People Shared Photos of Working Cats and They Are Wonderful

In addition to sleeping up to 20 hours a day and knocking objects off of tables, cats have jobs too, okay?

Want proof? I’ll give you proof. People have been posting photos of working cats on social media, so let’s give these felines the credit they deserve.

1. All the way from Iceland

2. That is great

My tow truck driver has a cat named Dixie with a matching safety vest. from pics

3. Don’t mess with him

4. Crimefighter

5. Cat Scan Assistant

hmmm from hmmm

6. He’s in advertising

The best way to advertise your garage sale nearby from thisismylifenow

7. Don’t even think about it

Security guard from Catswithjobs

8. Cockroach Management

Dedicated Cockroach Manager from Catswithjobs

9. Col. Mittens

Colonel Mittens at your service! from Catswithjobs

10. Security from up high

Store Security from Catswithjobs

11. Foreman

PsBattle: A cat wearing an orange hard hat from photoshopbattles

12. Naturally

Hennessy is always my liquor store’s employee of the month from Catswithjobs

13. Greeter

Local Ace has greeter pirate kitty named Ace— he loves grooming customers. from Catswithjobs

14. Therapy cat

Therapy cat on patrol in the nursing home from Catswithjobs

15. Law enforcement

Oscar the police station cat. from Catswithjobs

Now it’s time to get your kitty cats in line so they can start earning their keep!

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25 of the Most Hilarious Cat Tweets out There

Need kitty tweets? Need hilarious kitty tweets?!?! Here ya go!

Please enjoy these 25 timeless cat tweets – guaranteed to make anyone’s day!

25. Derp genius.

24. A true thespian.

23. When people surprise you.

22. It works better than it would on a toddler, tbh.

21. The definition of awkward.

20. Someone teach that cat some manners!

19. Who enters my domain?

18. I believe you’re mistaken, sir.

17. Okay this caption is everything.

16. He’s practicing for his Cadbury audition.

15. What are YOU lookin’ at?

14. Beans!

13. Saves you from having to buy one of those cat fountains, though.

12. The Batman makes his own Bat Signal.

11. When she learns how to hold the iPad up for the good angle I’ll be impressed.

10. At least he knows where he goes.

9. I have no idea how this happened! None!

8. “Does this angle make me look fat?”

7. An apt description.

6. Cats are basically Regina George.

5. Fat shaming even extends to cats!

4. That’s what she gets for going to the bathroom.

3. Look closely…

2. Just turn around and go.

1. Time to set up a camera.

You’re welcome!

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Blow-Dried, Fluffy Cows Are All the Rage, and You Might Want to Get on Board

Here’s a fun fact: some people shampoo and blow-dry their cows before showing them at competitions, so the animals will be nice and fluffy and will potentially get higher scores from judges.

Who would’ve thought?!

The rest of the people on the internet are just now catching on to this phenomenon, and they LOVE IT. I think you will too because it’s freaking adorable.

See for yourself.

1. In love

2. Walking tall

3. Very fluffy

4. Awwwww

5. Pretty impressive, yes?

6. Blow outs

7. He knows you’re staring at him

8. Blow-dried to the max


10. Strike a pose

It’s the sensation that’s sweeping the nation!

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A Guy with a Saxophone Serenaded Cows by the Roadside and It Is Adorable

Cows lead a pretty boring existence and they need a little entertainment once in a while, just like humans. That’s why Rick Herrmann nailed it when he stopped on a rural road in Oregon and serenaded a pasture full of cows with his saxophone.

Rick’s daughter, Erin Herrmann, posted the videos her father playing his smooth sax to the cattle. The crowd of cows just couldn’t resist these silky tunes.

The videos went viral because… duh!

Wait for the neighbor to shout “Tequila” at the end of this one!

I love it!

Herrmann said he’s been playing the sax for about seven months, and when he saw a video of people playing music for animals him and his wife took a ride so he could play for some cows nearby.

“I thought they might be curious. I guess I didn’t expect them to crowd the fence so much.”

Erin Herrmann said that the cows appreciated her father’s playing much more than the family dog.

“Our dog, Piper, hates the noise so much, she even chewed up all his reeds once. My dad was running by the field on June 25 and thought that maybe the cows would appreciate his music more than Piper would. He was definitely right! We always talk to and go see the cows near the house because they are his favorite animal and they make his so happy … He’s just such a good hearted guy and likes to be goofy and enjoy the simple things in life! He loves that he’s making people so happy!”

The story went viral in such a big way that even legendary sax player Kenny G weighed in on the story.

Nice work, Mr. Herrmann, and keep at it!

There are a lot of animals out there who wouldn’t mind a break from their daily routines.

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10 Great Dog Breeds That Might Be Perfect for Your Family

When looking for a family dog, you need to consider what breed would best fit your family’s needs and lifestyle.

These dogs are not only great breeds, but they’re also QUIET. Which is extremely important to some people.

Below are 10 breeds that could definitely fit the bill!

10. Greyhound

Both greyhounds and Italian greyhounds were bred to pursue prey quickly – and also silently. They’re even quiet indoors, says dog behaviorist Megan Stanley.

“Surprisingly, they do well for apartment dwellers as they are fairly inactive indoors. They are gentle and independent dogs who have a sweet temperament.”

9. Basenji

They’re known as the “barkless dog” because the unusual shape of their larynx makes it pretty much impossible for them to bark.

That said, they do yodel, says Stanley, and will require a firm training hand to earn good behavior indoors.

8. Shiba Inu

This Japanese breed is independent and smart, meaning they aren’t “needy” and thus, don’t bark for attention, says behaviorist Donna Culbert.

“Bred originally for hunting, these dogs are quick and intelligent but reserved with strangers. However, they are fiercely loyal once they don bond with a human.”

7. Great Dane

The Dane has a deep, booming bark to match its giant stature – but you won’t hear it very often, says Stanley.

“They tend to have a calm nature, which means they don’t bark often. Great Danes are bred to be people-pleasers, so they are great family dogs that are easy to train.”

6. Saint Bernard

Sure, they drool, but they’re quiet! Saint Bernards are also serious and protective of their human families, says behaviorist Jim Lessenberry.

“In general, they are on the quiet side, barking to alert the group to an intruder, or possibly to demand attention from a family member.”

5. Newfoundland

These dogs are highly trainable and great swimmers, plus they’re great with children – they’re even sometimes known as the “nanny dog.”

4. Coton de Tulear

This small, white dog looks like a cotton ball, and was bred to be a royal lapdog. They have big personalities, but don’t tend to bark a whole lot unless they feel left out or lonely.

3. Irish Setter

Stanley says that though these distinctive dogs are high energy, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re loud.

“These are active and intelligent dogs who are known for being outgoing and cheerful. They require proper physical and mental exercise as they are an energetic and rambunctious breed. As long as they get enough exercise, nuisance barking is minimal.”

2. Mastiff

Boxers, bull mastiffs, English mastiffs, Neapolitan mastiffs, Rottweilers, and Tibetan mastiffs are all huge, strong, and serious by nature and, according to Lessenberry, not prone to barking.

“Mastiffs tend to be on the quiet side, so barking is cause for attention on the owner’s part. Mastiffs are not for everyone and generally not a breed for first-time dog owners.”

1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These dogs are hard to resist, and they love people as much as we love them – which means that even though they’re not huge nuisance barkers, they can be prone to separation anxiety and barking for attention if they’re not getting enough.

Happy Doggie Adopting!

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Instagram Users Mixed ‘Game of Thrones’ with Adorable Dogs to Make ‘Game of Bones’

You better believe it: Game of Thrones fans are dressing their dogs up as characters from the show, and do you even have to ask if the results are adorable?

Because the results are ADORABLE!

“Joey Tribbiani, second of his name…”

“When you play the Game of Bones, you win or you die.”


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When you play the Game of Bones, you win or you die. #winterishere

A post shared by Norman The Pomsky (@normanthepomsky) on

“BEND THE KNEE …and give me belly rubs…”


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BEND THE KNEE …and give me belly rubs and treats as i watch the season 8 premiere of game of thrones tonight! ?⚔❄???

A post shared by ? T H O R ? (@thor.the.yorkie) on

“happy nameday to our queen ?

“King Finn of House Burrito demanded Easter eggs….??

“The role of Dognerys is highly coveted!”

“I know nothing…”

“Everyone, meet #PugSnow and #DanerysCorgaryen!!”


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Mom’s been waiting a longgggg time for GOT S8 (she’s been holding onto these pics since dog bowl 2018 @dogbowlfun!) to come out and now it’s finally here! ????,? Everyone, meet #PugSnow and #DanerysCorgaryen!! ????? . . . . . #gameofbones #pugsofwesteros #danerystargaryen @emilia_clarke #jonsnowanddaenerys @kitharingtonig #jonsnowcosplay #winterishere #gotseason8 #gameofthrones #gameofthronesmemes #gameofthronesfamily #gameofthronesfan #dogcostume #dogbowl2018 #frankenmuth #costumecontest #pugobsessed #corgisofinstagram #dogloversfeed #ootd #dogsofthemitten #michigancorgiclub #grumble_inc #webadbutnotbadbad #dogoftheday #puglifemagazine @thetomcoteshow #cosplayfun #corgigram #gotpawty2019 @unitedpawsgroup

A post shared by This IS my happy face (@coralineandbenny) on

“Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.”

“I pledged my oath to the Night’s Watch last night.”

“Lord Arnold Relaxborn of the House Pizza…”

“I’m so ready for Game of Thrones, but are you ready for Game of Bones too? ?


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I’m so ready for Game of Thrones, but are you ready for Game of Bones too? ? #GameofThones or #GameofBones

A post shared by Coconut Rice Bear (@coconutricebear) on


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This Is Why Your Dog Eats Grass

Dogs like to eat a lot of weird stuff. Technically, this is called “pica,” which is eating things that aren’t food, and most dogs engage in this behavior.

Although grass isn’t a particular favorite of my pup, many dogs do like to chomp on it from time to time.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Your dog may be attracted to grass for a few reasons, and it’s not inherently dangerous unless you treat your lawn with chemicals.

One reason they might munch on your lawn is that they have an upset tummy. Grass is a purgative, which means it makes them throw up. If their stomach is feeling upset, they might want to get whatever’s bothering them out of their system ASAP, and grass is one way to do that.

Some also suspect dogs eat grass because they’re technically omnivores. They might want to occasionally add some plant material to their diet, and that’s one way to do it.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Surprisingly little research has been done on why dogs eat grass. It could be dietary, or it could be due to boredom or stress, depending on the situation.

But… should you worry?

For the most part, if your dog’s eating grass, she’s probably fine. If you notice that your pup is eating a lot more grass than usual, though, you may want to take her to the vet just to be on the safe side.

If you notice other signs your dog isn’t feeling well, then you definitely should visit your vet.

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15 Zookeepers Share the Weirdest Things They’ve Seen Animals Do

I’ve always wondered what goes on behind the scenes at zoos. After reading through this list, I’m not surprised by animals anymore. Ever. Nope.

#15. Chimps love treats.

“I would bring the chimps treats each week. I once brought a bag full of lychee, which they thought was only “meh” but the keepers loved them. Surprised me, since I thought they would go nuts for them so I picked a whole tree’s worth.

One day I bring a dozen kiwi, and it was clear they had never seen them before. Watching them peel the kiwi so delicately with their lips was amazing.

Also, given watermelon, they will eat it all the way through to the skin. I’m talking all the rind down to one millimeter of tough green skin.

They’ll chomp a banana tree stalk like candy… anyway, chimps love treats.’

#14. Howler monkeys are weird AF.

“Male teenage red howler monkeys that grab their asshole while pooping, and taking all the shit out with their hands.

Seriously, howler monkeys are weird AF.”

#13. Like nothing was happening.

“I’m a zookeeper!

We had a lone, male Marabou stork that found a water bottle, picked it up and put it in his nest, then proceeded to incubate it for a while. He got mad when we eventually had to take it away from him.

I’ve seen adult giraffe attempt to nurse from lactating females and seem peeved when she wouldn’t let them.

I’ve seen a Nyala get a whole square of sod skewered upside down on his horns that eventually slid down and completely covered one of his eyes. He acted like nothing was happening.”

#12. Check mate, kid.

“Not a zookeeper, but a few years ago we were vising the Berlin zoo and some kids that were in our group were really fascinated by the chimpanzees.

After a few minutes of making faces and trying to get the chimps attention – one of the kids shows the monkey his middle finger.​

The chimp responded with lifting both its arms and showing the kid TWO middle fingers.

Check mate, kid.”

#11. What the people are doing.

“Generally, the weirdest stuff you’ll see at a zoo is what the people are doing.”

#10. Planet of the Apes.

“Ex zookeeper here, I remember once there was a period of a few days where one of the chimps had this stick and was spending hours at a time just rubbing it on the ground. Some of the keepers tried to give it other toys to play with etc but it wasn’t interested. Anyway, long story short, it was sharpening the stick and then tried to stab a keeper through the bars of their indoor part of their enclosure.”

#9. She ate a skunk.

“Volunteer (former), not keeper. I liked to show up early before my shift to watch the big cats get let out into their space. One morning, one of the lionesses was already out and she was sitting there, like the famous NY library lions, only with a Calvin face. Her tongue was hanging out and her eyes were squinched up. I asked the lead cat keeper what the deal was. “Oh, she ate a skunk yesterday, so we decided it’d be a good idea to let her stay outside overnight instead of stinking up the night house.”

They opened the doors to the lions’ night house and her brother and sister came bounding up to her in what appeared to be great concern (“Where WERE you last night?!?!?). Her sister took one whiff and bounded to another place in the exhibit. Her brother started to sit close to her, thought better of it, walked about six feet away and then settled down and watched her.”

#8. Every damn day.

“I work at an aquarium, not a zookeeper though. We have one male sea otter who likes to play with his dick right in front of the glass in the most prominent spot. His dick is bright red and he just strokes it and nibbles at it in front of everybody. Every damn day. I’m the one who stands by the exhibit, so I’m the one who has to field all the awkward questions.”

#7. Absolutely distraught.

“I was a zookeeper and worked in animal care in various capacities for a long time. One of the weirdest things I’ve seen is when a reptile “drops” their tail. It’s only happened to me once with a Lemon gecko I was transferring from one terrarium to another. I had a poor grip on him and as he was wiggling loose I desperately grabbed on to his tail which he promptly dropped and I was left holding a dismembered, writhing tail while the gecko escaped.

Also, two of the lions at one of my jobs were afraid of a raccoon. I could hear them (the lions) making the most pitiful, pathetic bellowing sounds. I went to check on them and lo and behold a raccoon was up one of the trees in their enclosure. These two large alpha predators were absolutely distraught over a little raccoon. For it’s part, the raccoon was completely unbothered and just observed them for a bit before going on it’s way.”

#6. A little too frisky.

“Super late, but actual Zookeeper. I was once charged by a very large male Sulcata Tortoise who apparently thought I got a little too close to his female. Fortunately I was able to step over the foot high fence in time so that I was viciously mauled. Our tortoises are characters. I’ve also had to flip the male over by myself, who mind you, is on the upper end of his life span and about as big as they get, because he got a little too frisky with the female and fell off.

edit: I did not in fact step over the fence to be mauled, but to avoid being mauled. spell checking is for squares.”

#5. Off the steep hill behind her enclosure.

“I worked at a private zoo for a while and the weirdest was probably the female baboon rescue we had. She was very well tempered but she would beckon new workers over to her cage with a gesture and if you had anything in your hand, she’d reach out and rip it from you then throw it off the steep hill behind her enclosure.”

#4. The pickiest eater.

“Been a zookeeper for almost 2 years now. We have a giraffe that has a couple meds he has to take daily, but the little shit will NOT take the same food from you two days in a row. He knows exactly what we’re up to and also happens to be the pickiest eater ever so sometimes it takes an hour to get five pills, the size of A TYPICAL ADVIL PILL, into this 2,000 lb animal.

Also was watching lions in their inside enclosure once, mom and dad we’re laying down and daughter was just walking around trying to find a spot. The daughter is notorious for bugging any other lion with her to play by sitting on them. She walks over to mom and starts to sit, or so I thought, and just starts PISSING ON HER. I’ve never seen a lion double take but that second I swear to god I saw mom look at what was falling on her and then just DISGUST on her face and she jumped up and swatted at daughter. It was pretty freaking hilarious.”

#3. Licking the beaver.

“I’m a zookeeper! I work in a small department with lots of random animals that we take on programs to show guests. In our department, the cages are made of mesh, so the animals can sometimes be housed next to each other where they can reach each other and interact. One time, the beaver was housed next to the tamanduas (lesser ant eaters), and we went over and saw the tamanduas licking the beaver ALL OVER! By the time the beaver went back to his own enclosure he was soaking wet with tamandua spit.”

#2. Flossing baboons.

“Not a zookeeper but primatologist. During my masters I did a study on spontaneous tool use in captive baboons. The weird bit? They were flossing. Literally flossing with hair and broom bristles like we do with toothpicks and…well dental floss. You can Google ‘Flossing Baboons’ and you’ll pretty quickly get a photo of Georgia.”

#1. Then repeat.

“I once saw on gorilla poke another in the butt then sniff his finger.

One gorilla was laying in a hammock and the other was sitting on the ground beneath him. He would reach up, poke the gorillas butt, look at his finger, sniff it then repeat.”

If it’s your dream to become a zookeeper, you’re a better person than I.

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These Moms All Insisted They Didn’t Want Dogs but Now They’re Totally in Love

My parents refused to get us a family dog when I was a little kid. Buuuuut, they finally caved and we got a dog named Quincy and my mom completely fell in love. And now she likes dogs WAY more than people.

These moms are the same way. They didn’t want dogs for various reasons and are now in love with their pooches.

1. Living like a king

When he was a puppy, my mom refused to even touch him for months. Now, she cooks and gives him sweet potatoes every day. from aww

2. True love

3. Sing her a song

4. On the floor and everything

5. Dance off

6. Pampered

7. Proud mother



10. The love is evident

11. #DogLife

12. A member of the family

13. BFF

14. Lullabies

15. Her new child

True love.

You just can’t deny it…

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Some Zoos Are Rating Their Animals like Amazon Reviews and It’s Very Informative

Aren’t zoos great? But wouldn’t it be even greater if you knew the quality of the animals? After all, if I’m going to stare at a koala napping in a eucalyptus tree, I want to know that I’m only looking at the best. Wonder no more! Zoos and zookeepers across the country have taken on the important task of rating their animals like Amazon reviews. Don’t be surprised if you actually learn something too.

It all started when the Oregon Zoo gave two sound 4-Star reviews for their owls and river otters.

Photo Credit: Twitter,OregonZoo

Photo Credit: Twitter,OregonZoo

Not to be outdone, The California Academy of Sciences were brutally honest about their albino gator but were quick to update their score to best reflect reality.

Photo Credit: Twitter,calacademy

Photo Credit: Twitter,calacademy

Monterey Bay Aquarium’s quite the critic.

Photo Credit: Twitter,MontereyAq

Then zoo-keepers, animal aficionados and zoos all around decided to jump in.

Photo Credit: Twitter,shtoopy

Photo Credit: Twitter,TygerWDR

Photo Credit: Twitter,TygerWDR

Photo Credit: Twitter,MontereyAq

Photo Credit: Twitter,TygerWDR

Photo Credit: Twitter,LAZoo

Photo Credit: Twitter,woodlandparkzoo

Photo Credit: Twitter,OregonZoo

Photo Credit: Twitter,JoshsFrogs

Photo Credit: Twitter,DrKatfish

Photo Credit: Twitter,woodlandparkzoo

Photo Credit: Twitter,ZooKeeperRick

They’re good animals, zoos.

This article was originally published by our friends at Woke Sloth.

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