Enjoy These Simply Wonderful Tumblr Posts

You could spend a lifetime scrolling through Tumblr and still only make it through a tenth of the Sherlock fan fiction alone. There’s such an incredible wealth of weirdness on this world wide website that no mere mortal could hope to scratch the surface, but that won’t stop us from gathering up a few of the best bits for your reading pleasure.

Enjoy these ten Tumblr posts that really stand out from the crowd.

10. The times, they are a’changing

“Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.
Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.” – Douglas Adams


9. Providing aid

I’ve never met a meta joke I didn’t like.


8. Yo ho, yo ho

It’s not really $600 anymore, it’s more like $30 a month for the rest of your life.


7. Don’t be shellfish

Why is it that we never learn these lessons?


6. Get up and go

Get you a man who will fetch brain chemicals.


5. The brightest minds

Sounds like a one of the lesser-known Twilight Zone episodes.


4. Meet cute

Hate to be a pedant but this would technically make them a background performer.


3. Off the charts

Numbers don’t lie.


2. Take it back

We should 100% be able to tell the algorithm we didn’t mean it.


1. Let’s get high…drated

John Mulaney will go to his grave confused. It will be hilarious.


Ten posts down, eleventy billion to go.

What are your favorite types of things to find when you scroll through Tumblr?

Tell us in the comments!

The post Enjoy These Simply Wonderful Tumblr Posts appeared first on UberFacts.

Posts That Are Really Sweet in Only the Way Tumblr Can Pull Off

Sometimes, Tumblr has its own brand of sweet. It’s the kind of sweet that can go from extremely gentle to the toughest love at the drop of a hat, but then it will kindly pick your hat back up, brush it off, and hand it to you with an interesting, probably inaccurate factoid about haberdashers.

What I’m saying is that it’s a place that will play with your feels in a pretty fascinating way.

Here are ten examples of what I’m talking about. Ten sweet and sweet-ish posts for you to drop your hat to.

10. Eye see you

This is probably the most genuinely sweet post in the set.


9. Mental health tips

Or maybe I should say “METAL health tips.”


8. Be kind, rewind

Whatcha gettin’ all wound up about, friend?


7. Couldn’t make it

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you in this time of need.


6. Our cross to bear

She gave all nine of her lives for us.


5. Be your own boss

F*** me, I don’t do what I tell me!


4. Under the feels

This is me when I am even slightly criticized.


3. Gotta go slow

I think this is berry cute.


2. Weird at first sight

Don’t hide your love from the world


1. Business children

Aw, that’s absolutely terrifying.


We hope those sweet and sweet-ish posts put a little pep in your step. Remember to share the love today – everybody could use a little bit of a boost.

What’s your favorite kind of content to find on Tumblr?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Posts That Are Really Sweet in Only the Way Tumblr Can Pull Off appeared first on UberFacts.

People Share “Passive-Aggressive” Things That Take Life to a Whole New Level

Hi, there!

Wikipedia defines passive-aggressive behavior as “a pattern of passive hostility and an avoidance of direct communication.”

In other words, it’s when you need to go on the attack without actually confronting anyone. It’s petty, it’s sly, and if you’re just observing rather than being on the receiving end, it can be downright hilarious.

Here are ten incredible examples from the wide world of Twitter.

10. Drive on by

What in the hell kind of roadside madness is this?

9. It’s time to stop

This is an alien trying to disguise itself as an Earth sign and you can’t convince me otherwise.

8. I must confess

This is why Protestants just skipped the middle man.

7. The s**t is bananas

I don’t find this behavior appealing in the slightest.

6. The terrible twos

Psh. You call THAT a pothole?

5. Over the line

Timmy Turtle says “Use your damn eyes.”

4. High art

Is this Banksy?

3. Bed side manner

You’re in double trouble because your side is trapped against the dang wall.

2. Sick burn

You ever see something and just say to yourself “Glad I’m not in that relationship?”

1. He’s my witness

When even the robot in your pocket gets tired of trying to make you live right.

Remember, conflict is best resolved through direct and level-headed communication. But that’s also way less funny so if you’re gonna be slick, take pictures. Come on, don’t be selfish, we wanna get in on this.

Have you been the writer/receiver of any passive-aggressive nonsense lately?

Dish it out in the comments.

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Weird and Funny Tumblr Posts to Make You Laugh

What are you really gonna get when you open up Tumblr?

Nobody knows. It could be literally anything.

Imagine a thing so weird that it couldn’t possibly show up. That’s what you’re going to find. Imagine something so mundane that you can’t even think of it.

That’s there as well.

It’s a marvelous random crapshoot and I couldn’t possibly live without it.

Here are ten prime examples of random Tumblr that will make you say “What?”

10. Cutting wit

The future is coming spoon.


9. Curse of the too much free time

“Bobby did you ruin my good amulet AGAIN?”


8. Nosedive

These new safety measures are really state of the art.


7. Note to self

This is what Skyrim was designed for.


6. A brush with comedy

Is this the Seinfeld dentist in real life?


5. A page out of history

My amusement cannot be found.


4. A strange meating

When will people “learn” that you “shouldn’t” use “quotation marks” for “emphasis.”


3. Cold truths

2020 Olympics: who can stay inside the longest without screaming?


2. Sweet release

What’s your religion, mine’s whatever this is.


1. Mystical powers

Take a rock on the wild side.


There may not be much of a rhyme or reason to what we find on Tumblr, but at least it’s always interesting. How many places on the internet can you really say that about? We need the weird. We need the interesting. We gotta keep it alive. Keep doing what you do best, Humans of Tumblr.

What’s your favorite kind of stuff to find on Tumblr?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Weird and Funny Tumblr Posts to Make You Laugh appeared first on UberFacts.

Here Are Great Games for Couples For Couples to Play Together

Video games have the ability to bring us together, and also tear us apart if we rage quit enough times. But there’s often friction in a relationship in which one person commits a lot of time to games and the other is uninterested. It can create a divide, and that’s no fun. Which is why answering this question can be so crucial:

What is the best video game for couples to play? from AskReddit

This was posed to the experts at r/AskReddit and tens of thousands of comments followed. We’ve ranked the top ten responses according to popularity and provided some trailers so you can get a peek for yourself if you’re looking for something to play with your SO!

10. Don’t Starve Together

My wife and I play Dont Starve Together a lot on the PC.

We both have our own PCs and it is such a great time.


9. Terraria

Terraria is our go to game to play together.

My wife never got into 3D FPS controls, but grew up playing Mario and DK, so the 2D approach in Terraria is great for her.

It’s a lot of fun, and it works well using phones / tablets as well.

– daltonovich

8.Pokemon GO

If one of you is a gamer but the other isn’t: Surprisingly, Pokemon GO.

Go for a walk, talk to each other, catch critters.

Nice casual date!

– Smash_Gal

7. Snipperclips


It’s for two people and it’s where people work together.

– mcboy973

6. Overcooked

Overcooked, if you love a cooperation challenge.

It could also ruin your relationship.

– Decimaelstrom

5. Stardew Valley

My boyfriend and I played it single player on ps4 and just alternated days in a “takesies turnsies” fashion and had a great time with it!

– Ambitious_Macaroni

4. Gang Beasts

Trust me you will laugh yourselves to death.

– CheekyFeller

3. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

You both pilot a spaceship and have to cooperate to complete the levels.

It’s super fun and the music is great.

– walruspit12345

2. Lego Games

My wife doesn’t really like video games but she loves playing co-op Lego Jurassic Park with me.

So I think most of the LEGO games would work. They are also great if you want to play with your kids.

– MidvalleyFreak

1. Little Big Planet

My husband and I have never laughed harder when we were playing the Boom Town level and one of us kept setting off the bombs.

– foxbluesocks

If you’re seeking a nice fun game to pass the time with your partner at home, check out some of those titles! Game on!

What would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments.

The post Here Are Great Games for Couples For Couples to Play Together appeared first on UberFacts.

Here are Some Suggestions for Great Games to Play as a Couple

Do you like to play video games? We think so. Do you like the person you’re with? We sure hope so.

Do you want to play video games with the person you’re with? Of course you do!

But it isn’t always easy to find the perfect match for both of you. Lucky for everybody, there’s a very long and helpful list compiled by the people of Reddit based on this prompt by user HornedOwlsNest:

What is the best video game for couples to play? from AskReddit

There are over 20 thousand comments, so we’ll whittle it down to a few gems for ya:

1. Unravel 2

Unravel 2 is super relaxing and cute.

Bought it to play with my wife, she doesn’t really play games but she enjoyed the first one.

– boogieboogie

2. Borderlands

Borderlands split screen is great.

My husband and I always argue about getting the best loot and guns.

– Fandangojango

3. Divinity Original Sin 2

Divinity Original Sin 2 was perfect for me and my ex since we are both into D&D.

– Jurelover

4. Dead by Daylight

My SO and I play Dead by Daylight as survivors.

We get frustrated together when the killer is good, and we cheer together when the killer is bad. Perfect bonding experience…

– NihilisticMind

5. Broken down by taste:

If your SO is into action games: Borderlands, Sniper Elite, Left 4 Dead. Also Battle Royales.

If your SO is into non-violent games: Stardew Valley, Factorio, Minecraft, Terraria, Starbound, Don’t Starve Together, etc.

If your SO is not used to videogames: Story driven games you can play together such as The Red Strings Club, Oxenfree, Life is Strange, Telltale games in general.

If your SO is into board games/party games: Monster Prom, Tricky Towers, Town of Salem, etc.

Would also recommend: Dungeon of the Endless (coop tower defense dungeon crawler) and The Escapists 2 (silly prison break sim)

– TheDanibits

6. Crusander Kings 2

If your partner doesn’t leave you for marrying your hot pagan daughter then your relationship is true.

Also holds up in game

– Basil-II-of-Rome

7. Pokemon GO

I’ll probably get some hate for this but Pokemon Go, you basically go out for walks to random places with your girlfriend and you catch rare Pokemon together

– TannedCroissant

8. Fallout

Not as a co-op, but it’s fun to play something like Fallout and let your significant other pick all the decisions, dialogue options, and where to go next.

– archaelleon

9. A gallery of gaming:

Here are the games my BF and I play, most of the games we play are PC games and we play with controllers. […]

Overcooked – My guy and I love it. It is challenging, silly and fun.
It is also a coop style game so you NEED to communicate, plan and support to be able to complete some of the super hard levels.
Supports up to 4 players.

Cuphead – OMG hard, side scrolling shooter game done in the style of 1930’s cartoons (hand animated, and a Netflix show coming out soon).
I suck at it but we still have fun with it.
For up to 2 players.

Lego games (Xbox 360)
Fun, nostalgic, story based and lots of game options.
We are currently playing Lego Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Various emulator games
We have played arcade games on emulator, last one was TMNT arcade, later got to play the actual machine at a convention and beat it.
We have even played games that are older than us (both 37).

– ceanahope

10. Mario Odyssey

Playing as Cappy is actually pretty fun.

– madtrippinfool

11. Breath of the Wild

My GF and I are currently playing through Breath of the Wild.

She’s pretty new to gaming but she loves the exploration, climbing, hunting, and gathering resources/loot.

Whenever she gets in over her head in a difficult fight, I’ll take over and deal with the bad guys.

– Commander_Guts27

12. Two strong suggestions:

For a game where either can be badasses but together is better, Dynasty Warriors.

Most Warriors games that are multiplayer fits this.

For a game where teamwork is crucial, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

– nybx4life

13. Fortnite

It’s not technically “co-op”, but my girlfriend and I used to play fortnite together.

She was the mouse and I was the keyboard. That shit was a riot when we had to fight and communicate just to move.


14. Old fashioned fun:

My gf isn’t much of a gamer, but we play L.A. Noire. I do the driving and shooting, etc. and she loves the crime aspect and trying to figure out how to solve said crime and who is guilty and what not.

That and we also play Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune on the switch if you’re into that stuff.

Lastly, check out jackbox party pack. You play with your phone and it’s great for multiple players too.

– tHeNiGhTmAnCoMeTh413

15. Minecraft?

Minecraft, you can put your beds next to each other… haha jk… unless? 😳😳😳 – CreamyFappucinno

You know what they say: the couple that plays together, stays together.

What would you add to this list?

Tell us in the comments!

The post Here are Some Suggestions for Great Games to Play as a Couple appeared first on UberFacts.

Crazy Facts 2020-09-01 18:26:03

The trade winds coming from the south and the north meet near the equator. This convergence produces general upward winds as they are heated so there are no steady surface winds, leaving an area of calm known as the doldrums.

The post appeared first on Crazy Facts.

Posts About What a Bummer It Is to Be an Adult

Man…being an adult kind of…really sucks…right?

You spend your entire adolescence anticipating the days when you can be out on your own and you can do what you want, when you want…and then you get there and you say to yourself…this is it?

Sure, there are some good aspects of it, but non-stop responsibilities, non-stop bills, and non-stop headaches can really get to you after a while.

And that’s when you end up crying in the fetal position on the floor once a week. I call it my “Power Hour.” It’s very refreshing, you should give it a shot.

Anyway, enjoy these funny posts about adulting and just try to do your best out there, okay?

Let’s take a look.

1. You know you do!

Or you have Home Advil and Car Advil.

2. What’s that like?

I honestly have no idea…

3. It’s a bummer, huh?

Didn’t see this coming…

4. Oh, no!

It’s never too late to try to shed those pounds.

5. You’re an ADULT.

Does this describe you?

6. I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong.

I’m just being honest…

7. Wouldn’t that be nice?

I don’t think it’s gonna happen, but still…

8. What kind of drugs are we talking about?

I got the good stuff! The Prilosec!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

9. My money went up in flames.

That didn’t last very long.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

10. Ummmm…I’m not doing those things.

But maybe someday?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

11. Where did all of it go?

I don’t know what to say anymore…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

12. You’re telling me.

Especially the pants part…

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

13. Oh, sh*t…forgot about that.

This is always the worst.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans

Now we’d like to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, tell us how you’re holding up and let us know how this whole “adulting” thing is working out for you.

Hang in there! We’re all gonna be okay!

The post Posts About What a Bummer It Is to Be an Adult appeared first on UberFacts.

Cat Posts That We Think You’re Gonna Love!

There’s only one way to say this: you NEED to see these cat posts.

We don’t want to hear any arguments. We don’t want to hear any sassy backtalk. We’re just demanding that you (and probably your friends and family) look at these posts about cats.

Because they are hilarious, delightful, and totally wholesome! And who doesn’t need a little bit of that in their lives right now, ya know?

So sit back, relax for a few minutes, and enjoy these stellar posts about those hilarious and strange animals that we share our lives with.

Let’s check it out!

1. Happy birthday, Meatball!

20-years-old and still going strong.

My sweet old Meatball celebrated a milestone birthday today ❤ from aww

2. Part of the family now.

I love seeing this!

Adopted a kitten, it seems he’s fitting in just fine. Or maybe a little too well 😂 from cats

3. You must watch this video.

And you’ll probably watch it over and over.

4. Oh, really?

He changed his tune on this one.

2 months ago: “we absolutely are not getting a cat.” Now:[REPOST] from cats

5. Hangin’ on tight.

Best friends forever.

the only boy who likes being around me this much from cats

6. This is incredible.

They can see you FROM SPACE.

7. No, we all feel that way.

They sure are adorable.

Is it just me or are cat paws like the cutest thing? from cats

8. That’s a lot of toes!

And that’s a good-looking cat!

Our cat, waffles. Total 25 toes. from cats

9. They’ve captured my heart.

Well, this is adorable.

I got the cutest photo of these two foster babies several weeks ago. from aww

10. What are you doing up there?

Well, since you’re here…

11. I would like to play with this cat.

I can say that with confidence.

12. Oh…there you are…

Anything else I can get for you?

13. I needed to see this! I did!

And I thank you for it!

Now we want to hear from all you wonderful folks out there!

In the comments, share a photo of your cat and tell us a little bit about them!

We can’t wait to meet these amazing felines! (And we’re sure that you’re amazing, too…).

The post Cat Posts That We Think You’re Gonna Love! appeared first on UberFacts.

Totally Free Things You Should Be Taking Advantage of Online

People love free stuff. If there is one universal truth about humanity, this is it – but there are times when not everyone knows about the cool free stuff out there just waiting for the picking!

If you’re into it, these 14 Redditors are giving us a head’s up on some freebies available online.

14. I had no idea this worked on dog prescriptions!


If you haven’t seen the depressing commercials, this is an app that gives you discounts on prescription medications.

My dog has epilepsy and I save about $200 a month on his pills.

13. That’s quite an endorsement.

Image Credit: Stackoverflow

Stackoverflow because I wouldn’t be a developer without it.

One of the most helpful things I’ve ever found.

12. A tip for everyone.

Image Credit: Have I Been Pwned

https://haveibeenpwned.com/ is a website that checks through a database of breaches to see if any account associated with your email has been compromised.

being pwned is pretty common, especially if you use the same email for many websites. There is no need to be concerned if you have been pwned multiple times; almost all will be from mass data breaches and it is unlikely you will ever be targeted specifically. However, it is a good idea to close accounts you no longer use and to change the passwords on accounts you use regularly

11. Definitely going to bookmark this one!

Image Credit: The Noun Project

https://thenounproject.com/ has a wide selection of icons. I use them for presentations!

15. For the GenXers in the house.

Image Credit: OldGamesDownload


Free old computer games.

Some good ones from my childhood:


The Incredible Machine (1&2)

Need For Speed (Hot Pursuit 1&2, Underground 1&2, Most Wanted, Carbon)

Tony Hawk (Pro Skater 2&3&4, Underground 1&2)

Simpsons Hit and Run

Final Fantasy

Baldurs Gate

The Lord of the Rings

9. Taxes should NOT be that hard.

Image Credit: Turbotaxsucksass


It’s created by Hasan Minhaj with a list of websites to file free taxes with direct links instead of misleading users to paying.

Hasan Minhaj talks about it in his Patriot Act Volume 6 episode “Why Doing Taxes Is So Hard”

8. You can never have enough of these.

Image Credit: Unsplash

https://unsplash.com/ – free (SUPER high quality) photographs, I also use as reference for sketches/artwork.

7. This should work!

Image Credit: Forest App

If you’re a student or are really trying to stay focused at work there’s and app called Forest: Stay Focused.

It’s a free app that’s available as an extension on Google Chrome or the Apple AppStore.

Basically, you plant a tree, set a time limit and you can only go on the sites that you’ve added to the whitelist or your tree will die.

It’s designed to stop you from always being in social media while you’re supposed to be studying or doing something productive.

6. Music from anywhere you want.

Image Credit: radio.garden

I bring to you radio.garden, my friend.

Radio stations from around the globe. Just spin it a bit and click where you want to get a list of radio stations from that country. Great for people who like foreign music, language learners, or people looking to reconnect with something “back home”.

5. They have television shows, too!

Image Credit: TubiTV

Tubi TV.

It has a ton of movies. Not exactly box office hits but its got movies and they change every month.

I’ve watched movies like Fury and Airplane! on there. Best part is you can get it in phone laptop, and Ps4 as far as i know of.

100% free, 100% recommend

4. Like a garage sale on the internet.

Image Credit: Freecycle

The Freecycle Network.

A free to sign-up/nonprofit website that helps people give away free stuff that they don’t need to people who need it in their local town/neighborhood.

Their goal is to promote re-use of goods that would otherwise go into landfills.

3. These are awesome.

Image Credit: EdX


Its completely free online courses (usually 2-6 weeks per course) taught by professors from top notch universities from all over the world (Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Oxford). It’s just like taking classes from a university (with assignments, lectures to watch, etc.) and the courses are varied and interesting.

Another online use people don’t think about is LIBRARIES. Go to your local library, get a card, and you get a huge selection of books right on your phone, Kindle, laptop, etc. You check out the books online and you get them on your device for 3 weeks usually. The book then deletes itself, but you can check the book back out if need be. It’s completely free.

2. Free audiobooks ftw.

Image Credit: Overdrive

Libby is an app you can use to borrow audiobooks and ebooks for free as long as you have a library card (also free).

1. Who doesn’t love that?

Image Credit: Khan Academy

Khan academy.

It’s free, free knowledge!

Definitely going to put these to good use, how about you?

If you’ve got any tips to add, please do so in the comments!

The post Totally Free Things You Should Be Taking Advantage of Online appeared first on UberFacts.