Scientists Can Harness Electricity from Your Skin’s Melanin, and Melanated People Are… Uneasy

Scientists are figuring out how to harness electricity from your skin’s melanin, and, as a melanated person, IDK if this is good news or bad news.

A group of Italian scientists recently made a breakthrough that allows them to conduct electricity from eumelanin, the pigment that colors human skin, hair, and eyes. In its natural form, eumelanin conducts electricity, but not very efficiently – these scientists figured out a way to give it a boost.

The process is still very much in its early stages, and there are still challenges to figure out before it becomes applicable IRL. But eventually, this technology could help power bioelectronics, like medical implants, and lower the risk of rejection.

“This is the first [stepping] stone of a long process that now can start,” said Alessandro Pezzella, the University of Naples Federico II chemist who authored the study.

Meanwhile, I and my fellow brown-skinned people are, um, nervous.

Is it just us or does this sound like something from a dystopian sci-fi movie?

Because where are they gonna get all this melanin from, hmm?!

Some folks are already ready for a fight.

“Not if I electric shock they ass first,” one woman wrote.

“I got some electric for they ass,” another agreed.

On the other hand, some people are also thinking ahead about how to use this tech to their advantage.

“But in all seriousness, can I pay my light bill with this?”

Goooood question.

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Viral Post Proves 99.9% of Men Have No Idea What a Speculum Is

Ok, so I’m not trying to brag or anything, but I actually did know what a speculum was, as well as what it’s used for. I’m honestly not sure why I know this. I’ve never seen one in person and I DAMN sure haven’t seen one in use.

Most guys, however, have no clue what this is, which might be the reason that someone came up with the genius idea to post this question on Facebook.

This is always fun. (Credit: Unknown)

Posted by Bad Parenting Moments on Saturday, March 23, 2019

And here are some of the great responses.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

And we have more examples of male stupidity…

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

Photo Credit: Facebook

This is probably as good as it’s gonna get, ladies.

Photo Credit: Facebook

The more you know…

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Sandwich-Loving Vegan is Shocked to Discover That Mayonnaise ISN’T Vegan

Vegans are notorious for how passionate they are about their lifestyle, a passion which sometimes borders on being annoyingly overzealous. Even the ones who aren’t the “militant” stereotype portrayed by the media are still very knowledgeable about what they put into their bodies.

That’s why it’s so strange (and slightly hilarious) that one particular vegan didn’t even know that mayonnaise has egg whites in it!

An anonymous guy who works at Subway told this story.

“Yesterday I had a chick come in, she told me she wanted a Veggie Delight,” he began. “As I went to get the bread she asked me if I could change my gloves cause she was vegan and I had been handling meat. I did that, no problem, perfectly reasonable request. I get her breast, toast it and put all the veggies she wants on it, I start to wrap up her sandwich when she says, ‘Can I get some mayo?’”

This is where things went hilariously sideways.

Photo Credit: iStock

The employee said to the vegan: “You know mayonnaise has eggs in it right?”

“THIS. GIRL. JUST. STOOD. THERE. SILENT,” he wrote. Then she said: “N-no it doesn’t, I get mayo every time, are you sure?”

After confirming that, yes, he was sure, the girl “stood there with such a distraught and defeated face. I had shattered this poor girl’s world.”

AND IT GETS BETTER. The employee asked again whether she wanted mayo on her sandwich, AND SHE SAID YES.

Photo Credit: iStock

“So I gave her her mayo, wrapped her sandwich up and charged her for her sandwich, she was silent the whole time,” he said. On her way out, he called “Have a nice day!”

“She just looked at me, sighed, ‘yea, I’ll try’ and walked out. And that’s the story of how I taught a vegan that mayonnaise is, in fact, not vegan.”

Better late than never. FYI, mayonnaise is just eggs with oil, lemon, vinegar, and seasoning.

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Husband Surprises His Wife with a Trip to Disney, and Now We’re All Crying

When two people decide to spend the rest of their lives together, they can never know for sure what’s waiting for them. It’s a risk you take, but you believe you’ve picked the best person to have by your side for whatever comes next – for better or worse, sickness and health, all of that.

Kate and David Pipe met because of her parents. They encouraged her to ask a man she’d never met as a wedding date, but she refused. When he emailed her about it, though, something made her reply.

They ended up dating, and, two years later, in 2009, they tied the knot.

Photo Credit: Kate Pipe

After a year or so of marriage, Kate and David decided they were ready to have a baby, and that’s when they came face-to-face with the “worse” part of their wedding vows – they weren’t able to get pregnant on their own.

“It’s a hopeless feeling when you realize that you are the statistic that needs intervention to have children. And when that intervention fails month after month after month, it’s devastating… and all you can do is try again next month.”

Most of the burden of getting the treatments fell on Kate’s shoulder’s, a never ending and complex task that David recognized and appreciated more than he could say.

“She used to get up at 5am and drive 90 minutes each way to a clinic in downtown Toronto and get blood drawn, do some testing, and be back at work before 9am. She did this between 10-15 times per month for months and months.”

The couple went through 7 rounds of intrauterine insemination, suffered two miscarriages, and finally tried one round of in vitro fertilization that was… extra successful.

Kate got pregnant with triplets – two boys and a girl.

Photo Credit: Kate Pipe

“Once you get pregnant, that’s not guaranteed either, so you are constantly living in a state of worry, just hoping that it works out… But the thought of having three babies at the same time never scared David or me, we just wanted to make sure they were safe.”

The babies were a blessing in so many ways. They were a gift the couple had been hoping and praying for during the whole, difficult process – and they helped ease some of Kate’s pain, too.

“I always felt that we would get those babies we lost to miscarriage back, and that’s what we feel happened with the triplets.”

Their babies were born healthy and are now happy toddlers, but David never forgot the dedication and sacrifice his wife showed while they were trying to conceive. So, he decided she deserved a surprise trip to her favorite place in the world.

Photo Credit: Kate Pipe

“She really deserved way more than a trip to Disney World, but we both love it there, and I really thought she needed to get away.”

Disney was a perfect choice, though; Kate had loved it since she was a child, and she and David honeymooned there years earlier – before marriage, and all of the heartache they managed in order to get their beautiful kids.

They’ve even already taken their kiddos, and are planning to make another trip for their fifth birthday.

David really wanted the trip to be a surprise, so he went all out, contacting her boss to rearrange her schedule and working with family members to make sure the triplets would be cared for while they were gone – he even packed her bags for her and didn’t tell her they were on their way to the airport until the very last minute.

“He didn’t tell me anything until we got on the bus that takes us to the airport and he said ‘we’re going on a plane’ and that was it. He said nothing else until he took that video.”

We’ll get to the video in a moment.

Kate was blown away by all David had gone through to plan a surprise trip just for her, even managing the kids’ schedules down to the very last detail.

Photo Credit: Kate Pipe

“He is truly an unbelievable husband and father. So many of my friends and family came together to support this surprise. It makes me emotional thinking about how lucky we are and how lucky our children are to be surrounded by so many kind and loving people.”

Her husband’s incredible act of love and kindness has left Kate on the lookout for ways to repay him, and show him how much he means to her and the kids.

“Now I just keep thinking ‘how am I ever going to top this surprise?’  It’s a challenge now that I think about often, how to create a surprise as epic and incredible as he deserves.”

She and David want you to know even though struggling to conceive is a “lonely feeling,” that “so many couples go through infertility struggles.”

Here’s that video we promised you!

I hope that all of you have such a bright, shining moment at the end of your journeys, too.

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An Accidental Text to a Wrong Number Changed a Sick Boy’s Life

Wrong numbers are a part of life. Every so often you’ll either send something to the wrong number, or get something that was meant for someone else. Generally speaking, the whole matter is put to bed with a simple “Sorry, wrong number” message. Once in a blue moon, you might end up having a short conversation with the person at the other end.

But, one girl got literally the greatest response when she texted the wrong number about an opinion on a dress. Syd was trying to text a friend of hers while trying on a gorgeous dress in a store for her feedback because you know…

She sent two full-length photos to her “friend,” which, turned out to be a complete stranger.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Instead of getting no response, this husband answered Syd with a kind, genuine message indicating that his wife wasn’t home to ask, but he did ask his kids and they think she looks great.

Photo Credit: Twitter

He even sent a photo of 5/6 of his kids giving Syd a thumbs up.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Seriously, how can you not love this response? It’s a “restoring faith in humanity” kind of answer. There are still some kind/sweet people in this garbage world. Of course, the situation went viral on Twitter after Syd’s friend Mandi published it online.

Photo Credit: Twitter,bbymandi

Photo Credit: Twitter,girl__jpg

Photo Credit: Twitter,CarlieNicole09

Photo Credit: Twitter,WoahItsHaleeey

Photo Credit: Twitter,WholesomeMeme

Photo Credit: Twitter,BrantTylerr

After the tweet went viral and the husband’s children became “Twitter famous,” this dad responded that one of their children (who wasn’t pictured) is fighting Leukemia and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. Someone else posted the GoFundMe link that the family has set up to help their son.

Photo Credit: Twitter,TristarHomeTeam

Photo Credit: Twitter,__Hegde

And, Twitter raised over $1,000 to help this family.

Photo Credit: Twitter,TristarHomeTeam

Photo Credit: Twitter,TristarHomeTeam

The kind of pure you need, today and every day.

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It’s common for Dentists to have…

It’s common for dentists to have aquariums because they reduce stress and anxiety. Aquarium Therapy has been shown to reduce stress, insomnia, and high blood pressure; achieving results that are the same, or better than, hypnosis.

FDA Warns Parents Not to Let Babies Use Teething Jewelry

As a parent, there’s nothing worse than seeing your little one in pain while you stand by, powerless to stop it. And while cutting teeth is just a painful rite of passage, the popularity of “teething jewelry” at least gave parents the illusion they were doing something to help.


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But After the strangulation death of an 18-month-old, the Food and Drug Administration is officially cautioning against it.

“We know that teething necklaces and jewelry products have become increasingly popular among parents and caregivers who want to provide relief for children’s teething pain and sensory stimulation for children with special needs. We’re concerned about the risks we’ve observed with these products and want parents to be aware that teething jewelry puts children, including those with special needs, at risk of serious injury.”

And if you’re sitting there thinking you’d never put your baby to bed wearing a necklace, well, you’re not in the clear – a 7-month-old baby died after choking on a teething bracelet while his parents were in the room with him.


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“Choking can happen if the jewelry breaks and a small bead enters the child’s throat or airway,” the report continued. “Strangulation can occur if a necklace is wrapped too tightly around the child’s neck or if the necklace catches on an object such as a crib.”

The FDA also reminds parents that they don’t recommend the use of “teething creams, benzocaine gels, sprays, ointments, solutions, or lozenges for mouth and gum pain” either, and suggests following American Academy of Pediatrics’ guidelines for soothing teething pain.


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Those include rubber teething rings (cold is best!) or rubbing the irritated gums with a clean finger.

It’s hard to watch, parents, and even harder to have patience with a constantly irritated infant, but according to the FDA, the risks of using the jewelry to mitigate everyone’s pain is too much.

My advice? Try a large, peeled carrot right out of the fridge. Works like a charm!

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Here’s Why Your Poop is Green Sometimes

Let’s just face it: everybody poops. It’s something we all do just every day, so we may as well talk about it.

Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s take a second to discuss something kinda weird that happens when you poop sometimes: it comes out green.

It’s kind of an alarming situation, and you think to yourself…what the hell is going on here? Am I sick? Dying? What is causing this?

Well, that’s what this whole article is about, so you’re in luck!

Photo Credit: Flickr,U.S. Army CCDC

Good news! It’s actually normal to occasionally have green poop, so you can relax and wipe that sweat from your brow. While it is possible that you might have some gastrointestinal issues going on that cause it to turn green as it ventures through you, the main issue is that the waste moves too fast through your digestive system and doesn’t have time to break down the bile that is naturally secreted from your gallbladder.

That bile is usually a green or yellow color.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

There are some other factors that could cause green poops, too. You might have too much fat in your diet, you might be eating so many green veggies (i.e. kale and spinach) that it’s turning your bowel movements green, or you might be consuming a lot of food and/or drinks that have a lot of green food coloring (think Shamrock Shakes).

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

If you do happen to experience green diarrhea that doesn’t go away quickly, then you might have some kind of infection, and you should get checked out.

Otherwise, just lay off the green beer on St. Patty’s, okay?

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Hate Listening to People Chew? You May Have a Medical Condition Called “Misophonia”

One of life’s great annoyances is being in the presence of a loud chewer. Someone just sitting there, the sound of their mastication steadily growing in your mind until it becomes almost earsplitting.

If you feel that way about pretty much everyone’s chewing noises, to the point of having emotional reactions to them, you may have a condition is called “misophonia.”

One 18-year-old girl, Ellie Rapp of Pittsburgh, has been aware of having misophonia since middle school. But she’d been dealing with the condition since she was a toddler. When Ellie hears her family chewing their food at dinner, her “heart starts to pound.”

“I go one of two ways. I either start to cry or I just get really intensely angry. It’s really intense. I mean, it’s as if you’re going to die,” she told NPR.

Photo Credit: iStock

Ellie’s mom, Kathy, spent years trying to figure out how to handle Ellie’s reaction to sounds. She found an article online about misophonia.

“And I read it and I said, ‘This is what I have. This is it,’” Ellie said.

Misophonia is not just a reaction to chewing. It also happens in response to other ordinary sounds that other people make, like clearing their throat or clicking their pen. Mouth stuff is a very common trigger.

Photo Credit: iStock

Misophonia is basically the extreme version of what many people experience – an aversion to other people’s random noises. But it can be difficult to cope with, and there’s still a lot of work to be done in recognizing and treating the condition. It’s not listed in the DSM-5, and many doctors have never heard of it.

“It sounds bizarre, but it’s very real,” Kathy said.

And it honestly sounds terrible.

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15 People Who Definitely Lost the Genetic Lottery

Genetics are a tricky thing. You could live your best life, eat healthy, exercise, avoid drinking and smoking and still end up with some horrible disease.

It’s tragic, but true.

In this AskReddit article, people share how they believe genetics cheated them.

1. Bad knees

“Knees. They just don’t work properly, even after the operations to keep them from dislocating. They always hurt.”

2. Squinting

“My ‘Beautiful’ light green eyes are so bad at denying light that I constantly squint, which leads to headaches.”

3. Damn him!

“Unibrow. My younger brother has thin half-eyebrows. Me (F) has one long, thick and bushy brow that goes from one hairline clear across to the other.

That rat bastard brother is also nearly completely hairless on his arms and legs. And blond.

That f*cker.”

4. Ugh

“My fathers family has early onset dementia, my mother’s family all live to be 100.

So I’m destined to lose my mind at 50, and spend the next half century wondering were I left it.”

5. No fun

“I’m Arab on my mum’s side and Italian on my dad’s.Basically I have to spend a lot of money on hair removal.

I’m a woman, for everyone asking.”

6. That sucks

“Severe acne.

Looking back over old family photos, it seems to be a common feature. At least it’ll clear up at some point.”

7. Rough

“Psoriasis all over my torso/legs/scalp.

It’s kinda weird to bring it up on a first date as well, so I got ghosted an awful lot before finally getting it under control.”

8. Bummer

“My orthodontist legit said I had a monkey face and that my jaw kinda went outwards and she said the surgery wouldnt be so costly, only for my dad to say we couldn’t afford it. Hits hard sometimes.”

9. Take care of yourself

“Both my grandfathers dropped dead at age 59.

Both from cerebral hemorrhages.

I have high blood pressure.

I’ll turn 52 this summer.

Tic, toc.”

10. One way…

“I am 6 ft tall and have the wingspan of someone who is 5’4. Basically a human T-rex.”

11. That’s strange

“My great-grandfather had 3 kidneys. I’ve had kidney problems since I was a baby.”

12. That’s not good

“Absolutely shitty teeth. Some people don’t have to wear braces. It was crucial for me to wear them but my parents weren’t educated enough on the matter to make me wear them. So now, at 28 i’ve had more teeth surgeries than i can count, finally have them straight but the price and the pain i had to endure for them is 20 times more than i would have 20 years ago.”

13. And the other…

“I’m 6’2 and have the wingspan of someone who’s 6’6. I look like fucking slender man.”

14. Luck of the draw

“Twin Gets Nothing, I Get:

•Colour Blindness

•3rd-Generation Acne


•Muscle Spasms

•Creaking Bones

•4th-Generation Early Arthritis”

15. Bad news

“I’m a woman. I have a hot mom but came out looking like my dad.”

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