If You’ve Ever Dealt With a Scorpio, These 15 Tweets Are for You

Scorpios are a unique breed, aren’t they? They’re known to be dramatic, intense, unpredictable, and emotional.

And the people who have dated them, been married to them, or had to deal with them a lot on a daily basis know all of these things to be very true.

So what to do? Put them on blast on Twitter, of course! Here are some funny and accurate tweets about all those Scorpio folks out there.

1. Two sides of the coin.

2. Not even gonna try.

3. Split personality.

4. Build up those life points.

5. Hmmm. Is this a good thing?


7. Is this true?

8. Shock and awe.

9. She really wants to know what they’re gonna do…

10. That’s kind of crazy.

11. Shouldn’t joke about that.

12. Now you’re being ignored.

13. Jekyll and Hyde.

14. Taking it to the extreme.

15. Bit of a control freak…

I’m sorry, Scorpios…but it had to be done.

Everybody out there, we want your feedback!

If you are a Scorpio or maybe if you’ve just had to deal with them in your life, tell us what you think about them. Don’t hold back, now!

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Tweets and Memes You’ll Appreciate If Your Brain Never Turns Off

If you lie in bed at night, cursing your brain for choosing two in the morning to remind you of all of the questionable things you said and did during the day, well, you might be an over-thinker.

And if you are, you might as well scroll through these 10 pictures we think will make you feel totally seen.

I mean, you’re already up, so why not?

10. Oh, man, bless his heart.

Image Credit: Twitter

9. What kind of monster CALLS?

Everytime from socialanxiety

8. Are you telling me there are kids who DIDN’T do this?

Image Credit: Twitter

7. Why are you doing this to me, body?

Me irl from meirl

6. Answering a number you don’t know is just crazy talk.

5. You kind of wonder what’s wrong with your brain?

Image Credit: Twitter

4. I swear I know how to do stuff.

Nice from socialanxiety

3. Why is this so hard to do?

Image Credit: Tumblr

2. There’s no rhyme or reason to it.

Image Credit: Twitter

1. If that makes you feel better idk.

I definitely see myself in these pictures, and I wish I didn’t!

Are you an over-thinker? Do you let the day slide off your back like water off a duck? I want to know your secrets if it’s the latter!

If we’re the same, go ahead and tell me which picture is your fav!

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Nicki Minaj Has a Wax Statue and Nobody’s Happy About It…Except Her

Madame Tussauds is a wax museum with a main location in London and other locations in major cities elsewhere. It’s an institution that dates back to the mid 19th century, specializing in wax replicas of countless celebrities and pop culture characters.

But every once in a while, a Tussauds figure comes around that lives somewhere in the “No Thank You” region of the Uncanny Valley. For instance, twitter recently found out about their Nicki Minaj wannabe doppelganger, and they are not happy.

You know there’s something wrong right away, even if you can’t put your finger on it.

Because… hmmm….

Yeah, what’s going on here??

It quickly started getting ranked among similar sculpture missteps.

Because if Twitter is good at anything, it’s being judgey AF…

And there were a lot of takes on not just the look, but the pose itself.

Even Trevor Noah got in on the conversation:

But in all the hubbub, a couple of important details got lost…

1) The figure isn’t new, it’s been up for more than 4 years

2) Nicki has seen it, and apparently loved it

Hey internet… catch up!

What do you think? Not a really good representation of Nicki? Could they have done better? Or did they nail it?

Oh… and would you pay to see it in person?

Let us know in the comments!

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Adorable Photos Of Taller Women Dating Shorter Men

There are a lot of people in the world – men, women, and everyone in between – who think that the man in a relationship should be bigger and/or taller than the woman he falls in love with.

Which is silly, when you think about it, because if you’re a woman of above-average height you’re crossing off a good portion of the dating population – probably full of some mighty fine men!

And, in order to crush the idea that shorter men aren’t sexy or that couples where the woman is taller look weird or out of place, these 13 couples are sharing their too-adorable pics together.


13. Those are some pretty people.

12. And stylish, too!

11. Nowhere to go from there but up!

10. So many good looking people out there!

9. They’re definitely doing something right!

8. The woman who kicked off the thread bringing the truth.

7. He’s certainly learned how to smolder at the camera.

6. Hubba hubba I can see why!

5. Happiness like this is where it’s at.

4. Love is all you need.

3. When you’re a match, you’re a match.

2. They’re in for the long haul!

1. Think of all of the costume opportunties!


My husband is taller than I am, but I’ve definitely dated men who were my height or just barely taller – and honestly, not having to wear heels is kind of a blessing!

Is your significant other shorter than you? Taller?

We’re taking an informal poll in the comments!

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Check Out These Very Weird Product Reviews

It amazes me when people leave really ridiculous reviews on all kinds of products and businesses.

Especially when they’ve never even used it/been there before…

Bottom line: people have way too much time on their hands.

1. Mixed messages.

Review for a pair of shoes online, still not sure if I should get them from oldpeoplefacebook

2. Three very good ones.

Great review from oldpeoplefacebook

3. They’ll get right on that.

Lady trying to cancel her account through a review. from oldpeoplefacebook

4. Thanks for your input.

Found this golden review from oldpeoplefacebook

5. Very thorough.

I found this whilst looking at reviews for a bed website. from oldpeoplefacebook

6. Fantasting!

I rate this place 1 star, it was fantasting. from oldpeoplefacebook

7. …but decided to write a review anyway.

Helpful review from oldpeoplefacebook

8. Kathleen really nailed it.

Thanks Kathleen. You’ve been very helpful. from oldpeoplefacebook

9. Fryer review.

Grandpa reviews a fryer from oldpeoplefacebook

10. Thanks, MawMaw.

My grandmother‘s review on my sister’s LinkedIn from oldpeoplefacebook

11. Whoops.

On a review of an eye doctor’s office from oldpeoplefacebook

12. Reviewed a prison…

Grandma Patsy reviews prison on Google from oldpeoplefacebook

13. Totally neutral.

(Google) My 1-star rating is absolutely neutral from oldpeoplefacebook

14. Not gonna do this anymore!

1 star: "Read it yourself" from oldpeoplefacebook

15. These are wonderful, especially the last one.

These 1-Star Reviews for a Theme Park from oldpeoplefacebook

People continue to amaze me!

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A Collection of the Best 1990s Memes

Growing up in the 1990s didn’t make us special. I’m not mad at these “damn kids today” because they don’t know what dial-up is. I’m thrilled for them. It was horrible. Nobody deserves that.

Nevertheless, it hits some sweet, sweet spot in the brain to let memes transport us back to a time in our history that seems to have been curated entirely by that orange Nickelodeon blob guy.

I wonder what he’s up to. I hope he’s found work. Let’s reminisce with some 90’s memes in his honor.

15. I didn’t even have cable, so even this felt like luxury

14. Nobody ever bought these, they just sort of appeared

13. Seeing this meme is how I learned there’s a Rugrats reboot coming

12. The higher the hair the closer to God

11. This was broken 10 minutes in

10. Back when things were “on” at a “certain time”

9. Give your little brother the bad controller

8. I had two sisters and these were scattered everywhere

7. My heart literally just skipped a beat

6. Then DVDs came along and you’d end up returning them because “they had the black bars”

5. I mean, the world was slightly less on fire

4. It’s impossible to explain now why we thought these would be valuable


2. Bottom right still gives me anxiety

1. Who could forget “tent pants”

Well, realizing how long ago all of this happened makes me think I should probably go join AARP.

While I’m gone, tell me in the comments what your favorite distinctly 90’s thing was.

The post A Collection of the Best 1990s Memes appeared first on UberFacts.

Simple Things You Can Buy Online to Get You Offline More Often

The internet just sort of follows us around. It’s still on our computers, but also on our phones, in our TV’s, basically it’s everywhere we look. Unplugging doesn’t come often enough.

The good news is you don’t have to take an expensive trip to some secluded forest to disconnect for a while. Here’s some examples of things you can pick up right now that can provide a fun and easy diversion from the digital. (Click the links in the titles for details.)

15. This DIY comic book kit

Via Uncommon Grounds

14. This vintage Scrabble game

Via Amazon

13. This interactive Lego architecture book

Via Amazon

12. This book of Harry Potter inspired recipes

Via Amazon

11. This relaxing word search collection

Via Amazon

10. This indoor snowball fight game

Via Amazon

9. This home escape room game

Via Amazon

8. A place to quarantine your phones

Via Urban Outfitters

7. This kickass bathtub tray

Via Amazon

6. These empowerment question cards

Via Amazon

5. This book of the month club

Via bookofthemonth.com

4. Good ol’ fashioned Jenga

Via Amazon

3. This quality compendium of crosswords

Via Amazon

2. This detailed adult coloring book

Via Amazon

1. This storable jigsaw puzzle

Via Amazon

And now I’m going to take my own advice and get off the computer for a while.

What’s your favorite way to disconnect? Just put the technology down and really get plugged back in to the real world?

Let us know in the comments!

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Hilarious Memes to Celebrate the Joys of Adulting

When I grew up, I thought I was going to be rich and famous. But it doesn’t usually work like that.

Being an adult can be really liberating, but it can also find new and hilarious ways to disappoint you.

Let’s look at some of those ways now, in the form of memes. Naturally.

14. You don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone

13. Time’s gonna move fast

12. You do make the rules

11. You gotta stay wild

10. You gotta look on the bright side

9. Nobody cares about your BFA

8. The internet is forever

7. You’ll get nostalgic

6. Coffee isn’t always the answer

5. You have to do it EVERY YEAR

4. Laundry doesn’t do itself

3. You gotta set realistic goals

2. It’s hard to keep up

1. You work for beans

What’s the most bittersweet thing about adulthood in your opinion? Or the most adulting moment you’ve had in the past year?

Tell us in the comments!

Then go do your taxes, slacker.

The post Hilarious Memes to Celebrate the Joys of Adulting appeared first on UberFacts.

An Adorable Gallery of 11 Kittens

Here’s a question: can there be too many cats on the internet?

Answer: how dare you even ask that.

If I had a nickel for every cat picture I’d stared at, I’d use them to buy more cat pictures. I have a problem. But by golly, whether they’re the smolest baby or the biggest murder floof, there’s something magical and derpy about felines.

Let’s check out some now instead of doing work.

11. I juz needz mowr rest pls…

10. There can be only one

9. Things get better with age…

8. “Yeah…we’ll wait.”

Via solarpowers on imgur

7. Twinning!

6. Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

5. No bites please

Via solarpowers on imgur

4. “Your days are numbered, Karen.”

3. Homeward bound

2. Lost in a sea of blankets

Via solarpowers on imgur

1. The cats of the internet belong to us all

Welp, I’ve gotta go foster 11 cats now. Might need to rent a U-Haul.

While I’m doing that, share your cat pics and stories in the comments.

Because I need them.

The post An Adorable Gallery of 11 Kittens appeared first on UberFacts.

Make Your Butt Look Like a Corgi Butt Because, Why Not?

There are dog people, and then there are SPECIFIC dog people. The kind of folks that can rattle off their pooch’s pedigree like they’re next in line for some kind of doggy monarchy. These people have to go all in on their favorite breed, and plenty of creators with an abundance of time and imagination are happy to cater to that market.

Enter Etsy user PrincessNuggetShop. They offer a wide variety of Corgi-based products from bathmats to stickers to phone cases. But their biggest hit so far are their leggings that make your butt look like a corgi butt.

What a time to be alive.

Yes, that’ll do.

Okay, interesting angle…

Yep. That’s a corgi butt. And a butt. Checks out.

Oh look! Da butts!

The viral booty sensations go for $53.45 all in and are available only through PrincessNuggetShop, though I wouldn’t personally be too surprised if imitators started popping up.

The trend is spreading all over the internet, with some flabbergasted and others obsessed.

It’s the kind of headline that makes 2020 feel ok after all.

Honestly, what more is there to say than:

One fan loved them so much they made an animation.

But the illustration I want to see is what this twitter user describes:

If you’re wondering whether or not these are the real deal, the reviews seem to say yes.

I mean, this would be pretty much impossible to fake.

So, would you be proud to be seen in Corgi butt leggings? Or would you buy them as a gift for the corgi lover in your life?

Let us know in the comments.

The post Make Your Butt Look Like a Corgi Butt Because, Why Not? appeared first on UberFacts.