11 People Share How Their Weddings Were Ruined

Buckle up, these are pretty wild.

So here’s the scenario… you put your heart, soul and wallet into planning the PERFECT wedding… and then life happens.

These 11 confessions share some of the craziest/saddest moments anybody has ever experienced on their special day… ever!

1. Yikes! Forever memories aren’t forever??

Photo Credit: Whisper

2. Ruined!

Photo Credit: Whisper

3. Or… you could have just gotten past it?

Photo Credit: Whisper

4. What’s with these mother in laws?

Photo Credit: Whisper

5. So… that’s a bad thing?

Photo Credit: Whisper

6. Jeezus… that’s nuts!

Photo Credit: Whisper

7. Alright people… y’all need to STFU when the wedding is going on…

Photo Credit: Whisper

8. Sisters can’t be cool sometimes…

Photo Credit: Whisper

9. Well, that COULD have been fun…

Photo Credit: Whisper

10. Bad tears are bad!

Photo Credit: Whisper

11. Oh these god damn mother in laws!! UGH!

Photo Credit: Whisper

So, what did you think? Can you believe these family members? I mean… WTF?!?

Got a moment you want to share? Let us know in the comments!

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15 Photos of People Who Probably Should’ve Used Spellcheck

With the advent of spellcheck (and, you know, the fact that most people have Google at their fingertips at all time), spelling errors are less and less common (at least on public signage).

Which is all to say, these 15 people decided they just really, really didn’t care. At all.

15. Decidedly less appetizing than oatmeal, which is honestly pretty hard to do.

14. I can see that.

[Legit] Delicious hand soup from BoneAppleTea

13. Related to peas, not, well…you know.

12. I bet they didn’t sell a whole lotta those.

11. Those are some bold eggs. Plus an ‘e.’

10. Come on you know what they mean!

Image Credit: Tumblr

9. What happens when you’ve only heard a word and not seen it in print.


8. Mmm, a winning combination if I’ve ever seen one.

free hotel breakfast in alabama from excgarated

7. That is…not the same thing at all.

Skin Milk from BoneAppleTea

6. This one is honestly pretty darn adorable.


5. An answer to the ranibow sprimkles.


4. I mean just oh my laundry please don’t stop.

3. I definitely was not going to smork out here, officer.

Smorking from excgarated

2. The person who could spell quit too, sorry.

On a Burger King. Sorry for the what? from excgarated

1. They have that nice, swampy flavor to them.

Some of these are super cringe-y, if you ask me!

Are you good at spelling? Does stuff like this get under your skin?

Let us know in the comments!

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15 Movies That Would’ve Ended Quickly If the Main Characters Had Just Followed the Rules

I think it’s annoying to watch movies where the plot depends on a main character who just will not do what they’re told, even if they should, and even if the person doing the telling has way more knowledge and experience, and even if it’s definitely going to hurt them to go their own way.

Because surely there is a better and more believable plot device to move the story from here to there involving a character who actually makes sense?? Although you do get that nice jolt of dramatic irony as the reader.

These 15 movies might not have existed at all without the dumb main character who just refused to do what they were told.

15. I mean, he was the one who drew first blood so.

First Blood would just be a movie about a Vietnam vet taking a walk if Brian Dennehy didn’t pull a u-turn and give Rambo a hassle.

14. It probably still would have ended badly.

The Cabin in the Woods

The “Harbinger” warns them to turn back, so they do. The end. Except that still probably means everybody dies.

13. He really did just make a big mess for himself to clean up.

The entire Bourne Identity series.

If he just shot the guy on the boat he would never be in that mess that he got himself into

12. This really is excellent advice.

The Exorcist/Ouija/any and all films involving a Ouija board.

“Don’t play with Ouija boards.”


11. Take the blue pill and forget it ever happened. Do it.


Neo: “Sorry, I think you got the wrong number click”

10. The same goes for Alice in Wonderland.


Bobinsky said “Do not go through the little door.” she should’ve listened.

9. In this case, we owe thanks to the misbehaving kids.

Mary Poppins.

If the kids were well behaved, Katie Nanna would have never left, and so there would have been no need for the charming and magical nanny to arrive.

8. I, for one, wish this had happened. #unpopularopinion

Breaking bad.

“I can pay for your cancer treatment

-Oh thank you’re the man”

The end

7. The government should have listened to the scientists in every disaster movie ever.

28 Days Later.

The animal rights people listen to the scientist at the beginning.

6. Why can’t people ever just let the police handle it?

Jeepers Creepers.

“Darry, we should definitely not poke around the creepy, abandoned church that we think a dead body was dumped at, lets just drive to the police and move on with our day because this is a very unsafe situation.”

“You’re absolutely right, Trish. Let’s go to the police and let them handle it.”

Roll the credits.

5. Yeah, that’s basically doing the opposite of what you’re told.


Babysit your brother

*main character doesn’t go on a drug trip for 2 hours*

4. Yeah, we’ll just see about that.


‘Bond you are decommissioned.’

‘Aight imma head out’

3. These might be the worst parents in Disney history.


Trolls: Your daughter will be fine. Don’t be fearful of her powers, because fear leads to destruction.

Parents: We understand. Also even though Anna lost her memories of Elsa’s powers, keeping them away from each other for literally no reason would be just cruel so they can continue to play together so long as we set some ground rules to ensure safety.

The End

2. Why couldn’t Hamlet just avenge the murder like a normal son?

While not necessarily a movie, but Hamlet.

If he just killed the uncle that he hated, who banged his mom, and who ghost dad told him to kill, Hamlet wouldn’t have died (or like, almost everyone else), or screwed over Denmark.

1. Well go and ruin a classic, why don’t you?

The Breakfast Club.

If they did what they were told in the first place, no Saturday detention.

I mean…some of these are still guilty pleasures for me, though. I can’t help it!

Do you like any of these? Does it bother you when stupid characters exist to move the plot along?

Let us know in the comments!

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A Woman Was Found Pecked to Death by Her Pet Rooster

People are killed and eaten by their pets more often than we’d like to think. That said, I bet you’ve never considered the ways your pet fowl could spell the end of your life.

This 76-year-old Australian woman probably didn’t. She probably also didn’t think about the fact that the varicose veins on her legs ran right at beak-level – ripe for the pecking.

Apparently, she was out collecting eggs when her rooster pecked her lower left leg. It caused “significant hemorrhage with collapse and death,” and the autopsy showed two major lacerations – one of which was over a “perforated large varix.”

The official cause of death was exsanguination due to bleeding varicose veins.

Before you go and sell your chickens, know this woman did have a medical history that created a perfect storm that helped the rooster along. She had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and, yes, varicose veins.

Uncontrolled bleeding from varicose veins has caused people to die before, and one being punctured can be considered a medical emergency.

Pressure can build inside the veins, a condition that affects about 25% of adults 50 and older, and has led directly to several other elderly patients’ deaths.

Fatal rooster attacks are, as you probably expect, very rare, but this instance should serve as a reminder that even relatively small and harmless animals can pose a threat when all of the other factors line up just right, say the researchers who wrote up the case study.

“This case demonstrates that even relatively small domestic animals may be able to inflict lethal injuries in individuals if there are specific vascular vulnerabilities present.”

Another option, of course, is to have your veins treated. If you choose not to, though, you’ll want to avoid minor injuries and, if you sustain one, make sure to take it seriously.

“Apply pressure to the bleeding point, lie down, elevate the leg, and get help,” advises one expert.

Good advice, my friends. And now you know.

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Tailgating the Car Ahead of You Through Endless Lights Won’t Help You at All

Gridlock is the worst, isn’t it? You’ve already sat though one light cycle, and with this long line of cars also waiting to get through, it looks like you may be sitting through another one. But although it’s tempting to ride the guy’s bumper in front of you through the light, science says that won’t help you at all.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Tailgating is never a good idea. But when you’re desperate to make it through a red light, doesn’t it make sense to minimize the space between you and the next car?

With all the collisions that happen at intersections, researchers from Duke University and Virginia Tech wanted to put the desire to squeeze through a traffic light on someone else’s tail to the test. Their study, which wound up showing some surprising results, was published in the Journal of Physics in November of 2017.

For the test, researchers had volunteers sit in 10 Chevrolet Impalas lined up at a red traffic light on a test road. The cars were at varying distances from each other. When the light turned green, drivers were told to accelerate at a “normal and comfortable fashion.” Meanwhile, a drone recorded their speeds.

Photo Credit: Needpix

When researchers analyzed the film, they found the tailgating cars took as long to get through the light as the cars stopped up to 25 feet behind the car in front. How does that work?

To explain, the researchers compared the findings to melting ice. The extra energy, or “latent heat,” it takes to get ice to begin melting is like the amount of time it takes a car to accelerate from a full stop. Cars close to the bumper of the car in front of them have to wait until the entire line of cars begins to melt to accelerate safely.

In the words of the researchers, “the ‘temperature’ (kinetic energy) of the vehicles cannot increase until the traffic ‘melts’ into the liquid phase.”

Photo Credit: Flickr

Which means that it takes more time for a tailgater to accelerate, while a driver who stops further back can accelerate faster – and they both wind up moving at the same pace.

Who knew? So stop tailgating and enjoy the ride. We’ll all get to where we’re going eventually.

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15 Funny Tweets About Raising Kids

Aren’t kids just precious? Well, at least some of the time they are. Other times? Maybe not so much…

Parenthood is a constant tug-of-war with the little humans you’ve brought into the world, and, if you have kids, you know that there is a lot of hilarity involved on a day-to-day basis.

And here are 15 perfect examples.

1. Totally over EVERYTHING.

2. Doesn’t want to hear it anymore.

3. Got it, see you tomorrow.

4. Zing! She showed you.

5. Yes, it is kind of like that.

6. Cherish these wonderful memories.

7. I can’t keep track of all that.

8. It’s gonna get ugly.

9. He’ll learn about that later.

10. Write everything down just in case.

11. Not a fan of the rotten grapes.

12. That kid is speaking for all of us.

13. Right….evacuate…that’s what you said, right?

14. Not a fan of your singing, apparently.

15. Isn’t that just so sweet?

Ahhhh, adorable little monsters angels, aren’t they? What a joy!

Share your own stories of your funny kids in the comments below!

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Some Police Departments Can Now Monitor Neighborhoods Through Amazon’s Ring Doorbells

Ring, Amazon’s home security company, makes video doorbells that allow homeowners to answer the door from anywhere using their smartphone. In what some are calling an invasion of privacy, Amazon is now collaborating with law enforcement agencies to give them access to the video streams from Ring doorbells — though only in certain regions.

Amazon named 405 different law enforcement agencies currently working with Ring. Police can submit a request for a video recording of an incident from a Ring doorbell through Amazon’s neighborhood watch app, Neighbors Portal. Authorities can also view and comment on public posts on the app, where users are encouraged to share “tips” about criminal activity in their neighborhoods.

Giving access to these video streams will help police “make decisions about how to deploy emergency personnel,” Lifehacker reports.

Photo Credit: Amazon

Ring says it doesn’t provide personal information about its customers to the police without consent. When police request access to video footage, they don’t know where the request goes until the user chooses to share the video.

The company’s collaboration with the police doesn’t end there. Amazon has also pursued access to real-time emergency dispatch data to help push out alerts about crime activity. This data includes personally identifiable information, such as names and even precise GPS information.

So, how do you find out if this is happening in your city? Amazon posted an interactive map of all the law enforcement agencies they’re currently involved with. They include police departments in Miami, Phoenix, Houston, Denver and Detroit.

Photo Credit: Amazon

If you’re curious how ring works, check out this video:

I can see the appeal of giving law enforcement access to this data, I really can – but with all the data breaches and secret government surveillance programs we’ve dealt with, can we honestly say it’s a good idea for a private company to be helping law enforcement get video of what happens on our own doorsteps?

It seems like a short hop to panopticon.

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An Oklahoma Man Was Arrested in Possession of Stolen Vehicle, Rattlesnake, Whiskey, Gun, and Uranium

Police say a recent traffic stop in Oklahoma resulted in the arrest of a person possessing a rattlesnake, a gun, an open container of whiskey and a rod of uranium.

Police pulled over the black Ford Explorer Stephen Jennings was driving for expired tags. Jennings was eventually charged with possession of a stolen vehicle, transporting an open container of liquor and – surprise face – driving on a suspended license.

Evidently, Jennings isn’t the sort of man who believes in carrying proof of insurance either. But he is the kind of guy that will tell a cop about a handgun in the vehicle, so there’s that.

The gun was located by officers in the glove compartment and an opened, yet almost full, bottle of whiskey was procured from the space between the driver and passenger seat.

A female passenger was also detained after law enforcement ran her name. Rachel Rivera, a felon, was charged with possession of a firearm after a felony conviction.

After the arrest of both driver and passenger, police were impounding the vehicle when they noticed a terrarium.

Photo Credit: Goodfreephotos.com

Investigators observed that the terrarium held a Timber rattlesnake. They also observed the terrarium had been placed next to some powdered uranium.

A hazard materials company was dispatched, at which time they determined the uranium to be emitting only low levels of radiation and not past the legal limits of possession to warrant another charge.

That’s right. There is a limit to the amount of uranium you are allowed to carry.

Actually, let me rephrase: beneath a certain radiation threshold, YOU CAN BUY IT ON AMAZON.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Jennings told arresting officers he was planning on making a “super snake” with the material. Then he said he was kidding. He was collecting scrap metal and pulled it out of an instrument used to detect radiation.

And the rattlesnake? Yeah, that’s not illegal either. At the time of possession, it was rattlesnake season in Oklahoma, and Jennings had the proper hunting license.

Personally, I’m half-way cheering for this guy. To look back on life and know you lived it on your own terms? Just priceless.

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Some Plants Can Hear When They’re Being Eaten and They Fight Back

Ready to be weirded out? There are some plants that can hear when they’re being eaten.

Yes, they can actually hear the chomp, chomp of a caterpillar munching.

If I were a plant I would be losing my mind!

Photo Credit: Unsplash, Bankim Desai

How can we tell?

Scientists have long known about vibrations affecting plants. Think about your elementary science project where you talked to your plants or played music for them and compared their growth to that of a “control” plant. Remember that? Well, sound is really just vibrations that get carried through the air.

Two researchers from the University of Missouri wanted to dig deeper into this effect. So Rex Cocroft and Heidi Appel brought in some insects to help them out.

In their study, they used caterpillars known to eat “Arabidopsis thaliana, a small flowering plant related to cabbage and mustard.” This plant was chosen due to its known production of mustard oil.

Arabidopsis plant
Photo Credit: iStock

“A caterpillar that eats nothing but mustard oil plants can get poisoned if the levels get too high,” Appel told Farm Journal.


The next step was to set up a small vibration microphone to pick up the munching sounds of the caterpillars having lunch. Next, they played back these sounds for the poor Arabidopsis and, lo and behold, the plant began to excrete more mustard oil than typical when it wasn’t “under attack.”

“This indicates that the plants are able to distinguish feeding vibrations from other common sources of environmental vibration,” Cocroft said.

In addition to the oils, the plant produced more anthocyanins, a specific chemical that gives its flowers a red color.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

What does this mean?

While it does take time for the plant to build up the oil (a few hours to days), the researchers stated that one should think of it as the plant going to war. If the caterpillar keeps eating, it will be poisoned, leaving it dead. The oil is the plant’s defense mechanism.

“This research also opens the window of plant behavior a little wider, showing that plants have many of the same responses to outside influences that animals do, even though the responses look different,” he said.

Smart plants…I think I’ll become a strict carnivore.

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People Share Their Really Creepy Road Trip Stories

If you drive long distances, chances are you’ve pulled off the highway to snag some food, find a bathroom, or needed a place to crash. In some cases, this can be harmless. You do your business and on your way, you go.

Other times, you may have gotten the heebie-jeebies driving down a dark, winding road, convinced there was a sign that said “Gas Station” but it’s nowhere to be found.

r/AskReddit user u/salemwinona posted “Have you ever been to a town, village, truck stop, gas station, diner, etc. during a road trip that just didn’t “feel right”, like time seemed to pass differently there, or the people there gave you the creeps? What was your experience there?”

The response will both creep you out and relieve you that you’re not the only one.

10. Beware of empty store shelves

u/the_short_viking ~ “Coatesville, Pennsylvania.

I was with a friend who had come up from Mexico and we were staying a few nights at his grandmother’s ranch nearby. Coatesville was the only town around where we could find Mexican ingredients. This is an old steel town that feels post-apocalyptic, everyone there didn’t really seem to be doing anything or going anywhere, it was so creepy. The store we ended up going to had nearly empty shelves and I think the guys were a bit surprised to see us there.

All in all just very strange and eerie.”

9. A near-death experience

u/Many_Pancakes~ “This is my girlfriends story but is kinda up the alley of what you are asking for. My partner went to Florida with her family when she was younger and they were driving around trying to find some food until they found a Chinese restaurant and they went in and had some food”

“There were no other customers, lots of staff, everyone seemed very tense but the food was great.

They left and had a lovely rest of their day.”

“During breakfast the next morning they turned on their tele and the news showed the place they had eaten and they were like ‘wow look we went there’. Then the story started and it turns out no more than 10 minutes after they left there was a massive shoot up and they all killed one another.

Turns out that the ignorant British tourists just sat in-between some kind of Asian turf war.”

8. Research your AirBnB!

u/Sil_7~ “My boyfriend and I had a stay in Melbourne for a few nights. First Airbnb was practically a small hotel room so, all good. The second on the other hand… It was advertised as “Flexible check-in ” but the owner wouldn’t stop pestering us for a time we were going to be there. We told them 8pm and they still kept asking before saying they had to go out and ‘Frank’ would let us in.

“We had no mention of this guy before then but fine, whatever. We ended up missing a few small shows we were eager to go to so we’d get there earlier and despite being promised off the street parking we could only park on the street. It sucked but no big deal. We’d had a long day and were pretty tired.”

“Then we get to the house. Frank is this tall, thin, muscley older guy, really intense and absolutely no chill. Bulging eyes kind of intense. We were both really uncomfortable from the start but my bf makes small talk, jokes about Sydney vs Melbourne. This guy doesn’t like it. To the point where he stopped walking, swung around and got in my bfs face. Bf de-escalated the situation real quick and we got to our room and immediately locked the door.”

“We both got some bad vibes off the place and the guy but we couldn’t work out why. We thought we were just tired but kept debating the pros and cons of staying, and the room wasn’t helping! It was freshly painted and the fumes were so strong I was getting a migraine, there was a door to the backyard that was blocked off with a dresser, so much dust under the bed it was ridiculous.”

“And then we noticed two things. One was the wooden plank holding up the curtains. It was big, thick, heavy looking thing – and it was holding onto the wall by a nail on each side. Half of it had already leant right off the wall, leaving a huge gap. This was right above the head of the bed. That was it for my bf, he wanted out.”

“This second point was my big thing. The door to the rest of the house had a lock but there was also a gap between it and the floor. I’m not talking a small space for air. I’m not talking fit a finger underneath. I’m talking big enough for tall, muscley, big guy Frank to fit his entire arm under.”

7. Strangely quiet Christmas town

 u/urneighbourhoodwitch ~ “I was on a road trip on the south island of New Zealand and one night at around 9pm decided to stop in a small town to get some rest. Already while driving into the town I noticed that there were Christmas decorations everywhere, like decorated trees and plastic santa’s, reindeer etc. Excessive amounts of decorations on the streets and in every window. This wouldn’t have been too weird if it hadn’t been in the middle of August. But I thought the town was just really dedicated to a specific aesthetic or whatever.”

“I got to the motel and checked in and the old lady at the front desk was short and rude with me which I thought was weird bc I had experienced people in NZ as really nice and quite chatty (compared to where I come from lol). She also wouldn’t give me the wifi password even though they advertised free wifi. She quite literally told me to piss off and let her get back to her newspaper.”

“After that I went out and the whole time I was there I never saw any people on the street. I went to a diner near the motel (both also stuffed with Christmas decorations) and had the same experience with the waitress while ordering. She told me they are out of almost everything and the only I was able to get was a cheese sandwich.”

“There were other people in the restaurant who were all eating what I suppose were meals from the menu. They didn’t have to order a plain cheese sandwich. While waiting for my food I noticed that no one in the whole diner was talking even though there were families and other groups of people. Even the kids ate in silence. Or not really silence, as there was Christmas music blaring.”

“After I was done eating I just paid and left. I was also the only one leaving. No one in that diner, the whole time I was there, got up to leave or go to the bathroom or do anything really. They all just sat there. When I left I felt like they were all starting holes in my back. The whole time I was in that town I got a feeling that everyone wanted me to leave and like they were somehow angry with me.”

6. If you’re thinking about sleeping in a “shack” then it’s probably not safe

u/trucknjoe ~ “When hitch hiking in the south island I got stuck in a town in the middle of nowhere because no one would pick me up. It got dark and I didn’t have enough money for a motel so I was planning to chill at this little shack where people would pull over to rest while driving. Over the course of several hours, I got offered meth by a couple, some local random dude tried to convince me to go to his house to smoke weed and another couple smoked a cigarette with me while they told me about how they heard voices.”

“After they left I ended up jumping over a fence and slept in a bush somewhere until my sister could pick me up the next day because she was driving through the town.

5. Stay away from Gary, Indiana

u/Kutbakfiets ~ “Gary Indiana. I got off the highway to get gas.

Driving through the city was like a post apocalyptic movie complete with burned out cars, crazy guy in underwear walking down the middle of the street with a baseball bat and all the windows were broken or boarded up.”

“I stopped at a gas station and then guy came out and said ‘Get back on the highway son. It’s not safe here.’ I had enough gas to get to a safer rest stop to refuel.”

4. Tiger, Georgia and the invisible town

u/mxmnull ~ My girlfriend and I went to an AirBnB in a town called Tiger, Georgia to see a bunch of her old college friends. There was one other couple who got there about the same time we did. By day the cabin looks pleasant enough- 3 stories of rustic comfort with a hot tub overlooking the forest and sunrise. We didn’t get there by day. We got there as the sun was sinking low. Rooms seemed to shrink and tighten. The stairwells were only as wide as a single body. And at the bottom of the basement stairs, a rug hid a padlocked trapdoor. It felt like the start of a horror movie.”

“We’re trying to ignore the weird vibes and decide to go to dinner. We spent nearly an hour driving around searching for a place to eat. Steakhouses closed by 7pm, an Italian joint which was now someone’s house. A Mexican eatery now abandoned and overgrown with vines… Finally we find something.”

“It’s suitably called “The Last Dive Bar On Earth”, and it’s sitting on the edge of a retention pond. The parking lot is full of pick up trucks all festooned with old political bumper stickers from the late 90s and early 2000s. We head in. It’s like we’ve entered another decade. But the beer is good, they have pizza, and the prices aren’t bad. We eat in a hurry and get out of there.”

“We’re trying to ignore the weird vibes and decide to go to dinner. We spent nearly an hour driving around searching for a place to eat. Steakhouses closed by 7pm, an Italian joint which was now someone’s house. A Mexican eatery now abandoned and overgrown with vines… Finally we find something.”

“It’s suitably called “The Last Dive Bar On Earth”, and it’s sitting on the edge of a retention pond. The parking lot is full of pick up trucks all festooned with old political bumper stickers from the late 90s and early 2000s. We head in. It’s like we’ve entered another decade. But the beer is good, they have pizza, and the prices aren’t bad. We eat in a hurry and get out of there.”

3. No shoes equal service in Arkansas

u/ spiderlanewales ~ “Rural northern Arkansas was pretty bizarre when we passed through there around 2012. We stopped at this gas station, and an old, beat-up pickup flew into a parking spot. There were two hillbillies in the cab, and maybe six more in the bed, all wearing the same thing: blue jean overalls and nothing else. No socks or shoes.”

“They were being super loud, and they just went into the gas station like that was normal. Where i’m from, if an attendant even sees you approaching the place without shoes, they will stop you and tell you to come back when you have some. Oh, you’d also get mega-pulled-over for driving around with people hollering in your truck bed.”

2. The Twilight Zone

u/ I_love_asparagus ~ “Yep, stopped in a no name town in Texas for gas. Bunch of guys wearing nothing but denim hanging out in front of the gas station. Denim, cow boy hats, cow boy boots. It wasn’t just a lot of people, EVERYONE was wearing that. Their drawls were so thick I could barely understand what they were saying to one another, a lot of hooting and hollering.”

“About 50 yards away, there was a guy sitting under a tree. He was wearing a black and white striped jump suit…and was chained to the tree by a shackle on his leg. Didn’t see any law enforcement around, maybe they dropped him off? A girl with huge tits, one and a half arms, and an eye-patch complimented my car and smiled at me when I was pumping gas.”

“I saw a cow trotting down the side of the road, no one seemed to be chasing it. The fact it was twilight seemed to make everything surreal. I unassed myself from that place as quickly as I could.”

1. No proof needed when you have a gut feeling

u/SuspectNumber6 ~ “A camping site! My friend and i took a road trip from NL to France, camping. 1st we stayed at a lovely place, near a harbour. After 2 days we continued and ended up at a small camping site. When registering we met the custodian. After registration we already looked at each other, but shrugged it off. We set up our tent and went into town to find some food.”

“The town was completely deserted: no people on the street, all blinds closed, hardly any restaurant open and the eerie feeling came back. We walked back to the camping site, still feeling creeped out and decided there and then not to sleep there that night. We broke up camp, drove away as fast as we could. The feeling stayed for about 30 minutes. Weird part is: nothing creepy really happened. It was just a gut feeling: something is NOT right here…”

Overall these are some over the top creepy experiences, and places I’ll be avoiding in the future!

Any one of these make you super creeped out? Share in the comments!

The post People Share Their Really Creepy Road Trip Stories appeared first on UberFacts.