Mom Films Herself at Night to Show What Sleeping with Babies Is Like for Parents

Parents: you know the drill – you’re not gonna get a whole lot of sleep. Or any at all. For a long time. And that’s just part of the gig.

To make that point obvious for any disbelievers out there, a mom named Melanie Darnell decided to film herself and her kids sleeping over one night, and parents around the world said, “Amen.” The time-lapse video of the evening went viral in a big way because it’s just so darn relatable.

Darnell originally started off sleeping solo but later brought her baby into the room. The baby wiggles around…and neither of them sleep as a result.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Photo Credit: YouTube

Then, adding to the fun, Darnell’s other child decides to join the party – so now there are three people in the bed, none of whom are sleeping.

Photo Credit: YouTube

At 1:30 a.m., the baby finally falls asleep and Darnell takes the other child back to their room.

Photo Credit: YouTube

But the baby wakes up again. Also, the baby decides to play with mom’s hair.

Photo Credit: YouTube

And the baby wakes up again at 6:20 a.m.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Let’s just call it a rough night all around.

Here’s the whole video. Does this look familiar, all you parents out there?

Let’s give it up for all the moms and dads out there who are running on little or no sleep for months at a time. We salute you!

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Smoking Psychedelic Toad “Milk” May Help Alleviate Your Depression

Wait, though – don’t get your toad-catching gear on just yet, because there’s more you ought to know before milking a toad and toking up.

That’s a sentence I never expected to type, but here we are.

The psychoactive secretion 5-MeO-DMT oozes from the glands of the Bufo alvarius – the Colorado river toad. The psychedelic tryptamine is related to the more famous compound DMT, which is found in a mind-altering brew called ayahuasca.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

When dried and smoked, the ooze generates an experience during which (supposedly) the ego is completely obliterated and mystical insights can be accessed – it’s been used at alternative healing retreats and by underground therapists to treat a range of emotional and psychological disorders, including depression.

Mainstream science wanted to know whether there was anything to the claims, so they gathered 42 study participants and gave them toad milk to smoke.

The results, published in Psychopharmacology, claim the participants average depression ratings were down 18% after one day, and that anxiety and stress were also reduced – by 39% and 27% respectively.

The follow-up analysis took place 4 weeks later, and found that depression ratings had dropped to 68%, anxiety to 56%, and stress to 48%.

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Scientists think that the effects could be caused by an increase in neurogenesis, since 5-MeO-DMT had previously been found to stimulate neuronal growth and development. Alternatively, it could help alleviate symptoms by binding to the brain’s sigma-1 receptors, which can reduce inflammation.

A Johns Hopkins study props up this one, as well – they found that 80% of people who use 5-MeO-DMT report a reduction in both depression and anxiety.

There’s a lot to consider moving forward – the exploitation of the toad population, for one – but the fact that the 5-MeO-DMT is easily copied in a lab should go a long way toward curbing any black market trading.

It sounds like this could be a healthy, effective alternative to using pharmaceuticals to treat mental health issues, so hopefully the research continues!

Plus…toad milk.

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New Study Finds Netflix May Be to Blame for the Falling Fertility Rate in the US

It’s funny, just a few years ago, the term “Netflix and chill” was synonymous with hooking up. Now, it seems Netflix may be to blame for the falling fertility rate in the US. How the tables do turn.

Wall Street Journal conducted a survey for the story, which showed that an incredible 25 percent of respondents have declined sex in favor of binge-watching a show in the last six months.

The problem arises particularly from streaming services; back when regular tv ruled mass entertainment, you could only watch one episode at a time, and each episode was filled with commercial breaks. The reward part of your brain wasn’t nearly so activated.

Photo Credit: iStock

“Now, if you’re watching something streaming, the next episode is immediately available, and there are no commercials where you could look over and say, ‘Honey, you look cute tonight,’” explained Jean Twenge, Ph.D., who authored a 2017 study on the topic.

While it is true that Americans are having fewer babies than ever before in history, it’s not entirely clear that Netflix is playing a direct role in the phenomenon. Technology in general, maybe (and like, a thousand other major societal factors). For every couple binging Netflix, there’s another couple scrolling through social media in bed.

“There has never been a time you could feel more alone with your partner right next to you,” clinical psychologist Dr. Megan Fleming said.

Photo Credit: iStock

Netflix commented on the study to deny that they’re contributing to the lack of American babies.

“We take pride in being part of the cultural zeitgeist, but getting credit for a decadeslong decline in sex is beyond even our programming abilities,” a spokesperson said.

That’s ok, Netflix spokesperson. It’s good to have goals.

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During WWI, cotton was in high…

During WWI, cotton was in high demand for the manufacture of uniforms and explosives. For bandages, doctors turned to using sphagnum moss. It can hold up to 22 times its own weight in liquid — twice as absorptive as cotton. The moss is also antiseptic, making the surrounding environment acidic.

Coachella Music Festival Coincides with a Huge Spike in Number of Reported Herpes Cases

You’d think this is a headline ripped straight off a satire site like The Onion. It’s not. That’s right, this is 100% real (side note: I don’t wanna live on this planet anymore).

According to TMZ, there was an outbreak of people treated for herpes in the communities around the Coachella Music Festival in Indio, California, recently.

It seems 1,105 cases of herpes were reported in towns around Indio and in Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego counties in Southern California.

The information comes from Herpalert, a service that launched in 2017 to help people who think they’ve been stricken with herpes. It allows potential sufferers to send photos in to doctors so they can get a quick assessment (like, within a few hours).

A typical day sees about a dozen inquiries to the service in Southern California, but in the first two days of Coachella, 250 cases were reported.

Coincidence? It sure doesn’t seem like it. The previous high the service saw was around the 2018 Oscars when Herpalert saw around 60 cases each day.

What happens at Coachella…apparently doesn’t stay at Coachella. Be careful out there, friends!

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15 Scienctifically Verified Benefits of Marijuana

More and more states across the United States are toying with the idea of legalizing medicinal and/or recreational use of marijuana. You’ve probably seen it on the news, and might even be an occasional pot smoker yourself (a surprisingly large number of American adults have used or currently use marijuana).

In case you’re among the population that has had no exposure to it, you might be curious as to what exactly the medical benefits of the devil’s lettuce might be. Below are 15 benefits backed up by science, so take a read through (but of course consult a doctor before making any decisions).

But also, you’re a free person – you can do what you want and I’ll be minding my own business.

#1. Protect the brain from concussions and trauma.

Image Credit: Pixabay

A Harvard professor recently told NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell that players should not be tested or fined for using marijuana, because the plant could have some ability to protect their battered brains.

“Already, many doctors and researchers believe that marijuana has incredibly powerful neuroprotective properties, an understanding based on both laboratory and clinical data.”

At least one similar study found that patients who had used marijuana were less likely to die from traumatic brain injuries.

#2. Chronic pain management.

Image Credit: Pixabay

This is the most common reason people request and are prescribed medical marijuana, and scientists agree there is definitive evidence that cannabis is an effective treatment for chronic pain.

#3. Halt the spread of cancer (maybe).

Image Credit: Pixabay

Research out of California’s Pacific Medical Center reported that CBD could help cancer from spreading, and other studies on aggressive brain tumors show that THC and CBD can, at the right dosages, shrink tumors. There are enough studies and positive correlations to warrant more research, which at the moment is preliminary.

#4. Ease MS symptoms.

Image Credit: Pixabay

A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal claims that marijuana could ease painful symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis. It looked at the painful muscle contractions experienced by 30 patients who did not respond to other treatments.

#5. Treating glaucoma.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The treatment and prevention of glaucoma, which increases pressure in the eyeball and damages the optic nerve, is one of the most common reasons doctors prescribe marijuana. The drug works to decrease pressure inside the eye, according to the National Eye Institute.

“Studies in the early 1970s showed that marijuana, when smoked, lowered intraocular pressure in people with normal pressure and those with glaucoma.”

It’s not good as a long term treatment right now, though researchers hope that perhaps a drug derived from marijuana could potentially last longer.

#6. Decrease anxiety.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Though research confirms that using cannabis can ahave a relaxing effect, it turns out that smoking too much actually has the opposite effect. Scientists have found what they term the “Goldilocks” zone, and when achieved, usage reduces stress and anxiety.

#7. Ease IBS symptoms.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s, and ulcerative colitis can be treated with marijuana, according to multiple studies.

University of Nottingham researchers found that the chemicals in marijuana, including THC and cannabidiol, interact with the body’s cells that play an integral role in gut and immune function.

#8. Spur creativity.

Image Credit: Pixabay

People’s short-term memories tend to suffer when they’re stoned, but they actually get better at coming up with new ideas – so if you’re stuck creatively, sparking up just might work.

Research also finds that people’s ability to come up with different words actually increases while using marijuana.

#9. Decrease chances of obesity and sugar addiction.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Pot smokers are skinnier than the average person, along with having healthier metabolisms and more measured reactions to sugars – even when they do consume more calories.

The results come from a study of more than 4500 Americans, 579 of whom were regular pot smokers and 2000 who had, at some point, partook.

#10. Help veterans and others suffering from PTSD.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Colorado funded research into marijuana’s potential for people with PTSD and, as a result, cannabinoids have been approved in several states for the treatment of PTSD.

This is currently the number one reason people get a license for medical marijuana.

#11. Reducing or eliminating epileptic seizures.

Image Credit: Pixabay

People with treatment-resistant epilepsy seem to get relief from cannabidiol (CBD), with a number of people also reporting that the derivative helped their epileptic children.

#12. Slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Image Credit: Pixabay

A study out of the Scripps Research Institute concludes that marijuana may be able to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, and at least one previous study agrees.

#13. Alleviate discomfort due to arthritis.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Doctors and scientists feel certain that marijuana alleviates pain, reduces inflammation, and promotes sleep, all of which are symptoms that plague rheumatoid arthritis patients.

#14. Soothe Parkinson’s tremors.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Research out of Israel shows that smoking marijuana results in a significant reduction in pain and tremors in Parkinson’s patients – it also improved fine motor skills among those same patients.

#15. Improving lung capacity.

Image Credit: Pixabay

It might seem counterintuitive, but there’s a fair amount of evidence that marijuana doesn’t harm your lungs – and that it may do the opposite. Research looked at the risk factors of heart disease and tested the lung function of over 5,000 young adults over the course of 20 years, and while cigarette smokers lost lung function over time, pot smokers actually showed an increase.

They’ve admitted it’s possible that the increase in function comes from taking deep breaths while inhaling the drug and not from any chemical.

It’s easy to see why so many states are jumping on the bandwagon in an effort to provide the best medical care to their constituents.

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Biology Class Tests the Fish in Their Sushi, with Unsettling Results

Fair warning: if you’re a seafood lover who regularly purchases fish from the store or goes out for sushi, proceed with caution. There are some scientific results below that are, at best, upsetting.

At worst? You might vomit in your mouth.

It all began when biology professor Dr. Jennifer McDonald was looking for a way to bring a little excitement to her senior molecular biology course. So she sent them to sushi restaurants and grocery stores and told them to bring samples of their fish back to the lab so they could extract the DNA and determine whether the DNA matched the label.

Image Credit: Twitter

They tested 13 samples and 9 had good enough DNA sequences to determine their species.

Of those 9? Only 2 were labeled correctly.

Yeah. And that’s not the worst part.

It’s been well documented over the past decade that fish mislabelling is prolific all over the global supply chain – it’s also illegal and results in fines (when detected). According to McDonald, about 50% of fish is believed to be labelled incorrectly (whether intentionally or not), with some species like red snapper and white tuna more likely to be mislabelled than others.

Not only is it unethical to sell people fish that is not the fish they’re expecting, it can also result in health issues (a common substitute for white tuna is escolar, which can cause gastrointestinal distress) and/or allergic reactions (shellfish is one of the more common – and more deadly – food allergies).

So Dr. McDonald wasn’t shocked at the findings.

At least, not until this happened.


Dr. McDonald doesn’t plan to stop eating fish or sushi, and she doesn’t think you should, either – just make sure to go to restaurants where you feel confident in their fish suppliers and ask questions when something doesn’t look, feel, or taste right.

Which might be easier said than done, although the fact that sushi is so delicious should help buck you up.

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So… Drinking Breast Milk is The Latest Trend in Bodybuilding

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just spit it out: Moms are selling their extra breast milk to bodybuilders, who swear it helps their performance.

The idea is that breast milk is all-natural, unlike many powdered supplements and vitamins. It’s designed to help babies grow, so it’s packed full of calories and nutrients — aka exactly what bodybuilders are looking for.

Who knew bodybuilders and infants had so much in common?!

Many bodybuilders swear by the practice, and it does make some sense…in theory.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

“I think the idea behind drinking breast milk for muscle growth is that it’s incredibly calorie and nutrient dense, and it has some additional healthy substances,” sports dietitian Brian St. Pierre told Men’s Health.

“Breast milk is designed to rapidly grow a human baby, so maybe people think a similar effect will happen to fully grown humans?”

If you’re a new mom with dollar signs in your eyes right now, hold your horses. There is no evidence that breast milk provides the same benefits for adults that it does for babies.

Photo Credit: iStock

Also, it’s not the smartest idea from a consumer’s perspective. It’s no simple matter to safely obtain enough high-quality breast milk for a grown man! There’s not really any way to verify where it came from, whether it’s free of disease, and whether it came from a human with a healthy diet. Plus it can be very expensive.

Also, there are like a million other cheaper, safer, calorie-rich drink alternatives.

“This stuff probably just isn’t special, and it’s not worth the hassle, risk, or money,” Brian said.

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School Replaces Detention with Meditation, and the Results Speak For Themselves

If you ever spent any time in detention as a kid, you probably thought, “what is the point of this?” I think it’s pretty universal that detention consisted of staring at a wall and not doing anything, except maybe homework. Not the best.

The people in charge at Robert W. Coleman Elementary School in Baltimore, Maryland, had a different idea. Instead of putting kids who misbehave to detention, they’re sent to what is called the Mindful Moment Room.

"The truth is best as it is. No one can alter it; neither can anyone improve it. Have faith in the truth and live it -Buddha

Posted by Holistic Life Foundation, Inc. on Monday, February 4, 2019

The room is filled with plush pillows, lamps, and decorations. Kids are asked to calmly talk through what caused them to be sent there and then are encouraged to meditate and do breathing exercises to calm down.

The school partnered with a local nonprofit called the Holistic Life Foundation to create the Mindful Moment Room. For more than a decade, the Holistic Life Foundation has offered an after-school program where kids can practice mindfulness exercises and yoga.

"The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction." -Rachel Carson

Posted by Holistic Life Foundation, Inc. on Monday, February 11, 2019

The programs run by the Holistic Life Foundation also include mentoring, tutoring, and learning about the environment by visiting farms, cleaning up local parks, and building gardens.

Do you know we have a community garden at Robert W. Coleman Elementary School? This initiative teaches students more…

Posted by Holistic Life Foundation, Inc. on Monday, March 25, 2019

The kids have responded well to the program – in fact, suspensions at the elementary school plummeted. When nearby high school implemented the same programs, they also saw suspension rates drop and attendance increase.

Take a look at this video about the program at Robert W. Coleman Elementary.

This is a great idea. Honestly, I wish the schools I went to as a kid did this…

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3D-Printed Casts Are the Future of Healthcare

Have you ever broken a bone before? If so, you’re undoubtedly familiar with how long and uncomfortable the recovery process is in that heavy, clunky cast.

But two entrepreneurs from Latvia might have changed the game in a great way. Sigvards Krongorns and Janis Olins launched their startup company Castprint to improve the comfort of modern casts. The company uses 3D printing to build personalized, lightweight casts out of plastic. They utilize a web-like composition that helps stabilize and support broken bones.

Posted by Castprint on Monday, June 18, 2018

The casts are designed to be comfortable (what a revelation that would be), and they can easily be taken on and off, which means people can start rehabilitation earlier if they need to instead of having to wait for a traditional plaster cast to be cut off.

Another plus: people can wear Castprint casts in the water, so swimming is still an option and showering doesn’t have to involve the hassle of taping a plastic bag around your arm or leg.

Posted by Castprint on Monday, July 16, 2018

The idea for the company came when co-founder Janis Olins broke his elbow and found his injury interfered with his regular job as an auditor. None of his suits would fit over his cast, and he couldn’t go meet clients in person. In 2016 (while still in his cast), Olins was growing interested in 3D printing technology, so he and his partner Krongorns began working with a designer to come up with a potential prototype for a 3D printable cast.

Say goodbye to the old fashioned and heavy plaster casts!

Posted by Castprint on Monday, October 30, 2017

Olins said, “We interviewed doctors, clinic management, nurses, insurance companies and regulator representatives in order to find out more about fracture treatment and the processes involved.”

CastPrint now has partnerships with 7 clinics in Latvia where personalized casts are made for each patient. Olins said that originally many doctors were skeptical of their product, but as time went on and they saw how successful the casts were, they’ve gotten on board.

UZMANĪBU Castprint atbalstītāji un sekotāji! Easm iekļauti @Arctic15 TOP30 inovatīvāko jaunuzņēmumu sarakstā. Lai…

Posted by Castprint on Thursday, May 3, 2018

Olins and Krongorns are looking to expand past Latvia, and their first international partners are in Finland.

Olins added, “We envision, and hope, that with our work we can bring healthcare services and 3D printing technology closer together. Because of the simplicity and ease of our service, there is more potential, and we can fundamentally change the way fracture injuries are treated in the world.”

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