In 1984, a woman started hearing a voice…

In 1984, a woman started hearing a voice in her head. The voice told her she had a brain tumor, where the tumor was, and how to treat it. Despite no other symptoms, doctors eventually ordered tests and found a tumor where the voice said it would be. 00

If you have served in the military, regardless…

If you have served in the military, regardless of the branch of service, regardless of where you were deployed, and regardless of whether you served during a time of peace or a time of war, you are at a 60% greater risk of dying from ALS (motor neuron disease) and nobody knows why. 10

What are the Health Benefits of Eggs?

Eggs are among my favourite foods. Be it a cheesy omelette, hard-boiled eggs with a side of toast, or the ultimate hors d’oeuvre, deviled eggs, I cannot get enough. Loaded with protein, they serve as an excellent midday pick-me-up on my lunch breaks. Fortunately, my love for eggs isn’t impeded by negative health side effects as eggs tend to be among the healthiest of foods. Some people even go as far as to label them “superfoods”. But, what are the health benefits of eggs, exactly? First, let’s discuss the nutritional value of eggs. Eggs rank high when it comes to

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Are all babies born with blue eyes?

The eyes are the window to the soul, so the popular saying goes. Human beings place a great deal of importance on our eyes. They are, arguably, the most important feature of our faces. Many people will list someone’s eyes as a key feature that makes other people attractive or not. Given the importance that people place on the eyes, it is not that surprising that people fuss over the eyes of babies when they are born. We look at a baby’s eyes and say how adorable they are. We look at a baby’s eyes when we try to decide

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Top 10 Rarest Diseases in the World

In what can be termed as the most unfortunate of cases, there are groups of individuals all over the world suffering from some very rare forms of afflictions never seen or experienced before. For some of the ailments, however, treatments have been discovered but the same cannot be said for the rest. This is largely contributed by the limited amount of research done on them as only a few people suffer from them enough to raise attention. But nonetheless, human beings have over time suffered and still suffer from some very uncommon maladies which still baffle doctors the world over.

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