Detroit holds the record for the city with the most rejected bids to host the Olympics.
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Detroit holds the record for the city with the most rejected bids to host the Olympics.
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The FBI spent years investigating an anti-goth cult that didn’t even exist. Official investigation on ‘Church of the Hammer’ and their Yahoo group ‘GodHatesGoths’, continued for over 2 years before they realized the entire thing was completely fake and intended to be a joke.
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You know those stories about nanny cams and terrible things that are caught on them? Yeah, that’s not what this post is about.
But Reddit user kndthr took to r/askreddit with a pretty straightforward question:
Parents with Nanny Cams, what have you caught your babysitter doing? from AskReddit
To date the post has accumulated over 8,000 responses, and the variation is wild.
Folks chimed in with experiences not only with Nanny Cams and babysitters, but with all sorts of home security camera mishaps.
There are plenty of pretty tragic stories about abuse and neglect, as well as some heartwarmingly sweet anecdotes, but there are also a lot of stories that are just…bizarre.
This was my (equivalent of) pre-k. All the kids were regressing in their movement ability and getting really fat so they set up spy equipment.
Turns out one carer was doubling every baby’s food portions and forcefully overfeeding them.
– MassacreNecro2
I pay my neighbor to feed the stray cats in my garden when I’m away for days at a time.
The camera caught my neighbor trying to come in by pole (bamboo) vaulting one time.
He nailed it, amazingly.
– turnipheadstalk
Caught my little sister’s babysitter catching a good hour long nap at 2 PM while my 1 year old sister was up having the time of her life destroying my playstation.
– madtitan1304
My mom suspected our maid of stealing the silverware. And she’s just fucking nosy.
Anyway, the maid was indeed stealing the silverware.
I think that ended up being overshadowed by my dad fucking her, though.
– animasrapids
I was the kiddo. My mom often tells the story of how she watched me give a big ol hug to my babysitter who just broke down out of nowhere after serving me lunch.
Turns out her dad had died a month back and it just wasn’t a good day for her.
I still remember you, Ms. Yancey. I hope you’re doing just fine now!
– RoyalVariety
The couple I sat for had a nanny cam in their living room, the kind that went in bears.
They got me on video giving their 2 yo the Heimlich after he tried to eat a rock.
– that1chick1730
She stole a single puzzle piece of what we were trying to solve.
Saw her put it in her pocket.
– Kalidoscope98
When I was around 12yrs old, my parents caught my babysitter on camera stealing my NES games and shoving them into her pants and shirt.
They confronted her about it and she kept denying it until Ninja Gaiden fell out of her pant leg. My mom took her into a room and made take out all the games she stole.
She literally had games shoved under the strap of her bra on her back so that she could sneak them out of the house, and others were put inside the waist band of her underwear.
She must’ve really thought about this for awhile.
– [user deleted]
Caught the babysitter masturbating on our couch. The babysitter was/still is my female cousin.
I figured the best thing was to just say nothing, save the awkwardness. She did it a fair amount.
I then mentioned our house cam by accident some months later and her face dropped.
I realised what I’d said then casually threw in that I’d never checked it, again, to save the awkwardness.
– J-rizzler
Playing Uno using bullshit house rules
– Ghastly_Gibus
I know a lot of you may have found that last one disturbing. Sorry for not properly preparing you for that.
Do you use home security cameras? Have you ever caught something weird?
Tell us about it in the comments.
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Picking your husband or wife up from the airport is one of those tasks that you sign up for when you get married. Nobody likes driving in airport traffic, but on the other hand, it’s nice to reunite with your significant other after they’ve been gone. And if you really get creative, you can make it romantic and fun.
How, you ask? Well! One thoughtful husband dressed up as a chauffeur to pick his wife up from the airport, and not only did she love it, but so did everyone else on the internet.
Mark Lindsey picked up his wife, Sherry Moore Lindsey, in a full suit, white gloves and a driver’s hat. He gracefully took her luggage and left a rose, chocolates, an eye mask, blankets, pillows and water on the passenger seat. The pair have been married for 39 years, and apparently, sweet gestures like this are totally the norm for Mark.
“Only my husband picks up three friends and me from the airport like this!” Sherry wrote on Facebook, alongside photos of the special occasion. “His creativity and love is big!”
Only my husband picks up three friends and me from the Midland International Air & Space Portlike this! His creativity and love is big!
MOVE Conference First Baptist Church Big Spring
Posted by Sherry Moore Lindsey on Saturday, February 29, 2020
Sherry had been on a three-day trip at a missions conference in Atlanta, Georgia. “I looked around and see him dress as a chauffeur at attention and they [church staff] are laughing and I’m shaking my head,” Sherry told News West 9. “This is so typical of him.”
Sherry and her three friends initially shared footage of the moment for family and friends to enjoy, but it went viral.
“The fact that picked up and struck a cord with folks is kind of amazing to us,” Sherry said.
She added that Mark “loves to make people feel special.”
That much is clear — and he’s doing a great job!
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There’s nothing better than a fresh batch of tweets about animals to shake us out of our doldrums.
Well, I have some great news. Here are 15 funny, pure, and wholesome animal tweets that we think will put a huge smile on your face.
Let us begin…NOW!
me after staying inside all day and doing the bare minimum
— ً (@cIutchs) March 20, 2020
Y’all ever seen a fluffy Frenchie before
— LASH KWEEN (@lashkweentx) March 20, 2020
In case you need to smile…my daughter dancing with our pup Otis
— carrie levan (@LevanCarrie) March 17, 2020
Dogs bc their owners have to stay home all day
— Kelsey (@notorious_KRG) March 16, 2020
my new wfh coworker is so needy, I can’t get anything done
— Kevin P. Johnson (@OkayJoJay) March 19, 2020
This dog’s name is Rudy. He thinks they are chanting for him
— Ross McCulloch (@Rossmac212) March 20, 2020
This is as good a time as any to tell you that my dog sings along to the Law & Order theme song every time he hears it
— Peter Schultz (@pete_schultz) March 19, 2020
Messaging that lady on Craigslist was the best decision of my life. Happy 1st birthday to my girl!
— Caleb (@Munoz0702) April 28, 2018
Just heard a guy at the dog park tell his dog "NO!" and then more quietly, "We talked about this!"
— summer goth
(@NicCageMatch) April 10, 2014
You howl all you want Charleston, honey
— megan (@jegan__mones) April 30, 2018
When your squad is as happy for you as you are.
KP (@kpintoledo) August 3, 2018
— jessicard (@jessicard) September 22, 2015
Honey What. Have. We. Done
— Land of cuteness (@landpsychology) July 4, 2018
So my dog has been so happy that everyone is home for quarantine, that his tail has stopped working, so we went to the vet and the vet said ‘he had sprained his tail from excessively wagging it’
— Emma smith (@Emmasmith77xx) March 20, 2020
[pets during the quarantine]
dog: oh boy oh boy i get to be with human all day & night i love human lovelovelovelove
cat: are you fuckin kidding me right now
— Laurazepam (@andlikelaura) March 19, 2020
I don’t know about you, but those tweets made me very happy!
Let’s keep this thread moving along!
In the comments, share a photo or a story (or both) about your furry friends!
Let’s get to know them!
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If you’re gonna get married, sometimes you have to be brutally honest.
Yes, it hurts sometimes, but that’s part of the deal, right?
Let’s all enjoy these hilarious/painful tweets about married life.
My husband annoyed me last night so I adjusted the toaster settings slightly this morning.
— Just J (@junejuly12) March 4, 2020
My wife likes to keep the mystery in our relationship.
For example, I never know what is going to arrive for her from Amazon today.
— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) March 4, 2020
Marrying someone is easy. Staying married after going to IKEA on a Saturday with an empty stomach, is not.
— Maryfairyboberry (@MaryJustice86) March 3, 2020
Me: you’re mad at me?
Wife: no, not even sure why you would say that.
Me: I can tell by the sound of you putting the plates away.
Wife: fuck you and fuck those plates.
Me: there it is.
— WTFDAD (@daddydoubts) February 26, 2020
Husband: *bleeding*
Me: *calling 911*
Husband: Well, Well, Well. Look who’s on her phone again.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) February 9, 2020
Wife: What movie do you want to watch tonight?
Me: Whatever will keep you awake past the opening credits.
Wife: That movie doesn't exist.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) February 23, 2020
There is no way to place my wife’s coffee order at Starbucks without feeling like I need to apologize afterwards.
— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) February 22, 2020
I ask my husband what show he wants to watch even though I’m going to choose because it’s important for him to feel like his opinion matters even though it really doesn’t.
— Jawbreaker (@sixfootcandy) February 25, 2020
Why isn’t porn more realistic? Like why isn’t there one with a husband and wife and the wife chokes violently on her spit and the husband gets alarmed they spend a good 5 mins with her coughing and him smacking her on the back and then the mood is gone so they go get donuts?
— Arianna Bradford (@TheNYAMProject) March 8, 2020
Traveling with your husband is fun because no matter where you go you’ll still end up in a Wal-Mart buying the one thing he was entrusted to pack.
— Maryfairyboberry (@MaryJustice86) February 16, 2020
I know it sounds mean but when I’m mad at my wife and want to lash out, I blow out her scented candles when she’s not looking.
— Boyd's Backyard
(@TheBoydP) February 28, 2020
My husband washed my favorite sweatshirt (he’s so sweet) and I said please don’t put it in the dryer, it will shrink.
Husband, taking clothes out of the dryer an hour later, “Here’s your favorite sweatshirt I washed for you! It looks smaller though, weird.”
— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) February 24, 2020
My wife told me that to revive the spark in our marriage I should start treating her like I did when we first started dating so last night I took her to a movie and dropped her off at her parents house
— Super Mark (@supermarkusa) February 19, 2020
My wife and I have an agreement: I get to hold the remote and she gets to make every other decision in our lives.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) February 14, 2020
Rage vacuuming is like regular vacuuming except you’re married.
— Maryfairyboberry (@MaryJustice86) February 11, 2020
Brutal. Funny. Honest. There you have it.
Have you seen any hilarious and brutally honest marriage tweets, jokes, or memes lately? Hell, maybe you even have one of your own!
Share them with us in the comments, please!
The post Hilarious Marriage Tweets From People With No Filter appeared first on UberFacts.
Kids are many things…and that means they are crazy, unpredictable, loose cannons who can drive moms and dads up the wall. But we love them anyway!
Because they are the lights of our lives…or something like that…
Let’s dive into these hilarious tweets!
Sorry my toddler is being an asshole, we're hoping he's working on a new milestone, but it might just be who he is now
— Not Another Pinterest Mom (@snarkymomtobe) March 7, 2020
Me: *makes 120 gazillion meals*
Kids: yuk
Husband: *makes pancakes*
Kids: daddy you’re a much better cook than mummy
— MumInBits (@MumInBits) February 26, 2020
No one makes more observations than a child sharing a stall with his parent inside a public restroom.
— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) February 24, 2020
Me: need anything at the store?
7: yogurt
Me: ok
4: candy
Me: no
9: a ukulele
Me: what
9: yeah I need one for music class
Me: by when?
9: ummm yesterday?
Me: what
9: oh yeah and I need to write a song.
Me: *adds vodka to list*— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) October 8, 2019
Me: I’ll do it when I finish my coffee.
Kid: But you never finish your coffee.
Me: Exactly.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) March 2, 2020
I can call my kids assholes.
You can’t.
That’s the rule.
— MomTransparenting (@momtransparent1) February 19, 2020
Child: The news said it’s more sanitary to sneeze into an elbow.
— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) March 7, 2020
BOSS: due to the virus we need everybody to work from home
ME: please, i have a family
— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) March 11, 2020
"It's good for him to feel like he has some control," I say to myself after caving to yet another of my 3yo's demands.
— Raw Motherhood (@MetteAngerhofer) March 11, 2020
I know I’m not supposed to have a favourite child but our 10 year old pointed out that he’s closer to being 25 than me so it’s sure as shit not going to be him
— ThreeTimeDaddy (@threetimedaddy) March 11, 2020
Who needs an alarm system when the slightest vibration sets off about 4 of my kid's toys to play music at volume 10.
— Stay at Homies (@stayathomies) March 10, 2020
Me: Did you poop?
yes yes yes yes
yesye yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes
yes yesyes yes yes
yes yesye yes yes
yes yes yes yes— Moderately Mom (@momtribevibe) February 24, 2020
Me: *buys granola bars*
Kid: *eats half of one*
Me: *buys half-sized granola bars*
Kid: *eats 57 of them*
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) March 10, 2020
Parents, do those situations look familiar, or what? I have a feeling that the answer is YES.
So what about you and your kiddos? Have they been acting crazy lately because they’re all cooped up?
Talk to us in the comments!
The post Funny Tweets About Raising Kids for All the Moms and Dads appeared first on UberFacts.