15 Times Kids Had Hilarious Names for Everyday Objects

Kids have funny ways of talking about stuff – they just describe things as they see them, and even if they’re technically wrong, somehow you’re sitting there wondering if it hasn’t been called that all along.

And these 15 kids really have hit the nail on the head.

15. Yes, I like it.

I’ll take a dozen.

14. Beautiful and morbid at the same time.

That’s my kind of girl.

13. A spooky, seasonal treat.

They are pretty scary.

12. I can get on board with that.

I’m getting more powerful by the day, people.

11. That explains why he never wanted to go in there.

I don’t like to eat in the fancy room, either.

10. $10 says she becomes a Pixar animator some day.

So evocative!

9. This is just straight up hilarious.

No one that age wants a wig!

8. It’s about to be Halloween eagle season.

So long, Pumpkin Spice. You had a good run.

7. I mean it makes sense.

You have an armpit, so….

6. This is downright adorable.

Who doesn’t love a good cowboy?

5. Would you like your tacos floppy or hard?

I like all the tacos.

4. That’s quite the turn of phrase.

A little poet, there.

3. I mean, that’s exactly what it is.

I love the parents who have now called it that forever.

2. I think I love rhinoceroses now.

As if I didn’t before.

1. I don’t care what you call them, as long as you fry them.

I will hear no arguments to the contrary.

I’m definitely adopting some of these names in our house!

What’s the funniest and most accurate name your child has ever called something? I want more adorableness in the comments!

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Funny Before-And-After Photos From Extremely Literal Photoshop Artists

Everyone has their “thing,” and in the world today, finding a way to stand out definitely isn’t easy. And while some people choose to do that by being the very best at their chosen hobby or profession, others like this guy who is a Photoshop master, decide to go a bit of a different way.

For instance, James Fridman has chosen to use his stellar skills to do extremely literal Photoshops of the requests he gets – and below are 15 hilarious examples.

15. They do look happier.

Can’t say for sure behind the masks, though.

14. Breaking ALL the rules!

That makes someone a bad boy, right?

13. He’s…not wrong.

I don’t think this is what she meant, though.

12. I guess he should have been more specific.

He makes a dashing deer, though.

11. Idk if she approved this close up.

You need to be more specific I say!

10. Done and done.

The disembodied arms are killing me, though.

9. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

Isn’t efficiency amazing?

8. The dog is way cute.

Not saying her boyfriend is ugly, but…

7. That’s exactly what would happen!

You have to think these things through!

6. Wait until you see it.

Her mom still isn’t going to frame this one.

5. Why would you want to do such a thing??


4. Actions have consequences, you know.

Those poor plants.

3. That is hilarious.

But not at all attractive.

2. I don’t know if he nailed the “more classy” request.

But they’re not in the background anymore.

1. The hands don’t look awkward anymore.

There are other things to explain now, though.


This guy’s images are just too funny!

Which one did you think was the best? Share with us in the comments!

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Funny Alternative Names Kids Had for Everyday Stuff

People say that kids are great for making us laugh, and for making us see the world through new eyes, and anyone who has heard a child “name” something can definitely tell you that’s true.

These 13 kids, you have to admit, really seem to be onto something here!

13. Eh, that’s pretty much the same thing.

Except to the penguins, I guess.

12. I mean, what else do you use it for?

Maybe ramen.

11. This sounds oddly dirty.

Unless you say it in a 2yo’s voice.

10. Aren’t boys charming?

You have to admit it’s creative.

9. That should definitely be a thing.

I love cake, I love bagels. In fact, I want one right now!

8. They’ll be ruling the place before you know it.

I hope they write screenplays together.

7. Christmas makes everything better.

And so do bagels, so.

6. A darkly apt description.

That’s all I have to say about that.

5. I mean, that is what it says on the box.

Don’t go calling Harvard yet?

4. I love it when they hatch.

Especially when they’re sweet and salty.

3. Well that’s rude.

But okay, also funny.

2. That’s what Mom says when she sees them!

This one just cracked me up.

1. Beaks are cooler than snouts.

We all know it’s true.

I’m going to use some of these, for sure!

What’s your favorite word that your family adopted after your kid got it wrong (right)? Tell us in the comments!

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Parents Should Never Say These Words to Their Kids

Any good psychologist will tell you that you should never deal in absolutes – the words ‘always’ and ‘never’ shouldn’t be a part of a rational discussion – but sometimes, there are words we can say should almost never cross a parents lips when dealing with sensitive little ones.

We know that adults’ words have a huge impact on developing minds, and since what parents say to their children has very real consequences in their future, near and far, here are are 7 words to avoid at all costs.

7. Selfish

Image Credit: Pexels

Children are inherently egocentric, and it’s not until the age of 3 that they begin to develop the ability to understand that other people have thoughts and feelings both similar to, and different from, their own.

Selfishness presumes malice, and children are simply dealing with a brain that’s not fully developed – they truly don’t understand why other people feel differently than they do.

You can and should teach kids about consequences and how they affect the way other people feel, but understand that working on empathy will largely be a one-sided fight until they enter preschool.

6. Smart

It’s not wrong to praise your child, but praising things they have no control over typically isn’t the way to go. Sure, a child might have a high IQ, but it might also be the case that they’ve acquired the tools to problem solve, or have otherwise worked to attain that intelligence.

In addition, a child who has been constantly told how smart he/she is, it could be difficult when they inevitably have to navigate a situation where learning something new, or completing a task, is difficult for them.

Instead of smart, try saying “I really like the way you stuck with that until you figured it out,” or “I’ve seen how hard you’ve been trying and I’m proud of you.”

5. Princess

Image Credit: Pexels

If a little girl has adopted the label herself because she’s inspired by real-life or fantasy princesses, then it’s fine if she wants to be addressed as such. But if she hasn’t, parents shouldn’t be pigeonholing little girls into a princess box if she doesn’t want to be stuck there.

4. Stupid

Calling a child “stupid” is incredibly damaging, and is doubly so when said by an adult who claims to love them.

Once they realize it means the adult thinks they are intellectually dumb, it can be internalized and contribute to a bleak academic future, along with devastating low self-esteem.

3. Heartbreaker

Image Credit: Pexels

Why would you want to sexualize a little boy? That’s what putting a child in the context of romantic love and sexuality at a too-young age essentially does, but it also introduces boys to the idea that they hold power over the opposite gender.

Also, why would you want to encourage your child to break anyone’s heart, or to insinuate that would somehow be a desirable trait?

2. A$$hole

It has become somewhat fashionable for parents to refer to their kids as a$sholes online, but really, your kids are just being typical kids with underdeveloped brains and emotions – the adults are the ones who are supposed to be able to control their words and emotions.

And remember, your children won’t be too young to follow you on social media forever…

1. Bossy

Image Credit: Pexels

Generally, this derogatory term is applied to little girls who want to lead during playtime with her peers. If it’s shocking to you, please consider that gender indoctrination could be to blame, and that there is nothing odd about, or reason to discourage, a girl from taking the reins.

She can be assertive, have ideas, direct others, and have confidence, and those traits should be just as lauded in her as they would be in a boy.

All children can use direction when it comes to delivery, so that their leadership comes across more palatable, but that’s a different matter altogether.

As a parent, I strive to remember these every single day – even when it’s hard.

What other words and phrases do you avoid with your littles? Tell us in the comments!

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Hilarious Photoshops That Are the Most Literal Things We’ve Seen Lately

Photoshop is addictive, to think we could create the perfect image, could scrub anything out or in that would make us or the image as a whole look better.

We should have learned by now, though, that any such requests given to Photoshop master Jamie Fridman would be met with extremely literal responses – they’re hilarious, and honestly, full of social commentary if you want to look below the surface!

13. Why are these creepy?

Nothing Jamie could do about that, I suppose.

12. That is one cute dog.

As long as we get to keep him in, I’m good.

11. Painfully accurate.

At least it was just in the imagination!

10. She should have defined “cool.”

Although he admittedly took it to extremes.

9. Stretching the interpretation of the term “people.”

But I see what he did there.

8. They’re wearing protective gear, too.

Very important.

7. He must be from Texas.

Or just a really big fan of Yellowstone.

6. Man, this took some skill.

I love it.

5. This is amazing.

It’s also funny, so gold star.

4. Well that was simple.

I want to see their reactions. Lol.

3. It looks like something out of a Tim Burton movie.

I mean that in a good way, obviously.

2. Notoriety comes at a price, you know.

But he probably meant VISITING a museum I guess.

1. Both of these pictures are downright hilarious.

I can’t decide which I like the best.

These actually made me think a little bit. How about you?

Which of them hit you just right? Tell us in the comments!

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Kids Accidentally Destroyed a Glass-Blown Castle Worth $64,000

If you thought your kids were destructive forces not to be trusted in public, well, you’re probably going to feel better about any accidents they may have had in the past.

Because no matter what they might have destroyed, the chances are high that it wasn’t a one-of-a-kind replica of Disneyland’s Fantasy castle that cost over sixty grand.

The intricate glass model resided at the Shanghai Museum of Glass in China, and was a replica of Shanghai Disneyland’s Fantasy Castle. The incident occurred when two children who were playing a game climbed over the barriers that separated the model from the public.

They ran into the box holding it, dislodged a piece, and it shattered.

As you can imagine, the sound of breaking glass in a glass museum caused immediate alarm, but the museum itself has been pretty chill about the whole thing.

Surprisingly chill, if you ask me.

The museum made the following comment in Weibo,

“The little visitors knew that their behavior was inappropriate, and, under the encouragement of their parents, reported the incident to the museum staff.

Their attitudes were friendly and sincere, and they agreed to help out with follow-up matters.”

Well, that’s a very tidy attitude!

By the way, did I mention that the model took… 500 hours to build!!!!

And it was comprised of over 30,000 components and is adorned with 24-carat gold.

A little backstory… it was created by the Arribas Brothers, a company created when two Spanish glassblowers met Walt Disney at the 1964 World’s Fair in Queens, NY. Three years later they operated a tiny glass studio inside Sleeping Beauty’s Castle at Disneyland.

The good news?

Miguel Arribas has agreed to fix the display castle, and the museum plans to include a program teaching kids what they can and cannot touch going forward.

Some think the museum should have gone with a “you break it, you bought it” philosophy, accusing the parents of raising “little emperors,” which is the Chinese term for spoiled brats.

The museum is hopeful that the changes they’re making will encourage children and their families to visit the space for generations to come – but to be a bit more careful when they do.

The secondhand parental anxiety and horror is real, is it not?

I think I would have died of mortification if this had been my little emperor! Ugh!

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11 Times Infidelity in a Marriage Caused Problems, Even When the Partners Don’t Know

Marriage is hard. At least it can be if you don’t put in the work.

And once our eyes go wandering… perhaps they land on somebody that catches our interest. It’s a pretty common occurrence, and some stats suggest that 25% of marriages have at least ONCE incident of infidelity in it.

If you’re not good at math, that means 1 out of every 4 marriages has one person cheating at least once.

Yeah, people are getting it on outside of their marriages and they have to get that off their chests. And so we have these Whispers…

1. Priorities…

I mean, would you break it off just to be with somebody you cheated with?

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Hey, if that’s your thing…

Maybe it keeps the marriage sane?

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Well, that didn’t work out.

You should have been honest, bub!

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. I don’t know Karen, will there?!?

Doesn’t sound like it should be up to you.

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. That’ll teach him!

Or maybe it won’t.

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. All the emotions!

All the time!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. How is that working out for you?

I’m guessing she just wanted revenge.

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Sometimes marriage is just a placeholder.

Not everybody should get marriage because somebody forces the issue.

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Don’t brag about it!

Jeezus… what an a$$hole!

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. So does that make you a horrible person?

Seems like you’re a horrible person, actually.

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Is that sad or is it telling you something?

You should probably break it off.

Photo Credit: Whisper

Well, that was pretty revealing, right? Who knew there was that much cheating out there.

Have you ever cheated? Feel guilty about it? Or could you care less?

Let us know in the comments… if you dare!

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Get Your Morning Laughs With These 12 Memes

It’s a bold claim to say that a collection of memes could make you laugh, even in the morning. Mornings are, after all, generally the worst.

But that’s why you need memes like these 12 – and why we’re so confident you’re going to love them.

12. I am shook.

They said exercise worked, but I mean.

11. Takes one to know one.

Tomorrow it will probably be you.

10. Why is this just so accurate.

Everyone will see themselves in this picture.

9. You gotta give them their props.

Because you’ve heard a lot of them.

8. Little dogs are so terrifying.

They bite more people than big dogs every year, fun fact!

7. I need the followup picture.

It won’t be pretty, but it will be funny.

6. This is a totally normal smile face, right?

Just be yourself, they said…

5. It really makes no sense.

And I would like to be able to summon my shoes. Among other things.

4. This frog should be a therapist.

Yes, I mean for humans.

3. This street is my jam.

Kind of like all of the old people who named their houses The Hermitage.

2. It’s not, but it should be.

The world’s troubles summed up in one image.

1. This girl is all of us.

It’s a mood and we’re here for it.

See, I promised you laughs! And laughs I delivered. Just like the meme master you all know that I am.

Did I deliver? Let us know in the comments – we want to know which was your favorite.

Thanks fam!

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Important Academic Lessons From the World of Tumblr

We could definitely learn things by “reading books” or “taking classes” or whatever, but wouldn’t it be more interesting to just scroll through Tumblr until we found some posts that taught us things?

That’s what I do, and now I have an absolute wealth of dubious, fascinating knowledge with which to annoy my friends at parties!

Check out these twelve incredible topics I learned all about from the Humans of Tumblr.

12. Psychiatry and diagnostics

Back in my day, we didn’t have all this dark matter! You kids and your quantum physics!


11. Economic theory

Turns out very few of us are happy about anything ever but we all need money. Who knew.


10. Psychology and mortification

This is literally why I cannot watch the first couple seasons of The Office.


9. Currency and debt

It’s almost like we have a system designed to make money trickle up.


8. Personal motivation

The voice in our head has much to teach us, and I don’t wanna hear a word of it.


7. Mexican-Japanese history

I smell a smash hit HBO series in the works.


6. Biblical literature

Blessed are the meek, for they will have righteous gains.


5. Marketing and sexuality

Come on Barbie, let’s go party.


4. Photography and cultural etiquette

I would buy rice from this man any day of the week.


3. Literary analysis

Once upon a time…


2. Locomotion and human enterprise

Can’t stop won’t stop.


1. Grammatical structure

I’m going to need this entire post to just get out.


I think this list basically counts as some kind of undergraduate degree. You’re welcome.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned on the internet recently?

Tell us in the comments.

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Tumblr Posts That Are Just Too Good Not to Share

If you printed out the text from every Tumblr post ever written, in single-spaced ten point font, I would slap you very hard, because you would have wasted an enormous amount of energy and resources and we have to take better care of our planet than that.

Shame on you. Why would you even think of such a thing?

Anyway, here are ten of the best Tumblr posts never printed.

10. So bright they called him son

Soon the dad joke will encompass all. Hail its mighty coming.


9. Prelude to the breakdown

You don’t need to wait to fix something until it’s all the way broken.


8. A heated argument

The tension is getting toasty.


7. Killer Queen

Making the rest of us look bad since 1970.


6. Never the twain shall meet

The juice is loose and it really needs to not be.


5. Mr. Mean

Look at his weird little eyes. He’s a stone cold killer.


4. It’s a living

Why should EVERYBODY get to have things?


3. What a waste

Both of them are extremely stoned in this exchange.


2. Over the moon

Still more likely than the Kubrick theory.


1. Spot the plant

Millions of years of evolution just to hide your true self? Don’t be like that.


Fun fact: If you printed out all ten of those Tumblr posts, you could put them on the fridge and make your family worry just a little bit more about you.

What’s your favorite kind of thing to find on Tumblr?

Tell us all about it in the comments.

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