10 Funny Tweets That Should Make You Laugh

It’s been a wonderful week in the Twitter-verse, and to prove it, we’re bringing you 13 of the funniest tweets from the week!

How’s that for service!

Prepare to laugh!

1. No problem!

2. Devastating, isn’t it?

3. Seems to like it.

4. That is amazing.

5. Hmmmmm.

6. No, not that.

7. Not bad at all.

8. A great short film.

9. Seems clear to me.

10. Sounds like true love.

Very funny, if I do say so myself.

But hey, who cares what I think? Nobody, that’s who!

We want to hear from you? What’s your fave? Let us know in the comments!

The post 10 Funny Tweets That Should Make You Laugh appeared first on UberFacts.

These Facts Should Make You Do Some Real Thinking

Amid the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, sometimes we need to take a step back and just think. Learn some new information, ponder life, think about the universe, etc.

And these facts will help you do just that.

1. That seems like a lot!

Photo Credit: did you know?

2. Don’t do it!

Photo Credit: did you know?

3. Survivors…

Photo Credit: did you know?

4. Try it!

Photo Credit: did you know?

5. LOL!!!

Photo Credit: did you know?

6. Dementors…

Photo Credit: did you know?

7. Esperanto anybody?

Photo Credit: did you know?

8. Creepy AF!

Photo Credit: did you know?

9. Harmful…

Photo Credit: did you know?

10. A real Renaissance Man!

Photo Credit: did you know?

Are you still in deep thought? Yeah, me too. Because there’s A LOT to think about in these facts, right?

Let us know what’s really turning your wheels. Do it in the comments!

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Learn About the Job of Keeping Mr. Rogers’ Cardigans Camera Ready

In a world that’s pretty depressing right now, people are falling more in love with the persona and legacy of Mr. Rogers every single day. This is evidenced by searchers for information about him and the fact that not one, but two films chronicling his life have come to life in recent months.

And since he’s a wonderful man worth celebrating, I thought we would continue the trend and talk about one of his most distinctive features – his cardigan sweaters.

His fuzzy, primary-colored sweaters were sewn by his mother, Nancy, before her death in 1981, but although Rogers continued wearing them on set every day, it became apparent at some point that they would have to be repaired or replaced.

Replacements, it turned out, were not easy to find. The perfect Fred Rogers sweater needed a smooth zipper and a vibrant color, and it needed to convey that warm, fuzzy quality that spilled out of the man himself.

A tall order – one that seemed as if it might be filled after art director Kathy Borland noticed that the postal workers in Pittsburgh (where the show filmed), wore perfect cardigans for the task. She phoned around until she found the distributor of the cardigans, then ordered a bunch of them (in white; she dyed them), and voila – Fred Rogers’ wardrobe was secured through the end of the series in 2001.

If you check out the Smithsonian exhibit on all things Fred Rogers, you can also learn about the Forever stamp dedicated in his honor, why and how Borland had to perform fabric surgery on the sweater’s collars, and why Rogers almost reconsidered his wardrobe altogether after meeting Koko the gorilla.

You can also see one of the original sweaters; Fred Rogers donated one to the museum himself in 1984!

You’re welcome. ?

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People Share The Paradoxes That Really Mess With Their Mind

The most simple definition of a paradox is this: a statement that contradicts itself or a situation which seems to defy logic.

These are all around us every day, and range from something mundane like saying “I always lie” and the complexities surrounding the idea of time travel.

If you’re into reading things that really bend your brain, I present these 12 paradoxes, designed to do just that.

12. When did it cease to be?

The Ship of Theseus always kind of fucked me.

So, there’s this Greek dude called Theseus, and he’s on a very long boat trip home.

His ship needs repair, they stop, replace a few rotten boards, and continue.

Due to the particularly strenuous nature of this very long trip, several more of these stops for repairs are made, until, by the very end, not a single board from the original vessel remains.

Is this still the same vessel? If not, when did it cease to be?

11. Simple but not.

Pinocchio says “My nose will grow after I finish this sentence”

Does it?

10. The more traffic, the more traffic. Or something.

Braess’ paradox…

From wiki “the observation that adding one or more roads to a road network can end up impeding overall traffic flow through it. The paradox was postulated in 1968 by German mathematician Dietrich Braess, who noticed that adding a road to a particular congested road traffic network would increase overall journey time.”

9. Just stop it, people.

That “this page is intentionally left blank” page. The page isn’t even blank anymore!

8. Triple make you crazy.

The UK ‘triple lock’ that people moving to the UK experience:

Need proof of address and photographic ID to open a bank account

Need a bank account and photographic ID to rent a place

Need a bank account and an address to get sent your photographic ID

7. Definitely watch the video.

The Halting Problem.

You cannot create an algorithm that looks at a different algorithm and its input, then decide whether or not that algorithm will reach the end.

Consider this scenario:

Algorithm P is a copier. Give an input, and it will output that same thing as two separate outputs.

Algorithm H is the algorithm that predicts whether a different algorithm will reach the end (it will halt). It accepts two inputs (the algorithm and the input for the algorithm) and outputs “YES” if the algorithm halts and “NO” if the algorithm doesn’t halt.

Algorithm F is a algorithms that says “Hello” if it’s given the input “NO”. It gets stuck in an infinite loop (doesn’t halt) if it’s given the input “YES”.

Now combine all three of these algorithms in order to make algorithm X. Feed algorithm X as the input to algorithm X. First thing that will happens is that algorithm P will spit out two copies of algorithm X and gives them to algorithm H.

Algorithm H now has to decide whether algorithm X will halt if given algorithm X. If algorithm H says “YES” (X will halt), it will cause algorithm F to get stuck, and therefore X will not halt. If algorithm H says “NO” (X won’t halt), it will cause algorithm F to just say “Hello”, and therefore X will not halt.

Either way, algorithm H is wrong. It’s impossible to design an algorithm that can correctly predict whether any arbitrary algorithm will halt given a given input.

6. And around and around forever.

Jim is my enemy. But it turns out that Jim is also his own worst enemy.

And the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So, Jim is actually my friend.

But…because he is his own worst enemy, the enemy of my friend is my enemy.

So, actually Jim is my enemy.


5. Where to put the hooks?

So i know this is just a silly thing but…..

At my old work, my department was food service. In our prep room, you had to always wear an apron. Always, no exceptions.

When leaving the preproom, you had to take your apron off to prevent cross contamination.

The bosses were trying to figure out where to put the hooks. Inside in the back of the door, or outside on the wall.

Edit: always proof read before posting.

4. Definitely hard to explain.

The Banach Tarski paradox is one hell of a mind fuck.

Its basically taking something, and rearranging it to form another exact copy of itself while still having the complete original. Like taking a sphere, which has infinite points on it and drawing line from every “point” on its surface to the center, or the core of the sphere.

Then you seperate the lines from the sphere, but because there is infinite points you now have an exact copy of the original sphere.

3. The coastline is always growing…or something.

The coastline paradox. The more accurately you measure a coastline, the longer it gets… to infinity.

2. But you do, in fact, reach the door.

One of my favorites is Xeno’s Paradox.

In order to leave my apartment, just for example, I have to walk half way to my front door. Then I have to walk half the remaining distance. Then half that distance, ad infinitum. In theory, I should never be able to reach the door.

Now I love this paradox, because we’ve actually solved it. It was a lively, well-discussed debate for millennia. At least a few early thinkers were convinced that motion was an illusion because of it!

It was so persuasive an argument that people doubted their senses!

Then Leibniz (and/or Newton) developed calculus and we realized that infinite sums can have finite solutions.

Paradox resolved.

It makes me wonder what “calculus” we are missing to resolve some of these others.

EDIT: A lot more people have strong opinions about Zeno’s Paradox than I thought. To address common comments:

1.) Yes, it’s Zeno, not ‘Xeno’. Blame autocorrect and my own fraught relationship with homophones.

2.) Yes there are three of them.

3.) If you’re getting hung up on the walking example, think of an arrow being shot at a fleeing target. First the arrow has to get to where the target was. But at that point, the target has moved. So the arrow has to cover that new distance. But by then, the target has moved again, etc. So the arrow gets infinitesimally closer to the target, but doesn’t ever reach it.

4.) Okay, you think you could have solved it if you were living in ancient Greece. I profoundly regret that you weren’t born back then to catapult our understanding two millenia into the future.

5.) Yes, I agree Diogenes was a badass.

I hope this covers everything.

1. Just take a shot and pick a box.

Newcomb’s Paradox:

There are two boxes, A and B. A contains either $1,000 or $0 and B contains $100. Box A is opaque, so you can’t see inside, Box B is clear, so you can see for sure that there is $100 in it.

Your options is to choose both boxes, or to choose only Box A.

There is an entity called “The Predictor”, which determines whether or not the $1,000 will be in Box A. How he chooses this is by predicting whether or not you will choose both boxes, or just Box A. If the Predictor predicts that you will “two box”, he will leave Box A empty. If he predicts that you will “one box”, he will put the $1,000 in Box A. He is accurate “an overwhelming amount of the time”, but not 100%. At the time of your decision, the contents of Box A (i.e. whether or not there is anything in it) are fixed, and nothing you do at that point will change whether or not there is anything in the box.

It is a paradox of decision theory that rests on two principles of rational choice. According to the principle of strategic dominance:

There are only two possibilities, and you don’t know which one holds:

Box A is empty: Therefore you should choose both boxes, to get $100 as opposed to $0.

Box A is full: Therefore you should choose both boxes, to get $1,100 as opposed to just $1,000.

Therefore, you should always choose both boxes, since under every possible scenario, this results in more money.


According to the principle of expected value:

Choosing one box is superior because you have a statistically higher chance of getting more money. Most of the people who have gone before you who have chosen one box have gotten $1,000, and most that have chosen both boxes have gotten only $100. Therefore, if you analyze the problem statistically, or in terms of which decision has the higher probability of resulting in a higher outcome, you should choose only one box. Imagine one billion people going before you, and you actually seeing so many of them have this outcome. Any outliers became insignificant.

In terms of strategic dominance, two-boxing is always superior to one-boxing because no matter what is in Box A, two-boxing results in more money. One-boxing, on the other hand, has a demonstrably higher probability of resulting in a larger amount of money. Both of these choices represent fundamental principles of rational choice. There are two rival theories, Causal Decision Theory (which supports strategic dominance) and Evidential Decision Theory (which supports expected utility). It is pretty arcane but one of the most difficult paradoxes in contemporary philosophy.

Robert Nozick summed it up well: “To almost everyone, it is perfectly clear and obvious what should be done. The difficulty is that these people seem to divide almost evenly on the problem, with large numbers thinking that the opposing half is just being silly.”

Okay, that’s enough internet for today. I’m off to take a nap to recover.

Do you have a favorite paradox? If it’s not here, please leave it in the comments!

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A Dad Wanted to Know If He’s Wrong for Putting His 9-Year-Old Daughter on a Diet

Yes. It’s fine (and great!) to teach children that food is fuel for our bodies and to guide them toward the choices that follow that mantra, but also…they’re kids, and you should also tell them that cake is delicious and it’s okay to enjoy those things in moderation.

And if your child is struggling to make good choices and is chubbier than his or her classmates?

Don’t. Say. Anything. About. Weight.

These are my personal feelings on the matter, but also, after reading through the responses to this Am I The A**hole post, the opinions of many women who wish they’d been raised in this manner.

AITA for putting my 9yo on a diet and ’emotionally damaging’ her? from AmItheAsshole

The post is from a dad whose 9-year-old daughter has “a belly,” so he decided to start cutting back her calories and taking her to the gym 4x a week.

Image Credit: Reddit

He thought she was fine with it (even though he admits she fussed about both changes), but when she broke down at a friends’ birthday party saying she couldn’t have candy or pizza or she’d get fat, her mother found out what had been going on.

Image Credit: Reddit

So, his 9yo basically has an eating disorder but he maintains that he only had her best interests at heart.

Image Credit: Reddit

The replies on Reddit, it should not surprise you to learn, were mostly telling this guy off for damaging his daughter’s self-esteem to the point that it could be decades before she can find her way back to a healthy relationship with diet and exercise.

Image Credit: Reddit

Another girl, another eating disorder, another man who thinks he has the right to make her feel like she doesn’t look “right” and needs to change to please him.

Excuse me while I go rage.

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These Entitled Cheapskates Might Make You Shake Your Head

People are just the worst sometimes and the ones who are incredibly cheap AND entitled on top of that really make me wanna lose my mind.

These total cheapskates might get your blood pressure up a little bit…it definitely did the trick for me…

Let’s take a look at these folks…

1. I’ll pass on this one.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

2. “That’s for poor people.”

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

3. This is what I’m talking about!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

4. Is this person for real?

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

5. You ruined Christmas!

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

6. They’re not mates anymore.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

7. I’m hungry NOW.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

8. Now it’s full price.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

9. This is great.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

10. This isn’t going well.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

11. What a jerk.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

12. Time to go find a job.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

13. IT’S FREE.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

14. You should’ve just agreed to it.

Photo Credit: Cheezburger

Ugh! Nothing tackier than a cheap person who’s also a total D-Bag.

Have you had some experiences with people like this in your life?

Share some stories about it in the comments with us! Please and thank you!

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People Share the Good Experiences They’ve Had With People Named Karen

Ever since those “I need to speak to your manager” memes took over the world, there’s a lot of anti-Karen stuff out there.

But, as I’m sure you know, there are plenty of good people out there named Karen (maybe?) and these stories from AskReddit users prove it.

Let’s take a look.

1. Now that’s a nice Karen!

“Just yesterday. Got a bunch of messages offering half of what I was asking for for my Nintendo Switch (WITH BOTW and a BOTW controller) Karen didn’t even make an offer. Just paid in full. She even dug quarters out to make sure it was the full amount.

She was super nice and seemed really excited to get it.”

2. This person likes all Karens.

“Karen in elementary school stuck up for me when some kids were teasing me, Karen my friend’s mom was lovely, always patient, and made amazing sandwiches. Karen at work is super nice and even though she works in HR is known for helping everyone work things out for their benefit not just the company’s (thanks for the FMLA tip, literally saved me thousands of dollars!).

I actually can’t think of a Karen I know who isn’t a nice person.”


“My aunt’s name is Karen. Growing up, she enrolled me in and paid for several different art classes. She always encourages me to be creative and express myself. The family joke is that she is my “real” mum. She’s a big part of the reason I have a BFA degree, and we both still make art of all kinds to this day.”

4. Karen came waltzing in.

“I knew a Karen in middle, homeroom. She was cool. One time the teacher told her she couldn’t have soda unless she had soda for everyone, so the next day Karen comes waltzing in with her friends and everyone’s carrying 12-packs. Soda for days. Teacher was dumbfounded and much soda was had that day. Thanks Karen!”

5. Thank you, Karen.

“I ordered food from Uber eats out of desperation on Christmas Eve because I’d forgotten to go grocery shopping. Karen really came through with my sushi, thanks Karen.”

6. Grandma Karen.

“My grandma is named Karen – obsessed with puzzles and word games and owls and once let my brother video tape her saying “shit” (or “fuck” idr) because he thought it was hilarious to see her, a clean, non-sweary person use vulgar language.”

7. Changed my life…

“My best friend’s mom is Karen, she let me and my 3 month old stay at her house and use her car when I flew into town when my brother was in the ICU. She changed my life through that experience and I consider her a second mom now. She helped me through two funerals and never forget my kids birthdays or misses a chance to see us. She knitted them homemade stockings for Christmas and it’s by far the most amazing and selfless woman I know.”

8. That’s awesome!

“70 year old co-worker. She adored me. At 73 she retired, told me to come down with her on her last day. Her husband pulled up in a new mustang convertible. She said I’ve waited over 40 years for this. They drive all over America and find weird festivals and landmarks and updates everything on Facebook.

Recently she ate chocolate dipped bison meatloaf on a stick because fuck it, she’s living her best life after years of corporate servitude. She’s honestly one of my best friends. I’m only 37.”

9. She was delightful.

“I had a really painful experience with returning something at Target once not too long ago with an incompetent teen at customer service, and I’m totally not that guy but I had no choice because this dude was just in his own world and had no idea how to work the computer. I asked politely “look, is there a manager that can do this? It might be easier for us both.” He looked kind of relieved.

Who walks out but a middle aged white lady who literally had the bob cut hair and caked up make up like we have all seen on the memes. Her name tag? It says “Karen.” I think to myself “holy shit. The manager IS Karen….who the hell saw this coming?”

She was delightful and had me out in minutes with my refund. Even complemented one of my tattoos and was inquiring about my opinion on her idea for a tattoo. All said and done, Karen the Manager was excellent I totally forgot that Karen’s can also be the ones that hear “can I please speak to the manager.”

10. Kind and selfless.

“My grandma’s name was Karen. She passed away about 6 months ago. She was the most kind and selfless person I’ve ever known.”

11. Love my Karens so much.

“Best friend growing up? Karen. Best friend as an adult? A different Karen. Love my Karens so much that I almost named my daughter Karen, although now I am glad for her sake that I didn’t. But I bless the day my Karens were born and cannot imagine two better women, may their days be long and happy!”

12. In memory of Mom.

“My mom’s name was Karen, and she was one of the best and most caring people ever. She died when I was in college, and I’ve thought about maybe naming a kid after her. But maybe as a middle name, or this meme might be over by the time I have kids. I will be forever grateful that my mom made the odd family name my middle name instead of my first name.”

13. A great person.

“She’s my mother and it’s spelled with an I. She raised myself and my brother by herself and put herself through nursing school at KU, while she was pregnant with a 4.0 and honors. She’s a hospice and home health nurse (but she’s done almost everything else) who if you don’t know takes care of the sick and dying.”

14. From the business point of view.

“I’m a real estate agent. Did my first deal with another agent named Karen…we got on well and I was shocked that people are friendly in the business.”

15. She puts up with me.

“My sister-in-law’s name is Karen. She thinks I’m crazy and she’s ofthe charts introverted, but she puts up with me for my brother’s sake. What a sweetheart.”

16. A new friend.

“An elderly woman named Karen came in to my shop one Saturday night for the first time. She and I struck up a conversation and I gave her some samples to take home to her husband.

Ever since then, for at least the last 8 or 9 months, she comes in weekly on my shifts to talk to me and catch up on life.

She recently moved to Arizona for the colder months and I won’t see her again until July, but she did come by the day she left, and she brought her husband to meet me. He told me that she talks about me all the time and really looks forward to our visits!

I guess I have a new friend now!”

17. A good boss.

“My boss at work is named Karen and she is honestly one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. She keeps two drawers full of chips and candy and cookies and other snacks and just feeds everyone in the office with it.”

See, there are a lot of good Karens out there!

Have you had some good experiences with some Karens lately? Or maybe you are a Karen?

Talk to us in the comments!

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Funny Jokes That Are Strictly for the Ladies

To all the ladies, these tweets are for you, and they are right on the money. We’re talking BIG TIME!

So what do you say? You wanna laugh and nod your heads in agreement?

Let’s go!

1. Time to unionize.

2. There’s a lot of this going around.

3. It really did…

4. Hey o!

5. Way to go, guys!

6.  This looks familiar…

7. Ouch…

8. I don’t think they do.

9. Wow. Not messing around.

10. That’s the limit.

11. Are you mad?

12. That’s their only use.

13. It sure is.

14. Ladies night!

15. A slippery slope.

Ladies, you got some good jokes?

Let’s see ’em in the comments!

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Here are Some Incredibly Annoying Interactions With Social Media “Influencers”

This whole “influencer” culture absolutely baffles me.

These people are famous for what?

And we’re supposed to follow them why?

Plus, apparently a whole lot of them are totally annoying. Are these people serious?

Let’s go to the evidence…

1. Free tickets needed.

"Influencer" wanted free tickets to a CHARITY event from ChoosingBeggars

2. Free rent, please!

Bachelorette contestant wants free rent to be "live-in influencer" from ChoosingBeggars

3. That’s kind of sad…

World-famous model will promote your club for a $25 bottle of vodka. from ChoosingBeggars

4. Gimme gimme gimme.

If you give me your products for free, I will write good reviews because I’m a social media influencer (This person wrote that instead of an actual review. They thought the review section is where you can solicit business) from ChoosingBeggars

5. Shaming.

A beauty influencer posted screenshots of her demanding PR for a $17 eyeshadow palette in an attempt to shame an indie brand, instead she just came across as catty and childish from ChoosingBeggars

6. Thanks, but no thanks.

Makeup Brand DMed beauty guru about sending her their product for free and in turn she would post a video using the product on her page. The company replied rudely when she told them she has a fee for doing that. from ChoosingBeggars

7. Sounds like a scam to me…

An ‘influencer’ I know from ChoosingBeggars

8. I’ll give you exposure!

My friend does nails from home and entitled “influencer” wants to trade exposure for free nails, takes to insulting her job and kids when her offer is declined. Will post backstory in comments from ChoosingBeggars

9. “Oh boy” is right.

"Influencer’s" Agent asking for a free wedding package. Oh boy. from ChoosingBeggars

10. What a deal.

I sell spaghetti themed merchandise on Pinterest and some CB wanted me to pay for social influence. from ChoosingBeggars

Have you had any infuriating interactions with so-called “influencers”?

Tell us all about it in the comments. Ugh!

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Little Things All Married Couples Know Are the Gospel Truth

Marriage can be really tough, but if you’re in it with a person who is intent on making it work as much as you are, it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

If you’ve been or are married, there are just some things you know are true for everyone – below are 16 of those things, and if nothing else, they’ll make you feel like we’re all kind of in this together.

16. It’s important to know what parts of your partner need to be scratched from time to time.

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When the scratches are just too good ?? (@oliviaejair)

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Maybe especially when you don’t feel like doing it.

15. Sometimes sex is tedious and boring and you’re tired and not in the mood and that’s a fact of life.

Sometimes you do it anyway, and it’s really not as bad as you thought.

14. You will absolutely recognize your marriage issues in family sitcoms which means that your marriage is not as special and unique as you probably thought it was.

Which is kind of a good thing, because that means your problems aren’t special, either.

13. If you’re not talking about sex — what makes your eyes rollback, what makes them just roll — chances are it’s not that great.

Never stop trying to be better in all aspects of your marriage.

12. At some point, you have to stop being “lovers” and start being teammates who fuck occasionally.

And idk that’s kind of my favorite point.

11. Everyone thinks about leaving. That’s just a part of staying.

It doesn’t mean you’re going to.

10. Arguing before coffee is a waste of time.

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No one is in their right mind.

9. Having a kid bonds you, sure. You’re doing it together, and learning together. It will also lead to intense power struggles and some of the most bare-knuckled brawls you never imagined you’d have. About things like the best way to burp the baby, or what kind of cheese you should use in that seven-layer dip recipe.

It really does change everything.

8. There will come a time when your most regular texts from your spouse will be “Can you pick up X from the grocery store?”

It’s not sexy, but it’s helpful. Which is kind of sexy.

7. Every married couple should probably talk about finances way more often than they are.

I feel this all the way down to my bones.

6. Forgiveness is for people you don’t share a bed with. Forgetfulness is for people you do.

The phrase is forgive and forget for a reason.

5. Talking about your partner behind their back is a good thing. To be married is to be in need of advice.

We all need a little help from our friends.

4. But there’s certain information that your spouse will consider confidential.

You need to be keenly aware of the difference.

3. Anniversaries stop being special around year ten.

Or two, if you’re me.

2. A good marriage can survive you being honest about your kink.

Hey, it might even make it a great marriage.

1. Not everything needs to be equal. In fact, nothing ever really is.

Just try your best to make sure that it’s fair.

So, what we’re saying is, you’re not alone!

Good luck out there married friends; it can be a rough row to hoe, but the harvest is worth it (most of the time).

The post Little Things All Married Couples Know Are the Gospel Truth appeared first on UberFacts.