7 Things That Living Abroad Can Teach You

Okay, here are 7 things living abroad for a few years taught this person, who left St. Petersburg, Russia and spent some time living in the United States. It may encourage you to step on out of your own comfort zone and embrace new experiences!

#7. Being “on the other side” can be a shock

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For this girl, the planes were smaller, the airport was crazy busy, and language barriers grew taller. Remind yourself to take a few deep breaths as you walk from one world into another.

#6. It can be lonely

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Especially if you’re in a country where you don’t speak the language well and not many other people can translate, but really, anytime you’re somewhere new and alone, be prepared to battle the feeling of being all alone.

#5. You might not realize how much you love your home until you leave

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Sure, you can find your native food anywhere, but it’s just not the same.

#4. Let go of your expectations

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For the country, for the people, and for everything in between. Take your experience as it comes, day by day.

#3. You might feel adrift

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You don’t feel at home yet in your new culture, but going to your “real” home for short trips can serve as a reminder that you no longer belong there, either.

#2. You realize being alone has its advantages

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You get to know yourself. You realize how strong you are, and how independent you can be, and maybe this is who you were meant to be all along.

#1. Pack light

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Nothing is as annoying as a too-heavy suitcase. It’s real advice but it’s also a metaphor.

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