Why is Oral Hygiene Important? Here’s Why…

Your mouth is one of the worst areas of your body for harbouring bacteria. Most of these 500 or so bacteria won’t harm you if you maintain a healthy oral regime but if you don’t, all kinds of illnesses can develop, as your teeth and gums begin to break down. The earliest signs of trouble are obvious to your dentist. They will notice cavities in the teeth and receding gums that are caused by gum disease. This is caused by a build-up of plaque – a yellowish substance that sticks to your teeth and gums and causes infection. The bacteria

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Doctors are purposely tripping the elderly…

Doctors are purposely tripping the elderly to make them more fall resistant. The therapy involves hooking them into a harness and having trainers shove/nudge/trip them off balance. The harness keeps them from falling and getting hurt while the exercises help train muscles for better balance. 00

There is a woman from Oklahoma…

There is a woman from Oklahoma who needed her leg amputated due to cancer, so she kept the limb, had it skeletonized, and now runs an Instagram account largely dedicated to taking photos of/with a former portion of her own skeleton. 00

What Does Acopia Mean? What is it?

You may have seen the term Acopia on an elderly relative’s medical notes and wondered what it is – most of the time we don’t tend to question it assuming, correctly, that the doctors know what they are talking about. If the doctor states “admitted with Acopia” we accept it and let them get on with treating it in the hope that our loved one will improve and be sent home with renewed health and vigour. In many cases though, this simply does not happen. “Acopia” is a term that is generally used for older people who are admitted to

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The Health Benefits of Hemp Oil

“Hemp”, a derivative of the cannabis or marijuana plant has been around for thousands of years and known to man for its medicinal properties. However, it is only now that mainstream medical organisations are taking an interest in Hemp Seed Oil commercially. In many countries, including the UK, cannabis is still an illegal drug and to those who know no better “hemp” is a dirty word. However, “hemp oil” is from the flower of the plant – not the leaf part that you can smoke. What makes this plant so special is that it is so versatile and can be

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How Healthy is Pork Meat?

Known as ‘the other white meat,’ pork is hailed as healthier than beef with similarities to chicken regarding its leanness. It is one of the oldest meat sources, consuming up to 38% of the world’s meat production, with domesticated pigs serving as an integral part of the human diet for thousands of years. Although its consumption is forbidden in certain religions and even outlawed in many Islamic countries, nutrition-wise it contains essential amino acids, necessary for post-surgical patients, bodybuilders, and those who need to repair muscles. How Healthy Really is Pork? Pork is the most commonly consumed red meat worldwide,

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Adderall Abuse Symptoms and Signs

Adderall is a prescription medication that is given to those with attention deficit  hyperactivity disorders, also known as ADHD. The drug itself is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Both of these are central nervous system stimulants. When taking this drug, it may help increase the ability to focus, pay attention, and control behavior. The drug also stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which is in charge of the body’s fight or flight responses. This is shown through pupil dilation, heightened blood pressure and heart rate, and increased sweating. Some of the primary reasons that Adderall is taken without having been

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Smokers who quit before 40 were found to live…

Smokers who quit before 40 were found to live just as long as non-smokers. The average smoker who doesn’t stop will lose 10 years on their life. A smoker who stops between the age of 35 and 40 can regain 9 of those years. Older smokers gained back 6 of those years. 00