull, morning headachy work staring at semen under a microscope.

Buuut the shed often needed help collecting semen and a fun, well paying, easy job. Go get the pig, get him to mount, grab a penis and then nap as they ejaculate for ten to fifteen minutes. Repeat.

I got paid $27 an hour to sit on a stool and hold a curly penis three days a week. I now work 6-7 days, collect blood samples, monitor surgery, take phones, do inventory and handle angry clients with a smile for $16 as a vet tech. Hmm.

If you’ve got the guts, consider pig wanker.”

8. Never heard of this.

“I was an enucleator.

When people passed and wanted to donate their corneas I would retrieve their eyes from their body and take them to the lab to process for transplant. When people found that out they were either completely grossed out or thought it was really interesting.”

9. Sounds…erotic.

“My boyfriend’s parents own their own erotica publishing house. They hire ghost writers to churn out the kind of smut you can get for $2 on kindle.

My boyfriend narrates the audiobooks.”

10. Make it look good.

“I was talking to a food stylist and there is one lady who does all of the sour cream commercials because she can make perfect dollops.

Apparently they call her “The Dollop Queen of Georgia”.”

11. Sounds like a big job.

“I’m a procurement officer for an airline, I order parts for planes.

No one seems to realise my job exists but everyone gets it when I tell them what I do.

Reaction is generally wow that’s so cool! In reality I raise purchase orders all day. But it’s pretty cool to wander out to the hangar when a plane is in.”

12. A lot of cash.

“I work for a pond and water garden company specializing in Japanese koi fish sales.

Nothing too crazy, but people always seem a little surprised when I tell them I sell imported koi fish for way too much money.”

13. This is a job.

“One of my best friends’ husbands job was to read Bill Gates’ mail with the intent to prevent crazy people from showing up at the Microsoft campus demanding to speak with him.”

14. Espionage.

“I was an industrial espionage specialist for a year. Basically companies would pay the company I worked for to gain intel on their competitors, their distribution chain, expansion plans, contracts etc.

My job was to gather intelligence, sometimes I would go undercover as a low level employee, sometimes I would go undercover as a headhunter & interview current employees, carefully using questions to elicit information, sometimes I would use a “discretionary fund” to “purchase” intel from employees, once I even went undercover as a reporter to interview a logistics manager.

Sometimes I would just spend hours reading information on the stock exchange, government planning departments etc.

It was a weird job, but I could usually piece together a good amount of info.”

Do you work an unusual job that most people don’t even know exists?

How do people react when you tell them about it?

Please share with us in the comments. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Here’s Another Tale of Why It Pays to Be a Reasonable Landlord

Things are rough these days with rents and contracts and businesses that require in-person customers in order to turn a decent profit. There have been plenty of stories about landlords who are out there trying to make things easier and better for everyone.

There have also been plenty of stories about landlords trying to take advantage of the situation, and the one in this story really takes the cake.

Before the current crisis happened, these people were re-negotiating their lease with their landlord. Even though they haven’t been open for business they were still paying rent – but the period to sign a new lease had lapsed.

Image Credit: Reddit

Instead of being understanding and reaching out, the landlord filed for eviction. They had 7 days to get all of their possessions out or they would be legally turned over to the landlord.

Image Credit: Reddit

Because of the type of business they owned, removing everything within a week – with very little staff and with movers and others who might be necessary all staying home – was going to be difficult.

But when they learned that the landlord was advertising the space WITH THEIR THINGS, well, they made it happen.

Image Credit: Reddit

They took the movable things. They took the things they had to unscrew. They took the disco lights and the flooring they’d installed.

And I don’t blame them one single bit.

Image Credit: Reddit

Now, not only does the landlord have no rent coming in, but he’s going to have to replace the floors and lights and a bunch of other stuff that he wouldn’t have had to do if he’d just been reasonable.

Image Credit: Reddit

That’s what you get for being completely greedy and not giving a hoot about your fellow human beings.

This might have been petty, but I approve. People like this landlord can’t be allowed to get off scot free!

What are your thoughts on this one? Sound off in the comments!

The post Here’s Another Tale of Why It Pays to Be a Reasonable Landlord appeared first on UberFacts.

Check Out One Tenant’s Sweet Revenge on His Lowlife Landlord

I know that landlords get a bad rap, and some of them are very nice and even work with their tenants through hard times – but others are the reason for the stereotype, and when they get what’s coming to them, we all like to watch.

Which is why people are loving this story about one person who got back at this landlord who went out of his way to be a jerk.

The bad blood began when the landlord either stopped paying the heating bill, or turned down the heat remotely, in the middle of a chilly winter. Being smart cookies, they consulted an attorney and learned they could withhold their rent and, if it wasn’t fixed, take the landlord to court.

Instead of doing the right thing, the landlord tried to evict them for non-payment but a judge finds in their favor.

Image Credit: Reddit

Fast forward to the signing of a new lease, and the tenants wrote in a clause allowing them to break the least with 45-days notice because they were looking for a home of their own. When they’re ready they give the notice, pay their final rent, and moved out – but the landlord refused to give back their security deposit.

The tenant sued for the deposit (plus fees), and the landlord countersued for the 6 months missing rent (plus fees).

Image Credit: Reddit

The group is ordered to arbitration before wasting a judges time, but the arbitrator recommends the tenants pay up. That is, until they realized that the landlord was using a forged version of the lease.

Image Credit: Reddit

The judge found in their favor, but of course, that’s not quite the end.

Image Credit: Reddit

It took awhile but they did get their money – and the landlord got shamed.

Image Credit: Reddit

Is that a happy ending or what?

I mean, I know court is expensive and time-consuming, but I guess alls well that ends well!

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Netflix Codes That Allow You to Watch All the Romance Movies Your Heart Can Handle

Even if people don’t like to admit it, everyone loves a good romantic film once in a while.

And I am one of those people. The older I get, the more I find myself stopping on the Hallmark Channel when I’m looking for something to watch.

But I digress.

We’re here to load you up with codes on Netflix so you can enjoy all different kinds of romantic movies.

To access each of these individual categories, sign into Netflix and replace the “xxx” in this web address ( with the corresponding code number below OR just click directly on the links we provided.

And away you go! Enjoy these flicks and be sure to have a bottle of wine and a box of tissues handy.

1. Romantic Favorites (502675)

Photo Credit: TriStar Pictures

Prepare to get all mushy and overcome with emotion when you use this code to tap into this category.

Enjoy such flicks as Silver Linings Playbook, She’s Out of My League, and As Good As It Gets.

2. Quirky Romance (36103)

Photo Credit: Netflix

Let’s get quirky! In a romantic way, I mean.

Use this code to watch such romantic flicks as Candy Jar, Mr. Right, and Can’t Help Falling in Love.

3. Romantic Independent Movies (9916)

Photo Credit: The Weinstein Company

There are a lot of good indie romance movies out there.

This category allows you to watch the very depressing Blue Valentine, the black-and-white smash hit from 2011 The Artist, and many others.

4. Romantic Dramas (1255)

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

What’s a little romance without some drama wrapped up in it?

Get romantic AND dramatic when you use this Netflix code and you can watch such films as The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Theory of Everything, and My Week With Marilyn.

5. Classic Romantic Movies (31273)

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures

Yes, Groundhog Day came out 27 YEARS AGO, so it is now considered a “classic” film.

And it should be! Bill Murray has never been better!

Use this code on Netflix and you can watch this gem and others like Tootsie and Howard’s End.

6. Romantic Comedies (5475)

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

And, of course, we have the mother of all romantic films, the ROM-COM.

You know you can’t resist them, and at some point in your life, you’ll just give in and start enjoying them…I know I have.

Use this code to watch such romantic comedies as Failure To Launch, He’s Just Not That Into You, and Jerry Maguire.

Are you ready to fall in love, or what?

I know I am!

But before you do, please help us out with a favor.

If you know of any other good romantic films we should check out, please share them with us in the comments.

The post Netflix Codes That Allow You to Watch All the Romance Movies Your Heart Can Handle appeared first on UberFacts.

Yale’s “Science of Well-Being” Online Course Is Available For Free

Many of us are looking for ways to better and improve ourselves, and so much the better if we can do it from the safety and comfort from our own homes. And not only is Yale offering a few courses online for free, they’re offering one in particular that’s so, so applicable to life as we currently know it.

Photo Credit: iStock

Their “The Science fo Well-Being” course (offered through Coursera), helps us answer questions like, “why are we so bad at predicting what will make us happy” and “how can we figure out what actually does the trick?”

Image Credit: Coursera

Basically, we all know that money and career success doesn’t necessarily make people happier – but we also don’t exactly know what does.

The 10-week course that promises to help you figure it out consists of about 2-3 hours of reading and videos per week, and allows you to work at your own pace, in case you want to cram a bunch of it into a weekend.

Image Credit: Coursera

Psychology professor Laurie Santos teachers the class, and leads students through research on how we’re wired to think about our own well-being, and to help you learn how to implement that knowledge to increase happiness in your life.

Image Credit: Coursera

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the vague advice to “be happier,” this task-oriented course that’s geared toward building better habits at home might be exactly what you’ve been looking for – and former students, who have rated the class a 4.9 out of 5 stars (3731 of them) all but agree that it works.

Sounds like a pretty productive way to spend 20 hours of your life if you ask me!

The post Yale’s “Science of Well-Being” Online Course Is Available For Free appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About the Industries That Are Much Shadier Than They Seem

Some industries are just shady right on the surface. But then there are the industries that most of us would never even think would be shady.

That’s why these articles are so enlightening!

You just never know what an industry is like until you have first-hand experience with it.

Are you ready to get shady?

Folks on AskReddit definitely had some thoughts on the matter.

1. Better not cross them.

“My dad knows a story from someone who works for a nationwide grocery chain, they have to deal with an Italian mafia to import balsamic vinegar.”

2. Vanilla wars.

“More people died last year over vanilla in Madagascar than cocaine in South America. They’ve even coined the term “vanilla murder”.

Farmers hire armed mercenaries to guard their crops from thieves near harvest time, and if one is caught… well… let’s just say it’s in response to all the farmers that were killed by thieves for the same reason.”

3. On the high seas.

“The maritime industry.

Most of the big companies do things by the book and treat crews well because they’re afraid of lawsuits and unions, but many smaller “mom and pop” companies break laws and violate safety regulations with reckless abandon because they’re not as visible and can “stay under the radar” so to speak. I

t’s very common for a small company to ask a captain/crew to do something illegal and dangerous in order to increase profit, and for the captain/crew to comply out of fear of losing their jobs.

And that’s just the US maritime industry; sailors from poorer nations who work on ships are often fed little more than rice and cheap ramen for months at a time and paid pennies for their backbreaking work.

I love running tugs for a living, but the industry as a whole is rife with shady business.”

4. Never thought of this.


You have no idea the snow job they put most people through when it comes to buying them. Its far, far worse than trying to buy a new car from a dealership.

Wholesale frames are about $5-20, wholesale lens blanks are another $10. Any kind of dip coating (UV, tinting, etc) is negligible cost and effort to apply – literally pennies.

To top it off, they don’t even do a whole lot in house, but send it to “labs” which are basically sweatshops that can take up to 2-3 weeks when labor time is literally under 5 minutes.

Instead of training real opticians and technicians, they’re just glorified sales staff now. Most of the time they don’t even bother with proper measurement for pd, frame width, or arm fitting.

Was an optician in the early 90’s. I’m horrified at what the business has become.”

5. The ratings game.

“Rating services like Yelp. Refuse to advertise and your good reviews magically get rearranged. Hey, look if you want to do that and be transparent, I get it. But most every business owner knows how scummy this is and most clients just have no idea.

I have a business that isn’t something that would usually be looked for on Yelp. They called and I just froze. Luckily I do long term rentals and was sold out. Explained I wouldn’t have an opening for months, they seemed to leave me alone.

Yet they have my business on the front page of Google search (under the wrong category).”

6. A bunch of lies.


The margins are razor thin and so everyone is trying to nickle and dime each other constantly.

The drivers lie to their dispatchers, the dispatchers lie to the brokers, the brokers lie to the clients.

All of this for like $50-100 sometimes.”

7. Sounds like a really bad industry.

“Cruise ships.

I was told I was having a minimum of one day off every week and work normal hours (8-10h/day) with a good pay and good pre paid tips. I ended up working 30 days in a row, Ewell over 400 hours, for $1600 with tips included.

This company I was working for was called Scenic Cruises (ship was called MS Scenic Crystal), which was an Australian company working over a Swiss company going under a Maltese flag, sailing in Central Europe. That’s how I understood it anyways, they deliberately did this so they could break international laws, I counted at least 5 that they broke.

Biggest scam company I ever worked for. I resigned after my first month. The police boarded the ship every once in a while because they knew this but they couldn’t do shit because they had no jurisdiction over the ship.

I was forced to work with a 39 Celsius fever.”

8. This is terrible.

“The pet industry.

Basement puppy mills and dogs that are so inbred they can hardly breath. There are plenty of ethical breeders out there (and some unlicensed breeders are ethical even if in a legal grey zone) but the conditions of some of the so called puppy mills can be really bad.

Sometimes when breeds are mixed and the pup gets the recessive genes the breeders weren’t looking for.. they straight up euthanize it because they know it won’t sell. Not to mention how many “purebreds” are actually not pure at all… and sold as is.


9. Big, shady business.

“Avocado farms.

Most of the farms in Central America are taken over by cartels because of how much money is in selling avocados.”

10. Higher education.

“Higher academia is badly broken.

Some of the smartest people are some of the most badly exploited. Old tenured professors limit the number of faculty many departments can have, forcing people to work as postdocs forever, effectively doing all the work the prof should be doing in the first place.

Meager pay and long hours, plus constant pressure makes postdocs some of the most depressed people.

The grad students are no better either. A lot of the times grad students don’t complain about ill treatment, harassment and outright bullying as they don’t want to jeopardize their prospects of graduating.

If you’re a foreigner, this situation becomes even worse, whether you’ve a grad student or a postdoctoral researcher.”

11. That’s a shame.

“The nonprofit world, unfortunately.

Most people at the top are in it to make a name for themselves and don’t usually care about the mission of the organization.”

12. Kind of depressing…

“Mental health facilities…

A lot of people trust today’s mental health facilities, but from my experience they’re quite flawed. Staff can be judgemental and condescending and downright cruel.

A family member of mine was institutionalized for a while, I say with full certainty she was healthier before she went in than coming out. The places I’ve seen are most definitely for profit. They had no intentions of having her “fixed” and released. Also, sloppy.

She was given the wrong people’s meds several times. She was also prescribed dangerous combinations that wound up having her sent to the ER. Really stupid mistakes were made over and over.”

13. Everyone needs them, though.

“The tire business.

Tires are a scam and shouldn’t cost anywhere near what they do. Everyone along the supply chain is making bank. It’s one of the industries I would love to see disrupted.”

14. Tying the knot.

“The Wedding industry (at least in the US). The whole point of the wedding industry is to trick people into overspending by preying on their desire to have the “perfect” wedding. So you “have” to have multiple photoshoots, a beautiful venue, excellent catering, an expensive dress/suit, etc, all at an exorbitant price. It’s a scam.

A lot of “traditional” wedding staples (like the white dress, service performed by minister, etc) are based on actual traditions and beliefs, but those traditions don’t mean anything anymore and now are sold as “traditional” to squeeze more money out of you.

Tell me, why would you ever need 1000 photographs each of your engagement, your “first look,” the ceremony, the bridal party, etc? How many of the 50 good ones are you going to actually look at and will mean anything? Maybe a handful. The rest just get dumped on social media and forgotten in a few months.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t take pictures at your wedding. You should. But there’s no reason to spend thousands to take pictures of contrived setups, like the “first look.”

I’ve been to and been in a number of weddings of my friends and have seen the ludicrously overpriced things the planners convinced them to buy into.

And that’s just the financial side. That’s not even getting into the insanity that is planning the damn thing. Trying to get families on board and compromise their demands is a whole other shady industry.”

15. No thank you!

“Vape juice.

I did some work for a company that use to whole sale to a whole lot of smaller vape shops. The places that sold to us ranged from vape juice laboratories to guys making it in bathtubs.

I actually quit vaping seeing some of the conditions the juice is made in.”

16. This is crazy.

“The gourmet mushroom industry. The short of it is that I pulled over to check on what I thought was a forest fire in the middle of nowhere, British Columbia. Turned out it was a wandering rove of – for lack of a better title – Canadian mushroom gypsies looking for matasuki (pine) mushrooms and chanterelles.

Next thing you know, my car keys vanished and I was put to work for 2 days with payment being a sandwich and a few beers.

We wandered the forest, digging up pine buttons and learned way more about mushrooms than I ever imagined, and we were warned heavily to stay close to our own/captors/kidnappers/whatever as the rival group was not above violent tactics if you entered their territory… this was affirmed when I stumbled upon an angry man from the other side pointing a shotgun at me.

Whether or not there’s truth to it – I don’t know – but supposedly the mushroom world was once incredibly lucrative until the Chinese mob infiltrated it and gouged the prices. After 2 days my keys mysteriously reappeared with my car unharmed and nothing missing.

No one would answer where it went, but they all knew. Hands down the nicest kidnappers ever, but it was a wild experience.”

17. It’s definitely an industry.

“Televangelist and megachurch owners (especially those preaching a Prosperity Gospel) will make money hand-over-fist off the backs of the poor through product sales.

The sad part is if many of these people save their money instead of giving it to these men, they are statistically more likely to have greater wealth in the long term.

Instead money from little old ladies goes to fund Pat Roberts’s private jet or Joel Olsteen’s MegaChurch power bill.”

Wow, some of those really caught me by surprise.

Do you have any thoughts on this matter?

Do you know of any shady industries that most people have no idea about?

Please tell us all about it in the comments!

The post People Talk About the Industries That Are Much Shadier Than They Seem appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About What They’re Really Like When They Get Drunk

There are many types of drunks out there. Some people are a lot of fun, some turn into absolute monsters, and others just fall onto the ground and becoming hysterical, sobbing disasters.

I can tell you what kind of drunk I am: I definitely loosen up and I like to laugh and have a good time. I definitely DO NOT get angry, which I can’t say for some other people I’ve known throughout my life.

AskReddit users got real and opened up about what kind of drunks they are.

1. Who needs a drink?!?!

“The rich kind.

I may be broke as hell and counting my cents earlier that day and waiting for a check, but when I pass a certain point in the evening I start paying shots and beers left and right like if I was a millionaire baby.”

2. Mood = Amplified.

“My general mood gets amplified.

If I’m happy, I get happier. If I’m sad, I get sadder, etc etc etc.”

3. Here’s the plan…

“Drunk me makes elaborate plans to do things with people that sober me never follows through with.”

4. It comes in stages.

“I start out as a fun drunk and then i turn into an emotional and sad drunk.

Then i finish off as a philosophical drunk.”

5. Cheers to my friends!

“I’m typically a quiet, reserved sober that turns into a fun-loving, talkative drunk that wants to befriend everyone around them.”

6. You can do it…now let’s eat!

“I start telling everyone how great they are and that they can definitely pursue their dreams.

Then… I get the munchies.”

7. You are amazing!

“No one is more supportive and encouraging than drunk women in a public bathroom.

Seriously, I have both given and received some incredible compliments to total strangers.”

8. You sound like fun.

“The one who talks about life, death, and existence after two tequila shots.

Also, extremely horny.”

9. Let me tell you my life story.


I’m the worst.

I mean, I overshare sober. DrunkMe has no filter AT ALL. I mean, she’s hilarious. But I always wake up thinking “I said WHAT to WHO?!??!?!””

10. Good thing you’re sober.

“Angry, violent and awful. I have an allergic reaction to alcohol that causes me to breakout in handcuffs.

I had nine years sober in April.”

11. Not doing that anymore.

“Happy, pleasantly dozy and distracted, but only temporarily as I’m using booze and drugs to numb things out to the point of black out and not remembering details the next day.

I realized I still have to wake up to the same shit the following day, so what’s the point?

Been sober for 56 days.”

12. Where’s my credit card?

“The “orders crazy shit online” kind of drunk.

So far, I’ve ordered grumpy cat leggings, an embroidery set, socks that make your legs look like chicken legs, the entire Harry Potter series in Dutch and Swedish (I speak neither language), concert tickets, a popcorn machine, a llama flower pot, countless pizzas, and more alcohol.”

13. Here come the insults.

“I’m get giggly and funny.

Unfortunately, the byproduct of this is I also get super insulting. I mean it be funny but not everyone shares my sense of humor. I know I have to shut it down when I start roasting everyone within earshot.”


“Hungry drunk.

Drunk me at the pub definitely means loads of oysters, wings and garlic bread will be consumed.”

15. Sharing the love.

“The really touchy kind, really huggy and lovey-dovey, which is weird because I rarely ever hug people.”

16. That’s not good.

“Sad and angry, which tends to lead to violence.

I commented on something similar before and I got absolutely destroyed by people saying it’s my choice to be a sad angry drunk and that I’m just a pussy who wants to be hard.

I just want to be happy and not hurt people, which alcohol takes that choice away from me but apparently people seem to think it’s my decision to punch walls and cry about how much I hate my life.”

17. The life of the party.

“Anyone who knows both sober and drunk me can definitely tell when I’m starting to get a buzz.

I suddenly become very chatty and before anyone knows it, I’m walking up to strangers and talking to them, making new friends that I’ll likely never see again.”

18. Okay, time to go to sleep.

“I can go from witty and charming to extremely tired within a minute.”

Open and honest. That’s the way I like it.

Now we want to hear from the readers out there.

What kind of drunk are you?

Talk to us in the comments!

The post People Talk About What They’re Really Like When They Get Drunk appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day

You never know when you’re going to be in a situation where your life might be in danger.

That’s why it’s important to LISTEN when people share these kinds of facts and tips about things that could potentially save your life one day.

So sit back and take all of this in, okay?

Pay attention to these tips from folks on AskReddit. They might come in handy one day.

1. This is important.

“Airplane depressurizes and the masks drop?

Put your damn mask on first, as instructed.

At 35,000 feet you have 30-60 seconds of useful consciousness.

Make it count.”

2. Get out as fast as possible.

“Do not delay getting out of a burning building.

The flames are not what will kill you. The smoke will get very thick and toxic very quickly and you will not be able to see the way to get out.”

3. Stay safe out there.

“If you are driving in inclement weather pay attention to truckers, they are often warned ahead of time of wrecks and things due to their radios.

Also never drive in the rain without headlights!!”

4. Keep an eye out.

“Maybe not your life, but someone else’s. Most drowning is silent. The victim quite literally cannot speak to call for help, as they are too desperately trying to get any air at all.

Drowning can look simply like a person bobbing in the water until they no longer come back up. Keep a watch out. Especially if it’s kids.”

5. Get to the hospital ASAP.

“If your vomit look like coffee grounds, you are bleeding internally and you need to go to the hospital.”

6. What’s that smell?

“If you smell a fish smell in your house (some people also report a smell like urine) for no reason, 9 times out of 10 it means there’s an electrical fire.

I actually was the hero in this situation!

Was visiting my sister a number of years back. Hanging out on her couch. Smelled a smell of urine (with a bit of dead fish mixed in) …I asked her what that was. She answered, “it’s been here for weeks. We think a rat or squirrel got trapped in the walls.”

That didn’t sound right to me. a dead animal would smell different.

And for whatever reason, I googled “smells like urine.”

Electrical fire was the first answer.

So, I sniffed all around the room… and found it was coming from the plug of an old lamp. Unplugged it, odor vanished.

Instant hero!”

7. Don’t pull it out.

“If you get impaled or stabbed leave the object in and call 911 (or your country’s equal).

That object is keeping all the blood on the inside of your body.”

8. Sounds terrible.

“If you are ever buried in rubble (earthquake, tornado, building collapse etc).

Don’t shout. You’ll lose your voice and waste energy.

Instead, grab a piece of rubble and knock in patterns of threes. Humans are expert pattern makers and pattern noticers.

Rescuers will hear the distinctive pattern sound and go toward it.

Once you can hear people, then use your voice.”

9. Sadly, you hear about this a lot.

“If someone is in trouble and you want to leap in to save them, make sure you have a way to get out yourself.

I recently saw a video of a drowning man. Another man jumped in to try and save him. Instead both drowned.”

10. This is extremely important.

“If you’re visiting an unfamiliar location like a cinema or concert hall, take a few moments to look around for the nearest exit, then pick out a second as a backup in case the first becomes blocked or cut off.

If something happens, especially in a crowded public place, most people’s first instincts are to turn around and head for the main entrance but this is not always the closest, safest or easiest way out. Nine times out of ten there will usually be a closer exit.”

11. Take shelter.

“If a tornado looks like it isn’t moving, it’s heading right towards you.”

12. Absolutely true.

“There are no rules if a stranger puts their hands on you.

Yell, scream bloody murder, kick, bite, make the biggest scene you possibly can and run away as fast as you can.

Make sure your kids understand that this is the exception, the time they MUST draw as much attention as possible and do ANYTHING it takes to get away and get help.”

13. Always get it checked out.

“Treat all head injuries seriously.

Even a bonk on the head can lead to brain swelling and bleeding. Also, signs and symptoms for a head injury may or may not express immediately.

Get them to a hospital ASAP.”

14. Riptide.

“If you get caught in a current, don’t swim towards the shore and instead swim parallel to the shore.

15. Hopefully, this never happens.

“If you are being shot at, follow Army infantry tactics.

Find any form of cover (car, tree, dirt), and run to it while finding the next cover location

Drop to the ground in your cover location, and don’t raise your head!

Roll left or right so they can’t track your last position, this is very important.

Run to the next cover location while finding your third one. You shouldn’t be running longer than three seconds before the next drop.

I hope you never have to use this.”

16. I didn’t know this…

“If you ever almost drown to the point of throwing up water or passing out, even if you feel 100% fine, get to a hospital.

Your lungs can unwittingly self-fill up with fluid over the next few hours.

Secondary drowning is no joke. More people definitely need to be aware of the dangers!”

17. You have to chew it.

“When having a heart attack, you don’t swallow aspirin, you chew it.”

There is definitely some wisdom in those words…

Okay, now it’s your turn.

In the comments, please share some facts that might just save someone’s life one day.

Please and thank you!

The post People Share Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day appeared first on UberFacts.