A Japanese Woman Uses Instagram to Document the Stuff Her Husband Leaves Around the House

We all know marriage isn’t easy, and sometimes there’s nothing more soothing to your frayed patience than a little passive aggressive social media posting.

A fact that @gomi_sutero seems to realize, since she posts the trash her husband leaves lying around the house on her Instagram account (the handle means “throw away your trash”) with captions telling him to cut it out.

No word yet on whether it’s working, but as you can see from the 12 posts below, she’s already a legend.

12. “Unroll them RIGHT NOW. And put them in the washing machine.”

11. “Stop doing things that just don’t make sense.”

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_ 今 ヒゲ脱毛行きよるけん ← もう少しの辛抱。笑 . . ところで 誰からも聞かれてないけど 夫婦で大好きなTVが #ゴリパラ見聞録 ! 何回かじゃんけん行ったり PARCOの屋上のやつとか サンパレスのイベントも行ったり。 @goriken1024 が キッズの口コミでゴリパラを広めてって言いよらしたけん勝手に広める。笑 @nisijinboy1012 は めんたいワイドの中継で控えとらす時に声かけたら写真撮りましょうか?って言ってくれたり 最高に面白いし優しい。 #発見らくちゃく も かなり好き 笑 福岡ローカルな話ですいません。 全国放送で一番好きなTVは 水曜日のダウンタウン。

A post shared by 旦那の散らかした物をUPするアカウント(時々 むすめ×旦那) (@gomi_sutero) on

10. “Is this the Leaning Tower of Pisa?”

9. “Is this supposed to be a door stopper?”

8. “Why is seaweed stuck here?”

7. “Don’t leave tissue paper like the acorns in My Neighbor Totoro.”

6. “Lids. Lids. Lids. Lids. Lids.”

5. “Don’t leave your contact lens everywhere.”

4. “Who forgets these here? Eat the rice.”

3. “I thought it was a dead body.”

2. “A photo from before. Does anybody take a bath with their glasses on and then leave it in the tub? If you know someone like that please let me know. You will be great friends with my husband.”

1. “You thought you changed the toilet paper? THROW IT AWAY.”

She told Buzzfeed News that she and her husband joke regularly about his habits, so even though he doesn’t know about the account, he would probably think it was funny.

Iconic. There’s no other word for it, people.

The post A Japanese Woman Uses Instagram to Document the Stuff Her Husband Leaves Around the House appeared first on UberFacts.