In 1986, ’60 Minutes’ ran a scathing exposé…

In 1986, ’60 Minutes’ ran a scathing exposé on the Audi 5000, alleging it could wildly accelerate on its own. However, their on-air demonstration used a rigged car to show falsified results. Gov’t tests later vindicated Audi but their sales had already plummeted. ’60 Minutes’ never apologized. The “60 Minutes” whitewash of Audi wasn’t the […]

From 1969 to 1977, Ford Motor Company produced the Pinto…

From 1969 to 1977, Ford Motor Company produced the Pinto with full knowledge of a design flaw that frequently caused the fuel tank to catch fire during rear collisions, which would have cost $11 per vehicle to fix. The tag line in radio ads was, “Pinto leaves you with that warm feeling.”