A Malfunctioning Wave Pool Created a “Tsunami” That Injured 40+ People

Reports differ as to what exactly happened at Shuiyun Water Park, a summer tourist resort in Manchuria, on July 29, but the result doesn’t change – many people were injured as a result of the wave pool being set to basically simulate a tsunami.

According to the waterpark, the incident was “caused by a mechanical fault” and “only around 10 people were injured.”

Local officials put the number of injured at 44, with 3 remaining in the hospital for some time to be treated for broken bones and serious cuts and bruises.

A Twitter user who uploaded the video of the rouge wave claimed the “wave machine operator got drunk and turned the machine to its maximum setting.”

The pool is shut down and authorities are inspecting it, but your guess is as good as mine as to whether the truth will ever find its way to the public.

I guess we’ll see.

In the meantime, make sure your swimming skills are up to snuff if you’re going to spend the day at your local water park – because you just never know!

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“Men Writing Women” Twitter Shares What Male Writers Actually Know About Women: Not Much

It’s a joke in the writing community that male writers manage to create the most cringe-worthy, impossible female (and sexual) moments – and now, there’s a Twitter account dedicated to giving shoutouts to the best (worst) of the bunch.

Buckle up, because these are amazingly too much.

15. I mean why not just get a dog?

14. Still trying to figure this one out.

13. I mean, who doesn’t?

12. At least he mentioned her face first?

11. Snoozer.

10. Her wheat-colored nest.

9. The breasts.

8. Nipple-weary.

7. I obviously need to get to know my boobs better.

6. Can you say “rape-y?”

5. Never you worry, ladies.

4. Skim alert.

3. A decent little pooper.

2. Is that supposed to be a good thing?

1. IDK I’d be reaching for the pepper spray.

I’m off to walk “boobily” to the kitchen for a cookie that will somehow never find its way to my waist!

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These Tweets Will Help You Get Through Today, Tomorrow & Maybe Even the Day After That

Life can be rough…that’s why the women of Twitter are here to help you laugh your troubles away!

Enjoy these 13 tweets from the female Twitterati that are sure to make you titter your ass off!

1. Does it have to be five? Isn’t it usually one?

2. Same

3. Shy guy…

4. Surprise ending!

5. Okay… I can see that…

6. When he right, he right…

7. #HotGirlSummer

8. This somehow makes sense…

9. There he is!

10. Mind. Blown.

11. Hands down the best news all day!

12. Nobody expects…


Okay, that’ll do for a couple days.

Unless you need more. Then we got you. Just click somewhere and magic will happen.

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A New Viral Selfie Challenge Has People Sharing Mental Health Advice for Their Younger Selves

There is some really good information in these tweets.

Though the #5YearOldSelfie challenge isn’t the first one to encourage people to give advice to their younger selves (in an attempt to help those still struggling), it is the most recent one to go viral.

UK-based mental health organization Young Minds initiated the challenge and hashtag. Their mission statement is to “make sure all young people get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s challenges.”

To participate, Twitter users tweeted pictures of their younger self along with 3 pieces of advice you’d have for that girl or boy, then tag three friends who you hope will add their own advice.

The advice runs the gamut, but none of it is bad – below are 12 tweets that are bound to make you feel great about how far you’ve come (or to know that you’re going to be okay, and that it gets better).

12. Keep smiling.

11. Things are about to change.

10. Don’t give away your toys.

9. You might be right.

8. Be brave.

7. You are loved.

6. Start drumming.

5. Life is waiting.

4. You matter.

3. Don’t fight with your mom.

2. Stay weird.

1. It gets better.

Play along! Post yours in the comments!

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A Guy Told Women ‘How to Be a Better Mother’ — People Didn’t Hold Back with Their Responses

Women seem to have had it up to here with taking unsolicited advice about their bodies, roles, and future from men – a fact that one guy found out the hard way when he thought he’d offer up advice on best mothering practices.

Here it is:

How to be a better mother:

– Be feminine

– Wear dresses

– Don’t hit your kids

– Enforce boundaries

– Be physically active

– Don’t tease your kids

– Cook your family’s meals

– Don’t call your children names

– Do not get drunk in front of them

– Show up to their games *& cheer*

Now, let’s point a couple of things out right upfront. First, he’s very likely a man still hurting from the ways his own mother disappointed him as a child and is using this list and his platform as some weird way of fixing himself. This excuses nothing, because he is now a grown man and should know better.

Second, there are things on this list that many pointed out were absolutely arbitrary when it comes to being a good mother.

For instance, how a woman dresses.

Why would he care?

And what does it matter?

And whether she cooks dinner or goes for a run afterward.

Does it truly matter if she’s physically active?

But mostly, women just seemed to take offense at the idea that someone on the internet who doesn’t know them or their kids or how they actually run their family from day-to-day, would dare criticize them based on this list.

Or any list, honestly.

Because lists are not a good way to determine how whole groups of people should behave.

No, not at all.

Also, shoutout to the men out there – obviously raised by good women – also confused and irritated and not afraid to clap back!

Seriously bro? Seriously?

Who hurt you?

Let’s all just stop trying to force other people into small, arbitrary boxes labeled “good” and “bad,” shall we?

We’re all going to be happier if we do.

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These Tweets Show, Once Again, That Women Are Funnier Than Men

The ladies of Twitter are out in FULL FORCE in this article, bringing down the house with laughter once again!

Check out these 12 tasty examples of what happens when you give a woman a phone, a sense of humor and A LOT of time…

1. Watch out Spidey!

2. Okay… I can see that…

3. Bitchy stopping face…

4. Gurrrrrllllll…

5. I got that green dumb…

6. Can’t tell the difference!

7. Yes. That is true.

8. When he right, he right…

9. Perfect

10. #HotGirlSummer

11. Define “safe”

12. She’s fine boys!

Ahhhhh… now that felt good.

*le sigh*

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12 of the Funniest Tweets from Women This Week

The advent of social media has proven what women have always known to be true – they’re f*cking hilarious.

The 12 ladies below are just the funniest of the funny. This week, anyway.

12. Props to everyone who listened and accepted.

11. Girl same.

10. A cult leader from the 70s, yes.

9. Fair.

8. This is the truest.

7. I mean one of them has Channing Tatum. Just saying.

6. Definitely.

5. Answer: it can’t.

4. You do you bro.

3. Good luck pretending not to hear THAT.

2. Real life.

1. It’s funny but also I want this.


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15 Things That Really Bother Your Starbucks Barista

There are more than a few things that customers do that, after a few hundred shifts, really get under your skin if you work in the service industry.

Baristas serve coffee and delicious pastries day in and day out, and if there’s one making your mornings better (and more caffeinated), you’re going to want to make sure you’re not pissing them off by doing one of these 15 things.

15. Changing your order a million times.

Flat whites are my favorite drink to make from starbucks

You can’t just expect them to juggle ingredients and milks while you hem and haw.

14. Asking for ice water when you pick up your other order.

yes i have a venti water for free loader from starbucks

Just pay the 20 cents for the cup, loser.

13. Insisting they spell your name right.

Me: Ok can I have your name? Her: Sure, it’s Luci with an I. from starbucks

No, they don’t care.

12. Not using the trash can.

Anyone wanna tell me why another Starbucks made my gfs drink like this. She asked for whip and he dumped out her latte and put whip then a flat lid? She didn’t know any better to ask for a dome, there’s no way this could be policy right. from starbucks

Would your mother let you get away with that?

11. Acting like you’ve been waiting forever when you haven’t.

BOGO at Tarbucks with 1 espresso machine. FML from starbucks

There’s a system. We all need our coffee. Wait your turn.

10. Too many customizations.

Happy Sunday to everyone except Kate from starbucks

Seriously, you’re just trying to be difficult.

9. Getting annoyed if they ask you to repeat something.

When your SSV tells a car in DT it’s okay to place a 20 drink order… from starbucks

Big group orders are a pain no matter where you work.

8. Talking on the phone while you order.

This Starbucks has a TV screen menu??? from starbucks

This is so rude. Don’t do it.

7. Expecting them to interpret your mumble.

E-nunc-i-ate. Also it’s loud in here.

6. Not being ready when you get to the front of the line.

All of these drinks got placed in a mobile order 20 minutes before the 50% happy hour from starbucks

5. Pointing and ordering “that.”

Use your words, folks.

4. Asking “is that my drink?”

My name is Lucy from starbucks

Is your name on it? Then no.

3. Taking the wrong drink.

made a drink during my shift today that was so ungodly awful i had to make it for my friends and let them try it. it’s been accurately described as “pain in a cup” by another partner. from starbucks

Nope, still not your name.

2. Reaching over the counter.

My BOGO nightmare. All while our primary bar kept flooding the counter 😭 from starbucks

This is my dance space. This is your dance space.

1. Dumping your coffee in the trash to make room for cream.

View post on imgur.com

It’s called asking for “room” noobs.


I think I’m good!

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15 People Share How Awful Airports Can Be

There are a few places on earth that most people could agree might be one of the circles of actual hell – the DMV, Walmart on a Saturday afternoon, and the airport all come to mind.

These 15 people tweeted from airports and honestly, I think they’re making an airtight case.

15. I mean you should have known better than to ask.

14. Just focus on comfort like the rest of us, Cheryl.

13. They’ve even managed to ruin the people watching.

12. Get it right, adults.

11. It’s a major commitment.

10. An accurate depiction.

9. Deep thoughts.

8. All you want to do is buckle in and get ready to hold your breath.

7. It’s like the rapture happened except you went to hell instead.

6. Someone was hungry.

5. Freeing up your hands is an art form.

4. Are we sleeping together? Then no.

3. If only Greek choruses were still a thing.

2. Gotta be prepared for those layovers.

1. That’s what you’ll look like in the bathroom mirror, too.

Here’s to short layovers in your future!

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A Guy Live Tweeted His Uncle and Grandpa’s Hearing Aid Appointment

As anyone who has older parents, aunts, uncles, or grandparents, knows, it can be hard for people to accept the fact that they need a little assistance with their hearing.

That said, as anyone who has tried speaking to one of these people without a hearing aid can attest, the results can be annoying and hilarious. And annoying.

Which is exactly the scenario that Ryan Kober found himself in when he took his uncle and grandfather to get their hearing aids checked.

It started the moment they climbed into the car. Ryan really had no choice, you can clearly see.

The look on his face says that he’s questioning his sanity in volunteering for this outing.

I mean. It was aloud? Right? Ha!

Humming in unison when they can’t hear each other takes some serious talent!

Do they think they’re in the shower?

You never know what you’re missing, I guess!

Meaning… EVERYTHING you’ve been missing.

The results? Two happy customers.

And a happy internet.

What more could a person ask for, right?

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