People Who Regret Having Children Share Their Feelings

I’ve sometimes wondered if there are moms and dads out there who regret having children.

Well, now I have my answer: yes, some of them do feel that way.

Which is kind of surprising, but I guess there are bound to be some moms and dads out there that aren’t exactly thrilled with having kids…

People who regret having kids opened up on AskReddit. Let’s see what they had to say.

1. It is what it is…

“I have two kids and they’re an endless series of PTSD triggers.

If I had known the extent and nature of my mental health situation I would have never had children.

I love my kids, but it is what it is.”

2. But…

“I love my kid more than anything, she’s the light of my life and my delight, but:

(1) Life is just easier when you don’t have a kid. You have more freedom, more options, fewer responsibilities, and so much time. You can take risks, jump on opportunities, do stuff, that just is so much more difficult if you have parental responsibilities.

I’m not talking about partying or living irresponsibly. I mean things like being able to take a job doing humanitarian work in Africa without having to worry about the safety of your family.

(2) In the world as it is, with so much uncertainty and such a bleak outlook, I worry about her future.

I am very much aware of the downsides and I think people who choose not to have children are probably making a wise choice in current circumstances.”

3. Regretting motherhood.

“I don’t regret my daughter; she’s a smart, healthy and beautiful little girl, we could not be more blessed with her.

What I regret is motherhood. I’m not an eager mother, I don’t enjoy the mundane grind of school pickups, park visits, watching Frozen 6,000 times, drawing stick figures, etc. I get no joy from it.

I’m a good mom, I’m attentive and ever present, I do ALL the things and am extremely responsible, but I’m running on a constant state of “over it” and that poor little girl deserves so much better.”

4. Single dad.

“I caved when my wife got baby fever entirely too soon after our first.

My oldest son had just been diagnosed with autism and I just kind of thought that everyone with very young children were miserable until they were 4 or 5 years old. I repeatedly told her that not at all ready to have another child but gave in. We weren’t doing well financially or personally but I just wanted to make her happy.

She asked for a divorce soon after our youngest turned 1. It’s becoming more and more obvious just how self-centered and selfish my ex-wife has always been.

I’m trying not to be bitter but I hate a lot of being a single dad of two young children without any help. I eat what I’d like to say often because I realize it wouldn’t be productive. I grew up with parents who had a terrible divorce and I’m trying to make sure my kids don’t live the same fate.

I’m lonely and terribly depressed, it feels like my life consists entirely of working and being a dad. It feels like no one will ever love me again and everything about dating sucks.

I don’t blame my children. I love them more than they might ever know. My life would be infinitely easier without kids but I hope they’ll never know how I feel.”

5. Passing it on.

“I regret what I unknowingly passed on to them.

If I would’ve have known the severity of the mental illness that exists in my bloodline, I would’ve never have had kids. Being moderately mentally ill myself (Depression/Anxiety), I never thought that mine was severe enough to go on to affect my children in different ways/severities, that it did.

However, I found out 10 years into a fight between life and death with my then 15 year old son, mental illness is sadly very real in the family and my family kept it from me. They sat silent while my son suffered since 5 years old with voices, suicidal attempts, cutting (all before he turned 9!).

I feel guilty everyday I brought children into world never really knowing they would go on to suffer from mild symptoms to very severe. My son could’ve been helped many years before he finally was had I known earlier, but thanks to my family, I almost lost him 4 times before his 16th birthday.”

6. Heartbreaking.

“My son has autism and I sometimes regret having him.

I still love him to death but when I see that he’s not like other kids and doesn’t really socially interact, it breaks my heart. I worry for his future and what would happen when my husband and I die.

Will he be independent and takes care of himself? I worry a lot.”

7. The wrong partner.

“When I had my kids I was stable and when I got my divorce, my ex wife never wanted to work still and still does not work.

To this day I send all my money to them (while still paying my bills and surviving of course) just so they can eat, go to school with everything they need, and be able to have a good child hood.

I just wish I waited to have them with a better woman.”

8. Not equipped.

“Because they deserve more than I can give them.

Financially, emotionally, and mentally I am just not equipped to have children. Most days, my kids are more functional than I am. My kids are 21, 14, and 11. I’ve been a single parent for most of their lives.

I love them and they are my motivation to better myself. But it’s hard when you live in the USA and have to choose between rent/food and buying medication.”

9. Burned out.

“Having kids makes me very tired, exhausted.

All the time running around, shouting, doing stuff they’re not supposed to do, making loud noises on tv’s or other devices. “Daddy I wanna do this, daddy I wanna do that, daddy I wanna buy this, cry cry cry I fell off the couch after you told me hundred times not to jump off couches, no daddy I don’t want to take a bath I will physically resist, daddy are you tired man f*ck that I wanna play football.”

Almost every time my daughter is with me I get a burn out, I lose the feeling in my legs and it takes a lot of effort to rise up from my couch or bed.”

10. Jeez…

“I was lied to about birth control and forced to be a parent against my will.

It ruined my life, the kid’s life, and the life of the other person.

This should not happen to anyone.”

11. Good advice.

“Due to how hard parenting is, I’m almost certain I will never do this again. So… my son will be an only child. This also brings me guilt because I’d like to give him someone to grow up with.

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A BABY WITH SOMEONE YOU REALLY, TRULY LOVE. Do not have a baby with a fling, do not have a baby with someone who you’re infatuated with… trust me, it all fades once you’re stuck with them, for life.

Don’t have a baby with someone who can’t put down a f*cking video game, don’t have a baby with a pothead who will sleep because he’s stoned, while you slave through the sleep deprivation all by yourself.

If you’re on the fence about having a baby, don’t. If you aren’t ready to give up your freedom and sacrifice your life to raise another one, don’t have baby. People take being a mother/father too lightly.

You will never be the same. Your life will be changed forever and will not be just yours anymore. Think hard before you commit… because once you’re in, you can never, ever get out.”

How about you?

Do you regret having children?

Or maybe you regret NOT having children?

Tell us your stories in the comments!

The post People Who Regret Having Children Share Their Feelings appeared first on UberFacts.

A Wife Asked If Being Angry at Her Husband for Eating All Their Daughter’s Birthday Candy Was Wrong

What you’re about to read from Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page might make you a little bit upset.

Or, you might not think it was a huge deal and that this wife overreacted in a big way.

That’s the beauty of the stories that people post on that forum! Let’s take a look.

AITA for blowing up at my husband at my husband for eating my daughter’s bday candy?

“My husband and I have a 12 year old daughter and an 8 year old son.

My husband is the “no” parent. For as long as I can remember he will say no in stores or sports games to the kid’s requests for snacks or toys, even if they offer to pay with their own cash.I don’t undermine my husband when we are together but when I have the kids alone, I do tend to say yes (within reason of course, and not to every single thing)

Two days ago was my daughter’s birthday. It’s her second birthday that we’ve been in lockdown and I bought her 2 boxes of her favorite candy, along with her gifts. My daughter ate some of the Swedish fish out of the first box and decided to save the rest on her dresser where her brother is too short to reach and assumed us the parents wouldn’t take any.

Well was I wrong. I awoke to my daughter crying that her dad had eaten her second box of Swedish fish and some out of the first box and only left her with a few. I checked the trash in our bedroom and confirmed my husband had eaten them.I was FURIOUS. I screamed at him that he is a grown man who can go to the store and buy whatever the f*ck he wants without anyone to tell him no.

While he always says no to our kids and the rare time she gets to eat her favorite candy, his *ss has to eat it.He said we were both making a big deal over candy. I told him it was more than just candy, that he obviously doesn’t like seeing the kids happy, and he’s a thief.

I took my kids with to my sister’s house to cool down, and bought my daughter more Swedish fish to make up for the ones that my husband stole.We’re still at my sister’s house a day later. Until my husband can truly apologize to his child, the thought of him disgusts me.


Hmmmm. Let’s see how people reacted on Reddit.

This person made a good point: this marriage seems incredibly dysfunctional and this woman seems like she’s at the end of her rope with her husband.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that even though it seems like it on the surface, this story really isn’t about candy: it’s about the whole marriage.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual talked about how her own father stole food from her all the time when they were growing up, so they can relate.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person called the situation what it probably is: THE LAST STRAW.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this person said that some parents really don’t even treat their kids with respect…and this sounds like a classic case of that.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think?

Was this woman wrong or totally justified in her actions?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post A Wife Asked If Being Angry at Her Husband for Eating All Their Daughter’s Birthday Candy Was Wrong appeared first on UberFacts.

Was This Person a Jerk for Refusing to Watch Their Brother’s Child? Here’s What People Said.

Do you think you can watch my kids tonight?

How about FOR A WEEK?

I guess family members can ask that of each other, but it seems a bit extreme.

But that’s what happened to this person who shared their story on the “Am I the *sshole?” page on Reddit.

Let’s see what happened and how people on Reddit responded.

AITA for refusing to watch my brother’s baby unless he agrees to watch my kids later?

“I have four kids, ages 11, 9, 6, 5.

My brother and his wife recently had their first kid and we were delighted. Last night my bro called and asked if I could do him a favor: watch their baby for 7 nights so he can surprise his wife with a trip in a couple months. She will be 8 months old at the time.

He called clearly expecting that I’d say SURE and that would be the end of it. But honestly, I was very hesitant. The baby has major sleep issues (SIL posts a lot on SM about it) and a week is a long time. Also I suspect it will actually be 8 nights because he needs to drop the baby at our house (3 hours away). I told him I’d get back to him and he was clearly annoyed.

I did not want to do it because honestly, someone else’s baby is just different and taking her for a week is daunting. But I did want to help. Finally, I landed in what I thought would be the perfect solution for everyone: I would suck it up for a week of no sleep, if in exchange my bro agreed to watch my crew for three or four nights this fall so I could take my husband somewhere to celebrate a milestone bday.

This went over like a lead balloon.

He thinks I’m TA because a) I’m (mostly) a SAHM and supposedly have time, b) there are 4 of my kids to 1 of his, c) he and his wife have jobs and they would have to burn vacation days to watch mine, d) ‘our house is too small” and they don’t want to spend the weekend at mine.

My position: I might have four kids, but they are older and so much easier than an infant. They do not need constant supervision and do not stay up half the night screaming. I’d sooner watch 4 big kids for 7 days than an infant for 3, tbh. I also resent the implication that I have nothing better to do.

My brother said he couldn’t commit to babysitting at a specific time right now but asked me to just agree and ‘we’ll work it out later’ because he wanted to tell his wife about the trip. I said no. He said he’d be screwed if I didn’t because he already paid for flights (‘too good a deal to wait’) and his wife ‘desperately needs a break.’

I suggested he just add the baby as a lap infant and take her too (I have mentioned before we’ve used agencies for babysitters so we could have an evening or two out on vacation) and he got very p*ssed and said he knew my refusal is all based on me ‘judging him’ for ‘not wanting to parent like YOU.’

The context of this comment is that we moved abroad for a few years when ours were little and had the last two overseas. We traveled extensively with the kids from the time they were tiny. But that has nothing to do with my refusal — I’m obviously pro kid-free travel since this is the source of the conflict! — it is all about the length of time I’d be watching a young baby, with likely no actual payback.

Why I might be TA: when I texted my group chat, one friend totally agreed with me, one said she understood my side completely but ‘would probably do it for family if it was her’ and the last one hasn’t said anything so I suspect she thinks I’m being mean.”

Wow…that’s an unusual one.

This person said a baby this young shouldn’t be babysat by someone for more than a short period of time.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that she had a bad experience watching a baby…and that was only for a few hours.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This individual echoed my sentiment: who asks someone to watch a baby for a whole week?!?!

Photo Credit: Reddit

And another person chimed in and said that this is a HUGE request that the brother is making…and this person already has FOUR KIDS at home. Jeez…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, now it’s your turn to sound off.

In the comments, tell us what you think about this person’s story.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post Was This Person a Jerk for Refusing to Watch Their Brother’s Child? Here’s What People Said. appeared first on UberFacts.

If You Think Your Kid Doesn’t Need a Dog, These Wholesome Pics Should Change Your Mind

I had a great childhood, and one of the things I’m most grateful for was that we had a family dog growing up.

His name was Quincy and he was really something. All of us kids loved him a lot and he was a constant in our lives for the 12 years we were lucky enough to call him our own.

What am I rambling on and on about?

I’m trying to say that a bond between a kid and his or her dog is something that they’ll cherish for the rest of their lives.

And here are some great examples of exactly what I’m talking about!

1. Wow! This is amazing!

Never underestimate the power of dogs.

8 months ago, our son got a support dog. Our son was mostly wheelchair dependent. We hoped his dog would help him grow stronger. I think we can conclude that together they succeeded! from dogswithjobs

2. These two make quite a pair.

I bet they get into a lot of trouble together.

A Baby and his dog from MadeMeSmile

3. These two will have a lifetime of fun together.

It made us smile, too!

I volunteer for a dog rescue, we love seeing updates of the dogs in their new homes. This one made me smile! from aww

4. Providing all kinds of comfort.

What a great duo.

My son has autism and one of his unique trait, is his need for physical contact at all times. Barb came into our lives and elected herself to the position of weighted blanket & bodyguard. from AnimalsBeingBros

5. Two kids helping out a hurt pup.

Is this wholesome, or what?

6. Doing great work!

We love rescue pups!

My daughter has a huge heart for dogs and begged for months to get another rescue. She even used all her money to pitch in for the fees. Here she is with our third rescue pupper, Daisy. from aww

7. You win the Internet today.

This looks like a very happy family.

A sleeping baby, dog, and cat. I think I win the internet high score. from aww

8. It all comes full circle.

A new addition to the family.

And I never thought that 17 years later, my best friend would live to meet my first child from pics

9. Where did the dog go?

Oh, there she is!

So, Cassidy (my daughter) was snuggling Elsa (our rescue pup) under her hoodie. I walked into the room and asked "Where’s Elsa?" Well, Elsa tried to get to me…..guess which hole of the hoodie she tried to use?? 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 from aww

10. Waiting for treats.

We can wait all day long if we have to.

Our neighbor gives treats through the fence. Recently he has been giving my daughter treats too. This is them waiting patiently today. from aww

11. Wow. That’s pretty interesting.

The dog was worried about the little one.

Their dog hasn’t eaten well since they brought their baby home – dog kept taking food into the living room and leaving it there. Someone suggested the dog might be worried the baby isn’t visibly eating, so is “feeding” the baby. They tried giving the baby a bowl of food at the same time. It worked! from MadeMeSmile

Okay, now we want to see your pics of your dogs and kiddos together!

Please share some good ones with us in the comments.

We can’t wait!

The post If You Think Your Kid Doesn’t Need a Dog, These Wholesome Pics Should Change Your Mind appeared first on UberFacts.

Enjoy These Wholesome Photos of Kids and Dogs

They’re called “man’s best friend” for a reason, people…

Because it’s 100000%, unequivocally true that dogs are our best companions!

They help us get through the hard times, they love us unconditionally, and, if you were lucky enough to grow up with a dog, you know that it made your childhood a lot more special.

Here are some incredibly wholesome photos of kids with their dogs that we think will brighten your day.

Let’s take a look!

1. Not nervous anymore.

Is this sweet, or what?

My daughter was nervous around dogs, and then she met this guy. He let her love all over him for 20 minutes and afterwards, her fear was gone. Thank you, sweet boy, for making her into the dog lover she is! from aww

2. I bet she loved it!

I have a feeling that these two are best friends.

It’s my dogs 4th birthday, my daughter spent all her pocket money buying her a steak. from aww

3. A proud older brother.

Keeping watch on the little one.

Our dog has hardly left my wife’s side since baby arrived. He’s a proud older brother. from aww

4. This is very sweet.

And he’s a very good boy.

My dog is 18, has trouble standing. Since Clare was born, he stands for hours watching. Good boy from pics

5. Two peas in a pod!

You gotta love it!

Our son had a heart transplant. My wife made him a Tin Man costume. Cowardly Lion played by Murphy Jenkins. from aww

6. The start of a beautiful friendship.

That’s what dogs are for.

The 12 week old guarding the 1 week old. Something tells me this is the start of a beautiful friendship. from aww

7. Just out for an afternoon stroll.

A boy and his dog.

PsBattle: this kid walking his dog in full astronaut gear from photoshopbattles

8. Therapy dogs are the best!

And Maddie looks like a real champ.

Our daughter was visited by Maddie, a therapy dog, before her (successful) surgery at Phoenix Children’s Hospital … this dog helped all of us more than she will ever know … she’s not a good girl, she’s a great girl from pics

9. What a great photo!

They make a dynamic duo, don’t you think?

My son and daughter 💙 from aww

10. The best farm dog you could ever imagine.

I’d love to cuddle with this pooch.

Our Good girl, Stella. Picked her up a year ago at the pound. The best farm dog ever. from aww

11. He looks vicious…

But he was just sneezing.

Step 1: try to take cute pic of dog and baby. Step 2: dog sneezes during pic. Step 3: accidentally capture my dogs inner demon, and my son thinks it’s funny. from funny

12. They can’t get enough of each other.

And they’ll have a great bond as they both grow up.

My son and his puppy — they can’t get enough of each other. from aww

Those really bring a smile to your face, don’t they?

And now we want to see some more!

In the comments, share some pics of your dogs and kids having fun together.

Thanks in advance!

The post Enjoy These Wholesome Photos of Kids and Dogs appeared first on UberFacts.

This Man Banned His Sister From Seeing His Kids. Was He Wrong?

Have you ever heard of someone banning their own family members from seeing their kids?

I’m sure it happens all the time, I’m just glad I’ve never had to deal with anything like that in my own life.

But let’s see how things like this transpire with a story from a man who took to the “Am I the *sshole?” page on Reddit to see if he was wrong for banning his own sister from seeing his children.

AITA for banning my sister from seeing my kids after what she said?

“Let me make it clear, I completely understand that having kids is not for everybody. I respect this and have no problem with it.

I (37M) have five children, (10M), (8F), (5M), (3M) and a five month old son, all of whom have only recently met my sister (33F). She’s a wonderful person, but has always been a bit of a free-spirited person, and likes to be in several other places besides home.

Obviously, she’s only really seen them through SKYPE calls, but they seemed to really be hitting off. And then, a few days ago, my mom sent me pictures of texts she’d exchanged with my sister, in which my sister called my kids ‘brats’ and said that she cringed throughout each a DJ every call because the kids, apparently, were just so terrible to talk to.

I sent the texts to my sister to see what she had to say. My sister asked what I wanted her to say, that she just telling the truth. I told her that, if that’s just how she felt, that she was no allow to see the kids in any way, shape or form.

Now, my mom’s on my back, saying that she had wanted us to talk about it like ‘civilized adults’ and that I’d overreacted. She told me that my sister had a right to her own opinion, and she was just exercising that right.

Is she right? I can kinda see both sides of the argument, I guess…”

Here’s how folks responded on Reddit.

This person believes that everyone is wrong in this situation, especially the man’s mother.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that the whole family seems to be acting immaturely and that venting is normal among people who trust each other.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user said that the man who wrote the post is indeed the *sshole in this situation and that he overreacted.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person made it clear: this is all Mom’s fault!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this person doesn’t think the man or his mother is wrong here, but the blame all falls on the sister.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think this guy is wrong?

Or is he justified in his actions?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments. Thanks!

The post This Man Banned His Sister From Seeing His Kids. Was He Wrong? appeared first on UberFacts.

A Man Wants To Know If He’s Wrong for Telling His Daughter Why He Wasn’t in Her Life

You hear stories all the time about moms and dads not being in their kids’ lives for one reason or another, but this one is a little bit different.

A father took to Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page to ask if he was wrong for telling his 19-year-old daughter the truth about why he wasn’t in her life while she was growing up.

Let’s take a look.

AITA for telling my daughter the truth about why I wasn’t in her life?

“To start, my ex and I were 19 when she got pregnant. We had recently broke up and she found out a couple weeks later that she was pregnant. She said she planned to get an abortion but only wanted her sister there.

So I was always under the belief that she had aborted. She only contacted me once saying it was done and we didn’t speak again.

Fast forward 19 yrs later, I found out a month ago that was a lie. My ex passed away 3 years ago and my daughter Kara has been living with her uncle.

He was the one to reach out to give me a heads up after she expressed an interest in wanting us to connect. He and I spoke at length because I was feeling some pretty strong emotions like rage for never being told about her.

My ex had backed out of the abortion but didn’t want me involved because we were broken up so decided just not to tell me. But he told me that Kara doesn’t know about that. Apparently I wasn’t ready for fatherhood because we were both young so I bailed.

I couldn’t believe it. Rob (her uncle) told me he knows his sister was wrong for that but promised Kara doesn’t have any negative feelings towards me and my ex never painted me as some villain, just a young guy who knew he couldn’t properly care for her.

He asked me not to tell Kara this when we talk if she asks and because it could hurt the way she saw her mom. I never actually confirmed I would.

Kara messaged me and we’ve been talking. I’ve met her twice and it’s been crazy emotional. Looking at this girl who looks just like me and hurting that we’re just barely getting to know each other

So far our conversations have only been about what her life was like, how my life is, what her wants/future goals are, and getting to know each other.

We met again Tuesday and she finally decided to ask the obvious questions about what made me not be involved. How did I feel, what went through my mind, did I ever think about her,etc.

I had been thinking about what to do but in that moment I just didn’t have it in me to lie so I was honest. That I was told about the abortion, had no idea she even existed until now, but that I still really want to be in her life and have the chance to be her father if she wants that. Kara was a bit emotional, we talked some more, and said she still wants me involved.

That night my messages were blowing up. Not just from rob but her grandparents as well. They’re all outraged for telling Kara about her mom because she yelled at all of them and is refusing to even take their calls.

Yes, the lie was terrible but I just ruined the image she had of her late mother for my own benefit. Rob called me a selfish d*ck for not taking into consideration how this would affect Kara finding out about this.

So right now I feel like sh*t. I get “honesty is the best policy” but in this case I don’t know if I was an *sshole for doing it. I’m still learning this whole “dad” business so don’t know if I dropped the ball here.”

Here’s how folks on Reddit responded to the story.

This person said that the man is not wrong here: his ex clearly created this whole mess.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said that this story is even worse than the typical “deadbeat dad” story because the girl was lied to from the very beginning.

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person said that the man is definitely not the *sshole here and that the entire family lied to the girl about what really happened.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said that the man who wrote the story really had no good choices here, but it wasn’t his fault. He was ultimately put into this situation because of the lies of his ex and her family.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And finally, this Reddit users said that the man had to tell the truth and another lie would have prevented him from having any real relationship with his daughter in the long run.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Do you think this man was wrong in his actions?

Or was he justified?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know what you think.

The post A Man Wants To Know If He’s Wrong for Telling His Daughter Why He Wasn’t in Her Life appeared first on UberFacts.

Parents Open Up About the Serious Grudges They Hold Against Their Kids

Anyone who has a lot of friends with kids will always hear what a joy and a treasure they are – but you’ve also doubtlessly heard a fair share of gripes as well. Because the reality of parenting is, just like all human relationships, messy and complicated.

But where does it go from gripes and growing pains to a full on, worrying sort of dynamic?

The line between the two is getting pretty blurry with these real confessions from parents having problems with their kids.

10. The hate you give

Jealousy is a powerful emotion which seems to know no bounds.

Source: Whisper

9. Minute by minute

Not exactly the kind of dynamic you want to foster.

Source: Whisper

8. Eat your veggies

There are certainly worse punishments out there. Well done.

Source: Whisper

7. All day long

Gotta keep that stuff stashed up high where they can’t reach.

Source: Whisper

6. A bitter taste

But how many times has he fallen for it?

Source: Whisper

5. Furry children

Have patience, it’s gonna be really hard on her too.

Source: Whisper

4. Destroyer of worlds

Man…how so?

Source: Whisper

3. Work it

When you’re doing your best but you’re just spread too thin.

Source: Whisper

2. All dressed up

Do they even fit though?

Source: Whisper

1. Meanie meanie

I’m rubber and you’re glue.

Source: Whisper

If you’re a parent frustrated with your kid, my heart goes out to you. Seems like a tough job.

Have you had an experience like this?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Parents Open Up About the Serious Grudges They Hold Against Their Kids appeared first on UberFacts.

Parents Talk About the Things About Their Kids that Drive Them Crazy

It’s been said that being a parent is like watching your heart walk around outside your body. That’s gotta be a tough adventure to pursue. Even tougher when that same heart starts screaming and driving you insane and annoying you in new and innovative ways every day because they have no independence or self-reliance or access to beer.

So, what to do? What happens when the light of your life becomes the bane of your day?

In the case of these parents, they decided to vent their frustrations on the internet.

10. Do it anyway

That’s just kinda how all kids do, isn’t it?

Source: Whisper

9. Evil

Wow, that is a pretty serious statement.

Source: Whisper

8. All in the family

The guy is growing up and exploring, give him some room.

Source: Whisper

7. That’s the poop

“There we go, your problem now.”

Source: Whisper

6. One look

When even the sight of them is enough to set you off.

Source: Whisper

5. Buy buy buy

Kids aren’t born with any kind of understanding of money.

Source: Whisper

4. Allowed

Well, it certainly sounds like there will be no shortage of bitterness all around.

Source: Whisper

3. Your loss

Retainers are the absolute worst though.

Source: Whisper

2. Scream queen

It’s like their favorite thing in the whole world.

Source: Whisper

1. Every minute

Gotta nip that in the bud right away.

Source: Whisper

I’ve never had kids yet, and after all that, I’m not sure if I want to.

Have you had experiences like these?

Tell us about them in the comments.

The post Parents Talk About the Things About Their Kids that Drive Them Crazy appeared first on UberFacts.

Man Asks if It Was Wrong to Throw His Mom Out of the House After She Threw Out His Weed

This headline made me laugh very, very hard.

But, everyone’s situation is different and apparently this guy and his mom are embroiled in a weird struggle with his mother.

The man shared his story on Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page.

Take a look at what happened and check out how Reddit users responded.

AITA for throwing out my mom after she threw out my weed?

“So I am a 30 year old man. I’m single and live alone in a house that I own. A few months ago you know what happened and my mom lost her job. So I decided to let her stay with me.

I have a medical marijuana card and smoke every day. I knew my mom disliked weed so I warned her before she moved in that I would be smoking weed daily and would not stop for her. She agreed, and only asked that I smoke outside. Which I thought was a relatively reasonable request; weed has a strong smell and many people don’t like it.

At first this worked out fine at first. But she started making remarks about how I should quit, ect. I mostly just ignored them/brushed them off. Then it evolved to her demanding that I quit. As if I were still a child she could issue orders to.

I refused and told her that she can move out if she doesn’t like it. She started crying and saying that I don’t love her, I have a problem, ect.

The next day, I come home from work to find her waiting for me. She explained that she had flushed my weed (a little less than an ounce) for my own good. And then demanded that I go to treatment.

Well, predictably, I was furious. And not even really about not having the weed anymore. It is pretty cheap (I usually buy ounces for $125) and I can easily get more.

It was about her total lack of respect for me. I’m an adult, own my own house, have a good job, and have approval from the state to legally purchase and possess marijuana.So someone I’m doing a huge favor for demanding that I stop and throwing out my stuff when I refused is extremely outrageous to me. No matter if she pushed me out of her vagina 30 years ago.

Anyway, we argued about this for a while and it became clear to me that she was not sorry at all and that she would probably do it again. So I told her she can’t live with me anymore. I gave a month, but she has already packed all her sh*t and drove to my brothers house a couple hours away.

She obviously thinks I’m a huge *sshole. So does my brother. But I think that’s mostly because she is his problem now.”

Let’s see what people had to say about this.

This person stated the obvious: this guy is an adult and he doesn’t need his mom’s approval for anything. Times have changed, Mom!

Photo Credit: Reddit

I love this one: “Master level boundary setting.” I’m gonna have to start using that…

Photo Credit: Reddit

This person made it very clear where they stand. The man OWNS the house and his rules are the only ones that matter.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person made an observation that I like to make all the time: why is it okay to drink yourself into oblivion but marijuana is considered horrible by some people?

Photo Credit: Reddit

This Reddit user also thinks that this guy is not wrong in this situation. And he also made it clear BEFORE his mom moved in that he wasn’t going to quit smoking weed.

Some people…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Finally, this person commended the man for setting boundaries and said something that we should all shout from the rooftops: your house, your rules!

Photo Credit: Reddit

Oh, boy…some major family drama here.

What do you think about this whole situation?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

The post Man Asks if It Was Wrong to Throw His Mom Out of the House After She Threw Out His Weed appeared first on UberFacts.