Relatable Memes for Pleasant Afternoon Scrolling

It’s that time of day again – the time before the end of the workday when it’s impossible to finish anything. That means it’s time for meme happy hour! It’s five o’clock somewhere, so sit back, relax, and enjoy these 11 memes to kick off an easy-going afternoon.

1. Now that’s what I call projecting

Sometimes, the terrifying idea of us being truly known causes us to take out our insecurities on others. It’s a vicious cycle.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

2. Where’s my AARP check?

I could use some extra cash just for acting like a granny.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

3. A critical error

This is exactly why you turn your read receipts off.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

4. Too real

Let’s dispel the idea of “teacher’s pet,” shall we?

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

5. Some wounds never heal

That emotional trauma cuts deeper than any amount of sulfates could reach.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

6. Yikes

How is this literally the only commentary my brain can ever come up with?

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

7. Accurate

I’d blame my sleep schedule on Covid, but it was honestly always like this.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

8. This one stings

How did the internet find this photo of me?

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

9. Not all heroes wear capes

Some of them wear personally enhanced crocs.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

10. Scandalous

Friendly reminder to get your mind out of the gutter when you’re going to the grocery story. There are children present.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

11. When your stealth is maxed out

Not that I’d recommend getting together in large groups during this time, but I’m sure this method might actually work.

Image Credit: Pleated Jeans

Well, that was a nice little reset. Sometimes, all you need is a direct hit of top-tier memes to power you through the rest of the day.

What are some of your favorite relatable memes? Share them with us in the comments!

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“The Leftorium” and Other Businesses From “The Simpsons” We Wish Actually Existed

When Ned Flanders opened his store The Leftorium in season three of The Simpsons, it totally bombed.

The episode is literally called “When Flanders Failed.”

But I think Flanders’s idea to open a store for left-handed individuals is actually really cool. Sure, it only serves a certain demographic of the population, but that’s better than letting that demographic go without items made to fit their needs.

But let’s not stop there. In addition to the Leftorium, here are 9 Other Simpsons businesses I wish actually existed.

1. One of the most progressive bars in Springfield

Personally, I prefer their sister club, Eve & Eve.

Image Credit: Fox

2. We’re going to Disney Park!

Err, sorry, I mean…Diz-Nee.

Image Credit: Fox

3. It just makes sense

I hope there’s an air conditioner store out there that really uses this name.

4. I want to go to there

And buy all the LOTR plushies!

Image Credit: Fox

5. Yum!

If this store existed in real life, there would be a line out the DOOR.

Image Credit: Fox

6. Me neither!

Can we talk about Yogurt Nook?

Image Credit: Fox

7. I wouldn’t go in there…

One party I’m glad not to be invited to.

Image Credit: Fox

8. THE Leftorium

Flander’s quit his job to open this store. It was his dream.

Image Credit: Fox

9. Are you hair, God?

It’s me, Margret Simpson.

Image Credit: Fox

10. Well, I hope so

Otherwise we have a real problem.

Image Credit: Fox

Ok, so maybe “Donner’s Party Supplies” goes a bit too far for real life, but it’s just so darn morbid and clever.

What’s in a name? Well, quite a bit if you’re running a business. So, if you’re running a hair salon, or a law firm, or even a specialty store for left-handed individuals, I’d consider rebranding. Because these business names are gold.

Which business would you like to see tuned into a real life operation? Let us know in the comments.

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People Share the Stupidest Thing Someone Has Ever Said to Them

The world is full of…folks who aren’t too bright…

And we’re about to meet a whole bunch of them! Because people were nice enough to go on the record and share the stupidest things that folks have ever said to them.

Let’s get stupid with some folks on AskReddit!

1. Don’t assume.

“I was at McDonald’s a couple of years ago inside with my mom. She let me order, and I asked for a happy meal and listed everything I wanted in that meal and then I said “Oh! And can I please have the dragon toy?”

Because, beyond my wildest dreams, McDonald’s finally had a plastic dragon. But the employee said “Don’t you want the girl prize?” and held up some weird fruit scented doll.

FIRST off, please don’t assume gender (even though I am female), and second, ENOUGH WITH THE GENDER SORTING, I LIKE DRAGONS AND NOT DOLLS, OKAY!?!?”

2. Evolution.

“When discussing human evolution I said that all modern humans descended from Africans. A Croat chipped in and said ‘except Croatians, we are autochthons’.

I asked him to explain and he said that Croatians independently appeared in Croatia, without evolving from monkeys or descending from Africans.

I literally did not known where to begin, such was the historical and anthropological disconnect. I can only surmise that there is a strange sect of fact-free nationalism to which he subscribed.”

3. Wait, it’s not?

“My ex sister-in-law thought Canada was in France, cause they speak French….


4. I’m not buying it.

“Somebody once told me, if a person knows how to say “hello” “my name is” “good morning” in a language, they are fluent and can now speak to natives.

Apparently the person who told me this is a polyglot who knows 40 languages…”

5. That’s a hot take.

“Brown eggs are healthier since they haven’t gotten bleached…into white eggs.”

6. All really dumb.

“1. Men are superior to women

2. That LGBTQ+ people are going to burn in hell (I’m a lesbian)

3. That atheists are going to burn in hell (I’m an atheist)

4. And a bunch of other racist/s*xist/h*mophobic BS.”

7. Brilliant!

“A friend said that the Super Bowl has been around longer than the United States because there have been 54 Super Bowls and only 45 Presidents.”

8. You can’t do that!

“Believe it or not, I worked with a guy who told me you cannot take a photo of a rainbow. No really, he was dead serious.

Now this was way back in the day when the only computers were the kind that filled an entire room, had to have noisy (I wore earplugs and it saved my hearing!) air conditioning on a raised floor, and ran just one job at a time.

Because PCs and PDAs had not been invented yet, I had to wait until the next day to bring in my photographs of rainbows, to which he said that they must have been drawn in like a painting…”HELLO VILLAGE…we found your IDIOT!””

9. Let me remind you…

“My second child was a planned cesarean. Then doctor who performed the surgery also tied my tubes at that time, as we didn’t want any more children.

I saw him frequently during the pregnancy. I went in for my 6 week checkup and he asked what I was doing for birth control. I said nothing. He then lectured me on not getting pregnant again too soon.

I reminded him of my surgery. I actually started laughing.”

10. Good to know.

“Mormons have babies because all of the spirit children are trapped in a cloud, so they have a bunch of kids to save them.”

11. Not sure…

“In 4th grade, I remember someone asking me, “What’s Obama’s last name?”

I replied with “Leslie”.”

12. Oh, really?

“White people can’t have brown eyes.”

13. Here we go…

I am a woman working in I.T. so I have a million of them.

One that stands out was the woman who called in a rage because her new pc wasn’t working. When I tried to help she told me she would rather “talk to one of the men.” She refused to co-operate with me when I asked her questions and was incredibly rude to me.

Turns out that her monitor was turned off. Normally I wouldn’t bill for something like that, but her attitude cost her a half hour labour charge.”

14. Hmmmm.

“My friend started dating with a 40-something, divorced man. He said with all seriousness that women don’t f*rt because they don’t have bowels.

He lived with a woman for years, they had a daughter together… My friend was anything but shy so she promptly illustrated the fact that we do indeed have digestive systems…

Same friend worked as a waitress and one of her colleagues were working on a crossword puzzle. My friend looked at her puzzle and said that the three letter “mammal living in water” is likely not “HAL” (fish in Hungarian) but “CET” (whale in Hungarian). The girl looked at her, thought for a second then came back with “well maybe, but HAL fits into 3 squares!”.

Another colleague of her was feeling very poorly one day, she kept throwing up. They had the following discussion:
– Don’t you think you might be pregnant?
– Naaah, that’s impossible!
– Oh, I thought you had a live in boyfriend.
– Yeah.
– And you have two kids so you certainly are not barren, right?
– Yeah.
– Did you have your tubes tied or he had a vasectomy?
– No.
– So you two like… don’t have s*x?
– Yeah, we do, all the time.
– And do you use protection?
– No, he doesn’t like that.
– So then how is it impossible?!”

Okay, now it’s your turn!

In the comments, tell us about the stupidest thing someone has ever said to you.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

The post People Share the Stupidest Thing Someone Has Ever Said to Them appeared first on UberFacts.

“Much Ado About Muffins” and Other Funny Signs From “The Simpsons”

You’ve heard it before…the devil is in the details.

You know you’re experiencing a solid piece of art/entertainment when you start to notice the clever, little details.

In this case, we’re talking about all the various signs and businesses that the creators of The Simpsons dreamt into existence.

Some of these names are extremely obvious puns while others may have flown right over your head as a kid. Either way, we hope you enjoy these 9 signs from the Simpsons you might have missed.

1. You can give it your best shot

But there’s no guarantee you’ll save any money.

Image Credit: Fox

2. Ok, so a bit on the nose

But, we all know what they’re referencing.

Image Credit: Fox

3. Flint?


Image Credit: Fox

4. This one really got me

Too real. Tooooo real.

Image Credit: Fox

5. Looks like fun

Shall we?

Image Credit: Fox

6. This actually seems problematic at best

But d*mn, now I’m hungry.

Image Credit: Fox

7. Humans are chums.


8. That’s the other guy’s name!

If you want, I can go in and buy you folks some clothes? Tis the season.


Image Credit: Fox

9. Do they have any banana nut?

The last taste of sweets is sweetest last.

That last one is my absolute favorite. How could you NOT want a Shakespearean muffin?

Also, Marge and Homer look so fancy and joyful here! This is not a look we get to see often, and it’s lovely.

I honestly don’t remember any of these from the episodes I watched as a kid, so it’s delightful to scroll through them as an adult and experience them as my parents probably did.

Which business name is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

The post “Much Ado About Muffins” and Other Funny Signs From “The Simpsons” appeared first on UberFacts.

Animals Reimagined Based on Their Skulls Are Horrifying and Hilarious

Much of what we know about dinosaurs and really any creatures that existed long before we were born, comes from the artifacts we’ve found documenting their existence: mainly, bones and fossils.

From these bones and fossils paleontologists have been able to reconstruct skeletons of dinosaurs, extinct animals, even early humanoids. We know what they most likely looked like thanks to these bones.

But totally reconstructing a creature you’ve never seen alive, based just on their skeletons, is hard work! As shown by these 16 animals reimagined based only on their skulls, future aliens might have a totally different idea of what life on planet Earth was like, if they only had our skeletons to go by.

1. Oh, god

Everything about this is frightening.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

2. Will aliens even know jellyfish existed?

Probably not.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week


3. Who’s a good little hellhound?

Yes you are, yes you are!

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

4. They say the meek shall inherit

Planet of the Tortoise?

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

5. Did bunnies evolve from dinosaurs?

If Monty Python taught me anything, never mess with a rabbit.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

6. Earth was just full of fiendish beasts

How did humans ever succeed?

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

7. The Siberian Chonk

A most ferocious and majestic beast.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

8. *insert scream emoji*

Are we sure that Aye-Aye aren’t aliens?

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

9. This one is kind of cute

The skull, not the reconstruction.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

10. The mongoose is not to be trifled with

Sankes beware.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

11. The absolute derpiest

The male platypus has venomous spurs on his back ankles.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

12. Certainly this one belongs to something fierce

Yep. So fierce.


Image Credit: Ruin My Week

13. Gyarados?

Nope, just a Seel.


Image Credit: Ruin My Week

14. Welp

Just like Olaf, he has no bones.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

15. Clearly, a monster

I shudder to think what this skull must belong to.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

16. What hoot

Owl be sorry when this list of memes is complete.

Image Credit: Ruin My Week

If I’ve learned anything today, it’s that every creature seems a lot scarier when you’re just looking at their skull. Maybe the dinosaurs were a lot cuter than we think.

Also, there are probably tons of creatures we’ll never know existed, because they didn’t leave behind any bones.

Which animal reimagined up above is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

The post Animals Reimagined Based on Their Skulls Are Horrifying and Hilarious appeared first on UberFacts.

People Open up About the Dumbest Thing a Person Has Said to Them

Humans never cease to amaze me.

Just when I think that I’ve met the dumbest person on the planet…BOOM…here comes another one.

I think you know what I’m talking about, right?

Are you ready to get dumb? Let’s do it with folks from AskReddit!

1. Not accurate.

“A little hard to explain.

They thought “Indian” was a general term for any pre-colonial American and questioned why there was a country in Asia called India.”

2. Uh oh.

“During a biology presentation,(anonymous) keeps saying orgasms instead of organisms.

We all had a good laugh.”

3. Cut off.

“A close friend of mine babysat a boy (5 years old) who believed that girls were boys who had their private parts cut off for bad behaviour…

Something tells me those parents are REALLY messed up.

Btw, my friend was a girl and found out when the boy asked her what she did to have hers “cut off”.”

4. Now you’re in trouble.

“Watching Avengers Endgame in a theater.

Someone in a seat in the front yelled ¨TONY STARK DIES AND THANOS GETS SNAPPED AWAEEEEEEEE!¨

After the movie, like 6 guys beat him up.”

5. Better look into that.

“One classmate said to me that if my palm is bigger than my face, I have AIDS and HIV.”

6. What?!?!

“When I was in college, a Christian trying to convert me said,” You know, Satan put fossils on Earth to test your faith.”

I just looked at her and just laughed.

Another gem was in high school when a friends sister, who was 16 at the time, I was 17 said to me “did you know rabbits don’t lay eggs?””

7. Straight from Italy.

“We were at Olive Garden when my sister asked all of us if french fries were Italian.

*face palm*”

8. Really bad.

“Was asked the other day- “Are you still grieving?”

My baby died 4 months ago. Of freaking course I’m still grieving.

Why would you even ask that question?”

9. Just think about it.

“My dad once told me that if lesbians just “kept an open mind” they would find they really like [men] too.

It was directed at me because he assumed I’m a lesbian without confronting me.”

10. Oh, boy…

“Some girl said in my f***ing HISTORY class (keep in mid we are SENIORS!!!!) that black people originated from white people painting their faces to be a darker shade!!!

I’ve never been more disappointed in the human race.”

11. Florida logic.

“My 12 year old sister said that alligators are in Miami.

And my 18 Years old sister said “Yeah or Florida”.

She’s never moving out…”

12. Conspiracies.

“My sister is adamant that not only the Holocaust didn’t happen, but also that 9/11 was an inside job, the Moon Landing was filmed on a Vegas film set, and that vaccines cause health problems such as autism.

Talk about a moron.”

13. Riddle me this.

“Once a friend of mine told me that my dog cant be a dog because she doesn’t chase cats.”

14. What do you think?

“Ok. To set the picture. I am working for a Big Box Retailer.

I am not only wearing the approved pants and shirt, I am also wearing a vest, a name badge, and I am taking boxes from a cart, opening them and placing rhe products on the shelf.

“Do you work here?””

15. Pity the fool.

A guy yelled at me, because he disagreed when I said that scientists had figured out a way to remove salt from salt water.

I just glared at him. I don’t argue with fools.”

You know the drill…

Now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us about the stupidest thing someone has ever said to you. Thanks!

The post People Open up About the Dumbest Thing a Person Has Said to Them appeared first on UberFacts.

Posts From the Nextdoor App That Will Make You Roll Your Eyes

We’re all so connected these days that it can seem a little overwhelming from time to time.

And it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of privacy anywhere these days, does there?

Well, you can add Nextdoor to the long list of apps that make you feel like a Peeping Tom, constantly getting a peek into other peoples’ business. And this time it’s all about your crazy neighbors!

And, as you can probably imagine, people use Nextdoor to air all kinds of grievances and make weird observations, etc. It’s great fun!

Let’s take a look.

1. You can get it done right there!

You don’t even have to leave your car!

2. I think that might be a misspelling.

Can we double-check on that one?

3. I don’t think this is gonna happen.

Nice try, though.

4. What an adorable pet you have!

And he seems harmless.

5. This is the weirdest post of all time.

A lot going on in this one…

6. Take it easy, comrade.

I was actually thinking it was North Korea.

7. There it goes!

Wait, what? Let me read that again…

8. Oh, that’s what happened?

I thought something else was going on…

9. Being harrassed by a cat.

It happens to the best of us.

10. I need to talk to Dr. Phil.

I’m sure he’ll get right back to you.

11. Can we please think of the cats?

They need more sleep!

12. I’m glad this news is out there.

I was worried this was gonna happen…

Some people, I’ll tell ya…

Now we want to hear from you.

In the comments, tell us about some wild, wacky, and funny experiences you’ve had with your neighbors.

Thanks in advance!

The post Posts From the Nextdoor App That Will Make You Roll Your Eyes appeared first on UberFacts.

Dad and Daughter Recreate Iconic Movie Scenes and They’re Great

For most parents, it’s been a big headache trying to figure out how to keep their kids occupied during this pandemic that has kept all of us cooped up in our houses for nine months now.

But Alex Zane doesn’t seem to have that problem at all.

Zane and his 5-year-old daughter Matilda have spent their quarantine time recreating iconic movie scenes with Matilda as the main star.

And the results are great!

Take a look at their work, we think you’ll be impressed.

1. A juvenile delinquent genius.

What a great film!

2. Are you ready to do the lift?

Remember, you have to practice in the water first.

3. Run, Forrest, run!

Welp, now he’s done running.

4. Don’t throw that overboard.

She just ruined everything!

5. Who doesn’t love Pee-wee?

I know I do! Pee-wee for President!

6. These guys are definitely up to no good.

It’s gonna be a long weekend.

7. Oh, no, it’s E.T.!

Make sure to hide him in the closet!

8. The greatest horror movie of all time?

I sure think so!

9. It’s time to make out with Jake Ryan.

Don’t burn yourself on the cake!

10. You’re about to get your ear cut off.

This is from Reservoir Dogs, FYI.

11. Another all-time classic film.

You’ll never want to shower again.

12. Grease is the word!

Let’s drag race! Who’s gonna win?!?!

Now that’s the good stuff!

And now we want to hear from you!

In the comments, tell us what movies you’d like to see these two recreate. Please and thank you!

The post Dad and Daughter Recreate Iconic Movie Scenes and They’re Great appeared first on UberFacts.

Chilling Memes for the True Crime Obsessed

With quarantine not looking like it’ll end any time soon, us true crime fans have even more time to dedicate to the next chilling murder mystery.

Every new podcast leads to a bottomless pit of shocking offenses. Somehow, learning about serial killers is more soothing than engaging with the current news cycle.

Here are 13 true crime memes for those of us who are totally hooked.

1. For your mental health

Who needs a guided meditation video when you have the Ted Bundy court tapes?

Image Credit: someecards

2. Some people are so fake

The internet has existed for how many years now? No need to act surprised.

Image Credit: someecards

3. The stuff that spies are made of

Next stop, federal government.

Image Credit: someecards

4. Too real

Very rude of the internet to leak this candid photo of me without my permission.

Image Credit: someecards

5. Tips from the OG

There’s no away any serial killer would pay for Netflix.

Image Credit: someecards

6. Hang on a sec

This is like when you re-listen to your favorite part of the song because it didn’t hit you hard enough the first time.

Image Credit: someecards

7. Love at first sight

Every girl’s dream – all in one photo.

Image Credit: someecards

8. Duh

I think we all knew this anyway.

Image Credit: someecards

9. Let’s be real

If I wanted a feel-good narrative, I’d binge a British baking show, not My Favorite Murder.

Image Credit: someecards

10. A quick fix

This is better than therapy!

Image Credit: someecards

11. When worlds collide

If nothing else, the true crime fandom is definitely one of the most dedicated.

Image Credit: someecards

12. I’m down

We’re all just looking for that special someone who will analyze the Casey Anthony trial with us.

Image Credit: someecards

13. Yoda knows what’s up

Much like the Jedi after Order 66, us true crime fans are often forced into a life of secrecy.

Image Credit: someecards

Well, that managed to get my heart rate up for about five minutes.

Maybe now I can expand my efforts to socialize beyond just listening to nice women hashing out the details of a very obscure murder that happened in Wisconsin.

What are some of your favorite true crime memes? Share them with us in the comments below!

The post Chilling Memes for the True Crime Obsessed appeared first on UberFacts.

Dad and Daughter Are Great Are Recreating Movie Scenes Together

Ready to have some fun?!?!

I know I am! And the father-daughter duo you’re about to meet bring the fun and the entertainment in a major way.

Alex Zane and his 5-year-old daughter Matilda are excellent at recreating movie scenes with Matilda as the main attraction and we think you’re gonna love their work!

Here are some great examples of what they’ve been up to. Let’s take a look!

1. A classic movie!

And little Matilda nailed it!

2. Everyone loves this movie.

You can’t deny that!

3. That’s Clark W. Griswold right there.

And he’s about to get attacked by a squirrel.

4. Election! What a great movie!

A highly underrated gem!

5. Do the crane kick, Daniel!

Who would’ve thought The Karate Kid would be so popular in 2020?

6. North by Northwest.

Let’s see if you can outrun this plane…or this fidget spinner.

7. Legally Blonde for the win!

It’s a good one!

8. It puts the lotion in the basket.

I really hope this little girl hasn’t seen this movie yet.

9. Heeeeeere’s Johnny.

You know it. You love it.

10. Dumb and Dumber!

Want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?

11. A classic scene from Bridesmaids.

Oh yeah, she’s doing it in the street.

12. We’re gonna need a bigger boat.

One of the all-time great movies!

13. Dazed & Confused.

Alright, alright, alright!

Those are so awesome!

And now we want to hear from you.

What movie scenes would you like to see this dynamic duo recreate?

Tell us what you think in the comments!

The post Dad and Daughter Are Great Are Recreating Movie Scenes Together appeared first on UberFacts.