Here’s the Real Difference Between Dating Men and Women – From the People Who Know

If you look up early uses of the word “bisexual,” they’re not quite what you think. It’s mostly references to the reproductive methods of plants, which isn’t nearly as interesting to most of us as the modern connotation, and the questions many of us have about it. Questions like this:

Bisexual people who have dated both genders, what are some notable differences you’ve learned about dating both women and men? from AskReddit

So, what’s the deal? The bisexual folks of Reddit tell all. (Most posters went out of their way to clarify that these are their own subjective opinions based on personal experiences and shouldn’t be read as generalizations for everybody in the world.)

1. A difference in communication.

Both genders are bad at communicating, but in completely different ways.

Men are more likely to not tell you information that would be important to you simply because they don’t deem it important. They gave you the important information. If you can’t understand it, then you’re either trying to complicate the issue or you’re not listening to them.

Women are more likely to not tell you information important to them because they see it as obvious. If they have to tell you the issue, then you’re not paying attention to them and the issue at hand or you’re not as invested in the relationship as they are.

– Twilcario

2. Suckers for cuddles.

Bisexual lady here.

Men have a tendency to assume that you’re looking for a more ‘serious’ relationship than they are, even if you explicitly say otherwise. And are suckers for cuddles.

Women like kissing more.

– astudyinbowie

3. A sense for danger.

So, what I can say is that after having four boyfriends, my ability to identify and avoid dangerous men was vastly improved, and my ability to identify and avoid dangerous women was . . . apparently not particularly improved at all.

I was very attuned to red flags involving sexism and completely unprepared for the fact that a woman who majored in Women’s Studies could perfectly well destroy years or decades of my life with no sexism necessary at all.

– queerbychoice

4. All about that baggage.

One thing I noticed back when I was dating was that women have a lot more baggage when it comes to physical intimacy. Women go through alot, they have tons of pressures put on them, many have had negative sexual experiences. It’s, well, just more complicated.

The guys I dated were frankly much more direct and more simplistic about it. I’m not saying either of these descriptions apply to all women or men, but that was my experience. With guys it was like ‘hey, wanna make out?’ and just sort of that simple.

– haroldtitus425

5. Identity acceptance.

When dating a man, he is very ok with me being bisexual. When dating a woman, it constantly comes up that I’m “actually straight” or “just going to leave [her] for a guy.” It is really annoying to have someone try to completely invalidate your feelings for them because of your dating history.

Yes, I’ve dated more men…I didn’t realize until I had been dating for several years that dating women was a viable option.

– Mr_ImMyOwnGrandpa

6. How forward?

Bi woman here.

There’s a tendency between queer women to avoid being very forward. I’m my own personal experience it’s because I know what it’s like to be pursued relentlessly (typically by men) and don’t want to become that person myself. Other women want to avoid the “predatory lesbian” stereotype that’s been fed to us through media.

Men are more forward but I don’t think they can pick up on the way that I’m feeling as easily as women can. My last girlfriend could tell something was wrong even if I put up (what I thought was) a very good front.

Women tend to have softer skin and lips.

Men kiss deeply and aggressively.

I like both 🙂

– thechelator

7. Trust and biphobia.

Bi woman. The biggest one was trust/biphobia and the way the two interrelate.

While dating a woman, having close male friends has always been off the table. It seems to really threaten/make uncomfortable my girlfriend and tends to turn into a never-ending “But are you SURE you don’t have feelings for him? you’re REALLY not attracted to him?” So many lesbians genuinely hate bi women and think they’re always going to cheat or leave for a guy.

Conversely, men don’t give a d**n if I have close female friends while dating them, but are far more likely to fetishize the knowledge that I’ve had past female partners. Which is obviously really uncomfortable if done in any sort of excess.

– FinalTourist

8. Romance and monogamy.

i find men to be more romantic and more interested in monogamy. women are easier to talk to and easier to argue with and then be able to walk back from the argument sooner.

men are more forward, at least initially. two girls could have a crush on each other for ten years and never work up the nerve to mention it.

men usually want to hammer out plans towards the end of a date (for the next date) but women are usually more go with the flow lets see what happens.

oh and girls are much, much better at handling rejection and boundaries. actually, just one “much”; i’ve had incidents here and there that were pretty awful from girls, but much more often, men are really bad at rejections on like, any level.

– Far_Ad_8813

9. Grading on a curve

As a bisexual woman I find it’s easier to date het men, bi-men, and bi women. Lesbians are much more difficult to date. Not because of who they are personality wise, but it’s hard to find a lesbian who will date a bisexual woman period.

I have no idea what the stigma is but it’s there. It seems like some lesbians are certain you’ll leave them for a man or cheat on them. I’ve never cheated on anybody. Ever.

Also, they sometimes are just all around uncomfortable you find men attractive. There’s definitely bi-erasure in the LGBTQ community. I’ve had fantastic dates or discussions with lesbians and when it comes out I also liked and dated men they bail.

– Lil_Elf81

10. On guard?

Bi man here.

I’ve always found it much easier to date men because they are much more straightforward, and the fact that they already like men seems to make it easier for them to adjust to me (though there is a lot of biphobia and dismissal of my sexuality).

With women they tend to be a lot more guarded and more easily put off, simply because they are likely to be straight and the idea that I am versatile and all that makes them feel weird I guess.

And like someone said earlier, men tend to stick less to their category than women! I’m like, 6 or 7 I’d say and all kinds of men have been into me, but women who are objectively hotter than me tend to be more dismissive 😅

– CallumSmith9895

11. The rundown.

Bisexual woman who’s been in a serious relationship with one straight man and three bisexual men, and has briefly dated one bisexual woman. This is just from my experience, but I’ve noticed a person’s sexuality has a decent amount of bearing on their personality too.

Straight man:
Decent dude, but I had a lot of the standard complaints straight women have about their straight male partners; aloof at times, didn’t always take interest in my interests, often spoke over me and my concerns, etc. The gender roles were more “traditional” too, at his insistence more than anything. He also held a lot back, so even if something was bothering him, he wouldn’t talk about it because he hated talking about his feelings. It was an alright relationship, but it felt very straight.

Bisexual men:
The best of both worlds, in my opinion. You get the security of a male partner (walking with them at night, having backup from creeps in public, etc), as well as the implicit understanding that comes with being with another queer person who get it. They tend to be more secure in their masculinity. One of them loved farmer’s markets, another asked me to teach him how to crochet. It’s very refreshing to be with a guy that’s openly himself. They can also get more emotional, both for better and for worse.

Bisexual woman:
She was more of the bisexual stereotype, of the “will take anything that moves” variety. She was bright, intelligent, ambitious and I really respected her work ethic, but she has no interest in settling down romantically. We’re still friends, though I keep her at arm’s length for my emotion’s sake, since I really liked her.

I’ve yet to date a lesbian (in my experience, they tend to look down on bisexual women) or a nonbinary person (not for lack of trying; I’ve pursued a few but nothing’s stuck yet), but honestly, people are people. Being bisexual’s just helped me see that in a more direct manner.

– InfernoPotatoFull

12. Dropping hints.

Women are, in my experience, way worse at communicating what they mean clearly.

They think their “hints” are clear – they aren’t (I include myself on this, for the record).

Men, on the other hand, tend to be way too blunt and terrible at nuance – it’s far more black and white and many have no idea that the tone they speak in is as important as their words.

– FuzzyRoseHat

13. On the downlow.

Bi-male here but still closeted (is that an apt term?)

All the women I came out to were cool with it, yet acknowledged the fear about cheating with men.

There’s definitely a huge difference between gay men and DL men. Gay men can be clingy and never stop talking. DL men have sex and then usually f**k off or sit and watch sports, which is great because they don’t talk too much. I’ve never truly “dated” a man so I guess my experience is limited.

– Ilfubario

14. Level up.


Women tend to be on the same level as me and just know how my mind works, even thought were both complicated in a twisted way, and they give me mega snuggles on my period.

Men take a HOT minute to half understand my brain and just give me some chocolate on my period or say “oof that sucks.”

– bubblebeanUwU

15. Come on over.

Female 20 technically Pansexual

Men will usually say: “You can come over if you want.” Women say: “I want you to come over.”

(Most) Men want to be taken literally and be straight-forward. They want their partners to know they are honest but also independent.

(Most) Women want their partners to feel wanted or needed and use that in their speaking, especially over text. They are a lot more into the small details about the relationship.

– GalacticPhoxx

You learn something new everyday.

What would you add to this conversation?

Let us know in the comments!

The post Here’s the Real Difference Between Dating Men and Women – From the People Who Know appeared first on UberFacts.

People Talk About Whether It’s OK to Restrict Your Partner’s Online Watching Habits

Hold onto your hats, because today we’re diving into one of the most genuinely controversial things posted to Unpopular Opinions in a while.

And it’s all about…”adult entertainment.”

I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone if they watch pr0n.
Now don’t downvote this because you disagree, I know its an unpopular opinion, but I am genuinely uncomfortable by people watching pr0n while they’re in a relationship with me. It honestly feels like cheating. Why would you need to get sexual gratification somewhere else when I am literally right here willing to give you all the material you could ever want? Why do you need to get that from another woman?

I’m currently in a serious relationship and I’ve talked this through with my partner and he is ok with it and respects my boundaries. I am completely committed to the person I’m dating and I will only go to them for things that I deem exclusive to a romantic relationship, therefore I expect the same from them. When I masturbate I only masturbate to them and I expect the same. When I feel genuine romantic emotions, I only feel them toward them, and I expect the same. The reason being is that I am very, very serious about long term relationships and I’d feel like I was doing something very wrong if I thought of anyone else in this way.

If you’ve discussed it with your partner and you’re both ok with pr0n, thats cool, but I’ve been pressured by multiple people in the past to act like I’m ok with it, but I just never have been. Pr0n is something I’m highly uncomfortable with, it makes me feel jealous and betrayed and it makes me feel like I’m not good enough. Those should be valid emotions to feel, but people try to make it seem like its irrational to feel that way when I truly believe it isn’t.

I know a lot of people feel the same way as me, just know that its ok to set boundaries in your relationship because your feelings are just as valid as your partner’s. That goes for anything, really.

Turns out the people of Reddit have a LOT of thoughts and feelings about this.

1. Some gave kudos.

Great post.

You know what you want in a relationship, discussed it with your partner, came to an understanding that you both agree upon.

That’s exactly how it should be done.

– drmarts1973

2. But is this openness or just intimidation?

If my partner was adamant about me not watching p**n to the degree that they’d consider it cheating if I did, I would never in a million years share my deeper sexual desires with them.

Now, that’s just me personally and if you guys do communicate a lot and well there’s probably not an issue but I think this is the one thing you’re missing; As far as YOU know he doesn’t have sexual desires you wouldn’t be comfortable with, but you’ve taken such a hard stance on something far less consequential that it kind of implies that you’d have a negative reaction to, for example, very kinky s**.

This isn’t guaranteed or anything, but based on your post and what I’ve read of your responses that’s at least how I’d personally feel.

– Pridetoss

3. Well that’s…um…

Bruh my ex didn’t want me to watch p**n back then and she only wanted to have s** every six months. My s** drive is off the f**king charts. I don’t want to force her soooo.

We all know how that end up lmaoo.

– chili_oil_best_oil

4. Some called red flag, no question.

Wtf is this thread. It’s very unhealthy to try and control people’s behaviour and s**ual expression. Your bf can’t control how you dress. Or who your friends are.

“But it makes me uncomfortable”

Yes that’s what possessiveness is.

This isn’t an unpopular opinion it’s an unhealthy one. You can’t encourage people to be so clingy and anxious. Your bf can only c** if he thinks of you? When someone is in a relationship they can literally only ever think of you?

Doomed to failure. Instead you need to learn how to cope with other people’s behaviours. You need to learn that love isn’t meant to be all encompassing. Your partner shouldn’t be the only person in the world.

I would really consider it a red flag in any relationship.

– Kaiisim

5. The term “thought policing” came up a lo.

I can get the p**n thing, but expecting to be able to police your partners thoughts? That’s borderline abusive.

It’s so unhealthy and OP really should examine why she feels so insecure in her relationships that other women can’t even take up any space in her partner’s private thoughts.

– scottishlastname

6. And then this person wrote the opposite diatribe.

Watching people in this thread absolutely bend over backwards to defend the idea of watching p**nography is insane to me.

How is it controlling to ask your partner to not watch other people f**king? Would your opinion be changed if OP’s partner were going to a friend’s house to watch two people f**k and bate in the corner? (I’m not trying to strawman; this is a genuine question because in my mind they are not very different from each other.) P**n has been proven time and time again to impact sexuality. Wanting your intimate relationship with your partner to progress at a natural pace is not controlling, imo.

People are bringing up the idea of “thought policing” in regards to OP’s partner’s masturbatory practices. While I can sort of understand arriving at that conclusion, I highly doubt OP is popping in every time their partner masturbates to be like “hey, make sure you’re thinking about me.” I’m pretty sure it was a one time conversation where she made her preferences known, and she trusts her partner to make private decisions in regards to that boundary.

I understand that people have s**ual needs, and that sometimes they just want to c**. I do not think that all people who use p**nography on a regular basis are bad people with ill intentions. However, when you’re in a long-term relationship with someone, I don’t think its controlling or insecure to ask your partner to not watch p**n. P**n is idealistic and largely plays at humanity’s base fantasies – aka, big breasts/penises, “ideal” looking genitalia, and overall extremely “attractive” people. I’d feel pretty insecure if my partner was consistently seeking sexual content from people who look very different from me.

Idk, maybe I’m the weird one here, but I agree with OP. I don’t think its controlling as long as it’s something that’s talked about early and with tact in a relationship. If you wouldn’t want to date somebody who wouldn’t want you watching p**n, that’s fine!! But defending p**n as a morally neutral thing is just pretty silly, imo. I just think it’s weird that people are accusing OP of being controlling and trying to change her opinion. There are plenty of valid reasons to dislike p**n, especially in a long term romantic relationship.

– LegitAllergic2TheSun

7. Is it insecurity? Or a reasonable expectation?

The only time a gf had a problem with p**n was when I was 18 and she was really insecure.

I especially wonder about the part where OP expects him to only think about her during masturbation. It might work in the early stages of a relationship, but I think it’s completely unrealistic for a relationship that lasts several years.

Chances are, because of how strict she is about this stuff, he’s just gonna lie to her about it. And honestly I think it’s perfectly harmless if he does. Those are his private thoughts after all, they don’t necessarily mean anything.

– HighwayTemporary3266

8. “To each their own.”

I couldn’t imagine asking someone to not watch it. To each their own though.

As long as you find someone who’s comfortable with your boundary, you are in the right mind.

Happy you’re expressing your feelings. Most people wouldn’t.

– MavenMermaid

9. Love the use of “unorthodox” here.

I don’t really think this is crazy, a little unorthodox, but I’m guess there are more people who’d prefer their significant other didn’t watch pr0n than do

– Butterfriedbacon

10. There’s a broader question of the industry in general.

I agree with you, but in my case it goes beyond that. I just don’t like that people in general support this f**ked up industry… Luckily for me, both me and my boyfriend think like that, so it’s fine.

– NineTailedDevil

11. Most dissenters were caught up on one particular element.

‘When I masturbate I only masturbate to them and I expect the same.’

Red f**king flag. I’d jump ship as soon as I heard that, and I don’t even remember the last time I watched p**n. I prefer reading it.

You don’t get to control your partners thoughts and trying to is abusive.

– left_tiddy

12. How bad is the harm?

I don’t think it’s wrong to feel that way.

P**n is addictive in nature and twist people’s perceptions of what intimacy should be like.

I’m willing to say that it has destroyed more relationships than anyone is willing to admit.

– Emanouche

13. Is it a together thing?

I mean everyone has their own boundaries which is fine.

For me I don’t like the idea of my boyfriend looking at another girl’s nudes at all, and probably wouldn’t be comfortable with p**n unless we watched it together.

– keIIzzz

14. Maybe it’s downright courteous?

Tbh I think when people in relationships watch p**n is because they don’t want to make their partners uncomfortable by hounding them with their needs.

In fairness, one person is always gonna be h**nier than the other, and watching p**n instead of making your partner uncomfortable is actually pretty solid logic.

– IzJusMeOG

15. “The hub.”

I’ve straight up had my girl hand me her phone with the hub opened up because she didn’t wanna deal with it lmao

– someguyat3am

An enlightening conversation as always, Reddit.

What do you think about this?

Give us your opinion in the comments.

The post People Talk About Whether It’s OK to Restrict Your Partner’s Online Watching Habits appeared first on UberFacts.

People Discuss Their Best Techniques for Quickly Ruining a Date

Dates can be pretty rough, and usually we’re trying our very best to do everything within our power to make them go well.

But what if, hypothetically, you wanted something a little different?

You have five seconds to ruin a date, what do you do? from AskReddit

Unsurprisingly, Reddit has ways to ruin things quickly.

Let’s take a look!

1. The hunger technique

Eat my food like I do when I’m on my own

– ToBoredomAGem

2. The art of the crunch

My sister told me about a quiet pub date she had with a guy recently who bought himself 2 packs of pork scratchings.

He opened both bags and separated them by most crunchy to least crunchy and then would pick 2 up at a time and ask her which one he should eat next.

He did this for the whole date.

They didn’t have a second date.

– Reave1905

3. The full assault

Ooh something I’m good at! Quickly find a way to steer the conversation to the eastern front during World War Two, and just keep talking about Stalingrad.

Once their eyes glaze over you know the city on the Volga has claimed yet another life

– tateochip

4. The money gambit

So, how much did you say you earn?

– dior_princess

5. The familiar face

Hi! Wow, you look just like my ex!


– firewire87

6. The vital vidya

Tell them I’ve played 7000 hrs of Grand Theft Auto.

Watch the interest dry up immediately.

– thelocalllegend

7. The gambling gambit

I used to work at a gaming bar.. this dude was on a first date and had been drinking with a girl for a while.

An hour or so in, he put like 40 bucks in the machine. He ended up hitting for like $1200 or something. Nothing crazy, but a nice hit.

We paid him out and he ordered a round of shots and soon after said he had to use the restroom.

Dude bolted. Left the girl with the bill. She legit walked in the bathroom looking for him, walked around the building.

Felt bad for her. She started crying at the bar, had a shot, and paid the bill while she waited for an Uber. Ouch.

– PuddingPoops

8. The sniff shift

One time a guy leaned over and deeply smelled a lock of my hair within the first couple minutes of our meeting for the first time.

I made up an excuse and left

– LydiaAgain

9. The unexpected double

Bring my friend and expect my date to treat them.

– s**ykenobi

10. Just go too fast

Say “I love you please marry me I’m not kidding”

– Thermal_bay

11. The “nice guy”

“I’m a really nice guy, like super nice, I would treat you so Good. Now show me your t**s.”

– invinoveritasb**ch

12. The warranty

I just watched this all play out in my head:

You meet someone online who seems to click with you.

You arrange to meet at a cozy restaurant.

When you arrive they’re already at the table, waiting for you.

You – hi, you look amazing

Date – thanks, now I’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.

Pulls out huge wad of paper, and dumps it on the table

Date – you see it states here in the terms and condi..

– Your_One_Lord

13. The slug…system?

Pour salt on them and say “sorry, I really, really, reaaaaaaallllllly hate slugs”

– Randomredditwhale

14. Start a fight

Pull up their social media and point out all the things they like that you don’t

– _manicpixie

Yup, I’d say those are all sure to work.

Do you have any others to add?

Tell us in the comments.

The post People Discuss Their Best Techniques for Quickly Ruining a Date appeared first on UberFacts.

Reasons Guys Lost Interest in Their Girlfriends

S**ual attraction is just the weirdest thing. For so many of us it can be one of the main driving forces of our lives, and also it can just go away in a heartbeat.

It’s strange the tricks our own biology pull on us. And our own psychology. And other ologies I’m probably not fit to speak on.

The point is, you’re gonna find yourself drawn to and drawn away from people a LOT within your life, and there’s no great way to know exactly how to handle that every time.

Here, for instance, are ten stories from men who for one reason or another just suddenly found themselves no longer sexually attracted to their girlfriends.

10. “She won’t take care of herself.”

Whoa, those are two very different categories for concern there.

Source: Whisper

9. “I get hookers.”

Bruh I don’t know what a “physical looking girl itch” is but I think you should go to a doctor.

Source: Whisper

8. “I don’t know.”

Is it you? Is it me?

Source: Whisper

7. “She refuses.”

All shallowness aside, that is an alarming amount of weight for a person to gain in a few years.

Source: Whisper

6. “Part of it is because…”

I mean yeah, that’ll do it.

Source: Whisper

5. “I can’t tell her the truth.”

How did the two of you end up together in the first place?

Source: Whisper

4. “She also wants braces.”

Well, brace yourself.

Source: Whisper

3. “Perfect in every way except…”

A disheartening number of entries here about this…

Source: Whisper

2. “Boobs.”

Well, this is about as caveman simple as it gets.

Source: Whisper

1. “Let herself go.”

But where, is the question.

Source: Whisper

I don’t even know how to respond to some of those. What are men?

Have you had an experience like this?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Reasons Guys Lost Interest in Their Girlfriends appeared first on UberFacts.

Reasons Guys Lost Interest in Their Girlfriends

S**ual attraction is just the weirdest thing. For so many of us it can be one of the main driving forces of our lives, and also it can just go away in a heartbeat.

It’s strange the tricks our own biology pull on us. And our own psychology. And other ologies I’m probably not fit to speak on.

The point is, you’re gonna find yourself drawn to and drawn away from people a LOT within your life, and there’s no great way to know exactly how to handle that every time.

Here, for instance, are ten stories from men who for one reason or another just suddenly found themselves no longer sexually attracted to their girlfriends.

10. “She won’t take care of herself.”

Whoa, those are two very different categories for concern there.

Source: Whisper

9. “I get hookers.”

Bruh I don’t know what a “physical looking girl itch” is but I think you should go to a doctor.

Source: Whisper

8. “I don’t know.”

Is it you? Is it me?

Source: Whisper

7. “She refuses.”

All shallowness aside, that is an alarming amount of weight for a person to gain in a few years.

Source: Whisper

6. “Part of it is because…”

I mean yeah, that’ll do it.

Source: Whisper

5. “I can’t tell her the truth.”

How did the two of you end up together in the first place?

Source: Whisper

4. “She also wants braces.”

Well, brace yourself.

Source: Whisper

3. “Perfect in every way except…”

A disheartening number of entries here about this…

Source: Whisper

2. “Boobs.”

Well, this is about as caveman simple as it gets.

Source: Whisper

1. “Let herself go.”

But where, is the question.

Source: Whisper

I don’t even know how to respond to some of those. What are men?

Have you had an experience like this?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Reasons Guys Lost Interest in Their Girlfriends appeared first on UberFacts.

Breakups People Quickly Came to Regret

You’ll often hear people talk about “the one that got away.”

Which has always been a little weird to me because it makes it sound like you were romantically involved with a fish.

Is that why we also say there are other fish in the sea? Why are we so obsessed with fish romance?

But I digress. Check out this Reddit post.

Have you ever broken up with someone and regretted it later, if so why? from AskReddit

What are the real stories of the ones that got away? Let’s find out.

1. No comparison

Yeah she was my first girlfriend. Dated her for 6 years, nothing wrong in the relationship but I assumed something was wrong because she was my first.

I didn’t know what other relationships were like for comparison. So when I started dating other girls I realized I screwed up.

– YeahSorry930

2. Twists and turns

I did. I regretted. She took me back. We married.

Now we’re divorced.

Take away from that what you want, people.

– CleverDad

3. Making commitments

Yep, I broke up with my first girlfriend and regretted it.

We were both still virgins, but I didn’t want to be, while she was a devout Catholic who wanted to save herself for marriage. I respected that, but 17 year old me felt unhappy feeling like I was ‘never’ going to get to experience sex, though I still happily dated her because she was my first and I was happy enough to be able to tell my friends that I had a girlfriend.

I broke up with her, but after going through that experience and feeling how terrible it was for both of us, first heartbreak and all that, I turned around and won her back. I did it for the wrong reasons – I felt guilty for hurting her, and felt in retrospect like breaking up over sex was a shallow thing to do.

Thing is, the spark was gone after that so she broke up with me soon after anyway. It was for the best – we were incompatible in other ways that became apparent later – but hearing her say ‘I don’t love you anymore’ was perhaps the most savage emotional gut punch of my young life.

And that was how I learned that

a) sex matters, and sexual incompatibility can ruin relationships

And b) sometimes, a relationship can be broken badly enough that it can’t be fixed.

– Sanguine_1

4. The hook up

Shortly after the most crushing breakup I had, I found a girl a few years younger than me with two kids just looking for an “adult friend”. I was clear about not looking for a relationship and we started hooking up.

A couple months in I really liked this girl and asked her to make it official. She agreed and I was super into her, but awkward with the kids. She never pushed me to be more involved with them too fast and the kids and I met slowly and then more and more.

We actually broke up a few times. I would end it because it got too scary with the kids and then we would get together and then she would end it because it was feeling too serious. On and off for about two years until I got offered a massive promotion 12 hours away and took it.

We split up “for real”, which lasted about 8 months. Then by fluke I ran into her while visiting my parents and we rekindled. I didn’t even realize how much I had missed her until then. We’ve been doing long distance for about 9 months now and I’m looking for a job back in town. I’ve proposed, she accepted, and she’s constantly sending me links to dream homes we should look at. The kids and I love each other and when she works I’ve been taking the kids to school and picking them up and they both call me dad.

I think the biggest thing that kept breaking us up is that we both went into it refusing to want a real relationship and directly looking to not fall in love, and let our stubbornness and egos (which we both have plenty of) refuse to let us reevaluate or be the first to tell the other we were wrong.

– Thor0dinhound

5. Huge mistake

I dated a single mom in 2012-13.

Gorgeous, smart, funny, affectionate, liked everything I did including football and metal. Got me an engraved flask for my birthday with an inside joke written on it.

Broke things off because an ex had come back into my life. HUGE mistake.

Not only did things not work out with the ex but I burned the bridge with the other woman. She blocked me on FB and IG.

I still have the flask and it pains me to look at it

– JimmyJTJ5

6. The breaking point

Yes and no.

Yes, I regretted it because I missed (and still miss) and loved (and still love) him more than anything.

No, because it was a long time of neglect, and I couldn’t take it anymore.

– thegreekninja

7. The routine of it

Yes. We were together four years, she was the first person I wasn’t related to that said that they loved me… I was hooked. I was unhappy for a majority of the relationship, I was cheated on, she made me hate myself.

I missed the routine of it. I missed going to our places. I missed the inside jokes. I missed the friend she was. The friend that attaches to the end of the word “girlfriend”. I am thankful that when she came crawling back 2 years later, married and lonely for me, I was strong enough to say “no.”

– Worlds_Best_Coffee

8. Settle down

My college girlfriend.

She was my soulmate. She understood me, always had my back, and put up with my BS.

But being young and stupid I thought I needed to sew some wild oats before I settled down

So off I went to sew, and when I was finished, she had already settled down, with another guy.

– RonSwansonsOldMan

9. Blind obsession

Not really broken up because we weren’t dating, but at the time, she was a close friend of mine. Used to play video games with each other until late 2015, then we started to distance each other for a bit but still kept in contact.

I completely stopped talking to her around early 2017 because I was blindly obsessed with another girl who became toxic to me a year later and it took me 6 months to recover from that.

Last year, with the lockdown and all, I started reminiscing about my old friends that I have left behind and remembered her. Took me a few weeks to consider if I should message her again because of how long since we last talked, even though we never ended on a sour note.

Eventually messaged her and asked if she remembers me, she said not really (although she still had my number saved), but was still really friendly and pretty much the same person as I remembered from 2015. We still are in contact now but we are both busy with our own studies, and I think she may have slowly remembered who I was before. Planning to talk to her more and maybe meet up with her for the first time by the end of the year.

– Some-Gay-Korean

10. The abuser

I knowingly dated them while they were in a(n abusive) relationship and before i knew about the abuse, I told them it wasn’t fair for me to have them while someone else loves them, and that the abuser was the better choice.

they came back over a month later covered in bruises and told me about everything, from their partner beating them to cheating and making this person watch, and that they did not feel guilty for coming back to me because I helped them realise that they dont deserve the sh*t their ex put them through. so i got them in the end, but I still feel so awful for sending them back to that h*llhole even if i didnt know. we’re in the process now of getting the abuser to agree to either move out or let them move in with me.

– biggayicecream3728

11. Self-sabotage

She was a great girl. I was really sick. Got her to break up with me (hello self-sabotage).

I don’t really regret it because she’s doing well, and so am I… but still, sometimes, I do think of her… and the nostalgia hits you.

I learnt so many good habits from her, we had fantastic conversation (she was oozing brains), she taught me a lot, she was really affectionate and understanding. She tried to be there for me, but I never really let her in. She had her own issues, but overall, she was a fantastic human being, and someone you could grow old with.

I do regret that I am never going to see her, and I am not going to get an opportunity to apologize for the way I was.

Reddit, if you have something to say to someone, say it. Trust me, just do it!

– TsaoxiChizuguPhukLam

12. Laugh, credit, smiled

Tough question to answer honestly.

Immaturity, mostly. Combined with my own doubts and insecurities. Then life sometimes just gets in the way of your plans when you’re young.

You sometimes don’t understand what you want or need in life. It’s for some, not until you’ve lived a little, (laughed, cried, smiled) a little, until you kind of understand who you are and what you want. Everybody has the story of the one girl who got away. Question is, did you miss out on an idealistic version of a person you knew, or did you find a person who helps you to be an ideal version of the person you would like to be?


13. Granting closure

Regretted not getting back together when she offered. We broke up on a camping trip July 5th some years ago because she was having a hard time with the long distance.

She said she’d still like to be my +1 to my mothers wedding in mid August, and I still wanted her there, so that was the next time I saw her.

On that trip she said she had had the space she wanted to think and she wanted to get back together.

I was still too hurt from the breakup to accept at the time (telling myself that if it didn’t work once it would never work).

I guess that gave her the closure to move on, and we grew apart after that. By the time I got over myself and my hurt feelings, it was already too late.

She’s still the only person I’ve ever been in love with.

– SolarisIX

14. In retrospect

Kind of.

I don’t regret breaking up with him at the time, but a few years later I wonder “Man, if I was this mature back then, that relationship could have been way healthier.”

– brumagem

15. A sad tune

She never gave me back my CDs.

I should have gotten them back first.

– CplSoletrain

Heartbreak all around. Especially for those missing CDs.

Have you had an experience like this?

Share it with us in the comments.

The post Breakups People Quickly Came to Regret appeared first on UberFacts.

Completely Petty Reasons People Refused a Second Date

Dating is hard.

What’s more, relationships are even harder, so if there’s something that really bothers you on a first or second date, it’s probably going to be a dealbreaker eventually, anyway.

Might as well call it off without wasting anyone’s time then – or at least, that’s probably what these 10 people figured when they gave totally petty reasons for refusing a second date.

10. And fast.

All The Words In Every Text He Sent Were Capitalized.

Trust Me, It Got ANNOYING.

9. Five. Months.

He would call me his “beautiful angle”.

He really didn’t know how to spell angel so for 5 months I put up with being an angle.

Also dated a guy who wanted to put a singlewide trailer on his parent’s front lawn and thought I was unreasonable for not wanting to move in with him once he did so.

8. Did they light up, though?

My mom stopped dating a guy because he unfastened and refastened the velcro on his shoes throughout an entire movie.

7. Was she Amy Farrah Fowler?

She would insist on a job interview level of formality whenever we talked.

For those asking for examples, the first time I asked her to my place went like this:

Me: So do you want to take this back to my place?

Her: Is this an invitation for intercourse?

Me: … yes… it is…

Her: Please ask again properly please.

6. Distracting is a nice word for it.

On the first and only date – she chewed her food with her mouth open – it was so distracting I couldn’t bear it.

5. That would be annoying.

He wore a Bluetooth piece in his ear. The constant blue light blinking from the side of his head was too much for me.

Another guy would text “dame” instead of “damn”. It wasn’t a typo either, it was every time.

4. This made me giggle.

She called someone “a pompous”. Nope, she didn’t say he was acting pompous or that he was a pompous ass. He was a pompous.

3. A tragedy for our time.

Not me, but someone refusing to date me because, “it’s weird you don’t have Instagram.”

2. Excuse me, are you Jerry Seinfeld?

Everything was going great, thought she was an amazing girl and we’d been seeing each other for two months. Go to her house for the first time and it was a little messy, but nothing to write home about. Then I go to the bathroom and put up the toilet seat…

I don’t think she’d ever cleaned the bottom of the toilet seat given how disgusting it was. From then on, the only thing I could think about when talking or being with her was that disgusting toilet seat.

1. This cannot be real.

He was wearing a hideous brown fake leather jacket, it was so old that the ‘leather’ had started to flake off and parts were just now canvas.

He kept stopping to look at himself in windows and saying ‘oh god I look so hot today’ ‘I just can’t believe how hot I look’ smoothing down his manky jacket, side eyeing me, expecting me to agree with him.

I left so he could be alone with his jacket.

I’ve gotta say, I don’t hate most of these reasons.

What would you put on this list? Share with us in the comments!

The post Completely Petty Reasons People Refused a Second Date appeared first on UberFacts.

People Admit the Pettiest Reasons They’ve Refused a Second Date

Dating can be a minefield that requires a bunch of snap decisions to navigate with any satisfaction. We have to say yes or no to people and dates without having a ton of information, many times just based on a gut feeling.

Maybe some of the reasons we use to blow people off seem surface level, but I used to automatically decline anyone who didn’t list a last book they read – who has the time.

These 12 people also had petty reasons for not going on date #2, and they’re going to make me laugh.

12. It worked out, anyway.

She was super hot, but she smelled. I dunno if she didn’t shower or use deodorant, but she just smelled funky. I couldn’t do it. My best girl friend at the time was like, “just tell her”.

How do you tell a girl you’ve known for a few weeks that she smells bad?!?! So I just stopped talking to her. Brilliant.

11. As one should.

She was a volunteer at the Zoo and when kids asked her questions she didn’t know the answer to, she would make something up and lie.

Growing up on zoobooks and Steve Irwin, I take animal facts very seriously.

10. Definitely a red flag.

I went out on a few dates with a guy that I had been really into for months.

I was starting to realize he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the room.

Then one day he said he liked watching commercials on TV and that was that.

9. It seems like a small thing but it’s really not.

He didn’t re-rack his weights. I will never, for the life of me, understand why people don’t return/re-rack their weights.

8. Did he show her one I wonder?

She didn’t know that foxes were real animals.

She thought they were mythical and just in movies.

7. OK this is petty af though.

My new car kept scraping on the bottom while pulling out of their steep driveway to the main road.

After the fourth time of trying to be careful and it still scraped……..

6. It’s just too much.

I went out with someone who has the same name as my cat.

I brought him back to my house and the second I got home I greeted my cat and the guy looked at me and I knew right then and there that I couldn’t do this.

5. I pictured this in my mind and laughed out loud.

Went on a first date to the movies.

This f**king guy…instead of picking up his drink and lifting the straw to his mouth, he would put his hands on his knees, keeping his eyes on the screen, and lean over to the drink and ‘hunt’ for the straw with his face and his mouth contorted sideways trying to land on the straw.

4. This happened on Seinfeld.

Her complete inability to follow the plot of a movie.

“Who’s that?”

“Where’d he come from?”

“Why’d she do that?”

“Who is he again?”

I just couldn’t.

3. I don’t understand.

He stared at me blankly when I said the word “republican” when describing one of my family members.

I followed up and sure enough, he literally had no idea what the word republican meant and didn’t know about our largely two-party system. He was in his late 20’s.

If you’re not into politics, that’s one thing, but he had managed to live nearly three decades in our country without knowing basic information about our political system. My brain could not comprehend and I worried about what other basic information he had managed to avoid was.

‘Twas a hard no on my end.

2. That’s definitely odd.

A guy on a dating app said he wouldn’t date me because I didn’t like oysters.

1. That’s why you pick a fun name for your kid.

A very attractive, fun, smart woman asked me if I wanted to go get ice cream with her.

I turned her down but I guess in a way that she felt was flirty, so she kept asking.

And finally I had to tell her I was turning her down because she had both my mother’s first and last name.

She laughed a lot and agreed we couldn’t date.

I mean, I feel like some of these are fair.

What’s the pettiest reason you’ve ever broken something off? Confessions in the comments!

The post People Admit the Pettiest Reasons They’ve Refused a Second Date appeared first on UberFacts.

Enjoy 10 of the Most Ridiculous Tinder Conversations Ever

Tinder was launched about nine years ago which means soon enough we’ll be marking a decade it’s been with us on this strange little planet and still I can’t quite grasp what it’s all about, or how to navigate it.

Sometimes it seems like a nice way to meet people, other times it handles like a straight-up hookup machine, and still other times it feels like some sort of game to just see who can have the weirdest conversation.

We’re dealing with that last category with this collection of convos.

10. Megan

Oh how the turntables…

9. In the bag

I thought this was an elaborate setup for some sort of wordplay, but nope.

8. Pickup lines

“It’s a match! She already hates you!”

7. Cat’s out of the bag

The man is a master negotiator.

6. So happy

Why are you trying to screw this up, my man?

5. You win

And everybody told ME that my “dumb improv classes” would “make nobody want to date me.”

4. The fun suck

How dare you ruin this for me.

3. The doctor is in

I also find that confusing. Like…what am I supposed to do with this information? How does this influence my actions?

2. Updog

Sometimes the oldest jokes are the worst jokes.

1. Just plane wrong

Pull up, dude, pull up.

Love it or hate it, I think Tinder might be with us for quite a while longer.

What’s been your experience with online dating?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Enjoy 10 of the Most Ridiculous Tinder Conversations Ever appeared first on UberFacts.

Odd Moments That Convinced Couples to Get Married

Are you ready to fall in love…?

According to a poll conducted by 60 Minutes & Vanity Fair, 56% of Americans say they believe in love at first sight.

But what about love at second sight? Or third? Or love at two months in? Or love at the time they randomly jumped out from around a corner and shot you with a nerf gun and called you a n00b?

Cupid’s arrow strikes at even the strangest of times. Here are ten stories about the moment someone knew.

10. Celibate celebrate

There’s someone for everyone.

Source: Whisper

9. Just gravy

But delicious all around.

Source: Whisper

8. Better than a dream

Ok but like…why are you trying to be mad?

Source: Whisper

7. Seeing the sun

The truth will come out soon enough.

Source: Whisper

6. Wanting / knowing

When the stars align.

Source: Whisper

5. To be blunt

The happy that tokes together yokes together.

Source: Whisper

4. A brush with thrills

Yes, hello, how do I sign up for this?

Source: Whisper

3. Stringing me along

That’s quality time right there.

Source: Whisper

2. The click

When ya know, ya know.

Source: Whisper

1. Wake up calls

The best way to start the day.

Source: Whisper

Whenever love strikes, I’m just happy it does. And there’s no greater feeling than knowing beyond a doubt that you’ve found the person you want to stick with. Even if it happens at a totally unexpected moment in a totally unexpected way.

Have you had an experience like this? How did it go? How did it turn out?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Odd Moments That Convinced Couples to Get Married appeared first on UberFacts.