These Random Tweets Should Make You Snort a Little

Think about this…

What did we do before Twitter? Did we just share our thoughts with the individuals around us? Did we actually THINK about which of those thoughts might be of interest to those people before we sputtered them out?

That must have been a hellish existence of self-repression. I can hardly remember it, and I don’t want to.

Because in the era of Twitter, I can immerse myself in the random thoughts of humanity, and it’s surprisingly delightful.

Here are 10 examples to make your day better.

10. Express delivery

9. Honesty is the best policy

8. I wonder what the scale of this problem is

7. Communication is key

6. Lower your expectations

5. She’s warning you, bro

4. Some things aren’t important

3. Drinks help us reconnect

2. Like, Bezos level?

1. And yet none of them will TELL US WHAT THEY WANT

See? It’s refreshing. Like a nice glass of internet lemonade. Thank you for your service, Twitter. You’re getting me through this Wednesday.

Who’s your favorite Twitter person? Do you even like Twitter?

Give us the 411 in the comments!

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11 Memes for People Who Know that Diet and Exercise Struggle Is Real

Being an adult is super hard and all, and one of the roughest parts is being forced to make good diet and exercise decisions when you’re finally to a point in your life where you CAN just eat buffalo wings and burgers and watch Netflix all night if you WANT to.

Life is really not fair.

And these 11 memes totally get it.

11. Living your best life and then…disaster.

10. But then you wouldn’t have any friends, so…

9. I miss the good old days.

8. It’s time to eat a chicken wing. Put down the puppies.

7. Because, like I said, nothing about this is fair.

6. This is what you think about when you watch too many murder shows.

5. A lie we all tell ourselves.

4. Accurate barometer here.

3. I feel this deep in my soul.

2. Seriously what is WRONG with people?

1. I, too, only eat round foods.

I’m laughing because these are so, so true and also now I really want to eat a bag of Cheetos.

What’s the hardest part of making good decisions for you? What food is your kryptonite?

Share with us in the comments!

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Stores Are Selling Pre-made Vodka “Jello” Shots

Jello shots brings back memories of college parties followed by mornings of deep, headachey regret. And yet, I gotta confess, whenever I’m at an event that has them on offer, I really can’t resist.

Of course, jello shots are pretty easy to make. Pour some vodka in some jello, put it in the fridge, and get ready to make some weird decisions.

But if that sounds like too much work for you, you might be happy to learn that Costco and a few other places are now selling packs of “Party-Ready Gelatin Shots” from a company called Shottys.

The internet first really caught wind of these via instagram user costcobuys – an account apparently not officially run by Costco but rather a Costco fanatic of some kind, which is a story for a whole other article.

On a post in March, they wrote:

A follower shared this with me and these aren’t in my Costco, so I don’t have a price or item number…have you guys seen these in your Costco?

A quick trip to the official Shottys website confirms that yes, indeed, they are available at some Costco stores, as well as a bunch of other locations.

Apparently they’re available at lots of neighborhood liquor stores as well as select locations of national chains like Costco, Walmart, H-E-B, and Albertsons. If you’ve just gotta know where you can grab a pack, they have a handy store locator.

No word on what brand/supplier of vodka they’re using, but each ~2 oz cup is 25 proof, making them 12.5% ABV.

Depending on how you make your shots, that might be on par with homemade or significantly weaker. A typical ~2 oz straight shot of vodka would be 40% ABV, so these are less “get crunk” treats and more “relax at a party” items.

The shots come in four (apparently award winning?) flavors; strawberry, watermelon, grape, and blue raspberry.

It will be interesting to see if this launch turns out to be a big hit or a miscalculation.

Why buy Shottys when I can make my own?” prompts their FAQ page. Their answer: “Do you make your pasta from scratch and milk your own cows? Neither do we.”

Good point Shottys… good point.

What do you think? Would you pick these up?

Tell us why or why not in the comments.

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Memes for Everyone out There Struggling With Diet and Exercise

You never really think about what will happen when your metabolism finally betrays you when you’re young. So, you don’t develop great exercise habits and you eat whatever you want, and then…it all comes crashing down on you in an ugly moment sometime in your 30s.

You can’t stay the weight you want by doing nothing, and you certainly can’t eat pizza and cheeseburgers every night of your life.

If you are raising your hand and saying AMEN! right now, well, you’re going to feel these 13 memes all the way down to your soul.

13. How did it know?!

12. That’s gonna be a no from me.

11. Notice which one is slightly larger and will obviously win.

10. Is that not how this works?

9. This raccoon is my patronus.

8. There’s no way to escape, might as well give up.

7. I think they program them that way? It’s probably a conspiracy.

6. Have you tasted funnel cake, though?

5. What am I paying you for, anyway?

4. Because it’s definitely big and scary.

3. Pasta should always be a whole experience.

2. How could you do that to tacos?

1. Every one of you knows this is true.

Diet, schmiet! I say suck it up and burn some calories, because food is just way too yummy to turn down!

What’s your big hangup when it comes to changing lifestyles?

Let’s commiserate in the comments!

The post Memes for Everyone out There Struggling With Diet and Exercise appeared first on UberFacts.

Memes That Show the Pros and Cons of Springing Into Spring

It’s been a long winter… But Spring – oh that beautiful Spring.

I’ve been feeling it start to finally creep in over the last few days and I’m so excited I shout my joy across Lake Michigan. Though, probably for not very long, because the wind coming off that thing is still a beast.

Spring has almost Sprung. Hibernations are ending. Realizations about our body shapes are dawning on us.

As we head into 2020’s next chapter, let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of this changing of the season.

15. CON: It’s very coy

14. PRO: It’s close by

13. CON: These bastards

12. PRO: It makes us temperature optimists

11. PRO: Lionel Richie

10: CON: Fewer clothing layers

9. PRO: Vitamin D

8. PRO: It’s a welcome change

7. PRO: It makes us more adorable

6. PRO: Outside is habitable again

5. PRO: It reminds us of what we’ve lost

4. CON: It never seems to get here

3. CON: It is an elusive lover


1. PRO: We get to be fabulous

After carefully considering the advantageous and disadvantages, I’m ready to declare Spring officially sanctioned. By me. Let it arrive!

I can’t wait to emerge from my apartment, blink steadily at the sunlight, and then immediately jump on a yacht that I definitely have.

What are YOU looking forward to this Spring?

Tell us about it in the comments.

The post Memes That Show the Pros and Cons of Springing Into Spring appeared first on UberFacts.

Woman Who Inherited Millions Wants to Know If She’s Wrong for Still Making Her BF Split The Bills

It’s never easy to know how you would react to inheriting a bunch of money. This woman, who posted her story on the subreddit Am I The A**hole, said she never expected to inherit anything from her grandfather after his death, assuming it would go to her mother, and certainly not $4 million.

That’s what happened, though, and now she’s wondering whether her reactions as far as expectations for other people are correct, or totally off.

AITA for telling my boyfriend he isn’t entitled to my inheritance? from AmItheAsshole

To sum up…

Her boyfriend thinks that, since she’s got all of this cash, she should use it to cover all of their rent and utilities every month…

And maybe put some into a new joint savings account, too…

But OP (original poster) says that the two of them aren’t married…

They’ve only been dating for a little over a year…

And she prefers to keep their finances separate.

Her boyfriend is peeved, but is she the a**hole?

Most everyone on Reddit agrees that she’s definitely not the a**hole.

Image Credit: Reddit

Many, like this poster, also wonder if the two of them could have a future together.

Image Credit: Reddit

And think that the boyfriend is pretty not cool for assuming her lifestyle change will extend to him.

Image Credit: Reddit

Others, though, wonder why they’re not communicating better as a couple who are living together.

Image Credit: Reddit

And think that OP is also a bit of an A**hole for just restructuring her entire life without consulting him.

Image Credit: Reddit

Either way, this couple seems like they’re not destined for forever if they can’t find a way to level the playing field and work this out – and while I don’t think the boyfriend was right, I do think OP is acting weirdly in expecting him to act as if nothing had changed.

Where do you fall? We’d love to hear your take in the comments!

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This is Why Hand Sanitizer Isn’t a Substitute for Soap

You’ve probably heard that in recent weeks that all of the hand sanitizer people have been hoarding isn’t actually as good as using just the plain ol’ soap and hot water you already have in your house…but do you know why?

I sure didn’t, and I’ve gotta say, dry hands and all, I’m feeling a lot more germ-free these days!

Hand sanitizers are mostly alcohol – mainly ethanol, which is the same type that gives your wine, beer, and liquors their sweet punch – and isopropanol, which is decidedly less tasty (it’s rubbing alcohol, please don’t drink it).

The job of the alcohol in your hand sanitizer is to dissolve the outer coating of viruses and bacteria, which is essential to eventually killing them.

While alcohol does make up about 70% of the active ingredients in over-the-counter hand sanitizer, it does contain other pieces that give it its consistency (aloe gel, usually), softening properties, and inoffensive smell (essential oils).

What you buy at your local drugstore states that it “kills 99.99 percent of germs,” and while that may be true in lab settings, it doesn’t hold true when it’s facing what you’ve actually picked up on your hands every day.

Even so, it’s more effective that not doing anything, which is why experts are still stating to use it if you don’t have the option to wash your hands.

That said, only soap and water is actually going to remove the dirt, bacteria, and viruses from your skin, so until you manage to do an old-fashioned scrub, there could be stubborn microbes holding on, just waiting for you to forget you’re not supposed to touch your face.

Which you’ve definitely done, just since you started reading this article. Right?

There you go! I hope you watched the video above for an even more in-depth look at how hand sanitizer’s work.


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All These Kids Had Meltdowns About Ridiculously Funny Things

When you spend a lot of time around kids you quickly realize that all bets are off and they will get upset and lose control at the drop of a hat.

Case in point: the 11 photos you’re about to see.

All of these children melted down for totally hilarious and ridiculous reasons…but that just goes with the territory, right?


1. Makes sense…

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. It’s broken. Forever.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. Not gonna happen.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. Meltdown City, USA.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. Well, what did you expect?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. Not good for you, son.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. Sounds like a fun activity.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. Way too high.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. That’s not allowed.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. Just looking out for ya.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. A slap in the face to the chef.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Parents, do those scenes look familiar at all? Yeah, I thought so.

Have your kids melted down for reasons that just made you shake your head?

Please share those stories with us in the comments!

The post All These Kids Had Meltdowns About Ridiculously Funny Things appeared first on UberFacts.

Amusing Memes for All the Pet Owners out There

Our pets are our family members.

And even though we love them like our children, they can drive us nuts sometimes.

But, at the end of the day, we stand with them through thick and thin. Enjoy these hilarious memes about our furry little friends.

1. Am I invading your space?

Photo Credit: someecards

2. A bad move.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. That’s better!

Photo Credit: someecards

4. I’d join this gang.

Photo Credit: someecards

5. Uh oh…we’re in trouble.

Photo Credit: someecards

6. This is my turf.

Photo Credit: someecards

7. What to do?

Photo Credit: someecards

8. Yes, they are.

Photo Credit: someecards

9. Haven’t figured it out yet.

Photo Credit: someecards

10. Open your mouth!

Photo Credit: someecards

11. I’m impressed.

Photo Credit: someecards

12. This is clearly not a dog.

Photo Credit: someecards

Those are hilarious!

Now we want to meet your pets!

Share some photos in the comments and tell us a little bit about your best friends!

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If You’re Married, These Jokes Will Make a Whole Lot of Sense

Marriages sure are interesting. You commit yourself to one person for the rest of your life and then you spend a whole lot of time letting the other person drive you INSANE.

Hey, it’s a real hoot!

If you’ve tied the knot (maybe more than once), these tweets are really gonna speak to you…


1. I liked most of them.

Photo Credit: someecards

2. He checked out.

Photo Credit: someecards

3. Good point.

4. That was the one.

5. One or the other.

6. That’s hot.

7. That’s not good…

8. Don’t do that again.

9. Is this important?

10. In a nutshell.

11. Can’t listen to it anymore…

And there you have it!

Are you married? Or maybe you used to be married?

Tell us a funny/ridiculous/absurd thing about marriage that really sticks out to you in the comments!

We’d love to hear what you have to say!

The post If You’re Married, These Jokes Will Make a Whole Lot of Sense appeared first on UberFacts.