People Discuss Their Favorite Movies They Had in Movie Theaters

Remember going to a movie?

It would sure be a lot of fun to do that again, wouldn’t it…? Hopefully, we can do it again sometime soon.

But until then, we have to hunker down in our houses and watch everything on our own TVs. Sure, things could be a lot worse, but it would be wonderful to go to the theater, grab a snack and a drink, and see some movie magic on the big screen.

People recently took to Twitter to share their favorite experiences from watching movies in the theater.

It’s a lot of fun, let’s check it out!

1. This introvert was proud.

Erupted with laughter.

2. That’s pretty funny.

That guy got ’em with a zinger!

3. What a great movie.

It never gets old!

4. The Sixth Sense.

There goes the popcorn!

5. Hahahaha. Hilarious. 

Ritalin should cure her head from spinning around, right?

6. Didn’t realize it was a musical.

Do your research!

7. The books are awesome.

And so are the movies!

8. Burst into tears.

Wonder Woman to the rescue!

9. What do you think you’re doing?!?!

People got fired up!

10. The place erupted.

What a great flick!

11. A classic piece of cinema!

Right? Right?!?!

12. Horrified silence.

Followed by…this…

Now we’d like to hear from you.

Do you remember your favorite memories from going to the movies?

Tell us your stories in the comments.

Please and thank you!

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