A Dad Is in Hot Water After Telling His Daughter He Loves Her “More Than Anything”

Okay, okay, so it sounds like a sweet thing to say to a small child (unless you have more than one small child, and then, ouch), but if you’re someone who believes that your marriage and partner should come first – and that modeling that for your children is important – it’s not so much.

Now, I can’t say for sure that’s why this woman got so angry after overhearing what Dad thought was a nice thing to say and nothing more, but it could explain it?

He’s logged on to Am I The A**hole to be judged by a jury of random internet strangers, though, so here goes his story:

AITA for saying “I love you more than anything” to my daughter in front of my wife from AmItheAsshole

People are pretty split on this one, and it’s easy to see why.

Photo Credit: Reddit

That said, most people are coming down on the side of NTA (Not-The-A**hole) for this poor sap.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Personally, I think his wife was feeling super emotional for some reason (which is fine) and that he’s kind of a dick for calling her an irrational 3yo in the original post, but otherwise, this will blow over and they’ll both see that it was a silly thing to argue about eventually.

Do you agree? Not? Please share your reasons with us in the comments!

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