Woman Asked if It Was Wrong to Embarrass the Man Who Proposed to Her

Well, this is going to be interesting.

Just the headline alone is enough to make you cringe and give you the shivers.

A woman had a very interesting story to tell and she took to Reddit’s “Am I the *sshole?” page to see if she was wrong for her actions.

Here’s how the whole thing happened.

First the woman gave some background on the situation.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The woman talked about how her family often brought up marriage when she would visit them in India.

She also talked about how she constantly shot down her family’s ideas about marriage.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And then she visited again and her family told her they had a surprise for her.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And you’re really not going to believe what happened next…

It’s mind-blowing to me that this happens in this day and age.

Take a look.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Wow! That is crazy.

But the woman stood her ground and refused. And she had some choice words for the family members.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And then she had even more choice words!

She decided to leave the party and fly back home.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And some people in her life have told her that she was too harsh and rude to everyone involved.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Even though she believes she did the right thing, it’s obvious from her own words that this woman still has problems with how the whole thing went down.

So she asked if she was wrong for reacting the way she did.

Photo Credit: Reddit

So, what did the internet think?


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit


Photo Credit: Reddit

What are your thoughts about this situation?

Did she do the right thing or was this way out of line?

Talk to us in the comments. Thanks!

The post Woman Asked if It Was Wrong to Embarrass the Man Who Proposed to Her appeared first on UberFacts.

A Man Who Gained One Million Followers Overnight Has Been Homeless and Filming From His Car

If you’re a fan of TikTok, have you heard of a guy on there who goes by the handle “Angry Reactions”?

If not, you’re missing out. His real name is Oneya Johnson and he’s become a viral sensation on TikTok. Johnson created the account in late August he incredibly gained one million followers in 24 hours when people caught on to his hilarious personality.

Johnson’s whole schtick on TikTok is just like the name implies: he reacts very angrily to other TikTok users’ content but it’s all meant to be in good fun.


#duet with @bobbysrey that cake is beautiful. #fyp #foryou

♬ original sound – sreya

And despite his viral fame, many people were very surprised to learn that Johnson has been homeless and was filming the hilarious TikTok videos in his car in Lafayette, Indiana.


@duh_its_kenz1 you’re beautiful 👑

♬ original sound – Oneya D’Amelio

He was evicted by his landlord from his previous home in Michigan where he lived with his ex and he made his way to Lafayette because his brother lives there.

Since then, Johnson has been living in his car.

Shouting matches with his ex were ultimately what got him evicted from his place in Michigan, but Johnson said he and his ex are on good terms now and they share two children together.


Never give up ❤️

♬ Follow Kologuy – Kologuy

Johnson said,

“I basically took how the world sees me, and how I really am, and just matched it together.

If I passed you on the street and I don’t say a word, I look like the angriest person in the world.

But when you actually get to know me, I’m actually a really positive person.”

Keep an eye on this fella and let’s hope he gets back on his feet sooner than later.

And keep enjoying his funny videos!

The post A Man Who Gained One Million Followers Overnight Has Been Homeless and Filming From His Car appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woodworker Made Dozens of Desks for Local Kids Who Are Learning From Home

To all the parents who are dealing with their kids learning from home, we salute you…because it can’t be easy for you OR the kiddos who are pretty much housebound during the pandemic that we’re all living through.

But out of all uncertainty and hard times, we occasionally get wholesome stories about everyday people doing great and generous things for other folks…and here’s a good one for you to enjoy.

A woodworker named Mitch Couch made a desk for his kids to work at while learning from home and he shared a photo of the desk on Instagram and remarked how cheap and easy it was to build.

A local business owner learned about Couch’s work and got in touch with him and asked if he would make more desks to be donated to local schools. Couch immediately said yes and got busy making 35 desks for kids in his community.

A local company in Lemoore, California, where Couch lives called Grocery Outlet generously donated the supplies to help out with this important project.

If you’re interested in building a desk like the one that Couch made for the kids, check out his website HERE for instructions. His website also offers advice on all kinds of DIY building projects.

What a nice act of kindness!

Now we want to hear from you.

Have you seen anything on social media or in the news lately that really warmed your heart?

If so, please share links and tell us about them in the comments. Thanks a lot!

The post A Woodworker Made Dozens of Desks for Local Kids Who Are Learning From Home appeared first on UberFacts.

Postal Workers Share the Things We Can Do That Would Really Help Them Out

With all the stuff that’s currently going on with the US postal service, it’s a wonder that anybody is a mail carrier at all. But, thankfully, we have a bunch of brave folks who continue to soldier on regardless of the circumstances so we can get our much needed mail.

That’s why one person on Reddit asked this question:

Postal Workers of Reddit: What do you need right now? How can we brighten your day when we see you on our routes? from AskReddit

Personally, I LOVE that this question exists because we really could do a lot more for our folks in light blue… and it doesn’t take a lot of work.

Let’s find out more…

1. It’s not hard

Husband delivers mail and he loves just about anything people do.

From pictures drawn from kids along the route to thank you letters to cold water and ding dongs.

He is appreciative of it all!!

2. That’s cool! Literally!

You could buy them a battery powered mini fan that clips to something in their truck. Some wear water vests to keep cool.

Yes, postal employees can accept gifts up to $20

Here’s the policy: https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2012/pb22349/html/cover_025.htm

3. Cooling down seems to be a trend…

Former carrier here.

Had one house that always left me a bottle of ice cold water.

Highlight of that route!

4. Basic. Human. Kindness.

My father has been a postal worker for decades.

What makes him smile the most is when people just reach out and be nice and friendly. He would always tell us stories about the people who would put a smile on his face.

Notes/cards go a long way. But also just say hi and ask them how their day is going.

5. Make their jobs easier.

Former mail carrier here, #1 get a bigger mail box lol.

Water and treats are nice, but a box they don’t have to get out at to deliver things is the gift that keeps on giving.

6. Games!

Cold drinks and maybe a bag of chips or something. I’m a current carrier and seeing that stuff can completely brighten our day. Also just saying hi, or leaving a note saying thank you.

I have a customer who plays tic tac toe with me. That’s pretty fun.

Honesty anything helps and please be friendly and understanding if something is late or missing. As of right now a lot of this stuff is out of our control. It’s coming straight down from up top and there isn’t a lot we can do about it ourselves.

7. The bigger the box…

I also agree that a big mailbox is an amazing option especially if you order a lot of small packages, but don’t feel like you have to replace your mailbox.

If something happens to your box or you’re looking for a new one, consider getting a larger box.

8. Pants pls!

Carrier here!

All I ask is for the love of God PLEASE WEAR PANTS WHEN ANSWERING THE DOOR!… I’ve had straight up naked dudes sign for there package without batting a eye…oh the stories of awkwardness I could tell you guys.

Oh also smiles and friendliness is appreciated 😃 ..but with clothes on…

9. Help them help you

Put numbers on your damn mailbox/house. Send cards/legit letters to people. Tear down your POS lockbox that nothing fits into and get an actual mailbox.

Say hello but don’t hold me up for a half-hour bc I don’t have time to lose. Buy stamps. If you see the mailman struggling with your giant ass refrigerator box, help, don’t just watch from your porch.


10. Control those pups!

Okay… I know the whole joke about “ahhh dogs hate mailmans dogs go brrrrrr”

But please do keep your dogs inside… it scares the mail 🙁

11. Wow! That’s so nice!

I’m a big Jimmie Johnson fan the Nascar driver, today I opened a box and there was a signed Jimmie Johnson hat with a note saying it was for me.

That has brightened my whole week, but water or Gatorade, snacks always appreciated. However I would recommend writing a note saying it’s for the mailman as a lot of times items are left in a box and we are unsure.

One Christmas I totally thought a gift was for me and it wasn’t. 😬

12. It’s the little things!

I’m a carrier and I can tell you the cutest thing I see with the men in my office is the pure joy on their face when they reveal all the drinks/snacks they were given on their routes.

They are so excited to take their treasures home to show the family. They even take pictures and post them on Facebook.

As for me I love being squirted with a hose. A garden hose that is!

13. Yum!

My dad and his dad were rural carriers.

My dad’s favorite treat he received was peanut brittle made by different ladies on his route. If we were lucky he would bring it home to us! When I was little I would ride with him and get to meet tons of folks on his route. And yes, he loved the really big mail boxes.

Back then there was no UPS – he delivered everything, including live chicks. Oh, stories to tell.

14. Legit advice!

Yoooooooo Let me chime in, Postal worker here!

STOP YELLING AT ME WHEN I CAN NOT FIND YOUR PACKAGE!!!! We get mail from UPS AND Fedex and sometimes it’s already comes all fu*ked up or they lost it…but we are last to touch it, then customers hate us for thinking we damaged the package or lost it.

MAKE SURE YOU PUT YOUR ADDRESS CORRECTLY ALONG WITH APT # (if you live in an apartment) Many many times we get packages and they don’t have an apartment number, and you know how big apartment complexes can get, so how do you expect us to find where it goes ?? Just so you guys know when it does not have an apartment number it’s get returned to sender.

Also that sh*t where it takes photos of the letters your suppose to get and it sends a pic to you, we don’t even know where the picture is taken it could be from the originating city/country, countless times people come pick up there mail and they say “where’s this letter ?!” Then proceed to show me the picture like they think I’m keeping their dam mail, it usually comes a day or so later.

STOP TRYING TO SCAM US Looking at you people who sell sh*t on eBay, we know you paid for postage for 5 lbs when In reality it weighs 30 lbs, you cheap asses !

BE PATIENT!!! many times customers come in bitching that “ooooh my package should have been delivered already” so I track that sh*t and it still has not even left the city it’s coming from just cause it says ARRIVAL AT UNIT does not means it’s out for delivery 😒 “Mam your package has not even left Philadelphia!”

There’s probably more but this is all I could think about right now. Any questions lemme know.

15. They’re thinking about you…

When the quarantine was just getting started, a few of my customers left me a note in their mailbox.

Just a friendly thanks and reminder that I am appreciated being out there during these hard times, making sure people get their mail and packages.

I’d say this small kindness would be much appreciated again with all of this political nonsense interfering with my career. ✌🏼

So, it seems like they want a little bit of kindness, a lot of cold water, and maybe some bigger mailboxes.

Got all that? Think you can help out?

Let us know what you do for our postal workers in the comments OR… what you will do going forward!

Thx fam!

The post Postal Workers Share the Things We Can Do That Would Really Help Them Out appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss What They Did to Turn Their Lives Around

I’m always incredibly impressed when people do a complete 180 and turn their lives around for the better.

It’s inspiring and it makes me realize that when things are tough and don’t look too promising, that things can and will get better.

Are you ready to read some inspiring stories about folks who turned their lives around?

Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this.

1. Very smart.

“Stopped caring about things I can’t control and put all my energy into the things I can.

It sounds hard, but there’s actually a lot you can control and that doesn’t leave much room for the other sh*t.”

2. Formerly homeless.

“When I was a teenager I was homeless. A lot of places wouldn’t hire me because I had no experience or interview clothes. I went to the board of education and begged the HR lady to give me a chance at any job. I told her I’d scrub the school with a toothbrush if they paid me.

They made me a general sub for clerical. I took a call for one of the “bad neighborhood” schools that some others turned down. Walked across town to get there every day do I had to start walking at 4:30 am to be on time. I wore dress clothes from a church mission that were way too big but I did my best.

After four months they gave me a long-term position. Then a permanent one with benefits. I saved up enough for an apartment (finding a landlord okay with renting to an 18 year old homeless girl was hard) and started college.

I haven’t been homeless a day since in the last 15 years. I even have a house now.”

3. Nice work!

“I quit drinking when I was 24.

Went back to college when I was 26 and graduated at 29.”

4. Take care of #1.

“Decided it’s ok to put yourself first no matter what. I don’t mean that go ahead and cheat and lie for your benefits.

For example, I was seeing this toxic person for some time and I was the one always compromising and making efforts. When things finally ended, I chose to cut off all contact from that person while they wanted to remain in touch (for support or validation).

I felt bad and selfish while doing it but starting to feel better about myself now that that person is out of my life.

You need to be selfish if the other person is being selfish too.”

5. Time to give it up.

“I’m a month free of smoking weed daily for 8 years, I’m struggling still thinking i need it to be happy.

Its been a rough month with sleep but i know after i get past these few months i will proceed to better my life.”

6. On the right track.

“Moving out of my parents house.

I was living with my parents (which is very common thing in India) until end of my med school. I’ve been in my comfort zone all my life and had everything I need.

That led to depression and I wanted to live by myself and to get out of my bubble. Now I can’t say I figured it all but I definitely feel better.”

7. Get in shape!

“I heavily reduced sugar when I was 21 and started resistance training .

2 years later and I am feeling the best I have ever felt, have so much energy and self confidence because I actually like the way I look now.

Clothes fit so much better as well.”

8. Be yourself.

“Realizing I don’t have to act like someone I’m not just to be liked by everyone.

Changed my life choices and it made me a much happier man. I wish I’d done it sooner and not in my late 20s. So much wasted time…”

9. It’s good for you!

“Went to the gym

It helped me break out of OCD induced psychosis and brought me back to reality and have been going everyday since.

Had to replace it with exercising in the park during the peak of COVID though.”

10. Therapy.

“Started going to therapy.

Slowly realized that I have to think about myself too. Started going to gym, setting boundaries, eating foods I like and every day I tried to do one thing that made me happy.

And I finally got the courage to go to school and study something I actually like.”

11. A complete turnaround.

“Realized my quest to find love wouldn’t fix anything wrong with me.

Stopped manipulating and using men to try to fill the void in my soul. Treated men like people instead of tools.

Actually fell in love and am married to the most wonderful person I’ve ever met.”

12. A big improvement.

“Went from just partying hard on the weekends to partying hard every day to losing my job from partying hard (drug test failed for coke). From there it turned to meth. Really low point.

One day, I had an epiphany and realized that it wasn’t want I wanted, and that I’ve seen people go down similar paths. Actively sought help, changed friend groups, stayed in, got clean and am now doing okay.

Can’t say I’m doing great, but my future is looking better every day, even if it’s only slightly. The addiction is still affecting me, even after all this time, it’s caused insomnia and depression, along with anxiety. Things I didn’t have before doing coke/meth.”

13. Was on the street.

“After being laid off from my last factory job, I suddenly found myself on the streets of Toronto in the early 1990’s with a grade 9 education, no money, no friends, no job references, and not really any family.

So what did I do? Found an unbelievably dirty crappy crawl-space basement apartment. Applied for Welfare. Stopped, drinking and smoking, and anything else unhealthy. Got a gym membership and went 4 hours a day. Jogged 5 miles every morning (weather permitting). Enrolled in an adult high school.

Ignored everyone and everything that would be a distraction. Got my High School diploma with honors in 2 years. Applied for university. Got in. Moved to a different city and spent 4 years getting my BA Hon in Philosophy (because I like to think and solve problems).

Applied to a graduate program, and spent the next 10 years getting my MA and my PhD. Then spent the next several years as a professor making good money and having lots of fun. Won’t say how things are going now because I got cursed with poor health etc., and so am no longer working.

I’ll just say that I am happy now and know that I would have ended up either dead or in jail if I hadn’t done what I did all those years ago. Sooner or later everyone has got to take their life seriously.”

14. Quite a story.

“I tot injured in a car accident (rear ended). Lost my business and my wife of 19 years eventually left for another man, leaving behind a 17 year old daughter and 2 year old son.

No job, No car, No money. 2 kids and $2k a month in rent coming due.

Two days after she left I took my real estate license test. I PASSED! I had planned to surprise her but had hid that I was studying in case I failed. Either way it wasn’t enough and I ended up taking a job at Amazon.

I worked a graveyard shift while my daughter stayed home with my son. I also did open houses on the weekend in hopes someone would walk in unrepresented…

It still wasn’t enough so I signed up to drive Uber and lift. I had been able to pick up a decent vehicle from a family member for cheap and I was in business. I switched my graveyard shift to a day shift and started driving through the nights.

The money was alright but I realized I could make a little more if I switched from Amazon to another large company in the area, so I did. I did that for about a year

Things we’re ok, I was making good money and then Coldwell Banker fired me. I didn’t think Coldwell fired anyone as long as they were paying their dues. I had never sold a house so all it meant was I needed to switch to another broker. Turns out that was a blessing in disguise.

A friend called on my way to sign with Keller Williams and convinced me to sign with a temp agency. I was skeptical but what did I have to lose? The first and second day I was placed with Toll Brothers. It was alright and I could see myself doing that. On the third day I was sent to a local developer and my world was changed.

The broker of record and the local developer took me under their wing. After a few months they hired me away from my temp broker, gave me a salary and commissions and provided me with an opportunity to change my kids lives forever. I was able to go from working 4 jobs to just one and I have learned more about myself than I could have ever imagined possible.

It’s been three and a half long years but I wouldn’t change a thing if I could.”

How about you?

Have you ever made big decisions and turned your life around?

If so, please talk to us in the comments. We look forward to it!

The post People Discuss What They Did to Turn Their Lives Around appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss How They Turned Their Lives Around

I love a great story about someone who was down on their luck, saw little to no hope in the future, and then turned their life around for the better.

It gets me every time!

Because there are few things as inspiring as a feel-good, comeback story, right?

AskReddit users shared their personal stories about turning their lives around.

Let’s take a look.

1. A big move.

“I grew up in South Florida during the beginning of the opioid craziness.

From 2006-2011 things got pretty bad. I’m 2011 I sold my last possession, my car for $800 packed 2 suitcases and bought a bus ticket to Denver. Never been to Denver, didn’t know anyone there but weed was starting to be legal and I didn’t want to miss out.

I detoxed on the bus going from Florida to Colorado. Do not recommend. I got lucky and ended up sitting next to a guy that was a grower and needed help in his garden. I didn’t know it at the time but on the Greyhound he said I had an 8 hour job interview.

Got to Denver and he really helped me get established. Within 2 months I was sleeping on his couch and learning how to grow. Haven’t touched a pain killer since I got on that bus almost 9 and a half years ago and now I’m married, home owner, decent car, and working my dream job in the cannabis industry.

It’s not for everyone, but I literally went from homeless sticking needles in my arm to living a life better than I could have ever imagined.”

2. On the road to happiness.

“I wasn’t happy.

I lost weight, shaved head, got tattoos, travel more, complain less. Everything I do is for myself. I have a long way to go.

If it’s me trying to impress someone it never sticks. You have to want to do it yourself.”

3. Life changes.

“Left an abusive home, went to university at 18, got lost in a black hole of depression, drugs and debt for three years, dropped out. Literally can’t even remember half of it.

Broke, desperate, I called up my estranged dad and he helped me get back on my feet, gave me a loan and kept me alive while I battled daily suicidal ideation and worked part time. Eventually graduated.

Now I’m 30 and my fiancé is supporting me while I go through therapy. I even have some money in savings and we’re talking about buying a home.”

4. A good move.

“Forced myself to become a couch-surfing loser in order to reset myself. I was in my 20’s with no job, and no school just bumming at my mom’s place and drinking away any cash I could get my hands on while playing video games 24/7.

Mom loves me unconditionally, which is good, but it basically enabled me because she would never throw me out. I realized I was a f*cking loser and kicked myself out to become “homeless” (but not really), and bummed at my buddies’ places until I could get a job and a place to live.

Now I not only have a well-paying job and a nice (enough) place, but a wife I love and 2 cats and I haven’t hit 30 yet. I just needed to feel the hunger to realize I wanted more.”

5. It’s up to you.

“By taking responsibility.

What I mean by that is that by accepting that This life is mine and I’m the only one that can turn it around. Nobody else . I quit drinking and smoking and all other bad habits And I started training and counting calories to lose weight .

2 years later I’m healthier than ever I’m surrounded by people who I love and love me , I got rid of all toxic people in my life ( including my family ) and I’m about to get married and start my own business .”

6. Enough is enough.

“Was always chubby while growing up. Had been yoyo dieting for almost a decade. It eventually got to the point where the dieting wasn’t effective, i couldn’t lose the weight and wasn’t even eating much.

I decided enough was enough and I was going to beat that f*cking eating addiction.

I remember walking into the kitchen being fed up with the scale, the food, my body. I thought to myself, this is absurd, im not eating much yet I still can’t lose. Im done with this sh*t. I stubborned up.

Cut the junk food, the snacks, and the irregular eating. Within 2 weeks my body caught up. It’s been 2 years since and I am proud to say that I’m actually in love with the way I look. And I dont even look perfect. But I’m content. Am no longer addicted to food and do eat intuitively.

Its not just the food addiction though. As soon as i got that under control, every other aspect of my life has improved significantly. I just feel happier overall…”

7. Leaving Detroit.

“Lived in Detroit. Skies are grey. Got laid off because management made an absolute mess out of the merger. Next door neighbor got murdered.

Decided the city will be the death of me and my happiness, too. Sold the house. Bought a van. Moved to L.A.. Went to school. Now I am doing some of the coolest sh*t imaginable. A number of publications.

Trips to the jungle. Exploring uncharted caves. Meeting celebs. Jumping out of airplanes. Presenting at academic conferences. Now trying to get into a Ph.D. program in archaeology.

That’s it in a nutshell.”

8. Taking control.

“I realized that I needed control of my life…. I was on a bad path to life in jail, and was listening to a bad crowed…. Jail or death were the paths infront of me. One day wile cleaning dishes it dawned on me that I had more worth. I could do better then that.

I now run tow truck and LOVE it. I get to help people and make smiles happen on so many faces it’s not even funny.

I give them a little knowledge along the way cas I know a thing or two. But tell them to take it with a grain of salt as I’m not a mechanic but it’s a start to what may save them money.”

9. No more dead ends.

“I was a high school dropout in a dead end job earning $30k per year.

Found out my girlfriend was pregnant when we were only 20 and had visions of being a deadbeat broke dad who couldn’t provide for a kid I brought in to the world.

So I did a bridging course and went to university at 21 just as my daughter was born. Married my GF at 24 and have since had 2 more kids.

Comfortably earn $200k a year and have a great career and feel like everything just fell in to place.”

10. Good for you!

“After getting arrested and looking forward to nothing but getting f*cked up on something, I found myself sitting under a bridge with a group of friends trying to scrape together money to buy drugs.

A few of them were in their thirties and I was a teenager at the time. After coming down I made up my mind that I didn’t want to end up like them. I joined the military, met the love of my life and settled down in a different part of the country.

I have a great career, a family, and am still happily married. Finding a way to leave was the best decision I ever made. “Under the Bridge” by RHCP is still to this day a very personal song that strongly resonates with me.”

11. Time to focus.

“My girlfriend at the time dumped me to get back with her ex and i remember asker her why and one of the things she said was she saw how hard i struggled with school and didn’t think she could be with someone who wasn’t going to be successful.

After a couple of months of being depressed i ended up internalizing what she said and dropped out of school to focus on culinary (i was already working in kitchens but going to school for business) ended up doing really well and now i run a pretty succesful meal prepping business and do private dinners on the side.”

12. Wow.

“After college I got my first real job (IT). I met a girl at work. She had a baby but the daddy wasn’t in the picture. We got married, bought a house in the suburbs and a couple cars…cause that is what I thought you were supposed to do.

Two years later, we were both miserable and she found comfort in the arms of another man. I was at a total loss. My marriage failed, my contract was running out at work and I was super depressed.

The turning point was when my father asked me “who do you know who lives the furthest away that you could go visit?” I told him I had two close friends living in Los Angeles and he said “I’m buying you a plane ticket.”

That simple act changed everything. I went to LA and had a blast with my friends who convinced me to move out and live with them. I flew back home, filed for divorce, sold the house and the cars and packed up my sh*t and left.

That was 20 years ago. Since then I have remarried to an amazing woman. Have two incredible kids. Lived in LA, NYC and now Denver. I have traveled extensively, partied with rock stars, laughed so hard it literally hurt.

I can’t even imagine what live would have been like if I stayed with my first wife, if she hadn’t cheated, if I had let her convince me to stick around and be her baby daddy despite running off with another dude.

I saw her once many years later at a wedding. She said she was sorry for what she had done. I said don’t be and thanked her for it.”

13. Listen to yourself.

“Stopped doing what other people said I should do and started doing the things I thought I should do.”

14. Good advice.

“Eating healthier, sleeping well, and exercising regularly.

The benefits of those three are so noticeable. You feel more energized and motivated.”

15. Excited for the future.

“Bad decisions got me kicked out at 13.

I was homeless for a few weeks until I found a little old lady willing to rent out her severely fire damaged mobile home in the backyard to me for $100/wk. Did that for a few months til I found another little old lady willing to rent out a 1 bed/bath apt/addition to her home.

I think it was $300/mth and I had to do yard work and repairs. Did that for years until I left to go to college. Struggled in college because I was a full-time student while working 2 full time jobs. Met my wife. Got my degree. Tried to reconnect with my parents. It’s tough.

Got married. And then struggled to find lucrative work for a year. Things have been improving exponentially since.

Work like crazy, save like mad, invest aggressively. Bought our first house for cash in 2017, had our first baby in 2019, and hit millionaire status in August 2020.

Excited for what your future will bring!!”

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us how you turned your life around.

We’d love to hear from you!

The post People Discuss How They Turned Their Lives Around appeared first on UberFacts.

Nice and Wholesome Posts to Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Many of us are having a hard time dealing with the world right now.

And I have a feeling that I’m probably preaching to the choir and that you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.

We can’t really leave our houses very much, people are out of work, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But, even though we get down in the dumps, we have to remember to keep our heads up, ya know?

Because, as they say, this too shall pass…and hopefully these wholesome posts will help you feel a little bit better!

1. “You’re welcome to it.”

Let’s do more of this kind of stuff.

Looking out for our elders from HumansBeingBros

2. Let’s do it together!

This is so pure!

A good relationship with neighbors is golden from HumansBeingBros

3. Everyone needs a day off sometimes.

Even little kids need a break.

This is a good mother . from HumansBeingBros

4. This is awesome.

Way to go!

Biker bro move right there. Oh they found the owner. from HumansBeingBros

5. Helping out the homeless.

Do your best to help out others. It can be tough out there.

Helping the homeless from HumansBeingBros

6. It didn’t matter how they tasted.

That’s what dads do.

My dad (who has no idea how to cook) knew I’d be in meetings all day so he woke up extra early and made me pancakes + coffee. They tasted awful but they were such a wonderful surprise and i love this man. from HumansBeingBros

7. Teach ’em young!

Setting a good example.

Teaching my little people to pickup trash at the beach. from HumansBeingBros

8. This guy rules.

No one should be intimidated when voting.

Good to know from HumansBeingBros

9. Teaching a young panda.

I’d like to see some video of this.

Panda caretakers in disguise teach a baby panda to live in the wild. from HumansBeingBros

10. He went out of his way.

That was most excellent of him.

In Canada, a bus driver saw a young boy on the street crying. He couldn’t ride his bike because the chain had come off. The driver went out of his way to stop the bus, get out, and fix it on the spot. from HumansBeingBros

11. We all go through hard times.

People out there care about you!

I have been having the worst year of my life, and the other day there was a knock at my door. A girl was there and told me she knows I have been going through a hard time and handed me this. from HumansBeingBros

12. Random and incredible.

Made his day!

Random bros hanging around from HumansBeingBros

How about you?

Have you seen anything lately that really warmed your heart and made you feel all fuzzy inside?

If so, please share it with us in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

The post Nice and Wholesome Posts to Restore Your Faith in Humanity appeared first on UberFacts.

Wholesome Posts to Put a Big Smile on Your Face

This has been a rough year.

A global health crisis, political and social turmoil, massive unemployment. It’s enough to make any person go a little crazy.

But, in these dark times, we have to remember to do our best to stay positive and see the good things in the world and especially in other people.

And we think these posts will bring a smile to your face and will give you a little more faith in your fellow humans than you may have had lately.

Let’s take a look at people doing nice and wholesome things for each other!

1. How cool of him!

Ryan Reynolds seems like a pretty awesome dude.

Ryan Reynolds does it again. from HumansBeingBros

2. Just so you can be sure.

Well, that was nice!

Friend’s sister lost her car key while jogging, someone else made sure she found it. from HumansBeingBros

3. This is beautiful.

What a good son.

Every time DeAndre Hopkins scores, he finds his mom, who lost her sight 17 years ago and gives her the touchdown ball. One of the best traditions in sports. from HumansBeingBros

4. That’s where it belongs.

I wish more people did things like this.

Back where it belongs from HumansBeingBros

5. A rare breed.

Most landlords are definitely not doing this.

A text from our landlords this morning from HumansBeingBros

6. Nice work, sir!

Using your celebrity to do good. More of this, please!

Jaden Smith is a bro from HumansBeingBros

7. That’s awesome.

Helping each other out!

A little community goes a long way! from HumansBeingBros

8. A nice gesture.

This is a good idea.

In Norway you get a small amount of money for recycling bottles/cans. They’re often collected by poor people, homeless etc. A lot of our trash cans has these holders around them so people don’t have to search through the trash to collect them from HumansBeingBros

9. This is very wholesome.

Thanks, Grandma!

Granny doing her best from HumansBeingBros

10. Come on in.

I wish more restaurants would do this.

Pizza shop owner being a Pizza Bro from HumansBeingBros

11. Look at how much it’s grown!

That’s amazing!

Thank you 1968 Girl Scouts from HumansBeingBros

12. Some online friends are really great!

Even though you’ve never met them in person.

Online friends are sometimes better than real friends! from HumansBeingBros

Now we’d like to hear from you.

In the comments, share something really wholesome that we can all enjoy and that will put a big smile on all our faces.

Please and thank you!

The post Wholesome Posts to Put a Big Smile on Your Face appeared first on UberFacts.

A Woman Warned Against Propping Your Feet on a Dashboard After Ending up Without a Forehead

When she was 22, Gráinne Kealy got into a car accident in 2007. Her boyfriend at the time was driving, so put her feet up on the dashboard to relax.

Then the couple slipped on some ice and collided with a wall.

She wound up with an uncommon injury because of her seemingly inconsequential decision.

Kealy says,

“My feet were on top of the airbag and, I know now, they inflate at 200mph. The force of that meant my knees were sent back into my face really powerfully. I broke nearly every bone in my face. I had a brain leak [called a CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid)] and I lost two teeth.”

Kealy and her boyfriend were taken to the hospital for medical attention. They were both okay, but one day she woke up with an infection on her forehead that caused it to slowly sink.

Me with no forehead – wow those eyebrows though 😱😂

Posted by Gráinne Kealy on Thursday, August 10, 2017

Adjusting to life without a forehead was difficult, but necessary because Kealy was without a forehead for two full years.

“For a long time, I was afraid to leave the house. I became a bit of a hermit. I didn’t want to go out and then when I did go out, I would get looks. I bought hats to cover it. I was also worried about banging my head.”

The day before I got my new Italian ceramic forehead…

Posted by Gráinne Kealy on Thursday, 10 August 2017

Doctors were able to construct a replacement for her out of ceramic, but Kealy still suffers from health complications – it isn’t easy to get over brain and head injuries. She now speaks out about her accident so that others won’t end up in her condition.

Posted by Gráinne Kealy on Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Because loads of people put their feet up…

This breaks my heart to think of how many millions of people have seen these celebrities with their feet on the…

Posted by Gráinne Kealy on Sunday, March 31, 2019

So thank you, Gráinne – keep up your advocacy!

Let us know what you think of Kealy’s campaign to raise awareness of this potential safety issue. Share your thoughts in the comments section.

The post A Woman Warned Against Propping Your Feet on a Dashboard After Ending up Without a Forehead appeared first on UberFacts.

6 Years Later, the “I Don’t Know Who Needs to Hear This” Meme Is Still Going Strong

It started in 2013 with this seriously religious tweet (don’t worry, this isn’t a religious post)…

And TBH a lot of the early “I don’t know who needs to hear this” tweets were religious.

But then the internet did its thing and took it into a new direction… just like a good internet should…

So then…

I’ll have to check it out!

Life officially got easier!


So everybody then?


Twitter! Behave yourself!

Some legit good advice!

Good advice is coming in hot!

You’ll save so much money!


Double truth

Serious… save! yo! money!

And finally… THANK YOU!

See, they don’t all have to be for the cynical, cold and dead inside crowd!

The post 6 Years Later, the “I Don’t Know Who Needs to Hear This” Meme Is Still Going Strong appeared first on UberFacts.