Stories of Parents Who Are Struggling to Live Apart From Their Kids

For years, I was the only person in my family who’d moved very far away from where we grew up.

It wasn’t always easy, and I know that it probably took a toll on my parents. And that’s with me being a full grown man.

The emotional toll of being apart from your kids as they’re actually growing up? It’s gotta be unbearable. And if these anonymous confessions from real parents are anything to go by, there are no easy answers.

10. “A 17 hour drive.”

The cat’s in the cradle…

Source: Whisper

9. “She was scared.”

“She’s used to seeing me on Skype nowadays. That’s all.”

Source: Whisper

8. “A bad mom.”

These things are never easy.

Source: Whisper

7. “He’s so smart and independent.”

You wanna be there for every second.

Source: Whisper

6. “I’m scared my kid will forget who I am.”

That’s a dark fear that’s tough to explore.

Source: Whisper

5. “I did this for her.”

How does one escape a lose/lose situation?

Source: Whisper

4. “One weekend a month.”

“I feel like I’m fading into the distance.”

Source: Whisper

3. “I’m not going to lie.”

Worlds and worlds apart.

Source: Whisper

2. “He holds my past over my head.”

When you put fear in the mix, the belief that someone can change evaporates away.

Source: Whisper

1. “I wish we would have worked things out.”

The song so many of us have had to sing.

Source: Whisper

There’s a lot of heartbreak in those words. Here’s to everyone who knows that struggle.

Have you experienced something like this?

Tell us about it in the comments.

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Was This Parent Wrong for Telling Son’s Friend the Truth About His Mom? People Responded.

To tell or not to tell, that is the question we’re going to ponder today…

Or, at least that was the question in this story from Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” page from a parent who had to dish out some truth to her son’s friend about his own mother.

Ouch…this one might be painful.

Let’s see what happened.

AITA for telling my son’s friend the truth about why his mom doesn’t want him playing with my son?

“My son and his friend are both in the second grade.

We moved into the area in the middle of covid and my son quickly made friends with a boy in the neighborhood. For the first couple months it was fine – they got along perfectly, I put the house in order, and was able to work from home so childcare wasn’t an issue.

The problem was when my husband got back from his deployment. He was the one to pick my son and his friend up from school that day (my son insisted, because he wanted to show off his other dad the marine.) My husband was also the one who answered the door when Friend’s mother arrived. She was perfectly cordial, and then left with Friend in tow.

The next Monday my son comes home looking forlorn, and when I ask him what’s wrong he tells me Friend’s mother doesn’t want Friend to play with my son anymore. I ask her what the issue is and she says that she “doesn’t want her son to get the idea that ‘our lifestyle’ is an acceptable one,” and that she “doesn’t want him to get confused with homos**ual ideology.”

Lo and behold, a couple days later Friend comes up to me and asks me why she doesn’t want him to play with my son, and I tell him “your mom doesn’t like the fact that me and Curtis’s [not real name] other dad are two men who are married and in love.” He asks why that is, and I say “because she;s prejudiced.”

Later that night I get an angry call from Friend’s mom demanding to know why I called her a bigot to her own son, why I’m “pushing my ideology” on him, telling me that I’m “an influence that will push [Friend] away from God,” etc.

She posts this long screed on the Parents of Generic Suburban Atlanta Elementary School Facebook group about how we should solve disputes among the parents and not drag the kids into it.

I replied on the group asking what I was supposed to do, lie to her son? She claims that by calling her prejudiced I was “disrespecting her religious beliefs,” and then went into this whole screed about her first amendment rights.

I told her not to make her prejudice my f**king problem, and sure as s**t don’t make it my son’s problem. Then the admin for the Facebook group took down the post because the other parents were piling on on both sides and it was getting heated.


Now check out how folks on Reddit reacted to this story.

A reader said that it’s pretty clear the woman is planting dangerous seeds in her kid’s head.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that this particular mom might have a very rough road ahead of her because the younger generations just keep getting more tolerant than the ones before them and don’t stand for this kind of behavior.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person agreed!

And they said this woman won’t be able to shelter her son forever.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And lastly, this reader made a good point about people who believe that their kids are being indoctrinated at every turn.


Photo Credit: Reddit

Now we want to hear what you think!

In the comments, let us know.

We’d love to hear from you!

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Company Turns Kids’ Doodles Into Real Plushies

When I was young, I doodled this character a lot called “Joe Zargatar.” He was basically a living guitar with arms and legs.

I even recorded an album of his music that we burned to CD using our early 2000’s state of the art PC. I loved that little guy.

If I could have turned him into a tangible toy? I would have been over the moon.

And that’s one of the services offered by a company called Budsies, which specializes in custom plushies and pillows, and it transforming the images from the minds and hands of children into full-blown playmates.

14. Mr. Dog

Yo dawg, I heard you like dogs. So we put dogs on your dog so you can dog while you dawg.


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13. Razorous Flap

That’s not what the kid calls it, but I’m coming up with my own names now because my imagination is ignited.


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12. Nightmare

Never seen a friendlier looking one!


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11. TallBot

He is here to assist humanity with things on high shelves.


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10. Joker 2.0

That is straight up amazing and terrifying.


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9. Serena

Wow, that’s a really good drawing!


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8. Scarlett

So much rainbow win.


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A post shared by Budsies (@budsies)

7. Peep

Just wanna snuggle all day long.


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6. Yakka Dee

She got the power.


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5. Baby Yoda (sorta)

Too cute to get sued by Disney. Right? …right?


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4. The Happy Scarecrow

He may not have a brain, but he’s got a lot of heart.


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3. Princess BrownCrown

Has graced us all with her presence today.


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2. Spikebow

Friendly AND dangerous.


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1. Super Fox

She’s here to save the day!


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At this point you’re probably thinking “how much do these cost?”

Well, it really depends on how fancy you wanna get. But be warned… they’ll set you back by well over $100.

Still, if you’ve got the cash to spare, you can check out their order page for more details here.

What would you draw to get a plush made of it? Tell us in the comments.

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Parents Discussed the Small Things Their Ruthless Kids Will Never Let Them Forget

I have four siblings and every time we all get together we like to tell the stories about the ways that our parents did small things wrong that we just can’t let go.

It’s a great tradition! And you know we can’t let our parents forget about that kind of stuff…

These people all shared similar stories about kids who just can’t let anything go…let’s take a look.

1. How could you?!?!

Never forget…

2. Still getting over it.

Maybe someday…

3. You stole from me!

Can’t live this one down.

4. Really? Really?!?!

This kid is gonna be a handful.

5. That was a LONG time ago.

But still…you are a murderer.

6. Got ripped off!

But eventually made out like a bandit!

7. You taught me the wrong way.

This is funny.

8. Don’t get scared!

One little mistake…

9. Hahahaha. Wow.

Maybe Mom’s not exactly a chef.

10. Don’t let them forget!

Never ever!

11. You made your choice.

I bet they love hearing about this.

12. What’s the number?!?!

Don’t count on her in an emergency.

Do your kids ever give you a hard time for petty things?

If so, tell us about them in the comments.

Please and thank you!

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Parents Talk About the Hilariously Petty Things Their Kids Won’t Let Them Forget

Sometimes when my whole family is together, one of my siblings will bring up something that my mom did 20 years ago and we all have a good laugh…

And then my mom gets upset and yells, “why can’t you remember any of the nice things I ever did for you?!?!”

And then we all laugh some more, she gets more upset, and Christmas is ruined. It’s a great family tradition!

And apparently we’re not unique, because all kinds of kids out there don’t let their parents forget about little mistakes they made. Let’s check some of them out.

1. You did this!

This is a tough one…

2. It only happened once.

And yet, here we are…

3. Where was I?

A tough one to explain.

4. What a deal!

But I bet you still do it anyway.

5. Be quiet!

It was an accident!

6. Still bringing that up, huh?

Don’t ever let her forget!

7. This is a power move!

You should be proud of this.

8. What would Gordon say?

This is pretty harsh.

9. Oh, get over it.

Some kids…

10. Pass the burnip.

It was 1998! Let it go!

11. USED to make me.

He was trying to tell you something.

12. Sorry about that…

An honest mistake.

13. I know it’s been 36 years, BUT…

Moms never change.

Do your kids ever do things like this?

If they do, please tell us all about it in the comments.

Thanks in advance!

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Parents Share the Petty Things Their Kids Won’t Let Them Forget

In a perfect world, we’d let every little thing our parents did slide by the wayside and we’d never bring it up…

But you know that’s not gonna happen!

And if you have kids, you DEFINITELY know it ain’t happening.

Because they never forget anything…even if it happened 25 years ago.

Check these tweets out and you’ll get what I’m talking about.

1. This could get ugly.

Only downhill from here.

2. It wasn’t me!

Get with the program, Gramps!

3. A cautionary tale.

Won’t let that happen again.

4. Something’s missing…

She’s a sharp one.

5. Uh oh…

This is a bad one!

6. He never delivered.

I’d keep bringing it up, too.

7. This is brutal!

Gonna be a handful.

8. Can’t seem to let it go.

There will be a novel one day.

9. Should have never told him.

Too late now…

10. You’re overexaggerating!

Come on now!

11. Don’t hurt me, Mommy.

It was three years ago!

12. Snoozing on the job.

A big NO-NO.

Now it’s your turn to sound off.

In the comments, tell us about the things your kids will never let you forget about.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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Greyhound Lets Runaway Kids Return Home for Free

It’s hard to wrap your head around, but an estimated 2.8 million children run away from home in the United States every year. And it’s even more staggering that the majority of them are between 10 and 14-years-old.

But it’s a sad truth in this country.

So it’s good news that Greyhound works in coordination with the National Runaway Safeline to help kids get back home to safety.

The Home Free Program allows young people from the ages of 12 to 21 a free ride home to reunite with their parents or guardians.

All that young people need to do to qualify for the program is to call 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929) to see if they are eligible for a free ticket home.

As you can probably imagine, kids who run away from home can find themselves in all kinds of precarious and dangerous situations, so we want all young people who have a chance to go back to a safe environment to take advantage of this opportunity.

FYI, there are a couple of stipulations about the program. In order to get a free trip home, there must be a runaway report filed for a person.

Also, a ticket can only be used twice by the same young person.

Here is a link to Greyhound stations around the country.

Here’s that number one more time for kids to call: 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929).

Let’s hope a lot of young people take up the company on this offer.

Have you seen any good stories lately that you think we’d enjoy?

If so, please share them in the comments. Thanks!

The post Greyhound Lets Runaway Kids Return Home for Free appeared first on UberFacts.

An Entitled Karen Tried to Force This Person Out of Guitar Lesson

Karens really never cease to amaze me.

They’re rude, they’re crude, they’re ignorant, and most of all…they’re ENTITLED.

And this story that someone shared on Reddit is a real beauty.

Let’s see what happened…

Guitar Karen DEMANDS my time slot because her son needs “something to do after school”.

“This happened a couple of days ago and I thought you guys would enjoy it. As a bit of backstory, I play the electric guitar. I take lessons from a teacher that is absolutely the best in the area at what he does. He’s been doing it for about 30 years now so he’s really, really good. Understandably, he’s also really, really booked up.

When COVID hit and everyone started doing online classes for school, he lost a bunch of students because they’d typically go to his class after school and since they weren’t in school or doing extracurricular activities, their parents I guess decided to yank them from guitar lessons too.

One of the things that makes my teacher awesome is that he tends to give scheduling priority to his older students (like me, 41) because they don’t give him the headache of having to manage every little thing between this and that thing for school. It kind of sucks for parents but he’s had enough of the headaches of rearranging everyone’s life because little Johnny has to play his leading role of being a rock in the school play.

Now this matters because now that kids are starting to go back into the classrooms where I live, parents are blowing up his phone trying to schedule their little darlings back into lessons, while us older folks have been dutifully attending (or doing online lessons) and paying the whole time. So if you’ve been doing that all this time and you’ve got the 3:30 slot and you like it, that’s where you stay.

This matters because of Guitar Karen. Guitar Karen’s son used to take lessons but she pulled him out for the last 9 months or so. In-school classes are starting up, and Guitar Karen wants as little to do with her kid as possible, so she has apparently enrolled him in every possible after school activity that exists. I know this because my teacher rolls his eyes as our lesson is about to begin because his phone is pinging like crazy.

I thought it might be an emergency or something so when he returned to the room, I said, your phone has been going crazy (he normally turns it off during our session) and he just mutters something and turns it off, talking about how this woman has signed her kid up for track, baseball, art, band and now guitar and in order to ensure he has something to do every single day of the week, he absolutely MUST have this 4:00 slot.

You can imagine where this is going. Guess who’s slot that is. Mine.

I’m super flexible with regard to the days of the week, just not the time of day (because I work until then). I told him as much but he’s like “no, I’m not moving you, don’t worry.” He turns off his phone and we continue on our lesson. Within like five minutes, his computer is going Ping! Ping! pingpingpingping! and he’s like “holy mother of f*ck.”and shuts the lid.

Blissful silence for the remainder of our lesson. Until he opens the classroom door and there stands Guitar Karen: A kind of heavyset woman with her lips pursed like she’s gonna give you a kiss, and her brow looking like it has permanently stuck itself in the scowl position and a “Mama Bear” t-shirt on (I sh*t you not)

“YOU!” she yells at me. Now I’ve never seen this lady in my life but she’s got no mask on so my instinctive reaction is to social distance my *ss right the hell away from her but she just Godzilla stomps her way in, knocking over a music stand and sending papers everywhere. She turns and shouts at the teacher.


The poor guy can’t get a word in edgewise. She’s standing in the doorway so I can’t leave.

She looks me up and down. Me, who is very much a t-shirt and jeans kind of lady and is wearing a shirt that says “I like heavy metal, coffee, cats, and maybe 3 people.” and is like I BET YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE A JOB. YOU’RE PROBABLY SOME WASHED OUT COLLEGE DROP OUT. WHY’D YOU PICK THIS TIME SLOT ANYWAY. IS IT BECAUSE YOU KNEW SOMEONE LIKE ME MIGHT NEED IT? YOU NEED TO GIVE IT TO MY SON.

I also can’t say a d*mn word because this woman just won’t shut up.

Now let me reiterate that my teacher is the chillest guy on the planet. But he nearly died last year from sepsis on top of the whole COVID thing, so he’s REALLY understandably p*ssed when someone gets in your face and is stabbing your chest with their long-nailed finger and spraying insults without a mask on.

He gets between me and her and says YOU NEED TO BACK UP OR GET OUT. They take their confrontation out into the hallway. He tells me to go ahead and leave and he’ll handle her. I hear him tell this lady.

“Listen, loves_spain has been with me for years and I’d better never hear you insult her or any of my other students ever again. Your behavior is disgusting and you need to leave the premises now before I call security.” (We don’t have security in the building but she doesn’t need to know that — he was so fired up, I think HE could’ve landed her flat on her *ss in that moment).

She turns completely meek and is like “What about lessons for my son?” And at this point the teacher was like “absolutely not.” And she’s like “but he needs this!” and the teacher said “not my problem.” and acted as if he were dialing security on his phone. She scuttled out of there as I was leaving the parking lot. I wanted to give my teacher the biggest high-five.

He later told me he didn’t hear from her since then, but he thinks this isn’t the last encounter. I imagine she’s the type of person that will come down there every weekday at that time to berate whichever poor student has that spot because her son obviously NEEEEDS IT!!!

Here’s how folks on Reddit reacted after reading the story.

This person said that they think the guitar teacher was a hero in this scenario.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that the guitar teacher should put the woman and her kids on blast for not following safety protocol.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that this Karen might just be upset for actually having to spend time with her children…they might be right…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, a person argued that Karen’s kid in this situation seems to be way over-indexed and it’s probably the mom here who is making her kids do too many activities.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

Have you had to deal with any Karens and their crazy behavior lately?

If so, tell us your stories in the comments. Thanks a lot!

The post An Entitled Karen Tried to Force This Person Out of Guitar Lesson appeared first on UberFacts.

An Entitled Karen Tried to Force This Person Out of Guitar Lesson

Karens really never cease to amaze me.

They’re rude, they’re crude, they’re ignorant, and most of all…they’re ENTITLED.

And this story that someone shared on Reddit is a real beauty.

Let’s see what happened…

Guitar Karen DEMANDS my time slot because her son needs “something to do after school”.

“This happened a couple of days ago and I thought you guys would enjoy it. As a bit of backstory, I play the electric guitar. I take lessons from a teacher that is absolutely the best in the area at what he does. He’s been doing it for about 30 years now so he’s really, really good. Understandably, he’s also really, really booked up.

When COVID hit and everyone started doing online classes for school, he lost a bunch of students because they’d typically go to his class after school and since they weren’t in school or doing extracurricular activities, their parents I guess decided to yank them from guitar lessons too.

One of the things that makes my teacher awesome is that he tends to give scheduling priority to his older students (like me, 41) because they don’t give him the headache of having to manage every little thing between this and that thing for school. It kind of sucks for parents but he’s had enough of the headaches of rearranging everyone’s life because little Johnny has to play his leading role of being a rock in the school play.

Now this matters because now that kids are starting to go back into the classrooms where I live, parents are blowing up his phone trying to schedule their little darlings back into lessons, while us older folks have been dutifully attending (or doing online lessons) and paying the whole time. So if you’ve been doing that all this time and you’ve got the 3:30 slot and you like it, that’s where you stay.

This matters because of Guitar Karen. Guitar Karen’s son used to take lessons but she pulled him out for the last 9 months or so. In-school classes are starting up, and Guitar Karen wants as little to do with her kid as possible, so she has apparently enrolled him in every possible after school activity that exists. I know this because my teacher rolls his eyes as our lesson is about to begin because his phone is pinging like crazy.

I thought it might be an emergency or something so when he returned to the room, I said, your phone has been going crazy (he normally turns it off during our session) and he just mutters something and turns it off, talking about how this woman has signed her kid up for track, baseball, art, band and now guitar and in order to ensure he has something to do every single day of the week, he absolutely MUST have this 4:00 slot.

You can imagine where this is going. Guess who’s slot that is. Mine.

I’m super flexible with regard to the days of the week, just not the time of day (because I work until then). I told him as much but he’s like “no, I’m not moving you, don’t worry.” He turns off his phone and we continue on our lesson. Within like five minutes, his computer is going Ping! Ping! pingpingpingping! and he’s like “holy mother of f*ck.”and shuts the lid.

Blissful silence for the remainder of our lesson. Until he opens the classroom door and there stands Guitar Karen: A kind of heavyset woman with her lips pursed like she’s gonna give you a kiss, and her brow looking like it has permanently stuck itself in the scowl position and a “Mama Bear” t-shirt on (I sh*t you not)

“YOU!” she yells at me. Now I’ve never seen this lady in my life but she’s got no mask on so my instinctive reaction is to social distance my *ss right the hell away from her but she just Godzilla stomps her way in, knocking over a music stand and sending papers everywhere. She turns and shouts at the teacher.


The poor guy can’t get a word in edgewise. She’s standing in the doorway so I can’t leave.

She looks me up and down. Me, who is very much a t-shirt and jeans kind of lady and is wearing a shirt that says “I like heavy metal, coffee, cats, and maybe 3 people.” and is like I BET YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE A JOB. YOU’RE PROBABLY SOME WASHED OUT COLLEGE DROP OUT. WHY’D YOU PICK THIS TIME SLOT ANYWAY. IS IT BECAUSE YOU KNEW SOMEONE LIKE ME MIGHT NEED IT? YOU NEED TO GIVE IT TO MY SON.

I also can’t say a d*mn word because this woman just won’t shut up.

Now let me reiterate that my teacher is the chillest guy on the planet. But he nearly died last year from sepsis on top of the whole COVID thing, so he’s REALLY understandably p*ssed when someone gets in your face and is stabbing your chest with their long-nailed finger and spraying insults without a mask on.

He gets between me and her and says YOU NEED TO BACK UP OR GET OUT. They take their confrontation out into the hallway. He tells me to go ahead and leave and he’ll handle her. I hear him tell this lady.

“Listen, loves_spain has been with me for years and I’d better never hear you insult her or any of my other students ever again. Your behavior is disgusting and you need to leave the premises now before I call security.” (We don’t have security in the building but she doesn’t need to know that — he was so fired up, I think HE could’ve landed her flat on her *ss in that moment).

She turns completely meek and is like “What about lessons for my son?” And at this point the teacher was like “absolutely not.” And she’s like “but he needs this!” and the teacher said “not my problem.” and acted as if he were dialing security on his phone. She scuttled out of there as I was leaving the parking lot. I wanted to give my teacher the biggest high-five.

He later told me he didn’t hear from her since then, but he thinks this isn’t the last encounter. I imagine she’s the type of person that will come down there every weekday at that time to berate whichever poor student has that spot because her son obviously NEEEEDS IT!!!

Here’s how folks on Reddit reacted after reading the story.

This person said that they think the guitar teacher was a hero in this scenario.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that the guitar teacher should put the woman and her kids on blast for not following safety protocol.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that this Karen might just be upset for actually having to spend time with her children…they might be right…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, a person argued that Karen’s kid in this situation seems to be way over-indexed and it’s probably the mom here who is making her kids do too many activities.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, now we want to hear from you.

Have you had to deal with any Karens and their crazy behavior lately?

If so, tell us your stories in the comments. Thanks a lot!

The post An Entitled Karen Tried to Force This Person Out of Guitar Lesson appeared first on UberFacts.