People Are Sharing Videos of Their Dogs Reacting to the Sound of a Bag of Chips

The time has come for us to be honest with ourselves and just admit that when we heard the sounds of food… we turn into curious doggos.

But let’s back up…

The Twitter account @aussiesdointhgs shared this and got the tweetstorm started…

350K+ likes and 85K+ retweets?!? Wow.

Naturally, doggo owners everywhere related in a BIG way.

And the videos started coming in like crazy…

Because dogs can hear EVERYTHING you’re doing…

And it’s usually adorable. Usually.

Especially when it’s about the chips.

Because what’s better than chips?

Or ANY food, for that matter?

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again… we don’t deserve dogs.

But they do deserve our chips.

The end.

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Women Also Abuse Their Boyfriends. Take a Look at This List to See How.

Abusive relationships knows no gender. It can happen in every single combination of people who decide they want to spend time together. That means friendships can be abusive, as well as romantic relationships.

For the purposes of our discussion today, we’re going to focus on the female being abusive towards the male in a romance relationship. Because according to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, “1 in 7 men (13.8%) aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime,” AND “more than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.”

So, it’s important to make sure that women also acknowledge their role in abusive relationships and make sure they try and break the cycle.

Tumblr user Exposing-The-Bullshit recently put this list together, and it’s worth a look…

The post got reblogged over 430K times and here are some of the best reactions…

1. Nothing wrong with losing “friends” over this…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

2. She’s seen this first hand…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

3. Yep. It’s not really about gender or sexuality.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

4. Important stuff is important!

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part one…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part two…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part three…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part four…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part five…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

5. Part six…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

6. Part one…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

6. Part two…

Photo Credit: Bored Panda

What do you think?

Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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This Woman Is Waging a Hilarious War Against Selfies by “Dying” in Her Photos

STEFDIES is a photo series by an anonymous woman who pretends to be, well, dead in photos.

And there’s a good reason for it!

The STEFDIES series reminds us we will one day die, like our face down figure. Hence seeing her in the photograph wakes up not only the image but us. We are given the opportunity to ‘die before we die’ and really take in the moment in the photo as we must in life. It is not about death, it is about life.

STEFDIES is a constant reminder of how precious life is. The breath inside is what we all ultimately seek.

So that’s fun!

You know what’s more fun? Her pictures!

1. Under the Golden Gate bridge…

2. In Madrid!

3. At Disney World?

4. Looks like London?

5. At a petting zoo!

6. A friend joining her for an art show!

7. Okay, that could actually be lethal…

8. Eiffel corpse!

9. Smashed on the rocks!

10. Enjoying a snack…

11. Parking lot probs…

12. Along the English countryside…

13. Submerged

14. Outside Notre Dame

15. Clowning around!

Check out her website here and Instagram here, and enjoy all that weirdness. You’ve earned it.

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A Woman Claimed Poor People Have No Class. People on Twitter Politely Showed Her Who Really Has No Class.

Get ready to meet someone who is completely terrible!

This self-proclaimed ‘blue collar millionaire’ cause outrage on Twitter when she had the nerve to say, “broke people are usually very low class, have extremely bad manners, have zero etiquettes and no class at all whatsoever.”

Yeah, it’s gonna get ugly…

The beginning is friendly enough… O_O

And we can all relate to this story, right???

To be fair, I can actually see how this would be annoying…

Melissa… maybe you’re trying too hard?

I honestly don’t believe this happened…

Because I can’t imagine people who LOVE food not wanting “food” like this…

But let’s just say this is true… THIS is what ruined you forever with people?

Sure you do Melissa. All of those high end friends just LOVING those lavish gifts you’re sending their way…

And, well, things on Twitter got ugly from there.

Because why not?

She kind of had it coming…

The irony is not lost on Twitter…

And is this really about desserts? Or something more?

I’m dead.

Positive vibes only pls…

Classy is as classy does…

Oh bless her up and down and left and right…

Right? Totally positive!

This could be it!

But is she rich? IS SHE?!?!

Melissa apparently couldn’t handle the ‘positivity.’

But we all know why she did this. So other people would visit her website.

Does this actually work? Can she shame people into buying her shit?

Your thoughts on this wealthy and classy person? Comment them down below and let us know.

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All 20-Somethings Need These Kinds of Friends in Their Lives

Your 20s are a weird, confusing time, and you’re going to want to have good friends around you to survive that trying decade.

Some of them help you have fun, some of them are there when you need them and some, well, they’re kind of garbage friends, but it’s still nice that they’re around.

Here are the essential buds you need in your life so that your 20s run as smooth as silk.

The Errand Runner

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

You want to minimize those impulse purchase? You need a shopping buddy… stat!

Ms Bad Influence

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

TBH, this friend is only good for the first half of your twenties. And they better not be somebody you’re sexually interested in, otherwise you are DEFINITELY going to fuck them. A lot.

And if you’re still into having Ms. Bad Influencer in your life in the back half of your twenties, you’re both probably alcoholics.

AA anybody?

The Sex Goddess

In this hookup culture, having a more sexually-experienced friend is absolutely essential. And hey, if the ribald conversations get too blue… you can always call in “The Bad Influence” to run interference.

The Checker Inner

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb

Honestly, this is kind of a garbage friend because they’re not really there for you. And do they really care about your well-being? Hmmmm, well, at least they pretend. And sometimes that’s nice. I guess. Whatever.

The Editor-in-Chief

Always just keep this friend at the ready because they could be just the thing to just make any text, email or cover letter all better.

Just saying…

The Detective

Whenever it’s time to do recon on your possible new boytoy/fuckbuddy/friend… this gal is your baroness in dark web armor.

The Illusionist

I have no pity for those of you out there that wants somebody to lie to you.

Your hair is greasy bish. WASH IT!

The Photographer

They know how to do it for the gram. And that is more valuable than gold!

Okay, we’d take the gold instead, but this is still valuable.

The One Who Knows You’re Awful

Yeah, they know your secrets, but they won’t judge you. Actually, they’re more likely agree with you and carry all your secrets to their grave.

Thank god… because that is a large bag of no no.

The Awkward One

They have no empathy, so they don’t know why you’re crying, but that’s okay because they’re still there helping you out anyway…

The Bold One

“Ummm, excuse me waitress. You got her order wrong. Could we fix this? Thank you.”

God damn you’re the best.

Thank you Bold One!

The post All 20-Somethings Need These Kinds of Friends in Their Lives appeared first on UberFacts.

A Server Made a $5,570 Mistake with a Bottle of Wine and Their Manager Told Twitter

How many of us have made a £4,500 mistake in our lives? Not too many, I’m willing to bet.

Somebody at Hawksmoor Manchester did recently and what the restaurant publicly tweeted about the situation might just shock you.

Wow. I mean, that was REALLY nice of them.

So the bottles must have looked a lot alike, yeah?

Oh… hmm….

But this did inspire people to share their own stories about people royally fucking up on the job…

And it gets worse…

But most people (and potential customers) were legitimately impressed by the restaurant’s progressive take on the situation…

Others roasted the restaurant for caring such expensive wine. Because what about the homeless people, huh?

Well, they had the perfect comeback for that too..

Game. Set. Match.

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This Woman Is Waging a Hilarious War Against Selfies

If you’ve never seen a picture of a person impersonating a cadaver and taking a picture of it, then you’re in luck! STEFDIES is a photo series by an anonymous woman who pretends to be, well, dead in photos.

And there’s a good reason for it!

The STEFDIES series reminds us we will one day die, like our face down figure. Hence seeing her in the photograph wakes up not only the image but us. We are given the opportunity to ‘die before we die’ and really take in the moment in the photo as we must in life. It is not about death, it is about life.

STEFDIES is a constant reminder of how precious life is. The breath inside is what we all ultimately seek.

So that’s fun!

You know what’s more fun? Her pictures!

1. Looks like London?

2. At a petting zoo!

3. A friend joining her for an art show!

4. Okay, that could actually be lethal…

5. Submerged

6. Outside Notre Dame

7. Clowning around!

8. Eiffel corpse!

9. Smashed on the rocks!

10. Under the Golden Gate bridge…

11. In Madrid!

12. At Disney World?

13. Enjoying a snack…

14. Parking lot probs…

15. Along the English countryside…

Check out her website here and Instagram here, and enjoy all that weirdness. You’ve earned it.

The post This Woman Is Waging a Hilarious War Against Selfies appeared first on UberFacts.

10+ Hilarious Tweets With Over 150K Retweets And Counting

When the Twitterverse giveth, it giveth with aplomb. These hilarious tweets have all garnered over 150 retweets, so you just know they’re awesome.

Let’s check ’em out!

1. Just a small town dog, livin’ in a lonely world…

2. And suddenly… SCIENCE!

3. Well, humanity was fun while it lasted…

4. OMG! Cutest. Hiding. Place. Ever.

5. Yeah, this is too true.

6. Ninja kittehs!

7. I’m dying! 💗💗💗

8. Sooooooooooooooo excited!

9. Sorry Duey. Love, Grandma.

10. And people say they don’t have personalities?

11. Note to self: never go to Oklahoma…

12. “No, you can’t play with us!”

13. Just wait for it…

14. Pro parent move…

15.Round and round and round…

And that’s all folks!

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